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Arizona Tea does it have urine in it?

Gone Airbourne

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So in the past few days I've stumbled across the Arizona Tea products and bought one because it was at cheap price of 99 cents. I recently searched up the beverage on the web and I have been coming across all these claims that the FDA was suing the company saying they were putting human urine in these drinks...  :dash:


I know you can't really believe everything you read on the internet and this may already be old news to some of you... but I'm really concerned about this because I've actually drank one of these things and I really want to know if these claims are true. Would anyone of you know on here??  :ooh:

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The really scary thing it wouldn't be the grossest thing that has ever been put in food, Red Bull has bull urine and bull semen in it and some companies have pulled a Soylent Green on people with aborted fetal tissue being used to "test" new flavors (whatever the hell that means).

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The really scary thing it wouldn't be the grossest thing that has ever been put in food, Red Bull has bull urine and bull semen in it and some companies have pulled a Soylent Green on people with aborted fetal tissue being used to "test" new flavors (whatever the hell that means).

Oh god... thank goodness I don't like Red Bull or energy drinks.  That's really bothersome in a way though... 

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In all seriousness though, 'natural flavors' usually means something that comes from animals such as urine or something. I actually heard that most spring water or whatever, fish actually pee in that water... let alone die. Nothing you eat or drink is sacred anymore to be honest. We have digested this stuff our whole lives... it's not really that gross.

Edited by sweeToxic
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Just did a search, seen a few articles claiming it, but not any news sources that seem really trustworthy, with some even claiming it to be a hoax


I'd be pretty grossed out if this was true(though still not as gross as the Red Bull crap), especially since I do get Arizona's fairly often

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In all seriousness though, 'natural flavors' usually means something that comes from animals such as urine or something. I actually hard that most spring water or whatever, fish actually pee in that water... let alone die. Nothing you eat or drink is sacred anymore to be honest.




This further proves this as truth... >_> save the fact I'd say only trust certain people and it never hurts to be too cautious in these days.

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Technically what toxic said is true, though there are plants that clean stuff. A good example of the process is seen in the tuxedo, a jackie chan film. As for urine actually being in the product it's questionable. Different countries place different ingredients in the same products to get a flavor that barely deviates from the original recipe but yet allows for a unique personal twist. I'm a fan of arizona products and love a good portion of them. I'd say ignore the claims as they are more likely to be false since there are rules regarding what can and cannot be used in ingested products. If you'd still rather drink something else brisk also has cans and bottles for 99 cents. 


As for energy drinks and the controversy with them; it's more stupid people. People who don't read the warning labels are usually the ones who end up suffering the consequences. I'm a monster energy fan. I've had dadgum near every flavor known and yet all my problems come from elsewhere. That's because I've never had more then 3 within a 24 hour period nor chugged them. As far as the Uber big ones go (big round as a fast ball width wise can) they say never have more than one within a three day period and to never chug it. That sucker took more than three days and lasted all day sipping. 


Point is read the labels, know your medical conditions, and take your time and you'll be fine. 

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The really scary thing it wouldn't be the grossest thing that has ever been put in food, Red Bull has bull urine and bull semen in it and some companies have pulled a Soylent Green on people with aborted fetal tissue being used to "test" new flavors (whatever the hell that means).

I wish I could say this will stop me from drinking Jägerbombs, but alas...It won't.

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I don't know but it should be against the law to put anything in any product without labeling it on the product, regardless of the origin or source. Also writing it in a way meant to deceive should also be against the law.

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Wow, that's so nasty if it's true. I remember looking at a documentary on animal urine being put in perfumes, but this...I'm glad you brought this up. This is a good reminder for me to pay attention to the contents within processed food and beverages. But it's annoying that some ingredients aren't listed on the packaging. 

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Hmmm... this is troublesome it's making me want to be more aware of things concerning foods and such you know what I mean? 

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I have never heard of anything like this before. W.T.F.

Right on that... I just tried one of their sweet tea products and while it tasted pretty good I was shocked when I looked up the product online and saw all these claims. Saw somewhere that the FDA was trying to sue the company but as I said I'm not sure if any of these claims are true but it never hurts to be cautious. If this is true I am going to be damn right pissed.

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Right on that... I just tried one of their sweet tea products and while it tasted pretty good I was shocked when I looked up the product online and saw all these claims. Saw somewhere that the FDA was trying to sue the company but as I said I'm not sure if any of these claims are true but it never hurts to be cautious. If this is true I am going to be damn right pissed.

I mean, i almost just *cant* believe that, for real. Surely it cant be real. I think ill have to see it go to court to believe it.

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The really scary thing it wouldn't be the grossest thing that has ever been put in food, Red Bull has bull urine and bull semen in it and some companies have pulled a Soylent Green on people with aborted fetal tissue being used to "test" new flavors (whatever the hell that means).

Aborted fetal tissue isn't anything to worry about because it's used to test flavors it's not put in your food and drink.

Edited by cider float
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So, I saw this thread, knowing it was nonsense, and decided to come in and clarify things for everyone. I did a little research beforehand, as well. Let's start by saying what should be obvious.


If the FDA discovered that Arizona Tea had any kind of urine in it, the selling of the product would halt immediately. All stores nationwide that sell the product would immediately be required take it off shelves.


I discovered that the original article comes from Huzlers.com. They call themselves, "the most notorious urban satirical entertainment website in the world." And that's all this article is, satirical entertainment. Not a word of it is true.


And as for the Red Bull? That's also, pun intended, Bullshit. This article explains that in detail.



Just in case anyone is still unsure, let me say it in big bold letters for you:


No drinks that you buy from the store have any kind of body fluids in them. Not unless you put them there yourself.

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