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private AES: The Lost City (ended)


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Tyra nodded and grinned as she bid her friends goodnight, before entering her own room. She removed her harness, tunic, cloak and helmet, dumping them on the floor and hopping onto the bed.


She simply curled up on top of the bed, not getting under the covers, and she was out like a light.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Child Of Darkness@@JonasDarkmane,


(Two hours later, almost midnight)


When Caramel was sure that everypony had gone to bed and had fallen asleep, she quickly sneaked out of the hotel for her mysterious appointment at the small Canterlot dock. She looked around, hoping that no pony saw here, not that she thought there was anyone out here at this time of night, but it was just as a percussion. Unfortunately because she was looking around so much she didn't see the trashcan she was crash into. It made a lot of noise, resulting of giving herself a facehoof. She quickly got up, hoping no pony heard her and ran towards the docks. 

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Rave woke up, hearing a commotion. He looked down from the roof of the hotel and saw a shape of a pegasus. He decided to follow the pony, to see what it was up to. He teleported from roof to roof, in pursuit of the shape. He then finally arrived at the docks. Not being able to go any further, he watched from on top of a crate, still hanging from a cargo crane. 

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Wade was sitting on the end of the dock, out of his scholar uniform and in much more regular clothing. As he waited for Caramel to arrive, he was tinkering with a Crossbow, cleaning and modifying it. It was not long after he himself had arrived when he heard hoofsteps coming in his direction long before he could 'see' the source. "Here's hoping she'll listen to reason. File says she's stubborn and doesn't readily accept help. I guess guaranteed death can change a mind though." He continued to sit in place until Caramel got much closer.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Scarlett went to her room, looking around to make sure no pony was there she cast a spell on the door, opened it, and stepped through into the living room of her actual house. "Nice to know that spell still works"


*Almost Midnight*


Scarlett woke up. She had no idea why, but then she realised that it must have been because of the spell she used to track everypony on their last adventure, it had started again. She pulled out her suit, and did the usual thing that Scarlett does. Turn invisible and follow ponies. She followed Caramel but a few meters behind making sure not to make any noise, nearly bumping into Caramel when she hit the trash can.


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@@Child Of Darkness,


Caramel looked around her once more to make sure nopony was following her before she walked to "Dock 4....no it was 3...uhm no it was 4 definitely 4'' She saw a shadow sitting on the docks. As she got closer she could see it was a pony wearing some kind of uniform. She coughed to get the ponies attention "Uhm Captain Caramel here, are you the pony who wanted to meet me?"

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Scarlett waited close to a building when Caramel went forward. Squinting at the one other pony on the dock she confirms that this was indeed the pony that was both watching Caramel earlier, and came into the bar shortly after them.


Suddenly, a notice appeared on her hud detailing some basic information about Wade. "This is going to be interesting" She says while mentally pushing the information aside.


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@@Child Of Darkness,


Caramel looked around her once more to make sure nopony was following her before she walked to "Dock 4....no it was 3...uhm no it was 4 definitely 4'' She saw a shadow sitting on the docks. As she got closer she could see it was a pony wearing some kind of uniform. She coughed to get the ponies attention "Uhm Captain Caramel here, are you the pony who wanted to meet me?"

His ears visibly flicked when he heard a voice coming from behind him. 'She actually followed through with my request. Didn't expect that to happen.' He stood up and mounted his crossbow along his back. He turned to face Caramel and gave a polite bow. "It is good to meet you face to face. Yes, I was the one who asked you to meet me at this place. You understand why it was I called you out here, don't you?"

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"Well I only read your letter briefly so no, I don't really know why I'm here. Ye better start talking though, I'm missing me midnight sleep because of ye." Caramel said grumpy as she hadn't slept well in 5 years.  "Tell me, why am I here and why were you spying on me today?''

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Scarlett watched closely as the Scholar pony was talking to Caramel. During the conversation more and more information became apparent about the pony. He was very clever, and if the records were right his name was Wade. When Caramel started talking she drew back a little at the hint of, well, hostility in her voice.


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@@Child Of Darkness,


"Well I only read your letter briefly so no, I don't really know why I'm here. Ye better start talking though, I'm missing me midnight sleep because of ye." Caramel said grumpy as she hadn't slept well in 5 years. "Tell me, why am I here and why were you spying on me today?''

"Well, how respectful. Anyway I called you out here because I understand you are going to a place called Atlantis. Am I wrong? I don't know how much you understand about the city of Atlantis, but the city has defences that you can't even image getting past. You and your crew would will die within 10 minutes of entering. Where am I going with this, I'm saying that you need my help. I understand the magic the old ones used and can counter it, I know how they build traps and can spot them easily. I offer up my services to you this one time only. Accept my help and I shall be fully in your service until our business is concluded. All I ask for in return is that I'm able to collect some old tech and books. That's all I ask in return. Do you accept the offer?"

