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I growled in anger at the sight of Kyoshi being stuck in stone.  Looking around, I see a bunch of other members of the forum, from Taialin, to Jeric, to Derplight Sperkle, and even my latest friend, NightShade NidraMoon.  If only there was a way to get these guys back to normal...


"Um, Sonic?"


I spun around upon hearing my nickname.  I saw a unicorn wielding a gun to the side.  He could be useful, I thought.  Upon further inspection I found out he was LittlePip.


"Can you help?  I've got no idea where I am and I thought you might have an idea." 


I nodded.  "Yeah, I can help.  But first of all, I'm not the real Sonic.  I'm DwhitetheGamer, but you can call me Sonic if you want.  As for where you are, you're in the Welcoming Plaza.  I assume you remember it, but that's not the worst part.  Look around you, everyone here with the exception of myself, you, Vulcan"-I pointed to Vulcan-"and Akari-I pointed to Akari-"are trapped in stone.  I hope there's a way to get them out of their predicament."

  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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As Sonic and Little Pip conversed behind him , Vulcan approached the Stone Kyoshi. "What's going on?" He pondered, wondering why the forum members have been pertrified and even stranger as their avatars.


He barely finished his thought before a large explosion was heard as something impacted the fountain causing it's waters to turn to stone before violently  exploding. As the smoke cleared he could see a hooded figure atop one of the large buildings holding a mic in his hooves. 


@@DwhitetheGamer,@, @@Akari of Duskshire,  


The hooded figure spoke through the microphone as his familiar voice echoed through the plaza's speaker system. 


" W3LLcome Friends!, I'm glad you have arrived to my little part of the forums, In fact, I've made up a fun little...GAME...we could play.....it's called , What would you do if the avatar above you was frozen in stone!" 



The hooded figure pointed towards Dwhite and Pip, before firing what looked like an asphalt sphere towards them.

  • Brohoof 2


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I turned around as soon as I heard an explosion happened, causing the fountain and its waters to turn to stone.  I looked, then saw a hooded figure with a mic in hoof.


" WELLcome Friends!, I'm glad you have arrived to my little part of the forums, In fact, I've made up a fun little...GAME...we could play.....it's called , What would you do if the avatar above you was frozen in stone!" he said.


The figure pointed at me and Pip before firing a sphere towards us, and the moment I saw it, I grabbed Pip and jumped as hard as I could out of the way.  I then grinned at the hooded pony as I released Pip.


"You know what I'd do?"  I pointed at the figure.  "I would squash the person who did it just like the real Sonic does enemy robots!"


I then felt a wave of powerful energy hit me like a ton of bricks, but I was in the air uncontrollably.  Something was happening, but what?  I tensed up, then unleashed a wild cry as I couldn't see anything.  When I felt ground, and when the light died down, I got up.  I felt much better than before.  I tried to do a Spin Jump, which worked, and made me grin.  I had all of Sonic's moves now.  Without a moment's hesitation, I ran-without breaking the sound barrier-after the hooded pony, dodging the blasts in the process.

Edited by DwhitetheGamer
  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@DwhitetheGamer,@, @,



At this point, I was trying my very best to hide the fact that I was completely clueless and had gone blank in my mind.  I instinctively got into something of a fighting stance, knowing that some knowledge of martial arts was better than nothing.  


I looked around, noticing very familiar figures.  I was never good at remembering people's names, but a few usernames floated into my mind.


Then I jumped a bit (goodness, my crazy friend would be laughing at me right now) when I heard the booming voice from the mic.  Strangely enough, part of me was jealous of the figure having a hood on, something I despised going about a single day without.  But then, his words hit me like an anvil.


"What would you do if the avatar above you was frozen in stone!?"


I wanted to yell, push Dwhite out of the way, something those heroes from the fantasy novels I've read would do.  Instead, my red eyes were wide and a gasp escaped me as the blasts came hurtling toward them.

