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*sigh*  "A nice attempt. However it was not my original intent. The character is searching for someplace where she won't be criticized for who and what she is. Atoneing to that, results in conformity to the environment she seeks to escape."  


However, that now brings forth another subject of discussion: That one's own flaws and fallacies are things to be exorcised, instead of being viewed as aspects of their persona.  That one's own darkness is to be expunged, instead of it actually being a part of who they are and embracing it just as they have the parts that are condoned as good, accepting only that which others deem as good, instead of being at peace with both light and dark. 


It has been said that darkness without light is an abyss. But light without darkness is blinding. Take away the darker shade of a portrait, and you change the picture. You reject somepony as they are, and in exercising the dark, you take away some of the colors that decorate them, and result in a different pony. That seems counter to the implied virtues of tolerance that this state likes to eschew." 

Edited by Denim&Venom
  • Brohoof 1

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It took him a moment to digest what she said, and while he thought he didn't agree with everything she had said he felt he was out of his league, but he didn't want to lose this conversion so he reverted to what he was semi decent at, asking questions "You speak truth and I can not refute you, but you mistake me on the account that I think that faults are to be rid off, they are not with them we can become better and more full. But to do so we need to overcome the faults but anyway I am stepping into a realm that I do not understand fully yet...  

Perhaps  i would know more if I knew more about this character, she fears criticism and wants acceptance but then again what pony doesn't. This would imply she faces these things often. So I must ask who is she, why does she face these things, who are her oppressors?What is this paradise she seeks if it exists?... And if she were to find it would it really be all she hoped?" 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"...Aaaaand it all went over his head. I could actually see the "spell buffering" logo spinning in his eyes there. But, unlike many others, at least he recognizes this lack of competency, and may adjust accordingly in the future. He's also unafraid to ask questions.  Smartest thing he's done since he started talking."


She closed her eyes, leaned back,  crossed her hooves and smiled to herself. "Hmmph. A good inquiry indeed. Why am I here? I've been asking that all the way back since two weeks after my graduation, but would retroactively be recognized as just another solstice break. I don't like to think I know enough to get by. I do know enough to get by. My time, efforts, accomplishments and hard work have led me to be academically recognised as such." 


She then lifted the side of her notebook and removed a laminated document and levitated it between her and the Hat horse. 


"Do you you know what this is? I'll tell you. It's a degree. See what it says? "Princesston University would like to recognise Silhouette Dusk as fulfilling the academic requirements worthy of the title "Bachelorette of the arts, with a majoring in the field of sculpture."" The shining raised insignia emblazoned on the front of the gold leafed and silver lettered document, matched the logo on the front of her uniform jacket.


"I spend four years among the best of the best this nation and many others have to offer in the artistic field, many double my senior, honing my skills and my knowledge, studying with the finest minds, associating with the most down to earth thinkers, furthering my talents to pursue my dreams. And thanks to all that, I became the youngest valedictorian graduate in the long, storied history of Princesston. Upon bestowment of my degree, it was certified to the world that I was ready to hold respectable positions and tackle challenging opportunities. I am qualified to enter the workforce with clear and distinct advantages ponies twice or thrice my age don't have. I am already what students in this school are aspiring to be."


She uncrossed her forelegs and laid them on her binder, one hoof against the other. "But what good is academic virtue and recommendation in the face of bureaucracy and archaic law?  Four years studying under the most challenging and rewarding conditions, yet my degree has no merit, no application, unless it's paired with.. wait for it... a high school diploma or GED of all things." Her toned lay measured, precise, concise. But even her dissatisfaction, her annoyance her ire, could be felt a little. 


"Equestrian labor and consignment laws dictate that one who enters the skilled labor workforce must possess a minimum of a high school diploma or GED. Because of that, legislators behind child labor laws have dropped the hammer and froze any applications I had due to violations, and used the diploma loophole along with my age to prevent me from pursuing my career.


I am stuck taking classes, which were steps to classes I already passed with top marks, with teachers who view their occupations as jobs and not duties, alongside the most emotionally unstable, immature, insensitive, self conscious, impressionable, judgemental, segment of the Equestrian populace: adolescents.


I'm trading doctors and professors for glorified babysitters, as well as the most eager, mature, persevering and intellectual young minds for..." she motioned a hoof around the room "This. This is degrading, demoralizing and insulting to me. I take a mighty leap forward, only to be dragged two steps back."


She floated her degree to infront of her. "I work so hard. And this is what I'm rewarded with..."


