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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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@Hazard Time

"There... was an incident," the stallion recalled, one hoof up in a thought. "Before the last receptionist left, she mentioned something about some guards that had entered in in a panic, scared to death. Babbling something about a mare, a stallion that had been chasing her, and an undead alicorn." The stallion shrugged. "But that couldn't possibly be real, right? Just a group of guards having a bad drinking session, i'll bet."


On any other day, Ametrine would have balked at the outragousness of the event that the receptionist suggested.  Then again, she and her brother had just witnessed something equally outlandish, and she had officially come to the conclusion that these sorts of things happened here.


"I doubt that the mare in question was Carnelian, but if you could point me in the direction of one of those guards, I would greatly appreciate it."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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Nadelle gulped and started sweating from Redheart's gaze. She forced a nervous smile, and started speaking up. ​"Y-y-yes o-of course...w-well it's in ze Whitetail Voods. A trace material from a special flower zat iz only known to grow zere....ze Efflorescent Blossom. It has been known to cure nearly anyzing, including unknown diseases. However....zere is one problem. It iz in a very dangerous place with traps, caves, and dangerous flora and fauna life. I-I don't know who could go..." ​she said nervously, rubbing the back of her head.

Ice grinned, liking the idea of watching them fight.
​"Hoo, boy. I'd love to watch that. I might even grab some popcorn to watch ya'll. You guys gonna throw down in the training arena, right?"

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rhetoric had been instructed not to say anything around these ponies of the past. Being the only Earth pony he could certainly cause the most problems if discovered, so presently he pulled Trixie's hat hard around him, presumably against the biting cold

Dang, I haven;t been this intimidated in ages...  


He nonetheless followed Terra to whereever she may have been going, trusting her 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"No." Terra looked over at Rhetoric, then back to Starlight. "Timewise, I have to have existed before my memories begin. Timewise, it isn't feasible that I would simply pop into existence as I am, at that single moment. There has to be more." Terra finally strode into the limits of the town, looking around.


It seemed barely inhabited. Ancient wooden one room fixtures that look like they'd been built years ago lay haphazardly all over the town, buried in snow, and looking like they could fall apart at any moment. Very few ponies could be seen, and the ones that did regarded the strangers with careful, suspicious eyes. Passing quickly by them, without saying a word...


Starlight bit her lip, trying to wrap her head around what Terra had told her. She still didn't know the advanced details of time magic, and it was obvious she had much more to study when she got back to present time.


The village was fulled with what seemed like shanty houses, with the locals, as few as there were outside, regarding them with suspicion.

She kept silent and to herself, her eyes keeping down to the ground as she walked.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Night Tracer ruflled underneath his covers. His forehead tensed, and he groaned, hearing soft whsipers around him, one he could barely make out, the other was foreign. He cracked a crusty eye lid open so he could see a thin slit of the outside world, then he closed his eyes again. "Stop it," he grumbled unconsciously, "they'll find--" he stopped, and turned over to his side. 


He nuzzled the pillow, then sighed, his eyes popping open. "What's with the reptile?" he asked, his blurry orbs unmoving from the far wall, "we makin' skin boots or something?" 


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On any other day, Ametrine would have balked at the outragousness of the event that the receptionist suggested.  Then again, she and her brother had just witnessed something equally outlandish, and she had officially come to the conclusion that these sorts of things happened here.


"I doubt that the mare in question was Carnelian, but if you could point me in the direction of one of those guards, I would greatly appreciate it."

"Uhh..." The stallion made a face as he angled his hoof, trying to pin a proper direction down. "The guard quarters are in... that direction." He stopped his hoof en pointe, a little off to the east of himself. "It's at the very north of the city, in the upper echelons. A small, brown, pretty old looking building, but not very hard to miss... there's not much out there, to be honest." The stallion shrugged.




