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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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"And you still think this is a game." Sunset Shimmer shook her head once more, in disbelief. She slapped a hoof to her head, and groaned suddenly. "I...I don't have time for this! I'm sorry." With a quick flash of her horn, bright white fire erupted in a dome around Raze, closing him in. It also blocked his view of her, preventing him from seeing anything on the outside. Inside, the air temperature would jump through the ceiling from the flames, reaching several hundred degrees. The wooden floor wouldn't seem to burn, however, even in the heat. Instead, it shriveled, water being drawn out and flash evaporated from the everything enclosed within. And, as the effects continued, Raze would begin to suffer as well, growing weaker and eventually hallucinating from the resulting dehydration...




"I... think i'm full, actually. I was famished when I walked in, but honestly, it feels like i've eaten a ton." With magic, she subtly vaporized the five hayburger wrappers sitting on her tray, even as she lifted it up with her magic to go set it back on the tray. She looked back to Ice Blizzard. "I couldn't possibly eat any more."

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​Ice grinned slightly as he finally had seen Rarity eat a little bit more than she normally did. He got up, and dumped the trash off of the tray into a nearby trash can, and walked back over to her. ​"Sounds like you could use a nice rest after eating so much. That's what I usually do after doing so much stuff all day, ya know?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Hey!" Raze yelled. "Get back here you son of a--"


He cut down the magic fire with his Banishing Blade, making an opening wide enough to jump through.


"A game? You think I'm treating this like a game??? You really don't know anything!" He charged up to her, quickly thrusting his blade in front of her, attempting a stab.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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When Raze rushed out of the fire, his stab would meet air. It had been a distraction, and Sunset Shimmer and the mare were already gone...


The teleport re-opened up in the hospital, the two ponies appearing in a flash at the front desk. "This mare needs help!" Sunset Shimmer called out to the nurse ponies on waiting, who immeadietly summoned up a stretcher, carrying her away. The remaining pony, Nurse Redheart, shot her a hardened look.


"There's a stallion, out on the loose, and I think he has it out for this mare. I didn't catch his name." Sunset Shimmer shook her head. "But he is dangerous. I recommend maximum security for her until she's back on her feet, and maybe guards thereafter. This is serious." A small piece of paper was conjured in the air in front of her, and she handed it to the mare. "Here. This is the name you want to send a message to if anything goes wrong." She turned, and began walking towards the door once again.


"Wait." Nurse Redheart took a step forward, looking at her intently.




"...It's good to see you back, Sunset Shimmer."

"...You too, Nurse Redheart." The two flashed equal smiles at each other, as Sunset Shimmer left the hospital. Her thoughts immeadietly drifted to stallion again...





"Well..." Rarity put a single chin up to her hoof in thought. "I suppose that does make sense. And i'll have to thank you for mentioning it; it's been quite a long time since i've had a long rest. La Clochette's  kept me so busy, you see." She finally gave a dismissive shrug, as she she pulled her seat away from the table. "Well thank you, Ice Blizzard; it's been quite the wonderful time here today."

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Ice nodded, and got up as well. ​"Yup. It was a really good way to spend the rest of the day. Me personally, I guess I'll just walk around, and maybe drop on my bed and pass out unless something else happens." ​He placed some bits on the table to pay for the food, and walked up next to her. ​"We should do this more often, hm?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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“Well, if I could share it; I might be inclined to do some with someone so appreciative of it. Alas… I’m not even sure how I got these abilities in the first place.” Fuse reached into his pocket and dropped a heap of bits on the counter to pay for his drinks before getting out of his seat, “Well, I’m feeling suddenly motivated to get to work so I think I’ll get to work on that order of yours. Give me a couple days and they should be ready.”

Edited by Star Saber
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@@Fractured @




She could see it approaching fast.  Was this the way it happened?  But that couldn't be right.  If she was seeing light, then her soul was ascending.  


