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S02:E25+E26 - A Canterlot Wedding



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    • I LOVED IT! <3

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These episodes have raised the bar to what is probably the highest point you can put a kid's show.

In my opinion, the wedding has the best songs, best emotional scenes and is the darkest episode yet.


Dunno how they're gonna top this for S3, but I hope it's gonna be awesome :)


I actually think "Hurricane Fluttershy" has the most emotional scenes. I mean, just looks at this..



Anyways, I loved the Wedding episodes and I liked the songs too.

Edited by Mr. Pillow


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This was a great episode and a great way to end the season. The songs were great, the story was good, and I like the charters that were in this episode and I hope they show up in season 3.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I just watched this a few hours ago for the first time. After the finale of season 1 (which was a great episode, don't get me wrong) I kind of expected another similar finale here. Instead we get an action packed, song filled epic episode of awesomeness!

Easily my favorite episode/s of the whole show.

  • Brohoof 1



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Not going to lie, I had very low expectations for this episode... but I was quite wrong. I ended up liking almost everything about it, from the characters to the music...and especially the Matrix-esque epic melee at the end.


Good stuff lads, good stuff.

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I liked this episode alot! I love how they made Twi seem like the bad guy, but it ended with Chyrsylis (I dunno how to spell her name.) being the actually baddy. The ending was aweshum, I did indeed love this episode :3

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My favorite episode, my favorite music...this episode(s) is/are simply awesome! Though they could have established Quen Chrysalis´ character a bit more...


Get back! All of you! This is my comment. And I´m going to POST IT!

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Rarity was a BEAST during the end xD


I wonder how ponies survived in those dungeons? Either someone must go down everyday and feed them all or they'll just die :/

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I got a friend of mine from another site to watch this episode of MLP & he decided to write a review for it and asked me to post it here


He goes by the name AQUARIUS


here is part one of his Review



AQUA reviews.


My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

Episode(s) 51 And 52: "A Canterlot Wedding"


This is my first time reviewing An animated TV show (or a single episode). The show i am reviewing today is "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic"


The show, based off the Hasbro toys originating from the '80's, has hit massive popularity in a very short amount of time.

With the selection of Lauren Faust as creative director and executive producer, the girly nature of My Little Pony was instantly challenged, as she set to create more in-depth characters and settings. When Faust stepped down after the first season, Jayson Thiessen, supervising director, took over. Faust remains as consulting producer. The show revolves around Twilight Sparkle and her mentor Princess Celestia as she teaches her the values of friendship in the town of Ponyville. Along the way, Twilight Sparkle meets and makes new friends: Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. They represent the "Faces Of Friendship" and all discover they are a part of the "Elements Of Harmony" One of the main factors in the success of the show and the growing "Brony" community is due to the relationship between Hasbro, the creators, and the fans. All fans are embraced, and as such, fansites, memes, and even a number of conventions have appeared as a place for fellow Bronies alike to share their mutual intersts in all things Equestria.


Now on to the episode itself.

Part 1: Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the ponies are enjoying a picnic when Spike (Twilight Sparkle's assistant and Roommate), delivers a letter to the ponies inviting them to a wedding, and each pony has a specific task to make sure the wedding goes as planned. But there is some confusion as to who is being married, until Spike hands Twilight Sparkle another letter (which he admits he probably should've handed to her first) revealing that her older brother Shining Armor, who is the older brother of Twilight Sparkle and captain of the Canterlot Royal guard, is being married with Princess Cadance (or "Princess Mi Amore Candenza") while the other ponies are excited and start to congratulate her, Twilight Sparkle resents not being told in person that Shining Armor was being married. When Twilight Sparkle goes to confront Shining Armor about this, he reveals that a threat has been made against Canterlot and he is the only one that can provide it protection from the threat. He also reveals that Princess Cadance was Twilight Sparkle's former foalsitter, whom she recalls many fond memories of. But when Cadance makes her appearance, Twilight Sparkle detects something is amiss, as Cadance does not act as she recalls her in her memories. While the other ponies get the preparations for the wedding ready, Twilight Sparkle attempts to uncover the truth behind Cadance's strange actions. When none of the other ponies believe her pleas, Twilight Sparkle goes to Shining Armor himself to try to convince him that something is wrong when Cadance makes an appearance and asks to talk to Shining Armor in privacy. They go in a room and close the door so Twilight Sparkle can't hear their conversation. Twilight Sparkle, in curiosity and concern, makes a crease in the door so she can eavesdrop on the two. To her horror, she sees Cadance cast a spell on Shining Armor , making his eyes turn green. Twilight Sparkle rushes off as Shining Armor calls after her, feeling that was something else she wanted to tell him. At the wedding rehearsal, Twilight Sparkle comes forth with her claim and evidence, as all the other ponies stand in shock. Cadance runs off crying after Twilight Sparkle claims her to be "Evil" Feeling confidence in her claim and that the rest would take her side, Twilight Sparkle trots back in victory only to bump into Shining Armor, who disowns her claim and says that his eyes turn green because she was healing his migraines due to the spell which protects Canterlot, also telling her not to show up to the wedding. Twilight Sparkle begins to question her claim in seclusion when Cadance appears before her. Twilight Sparkle attempts to apologize, which Cadance accepts, and then exclaims she will be sorry. Then Twilight Sparkle is enveloped in a spell and disappears, putting the fate of Twilight Sparkle, the ponies, and Equestria into doubt




