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private Shadows of Equestria


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@@nx9100 @@Stellar


Ghost continued to watch the brawl, but his eyes slowly lowered to the boss pony, watching from the sidewalk...and looking nothing short of 'pleased'. Did he really enjoy watching bloodbaths like this, or did he have some kind of plan?


Perhaps he was waiting for one to take out the other, then finish the winner himself. That would be interesting.


Suddenly, across the street, green flames lit up an alleyway, and out stood...a pony dressed in black, with a dark blue cloak, with a silver N on the front.


He slowly blinked once. "What."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ravage reacted almost the moment he saw the green glow.  In the blink of an eye, he had moved from his spot in the shadows to a position between the newcomer and his master.  Keeping a wide stance, head held down ready to charge, he braced himself...


"Hold."  The order wasn't loud, but still forceful.  He glanced back at his master, who was still watching the events above them.  "Greetings, Miss Nightmare," he said, his eyes not even glancing back at her or Ravage, "What can I do for you?"






 While Caliber busied himself with his sword, Sakuya was going through the shipping records in the small office.  "Soon," she replied to him, "very soon.  And I promise, this pony will be a real challenge for you."  Pausing her search, she looked up at him, a bit of fire in those purple eyes.  "So enjoy all the 'warm-ups' you can get..."

  • Brohoof 1





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His insanity began to materialize into pure hate, as he watched his inferno subside into plant life.


The ground around him lit up into a blinding neon yellow, as the tips of his hooves begin to explode with massive amounts of energy. The skull he was playing with disintegrates, as the electrical charges in his hooves continue to grow in size and strength.


It sounded as if a thunderstorm drew closer with every second his hooves were surrounded by the electrical charges.

“It’s a shame that it had to come to this. We could have had a nice laugh over a delightful company bonfire while watching Ennex try to find a way out of the little funhouse I had made just for him. I mean it even had a mirror maze. That is like the best part of any funhouse! Am I right? Getting lost and NEVER BEING ABLE TO FIND YOUR WAY BACK AS YOU CRY AND CRY BUT CAN NEVER BE HEARD… Oh, oh and let’s not forget about the extract… I mean the… umm… nope, there really isn’t any clever way of saying extraction chamber.”

His voice became more boisterous, and robotic, as his animosity towards the stag grew. He began to fly up, as if his hatred only made him soar closer to the charred ceiling of the burning shop.

Oh well… it’s too late now… I’ll have you know that this will be EXTREMELY PAINFUL!!! HAHAHAHA!!! YOU DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE RAT!!!!”

When he hit the ceiling, he dove down and began his attack. With his wings outstretched, and his font left hoof leading the charge, he flew at the stag with the force and speed of a freight train at full speed. A wake of pure electricity and green flames trailed around him, completely decimating any form of life that the stag had imprinted inside and around the shop. A grin overtakes Darkly, as he closes in on the stag.

Edited by Darkly SteamGear
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 While Caliber busied himself with his sword, Sakuya was going through the shipping records in the small office.  "Soon," she replied to him, "very soon.  And I promise, this pony will be a real challenge for you."  Pausing her search, she looked up at him, a bit of fire in those purple eyes.  "So enjoy all the 'warm-ups' you can get..."

caliber looked down at her, and for the first time since he met her, his own eye's sparked with a fighting spirit. "and i really hope that he does prove a challenge. its been too long since iv fought full out." 


he jumped off the box, sheathed his sword, and stretched a little. "but until we do meet him...what do i do?"


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@@Darkly SteamGear,@@cwhip9@@Scare Effect,




The duo continued the charge, as if meeting the mechanical monstrosity head on.... And teleported a short distance forward, enough to stay out of Darkly's trajectory, and instead appearing under the pony, still running.




Enzo thrusted Khris skyward, aiming directly for where the pony's vital organs should be. Surprisingly, the sword slid off what seemed to be.. Endo skin? and Khris scored a glancing hit on Darkly's side instead.