But she couldn't be ascending, because she had no soul.  It had been taken, no, ripped from her body at the moment of birth.  She was never given the choice of what she was to become, but how could she complain?  Sure, she harbored some wonders about what it would have been like to live a peaceful life, a life without constant blood and debauchery, a life with a soul.


And then she'd remember the powers that she had been granted by this infernal contract.  Could she live without them?  Would she be able to live the same life she told herself she enjoyed?


That question would have to wait for another time.  The light was beginning to engulf her form, and she welcomed it.


And then her eyes adjusted.  Things began to take form, and what she thought was paradise looked to be more and more like an emergency room.  Could this just be part of the experience?


No, it couldn't be.  Somehow, she'd survived, but how?  The last thing she remembered was Ra-




Carnelian was no stranger to anger, neither was hatred unknown to her.  However, this felt entirely unlike any of those emotions.  It felt like every muscle in her body had turned to flame, as if her body was becoming engulfed with the flames of her wroth.  


Raze.  A name which shall live in infamy.  A name which deserved to be beaten, deserved to be quartered, deserved to be shredded, devoured by pigs, strangled, defiled, STABBED, POISONED, FLAYED, DROWNED, DISINTEGRATED, OBLITERATED, EXTERMINATED, INCINERATED.


Judgement was coming for the insect that dared sting her, and when she finally had him, she was going to enjoy bleeding him.




And over.


And over.


And over.


And over.


And over.


Until he learned to enjoy it.

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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"Dammit!" Raze yelled, slamming a hoof on the ground. "What's wrong with people here?! They jump in blindly at every little thing going on, not even once questioning what the hell's happening... Everyone wants to be a hero, and yet they don't know the enemy's right there, and they're helping them!"


He sighed heavily in frustration. No... how could she have known? She never saw the initial fight ensue, nor did she see what the baroness's nature was. When she does... she'll regret saving her.


Even though he knew this... he couldn't help but feel pissed. She would be treated and healed, and he'd be right back at square one, only this time, he was way worse for wear than before.


"Damn it all... just... Damn it all!" he muttered to himself. He left the abandoned building in a hurry. He had to find Lektra, somehow. He figured he may need his new equipment--and possibly a little bit more--much earlier than he expected.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Night Tracer opened his mouth in question, but then snapped it shut, deciding--as much as he felt he needed to--it was best not to question Luna right now. "Just do me one favor?" he requested, his eyes moving from the floor to hers. "Be careful," he stared at the ground once more.


"Also," he sheepishly asked, "I need somewhere to sleep." A smile crept across his face nervously, hoping for a sliver of something in return. 


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Some time after Tyra had left, Lorec awakened within his own infirmary bed. Still quite sore from his battle with the pride of the Shatterhoofs, Lorec found difficulty in moving around, even though he had become accustomed to such conditions after a lifetime of war. Perhaps his age truly was beginning to catch up with him. Had Lorec felt this way before his fight, he would have cursed himself for his own weakness. But that was simply not the case. Lorec had gotten the closure he had needed. No longer was he a survivor of an ill-fated battle that constantly sought to atone for his failings. He had come to terms with what had transpired two years ago. All the mattered now was what he had woke up to; his daughter sleeping peacefully within his arms, her head resting upon his abdomen. Lorec frowned as he gently twirled her hair with his finger. He must have worried her terribly.




As of slow a pace he could muster, Lorec started to climb out of bed. Picking Sifana up and allowing her body to rest within one arm, the gargantuan minotaur walked towards his great zweihander and its sheathe, which had been sat upon a table at the end of his bed, as per regulations for the belongings of contestants. The blade was broken in half, and in heavy need of repairs. Collecting the harness and mounting it upon his backside, Lorec grabbed the hilt of the sword. As he did so, it gave off an amber aura, as the soul within called out joyously to its master. Grinning as he sheathed the pommeled half, he grabbed the other half of the blade with his free hand. He would take Sifana home first, and then he would seek to have his sword repaired... And after that... It would be time to gather his fellows, and prepare for the ritual that he had been called to perform. It was the least he could do to honor his patron god, who had blessed him with his fallen kin's presence one more time....





