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open [RP] The Blackwater Quarry


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THE QUARRY - The Mines


Everypony had made their way down here to watch the proceedings with curious interest.  Half of them wanted to see the machine in action; the other half wanted Chuck and his crew to outdo it.  There was a lot of hushed whispering as the chosen crew got their mining shoes on and prepared to show the rest what they were made of.


Chuck himself was putting on mining shoes; a rare sight, to be sure - but there were a number of older ponies who had seen Chuck do his thing back in his younger days.  They knew this machine had its work cut out for it.  Once the workers were all ready, they moved into position next to another wall, focusing on a single spot without even having to coordinate with each other first.


Amidst the crowd, Luther stepped forward and spoke up, projecting loudly enough that his deep voice echoed down into the deepest sections of the cavernous mine tunnels.


"You will have exactly one hour to mine as many gems as possible.  No interference.  No sabotage.  No breaks.  When time is up, carts will be weighed and counted for the most accurate result.  This is to test the machine's efficiency under duress..." he looked over to Flim and Flam, "if the machine breaks, I will not purchase a single one."  His gaze turned back to Chuck and his group.  "Any miner that collapses will be out of this race."  He turned back to where he could see them both.  "Begin on my mark."


Chuck and his crew stood at the ready; Flim and Flam stood by their invention, grinning broadly.




The mining crew's first kicks all struck at the same time, as if syncopated, and the cavern floor shook.  Simultaneously, the machine whirred to life and began its routine.  Both off to good starts, both looking capable and effective... and the race was underway as the other ponies cheered for their chosen faves.

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"Wooo! Show them who's boss Chuck!"


Ziggy rose up and cheered when the race started, more or less sure that the ones in the game right now couldn't hear her, but not letting that deter her from rooting on the crew. The machine looked capable and all, but it was just a chunk of metal whilst the others were friends, so it wasn't hard for her to pick sides in this matchup.


Well... That, and the things that she had heard from Flim and Flam before.


It hadn't been very loud, but she had been close to them at that point, and combined with her having gotten used to keeping her ears open in case the faint sound of screams was heard within earshot of her office, it made for her taking notice of the little exchange too. And frankly, it hadn't sounded too good.


Now sure, there could be other ways to think about it than some sort of bad thing. Might be something regarding sales for all she knew after all. Yet it hadn't sounded so much like a sales pitch as it had like when a swindler got ready to take advantage of somepony or something, and she had heard that enough around Las Pegasus to get suspicious and mistrustful when faced with a variation of that kind of tone.


Wasn't that many that she really knew who to go with regarding this though. She couldn't go to the Blackwaters as they were busy right now in each their own way and it could sound like slander, and most miners were completely focused in the competition and likely wouldn't have listened anyway right now...


She kept on cheering - though at a lesser volume - whilst thinking about it for a bit, before finally just zooming quickly over next to Crescent and after landing softly on her hooves, leaned her head down to whisper something that wasn't meant for others ears. He had some pretty good ears on him, so it was a fair bet that he might have heard something too, and she knew he wanted this place to be safe. If anypony was gonna listen or already knew something, it'd likely be him.


"Hey, did you hear Flim and Flam whisper before too?"


More she didn't say before she rose her head again and cheered a bit more at the miners working against the machine. Better to try and be all sneaky-like with stuff like this. As least for now.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The Quarry- the lunch trailer


Scarlet had arrived after all the commotion of the Flim Flam brothers, as all were in the mine unknownst to her. 


Where is everypony I was told there were dozens of miners working here and other staff aswell not a soul in sight, maybe I missed something. Scarlet was trying to get her bearings no one at all had talked to her and she was a bit lost, she looked around the area and spotted things here and there some small buildings, a few large ones probably warehouses, the manor of course and the mine entrance, there was also a stage. How odd? If I knew where everypony was I'd get what I was after now and be done with it. But Scarlet did not so wasn't going to try for now.