Unfortunately, this also had the effect of tangling's Khris's tassel with the pony's hooves.


As the stag continued the charge outside the shop, the tassel was pulled along with him, and with it, the tangle of tassel and cyborg. This was only possible due to physics and stuff that i can explain but don't want to so lets just say its because you were mid air had not frictional grip and stuff.




Enzo stopped his charge, letting Darkly fly over his head and crash into another  pasta shop across the street.


Noticing that a certain robocop-pony and Batpony were about to enter  said shop, Enzo called an apology to them.


"Erm, sorry?"




The ball of magic between the Stag's horns continued to charge.

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Cresent was about to ask the desk pony about the special called French garlic pasta when the cyber pony, digimon, thing flew in through the roof making the poor desk pony bolt like a bat out of hell. Cresent moned as he herd the stag say his sorry. He felt too tired to say anything to the thief The bat pony was sensing a theme here turning around to see device


"you sure this isn't an regular thing with pasta shops?"  

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(one day I shall learn the dark arts of quoting, but just not today :/)


After they crashed into the shop, a massive surge of electricity followed them, devastating everything within the shop. Jolted screams of agony filled the air for a few seconds, and then nothing. All signs of life within the shop just seemed to fade away. Maniacal laughter filled the air, as Darkly got back up




His hooves lit up the ground around him, as electricity began to surge through them.


"you seem to be having so much fun over there.... Having so much fun... BEING A COMPLETE BULLY!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! YOU AND YOUR TELEPORTATION!!!"


Darkly grew silent, as his left hoof transformed into a terrifying syringe-like device with multiple different colored tubes surrounding the base of it. an abnormally large grin grew upon his face, as he said:


"It certainly would be a shame if something were to happen to all of that magic. This is going to be quite FUN! I was just going to shock your world, but I guess you wanna do this the extra fun way... Well, you know what they say; the bigger the bully the more the spectra! hehe! its funny because you're going to DIE!!!"


With his right hoof charged with electricity, he leaped with blinding speed at the stag. A flash of light illuminated the surrounding area, as Darkly lands a jab right on the stag's flabbergasted facial expression. This sent the stag flying through the glass panels of YET ANOTHER pasta shop, and straight into the cashier's counter, creating a large crater on the lower side of it. But wait a minute, after a more careful observation of the shop... it was actually a... PASTA FACTORY!!! *dun dun duuuun*




He continued moving towards the stag with his hoof-held spectra extractor now leading his next attack, getting closer and closer and closer...

Edited by Darkly SteamGear
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@@Darkly SteamGear


Enzo clenched his teeth, lying limply against the counter, trying to push through the pain.


"Damn, that pony can punch."




He continued moving towards the stag with his hoof-held spectra extractor now leading his next attack, getting closer and closer and closer...


"NO, ENZO!!"


In the chaos, the stag failed to notice the cyborg's attack with the syringe. His mouth gaped slightly open as the syringe pierced through his skin, sucking up a glowing liquid.




The pain he had experienced before was nothing compared to this, as he felt his stores of magic drain away. He struggled to move his remaining amount of magic out to his surroundings, and with whatever strength he had left, he pushed the pony and the hoof-held syringe and rolled out of the way, into a wall, his silver coat graying slightly.


Leaning his side against a wall for support and clenching his bleeding forehoof with Khris's tassel, the stag got up, looking at the grinning cyborg dead in the eye.


"You tried to take my spectra. You tried to take my magic, what lies inside my core."


The stag steadied himself up, the ball of swirling magic growing again, flashing with power. His coat's color returned to it's bright silver.


"You fool, you dabble in forces beyond your comprehension. I do not rely on this magic alone, Abomination..."


Magic trailed from the overgrowth the stag had created and spiraled down from the heavens and the very air in the room into the swirling ball of energy.