She then slowly slid the prestigious degree back into her binder, reopened the notebook, and placed her hooves on top of it. They were subtly clenched together. 


"Blink. Away. The Tears." 


"You're both welcome by the way."

  • Brohoof 1

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The greyest of blue skies, encompassing the world once vibrant with color.


​Gale winds blew away the petals of flowers before the bloomed


Dust coated any aspects of youthful vigor, tarnishing the shine of new coming exuberance.




Silhouette didn't get to finish that thought, cause the sounds of breathing, noise and warm air from her left proved distraction enough.


"Just pretend you didn't hear. Don't even acknowledge. Most ponies will respect focus on one's work."


The presence of those unworthy, proving an obstacle.


​Their motions, lopping the heads off conscious thought.


Their words, the grinding screeches that bled the melodic cadence dry.


Their convictions, the acid bath of new ideas in utero.






@The Down Trotten @blazedtime

*knock knock* Taivas lightly tapped on the door. "Um, hello sehre! Excuse me!" She made her way into the classroom, folding her wings at her side and ducking her head so as not to have her ears scrape against the door frame. She made her way to the desk, where the teacher was leaning back, listening to his headphones. She could make the song out clearly. Wasn't quite her thing.


Once she reached it, she rapped on the desk, hoping to get said teachers attention. "Um, excuse me!" When he didn't stop bobbing his head. She rapped louder this time. "Um, hellos in there?" She waved a hoof in front of his face. Still no stopping of the boobing.


She sighed. "Alrights. Plan B." Living with a roommate that would blare 80's thrash though noise canceling DJ phones taught her a few things, namely how to get attention in what would likely be the most peeving way possible.


She maneuvered her wing between the teacher and his device. With the tip of her wing membrane running along the chord, she unplugged it.



((OOC: Be back in an hour or so. Got some work to finish.))


Buck it, schedule's been freed.

Thunderstreak was lost in his own world, the feeling of just hearing some music while relaxing, is the best one. He was about to unpluck the device, but someone did it for him. "Huh? What?" He saw a student looking at him "Ops sorry about that, i tend to get lost in my own world when i listen to music, so how can i help?" Asked Thunder

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He listen intently and subtly wrote things down. As she spoke Crimson wasn't quite sure what to make of her anymore. She was smart, yes, but many of her words were barbed and he couldn't help feeling judged and dispised. 


He also wasn't a fan of being feeling stupid, he would admit he wasn't the brightest bolt in the bunch but he liked to think he wasn't a nimrod. He also wanted to point out while it may have  be a major inconvenience to her. This school was the closest  thing to an opportunity he had, not to mention his parents had paid through the mouth to get him here.  


What he didn't like most of all though was the simple fact she was better then him in every way he cared about. He didn't know whether to be jealous, angry, envious, sad, or non caring. What was even more salt on the wound was that she hated being here, making his dream look like dung....


But given the time to think for a moment he came to the conclusion that he couldn't blame her, only himself for not being smarter. He had much work ahead of him, and at least now he had a ruler to measure himself by. 


Of course he wanted to say more but he felt like a fool if he did so he just nodded and said "Thank you very much Miss." his note pad however was full 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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one of these students is not like others... well this is going to be tough...this whole classroom consists of weird types of ponies..no way to find somepony who stands out.


Trivy looked at the writting on the board that had just revealed it's self. She looked around the classroom, looking for anypony who would stand out, she was not successful. However, somewhere inside the room Trivy could feel a weird magical link. Interesting, I've never felt such magic before...it's different magic than normal unicorn magic....maybe I can find the source of this strange magic... Trivy looked around the room again. She wanted to find this teacher and impress him or her for that matter. Yet the fear of not being able to control her own magic was holding her back. maybe some other time would be best...I don't want to humiliate myself on my first day after all...

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Lightning had just read about Experimental Engineering being his first class of the year at this new school. He was obviously late, maybe even by a couple hours, but he could basically care less. He was going to school because he was forced.

He sped down the streets on his broken down skateboard, and as the school came into sight at a distance he pulled out his schedule once again, he'd scribbled his classes down the day before, so he knew he had to get to Class 015. He sped past shouting guards at the gates and burst into the school, he got lucky and quickly found his Engineering class. He threw open the door and walked in, knowing he was most likely going to disturb the class.


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"My apologies for my intrusion," Tyra spoke up, bowing her head humbly, "I was simply admiring your work, you are a talented storyteller!" She added with a bit of a squeak, grinning widely and toothily.