Well one of these places has to be the canteen so may as well look for it, they are paying me to cook ha would do it for free anywhere but here. Scarlet spat on the ground, then moved to the first small building. "no that is a doc's office." The second time she had more luck and she found the kitchen, well this is terrible how do the ponies here even eat properly Scarlet started to inspect all the food and cooking utensils and spaces. "First things first this needs is a good clean." She got out a cloth from the sink then found a bucket and poured some cleaning agent in it mixed with hot water dipped the cloth in and started to clean everything it was going to take a while... 

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Scarlet was near the window, where she could see out into the quarry yard.  It look deserted, except for the big, showy stage set in the center of the open area outside.  Strange how there was a stage, yet no band; it gave an eerie, surreal feel to the place.


As she washed up, she suddenly heard a grunt from outside... then another... than another... then...


"I knew... this was too... good to be true... thought it'd be... easier to do... than this..."


As she watched, slowly a purple pony came into view from around the back of Shed #4, and he was dragging a sack that was actively moving, as if there were something alive inside it.  The unicorn pulled and pulled and pulled on it, dragging its bulk across the yard with what seemed to be a purpose of reaching one of the other sheds.


He let go of the sack, and leaned against the shed, letting out a sigh of relief as he caught his breath.  While doing so, he glanced around a bit, his eyes wandering around the eerily empty quarry.  Eventually, they came to rest on Scarlet herself.  He blinked, then smiled broadly and waved at her.  As soon as he was certain he'd been seen, he motioned for her to come to where he was.

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The Quarry- outside the mine


Scarlet put down the cloth, and walked over the yard past the stage to the Purple pony, on the way there their was a few thoughts passing through her mind what is in the bag, well sack and why is it moving?! Who is he and why is he the only one around, really what is in the sack!? Scarlet walked up to the station he was a bit  taller than her and his coat colour was a vibrant purple.


"Um hello? What do you want there um...? I don't know your name actually my name is..." Scarlet paused for a moment should I mention my real name I mean what if somepony finds out who I am I'll never get what I'm after, just Scarlet then there are load of Scarlets around yeah. She resumed "Scarlet my name is Scarlet, so what is your name?" Looking behind him at the bag, "what is in the sack?" She looked back at him "why don't you just use your magic, Unicorns are fragile creatures, need any help?"


Scarlet walked past him and now stood looking at the sack, giving it a once over there was certainly something moving in it, she didn't get too close to it, what pony knew what was in there, with the exception of the other pony with her now, she stood back and looked at him waiting for him to answer her questions.  

Edited by Emerald Bolt
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The stallion was kindly tall, but he seemed healthy and quite fit.  He had a grin in his eyes, and his general manner seemed to be jovial and carefree.  Giving her a once-over, he chuckled lightly, then introduced himself.


"Name's Knee Slapper.  I'm one of the foreponies around here, and it's a pleasure to meetcha, Scarlet.  Uhm... well, I've kinda got a bit of an issue with this..."


He looked down at the sack, which had momentarily ceased its wriggling.  Slapper's eyes went to the sack, and he smiled and shook his head.  Keeping his gaze on the bag, he leaned in close and whispered almost directly into her ear; she could feel his breath, he was so close.


"It's not like I'm gonna do any kind o' harm here - the plan's just ta scare him, but good.  Besides, he's done some petty vile stuff himself, over the years, so... not like it isn't karma or anything." 


With that, he straightened up and glanced, cross-eyed, up his muzzle at his horn.  "As for the horn, I've gotta do this so there's no magic residue or anything that'll trace back to me... y'know, in case things go flank-up.  But I could use a hoof, if you wouldn't mind.  I just gotta get this to shed #17; couldja get one end, while I get the other?"

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The Quarry- outside the mine


Could I get one end ha, see me unicorn we earth ponies are strong. "ha no need you just go where this is needed i'll move it!" Scarlet rather boldly walked to the bag and grabbed a corner with her mouth, he had pointed in the direction of where the shed was so she dragged it in that direction the bag was rather heavy, but not too heavy and she was not going to show any weakness to him she always was trying to prove her race's worth to every non earth pony she met and was not gonna stop here and now.