Nadelle gulped and started sweating from Redheart's gaze. She forced a nervous smile, and started speaking up. ​"Y-y-yes o-of course...w-well it's in ze Whitetail Voods. A trace material from a special flower zat iz only known to grow zere....ze Efflorescent Blossom. It has been known to cure nearly anyzing, including unknown diseases. However....zere is one problem. It iz in a very dangerous place with traps, caves, and dangerous flora and fauna life. I-I don't know who could go..." ​she said nervously, rubbing the back of her head.


"I'm not sure either." Nurse Redheart sighed, for what felt like too many times today. I'd go myself, but I need to be in the library, researching this cure, and the disease. Which means we need to find someone who'd be willing to go through the task." Nurse Redheart slipped her coat on, an old brown heavily worn thing, then turned back to Nurse Nadelle. "Send out flyers, asking anyone if they'd be willing to help with the task. But keep it subtle, and try not to mention the disease. And if you absolutely have to, state only the parts which are absolutely necessary. We don't want to start any panics over this." She looked back at Nurse Nadelle once again, eyes focused. "Understood?"

Ice grinned, liking the idea of watching them fight. ​"Hoo, boy. I'd love to watch that. I might even grab some popcorn to watch ya'll. You guys gonna throw down in the training arena, right?"

"Training arena?" Sunset Shimmer blinked openly, confused by the word. "No... we're throwing down in the actual arena. You know... that place where ponies go to knock each other into unconsciousness?"


"I'll try to be nice," Ivory Star snarked at her. "Hold back a little so you don't-"


"Not a chance," Sunset Shimmer smirked back, before whipping her head back to John. "But yes, we're throwing down, for real. I recommend sitting in the back seats for when that happens, to be honest; it's going to be like nothing you've seen here yet."



He nonetheless followed Terra to whereever she may have been going, trusting her.

Terra headed straight down through the center of the town, the snow's sharp crunching beneath her feet only adding to the overall hollow effect that the place was giving off. She kept her head forward, acting natural, avoiding meeting any of the other unicorns eyes directly. She didn't want to risk drawing too much attention.


Suddenly, at a path in the road indeterminable from any other due to the snow, she broke a hard right, heading for a particular building. Taller than any of the others, it rose slightly off of the ground, and even had a platform, and small porch. Smoke drifted off into the air from a small chimney, as clear as the clouds settled up in the sky...





Night Tracer ruflled underneath his covers. His forehead tensed, and he groaned, hearing soft whsipers around him, one he could barely make out, the other was foreign. He cracked a crusty eye lid open so he could see a thin slit of the outside world, then he closed his eyes again. "Stop it," he grumbled unconsciously, "they'll find--" he stopped, and turned over to his side. 


He nuzzled the pillow, then sighed, his eyes popping open. "What's with the reptile?" he asked, his blurry orbs unmoving from the far wall, "we makin' skin boots or something?" 

"...Charming." Talon shot Night Tracer a look flatter than a newly minted rug as he stared at him. He looked him up and down, measuring every inch of the stallion's posture, attitude, and behavior. When he was finished, he simply looked back to Luna. "He certainly seems a lot more durable, than the other ones..."


"-This is Talon. He's an old friend." Luna was quick to interject between the two, knowing that her "old friend" could be a bit abrasive, at the best of time. "And we apologize for waking you up. We merely needed to determine if you had been put under any magical influence as of late. To confirm the final piece of your story."

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@@J.R. @ @@Unicorncob @




Having witnessed the eldritch creature that aided Raze in gliding over the wall that Lorec had formed, the great minotaur's eyes narrowed as he caught a glimpse of a pony within a medical gown within its grasp. Deciding that this warranted an investigation, Lorec placed his hand upon the wall. For a brief moment, his hand pulsated with a wavering aura of amber light. Not a second afterwards, the wall that jutted out in the alleyway was retreating back into the earth itself, leaving no proof that it had ever been erected. With all things in proper order, Lorec retracted his hand, and turned towards his daughter, whom had not shifted an inch from her defensive position. " We're giving chase, Sifana."