@@The Down Trotten


She perked up to look at Quill, and before she answered, the blackboard swung around to reveal writing.

"Right there, I believe," she muttered.




She read the directions on the whiteboard, made by this 'Lektra'.

"A spy in the classroom?!" She yelped, and hopped on top of her desk to get a better look over the sea of ponies, "Which of these strangers is not like us...?"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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At first his heart wasn't in it, as far as he was concerned he wasn't to interested in impressing teachers, but rather the "student" behind him. But he sighed, he had come here to learn and the moment had finally come for just that. Alright don't let her get you down too much, she may hate it here, but your going to make the best of it right? 


"Right!" he stood up "...Well considering all of us were on time, more or less, and this challenge didn't start until to recently... Did anyone see who showed up last?" unfortunately he hadn't, he had been to busy reading, thinking, and conversing. "It would seem which ever one of us showed last before the "test" was administered is the teacher. So I guess everyone who was here before the test was given, raise their hoof?" 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Talisman eyed Sketchy suspiciously. "Seaddle, huh? Never heard of it. Sounds suspicious. You're a spy, aren't you?" she asked. In truth, she had scarcely heard the pony names of any town or region, so this was nothing unusual, but it was a fun idea so she entertained it. She glanced at the clock. Talisman's jaw fell.


"Oh crap, Caramel's going to kill me." Talisman stated. "See you later, spy." The last word came out as a hiss for dramatic effect, and then she had bolted off, looking for the right room--15, or something, if she remembered--and she found it, quickly stumbling in.


Caramel, sitting near the back, beckoned her, looking annoyed. Talisman padded over. "Where have you been?" Caramel asked, annoyed. "You better not have held any other student up. I've heard you can get a detention for something like that." As Talisman's mouth opened, Caramel interjected, sighing, "No, I have no idea what a detention is, but it sounds bad."


Talisman sat down, and just as she did, the test appeared. She blinked at all the wild accusations being thrown about as she haltingly read the text. "This doesn't look good for you," Caramel chuckled. An idea struck Talisman. Right now, she was the suspicious one. If she could bring that to somepony else...


"Hey!" the lion called out, leaping onto her desk, attempting to distract everypony. She couldn't afford this organized earth pony's plan of everypony raising their hoof to work (partially, because she had no hoof, and partially, because she saw she had been the last to arrive--and just before the test, too!). "I found a spy, from someplace he called 'Seaddle'! He called himself 'Sketchy', too, a fitting name, I might add! I am sure he is the culprit!" she cried. Caramel was looking at Talisman very oddly. Oh well, she had to do this, to save her name!

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"I found a spy, from someplace he called 'Seaddle'! He called himself 'Sketchy', too, a fitting name, I might add! I am sure he is the culprit!" she cried. Caramel was looking at Talisman very oddly. Oh well, she had to do this, to save her name!


He looked at the Lion with shock Son of a sack of potatoes... this day does not want me to relax one bit does it? "Um well, thats an interesting way to put it, but culprit doesn't make sense in this instance. We are looking for the teacher and not a criminal.  And what do you mean spy? What is there to spy on here... Oh never mind..." he sighed and sat down, he figured that he would let some one else try to find the teacher, he gave it a shot, it only seemed fair to let some one else try now his plan had been derailed, not to mention the Lion was unsettling him a bit  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@ @bronislav84


Several of the conversations having grown far too fast for Cirrus to keep up with, for his understanding of spoken Equestrian was behind on his reading, he noticed the new student having previously apparently phased into existence behind the teachers desk several moments before the blackboard flipped over and revealed the message.


Cirrus left his seat, and checked behind the desk... and found an alcove filled with bedding. He then looked to the student that was apparently sleeping. "Lektra Bolt?" He asked, pointing a hoof.

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Tyra was totally oblivious to the student who seemed to phase into existence in the room, so she did the best thing she could think of.


"Excuse me!" She would yell to a random student, "Are you Lektra Bolt? ...no? Very well, thank you anyway."


@@The Down Trotten


"Are you Lektr-- oh, you are Crimson Quill," She corrected herself, right in the stallion's face, "My apologies!"

Edited by Unicorncob
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"It's alright Tyra, and no I'm not the teacher... although if you can remember the students who should up towards the end then I think perhaps you'll find her." He sighed "Best of luck to you friend." he let the others use his idea as they would, he returned to his notes and couldn't help but glance back at the pony behind him. She's probably already figured it out by now... or doesn't care... great first day and I wrapped in some sort of mental anxiety thing. 