Knee was walking just inside her vision as she dragged the sack to where he wanted it a thought came to her mind, "hoooldf, ooooon, wwhhhhosse ttteeee ssacckk fffooooor?" talking with a bag in one's mouth is not very easy. She raised her eyebrows to make a serious note on what she was saying, i'm not helping if it's gonna get me fired i'll never get what I'm afterShe stopped spat out the bag corner and looked at him, "incase you did not make out what I said, I very much dislike pranks there rather silly, but I won't stop you but who is this for, If I get sacked for this i'll drop you right in it." 


Scarlet stood there with a very serious look on her face she was being paid to cook not play pranks on ponies. 

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@@Randimaxis,@@JonasDarkmane, @@Blitz Boom,


Cresent followed the crowd of pony's as they made their way towards the mine entrance with less enthusiasm then the crowd itself. His features had a tired look while his brain had a hundred different ways on how the competition would be won by a chosen winner. A team full of ponies with the right leader could get a lot done even more done with a guide. The way the machine looked (ooc im guessing here again a picture would be nice to see) cresent still saw more problems then solutions. Now matter how it was cut the machine would be a chore to get thru some obstacles in caves.


His need for more data was a overriding him, flying over the crowd of minors few noticing him he landed by the cave entrance next too the friendly waving brothers. He nodded at them when they gave him a curious look as he trotted inside the cave whistling a bats tune, paused glanceing over at the brothers "dumb question but that machine of yours has good lights right, or nightvision stuff. it'll help get through here alive if you want to win." he trotted further into the cave looking for a safe spot to watch the show from inside the cave. And to play reff for chucks sake, he was a good minor but the mine always had surprises for everypony.  

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@@Blitz Boom



The brothers disliked the notion of Crescent coming near the machine. 


"Good sir, stay away from our creation. We need to focus--


"--it is very important that we do so" they replied with a serious tone. 


Then they both faced the machine, their horns activating it and it came to life, chopping into the wall, both above it, in front of and below. The rocks either fell down large pipes or were sucked up by a powerful vacuum. Once inside the machine, the rocks started to grind immediately. Everything that held only rocks was immediately crushed into dust. Those rocks consisting of minerals, were grinded until mineral was visible enough and it was shot out by the back, starting to create a pile of minerals. There were rubies, there were amethysts, there emeralds, but most importantly, there were diamonds. 


Both the brothers seemed to be relaxing, Flam gasping, while Flim was reading a magazine, while their horns were powering the machine that was nimbly cutting it's way through, automatically gathering up the minerals. 


Flam looked up and saw their progress. 


"See good sirs? There is no obstacle our machine can not overcome". 


"It was built for the mines!" Flim added. 

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@@JonasDarkmane ,


@@Blitz Boom,

 seeing the brothers use the machine with their horns did impress him, yet not many unicorns were minors. Cresent herd the machine start tearing into the wall with speed. yet cresent still got worried. True anything that tunnels that fast would be great and a load off the minors but the one problem they didn't address...wildlife. And as cresent looked on..sound....it was how a good deal of accidents happened. He only hoped nothing did leap into the machine  


As the crowd approached some ooos and ahhs were herd hear and there and not many grumblings....from the few unicorns. Cresent then began to think up an idea for the brothers as the crowd showed up. He went up to one of the minors looking on


"am I the only one seeing magic being used over, well anything else?" It was low enough for no pony to hear him and even being the only batpony their he was still able to blend in the group of minors


to another he whispered "how many unicorns are among us, what of the other pony's jobs?" he trotted to another further away


"i wonder how much gas that needs?" cresent made his way through the crowd asking questions low enough for no pony to tell who asked them but loud enough to have the group start asking more questions...none of them were supporting the machine more doubts with it. Cresent then went towards the end of the the group to see what his work had done

Edited by cwhip9
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Slapper looked at the sack, then back at Scarlet, then at the sack again.  He sighed.


