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The Darkest Episode in MLP

Silver Stream.

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Along with the most sinister villain, I'm also curious on what you guys think is the darkest episode in FiM  :umad:  And to answer your question, yes I am fairly twiiisted :sneer: .

 I'm going to say this ahead of time: I genuinely enjoy all episodes of MLP despite there being a few that aren't that good to me. I'm don't usually over analyze things unless I'm simply bored....so yeah I was bored. If you think this discussion will ruin the episodes or series for you, I advise you to not take part in it because I understand how some things can be a downer. I just wanted to try something different than "what's your favorite episode" and give it a dark twist.


I am refraining from including episodes where there is an obvious villain involved because the villains tend to be the reason why those episodes are dark in the first place....which isn't my focus. My focus is the subtle dark messages hidden within an episode that many might not recognize. 



Below are my reasons for why I've considered these specific episodes as dark episodes. But if you wanna know my vote now and avoid my pointless ramble: A tie between Bats and "Do Princess dream of sheep".  Feel free to submit any suggestions or your thoughts  ;)


For Whom Sweetie Bell Tolls:


This episode, as heartwarming it was to me, does have a dark meaning behind it. In a way, it pretty much shows what people can be capable of whenever they are in an angry state. Sweetie bell loses control thinking her own sister is purposely trying to ruin her despite her asking for help in the first place. In retaliation, she ends up being the monster she accused Rarity of being by sabotaging her work without thinking of the consequences. I noticed how the writers did their best to downplay a very dark lesson within this episode: family are just as capable of ruining your life or hurting you like any other stranger. I'm aware Sweetie Bell was just a kid, and it's common for a person like her to feel as though she is living in someone's shadow (that shadow being your big sister or parent). But her actions were a bit off and low...even for her. The villainous expressions she had when committing the crime was unsettling as well. It also sheds light to a simple truth: the smallest of actions can lead to a very corrupted and negative outcome. Luna was the one who gave her tough love for her to see what Sweetie's wrong decision would lead to. She also taught Sweetie Bell that not everything is how you see it....and jumping to conclusions isn't the best way to handle a situation because those small situations can grow until you find yourself too deep into a world of bitterness and resentment which can corrupt your mind and soul (HINT HINT, LUNA TURNING INTO NIGHTMARE MOON)



Swarm of the Century:


When I first watched this....I LOVED IT. I still love it. There was too much cuteness in this episode (Fluttershy and the lil monstrous furballs). Buuuut...it is a little dark in my opinion when you think about. It basically shows just how easily you allow something harmful in your life and that can mean plenty of things from people, to addictions, to subliminal messages. Fluttershy fell victim the most adorable creature on the planet which ended up being her biggest mistake. They multiplied and became a series threat to both her and her friends and even the whole village. It's basically how we fall victim to a lot of things without realizing what it could lead to. It may seem cute, fun, harmless, and irresistible, but it ends up being the complete opposite. Things that seem like the best thing in the world can corrupt you easily. In fact. the formula they used for this episode is used in MANY CARTOONS. I think they are all covering this same lesson. In addition, the fact that Twilight played with nature....but that's another topic



Do Princess Dream of Magic Sheep:


I will not take credit for most of what I'm going to say about this episode. It was the obnoxious and cocky Jerry Peet that pretty much made me realize just how dark this episode was. Luna ends up torturing herself mentally and emotionally every night in her dreams up until the tantabus...(that's how you spell it? Meh...I'm spelling it like this anyway)....grew strong enough to enter the mane 6 dreams. Jerry basically compared this to self harm. Which is true...and I'm not saying this only to agree with him (not everything he says I like) but I'm agreeing because it's basically what I used to do  :( . I'm not referring to physical self-harm, I'm referring to mental and emotional. Where I'd mentally down myself for every mistake I've made and allow guilt to rip me to shreds while smiling on the outside as if everything is okay. That's common among a lot of people and you may not even know it. Not only does it corrupt you, it also takes a toll on yourself emotionally which leads to low self-esteem. At first, I hated the episode...not because of the dark message (because I hadn't realized it yet) but because I was tired of Luna's bullsh*t. I was internally screaming "OH COME ON LUNA. GET OVER IT! THEY TOLD YOU ALREADY THAT THEY FORGAVE YOU. GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER, YOU'RE ONLY MAKING THINGS WORSE!!" 


