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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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@@J.R., @, @, @


Double couldn't roll her eyes at Raze any more if she tried. At this point, she wanted to get Rosalia away just so she didn't have to risk getting cuts from all the edge in the general vicinity.


Though, she had caught Jack's signal and nodded in confirmation, slinking off after him. Her rollerblades glided soundlessly across the ground.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@, @@Unicorncob, @@J.R., @,


Rosalia didn't move, fear paralyzing her as the two traded words. She watched as the other two began to subtly sneak away, and decided that unless she wanted attention to be drawn towards them, she needed to remain here while the other two executed whatever plan they had in store.


Or just abandoned her.


That's happened before, too.


What if he was lying and he was a bad man in disguise? What if the minotaur was a bad guy and smashed everyone? What if her idol turned out to be a coward and abandoned her? Not that she blamed him- he did make it this far. What about the monster that kept appearing and disappearing? Was he going to just... murder everyone like it was about to back in the streets? It smelled bad, like a rotting corpse. Like Agririon whenever he was particularly irritated and about to murder everything in sight...


Her coat continued to darken as her fears flowed through her mind. If anything that might cause a fight happens- a sword swing, a sudden movement- I'm going to bolt the best I can. I should be able to... oh, I wish this didn't happen everywhere I went!

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@Guts @Unicorncob @J.R. @Detective Adachi @


The meeting with Rust and Iron concluded, Ametrine wished the two farewell and parted ways along with her brother.  Now unsure of what to do, the two of them decided to wander the city and see the sights.  Once they had learned the city well enough, they'd be able to set a trap for their mother, should she return.


However, upon turning a corner, they found an interesting sight, indeed.  The two of them stopped and observed, with Zoisite leaning in and whispered something to his sister.  "No, let it play out.  Let us not confuse belligerents with perpetrators.  In the mean time, it would be best to prepare."


The grey crystal stallion nodded and walked over to a nearby alleyway.  Once concealed, he removed a stick of chalk from his coat and began drawing a circle on the ground.  Eventually, he added symbols, taking his time on the smallest details.

  • Brohoof 2

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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"Oh, there's probably going to be explosions." Sunset Shimmer replied.


"Definetely explosions." Ivory Star added.


"Typical throw-em down, knock-em out drag match. One of us might not survive. You know, the whole nine." Sunset Shimmer entered the Arena hall, grinning to herself. "It feels so good to be back in action!" She had forgotten how magic felt; how it felt to be apart of the power within her, instead of being forced to observe it from afar in a different world. And now, she was enjoying this. And by the end of it, probably more than she should be...

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"Well then, this is something I won't wanna miss." He trotted to a nearby front row bleacher to take his seat and watch. "Battle for the ages right here. Whose hospital bill is gonna cost more after this? Nobody knows..." He took out a bucket of popcorn he had bought, and started munching on popcorn with bated breath.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Vera trotted alongside Kazas, contently full from the amazing dinner they had together. Now something else was on her mind: What she planned to do with herself. After being able to quit her job, she had found a new life through this griffon. However, even she knew everything has its price. Case in point: Her old employers.


A small frown grew on her face as she wondered what would happen next. It had been a very long time since she last contacted anyone, and didn't plan on doing so, but worried to herself about what would happen next...


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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(Quote me please and I'll do the same, as my mentions are misbehaving)

The air in the shop was permeated with energy being used. Some would call it mana. I sure did. In here, those who used mana would feel like their spells were cheaper and easier to use. If you used the same amount as usual, your spell would be stronger because the excess mana was unneeded. It's simple math. If you need 10 bits to buy something but you have a discount of 10%, you only need 9 bits. The thing is though that tenth bit can still be paid as a tip, and that tip would make your spell work better because you're using more mana than you actually need. This was all thanks to my enchanted Magic Booster.

I was multitasking. Working on multiple orders at once. One would notice that five different orders were being assembled around the shop using levitation. None of the machines were enchanted so I didn't actually need to look at them to know what I was doing. In fact if one were not familiar with telekinesis they could think the shop was haunted, but ghosts haven't been proven to exist yet. It was a cool Nightmare Night prank though.