"Look, if you help me get it into the shed, beautiful, then I'll be more than happy to tell you what's going on - however, if we're caught, this could be..." he considered his words for a moment, "... kinda bad.  All the same, once we're there, I'll be forthcoming with the information.  Honest."


He began to glance around, the calm look that beset him earlier was beginning to crumble.


"But you won't really learn much if we don't get that sack into that shed; now please, hurry!"


He slunk his way over to the aforementioned shed, his neck craning this way and that as he searched for anypony else.





@@Blitz Boom


The line of miners were an impressive sight to see.


They seemed to work almost as if they were a machine themselves: their specially-shod rear hooves slamming into the wall, sending chunks of granite and shards of gems tumbling to the ground; the simple scoop of a bucket as they seemed to almost effortlessly gather the stones; the way the last one in line would pass the others, gathering buckets and dumping them in the cart, then returning to the front of the line... and all of this was being done fluidly.  If you stared hard enough, it was somewhat hypnotic in its movements.


"HYAH!"  Chuck yelled on occasion, right as the group of them reared up and slammed into the wall again.  The machine was fancy, and didn't seem to falling behind... but where it had speed in its focused areas, the miners were more spread out, and therefore seemed to have access to more wall than the machine did.  


This race was going to be close, either way you went.


Crescent's slight whisperings began to eke through the crowd, but it seemed more likely that the results of the race would probably determine more than simple words would.  All the same, he still noticed a few more ponies looking at the machine... differently... than they were a moment or two ago.  It might not make much difference now, but it certainly gave the workers food for thought.


Ziggy, being in the crowd like she was, noticed two things: first, that Luther Blackwater himself, though still wearing the common scowl he always wore, seemed VERY interested in the outcome of this wager, as he was making notes from where he was seated - and secondly, Redd was pacing nervously over by the far side of the cavern; he was there to be seen, and Chuck was mining his heart out... but where was Knee Slapper?

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@@Blitz Boom



The machine continued to tear through the walls, creating a tunnel. 


"You see, we at Flim Flam enterprises appreciate efficiency above all else--


"--why not have a machine that can withstand all sorts of calamities!!!". 


With that said, a large lonesome stalactite that was hanging above the machine suddenly and mysteriously, almost as if deliberately....., broke loose from the ceiling and came crashing down on the machine. However, the hulls of the machine above seemed to withstand the crash perfectly. The brothers made themselves look surprised by the falling stalactite, but put on a smirk as the machine withstood the hit. 


"Only the best from Flim Flam Enterprises!!!". 


They both laughed as they started to focus a bit more on controlling the machine, seeing as the other miners were starting to pick up a pace with them. 


"Our machine was created for safety purposes--"


"--not only is it great for being a replacement to miners in dangerous places--"


"--but it can also withstand any calamities that a miner would face down in the unforgiving depths of the earth!!". 


The machine continued it's progress, piling up the minerals behind it. 

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Huh, it seemed like Crescent had other things to think about after all then.


After not getting a response to her question to Crescent, Ziggy had looked at him a little more and his travel around the place before shrugging her shoulders and looking back to the mine where only holes were at this point, and nothing they could see. A ton of noise came from each, but thankfully no explosions or screams had gotten out at this point in time so it seemed that though they were rushing, both the machine and the miners were still safe. Or well, the miners at least. She still wasn't sure about the machine.


Considering the lack of anything for her to do or see right now, her eyes started a'wandering and eventually fell on Mr. Blackwater. He looked more or less like he used to, but there was something... Intense over him all of a sudden that had made her pause at him. Likely it was the wager going right now, as it would mean a good deal of changes here if the machine won, or a less than thrilled attitude to any further inventions from Flim and Flam if it lost, but it was hard to read that stallion really.


A pity he was already rich really. And not that social from all she knew. She could've made a mint taking him to the pokertables back in Las Pegasus since the pony was more or less as calm as the eye of a storm. That sort of thing really worked well at the kind of shadier places where your wit was a lot more worth than your cards, but eh. It was unlikely that she'd ever get him along to something like that so why keep thinking on this really? Well, beyond the entertainment value and her shifting inner focus at times that were, but those were more of a base for everything she thought than an exception with Luther.