"..My power is all around you"


The stag flung his head down, tossing the ball of energy directly into the ground below him. Surprisingly, it didn't explode: it semed to simply pass through the flooring. There was a pregnant pause. Slowly, one by one, circles of magic appeared in the floor around the stag, one by one. Soon the entire room was overcome by an etheral glow.


The stag raised his hoof, green tendrils of magic growing out of the ground to swirl around it. At it's peak the stag let out a loud battlecry and stomped




Green, glowing cracks snaked out of the place of impact, running rapidly through the floor until directly under the cyborg. In a sudden burst of light, a swarm of large, grasping roots, each with at least the diameter of a basketball,  punched  out of the floor and wrapped around the cyborg, slamming him into the ceiling and attempting to twist andd crush the pony in it's botanical grasp. It then threw whipped, throwing Darkly out of the shop and slamming him through the counter and into the central reinforcements of another shop, aptly labeled "One of the Best Pasta shops in Manehatten". Roots sprung from the ground where darkly landed and once again wrapped around the Cyborg and carried him into the air.


"You chose your own destiny..."


The hand-like end of Khris's tassel clenched into a fist, and the roots tightened themselves around the Cyborg as the stag stepped out of the rubble of the first shop and trotted towards his adversary, another ball of magic forming between his antlers.










( if anyone gets the reference i will be so happy)

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@,@@Darkly SteamGear,  

Device stood here looking at the burning remains of the pasta shop. Her eye twitched and turned toward the two idiots that destroyed it. she was very angry, to the point she was about to lose it and kill the two who prevented her from having her favorite food. She then looked at Crescent. "We will try again tomorrow you go home, I have to rip a certain robot limb from limb." Device said before she left the bat pony and walked toward the battle, seeing they were still fighting Device used her insane speed to get next to the Stag then wrapped her hoof around one of his antlers and slammed him onto the street knocking the wind out of him as well as stunning him. then she looked at the cybernetic pony with a look that said you are dead. once again using her speed she got behind the cyber pony grabbed his wings and ripped them off. "I told you i would rip you limb from limb if you got between me and my pasta. But since i'm nice i will let you off with your legs intact." she then grabbed him and threw him to another part of town. then she turned to the Stag "and YOU! If i run into you again i will personally beat the living day lights out of you." Device Threatened before flying home.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Cresents jaw was on the ground.
First he was with device half watching the battle half wondering what the specility was.

the next thing he knew the building was trashed and both the cyberpony and the stag got there karma handed to them by the hoof of an mare with badass wings..

..it was at that moment cresent thought if this was just a coma dream he got from the fight with the thief. He shook his head, tired, annoyed, and still hungry he gave up on the noddel quest and decided to go back to his hotel to think over the night, maybe he could call some pizza for delivery?

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@EnzoAquila, @Scare Effect


The tears of where his wings used to be only grew bigger as he slid across the ground, smashing into a nearby building on the other side of town... that was, actually in fact, another frigging pasta shop. The force of impact was so great, that it completely demolished the whole place, burying Darkly in a sea of rubble.When it seemed as if everything in that building had faded to silence, the robotic voice from before began to fill the void:




Then... Nothing.

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"Bloody hell, we need to work on our peripheral vision."


Enzo struggled to contain the ball of volatile magic, more for Device's and everypony around him's sake than his.


"Is that cyborg brain fucking dead? If you see a bright glowing, swirling ball of shit, you'd expect it to explode if you disrupt it, right?"


Opening his eyes once he stabilised himself, he was greeted by the sight of Darkly smashing through another  pasta shop. Noticing Device's damage to the cyborg, the stag muttered.


"That's the only thing she's been useful for lately."


The stag was about to engage once more, when he heard a low rumbling, and the groan of something very large breaking behind him. Turning around, he could only stare at the sight that greetd him.


"Oh dear"


The entire block was on fire and crumbling from the collateral damage of the battle. The large, yellow billboard on the top of the block that had the block letters "PASTA STREET MANEHATTEN" slapped across it fell down onto the street with a mighty 'blam' as the building crumbled, jolting Enzo out of his stupor.