I'd just finished working on Raze's (@) sword sheath that launched the sword at high speed when I heard a voice and headed out from my lab in the back of the shop, with Sparky following along. "Oh, another customer? Welcome to Bolt Solutions. Enchanted solutions for improving your life! I'm Lektra Bolt. What can I do for you sir?" Cheesy slogan was cheesy, but we'd used it for years and I wasn't about to stop even when I'd moved out years ago. Sparky magiscanned him with a yellow horizontal beam, relaying the information to me by our magic link and I blinked a bit. "Hmm, is that a flying machine?"


I just continued to assemble the orders around me using telekinesis.



Tinker raised a brow at the magitech robot, humming softly. "Yes, having been working on it for years." He answered, pointing a hoof at the robot. "You made this magitech robot?" He asked in return, before looking behind the yellow unicorn for the materials that might come in handy for him. "Also...What kinds of materials are on sale? Maybe something lightweight but strong?"

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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@J.R. @Unicorncob


As Raze surveyed the area, he couldn't see any sudden movements from the other side. It was quiet... too quiet. He glanced over to where the kids were...


and saw one of them making her way over to Rosalia.


Of course. They didn't want to fight him. They wanted to make him look like even more of an idiot by provoking him, run off with the girl, and probably laugh about how dumb he was while they ran off.


He grit his teeth, offended. Those brats, and that old man... they didn't understand what was at stake here, and they probably never would. They didn't even get it when he explained it to them. It made him mad... and then he thought to himself... No. If they wanted the girl, they were going to have to get through him; and he would make sure that they never would.


He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath... and then opened his eyes once more. His expression changed to that of one with a serious resolve, the face of a warrior with a strong sense of purpose. Then, he sent Thanatos out to stop the girl heading towards Rosalia, with the spirit flying towards her and reaching out to grab her.

Edited by Detective Adachi
  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@, @@Unicorncob, @@J.R., @, @@Hazard Time,


Raze glanced behind them and saw... something that visibly irritated him? He grit his teeth before, with a mere motion, the monster that followed him turned around and immediately started moving towards her, claws extending. Her eyes widened. Out of time to make a choice...


She closed her eyes, gulped, and charged, making it about ten feet before hitting the ground sliding. However, the moment she hit the ground, she visibly lost her form and became a rather small pool of a red, sticky liquid that rolled along the wall she was charging, the momentum  plus the small hill resulting in the mass moving down towards the street at great speed. the scent would confirm that it was blood. The small wave missed Raze due to the angle of the slide, and Lorec's thicker hooves (compared to most ponies) protected him from the wave, which was slowly darkening by the second from a crimson red to a black. She slid into the relatively empty streets before reforming behind the minotaur, her body seemingly reconstructing from the now-black liquid. Her body returned to it's normal colors, and she blinked just once, comprehending the fact that she was now behind the minotaur.


Which means she had a very open path ahead of her.


Without saying a word beyond that, she sprinted, the remnant bloodstains from her 'dive' being siphoned up and stored in a small, smooth ball that was held near her flank. The shock of being completely reconstructed from the Rosalia Virus quickly fading, she just ran as fast as was possible- which, due to her fear and the spell she just used, was pretty damn fast. Unless they immediately broke and chased her, they would have to move extraordinarily quickly for an extended period of time just to keep her in sight. At least the street was empty...


As she ran, she made a list of priorities in her head.


Priority number one: Shake them off, run as far as you can, and then if you run out of energy, find someplace to hide.
Priority number two: Find Agririon as soon as possible.

Priority number three: Food and water. She was getting rather hungry, and getting completely dissolved and reconstructed didn't help with that at all.

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As Raze surveyed the area, he couldn't see any sudden movements from the other side. It was quiet... too quiet. He glanced over to where the kids were...


and saw one of them making her way over to Rosalia.


Of course. They didn't want to fight him. They wanted to make him look like even more of an idiot by provoking him, run off with the girl, and probably laugh about how dumb he was while they ran off.


He grit his teeth, offended. Those brats, and that old man... they didn't understand what was at stake here, and they probably never would. They didn't even get it when he explained it to them. It made him mad... and then he thought to himself... No. If they wanted the girl, they were going to have to get through him; and he would make sure that they never would.


He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath... and then opened his eyes once more. His expression changed to that of one with a serious resolve, the face of a warrior with a strong sense of purpose. Then, he sent Thanatos out to stop the girl heading towards Rosalia, with the spirit flying towards her and reaching out to grab her.


Double jolted slightly as she saw Raze had caught her and Jack sneaking toward Rosalia, and what was worse, he was sending that monster thing after her!