  • Brohoof 2
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@@Akari of Duskshire,@@DwhitetheGamer,


"Wait...WHAT!? so were in Mlp forums!? How di-." I don't get time to finish my sentence, I heard a huge blast from behind me. Well, that wasn't very nice, if someone had something to say they should have just waited their turn. Anyway, I Instantly look for the noise, just as do I spot a hooded pony with a mic in his hoof...... Goodness, that's weird to say, He seemed to start saying something but I couldn't tell completely cause of his hood.


" WELLcome Friends!, I'm glad you have arrived to my little part of the forums, In fact, I've made up a fun little...GAME...we could play.....it's called , What would you do if the avatar above you was frozen in stone!" he said.


".......What?"  The figure pointed at me and um sonic? A moment later suddenly Dwhitethegamer tackles me to the ground, He had just saved me from.....some kind of sphere that had been fired at us. "Thanks you." I offer pulling out my........is it really my gun?Whatever I pulled out â€‹Little Macintosh with magic...or at least I tried to I dropped the gun several times before getting it to levitate stably in the air. Just then I see a blur of blue flash across my eyes as Dwhite had sprinted toward the hooded assailant at an uber neck-break pace. That's.....That's not fair, He has Sonic's powers too?


"I have your back in case something happens." I mean what else could I do? Offend the pony with my brand new repertoire of colorful metaphors?

  • Brohoof 2

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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  • 3 weeks later...



  On 2016-01-06 at 9:18 PM, DwhitetheGamer said:
I then felt a wave of powerful energy hit me like a ton of bricks, but I was in the air uncontrollably.  Something was happening, but what?  I tensed up, then unleashed a wild cry as I couldn't see anything.  When I felt ground, and when the light died down, I got up.  I felt much better than before.  I tried to do a Spin Jump, which worked, and made me grin.  I had all of Sonic's moves now.  Without a moment's hesitation, I ran-without breaking the sound barrier-after the hooded pony, dodging the blasts in the process.



The hooded figure snapped his fingers and almost instantaneously, Dwhite's powers faded away.


"Now Now, No roleplaying in the Welcoming plaza, you wouldn't want to get reported now, would you?" He grinned as he pointed his gun towards Dwhite.


"I've been told just to keep you busy, but I suppose It couldn't hurt to simply get rid of one of y-"


The figure's speech was cut short as a blue pony with spiked-hair rammed him from behind, causing him to  fall on the floor.


Several other ponies ran into the plaza.


One in particular was a yellow unicorn with a Santa suit who ran towards Vulcan 


"Are you alright?!! Are we late?!" She asked as she dusted him off.




@,@@Akari of Duskshire,@@DwhitetheGamer,



(this is the point where our OCs save us , just try to pick one or 2 of your favorites ^ ^)

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@@@@Akari of Duskshire,


I crashed as soon as I had lost my powers thanks to the hooded figure.  I slammed my fists to the ground.  "Darn it!"  I was about to meet my fate when I saw a similar sight.  A Spin Dash?  Whatever it was, it rammed the figure.  Further inspection widened my eyes in shock.


"C-c-Copper Strikes?!"


Copper grinned at me.  "You know me?  I don't remember seeing you, but that doesn't matter as I'm there for ANYpony in need."


I smiled.  "Just like how I created you."


Copper turned his back on me, facing the hooded figure.  "Don't worry.  Me and my friends got this."

  • Brohoof 3

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"Hail!"*Clang* *High pitch grunt of pain* "Always a pleasure to have you around, Lord, but don't you think you should be elsewhere, you know, doing your job?!"


I sighed as I layed back for a moment, cracking my back a couple times. "Lord... This game can be annoying at times" I muttered as I smacked my lips a little bit. "Between running around a giant in heavy armor, fighting off bomb-throwing ninjas, and literally claiming dominion over hell, you can get really frustrated" I mused to myself as I stared into the void, in a thoughtful expression.