As the building crumbled, Enzo desperately reached out to his power with a yell, roots breaking out of the ground to form a shield around him. Just before the makeshift shield finished, the entire building collapsed under it's own weight, pouring wreckage all over the street and over the dome of roots. Debris spilled onto the street like an avalanche, a typhoon of flaming concrete and rebar swamping the entire area


Burrowing the Stag inside. Only the sounds of silence and sirens reigned after.




( This is another oc. You don;'t know whether Enzo has died or not. Please welcome... Salleria )





A dark, feminine figure, sat at her desk, her feline feet propped on top of the table. Purple claws riffled through a stack of papers, Piercing eyes of the same color scanning through the dusty documents. Other than a lone, naked lightbulb and the sound of riffling paper, the office was dark and silent.


The silence was broken.


Purple talons picked up the phone. On the other end of the line, a raspy voice could be heard.


"Addressing Agent SI:7, Salleria. You have been hired in manehatten. A big head named "Sakuya" has requested your services. It's simple mercenary work. Whether you choose to accept, it's your call. We've got some spare funds after that job in canterlot."


The griffin lazily twirled the phone's wire with a talon, almost as if in thought. Opening a purple beak, she spoke in a heavy accent.


"I'm afraid i will decline this one. Manehatten is dirty and smelly. no good hunt there, only fat Business men who can barely run."


"I'm disappointed to hear that-"


A radio crackled to life.


*bzzt* Breaking news in manehatten. Strange weather patterns have been spotted in the area.*bzzt*


The Radio had Salleria's attention now. "Boss, hold that statement"


*bzzt*Plants have been spotted growing exponentially in accordance to this, and the sky seems to be raining blue wisps of an unknown substance, we are speculating that-

This just in: An entire building has collapsed and a whole street is in chaos, onlookers-


The griffin mulled over this new information. She pushed back her chair, taking a long look at her wall. What was supposed to be an empty corkboard was muddled with papers. Bounties to be precised. Ponies, dragons, every species imaginable had their faces on a piece of paper pinned to the wall, big red Xs on every single one of them, the mark of a successful hunt.


Except for one.


The griffin slowly got up, walking towards the wall. Her eyes drifted to that bounty. Her greatest failure. She plucked the accursed piece of paper from the wall, grasping it in her talons.


"Found you"


Throwing the paper in the air, she briskly walked back to her desk and grabbed the phone tightly with her talons.


"I retract my statement. Send me to this, 'manehatten'."


The griffin slammed the phone down, flinging on a black cloak and moving out the door.


As the bounty poster drifted down, lazily gliding through the air, one can make out the face plastered all over it. A silver stag with strange antlers.

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Having finished going through the office's records, Sakuya turned back to Caliber.  "For now, I have to get things organized.  I want to use this warehouse as a base, and need to make sure I've got everything I need."  The door opened, and a group of Earth-pony mares wandered in.  


"Miss," the first one said, "we were sent to meet you here." 


"Good, let's get this place organized."  She pointed to the stacks of crates around the warehouse.  "Start going through everything and let me know what you find."  As the mares got to work, she grinned at Caliber.  "My personal workforce.  Hope you like them, hehe..."





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A shadow darts around, about the size of a pony with a smooth, curved horn.

"PERHAPS, I HAVE A JOB AFTER THIS... TIME TO CHECK THE USUAL HAUNTS, BEFORE VISITING ENNEK..." A gruff voice hisses, as the shadow appears to speak. It slithers over to the the nearest tavern, filled with many deliquents, in order to enjoy himself before doing business.

The shade rises from the ground, transitioning into a grey stallion with glasses and freckles. His azure eyes contain a darkness seen only in serial killers and war veterans, as he smiles warmly at the door. His green magic, reminescent of changeling's, opens the door, his purple cloak whipping in the wind. He walks through the doors, prepared to torture some young upstarts who wants to start something with Prince Marion Ette, son of an alternate dimension's Sombra.