But then I realized...Luna was neglected in many ways before she became Nightmare moon. Her one and only sister failed to see the pain that was growing within her from living in Celestia's shadow, and her power was taken for granted because no one appreciated the moon she brought. She was consumed by an evil entity then banished to the moon for hundreds of years by her on flesh and blood before she escaped. Every Nightmare Night, she's reminded of what a monster she was---ohhhh I get it! Luna been through a lot of emotion-wrecking sh*t. She's depressed and hasn't forgiven herself despite what the others may say. How many times have your friends said how beautiful and wonderful you are, but deep down you didn't believe them because you didn't believe in yourself? Exactly. She wasn't thinking straight...she created something to worsen the pain. That...is dark indeed. Poor Luna  :(  :(





Where do I begin? Do I start with the simple fact that the writers needs to stop portraying Twilight as a person who will defy the laws of nature and corrupt Equestria's creatures because it's the easy way out? Or the fact that her actions could have led to the Bats' slow starvation? Or the huge peer pressure against the ONE animal expert of the group who's obviously right about the situation? You're right....I should start with saying HOW F*CKING ADORABLE FLUTTERBAT IS!!! 


--pause for extreme fangirling--


*ahem* Thank you. Now first off, if there was anything that screamed "dark" in the episode, it was the song where both Applejack and Fluttershy were debating about what they should do with the bats and why. Both ponies had fair reasons about how they felt. Applejack family depends on the apple trees for both food and a good business. The Bats were threatening her very lively hood. Not only would the loss of the apples lead to them losing the farm, but it could have also led to the end of Ponyville since it was the apple farm that created it in the first place. They probably would have been forced to move at the very least. But this isn't a definite outcome when it comes to the village (they could just resort to trading with other places to get more food or something...possibilities are endless). Fluttershy was pointing out another solution: to create a resort for the bats that way they can eat and have a peaceful life while ensuring a better harvest in the years to come (only downside is how long it'll take for the trees to grow). The others jumped in on Appkejack's side and basically did an angry Indian dance around Fluttershy saying "screw you, we're getting rid of the bats even though you know what's best and less extreme"


Then Applejack guilt trips Flutters into giving them "The Stare" against her will. Twilight, of course, uses her magic on the bats despite this similar idea failing A BUNCH of times in the past. The spell works, but not without a price of turning her best friend into a vampire bat. She broke meddled into something that's not supposed to be meddled with and that's animal instinct. The bats eat the apples to survive. 


Long story short, there was possible murder,extreme peer pressure, and the lesson about how things can lead to bad outcomes if you're too short-sided to think about the consequences. I would explain further, but I am tired of typing xD


Edited by Princess Sunset
  • Brohoof 5




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for me, i have to say season 5 episode..18? i'm not sure, the cutie mark one. for one reason. AJ says "if ma and pa where here. they'd be so proud" if she means what i think, that is kinda dark.

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"Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep" was in my opinion the darkest episode.  The idea of Luna inflicting harm on herself on top of the 1000 year banishment she received from her sister just makes me cringe.  Please don't think of me as psychotic for saying this, but deliberately hurting yourself is far worse than hurting another person.  Up until that episode, I thought Luna was completely sane, just a little insecure.  But after having watched that episode, I'm starting to feel this insane vibe from her.

  • Brohoof 7

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


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for me, i have to say season 5 episode..18? i'm not sure, the cutie mark one. for one reason. AJ says "if ma and pa where here. they'd be so proud" if she means what i think, that is kinda dark.


Crusaders of the Lost Mark? Would you like for me to add it up?



"Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep" was in my opinion the darkest episode.  The idea of Luna inflicting harm on herself on top of the 1000 year banishment she received from her sister just makes me cringe.  Please don't think of me as psychotic for saying this, but deliberately hurting yourself is far worse than hurting another person.  Up until that episode, I thought Luna was completely sane, just a little insecure.  But after having watched that episode, I'm starting to feel this insane vibe from her.

Exactly. You pretty much summed up my exaggerated explanation on the episode perfectly.  Though I wouldn't call it insane....more like depression

Edited by Princess Sunset




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Crusaders of the Lost Mark? Would you like for me to add it up?



Exactly. You pretty much summed up my exaggerated explanation on the episode perfectly.  

nono, it's fine :3 just stating my opinion~

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Eh I'd probably go with Cutie Map as being the darkest from an atmosphere perceptive though it lack any sort of moral complexity. 

Crystal Empire and Twilight's Kingdom is also up there in terms of atmospheric darkness.


If we're talking about episode with the least amount of light in them I'd probably go with Luna Eclipsed, entire thing takes place at night and everything has a blueish night time tint to it. 

  • Brohoof 1

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Sadly, I don't think any of these episodes are the darkest. I'd say Twilight's kingdom for that.


Eh I'd probably go with Cutie Map as being the darkest from an atmosphere perceptive though it lack any sort of moral complexity. 

Crystal Empire and Twilight's Kingdom is also up there in terms of atmospheric darkness.


If we're talking about episode with the least amount of light in them I'd probably go with Luna Eclipsed, entire thing takes place at night and everything has a blueish night time tint to it. 


If you guys like, I'd add these up. I honestly do Cutie Map super dakr despite it's "light" execution. What I mean by dark is the dark message behind it and it's possible dark outcomes. I can see how Twilight's Kingdom could be a great candidate....but I don't think I'm able to put into words why




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If you guys like, I'd add these up. I honestly do Cutie Map super dakr despite it's "light" execution. What I mean by dark is the dark message behind it and it's possible dark outcomes. I can see how Twilight's Kingdom could be a great candidate....but I don't think I'm able to put into words why

Ah fair enough, when I consider something Dark I usually go with what the intended tone of the piece is more so than implication in the message and/or show.

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Ah fair enough, when I consider something Dark I usually go with what the intended tone of the piece is more so than implication in the message and/or show.

I'm still willing to add your suggestions if you'd like! I won't limit your opinions based on how you use "dark" in context. :)




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I'm still willing to add your suggestions if you'd like! I won't limit your opinions based on how you use "dark" in context. :)

Eh either way. I don't know if there needs to be a poll to this topic though since it's looking at the entire series. 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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I personally wanna say Tanks for the Memories. I know it may seem harmless on the surface due to Tank simply going into hibernation, but I think it was an allegory for death and loss.

Dash goes through the five stages of grief:


Denial (refusing to accept Fluttershy's expert opinion),




Bargaining (delaying Winter in return for keeping Tank around),





And finally Acceptance (putting Tank to rest with one more bedtime story).


Also, Winter is also a time often associated with death, so in a sense, preventing Winter could be symbolic of preventing death.


You could replace the word "hibernation" in this episode and most of the events could still happen the same way. The only major difference is that the other mane 5 wouldn't be so nonchalant about Tank going away and would probably seem a bit more concerned over Dash and her well being.


Now, within the context of the show, Tank isn't really dead therefore is this really that dark an episode?

I personally consider it to be the darkest because this is the closest we'll ever see death being discussed in MLP (at least I think so).

Sure, there were hints of AJ's parents being dead and the episodes listed in the OP do contain some dark elements.


But for me, Tanks for the Memories felt real. It felt like Tank was going to die and they were only using the word "hibernation" to not make the kids at home feel bad or whatever.

Dash's reactions felt out of proportion and exaggerated considering that Tank was only going to go to sleep for a while and would eventually come back.

But change the idea to death and suddenly, imo, Dash's reactions seem completely rational and incredibly sad. 


And that is why it's my personal pick for darkest MLP episode. It's the death episode. 