It would take a few seconds before her gaze went onwards, trying to find somepony else to focus on... And that's when she noticed Redd.


If this had been any other day, she would have figured that him pacing around and looking like he was going out of his good coat was because if the robot won, the job of a lot of miners were at stake, which could include his. Yet today wasn't like all others. not after what she had overheard earlier.


About 10 seconds ticked on before she jumped up and spread her wings, getting a few meters into the air and slowly flying over to Redd in a straight line instead of the usual zooming around. When she was there, she would not land, but instead fly above his head as silently as she had flown there, and as odd as it may seem, flying/hovering on her back without falling to the ground. Whilst there, she had her neck   bent so she looked at him upside down with a concerned look going over the normally cheerful eyes.


"Are you okay Redd? You look a bit... Off."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The Quarry- outside the mine


"That is not a convincing argument there, Slapper but there would be explaining to do if somepony saw us and I bet you'd blame it on me to save your own flank." Scarlet with reluctance again grabbed onto the bag and started to drag it, she was boosted by her growing frustration and made very good speed to the intended destination. what is the hay is in this bloody bag as my sister would say. that remark made her chuckle as she heaved the sack.


After she had got to the shed she let go of the bag and sat down, "well bugger me that was harder than that looked... I wasn't supposed to say that." Scarlet was breathing somewhat heavily from dragging the damn sack a good ways to where they were now. well I've put my hoof in it now, he'll think bad of me and my species now, grrr. She looked at rather disgruntled, then rubbed the sweat of her head with one of her hooves.


"Now can you please tell me all the answers to my questions or i'll drop you in it."  Her conviction in that statement was not there though she was just keen for answers.

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@@Blitz Boom


Redd nearly jumped out of his coat.


"AAAH!  Zinger!  Don't DO that, you scatterbrained twit!  What do you want!?  Can't you see I'm-..."


Redd broke off mid-sentence, then leaned in closely to the Doc.  "Look, as far as things go, Knee's supposed to be enacting the plan right now - so there's a deal of pressure on myself at the moment, thank you very much!  I'm trying to look enthusiastic about all this nonsense, and at the same time I'm keeping an eye on the mouth of the cavern; if anypony heads there, I'm supposed to delay them... at least until Slapper gets back, curse his hooves!


He looked about to say more, but his eyes apparently caught another pony staring at them, because his frown returned quickly.


"... and that goes DOUBLE for you, you simpering simpleton!  Now leave me be!"  As he said this, he tipped Ziggy a conspiratorial wink before he went back to scanning the crowds near the cave's entrance.





 The crowd was huge.  Everywhere Crescent looked, he saw ponies, ponies, ponies... even a number of the staff from the manor had come down here, maids and servants and such - except the butler twins, standing regally to each side of Vylia Blackwater's flank.  The mass of noise couldn't be good for the spiders further down the cave, but it sure was a boost in morale as the miners cheered for whomever they had chosen.


Slowly, Cress began his whispering campaign.  Little by little, there were more of the miners who began to look... worried?  Questioning?  Second-guessing themselves?  Whatever the case was, the tide of cheers slowly began to swell for Chuck and his team; the bat-pony's words were making an impression...





Slapper started to put on his most winning smile... then simply sighed and looked at Scarlet.  Lowering his voice, he explained.


"Look, I'll just give it to ya straight - the pony in question might have had something to do with a very serious 'accident' in the mines the other day.  Now, we don't mean this particular pony any harm; we're just looking for answers, and this particular individual isn't very forthcoming with answers.  So, we did something a little... drastic... to get his attention.  Don't worry," he held up a hoof, "we used to do this kind of thing to each other all the time when we first started here, so we know what we're doing.  But we have GOT to find out what's going on before another pony gets hurt... or worse..."


Slapper turned and glanced down at the sack, which was squirming feebly.


