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S02:E25+E26 - A Canterlot Wedding



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This episode was freaking awesome!  I know that the fight scene was limited to snapshots because, after all, it's for kids, but even the cartoonish violence in the fighting scene was pretty awesome.  My favourite part of the episode was when we finally see the real Cadence.  It sends a feeling of relief into your body.  Personally, when I first saw the episode, I thought that Cadence was acting up was because people change over time, but that wouldn't be a very valuable lesson for people the age of the show's demographic, because they are way to young to be worrying about puberty.  But hey, I'm a conclusion-hasty thinker.  But the feeling that you get when you see the real Cadence, and when they put their hooves around each other.  Just amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am quite pleased that Twilight has a big brother! Maybe the wedding shocker is just that she finds out her brother is getting married. It is quite common for for younger sisters to have a bit of a crush on their big brothers, and get a bit miffed when they start dating and eventually get married. Whoever they date, IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH for THEIR big brother!

I'm sort of speaking from experience here.

(My sister-in-law is really cool, so I got over it!)




Definitely. One of the highlights of the show. The whole marriage thing certainly made for one of the best episodes of Pony ever.

  • Brohoof 1

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Definitely. One of the highlights of the show. The whole marriage thing certainly made for one of the best episodes of Pony ever.

It's one of my favorites now!

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Recently, I've stumbled across a fanfiction which not only calls out Twilight's friends, mentor, and brother on what they did to her in part 1, but also on some of the flaws they've suffered throughout the first two seasons, not that they're necessarily flaws to make such big deals about anyhoof:


It may not exactly be the best, but I hope it'll satisfy y'all who were expecting bigger apologies from Twilight's peers.

Oh, and another thing: for those of you who are familiar with TV Tropes and aren't surprised that MLP: FIM has its own entry, just today I've been looking over the Fridge Brilliance page for season 2. Now normally, I support some of the claims made there, unlike DMOS and Wallbanger mostly, but just today, I found probably the most shocking entry justifying Twilight being alienated by her peers at the end of part 1:

* The scene where Twilight makes (fake) Cadence run out on the mock wedding and gets chewed out on is often controversial. You could excuse Twilight for giving into her emotions at the time as they accumulated but Shining Armor chastising her along with the Mane five leave in disappointment is often criticized as OOC and Celestia's comment doesn't help. However, while Your Millage May Vary, Shining Armor was naturally pissed over his sister making outrageous claims of the love of his life and making her cry (and as one suggested above the migraines were clouding his judgement). The Mane five leaving in disappointment is criticized since they didn't comfort Twilight who was left broken due to her brother's harsh words. But if a friend of mine put on an act like that, I'd be disappointed at her/him and her/him being all sad wouldn't change things, they did a bad thing and that's that. Not that wouldn't forgive them later but the deed was done. The five at least had the decency not to add fuel to the fire. Celestia's words: "You have much to think about" means that she's disappointed with Twilight's behavior and she expected better of her. Much like stern parents upset at their child. Twilight's actions were uncalled for as far as they were concerned and she deserved a scolding like for Shining Armor. You can easily call the Mane Five heartless but all things considered, a true friend wouldn't be please by these kind of actions.

This is all I have to say to that: BULL!!!!!! img-1477425-1-angry.png

The thing that matters most is that Twilight still turned out to be right! I don't care if these reactions that her friends, brother, and mentor had were realistic; it doesn't justify her being alienated! If I had been in that situation, I would have stayed right by her! If anything like this happened in real life, I'd probably either take her word for it or just ask her some questions. Thus, considering Shining Armor's claim about "Cadence" using her magic to wipe away his migraines, it's most likely that she was kissing up to him. As a troper myself, I'm awfully glad I removed that entry from the Fridge Brilliance page, because I know for a FACT that this type of treatment she received from her friends, brother, and mentor cannot be defended!