He grins wickedly, his eyes changing to scarlet, with green scelera, purple mist pouing from the corners, his teeth appearing sharp and predatory. "MAYHAPS, I COULD HAVE A MEAL...His forked tongue slides across his lips, looking hungrily around.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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A load crash forced Ravage to turn away from the newcomer, just in time to see a building collapse.  He eyed the scene, taking notice of the destruction around them.  


"Well," his master said, "that was interesting.  For the time being, it appears that my possible problem with the cyborg has been taken care of.  Still," his eyes narrowed, "we should remain watchful.  Excuse me, my dear, but I have business to attend to."  Having yet to even glance in her direction, he casually trotted off towards the damaged buildings.  Ravage turned to follow, no longer worried about remaining in the shadows.   


"Sir," he said, "we should leave right away."


"Not quite yet," was the reply.  "I want to inspect some of the damage.  I know a few of the ponies that own these shops, and rebuilding could prove very profitable."  He continued on to the collapsed building...




As the mares got busy organizing the warehouse, Sakuya and Caliber were in the small office, going over a map of the city.  "So, starting from here," she pointed to their position, "we can branch out, and slowly take over the territory around the waterfront district."


"Is that were I come in?" Caliber asked.  "That 'challenge' you were talking about?"


"Close," she replied.  "For now, I want you as my personal bodyguard.  But when the time is right, you'll get your chance at a epic battle"  She smirked....





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A load crash forced Ravage to turn away from the newcomer, just in time to see a building collapse.  He eyed the scene, taking notice of the destruction around them.  


"Well," his master said, "that was interesting.  For the time being, it appears that my possible problem with the cyborg has been taken care of.  Still," his eyes narrowed, "we should remain watchful.  Excuse me, my dear, but I have business to attend to."  Having yet to even glance in her direction, he casually trotted off towards the damaged buildings.  Ravage turned to follow, no longer worried about remaining in the shadows.   


"Sir," he said, "we should leave right away."


"Not quite yet," was the reply.  "I want to inspect some of the damage.  I know a few of the ponies that own these shops, and rebuilding could prove very profitable."  He continued on to the collapsed building...


Ghost took his attention away from the newcomer to see the boss pony had begun moving. He seemed to be walking toward some of the buildings destroyed by that huge fight.


How can one pony be so calm and collected? He asked inside his head while scaling back up to the rooftops. Is he even aware of what's going on around him? Tartarus and all its monsters could be attacking the city but he'd just be on his way for his morning coffee!


He perched back onto the rooftop, feeling more comfortable with a higher vantage, and kept a sharp eye on the stallion and that Ravage pony, who seemed to be the smaller one's bodyguard. That would make sense.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Bloody hell, we need to work on our peripheral vision."


Enzo struggled to contain the ball of volatile magic, more for Device's and everypony around him's sake than his.


"Is that cyborg brain fucking dead? If you see a bright glowing, swirling ball of shit, you'd expect it to explode if you disrupt it, right?"


Opening his eyes once he stabilised himself, he was greeted by the sight of Darkly smashing through another  pasta shop. Noticing Device's damage to the cyborg, the stag muttered.


"That's the only thing she's been useful for lately."


The stag was about to engage once more, when he heard a low rumbling, and the groan of something very large breaking behind him. Turning around, he could only stare at the sight that greetd him.


"Oh dear"


The entire block was on fire and crumbling from the collateral damage of the battle. The large, yellow billboard on the top of the block that had the block letters "PASTA STREET MANEHATTEN" slapped across it fell down onto the street with a mighty 'blam' as the building crumbled, jolting Enzo out of his stupor.


