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private AES: The Lost City (ended)


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Due to the weight of the metal-filled crate, Lordy had legged behind a bit, but he eventually made it to the docks. He dropped the crate from his back,

"A delivery of... Thing... As requested..." He said, even tho nobody heard him. He sat down on another box and took off his hat, placing it by him. He then reached in this bag. After carrying that all the way, he surely deserved a cup of tea as a reward, didnt he? He took out a isolated canister with hot water and gently poured himself a cup. The steam warmed up his face. He noticed a new figure talking to the captain, so he listened to their conversation.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"My name is Ace! Of a house in Canterlot!" Ace seemed to have picked up on Tyra's style of greeting people and liked it. Exceptthe way he used it very much seemed like he was going overboard...


"I wanna help you out on your ship!" he said. "Can I can I can I?!" He grinned goofily.

"Well, our crew just keeps getting bigger and bigger doesn't it. I suppose that it is time to introduce myself to you. My name is Wade, head Scholar and Researcher from The Canterlot Ministry of History and Information." Wade approached the new pony and held out his hoof. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

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Tyra instantly perked up upon receiving forgiveness from Caramel and Scarlett, and her trademark toothy grin returned.

"I am thankful for your understanding!" She chirped, then raised an eyebrow quizzically as she mumbled to herself, "Wait, if you have wood, then why was I sent for some?"


After seeing how willing the others were to welcome Ace, however, she disregarded her confusion and replaced it with her natural overexcitement.

"Are we all set?" She squeaked, beginning to patter on her forehooves, "We can begin our voyage?!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Nice to meet you Ace. My name is Captain Caramel, of the Equestrian Seas, but I'm sure Tyra already told ye that, giving yer exciting reaction." Caramel said with smile.  "I might consider ye joining... but I don't know if I will.. all depends if yer able to convince me ye can handle such a thing." Caramel said with daring look on her face.

Ace stuck his wings out and flew up in the air. He gathered a bunch of clouds and then flew around the resulting massive cloud as fast as he could changing directions frequently. When he was done, there was a cloud sculpture of him looking bold and daring. "Does that show it, ma'am?"

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Rave got back with the others after feeling the pulse. He saw the new pony, but did not really pay any attention. He took a seat next to Lordy and started looking at his maps, snatching a few from his saddlebag with his levitation magic. He was looking at a map of Vanhoover and it's bay for now. 

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Rave got back with the others after feeling the pulse. He saw the new pony, but did not really pay any attention. He took a seat next to Lordy and started looking at his maps, snatching a few from his saddlebag with his levitation magic. He was looking at a map of Vanhoover and it's bay for now.


When Rave sat down, Lordy had to ask out of manners,

"Care for some tea?"

He took out another cup and a box containing a entire collection of tea varieties while he was waiting for an answer. He looked at the big map Rave was holding, he had no geographical knowladge about this part of the world,

"Is that where we are bound to? If I may ask."

  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"I would be up for some tea. Quite delightful. However, this is not where we are heading. We are actually here right now as we speak. It is a map of Vanhoover and it's bay. We will be sailing in a short while, no worries about that". Rave put aside the maps as he awaited the tea. 

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"The only thing that proofs is that yer fast and creative. That doesn't proof that ye can handle being a pirate. Tell ye what, you can come with us but only if ye truly know ye belong at sea. Only if ye know that sailing and adventure is in yer heart. So, is it?"

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Wade stood motionless as Ace took off into the sky. He kept the smile on his face, but anyone who looked at him would be able to easily tell he was annoyed. He was 'metaphorically' glowing with irritation. 'You know, manners are something that you really, really need to learn. Even if it's a simple hello. Poor etiquette will get you nowhere.' He put his hoof down, but put one of his Gauntletts on for reasons.

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"The only thing that proofs is that yer fast and creative. That doesn't proof that ye can handle being a pirate. Tell ye what, you can come with us but only if ye truly know ye belong at sea. Only if ye know that sailing and adventure is in yer heart. So, is it?"

"Well duuuhhh!! Of course!" said Ace. "I'll be right back." He ran into a nearby costume shop, and came out with a pirate's hat and eyepatch. "I've always dreamt of going on a sea adventure. And now it's actually a thing... ohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh!"


He saw some pegasi above taking apart his scultpture and putting the clouds back in their places. "Hey!"

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Lordy was a bit embarrased, after all, how could he not recognize the place where he was. He poured some dark grey tea in a cup and handed it over to Rave alomg with a sugar-box for him to serve,

"Oh, do excuse me. But the maps i saw back home. All this land was an unexplored landmass that we were ordered to stay away from. Our maps stretch a lot more in the west."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Tyra blinked, noticing absolutely nopony had answered her. She knew she wasn't as tall as the others, but surely they could hear her?


She smiled as she saw Ace was beginning to fit in with them, with Caramel and Wade having their attention locked on him, and it seemed Rave and Lordy were also busy conversing.