What the heck was this pony's problem?! Doesn't he know there's a law against beating up foals?


Though, she wasn't one to back down without getting a few swings in. She raised her bat and went for a swing at Thanatos to protect Jack and Rosalia, not realising she had bolted.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@, @@Unicorncob,

Jack's eyes grew wide with terror as he saw Double trying to attack the spirit. The colt had to do something and fast. "Let's go, let's go...!" Worried for what would become of her if she tried to attack, Jack grabbed her by the hoof, and started sprinting like he was a few feet away from the plate.


He ran with her, and past the minotaur, going in to grab Rosalia next, and try and run all of them out of there as fast as he possibly could until they ended up...not there.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@J.R. @Unicorncob


Thanatos deflected the kid's attack with a swing of his sword, and Raze saw that the other kid had grabbed the one going for Rosalia, then proceeded to grab Rosalia herself. Remaining silent, he turned around to stop them and put himself in front of Rosalia...


Only to realize she wasn't there.


Damn! he thought, spotting her running away. He was about to take off, when he heard a voice in his head... it was Thanatos speaking to him.



Thou art I... I am thou... From the sea of thy soul, I come... In the face of adversity, my lesser powers hath awakened...



Then, three words popped into his head at once.







He was... unsure what to make of all this. What would he need these for? What did they do? How could he use them...?


Speak, pony, and I shall follow, he heard Thanatos tell him.



Raze then understood. Speak, command him. He didn't know what any of these things did, but he might as well try now.


He turned around, facing the direction where Rosalia went, and took a deep breath.


"Megidola!" he said, and Thanatos flew up and opened his metal mouth. A small purple sphere of energy began to charge up, getting bigger as time went on. He let out a ferocious roar, and he fired a fast traveling purple beam that hit the ground just ahead of Jack and Double, making a huge crater.


Oh crap!!! he thought. That's what that does?! He looked up at Thanatos, who disappeared in a flash of blue light. He also felt like he couldn't summon him again for a little while.


And it makes him disappear... looks like I can only use these powers once, and only when I need them... But enough about that. He sprinted towards Rosalia, intending to catch up to her.


((NOTE: These are the only special powers I will give Thanatos.))

Edited by Detective Adachi

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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(OOC: Alright, this has dragged on for too long.)


Double was taken by surprise when Jack took her by the hoof and ran with her. The slightest blush formed on her cheeks when she realised they were holding hooves.


Ugh, c'mon Double. Focus.


She shook her head and skated alongside him, but brought them both to a halt when that monster thing created a giant crater before them. Was that pony trying to kill them?!


Though, instead of being horrified, the filly just looked incredibly done.


"UUUUGGH!!" She growled. "I am so sick of this crud! We are out!"


She held on tight to Jack's hoof and sped toward Rosalia, to scoop her up and try to speed away from this two-pony freak show once and for all.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@ @@Unicorncob @@J.R. @


The scent of blood had hit Lorec's nostrils almost as soon as Rosalia had undergone her metamorphosis. However, he was unable to ascertain who it was that had been injured, if that were indeed the case. Bearing witness to the carnage that Raze's little pet had wrought and having been far too preoccupied to notice the blood that parted around his thick, unfeeling hooves, Lorec kept his blade trained on Raze, though his free hand snaked towards the alley's wall, with palm pressed flat against it. Though every instinct told him to flee for the sake of finding Sifana and assuring himself that she was unharmed, he knew that she was adept at fending for herself, and would find a way to keep herself from injury. That, and Rosalia or one of the others were wounded... He would have to supply the role of vanguard for their escape, while trying to get past Raze, assuming Rosalia had not found a way to escape. Though strangely, the scent of blood did not stay in the air for long...


they were in a public domain, and this series of events was already causing a loud uproar, sure to earn the attention of local law enforcement and other civilians. If Raze was the least bit intelligent, which Lorec was at the end of his own wits in trying to determine the sheer stupidity of the merc, then he wouldn't dare harm the children and dig a bigger hole for himself.  And if required by the Bangcolt Guard to give his testimony, Lorec would do so gladly, knowing that his input would only strengthen other eyewitness accounts, effectively burying Raze. 


... That is, if he didn't do it himself, first. 


