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private AES: The Lost City (ended)


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"But what would happen if the magical power of 10 combined high level unicorns was bundled into a little magic framework device, and detonated as a devastating explosive that ripped through time and space, leaving the pony it carries right over there and leaving a loose area of space time. It would become a lot easier to perform time and/or space based spells in that area due to the 'looseness', and so at this point I give you this"


She turns to face the coastline nearby and lit up her horn. Sending a pulse of magic forward into the ground a massive house began to, come into existence, through a reverse fading effect. It was situated right next to the coast


"Welcome to my home! And just for a note, don't use any sort of magic inside without asking me first specifically. I'm not sure if I mentioned it but the house is basically a part of me so you'll have access to a great deal of my magic."

"Okay. Magic not allowed. But what you said about combining the power of 10 into a single framework. That would be possible. Like a giant version of a spell. A Mega Spell if you will. No no no no no no, that kind of technology is far too risky. Once developed anyone could put any kind of spell into that framework for immeasurably devastating consequences. That's far too risk, too dangerous, too unstable, too unpredictable, too easily weaponised. I'm going to try and forget about this idea. I don't want my hooves in that kind of research. Although I must say, these are impressive results being able to contain a house in this location. Very impressive."

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"Okay. Magic not allowed. But what you said about combining the power of 10 into a single framework. That would be possible. Like a giant version of a spell. A Mega Spell if you will. No no no no no no, that kind of technology is far too risky. Once developed anyone could put any kind of spell into that framework for immeasurably devastating consequences. That's far too risk, too dangerous, too unstable, too unpredictable, too easily weaponised. I'm going to try and forget about this idea. I don't want my hooves in that kind of research. Although I must say, these are impressive results being able to contain a house in this location. Very impressive."

Scarlett at this point completely forgot any intention of not letting away secrets. Wade had already proven trustworthy and said he wasn't going to tell about megaspells, so she carried on. "That's exactly what they were called, megaspells. But don't worry, I already prevented their creation twice in the past 6 years I've been in this time."


She started wlaking towards her house, motioning to the rest of the ponies "Come on!"

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Rave had been tasked with figuring out the encryption of the map. He hoped he would be able to solve it. As soon as Scarlett invited the others to enter her house, he started to walk towards it. "How will we find our rooms? Have you decided where everypony will sleep, or can we choose rooms ourselves?" he asked. 

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She started wlaking towards her house, motioning to the rest of the ponies "Come on!"


Tyra, curious, walked towards the house. She was filling with a sense of excitement.

"Finally, after hearing many stories about Scarlett's home," She chirped, grinning widely, "We finally get to go inside!"


She trotted in after Rave, looking around the inside.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Aqua was following Tyra and then she trotted up to her side, smiling widely. But before she got too close to the house, her gaze all of a sudden fixed on the coast. Aqua's pupils all of a sudden dilated and kept her gaze locked on the sea. She was still walking towards Scarlett's house but couldn't get her eyes off the coast.


Aqua tried her best at resisting the urge to dart over there and soak herself in the waves. Aqua gritted her teeth.

Edited by TwilightAqua


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Scarlett opened the doors of her house and walked in, the first thing she said was "Don't ask about the size, just let it be"



Rave had been tasked with figuring out the encryption of the map. He hoped he would be able to solve it. As soon as Scarlett invited the others to enter her house, he started to walk towards it. "How will we find our rooms? Have you decided where everypony will sleep, or can we choose rooms ourselves?" he asked.

"end of the hallway, turn right. Go up the flight of stairs and you'll be on the bedroom floor. Choose one of the rooms and walk inside. The room will then be telepathicly linked to you and only accept you and who you let in, as well as changing it's colour scheme to your kind of room. They all have a bed, en suite, wardrobe and a couple of other things for you. Meet me back down here in, half an hour so we can discuss what will be happening."


Aqua was following Tyra and then she trotted up to her side, smiling widely. But before she got too close to the house, her gaze all of a sudden fixed on the coast. Aqua's pupils all of a sudden dilated and kept her gaze locked on the sea. She was still walking towards Scarlett's house but couldn't get her eyes off the coast.


