FlawlessMissRarity 13 March 11, 2013 Share March 11, 2013 I adore this episode....I love the bond between Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armour. There love is so beautiful I couldn't help but shed a few tears. They are probably my 2nd favourite couple on the show...I really admire their love for eachother and how powerful and magical it is, it's just so beautiful to me. I really loved the songs and I watch this one alot. My favourite song from this episode is This Day (The Cadance and Changeling Cadance version) and BBBFF Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparkBrony 379 March 15, 2013 Share March 15, 2013 Anyone know where I can watch this episode? I really wanna see it but I couldn't find it on Youtube. :/ Thanks to whoever can help me! ~SparkBrony The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff! Check me out on Fimfiction! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charcolt 3 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Anyone know where I can watch this episode? I really wanna see it but I couldn't find it on Youtube. :/ Thanks to whoever can help me! Dunno about as far as online, but if you live in the US/North America region, you probably may be better off by buying the Royal Wedding DVD, It's got both of the episodes of the season finale and a few more episodes. Hope this helps at least a little. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparkBrony 379 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Dunno about as far as online, but if you live in the US/North America region, you probably may be better off by buying the Royal Wedding DVD, It's got both of the episodes of the season finale and a few more episodes. Hope this helps at least a little. Thanks, but do you know anywhere I could watch it for free? I guess if not I might have to buy the Royal Wedding DVD. ~SparkBrony The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff! Check me out on Fimfiction! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charcolt 3 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Thanks, but do you know anywhere I could watch it for free? I guess if not I might have to buy the Royal Wedding DVD. As far as through youtube/some sort of stream, not that I know of, but there may be somewhere you could download it from (like a torrent or something). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShutterFly! 30 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 As far as through youtube/some sort of stream, not that I know of, but there may be somewhere you could download it from (like a torrent or something). After 2 hours of searching (im not kidding when i say this) i found a website http://www.watchcartoononline.com/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-season-2-episode-25-26-a-canterlot-wedding-part-1-a-canterlot-wedding-part-2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparkBrony 379 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 After 2 hours of searching (im not kidding when i say this) i found a website http://www.watchcartoononline.com/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-season-2-episode-25-26-a-canterlot-wedding-part-1-a-canterlot-wedding-part-2 I don't see a video, just this picture: Maybe I need to update my Adobe Flash Player? Not sure, I'll try a few things....hold on....I'll see if I can get it to work. ~SparkBrony The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff! Check me out on Fimfiction! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShutterFly! 30 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 I don't see a video, just this picture: Maybe I need to update my Adobe Flash Player? Not sure, I'll try a few things....hold on....I'll see if I can get it to work. You need to click right here, it will most likely open up some ad or something, but then you just x out of the ad and you can watch. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparkBrony 379 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 Oh yay, thanks!!! Now it works! Thanks for searching for 2 hours for that ~SparkBrony The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff! Check me out on Fimfiction! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShutterFly! 30 March 20, 2013 Share March 20, 2013 Anytime! I don't want anypony missing such an awesome finale 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparkBrony 379 March 22, 2013 Share March 22, 2013 The end of the episode was so touching, I practically cried Great episode all around, I especially like all the songs, they were really catchy ~SparkBrony The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff! Check me out on Fimfiction! