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Who's Your Favorite Man?


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Captain Sully Sullenberger. He kept his wits when all looked lost, and displayed exacting precision when landing a crippled airliner. Instead of a story about hundreds of dead, and millions of dollars in property damage, he gave us "The Miracle on the Hudson" when he made an absolutely perfect emergency water landing.  He gave 155 people a precious gift. Their future.



                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Master Chief Petty Officer Carl Brashear. He became the first African-American to attend and graduate from Navy Dive and Salvage school, return to active diver status with a prosthetic leg, and to become a Navy Master Diver. His story helped me through dive school and has given me strength to achieve my goals in my career.




"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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Carly Jenner, all the way guys

Do you mean Kaitlyn Jenner? Either way, she isn't a male.  :) 


My favorite dude would be... Chris Pratt.  :please:

  • Brohoof 1


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I can't pick just one!  I have a few favorite men, all for different reasons.

1. Travis Pastrana 

I don't race dirtbikes, and albeit I have a four-wheeler, I don't do crazy jumps or stunts; I just ride on my own property for fun.  The reason I like Travis Prastrana so much, thus, isn't necessarily due to the subject of bikes/quads, but rather because of his inspirational motivation; his infinite, fearless drive to do whatever he thinks he can do.  He lets nothing hold him back.  Nothing gets in his way.  For that, he's number 1 on my list.


2.  Mike Rowe

Mike Rowe is the most down to earth man I've ever seen in my life.  The blunt truth is all he speaks.  He's friendly, courteous, and honest.  And I wish to be like that in my life.  Honesty is my number one self-rule, and kindness is at the core of my being.  Mike Rowe's personality is something to long for, and strive to be similar to.


3. My dad.

It's a bit hard for me to explain the kind of relationship my father and I have now, and how it's been over the years.  Sure, there's been times where my dad and I have had our disagreements and arguments.  One time when I was 17 or 18, we even had a really bad fight (argument) in our driveway.  It was over something stupid...  But probably one of the reasons I list him here actually has to do with that time.  To avoid either of us doing something we'd regret (as the argument was getting very heated), he just turned around, got in his car, and left.  My stupid ass walked up to the house, squared up, and punched it as hard as I could.  Broke my knuckle...  But I learned my lesson.  And that lesson is one that often times I have found hard to do.  Turning the other cheek (not letting things bring out the worst in yourself, essentially).  

But the truth is, my father does deserve to be in this list.  He's not perfect, but nobody is.  

Over the years, he has always shown to truly care.  The only reason we may have had problems was because we didn't and don't always see eye to eye on things.  But everything he's done for me has been because he thinks it is for the best.  And although I may not have realized that in the past, I realize it now.  

I'm not the same person as he is.  Our personalities are very different.  But that doesn't mean he doesn't care.  The opposite is true; he does all he does because he does care.  His life story couldn't be more different than the way I've grown up.  He is the eldest of 7 or 8 other siblings.  When he was 16, his father left his mom, and he was left on his own to fiend for himself because his mom was busy raising his younger siblings.  He got a job at a factory when he was in his late teens.  He was dating my mom in high school; and she was from a different town.  They got married at 18, in 1972.  Then he got a job at Caterpillar.  With no college at all, he was low on the ladder.  And after 35+ years, he's worked his way up, and he's currently an Audio/Visual Tech Manager at Cat.  And, my parents have been living in the same little town, in the same house, since after they were married in the early seventies.

Me?  I'm an only child.  I was adopted.  When I was younger, I was naive.  I used to be a different person in high school.  I sometimes took things for granted.  But I've grown up alot since then.  I've open my eyes, my ears... I've opened my mind so much.

My father is a stubborn, traditionally minded person.  He may even be borderline bipolar.  But he isn't on this list because I want to be like him; I don't.  But, he's on this list because now that I'm older and am able to realize things that I was once too young and stupid to realize, I now know why he's done what he has.

He's done what he has because he doesn't want me to have to grow up the same way he did.  He doesn't want me to have to struggle.  He doesn't want me to have to start from the bottom of the ladder, taking 3+ decades before I reach an adequate position.  He wants me to do more, be more, and have it easier than he ever did.

And being able to realize that now...  it's bittersweet.  Because I've always told myself that I don't want to live in a big city; I don't want to leave home.  But knowing that my parents have lived their lives working their asses off to get enough money to live only just comfortably and nothing more...  Knowing that we only have [the few] nice things we have because of their great effort, and time...  Knowing that my parents are in their early 60s right now, and would rather keep working a few more years because they need to do so to get more out of their retirement earnings...  It leaves me stuck between a rock and a hard place.  

I love my home.  I love the things we have, even if we don't have a lot of money.  I'm not a materialistic person in the least bit.  I don't need nor want expensive new things.  I have grown up being used to old fashioned products, tech, and appliances - ones that may not be shiny or glowing, but ones that were built to last.  I mean, our refrigerator is over 3 decades old and still works perfectly.  