Aqua tried her best at resisting the urge to dart over there and soak herself in the waves. Aqua gritted her teeth.

Scarlett could sense the tension coming from Aqua "I can give you a ground floor room if you want and fill it with water, I'l leave the back door unlocked for you in case you need to go into the ocean. I deigned this house to be adaptable to anyone's needs."

  • Brohoof 1


Art by DoeKitty

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Aqua shook her head quickly and snapped out of what seemed like a trance. She ran up forward to catch up with the others. It seemed that Scarlett really seemed to understand what she was going through. "Yes I would love that very much." Aqua told Scarlett as she entered the house. Aqua smiled shyly.

Edited by TwilightAqua


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Tyra smirked to Aqua as she entered after her.

"Our snowball fight was quite fun once again," She chirped, grinning at her, "I hope to have another with you in the future!"




She turned to Scarlett and tilted her head, trying to wrap her head around what she'd just said.

"So, these rooms we have our made to fit our needs?" She deduced.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra smirked to Aqua as she entered after her.

"Our snowball fight was quite fun once again," She chirped, grinning at her, "I hope to have another with you in the future!"




She turned to Scarlett and tilted her head, trying to wrap her head around what she'd just said.

"So, these rooms we have our made to fit our needs?" She deduced.

"Effectively, yes Tyra. The rooms will adjust themselves to a certain extent to fit your needs."




Aqua shook her head quickly and snapped out of what seemed like a trance. She ran up forward to catch up with the others. It seemed that Scarlett really seemed to understand what she was going through. "Yes I would love that very much." Aqua told Scarlett as she entered the house. Aqua smiled shyly.

Scarlett closed her eyes and lit up her horn once more, she told the house to perform what she had described to Aqua and said "Alright, your room will be ready in about 5 minutes. It has to pump the water in from the sea, and place a forcefield over the door to keep the water in."


Art by DoeKitty

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Lordy was extremley tired as he hasnt slept all night. The moment he heard 'bed' and 'room' thats where he wentturned automated. He entered the first bedroom he found and fell flat on the bed, falling asleep imidiately. He didnt even take his gear off, he was sleeping wit his full unform and backpack on. Since the rooms changed after the 'needs' of its 'guest' it looked a lot more rustic. Paintings of important ponies with FABULOUS moustaches (from Lordy's head, thats where it takes its info from), flags, medals and millitary decorations were projected on the wall. The walls would be of a creme colour with wooded beams and decorations. A rustic table and chair would be next to the window and a giant regimental flag would be on the wall above the bed. (Dream room).

  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"Indeed! It was splashing fun!" Aqua beamed at Tyra with a wide grin. "I look forward to another snowball fight!" She stated with a smirk. Ah gave Tyra a playful nudge.




Aqua smiled widely at Scarlett. "Wow thanks a bunch! That means a lot to me!" Aqua gushed. The thought of how Scarlett described the room sounded so soothing. It would be so nice to be somewhere like home! Or kind of, but good enough for Aqua.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Caramel was a bit confused by it all but accepted it, knowing Scarlett, this was not the strangest thing she had seen. She walked into the house, she listened to Scarlett who was explaining how the rooms worked. "So uh..separate rooms? or are there also rooms for two?" Caramel whispered to Scarlett with a blush on her face.

  • Brohoof 1
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Rave was looking around, checking out the rooms. He was constantly wondering if it was possible to share rooms. He was blushing by the thought. Were the rooms meant to be for only one pony each? Or was there a possibility for more than just one pony to share a room? He kept on thinking. 

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Caramel was a bit confused by it all but accepted it, knowing Scarlett, this was not the strangest thing she had seen. She walked into the house, she listened to Scarlett who was explaining how the rooms worked. "So uh..separate rooms? or are there also rooms for two?" Caramel whispered to Scarlett with a blush on her face.

Scarlett smirked and said "Oh I was expecting you'd ask that, if you and Rave choose rooms next to eachother they should merge together for you, assuming that is really what you want."


She turns to Aqua upon receiving a small flash of light form her horn "Your room, is ready."


