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"I probably can--" Amber tried to lift herself up, but merely yelled out in pain the instant she put pressure on her leg. "Okay, maybe not..um.." She looked around the room and her eyes fell back upon the mysterious stranger who helped her in the first place. "U-uh, I don't know if you'd be able to h-help...?"

Scarlett simply says "Well, I'm not needed here. I shall now run through the gate and set up anything and everything I can to get ready for more people"


She walked towards the gate and took a breath. She briefly turned her head around and said "Well, I'll see you on the other side"


She stepped through the gate, half scared for her life and half exited beyond belief.


Art by DoeKitty

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She walked towards the gate and took a breath. She briefly turned her head around and said "Well, I'll see you on the other side"


She stepped through the gate, half scared for her life and half exited beyond belief.


The mare's jaw dropped in her helmet as she watched Scarlett throw herself into the portal.

"Are you insane?!" She yelped, rearing up and flailing her forelegs in the air, "What do the rest of us do?!"


She looked around at the others, then at the portal. Then she began weighing her options; stay here and get bombed to death, or wind up in another planet and get killed by the locals?


"...screw it."


She spread her armoured wings and shot into the portal after her.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlett came flying through the gate, at a rather high speed. And at a height. The Stargate at Icarus had a raised platform leading into it, just like all the other Stargates in the Milkyway and Pegasus Galaxies. But it seemed this gate was not the same, and did not follow the pattern. This was the first thing she thought about while flying out the gate. Not on too the next thing.

You see, she was flying. Almost literally. But she was a unicorn, so she saw this as a problem. She spun let legs out in an attempt to land on her hooves, but saw that she would have no luck manoeuvring in the second or two that she knew she was going to be in the air for. So she came up with a different solution, spin. Hopefully she could land rolling. Hopefully.

A mere moment after flying through the gate, she landed on the cold metal ground with a roll and almost immediately stood up and looked around. It was at that point that she noticed that her magic was gone. Most likely not permanently, it should be back within a minute or two. Gate travel always did seem to mess with magic, of any type. She expected quite a few pegasi tumbling through the gate.

Looking around, she noticed she was in a gate room. There were consoles near the back of the room. And some stairs leading up to a balcony overlooking the gateroom. Now facing the gate, she saw that there was a chevron on the ground and a beacon shaped thing above the gate. She would have to look into this later.

Anyhow, the first order of business was to secure a perimeter. A task that she knew how to do, and it was easy. Looking around, she saw no recent signs on life. Good enough she thought. Once some guards came through she would need to tell them to not let anyone leave the room, everyone needed to be accounted for.

As if to confirm her theory about tumbling pegasi, she quickly sidestepped as the armour pegasus from before shot by her, almost hitting her. Thankful for her good reflexes, she quickly accessed the walkie talkie on her tablet and said this back through the gate "Send them through one at a time, it's safe for now. But that base wont be for long."

She then realised that she was holding the tablet in her magic. It was back. Good. She sent her magic back through the portal, which was actually quite hard, but nevertheless she grabbed as many supply crates from the crumbling gateroom as she could, and pulled them through the gate. Who knew how long they'd be there.

(Check OOC for gateroom images)

Edited by Ethan Sawyer


Art by DoeKitty

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The more the gate was used, the faster the rate of degeneration was going. Most of the people had made it through the gate, and not a moment too late.


Ivan: "It's destabilising, Specter. Get through that gate now."




Specter: "Sir. We still have someone wounded."


Ivan: "I'm not going to let someone die. Not of my shift. Specter, get going."


Specter: "Affirmative." The little machine quickly made his way from Ivan's side and passed through the gate.


Ivan ran to the side of the downed pony and helped her up. "Brace yourself. I don't know how bad it will be, but this is going to hurt." With a bit of effort, he managed to drag the mare to the gate. "Sorry about this. Have a fun trip." Picking her up, Ivan threw her through the gate.


Running back to the controls, the destabilisation was progressing alarmingly fast. Hopefully he will have enough time to make his plan work. If it will work.

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Amber's cries seemed to merely echo in the back of her mind, as rows of ponies ran past her. Her eyes were filled with fear as each one passed, none of them blinking an eye in her direction as their bodies gave into the adrenaline and desperation that came with the unfolding events. Amber desperately dragged herself across the floor, gritting her teeth every time an unsuspecting guard or scientist kicked her in the mad dash for the stargate. Every organ churned inside her stomach and she could taste blood in her mouth, making her cough and splutter.