After uttering such, Lorec lowered his body to the ground, opting to take up a push-up position. with both fists clenched and eyes looking over his Sifana's shoulder, he prepared himself for what Saduarians liked to call a "gore run". The fastest way for a minotaur to travel without the aid of a mount, it made use of all four limbs, similar to how a pony would trot. Eyeing down Sifana, who cocked his head over towards his left shoulder, a nonverbal message that told her to climb on. Obeying her father's wishes, Sifana would use his horns as leverage to climb aboard, and to keep herself situated during the run. After all, this was her father. It would be all too easy for her to get thrown from his backside if she did not cling on to something.



After Sifana had prepared herself, and being sure that she would not suffer a tumble down onto the cobblestone road, Lorec took off with all of the raw power that he could muster, aiming to chase down Raze in order to learn of what was happening. Lorec prayed to the gods that no one would get in his way, as once he started the run, it would be nigh impossible to stop within a split second, as his sheer velocity would not allow for such as a hairpin turn, or an immediate stop.






Dropping his sword claw back down to the ground, Kazas allowed himself to relax, sighing deeply to himself. Looking over to Vera, the griffon took back his proper seating, hoping that he did not draw too much attention to the two of them. Looking at Vera, he gave her an apologetic smile, and lowered his stare towards his food. "... Forgive me for that, Vera. I don't even know why such a reaction was provoked. Should we go to investigate, or finish our meal? "

Edited by Guts

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Raze heard a sound like a thousand bulls charging towards him, and looked to his right to see a Minotaur... charging towards him. It didn't look like he was going to stop, either.


"Wait a minute!" he called out. "What are you doing?!"


He looked back at the kids, and then the Minotaur. Even if he didn't like them all that much... he had to do something, unless they all wanted to be run over.


Standing up, he once again pointed the summoning gun to his head, and summoned Thantos with the pull of the trigger. Forming right in front of his eyes, Thanatos positioned himself in front of both Raze and the kids, extending his arms and bracing for the impact of the minotaur's charge.

Edited by Detective Adachi

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Uhh..." The stallion made a face as he angled his hoof, trying to pin a proper direction down. "The guard quarters are in... that direction." He stopped his hoof en pointe, a little off to the east of himself. "It's at the very north of the city, in the upper echelons. A small, brown, pretty old looking building, but not very hard to miss... there's not much out there, to be honest." The stallion shrugged.


"I see..."


As well as Ametrine knew this city, she would have requested a guide, though she was fairly certain the receptionist already had a job to do.  


Oh, that's right, she had a helpful little tool guide waiting outside.  She should ask her about this, and that is exactly what she did as soon as she met with Iron outside.




Before she did, however, she took in the sight of the pegasus now beside her.  So she brought a friend?  Lovely, she could use all the allies she could in this city.


"Iron, I need your assistance once more.  I need you to show me to the guard barracks.  It was described to me as a squat, brown, old building in the far north.  Would you and your friend be able to escort us there?  Speaking of your friend, what did you say your name was?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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Nadelle nodded, with a bit more confidence in her face this time. She felt empowered by Redheart's words, and was ready to do whatever she could to accomplish their goal: Getting these ponies the help that they needed and fast. "Don't worry, Redheart! I vill hurry up and zend ze flyers out. I vill even go zere myzelf if I have to. I won't let you down!" She grinned a bit.

Ice blinked and got even more excited. The actual arena? A legit fight? This was gonna be good for sure.
"Woah...sounds awesome! I'm definetly gonna get a front row seat to that one. Ya'll getting ready to go now?"


@, @, @@Unicorncob, @,

Jack blinked. He was in complete awe as he saw the huge minotaur start charging for Raze, as his eyes went wide like dinner plates. "Woah....that's....totes awesome!" Luckily, he and Double were out of harm's way, but they had to somehow get Rosalia out of the way of being hurt in the charge too! "Dangit! Let's move, guys!" he quickly started moving himself and Rosalia out of the way, expecting Double to follow.

(We must now wait for Unicorncob.)


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Hazard Time,


(Dust appears to be an earth pony. Thought you might like to know that.)