Edited by pollo20x6
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I personally wanna say Tanks for the Memories. I know it may seem harmless on the surface due to Tank simply going into hibernation, but I think it was an allegory for death and loss.

Dash goes through the five stages of grief:


Denial (refusing to accept Fluttershy's expert opinion),




Bargaining (delaying Winter in return for keeping Tank around),





And finally Acceptance (putting Tank to rest with one more bedtime story).


Also, Winter is also a time often associated with death, so in a sense, preventing Winter could be symbolic of preventing death.


You could replace the word "hibernation" in this episode and most of the events could still happen the same way. The only major difference is that the other mane 5 wouldn't be so nonchalant about Tank going away and would probably seem a bit more concerned over Dash and her well being.


Now, within the context of the show, Tank isn't really dead therefore is this really that dark an episode?

I personally consider it to be the darkest because this is the closest we'll ever see death being discussed in MLP (at least I think so).

Sure, there were hints of AJ's parents being dead and the episodes listed in the OP do contain some dark elements.


But for me, Tanks for the Memories felt real. It felt like Tank was going to die and they were only using the word "hibernation" to not make the kids at home feel bad or whatever.

Dash's reactions felt out of proportion and exaggerated considering that Tank was only going to go to sleep for a while and would eventually come back.

But change the idea to death and suddenly, imo, Dash's reactions seem completely rational and incredibly sad. 


And that is why it's my personal pick for darkest MLP episode. It's the death episode. 



Crap how could I forget Tank for the Memories. It really is a death episode. It also went through a few stages of grief....with denial being the first, the anger, insanity with trying to prevent the inevitable, depression, and then acceptance. 


Honestly, the writers were geniuses in this episode. Insightful and dark but not dark in a bad way. Adding this up! 

  • Brohoof 3




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One that stands out for me is the first part of A Canterlot Wedding. Granted, everything becomes right again in the second episode, but just think about this: Twilight pretty much lost all of her friends, her mentor who is also her great example, and her brother who was her first true friend. I honestly don't want to know how she felt at that point.


Having said this, The Return of Harmony wasn't really all that fluffy either. An ancient demon mind-raping your best friends into being their exact opposite and then rubbing it in your face doesn't seem like a very nice prospect, and things take a turn for the worse when Twilight, truly devastated, says "FINE! Leave! See if I care! I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs...enemies...?" That line is normally cheesy as all hell, but in that episode it actually worked because it hit her so hard.


Another good one is Magical Mystery Cure. Twilight's realization that she essentially ruined the lives of her friends, coupled with the song Find a Way and the visuals of Caroussel Boutique being boarded up and Sweet Apple Acres dying, make for a very chilling effect.


I've noticed all these episodes are Twilight episodes, pretty much, but there's also Party of One. Pinkie's sanity slippage as she holds a party with a bucket of turnips and a sack of flour and who knows what else, while very funny, is also really disturbing, especially with the deranged music and her irises shrinking as she becomes crazier.


Another Twilight episode: Twilight's Kingdom. Discord's betrayal and all of Equestria losing its magic, and especially Golden Oaks Library being destroyed make this one of the most destructive episodes to date, all the more because it's not played for laughs like Swarm of the Century was.


I'll end this with The Cutie Map. Just like I consider Starlight to be the most sinister villain, I believe this to be the darkest episode because it so closely resembles real-life communist dictatorships. Knowing that practices like these exist in our own world, not created by magic but by using charisma, propaganda and actual, non-magical brute force brainwashing, make that episode by far the most chilling one thus far, I think.

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One that stands out for me is the first part of A Canterlot Wedding. Granted, everything becomes right again in the second episode, but just think about this: Twilight pretty much lost all of her friends, her mentor who is also her great example, and her brother who was her first true friend. I honestly don't want to know how she felt at that point.


Having said this, The Return of Harmony wasn't really all that fluffy either. An ancient demon mind-raping your best friends into being their exact opposite and then rubbing it in your face doesn't seem like a very nice prospect, and things take a turn for the worse when Twilight, truly devastated, says "FINE! Leave! See if I care! I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs...enemies...?" That line is normally cheesy as all hell, but in that episode it actually worked because it hit her so hard.