Come on Amber, She begged herself as everything began to fall apart around her. A fiery, orange glow began emanating from the hallways behind her and she could not do anything to stop the screams of dozens of ponies reaching her ears. Come on, damnit! She pulled and pulled, her body inching closer and closer to the stargate before her. For the first time, she truly felt fearful of death. She could feel death's cold, skeletal hoof reaching out to drag her into the inferno behind her but she willed herself onwards. She may not have known what could possibly be on the other side of the mystical, magical object in front of her...but it was the safest bet she had. 


But she couldn't. No matter how much of her remaining strength she put in to each movement, the attack behind her was unrelenting and the stargate seemed to be further and further away.


"No no no no...I don't want to die here!"


And just as she imagined, death's hooves grabbed her and lifted her from the ground. However, Death instead threw her head first into the stargate. Her heart raced and her eyes flew open in shock as she turned her head back to see; Ivan.


It felt like she was watching everything in slow-motion, as the ceiling began to fall, the flames licked at the door and spread over the floor towards Ivan who just stood there...smiling. 


Her vision blurred as her body was violently sucked away and everything went black.




(legit, the music I had going on while I was writing dis)




---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Wah!" The mare yelped, suddenly flung out the other side of the vortex and just barely avoiding Scarlett. She tumbled to a stop, after rolling a bit. "Owwww-uh..."


She got up and shook herself off, getting a look around before the red mare's speaking into her walkie-talkie got her attention.

"We're... not the only ones who made it, right?" She asked, her tinny voice actually giving off a hint of fear.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Wah!" The mare yelped, suddenly flung out the other side of the vortex and just barely avoiding Scarlett. She tumbled to a stop, after rolling a bit. "Owwww-uh..."


She got up and shook herself off, getting a look around before the red mare's speaking into her walkie-talkie got her attention.

"We're... not the only ones who made it, right?" She asked, her tinny voice actually giving off a hint of fear.


"Take a look around" Scarlett said, gesturing to all the other ponies huddles up in the gateroom. Some were fine, some were being treated and some were unconscious. Nopony was dead thankfully, but they could have been. "Quite a few made it through. I wish we could have done more."


The gate began to flicker a little. "The gate is losing stability, there's only another minute or so until it collapses taking the planet with it."


Suddenly, the armored pony was flying through the gate, Scarlett had just enough time to catch her in a field of magic, but that dragged her to the ground as well as slowin the pony's decent. "Ouch."


Art by DoeKitty

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The Icarus base had turned into an asylum of butchery and eradication, Everything in sight had burst into a conflagration, The once great ship was filled to the brim with toxic gases causing the brutal demise of numerous ponies. The fire wasn't the only danger, One could easily be trampled by the panicking mares and stallions urgently flocking mindlessly throughout the newly made steel metal death trap. Of course, if you were one of the lucky ones that didn't get swept up in the carnage, You would most likely be seeking out for the only exit the entire base: the gateroom. More specially the portal, which would lead a pony to another place. This were we find a red stallion Pegasus, Flamestreak, who of which nearly severed his wing completely off his back from an injury sustained while fleeing the base.


"WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYPONY!?" The stallion screamed intensely, running frantically for the gate. 


"Hopefully they haven't left yet."  The stallion sprinted to his right, ignoring the mountainous pain in his right wing. A little under an minute passed and flame irrevocably found the hallowed the portal.


"THANK CELESTIA!!!!!" He rejoiced, not wasting a microsecond to plunge himself into the portal, almost Immediately afterwards, the portal collapsed and with it any chance of escape for the other ponies still inside.


@@Ethan Sawyer


The Pegasus landed with a graceful thud! As he jumped through the other end of the portal, landing directly on his injured wing.

"OWWW" He screamed in agony rolling around on the ground, rubbing his wing hoping it would subside a little of the pain. After a few moments Flamestreak got back on his hooves.