Bottom line is, Twilight being alienated by her peers is unjustifiable beyond a shadow of a doubt, no matter how bad a job she did at trying to prove that "Cadence" is evil! And don't give me anything like "Everybody's entitled to their opinion." I know we all are, but this is no opinion. It's FACT. I want all of you to support me on this. Don't take the side of the troper who posted that horrible entry; take MY side. I'm stating the facts.

Edited by BlueEyedPegasus

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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The thing that matters most is that Twilight still turned out to be right! I don't care if these reactions that her friends, brother, and mentor had were realistic; it doesn't justify her being alienated! If I had been in that situation, I would have stayed right by her! If anything like this happened in real life, I'd probably either take her word for it or just ask her some questions.


problem was that Twilight focused on non-substantial reasons for not trusting Cadence (like her hating Applejack's food) instead of real ones (like her not remembering Twilight)


and it doesn't matter how right you are if you're an asshole about it

Edited by Righteous Fury
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problem was that Twilight focused on non-substantial reasons for not trusting Cadence (like her hating Applejack's food) instead of real ones (like her not remembering Twilight)


and it doesn't matter how right you are if you're an asshole about it


I wanted to like this episode (I'm counting both parts as one) so much more than I did. The Changelings are by far the most incredible thing to come out it. But it's things such as that that made left this bittersweet episode with a mild yet unpleasant aftertaste.

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I wanted to like this episode (I'm counting both parts as one) so much more than I did. The Changelings are by far the most incredible thing to come out it. But it's things such as that that made left this bittersweet episode with a mild yet unpleasant aftertaste.

pretty much yeah


the things that were good were GREAT (changeling battle, actual wedding, Chrysalis in disguise, Spike playing with the figures...) but there was just so much useless stuff: songs were OK but dragged on way too long without advancing the plot, Rarity/Applejack/Rarity/Fluttershy/Rainbow/Spike/Luna didn't do anything important, and the entire plot doesn't make any sense when you think about it for more than 30 seconds.


yeah, I enjoyed bits of it, but it could've been way better than it was

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@@Righteous Fury, in my opinion, probably Twily does not want to highlight it to others about Cadance not being able to remember her as to avoid other ponies seeing that one as a self-centred remark, that's why she only mentioned other stuff like Applejack's food catering and how this 'Cadance' treated the rest of the Mane 6's parts of the wedding preparations.

Equestria's Lone Ranger and dedicated ex-prosecutor...




Watchin y'all.

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Note: Interestingly enough two related episodes have been confirmed for this airtime.


Episode 25:


Title: A Canterlot Wedding (Part 1)

Air Date: April 21, 2012

Synopsis: Twilight is confused by her conflicting feelings when she finds out her brother Shining Armor is marrying Celestia's niece Mi Amore.


Episode 26:


Title: A Canterlot Wedding (Part 2)

Air Date: April 21, 2012

Synopsis: Twilight saves her brother and all of ponykind by freeing the real Mi Amore and defeating Queen Chrysalis, a changeling that had assumed Mi Amore's appearance in an attempt to take over Equestria.

This is too surprising.



These descriptions are quite vague, and I assume are vague to avoid spoilers. After just recently watching these episodes myself I realize that the whole two episodes are full of twists and turns. To be honest, I have noticed more and more creativity emerging in the series. Regardless, I have a summary of my own...Be prepared, as here comes a spoiler!





In the beginning Twilight Sparkle indeed experiences conflicted feelings when it comes to her brother's upcoming wedding. After receiving a letter (through Spikes always "lovely" regurgitation of parchment), Twilight becomes anxious, and frantic in response. Not only is her brother getting married, a life changing decision (as she points out), but he had not informed her personally. Twilight had always been close with her brother, or as she put it, "BBBFF" (Big Brother Best Friends Forever). In situations like this, she clearly felt betrayal, yet this feeling was mixed in wih exciement for her brother's upcoming "special day".