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Awesomeface 8 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Easily my favourite episode! Those changelings are definitely a worthy adversary, managing to infiltrate the capital that's on a high alert, pretending to be Celestia's niece, and almost conquering Equestria and defeating everypony until a dues ex machina destroyed their hopes... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 March 26, 2013 Share March 26, 2013 This......wasn't one of Celestia's better episodes, to put it mildly. Cadence has a nice voice, you have to admit. By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lionheart27 33 March 26, 2013 Share March 26, 2013 Anyone know where I can watch this episode? I really wanna see it but I couldn't find it on Youtube. :/ Thanks to whoever can help me! If you have Netflix, they have all 3 seasons on it. Unfortunately, they don't have it on Hulu, but thanks to Netflix, I don't have to worry, and I can watch episodes whenever I feel like it. Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs When in doubt, post ponies! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Eggnog 203 March 26, 2013 Share March 26, 2013 I think that the most impressive thing about this episode was just how much I cared about that wedding despite the characters of Cadence and Shining Armor being introduced less than 40 minutes beforehand. 1 I love you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lionheart27 33 March 26, 2013 Share March 26, 2013 I think that the most impressive thing about this episode was just how much I cared about that wedding despite the characters of Cadence and Shining Armor being introduced less than 40 minutes beforehand. To be fair, nobody wants to see a guy get the soul sucked out of him by an evil woman, and everyone likes a good redemption story anyway. Besides, who else was surprised to see Celestia beaten in a magic beam battle? Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs When in doubt, post ponies! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scythe 39 March 27, 2013 Share March 27, 2013 A Canterlot Wedding is my favourite episode, especially the second part. Cadance the Bridezilla, Twilight being abandoned was extremely sad, the caves filled with mirror-like crystals, This Day Aria, the battle, the changelings, Queen Chrysalis, Princess Luna made a few appearances, someone else saved the day, and more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crimson Inferno 0 April 2, 2013 Share April 2, 2013 I loved this two-parter! The story was fantastic, and the introduction of Twilight having a brother is great! But one thing... Is it wrong that I cried when Twilight's friends and even Princess Celestia left her back at the Wedding Room, pissed off at her? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Righteous Fury 344 April 6, 2013 Share April 6, 2013 Why I didn't like this episode: 1. Since when is Applejack a caterer? I thought Canterlot ponies hated her food. 2. What bride leaves the design of her wedding dress untouched until a couple days before the wedding? 3. Boring musical number that doesn't move the story along about a misunderstanding that gets cleared up immediately afterwards with no lasting effects. Could've been used to establish an actual character for Shining Armor beyond "we used to be really close but now I guess not". 4. How did they get past the force field? Did Shining Armor open it? If so, why wasn't he there to greet them right away? Does he just open the force field for all the trains? Then why didn't the changelings just hide on a train? 5. A public threat is made against Canterlot, and Celestia brings the Mane 6 to Canterlot without giving them the Elements of Harmony, aka the most powerful weapon at their disposal? 6. The captain of the Royal Guard can't dictate a letter? 7. Cadence was Twilight's only non-family friend before coming to Ponyville, and she doesn't know her full name or the fact that she's a princess. 8. A princess foalsat for Twilight before she had her cutie mark, aka before she met Celestia and became important in any way. Later dialogue indicates Cadence did this for other kids. Is this normal for princesses? Just take random jobs until they're old enough to rule? 9. Where are Twilight and Shining Armor's parents in all this? Surely they'd remember Cadence and confirm that something's up? 10. Twilight grows suspicious of Cadence because she hides her true feelings to Applejack, saying everything's fine when it's not. She also grows suspicious of Cadence for being too hard on Rarity, demanding perfection. Make up your mind. Either lying is bad or being critical is bad. There is literally nothing Cadence can do that would please Twilight, which would be fine if the show bothered to distinguish between real reasons to distrust Cadence (not remembering Twilight) against Twilight's insecurities. 11. Pointless Luna cameo is pointless. 