"Well, the fun it brings certainly makes up for it." I concluded and reached for the "esc" button, using my mouse to click "Quit to Windows". I sat there, waiting for it to process before I was greeted with my wonderful desktop. Tons if icons littered the left of the screen, aswell as the pitch-black eyes of Twilight staring at me, her hair and skin looking pretty dead, or ethereal, rather.


I simply stared at my screen for a bit, gathering my thoughts and choosing what my next course if action should be. "Hmm... Skyrim, perhaps?... No, no, I've played that game so much that I can't milk anymore fun from it... Don't Starve would frustrate me too much... 1001 Spikes... Nope. That would end with me throwung my computer at the wall... CS and TF2, nah, since I don't really want to deal with my horrible aim at the moment..." Muttering to myself, I scratched my beard a few times.


Absolutely having no clue what to do, I simply opened up Google Chrome, clicked on the empty HTML, clicked on the "M" button, and enter. As expected, the wonderful sight of MLPForums showed up. I hummed a familiar tune as I noticed that I've gotten a message. With a slight a slight smile, I clicked on the "Mail" Icon and clicked on the new mail, sent from "The Fool of Fools". "Hah. Interesting name, eh?" I muttered as the page loaded in.


"You have been invited to the trials have a wonderful day!" Was written, aswell as a... Very strange link. I raised an eyebrow as I let my paranoia take over for a bit. Was this a link that led to a harmless jumpscare? A virus that would infect my computer? Or perhaps it was just an Image with a weird link. I shrugged. Might aswell test it out before I respond, since it could very well be an important factor to my response.


Hovering my mouse over the link, I clicked. Everything turned pitch black. I blinked. "Did... Did the lights go out?" I... Tried to say. No sound. I didn't hear anything. I blinked again. I tried humming, screaming, yelling, singing. Nothing. Just... Silence. I blinked yet again, confused. Am... Am I dead? Is this the void?... If so, it's boring, unsurprisingly. Was I supposed to be here for all eternity?... Well, this is gonna be he- Pain. Agonizing pain. I arched my back and stretched my limbs as I screamed. It hurt. Everything hurt. Can't think. Pain. Through all of my cells screaming in terror, I could feel something happen to me. My limbs and torso were... Changing. Slowly, I could feel the pain stopping in certain places. Slowly, the pain was receding. Slowly, I wcould feel myself changing, with bones cracking and moving. Suddenly, my head exploded in a sensation pure agony, my mouth open in a soundless scream.


Then, as suddenly as it came, it stopped. The pain stopped. All was fine. I tried blinking or breathing in. Nothing happened. No muscles moved. Panic began to start. I tried moving my hands. It worked. Oh lord, it worked. That means... I'm not dead. I'm... I'm not dead! Oh, joyous news! Instinctively, I started jumping around In joy, but stopped instantly as I realized there was no gravity, aswell as... Something wrong with my legs. I tried separating them. Nothing. Nothing happened. I tried again. Still, nothing. I started panicking again. Was I just a floating pair of arms?! Oh lord, what did I deserve for this fate! I tried falling down on what once was my knees, but I couldn't. I couldn't bend down for some reason, or manipulate whatever happened to my legs. Was I just stuck here? Oh lord...


Suddenly, light. Horrible, wonderful light. I still had eyes, then, since I saw the light, and was adjusting to it. Instinctively reached up to my normal location for eyes with my hands, ready to rub the darkness out of them, I wasn't met with a face. Instead, I felt... A shape. I could definitely feel from the shape, so it was part of me. But... Where was my head?


Confused, I took the liberty of looking around, hoping for a mirror or something. I was currently in... A workplace of sorts? It was a giant room, with cubicles lining the walls. There were papers littering the floors, aswell as several machines. I saw Computers and Copy machines among them. Then, I noticed the shining walls of the cubicles, probably capable of reflecting images. Quickly, I... Rolled? Floated? Something towards one if the walls. What I first noticed was a classy suit, aswell as a cane taped to the right side. Then, my "eyes" went down, and I saw a red... Ball, coming out of the suit. Fear and panic crept up on me. I slowly looked up, towards where my head should be...