So I'm at the point in my life where I have to question what it is that I really want.  I'm going to be a junior in college this fall.  If all goes as well as it has been these past two years, in just two more I'll be graduating, getting my Bachelor's degree in Comp-Sci.  Where do I want that to take me?  What do I want to do with that?  Do I try to find a career close to home, even if it's one that may not pay as well as one's in bigger cities?  Or do I look for a career that will have more pay, more benefits, even if that means leaving home, leaving behind everything that I've ever known, to live somewhere new?

So, the reason my father is on this list is because he stands for something greater in merit than the two men above (Pastrana and Rowe).  My father has a will stronger, and greater than their's.  He's proven that you don't have to be "someone," don't have leave home, and don't have to let go of the past good things in order to be successful in one's own mind.  But simultaneously, and ironically, my father is on this list because of what he's done for me, and what he wants for me.  He wants me to have it easier.

I don't know at this moment in time just yet what I want.  I don't know if I want to stay close to home or not when looking for a career.  I don't know if I want to keep being used to having just what's necessary, and only a few odds and ends of what isn't.  It is possible to maintain old things to keep them in working order.  All of our daily driver vehicles are used cars, all at least a decade old, and they run just fine.  Our household appliances are mostly older, except for the washer and dryer which we only recently replaced with new ones because the old ones finally quit.  Our TV is an old style box television.  Our house computer is a few years old, and was only mid-level when new.  The only reason I have this nice laptop that I'm using now is because my college Honor's Program gives laptops to all of the Honor's students.  And neither my parents nor myself have smart phones.

If I found a career close to home, not much would really change in terms of my living style.  But if I found one in a bigger city, farther away fro home, I might be able to find a job that pays more, and I might be able to have more money.  It's really hard for me to choose.  I have never really wanted more than what we have now.  

But, there's one thing that could be the reason to push me to wanting to find a job that pays more.  And that thing is the same reason my father wants me to have it easier than he did.  If I can sometime in my life find a person to marry, and have kids, I would want my kids to have it better than I did.  So that same line of thinking that my dad has for me, is the same thing I'd think for my hypothetical kid.

~ Miles
  • Brohoof 3



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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That's a tough one. So many strong american heroes to choose from. How about based president Herbert Hoover? 


Since people are posting fictional men, my favorite has to be the most just man I know in a fictional world, Stannis Baratheon 

  • Brohoof 1
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My brother.  My grandfather.


Honorable mentions: Howard Philips Lovecraft, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Akira Toriyama.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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This guy.


He is superior to all of those of sausage kind. His muscles could pierce the skies and his divine shiny blond hair puts even females to shame. (I kind of want to steal it.) He is an epic badass of a million different voices, including lady voices. None of us can compare to him, not even me. Not only that, but he wears glasses! That means he's smarter than you, and he's a nerd. Also, his movements are ridiculously impossible and induce a hilarious version of uncanny valley somehow. He is basically the real life version of an anime character with blue eyes and boyish good looks. Also, he has big hands. I like big hands.


In all seriousness, a wonderful guy. He carved out a wall to save a kitten with a dinky knife for hours. Like a fireman. This actually happened in real life. No jokes or over-exaggeration. The kitten is now sitting with me in my chair as I type this. If that's not worthy of being my favorite man, I don't know what is.

  • Brohoof 2

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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My fiance. Not going to get too mushy but I love how much compassion and dedication he has inside of him. Everyday he works his butt off to heal the sick and keep people alive, and it shows that he really does care about his patients. The tenderness he shows towards our kids makes my heart melt at times, and I couldn't of asked for a better father or soon-to-be husband. 


Oh, and also my brother. He's a idiot.



"They say I got sas."

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Probably Nelson Mandela who gave Apartheid the middle finger.

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^^Dad, huh?  Yeah, that's usually a good one.


For me, dad is kind of a given.  That's why I picked my best bud (also keeping with the whole friendship theme 'round these parts....)



Kinda surprised at all the celebrity "favorite men" being listed.  I'm a fan of plenty of famous men, even long dead ones like Van Gogh, but unless I've known them personally, hard to say they themselves are a favorite person.  Rather, I might say some of their work, like a painting, or a movie, or political act, is a favorite.  Otherwise, they might have been total assholes, for all I know.

This guy.


He is superior to all of those of sausage kind. His muscles could pierce the skies and his divine shiny blond hair puts even females to shame. (I kind of want to steal it.) He is an epic badass of a million different voices, including lady voices. None of us can compare to him, not even me. Not only that, but he wears glasses! That means he's smarter than you, and he's a nerd. Also, his movements are ridiculously impossible and induce a hilarious version of uncanny valley somehow. He is basically the real life version of an anime character with blue eyes and boyish good looks. Also, he has big hands. I like big hands.


In all seriousness, a wonderful guy. He carved out a wall to save a kitten with a dinky knife for hours. Like a fireman. This actually happened in real life. No jokes or over-exaggeration. The kitten is now sitting with me in my chair as I type this. If that's worthy of being my favorite man, I don't know what is.


Edited by Flint Sparklehooves
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