Galtos, revived into the waking world himself, viewed the Sadaurians who had taken the surreal journey along with him. They had all stood there in a trance together, having joined hands in order to visit their sworn in Equestria metaphysically. Shooting a look towards Lorec's wife, he released her hand and spoke. " Are you sure that you do not wish to stay in this world as Draugr? You will be among kindred souls here. You can fight, drink, and fornicate whenever the hell you want! You are Golden Horn, and you do have a place in this world."

Venna refused flatly, shaking her head as soon as he had begun to make such a suggestion. " We have all come to terms. We knew what could happen when we chose to give ourselves to the glory of the Golden Horns. We wished to see our successors, our beloved one more time to see them off. We are all in agreement that we should leave this world to the living, as per our discussion... Now that we know that Lorec and Sifana will be alright without us..."

Galtos raised his left hand and lowered his head, signaling for her to stop her speech. " Alright, you've said all that you need to. All of you will gather in the area that we have discussed, and then he will take care of the rest." The pale rider then brought his head back up, and extended his right hand towards the minotaur in front of him. Smiling, she clasped his forearm with her hand, and he reciprocated the action. ".... You sure you don't want to- " Her smile faded as she pulled in closer towards him, attempting to crush his hand with all of the force that she could muster. " I already told you that it isn't going to happen, god of conflict or not. "



No effect, as he simply laughed it off and retorted with a causality that eerily hinted that this particular conversation has happened before, albeit with others. " Can you really blame me for trying? After all, my spear is always polished and ready to thrust towards my enemies." 

" A spear and a dead, limping snake are not one and the same."

" Oh-ho! I can see why the Beast of Sadauris was tamed by your hand then. But enough with the crude humor. "  Letting her hand return to her, Galtos banged his cuirass with his fist, and dipped his head as a show of respect to his soon departing brethren. The Saduarians facing him did so in turn, including Venna. Finishing the motion, he returned to his usual stance of having his arms crossed. Stepping back a few paces, he decided that this all needed to end on a short, sweet note. 

" My brothers and sisters... There is little I can say now that has not been said during the past two years. When I found you all in the state that you were in... I felt the burden of regret as your souls swarmed around your bodies, tethered to the battlefield by regret, loss, humiliation, and rage... Truth be told, your souls should not have been clinging to this world, but our blood, forced to bear the weight of a curse that has afflicted us for generations, does not allow a peaceful transition to the afterlife. You were denied the spoils of the eternal conflict, out of an old grudge of an enemy, who's head I failed to take before this fate was thrust upon us...."



Galtos paused, and took off his helm, so that he could properly look his kin in the eye as any honor-bound warrior would do. The pale rider, who thrived in oceans of combat and cries of war, had sunken into a sullen state, though he refused to physically show it. After all, when viewing those who were bound by the same chains that he suffered was enough to grind one's spirit against jagged rock, and into dust. But what hurt him so was not his empathy, but the fact that he could not go with them. He, who had been labelled a god by those in his homeland... He, who swore to answer the call of Sadauris when they cried out for salvation against their enemies... He, who had to fight time and time again to preserve infamy within all corners of the world, grew bitter, not towards others, but towards himself.



After all, he could stop at any time. He could simply give up, and leave the physical shell in favor of a better eternity. But Galtos knew the moment he did so, that he would be turning away from his responsibility. Galtos would not dare to forsake his own people, his own descendants. Who would save them if a grand threat from a foreign land conspired to destroy their way of life? It had happened before. Certainly, it will someday happen again. 



And even if this were not a factor, there was something Galtos sought that would not allow him to embrace eternal sleep. Perhaps that was the true curse of the Stormbringer. The choice between personal satisfaction, and abandoning those you made a promise to. Galtos considered the latter to be retreating.