That... That was a question mark. I was staring at a question mark. A red, floating, 3D question mark that was wearing a classy suit. I... I was... I was the Lord of Mysteries.


I promptly blacked out.

  • Brohoof 2

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@ - @@DwhitetheGamer - @ - @@Akari of Duskshire



A loud, powerful voice boomed out among the gathered OCs.


"FORWARD!  Press the advantage!  Save the creators!"


Suddenly... OCs everywhere.  


Pegasi raining down from above.  Unicorns flanking.  Earth Ponies charging the hooded figure.  Bat-Ponies divebombing him.  Changelings and diamond dogs and alicorns - oh my!  They seemed to come from every direction at once, surging in to meet the hooded one, their apparent target.


From the middle of the flood, a very stern-looking stallion rose onto one of the fallen statues, and he bellowed loudly enough for his voice to carry across the entire battlefield.  


"The creators come first!  Keep the Hooded One occupied and KEEP THEM SAFE!"


With this, he leapt down among the crowds and made his way towards the group of hapless adventurers.  Reaching them, his stone-cold visage regarded each one in turn.


"Let us fight this battle for you, creators - it is the least we can do."


He was tall and broad-shouldered and barrel-chested, and looked quite robust and healthy despite his middle-aged appearance.  His silver spectacles were spotless.  His carefully kept mane and short-bob tail were neatly clipped.  His face wore what appeared to be a perpetual scowl.


"Stay close; minions of the Hooded One are everywhere."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Randimaxis,@, @,

(I'm busting out the One-Winged Angel tune while I was typing this.)


I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  OCs everywhere, taking on the minions of the hooded figure.  My own creation, plus many others, were helping us.  I smiled, then frowned, wanting to have a piece of the action myself.  My competitive spirit was rising, but I knew I couldn't do anything just yet, so I let the OCs handle this.  


"You've got quite a few friends, Copper."


"That's what happens when Pinkie Pie throws a welcoming party to any new OCs.  You get to have lots and lots of friends."


I turned to the stallion who addressed me about the help from the OCs.  "I want my powers back.  Think someone here can help with that?"

  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@Randimaxis, @DwhitetheGame@Vulcan,


The last few minutes have been a blur, all I could really say is Dwhitethegamer lost his hedgehog powers, a bunch of ponies suddenly burst in the room yell for war, and for some reason I'm staring right at the face of my Oc Flamestreak.


"........are you going to say something?" F-Flamestreak asked goodness I'm going to vomit


"Um.......I created you?"


"Well obviously, but don't you need help?"

"oh..um RIGHT! can you........um do something while I shoot at the enemies?"


"........That actually sounds like something Littlepip would say"


"Good, I have a lot more words swimming around in my vocabulary now that I took over her body. But that's besides the point we need to get moving"


"Ok" My oc flew off like a bullet shooting of gun.....Speaking of gun I should probably shoot that now. I aim â€‹Little Macintosh at the hooded pony and........how do ponies even shoot guns? My damn hooves are too big for the trigger I can't shoot the gun. wait I can use my magic........yep! I shell off two bullets at the pony and.........graze Flamestreak in leg. He nearly falls as turns around to me.


"Nice aim 1990!"


"I can delete your page off this site!" I never would though

"I....um er yeah good aim man.....yeah."

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990
  • Brohoof 3

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@@DwhitetheGamer@@@@Akari of Duskshire


The stalwart stallion turned to face Dwhite directly.


"They are not gone - simply Mod-Locked.  They can be unlocked, but we shall need a Mod to do so... and the Mods are not available to us now.  We must gather you and your creator allies and head for safety.  While the other OCs are distracting HIM,"  he pointed a hoof at the rather harried Hooded Figure, "we should go.  All will be explained when we are safe."