12. Twilight focuses on meaningless stuff instead of the one true sign that something's wrong: Cadence didn't recognize her. 13. Other Mane 5 don't even try to understand Twilight. Spike couldn't care less about his emotionally unstable best friend trying to tell him something important to her. 14. Chrysalis knows Twilight's right there, and yet chooses that precise moment to reveal herself and brainwash Shining Armor over something as stupid as his clothing. 15. OK, so what exactly happened to the bridesmaids anyway? Why couldn't they be in the wedding? 16. In the previous episode, Twilight showed herself to be a competent detective capable of gathering evidence and using said evidence to build a logical case. Here, she completely loses it, breaking up the rehearsal, making somepony cry, and acting smug about it. Seriously Twilight, what did you think was going to happen? 17. Nopony remembers Lesson Zero and everyone turns their backs on Twilight. Either she's right or she's lost it and needs a friend more than ever. You'd think the other Mane 5 would at least try to get Twilight to snap out of it. These are the same ponies that risked Celestia's wrath to defend Twilight when she needed it, yet making a mess of a rehearsal is unforgivable. 18. Chrysalis chooses to attack Twilight, thus confirming her suspicions after it's been shown nopony believes her, right as Twilight gives up her crusade. 19. Chrysalis does not kill Twilight. She doesn't even try to restrain her. 20. Cadence could clearly hear Twilight and Chrysalis' loudly shouted dialogue from behind that rock, yet makes no noise until Twilight lucks out and finds her. 21. Cadence is neither dead nor restrained in any way. 22. Another pointless musical number that neither moves the plot along or tells us anything we don't already know. 23. Cadence and Twilight find their way out of the cave without getting lost. 24. Oh here are the bridesmaids. Wait. Are they changelings, or brainwashed? Either way, why are they guarding the cave instead of being in the wedding? Chrysalis must have sent them there after capturing Cadence, but before capturing Twilight. Why? 25. Celestia doesn't not immediately zap Chrysalis, even though Chrysalis gives a huge monologue with her back to Celestia. 26. Why didn't anypony see the massive horde of ugly black hellspawn hanging outside the shield? 27. Chrysalis' plan makes no sense. Presumably she was responsible for the original threat against Canterlot, so that Shining Armor would be stressed and it would be easier to control him. But how could she predict that the Princesses' reaction would be to have Shining Armor make a huge shield bubble around Canterlot? And why not sneak in your changeling army before he makes the shield? It'd be easy. They're changelings. The only excuse Chrysalis has for not having her changeling army on hand is if she didn't know Shining Armor would make the shield. But then who sent the threat? And why was she in Canterlot when the shield came up? 28. Celestia does more talking than fighting. Chrysalis could've killed the entire wedding party before she reacted. 29. Chrysalis allows the Mane 6 to leave for the Elements of Harmony. Doesn't even try to stop them, despite the Elements being capable of defeating Nightmare Moon, another villain stronger than Celestia. "Secure the Elements of Harmony" was the first item on both Nightmare Moon's and Discord's to-do list, and for good reason. Chrysalis doesn't give a crap. 30. Rainbow Dash could've flown to the throne room, retrieved the Elements, done a sonic rainboom for the hell of it, grabbed some beer and pizza, and returned to hand out the Elements in the time it takes for the Mane 6 to get to the throne room. 31. Since when can Rarity hold her own in a fight? 32. A large group of changelings outside is no problem. A relatively small band of changelings standing between the Mane 6 and the Elements is too dangerous to even attempt. 34. Why isn't Twilight doing any interesting spells? She could at least teleport past the changelings to the Elements. You know, like she did in the very first episode against a far more powerful foe than a group of mooks? Why can't she replicate a miniature version of Shining Armor's spell? If Shining Armor is powerful enough to repel the entire army from Canterlot, Twilight should at least be able to keep a room clear. 35. Well, at least Chrysalis bothered to properly secure Celestia. Sadly, this just begs the question of why she didn't do that to Twilight and Cadence in the cave. 36. Wait, why is Spike there? All the guests are gone. Spike's just chilling next to Cadence. Was he in the wedding party? Why? Why is Cadence glued in place, but Spike isn't? He's not even trying to free Cadence or Celestia. He has a tail that works like a jackhammer but he can't smash through Celestia's chrysalis thing? 