"Dust Devil," the tan mare replied, trotting over to Ametrine. She cast a critical eye over Ametrine's crystalline coat, reaching a hoof in an attempt to tap her cheek, apparently seeing whether Ametrine was really made of crystal. "Crystal ponies are even sparklier up close," she remarked. Dust opened her mouth to say something when she was stopped by one of Iron's scarred hooves in front of her mouth.


"Which brings us rather neatly to what I was going to say," Iron said, her voice sharp, distinct, commanding. "I believe this lovely mare here might have a lead."


"Hey!" Dust snapped from behind Iron's hoof. "You didn't tell me about this!"


"So I'm a liar; sue me," Iron replied. "You can fly and we can't, you can leave any time."  Dust Devil very plainly lacked wings, beyond the simple outlines carved into the metal plates on her shoulders. Even so, she nodded in agreement.


"Plus," Iron continued, "there's probably going to be flank-kicking aplenty, and I'll be fighting."


Dust sighed theatrically, laying a hoof across her forehead. "Now I have to watch. Damn it, stop being so convincing."


Iron shot her a pointed look.


Dust shrugged. "What? I'm coming, I'm coming. I'll guide ya to that building you've mentioned, I've seen the whole city."


Another glare.


"And I'll tell you what you want to know," Dust said with a roll of her eyes. "Can we stop acting like interrogators and get to the point already?"


"Sure," Iron said agreeably. "These two lovely ponies are looking for someone, and we're going to work together to help them find her. Sound like a plan?"


"Pretty much," Dust said.  A smirk spread across her face and she adjusted her goggles as she turned her green eyes to Ametrine. "So," she continued, "Hit me with your best shot. Who you looking for?"


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Ametrine visibly recoiled at Dust's unwelcome touch, scrunching up her muzzle as the earth pony laid her grimy hooves upon her cheek.  She knew full well what she was doing, but that didn't make it any less upsetting.  "Don't touch me again," she growled, wiping her cheek with her own hoof.


"Moving on, though, we're looking for an old friend of mine.  Her name is Carnelian Clout.  Crystal pony.  Yellow coat, red mane, blue eyes.  Most likely was wearing a silver crown.  Have you seen her?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Hazard Time,


"Well, I did see a crystal pony a while back," Dust said thoughtfully, ignoring Ametrine's plight entirely. "I think she was red… But then again, some ponies are, like, 90% mane, so I dunno."


Another thought occurred to her. "Say, is she rich? Like, fancy guards in shiny armor kind of rich?" Dust looked at the sky, then back at Ametrine, running a hoof under her chin. Ironblade had gone right back to leaning against the wall, though she kept one notched ear pointed towards the conversation. 

Edited by Amorphous
  • Brohoof 1


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Terra headed straight down through the center of the town, the snow's sharp crunching beneath her feet only adding to the overall hollow effect that the place was giving off. She kept her head forward, acting natural, avoiding meeting any of the other unicorns eyes directly. She didn't want to risk drawing too much attention.


Suddenly, at a path in the road indeterminable from any other due to the snow, she broke a hard right, heading for a particular building. Taller than any of the others, it rose slightly off of the ground, and even had a platform, and small porch. Smoke drifted off into the air from a small chimney, as clear as the clouds settled up in the sky...


Starlight followed Terra into the town, nearly deafened by how silent it was. It felt so empty. Almost dead, even.


She pricked up her ears upon seeing Terra make a sudden hard right, and followed after her. She saw the tall building, blinking up at the trail of smoke from the chimney.


"Do you know this place?" She asked.



Jack blinked. He was in complete awe as he saw the huge minotaur start charging for Raze, as his eyes went wide like dinner plates. "Woah....that's....totes awesome!" Luckily, he and Double were out of harm's way, but they had to somehow get Rosalia out of the way of being hurt in the charge too! "Dangit! Let's move, guys!" he quickly started moving himself and Rosalia out of the way, expecting Double to follow.


Double's jaw had dropped at the minotaur's display, totally in awe of his raw power and speed. "Sweet mother of Luna..."