And the Stormbringer. Does. Not. Retreat.



Recovering his will to speak after these personal thoughts rushed through his head, Galtos began pacing back and forth, eyeing down every last member of his band that had been brought back as undead to complete their transitory phase to the other side. " But even then, you all stayed strong, keeping a watchful eye on the two who would carry on our legacy! And now, they have been freed from the past, as you all are now! Our legend remains intact, and its future secured! The only way open to you all now is forward! So you all are going to march with heads held high, onward towards the center of our city. And then, you shall be set upon the path that rightfully belongs to each and every one of you! You all are going to march upon Yulver's great plain, and you are going ​to damn well annihilate that battlefield, and show the gods why you DESERVE to be there! Woe to any who face down the charge of our band, because the last thing that'll be going through their heads will be our swords, our axes, and our spears! NOW MARCH, MARCH TO WAR WITH MY BLESSING! "



Galtos had worked himself into a frenzy, as was the case when he wanted to inspire those under his command. He thrust his right fist towards the sky, a the hundred or so warriors in front of him imitated, throwing hooves and hands towards the high heavens, where they would soon be journeying towards. At his beckoning, they all turned and began to march towards the center of the hidden city. And Galtos, as he had done so many times before, stayed behind to serve as their vanguard in the realm of the living. 



Venna, who had been Lorec's wife during her years among the living, had fallen behind the others as they marched onward. As soon as the last had passed her by, she turned to see Galtos there, watching intently. Smiling at him from a distance, she bowed her head, and mouthed two simple words. Words powerful enough to cause the faintest of smiles to creep along Galtos's face. 



" Thank you.... " 



Watching on as Venna then turned to rejoin the rest of her ilk, Galtos would be greeted by a cloaked stallion that wandered from behind. His drab, tattered hood obscuring most of his features, save for a few locks of his grayed mane hanging down, and his horn slightly protruding from underneath. While many would think this to be nothing more than an unassuming beggar, the object upon his backside screamed otherwise. Completely wrapped within ancient white linens that were fading into a yellowish hue, a staff-like object was tied to his back with the same material, wrapping multiple times around his underside in order to secure it. Wasting no time with formalities, the stallion spoke to him as if he had known him for years. " So then, Stormbringer. I assume you still plan on going to Equestria to indulge in your need for entertainment? "


Galtos refused to bat an eye towards the pony who had arrived at his side. Gripping at the sword at his side and resting his hand upon it, the Stormbringer kept his gaze upon the departing force that he had sent off, satisfied with the results of his actions thus far. " Yes. Equestria has finally produced something that I want. And I will have it. " 


The stallion in question showed no physical signs of objection, merely resigning himself with a stoicism that would make one think that he had all the time in the world. " Very well. While I normally wouldn't dabble within your affairs, I would like to extend my hoof in assisting you towards your goal. After all... The implications are more than beneficial to us as well. " Galtos, scoffing at his acquaintance's remarks, turned away from the crowd and started along the opposite direction, towards his arena's other exit. Not bothering to stop for a meaningful conversation, Galtos said his piece to conclude the exchange, refusing to show common courtesy to this mysterious figure. " Normally, I wouldn't even want your help. But I think I've waited long enough for this. My ship leaves in two hours. Getting me to the strait south of Griffonstone is enough. "


At this, the cloaked figure couldn't help but muster a knowing smile from underneath his hood. Following the crowd out of the gates of the Colosseum, he stayed silent. Thoughts and plans swirling within his head. This was but the first step to break a chain of monotony that had engulfed the hidden city for far too long. It was time to accelerate a grand design that was gaining little momentum with the way events had been transpiring for the last few centuries... The greatest question, however, had yet to be answered; was the world ready for the revelations and changes that such a design would bring about?