So then, what could she do to be useful right now?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Ye know, dressing as a pirate does not necessarily mean ye are one." Caramel said not impressed by the new outfit. "Alright, yer in but it might take some time to feel like yer part of the family, for the others to accept ye. Keep that mind." Caramel said as she turned around. "Now where was I? Oh yeah, lets get moving mates!"


(This might be a good time for Scarlett to scare caramel or something to get her into the water)

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Ace sat down. He was also pretty interested in Tyra. She seemed like she was obviously a warrior of some kind, with the way she was dressed and the stuff she carried around with her. "I think you'd be very good friends with my girlfriend Aerith," he said. "She's real good with a katana."

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To release a bit of his frustration while everyone else was talking, Wade decided to do some target practice. It had been a while since he could fire his weapons. He pulled out his Crossbow and stood at the waters edge, loading in three bolts. With magic, he threw three empty bottles over the water at high speeds, with one pull of the trigger, he hit all three targets. "Haven't lost my touch." He would repeat the process while still paying full attention to everything that was going on around him so he would not miss a thing.


(I needed to occupy myself for a bit.)

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Scarlett watched as Wade shot with precision comparable to hers, and was surprised. She said "That was awesome!" before taking a step forward, onto a damaged part of wood. Being distracted she used her magic to pull her hoof back up but pulled it too far. The extra weight of the sails pulled her over, knocking into Caramel and in turn knocking her into the water.


(Don't get your hopes up. This is the clumsiest you will see Scarlett.)


Art by DoeKitty

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@, @,


Caramel was standing near the edge of the water when it hit her. It being scarlett. She tried to hold her balance but she failed. Caramel tumbled into the water before she even knew what exactly happened. Caramel was a good swimmer, but for some reason her legs failed to support her this time. Her head quickly disappeared underwater.

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Aqua was already swimming straight for the drowning pony. She had only just been out for a swim when she had seen the incident. The last thing she wanted was to get caught. But now here she was, rescuing one of the land-dwellers. Aqua didn't even seem to care, she kicked her glistening tail a few times and she was already there by the drowning mare.


Aqua looped her right arm around the white-coated mare and swam up to the surface with her. She kept both of their heads above the water. She then flicked her left hoof under the water in a circular motion. They were then sprung up back to a platform with what seemed like a water elevator Aqua created. They landed softly, leaving a puddle of water beneath them.

Edited by TwilightAqua
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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Ace sat down. He was also pretty interested in Tyra. She seemed like she was obviously a warrior of some kind, with the way she was dressed and the stuff she carried around with her. "I think you'd be very good friends with my girlfriend Aerith," he said. "She's real good with a katana."

"A katana, you say?" Tyra repeated, tilting her head and expressing interest, "That is a weapon from Neighhon, yes? A sword, if I'm not mistaken. I would certainly like to meet this Aerith then!" She chirped.


@@Pucksterv @


She watched in shock as Caramel was knocked into the water, and was about to hop in after her until she saw her surface...with another mare.

Now this was curious. Where did this other one come from?


When they came onto the dock, she leapt right to them. "Are you well, friend?!" She yelped to her captain.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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In the blink of an eye, Scarlett was untangled form the sails and back on her feet next to two very wet ponies on the dock. She realised what she had done and quickly went over to Caramel "Oh my god are you alright Caramel? I am so sorry!" She turns her head and mumbles to herself "Note to self, learn own strength."


Art by DoeKitty

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With everything happening in such a short space of time, Wade didn't really have an opportunity to react. No that everything was seeming to calm down and Caramel was out if the water, he put away his Crossbow and walked over to Caramel, and was intrigued by the new pony.




"Thank you for saving the Captain. If you don't mind, might I ask your name?"

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Caramel heard several voices and a high pitched noise. Her sight was blurry but she knew she was above water again. She rolled on her side, coughing up the water that had filled up her lungs. "Oh dear... what in the name of Ninlil just happened?' Caramel said as she finished coughing. She sat up straight, her sight was back to normal, She looked at the stranger who had apparently saved her life. "Nice to meet ye Aqua." She said with a smile.

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@@Child Of Darkness


"It was my pleasure to save her. My name is Aqua Splash." She smiled at Wade shyly, choosing to leave out a few parts of her name. She was still very shy about her full name. She set the mare who appeared to be Caramel down and then scooted a distance away to give them all space.

Scarlett was amazed at how she had almost well, "flew, out of the water and was very curious. She threw up a small shield to where Aqua was trying back away "Not so fast, Aqua, you saved our friend. We have to thank you."


"But first, I have something to check"


She walked over to Caramel and said "Hold still, I need to check you" before scanning Caramel with her magic. Once she had processed the results, she said "Well, you're going to feel off for an hour or so but you'll be fine."

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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A friendly smile instantly spread across Aqua's face. "Oh thank sploosh you are all right!" Aqua beamed with a look of happy relief. "And oh, hi um Caramel?" She raised her eyebrow while still smiling while she looked back at the mare she had just rescued. Her tail fin waved a bit in an excited way.




Aqua found herself backing into a force field which was put up by another mare. Her cheeks blushed three shades of pink. "You don't have to thank me." Aqua kindly smiled.

Edited by TwilightAqua


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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