How could a guy that big move so fast?!


At Jack's order, she shook her head to snap out of it and galloped after him. "Right behind ya, Jackaboy!"

Edited by Unicorncob
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Night's weary marbles rolled to the corner of his eyes, then rested back on the wall. He blinked, and yawned. "Well do whatever it is you're going to do." he said, and closed his eyes again. Then he chuckled. "So is that a no on the skin boots? I used to skin reptiles all the time up North." 


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@@Hazard Time,


"Well, I did see a crystal pony a while back," Dust said thoughtfully, ignoring Ametrine's plight entirely. "I think she was red… But then again, some ponies are, like, 90% mane, so I dunno."


Another thought occurred to her. "Say, is she rich? Like, fancy guards in shiny armor kind of rich?" Dust looked at the sky, then back at Ametrine, running a hoof under her chin. Ironblade had gone right back to leaning against the wall, though she kept one notched ear pointed towards the conversation. 


Both ponies' eyes went wide, and Ametrine immediately lurched forward, nearly tackling Dust.


"You saw her?!  Where?  Where was she headed?  What was her condition?  How many guards were with her, did she speak to anypony?  How long ago was this?"


Zoisite, meanwhile, appeared to not have any care in the world.  Instead, he looked down at his hoof, which was drawing circles in the dirt.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time,


Dust leaned back, though she didn't lift a hoof. "Woah, take it easy!" she exclaimed. "One question at a time!"


Somewhere behind her, Iron snorted in amusement even as she faked disinterest.


Dust, after a fairly intense staring contest, finally admitted defeat, taking several steps backwards to clear up some space. Lifting her muzzle to the sky, she trotted in place, spinning in a complete circle before coming to a stop and locking eyes with Ametrine.


"I can take you to where she was," she said. "She was going... eh... That way, I think" she continued, vaguely waving her right hoof, her hoof facing away from the wall of the arena. "Let's go."


With a shake of her head, Dust started forward, humming faintly. "I think she had... Oh, ten guards or so. And she wasn't missing any legs or anything." Dust snorted. "I would have noticed if she was."

Edited by Amorphous


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@@Unicorncob, @@J.R., @, @,


Rosalia squeaked in surprise as the Batter Boy grabbed her wheelchair and started running her out of the way of the minotaur while the striped pony summoned his... thing again in an attempt to absorb the blow. As she passed, she used a minor telekinesis spell and grabbed onto the striped pony, pulling semi-weakly in a rather pathetic attempt to have him follow them. "Come on, we have to go! You can't just stand there and take a full minotaur charge to the chest, monster protecting you or not! It's practically suicide!"


Whether or not Raze followed, she then turned in front of her and quickly pointed out an alleyway about fifty feet away as the minotaur continued to bear down on them. "Turn into here and wait for him to pass! At this speed, he won't be able to follow us past corners easily- he'll have to overshoot us and double back!"

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"Hey, wait a min--ahhhh!!" Raze said as he was dragged away from his position. When Rosalia told him about the alleyway, he decided to go along with it, seeing as there was no time and he didn't know if Thanatos really was capable of stopping a Minotaur charging at them. He turned into the alleyway, but kept Thanatos out, in the case that he could stop the charge.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Hazard Time,


Dust leaned back, though she didn't lift a hoof. "Woah, take it easy!" she exclaimed. "One question at a time!"


Somewhere behind her, Iron snorted in amusement even as she faked disinterest.


Dust, after a fairly intense staring contest, finally admitted defeat, taking several steps backwards to clear up some space. Lifting her muzzle to the sky, she trotted in place, spinning in a complete circle before coming to a stop and locking eyes with Ametrine.


"I can take you to where she was," she said. "She was going... eh... That way, I think" she continued, vaguely waving her right hoof, her hoof facing away from the wall of the arena. "Let's go."


With a shake of her head, Dust started forward, humming faintly. "I think she had... Oh, ten guards or so. And she wasn't missing any legs or anything." Dust snorted. "I would have noticed if she was."