"When the big presentation is over, the others'll meet me here, and we'll get down to brass tacks, so ta speak.  I do wanna thank you for your help - it's been a mo' since I was last in the proper shape to haul stuff like this.  I really appreciate it."


Slapper did smile then, and it lit up his face with gratitude.

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The Quarry- outside the mine


"I have no Idea what you are talking about so I will leave now, so whatever you are doing backfires I am not here, so you and the other staff can have your fun, I have a kitchen to clean and get on it's hooves (feet)." Scarlet left the odd purple pony to whatever nonsense he was up to. 


On the way back I wonder who he was talking about? Seems like it's gonna get out of hoof (hand) hope nothing too back happens, oh well. Scarlet had gotten back to the kitchen by then.


She stood in the doorway looking at what impact she had made before her odd little adventure carrying a bag of something, what was in that sack? Scarlet shook her head and picked up the cloth again, dunked it in the bucket and resumed from where she left off, she got really stuck in and some time passed she had the kitchen sparkling clean, you'd think that everything was brand new. "hmm, good as any damn unicorn magic." Scarlet went outside to the seating area sat down on one of the benches and had a rest cleaning a whole kitchen was quite a feat when one does not have wings or magic.


She looked at the stage again, "I really missed something didn't I?"

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Okay... So there was a plan and Redd was being weird. That was more or less all she understood of that.


She had been right though, the three foreponies were up to something. What she still hadn't the faintest idea about, but it sounded like it sorta hung on Knee Slapper doing something, and it made Redd on edge to not see it happening yet.


When Redd wandered off to do his rounds and stuff again, Ziggy stayed in the air whilst thinking a bit on what to do now. It wasn't nice to think bad things about others, and she tried to keep that at a low, but... It just seemed very suspicious. And if it was just a little prank, then why was Redd so tense about the whole thing? Sure, it could be because of the competition going on right now, but it didn't Sound like that was the reason from what he had said...


Perhaps it was better if she stuck her head into this just a little and tried to figure out what was going on. Just to be on the safe side.


With that in mind, she swung around so she flew the right way and started to fly around a meter or so over the crowd. She didn't think it'd be looked well upon if she just took off for no reason, but she could still look for Slapper or any of the other foreponies whilst stretching her wings and making sure to join in cheering for their miners.


It would probably not be a bad idea to look at what Redd were doing whilst she was up here. Just once in a while, in case he suddenly started to trail off from this and she could follow him towards Slapper.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, @, @Randimaxis

(I think I taged that right)


As cresent made his way around the crowd he still had this urge to see how the cave was reacting to all the activity. sneaking s best he could around everypony he found one of the many few other entrances the main mine had. The hole he crawled into was discovered more by accident then anything else. The said founder was fired for hiding drugs in the hole but cresent would occasionally check it out in the past to see where it led to, it led to the very center of the cave itself. He made his way further till he could see the opening of the cave from the inside of the mine.


As he crouched trying to gage the activity he noticed far far less spiders in the mine, not only that but standing in the mine itself was getting harder to do in order to keep your balance, that's one thing against this machine he made a mental note of. There was also the annoying bit of rocks falling, general not an issue with every minor wearing helmets made for it for this purpose. Yet as the rocks fell down he wondered just how much the helm  could take..


..then there was something that he felt drip on his helm, that was very hot. he threw the helmit off quickly seeing a small hole that seemed to have been made. "bite me sideways" he put the helmet on and made his way out of the mine via the hole he entered through...

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Though the quarry felt empty, there were still one or two workers who Scarlet saw make their way about the grounds.  


One of them was a small blue pegasus wearing a satchel.  She made her way across the main grounds, then roughly ten minutes later, she crossed the yard again.  Only five minutes later, she crossed again, making her way back to the other side once more.  What's more, she was trotting, not flying.  Normally, pegasi would simply wing it and cut their travel time way down by flapping their

way through the distance... but not this mare, for some reason.  


During one of her many passes, she noticed Scarlet and waved a hoof at her, smiling.


Why was this one still around while the others were gone?



@@Blitz Boom


The crowd was completely taken in by the spectacle of the miners and the machine.