I'm coming for you, boy. '





Kazas leaned inwards as his face contorted into one of empathy and understanding. Their food had arrived, and yet, Kazas had found himself not quite willing to eat just yet. Ever the one to produce a soft smile that was able to ease the hearts of his compatriots, Kazas did just that, as the reflection of candlelight danced in the reflection of his one good eye. " But you made it out of that hell, did you not, Vera? And now, we are here. Surely, a blessing from creator Avae himself, yes? " 

Kazas extended a claw towards her, laying it upon the table with his talons open. His intention was clear. He wanted Vera to rest one of her hooves within it, so that he may consul her from the heart.






Taking to a low flight path just above Bangcolt's skyline, the ring-haired monk searched tirelessly for Caliber. Alleyway after Alleyway yielded no favorable results. Soon enough, Naga began yelling for the swordspony, hoping that such an action would garner some reaction. If not from his friend, then perhaps from someone who knew him? After all, Caliber was known throughout the city as a popular contestant. " Caliber! Caliber, be you close to me, friend?!?!? "

  • Brohoof 2

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vera gave a simple nod, and put her hoof on his claw. "…Yup. I swear sometimes I would've rather been eating leeches than do that crap. But it's good that that that's in the past and I can move on now. I got you to thank for that." she finished, looking into his eyes with a strong grin.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Caliber walked through the city, absentmindedly, pondering through what had happened. Sure, he had won quite a few matches--but they were mostly combatants that weren't exactly...'On his level.' Only a few he took seriously. And the few he did--he lost against. Sleight, Lektra, Orion...Well, maybe not Lektra, but it certainly felt like a loss. 


He always got excited, when time came for him to do battle against someone who was as skilled as he was. But lately, he was beginning to think that maybe, he was just mediocre...?






Even if he was, he wouldn't accept it. He would train, until he was certain he was rising to the top. His spirit would become as unbreakable as his sword, his skill, just as sharp. He had a fire, and damn if he wasn't going to kindle it! Kindle, with every emotion he had at his disposal--ambition, rage, frustration, joy, until it burned with the same intensity as a raging storm.


With that mental vow being declared in his mind, he turned, from his aimless wandering, to begin marching towards the Training Arena. That bot is never going to know what hit him--

" Caliber! Caliber, be you close to me, friend?!?!? "



He frowned, hearing the distant call for his name. Recognizing it was Naga's, and realizing--with a pang of guilt--that he hadn't attempted to connect with his friend once, since he arrived in Bangcolt.


He decided on calling back out to him.


"Naga, right here!!" 




Hiero stepped out from the building, into the cool afternoon air. Wondering to himself, if every pony in this city was quite as powerful as that Ironblade mare, as he walked out into the streets. 


She rather reminded him of Abel's fighting style. He smiled to himself, recalling the earth pony he had called a friend for so long. 


...But that was the past. And dwelling on it could prove fatal. 




'...I think I'll go into the tavern.' He thought to himself, beginning to move towards the building that somehow seemed brighter then the others. Gently making his way past the doors, he sat down at the counter, noting how almost everyone else in the room looked just as shady as he did. Cloaks, and sheathed weapons decorated the room...Typical. 

Edited by P-Jay


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Tyra, meanwhile, had found herself inside a bar near the arena, enjoying a tall mug of strong cider to celebrate her winning her first fight. Not to boast her hard-won victory over Lorec by any means - it was tradition back in Trotstheim to celebrate winning a battle with food, drink and song. But since the bar did not serve salmon - a running habit throughout Equestria that she had grown quite tired of - she settled for the last two, in the form of good drinks and local music playing on the machine in the corner.


Many patrons who had watched her fight congratulated her and patted her on the back, even offering to buy her a drink. Of course, she accepted their offers gladly, on the grounds that they would enjoy the round with her.


Part of her was disappointed that Lorec was still asleep when she had woken up in the arena's hospital wing. Had he been awake, she would have invited him to join her in a heartbeat. But she had decided to let him and Sifana rest.

Fights were a common occurrence in her homeland, though all goodnatured and the only penalty for losing being buying the first round of drinks to the winner and company.