Art by DoeKitty

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"Okay, got it." Caramel said and then trotted upstairs to the bedrooms. She sneaked up to Rave quietly who was examining the rooms. She looked at him for a moment before slowly moving towards him. She stood there quietly before poking him in his side as a way of scaring him.

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Aqua's eyes widened with excitement and she squeed loudly. Aqua raced to her room and splashed into the water. "YAAAAHOO!" She yelled with excitement. She soaked herself in the water and felt much more at home in this room. Aqua giggled with glee and then blushed with embarrassment at her sudden excitement.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Rave was in deep thought and blushing, when something seemed to poke him. He jumped into the air and immediately turned to face the one that had touched him. He saw Caramel standing there and his face went red. "Oh, it's you. Sorry, ehehe" he said, scratching the back of his head with his right front hoof. "I am checking the rooms. Also been wondering... well.. if it is a possibility to share rooms" he blushed a bit more smiling. 

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Caramel laughed at Rave's reaction for a bit for answering his question "I found a solution for that." Caramel said with a smirking smile. "I asked Scarlett, if I choose the room next to yers, they should merge into each other. This house is strange but if she says it be working, why not?" Caramel said hopping to the next room.

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Rave was happy to hear what Caramel had learned from Scarlett. He immediately jumped into the room next to the one that Caramel had entered. As he entered it, he decided it would be his room. He watched as the rooms started to merge together as Caramel had chosen the room next to his as hers. He smiled as he looked at her. 

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"Indeed! It was splashing fun!" Aqua beamed at Tyra with a wide grin. "I look forward to another snowball fight!" She stated with a smirk. Ah gave Tyra a playful nudge.

Tyra beamed back at Aqua, nudging her back. "Aye, as do I!" 


"Effectively, yes Tyra. The rooms will adjust themselves to a certain extent to fit your needs."

"Ah, excellent!" She chirped, grabbing Scarlett in a tight hug, "My thanks, friend!"


She trotted up to the rooms and entered one of the doors. Seeing the bed, she grinned and took off her gear before hopping onto it and curling up. Since the rooms reflected the needs of their occupants, it took the form of a more rustic wooden floored and walled room. The covers of the bed took the form of a fur pelt, and various bladed weapons decorated the walls. A photo of her and the others sat on the bedside.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"HA! It works!" Caramel said excited but also a bit confused. "I still find this magic rather strange." Caramel said poking the wall as if she was investigating it. "Aye, very strange." Caramel said before turning around. The room looked good but nothing was as good her bed on the ship. She may not admit it, but she really did miss everything. The sound of her belly rumbling broke her thoughts. "Hmm perhaps it be a good idea to get some dinner?" Caramel said to herself and Rave.

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Rave was inspecting the room as well. "Yes, this magic is strange indeed. I have never seen it's kind before. It certainly is not one that is practiced by my family... not that they share with me what they are doing". He then looked back at Caramel, seeing that she was doing some thinking. When she suggested that they get some dinner, Rave nodded. "I think it would be a great idea". 

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Scarlett went up to the room that Caramel was in, and knew where it was having access to the houses, "mind".


She knocks on the door keeping it closed and says "Hey Caramel, the ship's in the underground dock if you want to go and see it. If you can't find you way down just imagine a map in front of you and then, let's just say, you won't be imagining it anymore. This house is larger than you realise."


With that, she went downstairs to check on Aqua. She knocked on the door and said "can I come in?"


Art by DoeKitty

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Aqua, still blushing, called out."Um... Sorry! Hehee.." She blushed even more as she apologized to those who have heard her sudden outburst of excitement.Aqua used her magic, which glowed as a blue aura, to close her room door. She chuckled nervously and then lied on her back, floating on the water so that she faced the ceiling. Thoughts started swimming around in her mind.



Aqua then got back up and then opened the door for Scarlett with her magic. "Come right in!" She greeted.

Edited by TwilightAqua


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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"Thanks Scarlett, although food comes first." Caramel said, feeling her stomach nagging. She took of her scabbard that was holding her sword, laying it down on the bed. "Alright, I'm going to find the kitchen." Caramel said walking out of the room. She turned around and looked at Rave "Will ye be joining me?"

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