With eyes trained on Raze, Lorec allowed the power of his otherworldly benefactor to shine. Pushing into the very wall itself, cracks in its infrastructure began to snake out in Raze's general direction. From his left, Raze would witness the stonework part in the wall until it reached a point adjacent to where he was standing... And after a split second delay, several, thin earthen spikes shot out in his general direction, attempting to run him through with no hesitation. Lorec was looking to incapacitate him with little effort...




All the while, Sifana had played witness to the children almost being reduced to ashes by Thanatos. This eldritch abomination that had been brought into this world by an untrustworthy stranger... How it frightened her so. The urge to flee was strong within her, but what would her father think if she did so? While the fear that welled up in her was great, the wish to obtain Lorec's praise was greater still. And if she wanted to follow in the hoofsteps of Tyra and her father, then retreat was not an option. 


Taking a deep breath, the taurette, no older than six, pulled her boar tusk dagger close. With as much strength as she could muster, she began running towards the other children on all fours, imitating her father's gore--run. Catching up to the others with little difficulty, as afforded by her already impressive physiological build, she ran with Jack and Double Play, keeping her eyes frontward and pace steady. " That monster is gone, and papa is keeping the freak busy! If that... thing comes back, I'll try to keep its eyes on me! Until then, scream and make loud noises! Get the guards involved! "

Edited by Guts
  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@, @@Unicorncob, @,

Jack was still busy making his escape with the rest of the other kids nearby. At the same time, he looked up at a nearby street corner to see some ponies dressed in "Men-In-Black" type suits and shades. "It's my agents! They finally caught up. Delta position! Cover us!" As he ran, he couldn't help but grin slightly--being famous did have its upsides.


The stallions stayed quiet, and quickly leapt into action, covering everyone's way as they ran. This was merely the first squad, though--more would eventually appear to give the children coverage as they ran. All Jack's agents knew was that friends of Jack were top priority alongside him.

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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On the busy city streets (somewhat more cleared as ponies had fled the scene after the ensuing fight), a small cloud drifted over a lone cafe table, hovering as if it had been suspended there. And in the center rested its tiny, sleeping owner, though "sleeping naturally became a thing of the past, as explosions and the screams of ponies running past her woke her up out of her sleep. The young filly cracked a yawn, and peered out over her cloud, catching the gist of the conversation, and watching the group go by her in a blur. She yawned again.


"Freaks... monsters... sounds like fun." She tilted her head down under her cloud, staring at the group as they passed, though her eyes were mostly riveted on Sifana. "Hmmm..." She nodded off, so much so that she almost slipped off of her cloud, then pulled herself back up just in time. Re-righting herself, she set off in the opposite direction of the ponies, towards whatever had made the noise.

  • Brohoof 1
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@, @@Unicorncob, @, @@J.R.,


Children? Agents? Sifana? Raze? Rosalia left them all in the dust. It was all they could do to try and keep her in sight, let alone gain any distance on her whatsoever. It was rather impressive for a filly, actually- she was running at speeds that could rival an Equestrian Games sprinter.


She rounded a few corners, breaking line of sight, before leaping into a cardboard box nearby. It tumbled with the force of the impact, rolling down the street for a short time before coming to a stop a short distance away. The box wasn't harmed and her reformation removed all the stenches from her- she would be almost impossible to detect without assistance. Besides...


A rather familiar-looking shadow was lurking on the rooftops above, watching Rosalia with a bemused expression before turning to the street below and observing the chaos below

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@Detective Adachi@Unicorncob@J.R.@Guts, @


Ametrine barely had enough time to dodge as the puddle of blood zoomed past her.  She watched in bewilderment until the filly had gone out of sight, and still stood there contemplating what happened.  She thought only herself and her mother had those kinds of powers?  What was this filly?  Who was she?  Was she what had caused all of this commotion in the first place?


Her thoughts were interrupted by Zoisite exiting the alleyway.  She nodded to him and began to walk towards the crowd.  If she wanted to find that filly, then it would be through them, and if things went south, they always had Zoisite's contingency.

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@Hazard Time

Raze had barely any time to react before the spikes shot out of him. He jumped back, the spikes just nearly impaling him. He looked back to see where Rosalia was... nothing.


Rosalia was gone. For a frail filly, boy could she run.


He grit his teeth once more, his frustrations building up. He failed. Again. Now he was back at square one, and defeating the demon that baroness Carnelian harbored within her was now even more difficult to accomplish. He turned his attention towards the Minotaur.