Edited by LittlePip1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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The Icarus base had turned into an asylum of butchery and eradication, Everything in sight had burst into a conflagration, The once great ship was filled to the brim with toxic gases causing the brutal demise of numerous ponies. The fire wasn't the only danger, One could easily be trampled by the panicking mares and stallions urgently flocking mindlessly throughout the newly made steel metal death trap. Of course, if you were one of the lucky ones that didn't get swept up in the carnage, You would most likely be seeking out for the only exit the entire base: the gateroom. More specially the portal, which would lead a pony to another place. This were we find a red stallion Pegasus, Flamestreak, who of which nearly severed his wing completely off his back from an injury sustained while fleeing the base.


"WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYPONY!?" The stallion screamed intensely, running frantically for the gate. 


"Hopefully they haven't left yet."  The stallion sprinted to his right, ignoring the mountainous pain in his right wing. A little under an minute passed and flame irrevocably found the hallowed the portal.


"THANK CELESTIA!!!!!" He rejoiced, not wasting a microsecond to plunge himself into the portal, almost Immediately afterwards, the portal collapsed and with it any chance of escape for the other ponies still inside.


@@Ethan Sawyer


The Pegasus landed with a graceful thud! As he jumped through the other end of the portal, landing directly on his injured wing.

"OWWW" He screamed in agony rolling around on the ground, rubbing his wing hoping it would subside a little of the pain. After a few moments Flamestreak got back on his hooves.



Scarlett watched in horror as the smoking pegasus was flung through the Stargate almost across the entire room. That could only mean one thing. She quickly span back round to face the gate as it shut down, and the only light in the room was extinguished. The entire room was plunged into darkness and she shouted "Flashlights, phones, anything! We need light!"


She made her slow way to the back of the room, trying not to trip on anyone. She got to the console and attempted to turn it on.


Art by DoeKitty

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Sapphire now stood in the empty gate, her horn now lighting up around her "there are not enough here so many..." Sapphire sat and looked at the empty hole, a tear rolled down her cheek. There was screams and confusion and general amounts of panic in the somewhat dark room, there were a few other unicorns lighting up parts of the room.


@@Child Of Darkness,



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Sapphire now stood in the empty gate, her horn now lighting up around her "there are not enough here so many..." Sapphire sat and looked at the empty hole, a tear rolled down her cheek. There was screams and confusion and general amounts of panic in the somewhat dark room, there were a few other unicorns lighting up parts of the room.


@@Child Of Darkness,




Hearing Sapphire shout she shouted back "Half these ports and controls are so old, I don't even thing Specter was made until a couple of centuries after this, place."


Suddenly a giant plume of boiling steam jetted up from both sides of the gate. She faced back to the controls, assuming the steam was a way to release heat from the gate, and began activating it. As soon as she put her hoof on the console it lit up and activated. Well that's nice, it must be able to sense age, or something else. Maybe they had the ancient gene system at this stage.


She scrolled through the controls, that were in another language, but none the less she scrolled. And then she saw a refresh button. And she pressed it. Suddenly, all the lights turned on in the gateroom, and down the surrounding corridors as far as they could see.


Art by DoeKitty

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The mare walked around the...wherever she and the others had ended up, trying to get her bearings. The map on her ankle device was being disrupted by the gate vortex, which didn't help things at all.


When the smoking pegasus - Awful lot of pegasi here today, she thought - was flung through, the vortex shut off and they were left in blackness.


"Okay, I think my light still works--" she began, and then suddenly Scarlett had the lights turned back on, "Oh, well, nevermind then."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sapphire now stood in the empty gate, her horn now lighting up around her "there are not enough here so many..." Sapphire sat and looked at the empty hole, a tear rolled down her cheek. There was screams and confusion and general amounts of panic in the somewhat dark room, there were a few other unicorns lighting up parts of the room.


@@Child Of Darkness,



"Geez no need to yell you know. I do still exist. Though if your civilisation hasn't perfected the art of perfect cloaking, I can understand the confusion." Specter came out of his active camouflage in front of Sapphire with with a small glow of light. "Plus, I would appreciate it if you didn't call me a computer. I'm an Artifical Intelligence advanced recon and Ghosting drone. The difference between me and a simply computer is immaculate."