The alcohol in the mainland wasn't as strong as the mead her uncle would make back home, but she had been putting away quite a lot of cider. She was already feeling a buzz, and would not exactly turn down an opportunity to fight, if offered...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Yes...A dozen will do...If that is the soonest they can be here, I will accept that.  Good day."


Carnelian replaced the cell phone in her saddle bags, resuming her trek towards the Guard Captain's office.  Whether or not her generous gift had gotten through, she expected something favorable out of him.  If not, a dozen of her House Guards would arrive in a matter of hours to protect her.


Without knocking, she entered the office, looking around for the stallion she wished to have words with.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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War continued to listen in on the conversation, it seemed the Alicorn of the night wasn't about to forgive him so easily. War wondered what exactly the little blue Pegasus had done to offend? Whatever it was it didn't sound like it was going to get mentioned.


Luna expressed that he was going to have to make it up to her through his actions and War couldn't help but to agree. He found himself nodding behind the door the heard Night ask for a place to stay. War backpedaled from the door assuming after that conversation Luna certainly wouldn't let him stay in her room would she?


If that was the case they would have to come out, if not this minute soon and War didn't want to be seen here. He quickly scurried down the hall and away from the princess's chambers. He was still interested in what he had heard but knew that was all he would get for the moment. He decided to push it from his mind and instead left the castle, his urge to train gone.


He had to admit he felt a little dirty for spying, it wasn't usually like him to behave like that but then again he had never been around a princess before and somehow that made it far more interesting. Still he felt embarrassed and like he needed to shower. Maybe having a look around the city would take his mind off of it and make him feel better. He was new here after all and would rather not end up in another situation like that just because he was lost. He needed to formalize himself with the area, maybe meet a few ponies as he did.

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"Given the current stress of the situation, no doubt you are weary." Luna still didn't turn around to face him, but instead flipped out one errant wing, pointing it in the direction of the bed. "As before, you may use my bed, until such time that a different one is available for you to use. I will warn my sister beforehoof, so that there are no accidents this time. If that is all, sleep well." She retracted her wing, before walking to the open door once again.





"Before you, I used to do this with my friends. I say used to because its been quite a long time since we've done anything together. Bangcolt has kept us quite busy, in truth." She rolled her eyes up in thought. "Though, having uninterrupted time in order to put all of my things together has been pleasant, for the moment. Still, I miss them." She smiled to herself. "Still, I suppose that's just natural right?" She headed out of the shop's open door, and back onto the street.




@Star Saber

"Then that just leaves me the days to savor until I get them, and stir this town up beyond recognition. Oh and of course, to see you again. You're quite fascinating, in truth." She smirked, before turning around to face the building's exit. "I'll be back later in order to pick them up. And doubtless, i'll be the one finding you. So..." She turned her head to the side, and flashed him a grin. "Don't worry about it."

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Ice followed her out the door, and gave an agreeing nod, ​"Pretty much. In my opinion, it's good to feel free to hang with whoever you wanna hang with. But at the same time, it's also normal to feel as if you miss those in your usual circle." ​He shrugged as a soft grin crossed his muzzle, ​"It's sorta what I do sometimes, but ya know, it's all good."


He raised his neck up, and looked at the clock tower high over the city's skyline. ​"Hm...after a day like that, I think I'm gonna head over to the spa to get some relaxing. Anything you could recommend me?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Yes...A dozen will do...If that is the soonest they can be here, I will accept that. Good day."


Carnelian replaced the cell phone in her saddle bags, resuming her trek towards the Guard Captain's office. Whether or not her generous gift had gotten through, she expected something favorable out of him. If not, a dozen of her House Guards would arrive in a matter of hours to protect her.


Without knocking, she entered the office, looking around for the stallion she wished to have words with.