"You... you FOOL!!!" he shouted, loud enough for anyone nearby to hear. "You've doomed us all by letting her get away! Now that damn baroness Carnelian and her demon will--"


He paused for a brief moment. He couldn't really say that, now could he? The only "demon" that anyone saw around here was him, not Carnelian. Who would believe him right now? Nobody.


He stopped talking, glaring at the Minotaur and seeing what would happen next.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Hazard Time,


Rosalia paused, hearing Raze roar a few streets away with frustration and... something about a demon? And a Baroness? She shivered quietly as she trotted quietly through the apparently abandoned street. She would have to move quickly to put distance between her and the shenanigans occurring behind them. As she silently moved forwards, she felt a chill of foreboding, as if she was being hunted by a different group of ponies.


After about twenty minutes of moving across the city, Rosalia was stopped by her stomach growling. It's been twenty minutes... and I haven't heard a word from the other ponies around here. I think it would be safe to stop somewhere and eat... right? Changing her pace, she found herself near a quiet cafe and, sitting down at a nearby table, accepted a menu from one of the waiters and considered her options, quickly ordering a small meal.





Agririon sighed from his perch on the rooftops as Rosalia got out of the box and kept moving. After giving her a few moments to get ahead so he wouldn't be discovered, he set to searching... when he sensed it.


... the anomaly.


Quietly, Agririon faded himself out and squatted low to the ground, mentally shielding himself from detection as he did so. Soon after, a small filly on a cloud zoomed by, interested in the fight that was occurring nearby. With a small sigh, he unshielded himself, hoping that he was not noticed.


Being noticed by... her... was playing games with your very existence. No one was immune, not even he, and the thought of spending the rest of reality in total oblivion scared even himself- even he was not immune from being erased from the universe by spontaneous magic. He pitied the poor being who she took interest in. He wouldn't wish that fate against even Raze, who was rapidly rising to the top of Agririon's 'punch the ever-loving hell out of' list.


Quietly shaking his head, he looked up to notice that Rosalia had gone. Cursing himself slightly, he began moving across the rooftops in an attempt to catch up. He was not looking forwards to scouring the city for her yet again.

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After a long time of running and running with Double Play, Jack had finally decided to stop, skidding across the ground as he quickly halted. "Whew....they're gone...we lost him...." He huffed and breathed heavily. Running over that long of a distance for that long was insane. "You alright...?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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After a long time of running and running with Double Play, Jack had finally decided to stop, skidding across the ground as he quickly halted. "Whew....they're gone...we lost him...." He huffed and breathed heavily. Running over that long of a distance for that long was insane. "You alright...?"


Double skidded to a stop alongside Jack, doubled over and panting heavily. All that running - or skating, in her case - really took it out of her.


"Y-yeah, I'm fine," she huffed, shaking her head, "that stallion was n-u-t-s crazy."


She looked up at Jack, then down at her hoof, a small blush forming on her cheeks when she remembered he had held it. "Are you alright?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Double skidded to a stop alongside Jack, doubled over and panting heavily. All that running - or skating, in her case - really took it out of her.


"Y-yeah, I'm fine," she huffed, shaking her head, "that stallion was n-u-t-s crazy."


She looked up at Jack, then down at her hoof, a small blush forming on her cheeks when she remembered he had held it. "Are you alright?"

"Yup...I'm cool. Hate how that guy was after us, though. I hope he gets dealt with and put underneath the jail." He responded with heavy breath in his voice as he looked at her, "So what do we do now? Should we look around for Rosalia or take a bit of time to rest up?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The tiny white filly on the cloud only got closer to the scene, still half snoozing as she drifted along down the street. She hung half over, letting her hooves fall down over the front as she pressed onward towards where she had heard the explosion.


A few moments later, the tiny white alicorn rounded the corner, spotting both Lorec and Raze. Silently from the distance (being less than a dozen feet away, she watched them both with a half-interested expression, cloud shifting up and down slightly as she waited for whatever was going to happen. Or not.

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"Yup...I'm cool. Hate how that guy was after us, though. I hope he gets dealt with and put underneath the jail." He responded with heavy breath in his voice as he looked at her, "So what do we do now? Should we look around for Rosalia or take a bit of time to rest up?"


"Yeah, you are cool," Double muttered, then caught what she said and shook her head with a reddened face.


Double, you idiot! Be cool!


"I think she got away from that creep," she muttered, sitting on her haunches and removing her skates, "and that big minotaur guy will probably keep him busy for a while. I think we're all good."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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