Ametrine followed, Zoisite behind her.  "Her usual retinue, but why have them?  She was supposed to be alone.  Also, why walk away from the arena?  Don't tell me she left already?  If she did, then why?  She couldn't have lost interest in this city in just a matter of hours, could she?"

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@@Hazard Time,


"Well, she was definitely going towards the train station," Dust said. "As for why, I'm a weather worker, not a mind reader. You oughta know better than I do. I'm just your guide now."


Ironblade quietly began to follow the procession, staying just within earshot, keeping her notched ear pointed to the conversation.


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"The train station?!  Oh, damn it all!"  The crystal mare ground her teeth, deep furrows forming on her brow as her anger built.  They had come all the way out here, and now they were late?! AGAIN?!  A vessel popped on her forehead and her breathing came in snorts, her urge to kill rising and rising. 


Just as her rage reached an apex, Ametrine felt a hoof on her shoulder.  She didn't have to look to know who it was, or what he was trying to do.  No, resist the urge.  Not with him here.  Not where he could possibly be injured.  Calm down, Ametrine.  What would you do if you lost him?  Slowly, her muscles relaxed, as did her breathing.  After a minute, she was taking deep breaths, her brother whispering into her ear.


"Thank you," she muttered to him, giving him a wan smile before looking back to Dust.  "She must have left the city, then.  I'm not sure if or when she'll be back, but we can worry about that later.  In the mean time, for the trouble, would either of you be alright with joining us for dinner?  I would assume you know some good restaurants in this city."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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Vera calmed down as well. The noise was a bit startling, but no way in hell was she letting some stupid sound get in the way of their dinner together. "Hm...nah. There's always ponies around here to play hero and try and solve issues." She sat down, eating from the chips and salsa appetizer they had. "C'mon."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Do not go out there yourself, Nurse Nadelle. For the same reason i'm not, no matter how much I want to; we're the only ones that have the relevant information that we need in order to fight this disease. Without us, the city of Bangcolt goes down under a panic, and a possible plague. I need you out of harm's way; close by, or at least within range of contact. She turned, and began walking towards the exit of the hospital. "I'm leaving now."





"Yeah; we're about to head there now, actually." A single spark of magic leapt readily from Sunset Shimmer's horn onto the ground. "I can teleport us there."


"Or we can just take a portal." Ivory Star's own horn glowed, and she made a slash in the air, a large purple scar opening up there moments after. "It leads directly there, and it's much less stamina burning then teleportation.


"Uhh..." Sunset Shimmer walked over the portal and inspected it, looking at it strangely. "Is it-"

"Safe? Yeah. I do this all of the time."


"...Okay..." Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath. "Steel your nerves, girl." Without much more deliberating, she stepped through the portal, and disappeared.





Talon chuckled heartily in a light state of mirth; he liked this ponies attitude. "Back in my day, they used to eat your kind. The rules are a bit tighter now, but i'd watch your step, hmm?" He raised a single eyebrow.


Luna rolled her eyes. "Talon..."

"Yes, yes." Talon muttered to himself as he as he crawled around Luna's side, short-hopping to the bed in a single motion. He laid a claw on Night Tracer, concentrating. "Hmm..."

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@@Hazard Time,


Dust subtly put distance between herself and Ametrine, something Ironblade did not fail to notice. However, she didn't comment on it. Intelligence is nothing to be ashamed of, she reasoned. Besides, Iron liked the mare. She had spunk. And Iron was slowing down a few paces herself, putting distance between herself and the furious crystal mare, if only to have a little more reaction time should worse come to worst.


"No," Dust said once Ametrine had cooled down a little, "I don't really know the places. Never had time for them, y'know?" She turned her head around. "What about you?"


"Also a no," Iron answered. "I don't care for it. I'd make a terrible tour guide; Not nearly enough stabbing in it for me."


Dust Devil bit her bottom lip, chewing on it for a few seconds. "Whatever. We can always search, exploring is fun," she said. "There's gotta be something in Bangcolt somewhere."


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