37. Chrysalis doesn't bother to secure the Mane 6, not even with Cadence's little glue thing. 38. Oh no. Chrysalis sealed the door. If only the Mane 6 had someone able to smash through a window and fly through it. 39. Twilight frees Cadence and doesn't try to free Celestia. Spike and the other Mane 5 presumably are playing chess right now. 40. Cadence's love spell: curing brainwashing with more brainwashing. 41. Chrysalis laughs at Cadence using the same power she used to defeat Celestia. And turns her back without securing either Cadence or Shining Armor. 42. Shining Armor ejects all the changelings from Canterlot with one spell. Only changelings. And they don't get stuck on any buildings. 43. Is anyone else worried that there's a nearly unstoppable army headed by a demi-god loose in Equestria? 44. After being completely useless the entire episode, the rest of the main cast throw a party, make a dress, cook food, and talk to birds. You know, do the same stuff they do every single day of their lives. The magic of friendship, everyone. 45. Why are the Cutie Mark Crusaders in Canterlot, let alone the wedding party? Cadence doesn't know them. Celestia doesn't even know them. 46. Cadence doesn't wear her veil over her head, sadly proving that a 20 year old unmarried male knows more about weddings than this royal bride. 47. Applejack's Discord face thrown in for no reason other than to remind us of a far better two-part major villain episode. 48. How do non-unicorns get married? Do they just not have rings? Why don't we ever see Cadence and Shining Armor with the rings again? 49. Entire population of Canterlot is there for the wedding, and not, you know, repairing the massive damage wrought by an invading army. 50. Luna, go away. You're useless. 51. This isn't even the same room Pinkie was showing all her reception plans off in. 52. Oh hey Spike. You managed to be even more useless than Luna, good job. 53. Why aren't the other Mane 5 there to catch the bouquet? Who are the mares Rarity knocks over? Were they bridesmaids as well? 54. Ha, Spike didn't do the bachelor party when he was supposed to. Wait. Shining Armor didn't have a bachelor party? And none of his friends noticed that was odd? Spike was supposed to be planning this party but he didn't notice anything odd about Shining Armor? I know Spike's lazy, but he doesn't even try to do his job for a royal wedding? Besides, what are bachelor party jokes doing in a kids' show? I'm sure that create any awkward family conversations. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unpredictable Ranger 696 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 Righteous Fury already covered up all that I wanted to say. Other than that, were the production team lazy to make different characters as the guests of the wedding or what?I can clearly see that there are replicated (duplicates?) characters at the background from their mane-styles to their colours and overall design, and when they move in the second image attachment here (like, nodded or something?) the same iterated guests have the very same animation (with the attachments here, look carefully at the video where these two scenes occurred and you'll notice it).... What's this, we have clones in Equestria attending the Canterlot Wedding??? 1 Equestria's Lone Ranger and dedicated ex-prosecutor... http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/?q=MDM3MXw3NTA2NTE ' Watchin y'all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttonmash1973 1,026 April 22, 2013 Share April 22, 2013 And so this day are going to mark the one year of The Canterlot Wedding. Here down below are some of the reactions of the episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NomDeSpite 452 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 (edited) Oh boy, oh boy. Episodes like these two remind me of why I fell in love with Friendship Is Magic in the first place. These two episodes are a stellar finale for the season, better than many Season 1 episodes. Here is my review: -Dr. Eggnog is right. This episode makes you care greatly about the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, despite knowing little about them before the ceremony -The musical number at the beginning is touching, how Twilight reminisces about how close she and her brother were and how they've since grown apart. As an older brother myself, I sometimes wonder if my younger brother feels this way about me. -Spike wanting to host a bachelor party without even knowing what it is. LOL -Cadence is sweet and innocent (babysitting...doesn't get much more adorable than that). Shining Armor himself is likeable, both serious and lighthearted at the same time. Nice to see another notable male character in the show. -the evil plot of Chrysalis and the Changelings is a great addition to