Turing himself to have a look at this new place in the light, Specter had a little brain wave. Searching through his files, he found that most of his data was of course still heavily corrupted. But the tech surrounding them was of Ancient construct, that much is clear. In fact it was old even when compared to the age of Specter. If I can find a terminal with an access port, maybe I can find out exactly what gate this is and determination our location. I'll just ghost this room for now, make sure everyone is okay.

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Scarlett began searching through the small amount of data that she could access at the current time. First order of buisness, check the surrounding area for threats. Second, treat wounded. Finding no way to access the on-board sensors, if there even were any, she shouted Sapphire over to her "Sapphire, get over here would you!"


Art by DoeKitty

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Amber was pretty sure she was dreaming, or at least hallucinating. For one, she didn't hurt all over anymore, two, her uniform was not clad to her body and three, she was in a realm of existence purely made of white nothingness. It wasn't ideal, considering it meant she was probably dead but she decided to just put one hoof in front of the other and see what she could find.


However the further she trekked into the vast expanse of nothingness, the more her senses seemed to return to her body. Smoke, she could smell smoke, she thought to herself. She stopped as the smell invaded every fibre of her being and she reeled back in disgust.


She crumbled to the floor as seemingly out of nowhere, her leg began to feel incredibly painful and every nerve in her body seemed to scream in unison. She opened her mouth to cry out but no noise reached her ears. Instead the white began to wash away, replaced by steel walls and fire.


It didn't take long for her to open her eyes, and find herself lying on the ground around a dozen other ponies. What little bliss she had experienced when unconscious had left her now, and now, left with her own thoughts, she almost wish she was dead. She already missed the comfort of the white space.


She coughed and spluttered loudly, tasting metal and blood on her tongue. She tried looking around but couldn't see Scarlett anywhere.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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(despite how reluctant I was well everyone was I may take the lead, we'll see anyway)


you need to be strong for all the others Sapphire you are a guard act like it! 


@@Child Of Darkness

Sapphire stood up to confronted by the machine who then insulted her, "look A.I.A.R.G I wasn't able to see you before you could of been on the other side of this room for all I knew and I am not computer literate so your speaking gibberish to me you are a machine, explain to me later what the difference is. For now find Scarlet and find out where we are ok?"


Sapphire then turned to the room so see unter chaos, Discord would revel in this, "HEY EVERYPONY!" No one looked her way hmm. sapphire shot a firework style spell towards the roof it exploded in a vibrant blue, it was rather beautiful if the situation was not so dire. The intended effect was there most if not all ponies were looking at her, their gazes were nerve wrecking but she did it for a reason. "RIGHT LISTEN UP PONIES! SECURITY STAFF NOT INJURED LOOK AROUND THIS PLACE SECURE IT, INJURED PONIES ARE TO BE MOVED TO MY LEFT ANY PONY WITH MEDICAL EXPERTISE HELP THEM. EVERYPONY ELSE HELP THEM TOO ACTUALLY. MOVE IT!"


@@Ethan Sawyer,

Sapphire noticed Scarlett gesturing to her and asking to come over so she did, "what is it Scarlett?"  

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(despite how reluctant I was well everyone was I may take the lead, we'll see anyway)


you need to be strong for all the others Sapphire you are a guard act like it! 


@@Child Of Darkness

Sapphire stood up to confronted by the machine who then insulted her, "look A.I.A.R.G I wasn't able to see you before you could of been on the other side of this room for all I knew and I am not computer literate so your speaking gibberish to me you are a machine, explain to me later what the difference is. For now find Scarlet and find out where we are ok?"


Sapphire then turned to the room so see unter chaos, Discord would revel in this, "HEY EVERYPONY!" No one looked her way hmm. sapphire shot a firework style spell towards the roof it exploded in a vibrant blue, it was rather beautiful if the situation was not so dire. The intended effect was there most if not all ponies were looking at her, their gazes were nerve wrecking but she did it for a reason. "RIGHT LISTEN UP PONIES! SECURITY STAFF NOT INJURED LOOK AROUND THIS PLACE SECURE IT, INJURED PONIES ARE TO BE MOVED TO MY LEFT ANY PONY WITH MEDICAL EXPERTISE HELP THEM. EVERYPONY ELSE HELP THEM TOO ACTUALLY. MOVE IT!"


@@Ethan Sawyer,

Sapphire noticed Scarlett gesturing to her and asking to come over so she did, "what is it Scarlett?"  