Another good one is Magical Mystery Cure. Twilight's realization that she essentially ruined the lives of her friends, coupled with the song Find a Way and the visuals of Caroussel Boutique being boarded up and Sweet Apple Acres dying, make for a very chilling effect.


I've noticed all these episodes are Twilight episodes, pretty much, but there's also Party of One. Pinkie's sanity slippage as she holds a party with a bucket of turnips and a sack of flour and who knows what else, while very funny, is also really disturbing, especially with the deranged music and her irises shrinking as she becomes crazier.


Another Twilight episode: Twilight's Kingdom. Discord's betrayal and all of Equestria losing its magic, and especially Golden Oaks Library being destroyed make this one of the most destructive episodes to date, all the more because it's not played for laughs like Swarm of the Century was.


I'll end this with The Cutie Map. Just like I consider Starlight to be the most sinister villain, I believe this to be the darkest episode because it so closely resembles real-life communist dictatorships. Knowing that practices like these exist in our own world, not created by magic but by using charisma, propaganda and actual, non-magical brute force brainwashing, make that episode by far the most chilling one thus far, I think.



I did say I was trying to leave out episodes where villains were involved butttt..... :dash:  f*ck it. Who am I kidding? Villains are not, I love your explanations of why their episodes are so dark. Adding these up....though as Sidral said, there really isn't a need for a poll on this topic. But I like polls  :pinkie:  AND DO NOT TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY!!!

  • Brohoof 1




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I did say I was trying to leave out episodes where villains were involved butttt..... :dash:  f*ck it. Who am I kidding? Villains are not, I love your explanations of why their episodes are so dark. Adding these up....though as Sidral said, there really isn't a need for a poll on this topic. But I like polls  :pinkie:  AND DO NOT TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY!!!


Whoops, I read over the line where you mentioned you wanted episodes without villains :please:

In that case I figure Puttiing Your Hoof down would also fit the bill, given that Iron Will isn't technically speaking a villain. Fluttershy took his lessons too far and became a horrible pony to be around. I think that draws some parallels to real life, where people who used to be doormats swing too far in the other direction and become horrible. What if Fluttershy hadn't seen the error of her ways? Would she have ended up as an embittered hermit without friends? Not a very nice thought.

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Whoops, I read over the line where you mentioned you wanted episodes without villains :please:

In that case I figure Puttiing Your Hoof down would also fit the bill, given that Iron Will isn't technically speaking a villain. Fluttershy took his lessons too far and became a horrible pony to be around. I think that draws some parallels to real life, where people who used to be doormats swing too far in the other direction and become horrible. What if Fluttershy hadn't seen the error of her ways? Would she have ended up as an embittered hermit without friends? Not a very nice thought.

Nonsense, I added them anyway. And that is true...what I also didn't like was how she realized how horrible she was and locked herself up. 


Now this may be going too far....but it sort of reflects victims of bullying and how they harm others. Once they are done, they end up harming themselves and the outcome can be...tragic. 


EDIT: I actually removed the poll realizing there may be a lot more episodes with deep dark meanings than I anticipated. Then again, it could just be us overthinking things. With each episode, everyone sees something different whether it's dark or not. 

Edited by Princess Sunset




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"Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep" was in my opinion the darkest episode.  The idea of Luna inflicting harm on herself on top of the 1000 year banishment she received from her sister just makes me cringe.  Please don't think of me as psychotic for saying this, but deliberately hurting yourself is far worse than hurting another person.  Up until that episode, I thought Luna was completely sane, just a little insecure.  But after having watched that episode, I'm starting to feel this insane vibe from her.


I would have to concur here; just the very concept is down-right depressing and frightening. Now I know some have seriously given this episode heat, but I thought it tackled the subject well enough.


I will also agree on the Crystal Empire; considering it's overall atmosphere the fact it makes you wonder what Sombra did to the crystal ponies for them to fear him as they do.