Feedback is welcome


you can reach him at Aquarius511@yahoo.com


Part 2 of his review is coming soon


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I got a friend of mine from another site to watch this episode of MLP & he decided to write a review for it and asked me to post it here


He goes by the name AQUARIUS


here is part one of his Review






Feedback is welcome


you can reach him at Aquarius511@yahoo.com


Part 2 of his review is coming soon


I like it, but some of what he writes, eg: the sentence "revealing that her older brother Shining Armor, who is the older brother of Twilight Sparkle and captain of the Canterlot Royal guard" is redundant. He just needs to watch out for those things. Also, "making a crease in the door" sounds very odd. It should be "crack" and even that sounds pretty strange. Edited by Full Spectrum

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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alright, here is part 2 of AQUARIUS' review of A Canterlot Wedding



Part 2


As we begin part two, we find Twilight Sparkle in a dark area as she calls out in hopes of obtaining help, when she bumps into some crystals. As a myserious laugh is heard echoing through the area, she asks where she is, when Cadance's refelection appears on the crystals and reveals that she is in the caves beneath Canterlot, where greedy Unicorns searched to claim the gems that were inside, which she also says is her "prison" as she runs off calling for help. Cadance goes on to explain that most ponies have forgotten the existance of the caves, and therefore it makesthe ideal place to keep people who attempt to interfere with her plans. When asked about her plans, she exclaims the plans that she has for Shining Armor, which angers Twilight Sparkle into destroying various crystals in which Cadance has transported her reflection onto until an area of the cave is destroyed which reveals a seemingly helpless version of Cadance, who pleas for her to stop as she is attacked. Her plea is that she was imprisoned by an imposter, which falls on deaf ears, until she says a rhyme that brings back fond memories of when she was her foalsitter and proves that she is no imposter. After a small emotional moment, the two set out through the caverns to stop the imposter from marrying Shining Armor. Meanwhile, back at Canterlot, the imposter Cadance starts to sing about how this day will be perfect, and how her plan will go off without a hitch, also revealing that she does not care for him at all, and only sees him as something to be used, while the real Cadance sings about how this day WAS going to be perfect, but now they may be no happy ending to this story, but is determined to save her groom no matter what the cost. Back in Canterlot, the wedding is just beginning, while below, Cadance starts to lose hope in their mission until Twilight Sparkle sees a beam of light shining through the cavern, and transports them up there. All seems well until the former brides maids of the imposter appear to try and finish them off. Back at Canterlot, Princess Celestia is about to certify the marriage, when a yell is heard from the back. It is revealed to be Twilight Sparkle, which shocks the crowd and angers the imposter, who then pretends to cry to make the rest in attendance angry at her, until the real Cadance confronts her, which also shocks the crowd. When asked how they escaped the brides maids, it is shown that the simple plan of throwing flowers is enough to distract them so they can make their escape. When Applejack questions how there can be two of them, she says that the imposter is a "Changeling", who has the ability to take the form of a Pony and feed off other's love for that particular pony to gain power. The imposter then transforms into her true self, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. Then she confirms the claim by Cadance and says that Equestria has more love than she's ever seen before, and that her and her subjects can become even more powerful than ever by devouring it. When Cadance says that it won't work due to the protection spell in place by Shining Armor that surrounds them, her claim is shot down by the queen, who has control over him. When Cadance attempts to rush towards them, she is threatened to be sent back down to the caves, and she proceeds to back off. When it is revealed that the queen has been feeding off of Shining Armor's love for her, she also says that he is becoming weaker, and therefore the spell that protects them is growing weaker, with the intention to feed off of all of Equestria. Princess Celestia confronts her, and they begin in a spell duel, which ends with her being overpowered by the queen. As the rest of the ponies rush to her aid, she says that they need to retrieve the elements of harmony so they can defeat the queen. The ponies rush off, but only after a bit of comic relief from Rarity. On their way, the minions break through the spell and begin to invade and attack, with an action sequence where an army of changeling minions take the forms of the ponies. After they defeat the minions, they arrive at the vault where the elements are kept with another troop of minions in pursuit, they open the vault and find to their horror, that they are more minions lying in wait for them as they are surrounded. Cut to Canterlot, as Celestia is being kept in a cocoon of sorts, and Cadance, Shining Armor, and Spike are being held hostage below. While making the claim that the queens plan will never succeed, the doors open to show that the five have been captured and brought back by the minions. As the queen touts certain victory, the scene outside shows the minions attacking the citizens of Equestria. Twilight Sparkle sneaks to the front undetected and breaks Cadance free from her binds, telling her to go to Shining Armore while she still can. She proceeds to trot over to him and gives him a tearful hug, and the power of her love breaks him free from the queen's control. When he attempts to perform the protection spell, he says he is too weak to pull it off, to which Cadance claims that her love will give him strength, to which the queens laughs the idea off. But, this seemingly impossible concept actually works, as the power of their love creates a spell so strong, that it blows away the queen and all of her minions. The two engage in a hug as Twilight Sparkle goes to help Celestia up, who says she has a real wedding to plan. They get to work on the wedding plans, to which Cadance finds the catering, the dress, the music, and the reception planned to all be perfect. At the actual wedding, when Twilight Sparkle asks Shining Armor how he convinced Cadance to be with him, he says he told her not only would she be gaining a husband, but she would also be getting a pretty great sister as well. The moment appears to be too much for Rarity, as she begins to cry and wipes her tears away, while Applejack puts her hat on. At the alter, Celestia makes a speech about their commitment to each other and that the power of their love is undeniable. Spike hands out the rings, and the two are married at last. As the newlyweds look out off a balcony, Celestia tells Twilight Sparkle that none of this would've been possible without her persistence, and that trusting one's instincts is a very valuable lesson to learn. Rainbow Dash executes the Sonic Rainboom to perfection, the ponies sing a wedding song, and the two newlyweds ride off happily, capping off what was in the end, a very successful Canterlot Wedding.