"Well, first of all, you could have killed us all with that spell. Do you not know anything of basic gate travel procedure on first trips? And second, well actually second I was going to ask you to calm everyone down and check the perimeter. So good job on that. Also, I believe we're on a ship. Actually, I can say that we are in fact on a ship."


She gestured for Sapphire to follow as she turned around and took a step towards the door behind the consoles. "And, if I'm right then the doors should just be using a push button mechanism." She pushes the button next to the door to open it, and it opens. a bunch of fresh air rushed into the room and Scarlett's eyes opened up. "Sapphire, you know what I said about this being a ship? I don't think the air filters are working."


Art by DoeKitty

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@@Ethan Sawyer,


"well, now I dont have a machine mind but if we are on a ship and there was no working air filters we'd be all dead? We need not explore the ship now we need to help the others the security staff can look around for now there are ponies on death's door right now and they need saving from that. Let us explore latter." Sapphire walked back towards the triage area.



She walked up to an a brown pegasus, her leg was in bad shape Sapphire knelt down and looked at her "hold on there friend i'll see what we can do with that leg of yours." Sapphire's horn lit up and she tried to fix the pegasi's leg.

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Scarlett muttered to herself "Even if the air filters were broken there would still be air from when they were not. And since the air filters are not working, and we haven't all suffocated, then that means that there is no life on this ship."


And then she realised she was talking to herself. She walked over to sapphire quickly and explained the situation. She was glad that military personnel had basic first aid training, but that broken leg would not heal instantly.


Art by DoeKitty

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"I...uh...thanks?" Amber couldn't believe it as much needed relief seemed to wash over her body quite suddenly. Her leg began to slowly feel whole again, and to call it a miracle was an understatement. "H-how did you d-do that? That was i-incredible!" She stuttered on her words, unsure of what to really say.


She was young, and her family never exposed her to unicorn magic. Even in Corbulo, all the trainees and recruits were pegasi. Seeing such healing magic was....fascinating to say the least.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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The mare, deciding to make herself useful, began helping any injured ponies sit upright and leaned them on the wall.

"Unfortunately I don't know much about first aid other than 'put a bandage on it and walk it off'," She admitted, "but if you groan loud enough, I'm sure one of the docs will get to you!"


With that, she started walking around the room, getting a look around herself. She brought the map up on her ankle computer, but she wasn't getting a signal. Brilliant.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Flamestreak got up off the ground, his wing still hurting pretty bad but the pain was manageable. He trotted around for a bit seeing all the ponies who were able to escape from the base, Many were injured getting treatment from medical personnel and the scarce amount of ponies who remained unscathed despite the attack. Flame walked over to one of the more unfortunate ponies and began to speak.




"I'm glad to see your still alive, Oh! and um I never did get your name." He said

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Flamestreak got up off the ground, his wing still hurting pretty bad but the pain was manageable. He trotted around for a bit seeing all the ponies who were able to escape from the base, Many were injured getting treatment from medical personnel and the scarce amount of ponies who remained unscathed despite the attack. Flame walked over to one of the more unfortunate ponies and began to speak.




"I'm glad to see your still alive, Oh! and um I never did get your name." He said


Amber put pressure down on her hindleg and was relieved to realise she could stand again. "Yeah! Don't know how I'm still alive but I'm still kicking, uh, figuratively speaking." She chuckled softly to herself, messing about with her mane to get some of the dust and rubble out. "And, I- uh, the name is Amber. Amber Hearthstone." She smiled warmly.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Suddenly a reasonably high pitched sound came from all around, and the whole place lurched forward a little as everyone's view was temporarily filled with a blinding blue light.


Scarlett then ran out of the room, ignoring her own command to stay inside the room, and came across another door. She opened it with a hoof press on the panel beside it, and the door opened up to a big circular room with a giant window at the front. Outside, she could see the rest of the ship and endless space beyond. "So it is a ship"



Art by DoeKitty

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"You're welcome for my help, the guard school did teach some good spells at the academy." She stood and addressed the injured pegasus.




"you there sit down and I'll fix you up too ok?"


@@Ethan Sawyer,


Sapphire looked to some guards standing a short ways away, "go find Scarlett she is very important to our survival make sure nothing happens to her." 

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