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"Well, how respectful. Anyway I called you out here because I understand you are going to a place called Atlantis. Am I wrong? I don't know how much you understand about the city of Atlantis, but the city has defences that you can't even image getting past. You and your crew would will die within 10 minutes of entering. Where am I going with this, I'm saying that you need my help. I understand the magic the old ones used and can counter it, I know how they build traps and can spot them easily. I offer up my services to you this one time only. Accept my help and I shall be fully in your service until our business is concluded. All I ask for in return is that I'm able to collect some old tech and books. That's all I ask in return. Do you accept the offer?"


Scarlett blurts out from thin air "For Luna's sake Wade, I've only been listening to you for a couple of minutes and I'm already sick of your sh*t"


She trots on over to right in front of Wade, decloaks and then proceeds to 'bitch slaps' Wade; "Work on your attitude!"


Taking a step back pre-empting anything "And what's with all the cloak and dagger in the middle of the night? Though in hindsight I'm the one with the cloak."

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Scarlett blurts out from thin air "For Luna's sake Wade, I've only been listening to you for a couple of minutes and I'm already sick of your sh*t"


She trots on over to right in front of Wade, decloaks and then proceeds to 'bitch slaps' Wade; "Work on your attitude!"


Taking a step back pre-empting anything "And what's with all the cloak and dagger in the middle of the night? Though in hindsight I'm the one with the cloak."

A sigh was the only reaction Wade showed to the attack from the mare. It was simply aggravating him. "Be careful with your actions. I may not have functioning eyes, but I can see more than you think. I have dedicated my life to the books, but don't think I don't know how to fight. And kill. The cloak on dagger is a mix for both personal preference and to be somewhat outside the eyes of my ministry. They can be a nosey bunch. And, actually thinking about it. Who are you? You're name and face didn't come up anywhere during my reading."

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Rave face hoofed himself so hard when Scarlett slapped Wade. "You just can't stay in stealth, can you?" he said to himself quietly. He kept on watching the ponies below. He was tempted to shadow morph and glide down to them. However, he decided to keep on remaining above them, in the darkness. If anyone would look up, they wouldn't see a thing.... except his red eyes. That was the only possibility to detect him. 

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Caramel wanted to talk with wade further but before she even talked, Scarlett went around and slapped him. "For Ninlil's sake Scarlett, Really? did ye have to do that?" Caramel said facehoofing herself. Caramel wanted to say more but for some reason she could feel like somepony else was watching. She looked around as if her paranoia was acting up again but she couldn't see anything. She could still feel something watching her. "Show yourself whoever you are!'' she said hoping Scarlett and Wade did not think she was crazy.

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A sigh was the only reaction Wade showed to the attack from the mare. It was simply aggravating him. "Be careful with your actions. I may not have functioning eyes, but I can see more than you think. I have dedicated my life to the books, but don't think I don't know how to fight. And kill. The cloak on dagger is a mix for both personal preference and to be somewhat outside the eyes of my ministry. They can be a nosey bunch. And, actually thinking about it. Who are you? You're name and face didn't come up anywhere during my reading."


"Someone you don't want to mess with. But I guess that view is mutual, Wade."



Caramel wanted to talk with wade further but before she even talked, Scarlett went around and slapped him. "For Ninlil's sake Scarlett, Really? did ye have to do that?" Caramel said facehoofing herself. Caramel wanted to say more but for some reason she could feel like somepony else was watching. She looked around as if her paranoia was acting up again but she couldn't see anything. She could still feel something watching her. "Show yourself whoever you are!'' she said hoping Scarlett and Wade did not think she was crazy.


Scarlett turns around and says "Hey, you can carry on now. I'm going to bed." She then turns around, starts walking away from the docks and cloaks.


But of course, Scarlett didn't go to bed. She wanted to stay nearby and have a good vantage part, so she casted a basic gravity spell and sat down invisible on the underside of the hanging crate without noticing that Rave was just above her. Or below. It's all relative. But she was much too focused on what was going on below, or above, you know what nevermind.

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Rave realized that his presence had been discovered. So he calmly shadowmoprhed and glided down and then morphed back to normal. He stood there looking at Caramel, smiling. "Hello Captain. Sorry that I could not come and greet you when you were released. I also have a pretty prize on my head, kinda a death sentence actually. But I am so happy to see you again". 

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She felt the crate she was on move and then a big shadow glide down, "Rave" she thought to herself.