Twilight finds out that he's marrying Princess Mi Amor, who used to "foal sit" (a term obviously equivalent to baby sit) for her when she was little. She clearly experiences both shock, happiness, pride, and excitement mixed into one upon hearing he news. She remembers Princess Mi Amor's kindness, and her ability to spread love everywhere. However, when Twilight sees Princess Mi Amor for who she is now, Twilight is immediately put off by the Princess' cold and uncaring nature. Twilight's surprise and dislike the Princess Mi Amor only grows as the first episode progresses. The princess is cruel, is clearly using magic for her own benefit at the cost of hurting and controlling others, and shows no respect for anyone around her. She is demanding, and lies frequently. Twilight sees that this is NOT the Princess Mi Amor she used to know. A distinct clue to what exactly happened is noted during the first meeting between Twilight and the Princess in the first episode, when Princess Mi Amor does not seem to remember the "patty-cake" like interaction Twilight and Princess Mi Amor and Twilight had done as children when playing together.


About half-way through the first episode, Twilight catches the Princess casting a sort of spell on her brother (Shining Armor), and she eventually attempts to bring the fact that the Princess is not a catch, and that there is something wrong, during the wedding rehearsal. Yet, at this time, no one believes her. Her brother insists that Princess Mi Amor was healing a migrain he was experiencing. Twilight is even told by Princess Celestia that she has "a lot to think about". It is clearly assumed that Twilight is simply being possessive of her brother by the others.


At the end of the episode, Twilight thinks the situation over, and even questions if she is mistaken in her judgement, a common occurence in reality, when we do in fact question our intuition and use logic instead. When Princess Mi Amor enters the room where Twilight is, it is, however, made very clear that something is indeed wrong, as she casts Twilight into a pit.


When the second episode begins, Twilight finds that she was indeed on to something. She uncovers the fact that the real Princess Mi Amor was in the same pit she was thrown into. The clue in the beginning of the first episode is also made abundantly clear here, when the two proceed to play the "patty-cake" like activity they used to do, exactly as they used to do it, creating the realization that the initial lack of "memory" of the act hinted at the first "Princess Mi Amor" being an imposter.


The two manage to make an escape, and reveal the truth to everyone. As it turns out the imposter was a "Changeling", bent on feeding off of love to gain power. An army of changelings soon enter, and many attempt to take the forms of the mane six. Yet, this scene is surpisingly simple, and leaves the audience with the question of, "How did the ponies know the real mane six from the imposters?"


Despite much chaos, and many twists and turns, the second episode does have a happy ending, of course, and the wedding proceeds with Shining Armor marrying the real Princess Mi Amor.


These episodes focus a good deal on Twilight Sparkle's feelings about the whole situation and the individuals involved, and rightly so. The message behind these episodes, as stated toward the end, is to "trust your instincts". I find it an excellent message that rarely gets through to people. It's far too often that someone gets themselves into (sometimes grave) danger due to ignoring their initial instincts and feelings. Since this show's target audience is young girls, who may be at risk of rape or kidnapping, they are getting the message to these girls at an early age, which will perhaps in turn remain with them as much of the common sense we are told at an early age remains with us.


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There is something that bothers me about the fandom and this episode. Tons of people were saying that Celestia sent Cadence to be Twilight's foal-sitter, but rewatching the first part, it doesn't make sense. Twilight hadn't met Celestia by that time yet because she didn't have her cutie mark in the scenes with Cadence as a foal.


I doubt Celestia even knew about Twilight before she tried out at the academy, so this theory falls through, wouldn't it?

  • Brohoof 2
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There is something that bothers me about the fandom and this episode. Tons of people were saying that Celestia sent Cadence to be Twilight's foal-sitter, but rewatching the first part, it doesn't make sense. Twilight hadn't met Celestia by that time yet because she didn't have her cutie mark in the scenes with Cadence as a foal.


I doubt Celestia even knew about Twilight before she tried out at the academy, so this theory falls through, wouldn't it?

it would be plausible if Cadence wasn't an alicorn then, and later became one like Twilight, but nope she's got her wings and horn in the flashbacks.


so apparently princesses take random foalsitting jobs, and yet people still complain Twilicorn can't realistically stay in Ponyville...