Chuck's team were truly putting their shoes to the test as chunk after crumbling chunk almost seemed to fly off the wall with each strike.  Already, they were pouring sweat like they were working in the sunshine; Chuck, though, was grinning ear to ear, and his eyes had a spark in them that almost made him seem like an entirely different stallion than the grumpy old codger that usually sent the miners on shift.  He looked as though he was having the time of his life.


Redd, however, seemed as if he was on the verge of a massive coronary stroke if he was worrying any harder.  Any employee who looked at him got the stink-eye, and that included Ziggy... though she got the idea it was an act - this time, anyway.  Otherwise, he simply kept pacing back and forth near the mouth of this particular cavern.


Then, something caught Redd's attention.


He glanced over past the edge of the crowd, and his eyebrows went straight up his forehead.  He nodded, then glanced around a bit; with the mining race picking up the pace, he wasn't the center of anypony's attention now - except for Ziggy's of course, and he didn't seem to see her.


Redd quietly slipped off into the mouth of the cavern, heading out.  From the distance, it seemed as if Ziggy saw a flash of purple in front of Redd; a shade of purple matching Slapper's coat.  Both headed back to the surface.


She could follow them... or she could stay for the end of the competition - but not both.





By the time he returned, the mining was in a hard push; the machine had gotten ahead.


The twins were a direct opposite to the whirlwind of miner activity next to them - they simply strolled along behind the machine, chatting amiably as they kept up with its progress.  One of them glanced over at the hard-driving workers, then turned back and said something to his brother that was drowned out by the absolute racket.  The two laughed heartily, matching superiority sneers that were both aimed at the miner crew.


Crescent looked around, but the only forepony around was Chuck, and he was a wee bit busy at the moment.  Other than that, the only alternative would be to try to tell the Boss himself, who was standing emotionless by his family... yet, his eyes were locked solidly on the competitors.

  • Brohoof 3

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Boo, she hated chosing things like this.


On one hoof, she Really wanted to stick around and hear who the winners were, but on the other hoof... Something weird was going on with the foreponies, and if she was to find out what exactly that were she would have to follow now... *sigh* Why couldn't she have both her cake and eat it sometimes?


Though she felt the want to stay and see who rose victorious  - and now wanting cake - she instead sped up and zoomed in her way towards where Redd and perhaps Slapper had been heading. She did not land near them though per se, but instead had quickly gotten behind something on a roof and poked her head out, trying to hide whilst following where they were going and wondering what this would lead to in the end.


She doubted it was going to become something good, as secrecy usually meant something bad, but you never knew when Slapper was involved. Frankly, she shouldn't even get involved herself when it included him as his pranks hadn't gotten anypony seriously hurt before as far as she knew, but with most of the foreponies acting odd? It could end in something bad, and bad tended to mean somepony got hurt. The faster she were there to mend, or prevent if possible, the better.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The brothers kept on trailing behind the machine, talking about their success as they had complete confidence in their machine. The machine kept on tunneling through the rocks, grinding up the stone and gathering up precious minerals. The machine did not pause at all since, unlike ponies, did not need physical rest and therefore went on piling up the minerals. Diamonds, rubies, emerald and other precious material were being stored. Soon the storage would be overflowing due to the incredible amount of valuables it was gathering.


The brothers grinned as the amount of gemstones kept on increasing. 


"As the ponies have witnessed before--"


"--our machine is far better at dealing with dangerous situations. Quite right you are, brother!". 


"Had there been a pony right underneath, mining, when the stalactite fell--"


"--he would no longer be standing. In fact--"


"--he would never be standing up again at all!". 


"Our machine was designed for dangerous situations and it can handle them efficiently!"


"It is also far more efficient at mining and at gathering gemstones than a pony". 


"After we have proved our point here--"


"--every miner will be thanking us for having saved their lives!". 


The brothers looked back at the audience, smiling and waving, then focusing again on their machine. 