He swiveled back to the throngs behind him and motioned forward.  A wall of OCs began to press in between the Hooded One and the 'creators', and the stallion moved to secure an open path away from the fracas.


"This way - hurry."


He took off at a gallop down the path; if there were stragglers in the way, they moved by the time he passed them.  He went a ways along the open path, then stopped, turned, and waited for the rest to follow.






A shadow crept over the unconscious form of The Mystery Lord.


"Oh-ho-ho-HOOOO!  Well, what do we have HERE!?  Aren't YOU just the tastiest-looking snack I've ever seen, ROFL!"


It was a troll... an Internet Troll.  And it was obviously hungry.


"Not very fleshy... but OCs are OCs, I guess; 5/5 would eat.  LUNCHTIME!!!!!"


But as it reached for the sleeping creator, a single arrow sluiced through the darkness and caught it right in the back of the head.  It said "LOL!", then fell over dead. 


A form in a cloak shifted through the shadows, stopping momentarily at the creator's side to give them a look.  After a moment, without word or deed, the form slid back into the shadows and vanished.


There would be a very interesting sight whenever the creator woke, as the dead Troll was not only oozing black blood, but he reeked horribly of stale Cheetos, rancid incense and years of basement-poster sweat.

  • Brohoof 3

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"Fine by me.  The sooner I can get my Sonic powers back, the sooner I can take care of this fool myself.  Let's get going, guys!  And Copper, make sure he gets another taste of the Spin Dash before I get back."


"Roger that.  Come on, everypony, for our creators!"


While a chant could be heard, I grabbed Vulcan and Little Pip and took off after the stallion.  I was disappointed that I couldn't go at Sonic's speed, but I pushed the thought aside.  I was focused in the now.  When I reached the stallion, I let go of Vulcan and Little Pip.


I turned to the stallion.  "Man, where are the Elements of Harmony when we need them?"

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"~Nyan nyan nyan nyan Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan Nyan nyan nyan~"
"~Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun Dun, Dun, Dun Dun... Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun Dun Dun, Dun, Dun Dun~"
"~WoofWufWofWoofWufWuf, Wofwufwuf, WoofWufWofWoofWufFuf, Wofwufwuf~"
"~DunDunDunDan, DunDunDynDynDunDan, DunDunDunDan, DunDunDynDunDan~"

My mind slowly booted up, trying to organize a mess the size of dwarven drinking party. As the light started to disturb me, I instinctively rushed my hands to my eyes to block the hazardous sunlight away. I noticed them distinctly not touching a face, but didn't pay it too much mind. Can't be too important, right?

I let the sunlight reach my eyes in favor of yawning and stretching for a bit. Instantly, I felt sensations that were just straight up... wrong. My mouth wasn't opening. My back wasn't cracking. My legs weren't stretching. Immediately, I felt something wrong with the situation. Opening my eyes, I looked up to see the ceil...ing... I... I didn't feel my eyes open? But... I can still see?

"Just what is happening right now?!" I yelled out, throwing my arms -which on further investigation, were just two Mickey Mouse gloves- up into the air in frustration. Then I recoiled. I recoiled Hard. A stench the likes of a Cave Troll's dung had began invading my nose, had just broken down the walls, and was slaughtering the civillians.

Immediately I tried to rocket myself up on legs, which ended up with me falling down and landing in a... sticky puddle of sorts. Giving up trying to get up, I scooted away, using my gloves to drag myself away from the smell of death.

Once I'd gotten far enough to lessen the stink, I turned to look at what the source was. It was... It was a body. A corpse that was oozing pitch black life essence and emanating a smell that the undead would run away from, screaming in terror. Then, I remembered. Playing Overlord, opening MLPF, clicking on the link... The pain... I could remember it all. My mind drew a blank as realization dawned on me. I... I was currently my creation. The creation I was most proud of. The Mystery Lord. The question mark in a suit...