  • Brohoof 1

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as most others have said cutie map is actually pretty dark with the underlying context of of brainwashing the weak while the head of the village is untouched, as Starlight is pretty much stalking twi/actually taking the core of the cutie mark as a whole and attempting to use it, i mean terik was cool sure. but taking the psychological approach and taking the very essence of the mane 6 as a unit in one hammer fist-ed blow. now that is dark i can't wait for the showdown.



something one else has ever accomplished before  

Edited by Jora
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I personally wanna say Tanks for the Memories. I know it may seem harmless on the surface due to Tank simply going into hibernation, but I think it was an allegory for death and loss.

Dash goes through the five stages of grief:


Denial (refusing to accept Fluttershy's expert opinion),




Bargaining (delaying Winter in return for keeping Tank around),





And finally Acceptance (putting Tank to rest with one more bedtime story).


Also, Winter is also a time often associated with death, so in a sense, preventing Winter could be symbolic of preventing death.


You could replace the word "hibernation" in this episode and most of the events could still happen the same way. The only major difference is that the other mane 5 wouldn't be so nonchalant about Tank going away and would probably seem a bit more concerned over Dash and her well being.


Now, within the context of the show, Tank isn't really dead therefore is this really that dark an episode?

I personally consider it to be the darkest because this is the closest we'll ever see death being discussed in MLP (at least I think so).

Sure, there were hints of AJ's parents being dead and the episodes listed in the OP do contain some dark elements.


But for me, Tanks for the Memories felt real. It felt like Tank was going to die and they were only using the word "hibernation" to not make the kids at home feel bad or whatever.

Dash's reactions felt out of proportion and exaggerated considering that Tank was only going to go to sleep for a while and would eventually come back.

But change the idea to death and suddenly, imo, Dash's reactions seem completely rational and incredibly sad. 


And that is why it's my personal pick for darkest MLP episode. It's the death episode. 

I think it was good that this episode happened. Remember it is a kids show and the writers are fairly limited to what they can do without having a metric buck tonne of controversy thrown at them. At least it was all smiles in the end though as Tank has appeared after this, but it was still something to think about.

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Every episode from generation 1 through 3.5. Dark days. Dark days indeed. *shudder*

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Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep is definitely one of the darkest for the reasons @@Plato's Pony explained. Luna had long been freed, but she still wasn't able to forgive herself and really hid the pain from everyone else. The allegory of self-harm isn't something often seen in family programming, and I give credit for trying, albeit poorly executed.


Aside from the ones featured in the OP, several other dark episodes include:

  1. The Cutie Map: Everything from the episode exude darkness and seriousness. Comedy is aplenty, but rather than resulting in giving the dark plot a back seat, it accentuated the tone. Observe how all the comedy connects to SG's evil, from the meta reference with the haircut to Pinkie's deadpan reaction to Dash's figure of speech.

    In a thread I created a while back, I asked what were the parts that spooked you the most. One of them was In Our Town: If you want to analyze the essence of Starlight's ability to control, this is the song. Combine this with World War II propaganda music being Ingram's inspiration, you have more authentic psychological horror here than the majority of the gore-fests.
  2. The Return of Harmony: Discord was one of the creepiest and most sinister villains. All of his mind games created plenty of dark humor in the second half. Like TCM, the black humor heightened the humor.
  3. Wonderbolts Academy: It starts off innocently enough, but then crescendos when the tornado flung the ReMane Five and caused them to plunge. Easily the darkest moment of season three simply because Dash was one move from losing every one of her friends.
  4. Lesson Zero: Like RoH, there's a whole lot of very black humor. Twilight's craziness and fear over being relegated resulted in several hilariously creepy soundbites and faces.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 3

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I'd say Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep is the darkest episode. The whole thing about Luna intentionally hurting herself-- it sort of feels like it symbolizes cutting.  :(

"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live." ~Albus Dumbledore

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The Halloween episodes: Luna Eclipsed, Bats! and Scare Master.


But to me the darkest remains Twilight's Kingdom, the 2nd part is pretty dark and apocalyptic.

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