As the building crumbled, Enzo desperately reached out to his power with a yell, roots breaking out of the ground to form a shield around him. Just before the makeshift shield finished, the entire building collapsed under it's own weight, pouring wreckage all over the street and over the dome of roots. Debris spilled onto the street like an avalanche, a typhoon of flaming concrete and rebar swamping the entire area


Burrowing the Stag inside. Only the sounds of silence and sirens reigned after.




( This is another oc. You don;'t know whether Enzo has died or not. Please welcome... Salleria )





A dark, feminine figure, sat at her desk, her feline feet propped on top of the table. Purple claws riffled through a stack of papers, Piercing eyes of the same color scanning through the dusty documents. Other than a lone, naked lightbulb and the sound of riffling paper, the office was dark and silent.


The silence was broken.


Purple talons picked up the phone. On the other end of the line, a raspy voice could be heard.


"Addressing Agent SI:7, Salleria. You have been hired in manehatten. A big head named "Sakuya" has requested your services. It's simple mercenary work. Whether you choose to accept, it's your call. We've got some spare funds after that job in canterlot."


The griffin lazily twirled the phone's wire with a talon, almost as if in thought. Opening a purple beak, she spoke in a heavy accent.


"I'm afraid i will decline this one. Manehatten is dirty and smelly. no good hunt there, only fat Business men who can barely run."


"I'm disappointed to hear that-"


A radio crackled to life.


*bzzt* Breaking news in manehatten. Strange weather patterns have been spotted in the area.*bzzt*


The Radio had Salleria's attention now. "Boss, hold that statement"


*bzzt*Plants have been spotted growing exponentially in accordance to this, and the sky seems to be raining blue wisps of an unknown substance, we are speculating that-

This just in: An entire building has collapsed and a whole street is in chaos, onlookers-


The griffin mulled over this new information. She pushed back her chair, taking a long look at her wall. What was supposed to be an empty corkboard was muddled with papers. Bounties to be precised. Ponies, dragons, every species imaginable had their faces on a piece of paper pinned to the wall, big red Xs on every single one of them, the mark of a successful hunt.


Except for one.


The griffin slowly got up, walking towards the wall. Her eyes drifted to that bounty. Her greatest failure. She plucked the accursed piece of paper from the wall, grasping it in her talons.


"Found you"


Throwing the paper in the air, she briskly walked back to her desk and grabbed the phone tightly with her talons.


"I retract my statement. Send me to this, 'manehatten'."


The griffin slammed the phone down, flinging on a black cloak and moving out the door.


As the bounty poster drifted down, lazily gliding through the air, one can make out the face plastered all over it. A silver stag with strange antlers.

Cresent's mind kept going back to the stag as he tried to fly back to his hotel if anypony was near him it would seem like he was arguing with himself. "karma that's all that is best to stay out of it"  


'trapped inside a burning building, probably too far' a truthful voice seemed to say


"he Stoll my ticket and my chance to find out who killed willow" he said to himself


'yet every tree has more then one branch' said the voice in him again


Cresent looked back at the ruined pasta shop. "...fine but this better not bite us" he flew back towards the burning building.


Once in front of the building he activated his gauntlet "time for a stress test" he said to the gauntlet and began to move what he could aside. after seeing the main object in fron of him unmovibul he looked for another way in. He tried to listen to the stags blood beat, it was still beating, good. The bat pony then spotted a window that seemed to have been broken. Gulping down his nervousness he flew up and smashed through the window into the burning building. Being met with a wave of smoke he coughed hard and focused on the other blood beat.


After moving more of the ruined building around he saw the shield the stag had made, that or something was hiding under an impressive amount of earth that somehow seemed fireproof?


Cresent knocked on the object "OI you alright?!" he yelled at it not sure how thick the earth was  

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They watched the bat-pony return to the collapsed building, and watched as he started moving debris.  "Interesting," the blue stallion observed, "He returns to find the stag that crashed into that shop."


"What do you want to do?"  Ravage asked.


"At the moment, nothing," was the reply.  "Let us just observe for the moment.  Remember, I am here as a concerned citizen, nothing more...."