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E26 First sitting of my beloved Queen Chrysalis. I loved the part where she beat Celestia in a duel. I cant Believe love is what beat her. Im a huge fan of Queen Chrysalis and I hope she shows herself in later episodes.

  • Brohoof 2

All Hail Queen Chrysalis.


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Another interesting tidbit: some viewers complain that Twilight didn't have any proof to back her up about "Cadence" being evil. Well, news flash: she DID have proof, but guess what? She was clearly INCAPABLE of showing it!

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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Another interesting tidbit: some viewers complain that Twilight didn't have any proof to back her up about "Cadence" being evil. Well, news flash: she DID have proof, but guess what? She was clearly INCAPABLE of showing it!

which directly flies in the face of the MMMystery episode shown immediately before this one


yeah, this is just a bad episode altogether, pretty visuals, but the plot is crap, there are parts that feel cramped and long stretches where nothing happens, and Chrysalis is the most boring, generic villain ever seen on the show

  • Brohoof 1
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The ending of episode 25 was extremely sad and I teared up which was a first. sad.pngI felt Twilight's sorrow of being emotionally abandoned by her friends and even Princess Celestia. While I can't argue against a fifty point reason why I should hate the two episodes, I liked them a lot. It's just my opinion and nothing more. It's my first time watching them so I have seen Princess Cadence for the first time too. She is an interesting character, I should say.

  • Brohoof 3

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The ending of episode 25 was extremely sad and I teared up which was a first. img-1555241-1-sad.pngI felt Twilight's sorrow of being emotionally abandoned by her friends and even Princess Celestia. While I can't argue against a fifty point reason why I should hate the two episodes, I liked them a lot. It's just my opinion and nothing more. It's my first time watching them so I have seen Princess Cadence for the first time too. She is an interesting character, I should say.

I feel ya, man. I even label the ending to part 1 and the CMC getting shunned in "Ponyville Confidential" as the two most heartbreaking moments in the entire series! sad.png
  • Brohoof 2

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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And another thing: even if Twilight did use her exposition beam that she pulled in "Return Of Harmony: Part 2" to show "Cadence" putting a spell on Shining Armor, it's still rather likely that Shining Armor would have contradicted his sister's claims and Twilight's friends and Celestia would have doubted her. Anybody agree?

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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And another thing: even if Twilight did use her exposition beam that she pulled in "Return Of Harmony: Part 2" to show "Cadence" putting a spell on Shining Armor, it's still rather likely that Shining Armor would have contradicted his sister's claims and Twilight's friends and Celestia would have doubted her. Anybody agree?


If she would've used her exposition beam, at best Fake Cadence would have just said, 'Look!  Twilight's the one casting a spell on him, not me!'.  So it never would have worked.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 2

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If she would've used her exposition beam, at best Cadence would have just said, 'Look!  Twilight's the one casting a spell on him, not me!'.  So it never would have worked.

That's another interesting point, and as I may have pointed out before, Twilight's so-called "lack of evidence" is actually justified in this case being that there's no way she could have gathered or provided any solid evidence. It kinda makes even more sense when you consider the fact that, even if Twilight DID provide evidence, the fake Cadence could still manipulate Twilight's brother, friends, and mentor into thinking that Twilight's claims and evidence were false (eventhough we all know Twilight's claims were true, and if she did provide evidence, we'd know they were true, too) and they would be even further filled with doubt. It sure puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

Edited by BlueEyedPegasus
  • Brohoof 1

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I watched the episode for the first time recently and I gotta say it was really good, the plot was amazing, and the ending was great too. all in all I give the episode a 3.5/5

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At first I thought this lesson twilight would learn from this is how people can change but, I guess it was more of how changelings can change XD

Edited by Onylex
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If anybody's interested, check out this video I just uploaded onto Youtube:




I'm sure a great deal of y'all will agree with it! If some of y'all don't, then, well... that's your loss. No offense.

Edited by BlueEyedPegasus
  • Brohoof 1

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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