@@Ochre_Dust, (bronislav doesn't get mentions, you have to quote him if you want him to see what you posted) 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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I had already slumped over to pretend to sleep, closing my eyes. Little did they know I was sharing Sparky's sight, who was observing from the chair behind the teacher's desk in the middle of the room. I was pretty sure Thunder would give me away and ruin the test. Maybe.

Several of the conversations having grown far too fast for Cirrus to keep up with, for his understanding of spoken Equestrian was behind on his reading, he noticed the new student having previously apparently phased into existence behind the teachers desk several moments before the blackboard flipped over and revealed the message.


Cirrus left his seat, and checked behind the desk... and found an alcove filled with bedding. He then looked to the student that was apparently sleeping. "Lektra Bolt?" He asked, pointing a hoof.


((Doing this to make sure bronislav get's a notification. Sorry for the effective double post.))

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As the others were looking for the teacher, Trivy decided it would be best to look at some of her books. She just bought herself a new copy of Starswirl's theories which she was very excited about. She opened her book and started to read, hoping the other students wouldn't notice. She had been bullied before because of her love for reading.

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@@The Down Trotten


"My thanks, friend!" Tyra chirped, grinning widely up at Quill, "And to you, also!" She began skulking around the classroom again, using her shortness to her advantage by sneaking around the other students.




She popped up next to Trivy, seeing that she was reading a peculiar book.

"What are you reading?" She asked, grinning with curiosity at her potential other new friend.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Oh uh nothing special, just an old copy of Starswirl's theories." Trivy said as she showed Tyra the cover. "I just bought it, I wanted it for a long time. Pretty much put all my money in it." She said as she opened up her book again. "Are you a reader as well? or just generally interested?

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Tyra grinned and inspected the book cover, not recognising it.

"It seems to be some magical tome of a kind," She deduced, blinking slowly, then grinned up at Trivy, "Aye, I love to read! Stories about legends and heroes and glorious battles! Speaking of which..."


She reached into her bag and pulled out what looked like a 'Power Ponies' graphic novel.

"I discovered this one in Manehattan, it is quite exciting!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Ah yes, I've read some of those as well. I think the first issue will always be my favorite. I'm currently reading Red Sorena, it's a very new comic but it's really popular. It's a great story and great artist as well." Trivy said with a smile. Finally somepony with a bit of the same interests as me 

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"Ah yes, I've read some of those as well. I think the first issue will always be my favorite. I'm currently reading Red Sorena, it's a very new comic but it's really popular. It's a great story and great artist as well." Trivy said with a smile. Finally somepony with a bit of the same interests as me


"Red Sorena?" Tyra repeated, cocking her head to the side, "I do not believe I have seen that one. It sounds interesting though, please tell me about this Red Sorena!"


She hopped into the vacant chair next to her, temporarily just to chat with Trivy about comic books.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Well it's about this Red griffon called Red Sorena who is destined to defeat Discord. She goes on adventure's together with a friend she meets later in the story. but I don't know her name yet because I haven't read the latest issue yet. It's really awesome though. You should totally read it. I have the first one with me in fact." Trivy said as she went through her bag. "Here you go, you can keep it if you want."

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"Well it's about this Red griffon called Red Sorena who is destined to defeat Discord. She goes on adventure's together with a friend she meets later in the story. but I don't know her name yet because I haven't read the latest issue yet. It's really awesome though. You should totally read it. I have the first one with me in fact." Trivy said as she went through her bag. "Here you go, you can keep it if you want."


"Aaah, I see!" Tyra chirped, nodding and grinning widely, "It sounds most interesting! I would love to give it a look!"


Her braided tail wagged excitedly at the thought of a new story to read, but she hesitated upon hearing Trivy's offer to let her keep it.

"Nay, I could not take such a thing from you," She insisted, grinning, "I will read it, and return it to you!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sketchy's jaw almost dropped when she said she never heard of it "the city in the northwest? You never heard of-" then she booked it before he finished, sketchy was left perplexed "a spy? ...what even man..." He said quietly as he began to go to class. "Well now I'm late, dats jus' great." Sketchy mumbled while he was on his way to the classroom. Sketchy subtly walked into the class and took a seat without speaking a word, and looked around with a blank face; having no idea what was going on.

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"You can keep it, really. I have a limited first edition at home anyway. You can have it." Trivy said with a smile. She was never really good at meeting new ponies, now that she finally found someone she liked, she wanted to make a nice gesture towards her. She looked around the class They still haven't found that darn teacher?

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