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They watched the bat-pony return to the collapsed building, and watched as he started moving debris.  "Interesting," the blue stallion observed, "He returns to find the stag that crashed into that shop."


"What do you want to do?"  Ravage asked.


"At the moment, nothing," was the reply.  "Let us just observe for the moment.  Remember, I am here as a concerned citizen, nothing more...."


Ghost continued to track the earth pony along the rooftop, leaping onto the next roof when he was brought to the edge.

C'mon, bosspony, he mumbled inside his head, glaring down at the two stallions, What's your angle? Show me your little enterprise.


He watched as his target slowly and casually sauntered down the street, like he was going to a dinner party rather than a burning building.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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*cough* *cough* *hack*


The stag staggered within the darkness of the dome of roots, bits of concrete trickling from the ceiling. Through the cracks, flames danced amongst the rubble, casting a small, eerie glow. 


Enzo bumped into a wall, and slumped down against it. He wiped sweat from his face with a hoof.


"Perhaps creating a shield was not your  greatest of emergency responses"


Indeed is wasn't. Under a pile of burning concrete, the shield became a furnace. Either die from suffocation and heat, or take down the dome of roots and die from being crushed.


Or, of course, you could try your luck and risk teleporting into a wall. At this point, the stag felt quite hopeless.


*crunch* *scriiikt* *crack*


Enzo perked his ears up and weakly readied a spell at the sound of shifting concrete.


"Is it that damn abomination again?




Cresent knocked on the object "OI you alright?!" he yelled at it not sure how thick the earth was  


"It's the thestral from before."


"I'm not sure how i should feel about that. Is his cyborg friend with him?"




"Then he's probably the best shot we've got"


Loudly coughing to clear his throat, the stag yelled back at Crescent:


"Yeah, i'm fine being cooked alive. If you clear enough debris to give me eyes on any platform i can stand on, perhaps i can teleport out."








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*cough* *cough* *hack*


The stag staggered within the darkness of the dome of roots, bits of concrete trickling from the ceiling. Through the cracks, flames danced amongst the rubble, casting a small, eerie glow. 


Enzo bumped into a wall, and slumped down against it. He wiped sweat from his face with a hoof.


"Perhaps creating a shield was not your  greatest of emergency responses"


Indeed is wasn't. Under a pile of burning concrete, the shield became a furnace. Either die from suffocation and heat, or take down the dome of roots and die from being crushed.


Or, of course, you could try your luck and risk teleporting into a wall. At this point, the stag felt quite hopeless.


*crunch* *scriiikt* *crack*


Enzo perked his ears up and weakly readied a spell at the sound of shifting concrete.


"Is it that damn abomination again?





"It's the thestral from before."


"I'm not sure how i should feel about that. Is his cyborg friend with him?"




"Then he's probably the best shot we've got"


Loudly coughing to clear his throat, the stag yelled back at Crescent:


"Yeah, i'm fine being cooked alive. If you clear enough debris to give me eyes on any platform i can stand on, perhaps i can teleport out."








"got ya stand back from the wall" cresent yelled back at the mound of dirt.


He scaned the surondings for some sort of bar or ram he could use to break the shield with. It didn't help his surrounding's were on fire or to hot to handle.


"think cres whats a good way to crack an egg, we cant lift it, we could break it tho but with something like" he kept looking till he saw a beam of metel seemed to be cut off with a wicked looking sharp end flew over to it he took a breath and grabbed with his hoofs. It was like holding a pan after it was done cooking something making the batpony jump in pain dropping it


"ok now to find a glove or something" he looked around the heat seemed to be baking the place around him. realizing no actual object he could use might break the shield he looked back at the mound of earth. looking at his beat up as is gauntlet he grimaced 


"sorry about this" he activated the blade feeling more of his magic and energy get drained he flew to the highest spot in the building he could find then dove towards the shield closing his eyes hopping the pain wouldn't be as bad as he thought if not at least quick


The blade was abel to cut through the shield not all the way but enough for cresent to get his whole leg through the wall. his ribs were screaming at him from the impact. The bat pony only hoped he didn't cut the stag.    