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The Quarry- outside the mine


Scarlet walked over to the blue pegasi why is all the ponies I have met today they are all acting suspicious, I mean what is with that Emerald would have a field day with her questions for all these suspicious ponies. Scarlet was now standing near the blue pony. "Um hello why are you waving at me, I mean I don't know you well it's just you waved a little more, um well enthusiastically than what I am used to from strangers just saying hi in the street. But where are my manners my name is Scarlet and I'm the new cook here I was taking a break from cleaning it's not se easy with no magic or wings, do you know where everypony is just well I have met one other pony now his name was well I can't remember but he had a vibrant purple coat and was unicorn. I supposed you know who I am talking about, which brings the question what are you doing going back and forth?" 


Scarlet loosened up her stance and waited for a response from the blue pegasus. first a unicorn that can't pull a sack now a pegasus that looks like she could not lift a cloud.    

  • Brohoof 2

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The blue mare stopped and looked at Scarlet and grinned.  She then turned to face her more directly, and brought a hoof up to point at her satchel, slung by her side.  On it was the word "TAPS"; she pointed at this word, then at herself.  Next, she pointed her hoof at her cap, which had a small plaque on it that said, 'Pony Express'.  With this information presented, she then saluted the Earth Pony. 


Apparently, she didn't speak.  Great.


However, she did glance over Scarlet's shoulder at the kitchen area of the Lunch Trailer.  She slowly wandered over and began looking around at exactly how clean it was.  Her eyebrows raised, and she made a broad wave with her hoof at the kitchen.  After the motion, she turned and nodded emphatically at Scarlet.


She seemed to be trying to convey that this was a well-done job.  Well, at least she wasn't as stuck-up as Scarlet might have assumed she was, being a pegasus.  Heck, she even walked - a pegasus who didn't seem to have a need to show off her wings.

  • Brohoof 1

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(am I the only one that is still using the locations requirement)

The Quarry- outside the mine


Scarlet stood there with her jaw agape for a moment, "you're a mute? Is that by choice or not, I'm guessing not by choice but I don't know you." Scarlet walked over to her was she was making quite a fuss about the cooking area. "I'm not sure what you mean Taps? Is there somewhere I missed?" Scarlet looked around the area she was pointing to and found nothing, she walked back over. "you're not blind so do you mean that I did a good job? Also why are you not flying it gets you ponies from one place to another a lot faster than walking so why not use your wings?"


Scarlet walked to a nearby bench and sat back down again she was still rather tired still from all the hard work of cleaning the kitchen an absolute pain in her flank. She gestured for her to come and sit with her, not knowing if she was or not she did look rather busy and just seemed to stop to say hi, without talking. Then to compliment her hard work. Well you're better than the unicorn I bumped into.

  • Brohoof 2

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@@Randimaxis, @@JonasDarkmane, Cresent wrestled hard on his next move, if he did what he felt was needed it could cost him his job if he couldn't convince Mr.Blackwater that the machine was dangerous, "to hey with it" he said and flew next to the brother looking friendly as a curious bee is with a flower


"quite a fast machine you got there lads my I perhaps help you win over the crowd behind you" he said smilling


moving closer to Flim he said "now what if I told you, you just opened up a vain of iron ore in the mine?" he turned to Flam now "if I said that then this machine if it could brush off that stalactite maybe hot molten rock would do as a perfect test for its strength surely if all these minor saw that it took on molten rock with such ease....well I do need to retire. after all being a guide for these pony's has been a bit longer then I thought....or not...but hey imagine the bits you two will make if it dose in front of everypony. hey you could possible but canterlot, or maybe more if you have your goal higher then that. I'll just let your opponent's know to avoid it so they wont get hurt I bet you understand softy is important after all"


he flew by chuck as he bellowed orders "chuck a vein has just been opened in the mine, you know what to do" he trotted to the side with the rest of the ponys


"hey cres what was all that?" asked the pony next to him


"they just opened a vine, I needed to let them know for safety reasons you know boring stuff" he said casually the pony nooded and answerd his coworkers question


Cresent looked calm but inside he only hoped the bait worked

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