his final verdict will be up by tomorrow


again, comments are welcome


And now, the moment You ALL have been waiting for...

AQUARIUS' Verdict on the episode

here it is



Verdict, conclusion, and final thoughts


So, after watching the episode multiple times, doing the review, and everything involved with it, what do i think of the episode as a whole? I thought it was a really fun ride. The voicing is good, the plot has a few twists and turns that even i didn't see coming, and the musical numbers were excellent. To be honest, i wouldn't mind doing another episode at all, i'd probably welcome another suggestion on an episode. Big thanks go to ds8 for posting this review for me and also thanks go out to the MLP forums for not blasting me as soon as it got there. A wonderful bunch you are . Well, i guess that wraps it up. Hopefully we can do this again soon!!




Again, Feedback on his reviews ARE welcome :3

Edited by ds8


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Still, I hate how Cadence is supposed to be Celestia's niece, and unless there's another princess, she would have to be Luna's child. But Luna missed the whole wedding! So either theres ANOTHER princess, OR Luna's just a jerk. (Both of which I disagree with, but are the only options.)


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Great episode for sure. Really liked how the Mane6 didn't save the day. Changed it up a bit! Great ending also... however.. what did Pinkie Pie mean when she said, 'I've seen better', to a changeling?


That was just Pinkie being Pinkie. Or there is a secret cult of ponies who try to imitate her so she's seen something similar before.


/ontopic One of the best episodes ever. Did have it flaws though, Celestia got defeated way too easy and the ending was a bit cliché, but it still remains at the top section of my list.


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Maybe the best episode I've saw.

Good story, great villain, and cool minions.

I wonder if chrysalis will return...

School is for practice. Practice makes you perfect. Nobody is perfect. So why to practice?

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Watching this one, I have now watched all 52 episodes. I do have one observation though.


There was one scene where twilight was looking up to Princess Luna guarding Canterlot at night. You could almost see that she was considering confiding to Luna. If she had done so things could have gone a lot easier as I would figure Luna would be the one pony other than twilight able to see through the mesh. It is kind of sad in a way that even after the haloween episode that Luna doesnt have enough trust even with the one most likely to trust in her. I guess things take time.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I haven't really watched many Season 2 episodes due to laziness of mine, but I saw this a few weeks ago, and I really liked it! The plot engaged me, and it was a sweet way to end Season 2.

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Does anyone else wounder why Shining Armor would want to be a "prince" in stead of a "king"? I mean if he would have married the Queen that would have technically made him a king.....Im just saying.

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Definitely my favorite episode, The two part episodes are always considered the best to me.


Chrysalis is one of the most creative and fun villains I've ever liked since Discord, But for the same way, The villains get even more greater.


The songs were awesome.


And it was more suspenseful, Especially the part when Celestia gets defeated by Chrysails.

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Does Celestia have another sister?


Cause it says Cadence is her niece, and I doubt that Cadence is Luna's daughter...


conspiracy and if she was luna's daughter then i'd question to why she didn't go to the ceremony so you're probably right
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conspiracy and if she was luna's daughter then i'd question to why she didn't go to the ceremony so you're probably right


wow i didnt kno that i think she does, maybe its a brother and we wont find out till season 3. Gosh i cant wait for season 3... :blush:


OMG B) I cant wait.... :( I am soooooo ready for season 3. :lol::D im loven this series... :wub: And loven those ponies!!! :P

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