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Ravage watched as his master surveyed the damaged building, seemingly ignoring the flames that occasionally whipped out from it.  "Sir, shouldn't we-"


"Quiet."  The order was quick and to the point.  They both watched, and from between broken rafters he noticed a figure suddenly fly down towards the floor.  "So, trying to save your new friend, eh?" the blue pony asked the open air.  "What motivates you?  Loyalty?  A sense of goodness?"  He voice full of curiosity...

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"got ya stand back from the wall" cresent yelled back at the mound of dirt.   He scaned the surondings for some sort of bar or ram he could use to break the shield with. It didn't help his surrounding's were on fire or to hot to handle.   "think cres whats a good way to crack an egg, we cant lift it, we could break it tho but with something like" he kept looking till he saw a beam of metel seemed to be cut off with a wicked looking sharp end flew over to it he took a breath and grabbed with his hoofs. It was like holding a pan after it was done cooking something making the batpony jump in pain dropping it   "ok now to find a glove or something" he looked around the heat seemed to be baking the place around him. realizing no actual object he could use might break the shield he looked back at the mound of earth. looking at his beat up as is gauntlet he grimaced    "sorry about this" he activated the blade feeling more of his magic and energy get drained he flew to the highest spot in the building he could find then dove towards the shield closing his eyes hopping the pain wouldn't be as bad as he thought if not at least quick   The blade was abel to cut through the shield not all the way but enough for cresent to get his whole leg through the wall. his ribs were screaming at him from the impact. The bat pony only hoped he didn't cut the stag.


Enzo shielded his eyes as small pieces of debris trickled from the ceilings from the impact. Fanning away the dust, he opened his eyes to see Crescent's blade through the wall.


"Yes, that's enough. I only need vision."


He walked closer to the blade and raised an eyebrow.


"Uhhh, do you need any help getting that out?"

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Enzo shielded his eyes as small pieces of debris trickled from the ceilings from the impact. Fanning away the dust, he opened his eyes to see Crescent's blade through the wall.


"Yes, that's enough. I only need vision."


He walked closer to the blade and raised an eyebrow.


"Uhhh, do you need any help getting that out?"

Hearing the stag on the other side made him smile "I think I got" he wiggled the blade back and forth a bit, "I think I can get" he tried to sheeth it but even then it was still stuck

"Lunas mane what did you make the shield out of?" giving one more finely tug the blade pulled out of the earth shield along with more of it and sending the bat pony falling back  "got it" he said now looking at the dome of earth in front of him

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Hearing the stag on the other side made him smile "I think I got" he wiggled the blade back and forth a bit, "I think I can get" he tried to sheeth it but even then it was still stuck "Lunas mane what did you make the shield out of?" giving one more finely tug the blade pulled out of the earth shield along with more of it and sending the bat pony falling back  "got it" he said now looking at the dome of earth in front of him


Enzo leaned over and put an eye to the freshly cut hole. Seeing flat ground, he ignited his horn and teleported out of the dome. Reappearing and expecting to land on his hooves, the silver pony instead found himself stumbling forward. Trying to correct his balance, he felt a sharp pain in his foreleg.


"You're injured from the spectra syringe"


*Flashback to Darkly landing the needle on Enzo's foreleg*




Using Khris's tassel ad a makeshift bandage, he limped over to Crescent, caution in his steps: He sees no reason to trust Crescent, but he owes him a thank you. Meanwhile, Khris's watchful eyes were open on a lookout for cyborg ponies.


"Thank you for the rescue. By the way, the dome is made of roots."


Enzo eyed his makeshift shield of roots, an eyebrow raised.


"It's meant to withstand blunt force, not precise cuts. I'm surprised you had some difficulty cutting through it. Perhaps some concrete got trapped between the gaps"

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