Inside, was a navy blue pegasus, sporting a blue-and-red mane, neatly combed to one side. He wore dashing armor, that covered his chest, and most of his legs. A helmet laid on the desk, amongst the paperwork. Two sheathed blades leaned against the desk...


He looked tired. But still managed a wide, friendly smile once the baroness walked in.


"...Why, hello! May I ask what grounds you decided to come speak to me?" He asked, in a light-hearted, casual tone. But still conveyed formality, through the easygoing voice. "And please--do try to make it quick. Although, you aren't required to. I just have...A rather lot to do."

Edited by P-Jay


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"Alright then. I will go and address receptionists at the battle dome. Please do notify them of my arrival." Luster turned around and left the lobby. She extended her wings. She crouched low and jumped, rocketing high into the air, before she ignited her thrusters, tearing across the Bangcolt sky. In a matter of seconds, she landed at the doors of the arena, and made her way into the lobby towards the receptionists

Edited by Denim&Venom

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Sederia sighed, and shook her head. "See that? That right there is what I won't tolerate. So quick to assume the worst and get angry at something as trivial as little pieces of paper? No. If we're going to be working together, you need to curb that. Here and now."

Rather unexpectedly, Snowstorm seemed to pacify at this. His gritted teeth were slowly covered by his lips. His eyes shuttered close and he took in a deep breath before reestablishing eye contact with Sederia. "Very well. You want fifty ponies to read these and I'll do just that." He said complacently. "But be warned now that there's nothing I hate more than someone wasting my time. If you don't have a point to all of this, I suggest you get planning before my interest in you wears thin."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Inside, was a navy blue pegasus, sporting a blue-and-red mane, neatly combed to one side. He wore dashing armor, that covered his chest, and most of his legs. A helmet laid on the desk, amongst the paperwork. Two sheathed blades leaned against the desk...


He looked tired. But still managed a wide, friendly smile once the baroness walked in.


"...Why, hello! May I ask what grounds you decided to come speak to me?" He asked, in a light-hearted, casual tone. But still conveyed formality, through the easygoing voice. "And please--do try to make it quick. Although, you aren't required to. I just have...A rather lot to do."


Carnelian took a seat in a nearby chair, reclining leisurely.




"I wish to make known a criminal.  His name is Raze, a black stallion armed with a Neighponese sword.  He should be registered here at the arena.  I would like to press charges against him, among which include assault in the first degree, destruction of personal property, felony armed robbery...and attempted murder.  I have multiple witnesses, including your pick of the guards stationed in the arena lobby yesterday whom, might I add, will more than likely also add the charge of evading arrest and aggravated assault as well.


"There is also the mare who saved my life, Sunset Shimmer.  From the way the nurses spoke of her, I would assume her word would carry some weight.  While we're talking about her, I wish to also add that when we are done here, I ask that you point me to her.  I owe her my gratitude."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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Rather unexpectedly, Snowstorm seemed to pacify at this. His gritted teeth were slowly covered by his lips. His eyes shuttered close and he took in a deep breath before reestablishing eye contact with Sederia. "Very well. You want fifty ponies to read these and I'll do just that." He said complacently. "But be warned now that there's nothing I hate more than someone wasting my time. If you don't have a point to all of this, I suggest you get planning before my interest in you wears thin."


Sederia nodded once. "Oh, don't worry. Once you garner enough attention towards the message I'm trying to put forth, you'll see what I mean when I say that this will cause a deep impact upon Bangcolt, and then upon all of Equestria. However, in order to win big, you have to start small. Got it?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Jade was pushed back from Mni, and felt a quick distress as she realised she had been disarmed. Her sword was still lodged in the demon's chest... but not for long.


He removed the blade, and began licking his purple blood off of it. A look of disgust and concern came over Jade, and she shook her head, trying to focus on the battle and not on her opponent's apparent masochism.


I need my sword. It's the only way I can do damage to him.


She broke into a sprint, weaving in a zigzag formation before leaping up and darting for her sword's hilt. If she was fast enough, she could grab it.