She too jumps down while uncloaking and lands next to Wade. She quietly says to him "Best not interrupt this, they haven't seen eachother in years. It's not like Rave could visit."

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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'Any more abrupt interruptions? Maybe so.' Wade thought to himself when he realised he might be here a while. He sat back down on the dock and took the Crossbow off of his back. Starting to tinker with the minute details of it again and cleaning the most vital parts. He did not even need his version of 'sight' to identify who it was that just arrived, it was obvious enough by the magic he used to appear, not to mention the records he had on Rave in his possession. 'Most definitely going to be here a while.' "I wasn't planning on interrupting. I know who he his, and his relationship. I'm not stupid enough to break their reunion. But I also know the price he has on his head. I'm kidding."

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At first Caramel did not know what to say, her first responds however was slapping Rave. "You've been here all this time and ye didn't even say hello? How dare you?" Caramel said angry. Her mood quickly changed as she realized how much she actually missed Rave. "Sorry, that wasn't very nice of me, I just missed you so much." she said as she quickly grabbed him into a kiss.

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Rave kissed her back. He then drew out to talk. "You have every right to be angry. I just didn't want to interrupt the conversation here. Seems like you are planning another adventure to me..... also I just facehoofed pretty hard when Scarlett slapped that pony over there" he said, pointing at Wade. "I have missed you as well though, every single day, ever since you were imprisoned". 

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Scarlett, still standing next to wade hears Rave talk about how he facehoofed "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad!"


She turns back to Wade and says "Yea, sorry about that. I haven't interacted with anypony for the entire time Caramel was in prison, I try to stay away from other ponies."


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@@Child Of Darkness,


Caramel gave a smile to rave before turning back to Wade. "Sorry about that..I have my needs alright.." Caramel said with a light blush on her face. "Alright so about the offer, you may think that I don't much about Atlantis but that is where you are mistaken. However I would like you to come along for the ride. You seem like a nice lad. So I'm actually giving you a choice here cause that deal about the books you want, that is not gonna happen. First of all, I don't have those and second you can't just make a deal like this with me, expecting me to kneel down for your needs. That is not how this works. You mister Wade, are going to make a deal with me instead of the other way around. You come along with me and me crew and have the best time of yer life or you stay behind and be the boring stallion like you always been."

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@@Child Of Darkness,


Caramel gave a smile to rave before turning back to Wade. "Sorry about that..I have my needs alright.." Caramel said with a light blush on her face. "Alright so about the offer, you may think that I don't much about Atlantis but that is where you are mistaken. However I would like you to come along for the ride. You seem like a nice lad. So I'm actually giving you a choice here cause that deal about the books you want, that is not gonna happen. First of all, I don't have those and second you can't just make a deal like this with me, expecting me to kneel down for your needs. That is not how this works. You mister Wade, are going to make a deal with me instead of the other way around. You come along with me and me crew and have the best time of yer life or you stay behind and be the boring stallion like you always been."

It's at this point that Scarlett realised where some of her own attitude came from.


"Well his life hasn't been completely boring you know..." Scarlett mumbled next to wade. She walks round to stand beside Caramel and Rave and faces Wade again "But Caramel's right. You can't just show up making demands."


She quickly goes round Rave to Caramel and whispers "You do realise he meant collect some of the books that are in Atlantis right? He basically offered to help us in return for being allowed to take some of the books from inside Atlantis."


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She turns back to Wade and says "Yea, sorry about that. I haven't interacted with anypony for the entire time Caramel was in prison, I try to stay away from other ponies."


"Well, maybe one day someone will get you to break out of that comfort zone. It's unhealthy to forgo interaction with others. Makes your mind go crazy and done some strange things."


@@Child Of Darkness,


Caramel gave a smile to rave before turning back to Wade. "Sorry about that..I have my needs alright.." Caramel said with a light blush on her face. "Alright so about the offer, you may think that I don't much about Atlantis but that is where you are mistaken. However I would like you to come along for the ride. You seem like a nice lad. So I'm actually giving you a choice here cause that deal about the books you want, that is not gonna happen. First of all, I don't have those and second you can't just make a deal like this with me, expecting me to kneel down for your needs. That is not how this works. You mister Wade, are going to make a deal with me instead of the other way around. You come along with me and me crew and have the best time of yer life or you stay behind and be the boring stallion like you always been."

Upon hearing how turned around this conversation had went on him, he could not help but let out a small laugh. "You're somewhat intelligent, I'll give you that much. You can really turn a deal around." He stood up and held out his hoof to Caramel. "I'd say you've gotten yourself a deal. I'd happily come along for the ride. But I find books and tech while I'm down in the city, I'm still taking them. That much isn't going to change. So, shake on it?"

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