the story because it takes something as pure and sacred as a wedding and invades it with malice and lust for power. It also appeals to my fascination with conspiracies. Secret plans involving body doubles, kidnappings, mind control, eliminating anyone who gets too close to the truth, etc. actually do happen in real life, as crazy as it sounds. -the tension and suspense of the episode is built very well. It honestly convinces you that Twilight is mistaken, that Cadence is behaving the way she does because of stress, etc. ...only to throw it apart at the end of Episode 1. -Evil Cadence is pretty badass; Exhibit A: -the "This Day Aria" and "Love Is In Bloom" musical numbers are both memorable, especially the former. -the actual wedding procession is lovely. Weddings are inherently lovely when both the bride and groom are genuinely good people and love one another. This is augmented by various little details, i.e. Rarity starting to cry, the birds carrying Cadence's dress, Spike and Sweetie Belle dancing together... I would like to now respond to @@Righteous Fury and his some of his critique of this episode. I think he is on-base on some of his points but far-off on others. 9. Totally agreed, the absence of parents (assuming they aren't among the large crowd) is a bad oversight. 12. This isn't "pointless", it's supposed to create a compound, a comprehensive case that Cadence isn't the same person. Using multiple examples is more powerful than using just one. 13. The other 5 were clearly flattered and excited about being asked to play highly important roles in the wedding, that excitement probably blinded them and led them to dismiss Twilight's complaints prematurely. I've been in similar situations where people simply would not listen to me. 15. My hypothesis is that the original bridesmaids learned that "Cadence" wasn't actually Cadence and had to be disposed of. 16. It's difficult to be objective when your family member is the crime victim. 21. You're right. Maybe Cadence should be dead. Then again this is a kids show, that has to be kept in mind. Death is a little too much for that. 31. Since Season 1, Episode 2 ("Take that, you ruffian!") and Season 2, Episode 21 ("I'll rip you to pieces if you touch one scale on his cute little head!") 49. Priorities, my son. Weddings are supposed to be a joyous occasion. Repairs to Canterlot can come later, once normal life has resumed. As long as they aren't too drastic and need to literally be dealt with immediately, that is. Also we don't know how much time has passed since the invasion and the real wedding. Maybe the repairs were already done. 50. Agreed. The failure of the writers to let us know what Luna was doing during the Changeling invasion is very disappointing. Edited April 26, 2013 by NomDeSpite 1 On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said: This is the internet, not reality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Righteous Fury 344 April 27, 2013 Share April 27, 2013 My hypothesis is that the original bridesmaids learned that "Cadence" wasn't actually Cadence and had to be disposed of. yeah, that makes sense I guess... still should've been in the show though It mainly just bugs me how they paced the episode - the first half is all filler and the second half is too rushed. Spike and the non-Twilight Mane 5 soaked up way too much screen time on stuff that wasn't funny or important. They should've had pt. 1 give more character establishment for Shining Armor and Cadence, ending with Celestia's defeat. Then let the second half be packed with more awesome changeling battles and let Chrysalis actually do something. The parts that were great were great, but they could've done more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlight Song 44 April 27, 2013 Share April 27, 2013 Here we are at the Canterlot Wedding. Random Cadence appears out of no where. Random brother appears out of nowhere. RANDOM MAGENTA EYES APPEAR OUT OF VINYL SCRATCH??? I loved this two-parter! The story was fantastic, and the introduction of Twilight having a brother is great! But one thing... Is it wrong that I cried when Twilight's friends and even Princess Celestia left her back at the Wedding Room, pissed off at her? I didn't really like this episode, but I almost cried too. I know a lot of people say this, but, I feel so much like Twilight that I wanted to cry for her. 1 Profile pic and signature by: darryshan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
True Rarity 1,240 April 30, 2013 Share April 30, 2013 This was just plain awesome. Princess Cadence has a sweet singing voice! I also loved how there was ALMOST no kissing in it. And I nearly cried when Twilight got yelled at by pretty much everyone. 1 My deviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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