"This fight has gone on for too long!" Mni declared in a voice that sounded like he was enjoying himself. With Jade's sword poised in his hoof, he charged at her as she ran at him in her zig zag pattern. He saw an opportunity where she was in range for him to hit her. She had just made a turn, which put her running right into his swing.


Mni wasn't able to make the sword glow, but instead, a red aura swelled around his front legs that gripped the blade as he swung at her. "Demon energy may not be as powerful as pony spirit power, but it gives A LOT MORE PLEASURE WHEN USED!"


Tricis had said that there was something strange about this place that increased your bodies spiritual power. Jade was feeling something unlock in her, brought on by her determination and emotion, her desire to keep Mni from winning. Time seemed to slow down around her, but in reality, she was just moving faster than she ever had before.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"This fight has gone on for too long!" Mni declared in a voice that sounded like he was enjoying himself. With Jade's sword poised in his hoof, he charged at her as she ran at him in her zig zag pattern. He saw an opportunity where she was in range for him to hit her. She had just made a turn, which put her running right into his swing.


Mni wasn't able to make the sword glow, but instead, a red aura swelled around his front legs that gripped the blade as he swung at her. "Demon energy may not be as powerful as pony spirit power, but it gives A LOT MORE PLEASURE WHEN USED!"


Tricis had said that there was something strange about this place that increased your bodies spiritual power. Jade was feeling something unlock in her, brought on by her determination and emotion, her desire to keep Mni from winning. Time seemed to slow down around her, but in reality, she was just moving faster than she ever had before.


Jade gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes as Mni poised to swing her own blade at her. His hooves glowed with a red aura, seemingly powering up his swing.


But she couldn't lose. Not to this demon, and not to her own blade.


She blinked and widened her eyes as she felt something in her chest. Like something was unlocking within her. Mni's swing slowed to a snail's pace before her. She didn't have time to look around and confirm that time was brought to a near standstill around her; she needed her sword.


She leaped between Mni's forehooves and aimed a kick straight up at his jawbone. If she was lucky, his grip on her sword would loosen, and she could take it back and deliver a few blows of her own while she had the chance.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Carnelian took a seat in a nearby chair, reclining leisurely.




"I wish to make known a criminal.  His name is Raze, a black stallion armed with a Neighponese sword.  He should be registered here at the arena.  I would like to press charges against him, among which include assault in the first degree, destruction of personal property, felony armed robbery...and attempted murder.  I have multiple witnesses, including your pick of the guards stationed in the arena lobby yesterday whom, might I add, will more than likely also add the charge of evading arrest and aggravated assault as well.


"There is also the mare who saved my life, Sunset Shimmer.  From the way the nurses spoke of her, I would assume her word would carry some weight.  While we're talking about her, I wish to also add that when we are done here, I ask that you point me to her.  I owe her my gratitude."


He nodded, once she finished. 


"...While I understand your obvious concern for your safety, and...Obvious desire for this 'Raze' to be put in prison, I must say one thing in return..."


He stood up, walking with a spring in his step, to the drawers. Opening the bottom one, he pulled out a thick sum of folders, bringing them back to the desk. Each one was at least ten pages thick...


"...I'm afraid catching Raze can't be a top priority. I can assign one of my detectives, on your case, provided you--and all witnesses, including this Sunset--are willing to sit and be given an interview of all the information you hold. But it may be some time, yet. Even now, he may be escaping Bangcolt..."


"After a folder for his case is put together, I'll be sure to share it with the other Captains, of as many cities as I can reach. But even still, I do recommend hiring guards. All of mine are on these individual cases...And even I, myself am currently working on a disappearance."


He made a pained smile. Obviously, he felt rather...Uneasy, due to the fact that he could barely spare one detective. Truth be told, he wasn't solving just one--he was working on a multitude. And although he was making progress on each, it still drained his rest time, and personal time...


"Tea, before I go? And are you willing to accept a detective, to work on this case?"


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