I sighed. Sitting here and contemplating how this came to be wouldn't be a good idea at the moment, considering there's a Freaking Corpse laying a few feet away from me. Then, I noticed something. There was a spot on the floor where the black ooze had been smudged. Almost as if... Almost as if something had.. Fallen in it. And moved around.

If I had a face, it would've been an expression of pure horror, as I looked down at my wet suit, that was covered in the very same black ooze that was coming from the corpse. Immediately I tried to get the suit off, using my gloves to rip it apart. Surprisingly, nothing worked. It was as if the suit was a part of me.

I scooted backwards in a very faint hope of getting away from the ooze staining my suit as my back hit something. Turning my head around, I noticed... A washing machine. "Oh, whoopdy doo, absolutely wonderful. This is great! A gift from the gods! Or it would be if I could get THIS DAMNED SUIT OFF!" I yelled out in frustration, before looking down at the ground, resigned to my fate. I sighed. But then... I looked back at the washing machine. It was pretty big. Big enough to... fit a body, perhaps? A skull-splitting grin adorned my face as I got a great, wonderful idea.

"Hah! Screw you, you fate-changing Gods! I bet you're laughing you're arses off right now, huh?! Well, guess what?! I'm laughing too!" I yelled out as I turned the washing machine on, dumped a whole container of that washing-thing that was conveniently sitting on the counter into it, rammed the hatch open, and hopped in. Closing the hatch behind me, I got ready as it started to spin, throwing in water at the same time. It started to spin faster, faster, faster, and faster. It was spinning to fast that any regular living organism would've succumbed to the speed and let their brain turn into mush.

"... Huh. Apparently Question Marks can't get dizzy." I said quite normally as I spun around faster than the music discs in a Disco.

  • Brohoof 2

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@@DwhitetheGamer,@@Randimaxis, @,


"This is awesome" Vulcan thought with a grin  as he fixed his sketched over coat, deep inside he was overjoyed to have met Maple but he couldn't stop to wonder what was going on. "All will be explained when we are safe" He remembered the Stallion's words as he began walking with the group. 

  • Brohoof 1


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@ - @@DwhitetheGamer - @ - @@Akari of Duskshire


When they all caught up, the stallion nodded and began to lead them through the outer areas of the Welcoming Plaza, towards a tall wrought iron fence.  There was literally NOTHING beyond the fence; it looked like a blanket of fog as soon as you got past the iron bars.


Arriving in the farthest corner from all the action, the mysterious stallion began hunting for something on the ground.  He kicked aside piles of leaves and at least one slightly crumpled meme before he found what he was looking for: attached to the ground was what looked to be a short chain.  It looked as if SOMEthing had been chained here, and all that was left were three little links attached to the ground.


The stallion's grim demeanor didn't change, but his stern voice sounded lighter by single-digit degrees.


"Here's the link; everypony touch - I shall try a group PM."


He waited for the creators to establish a physical connection, then he took hold of the chain and 




Blackness.  Then suddenly, they all seemed to exist again; the horrible ancient dial-up modem sound made during the 'transfer' still rung in their ears, but now it was quiet again.  VERY quiet.


They were in... some kind of gathering room.  There were chairs and low tables lining the far wall, while the closest one had a number of windows with circles cut out of them and chairs at desks behind them.  All over the walls in random places were small signs, usually in loopy/frilly script, that read things like:


[NSFW means NSFW; don't post anything that children don't need to see.]


[All IC threads should have a link to an OOC thread contained within their first post.]


[Love and tolerance, people.]


It was somewhat surreal at first... but slowly the place's setup became familiar to anyone who has ever owned a Driver's License...


They were at the freaking DMV.


They were all there, including the stallion.  In fact, they were the ONLY ones there, though it did look as if this particular place was being used by someone - stacks of boxes stood in the corner, and makeshift beds were everywhere on the floors.  There was a sense of sterility here that the 'creators' couldn't shake.


"We are safe here,"  their host said, "and the others will return when they are able to."


He raised a hoof, and pointed at a very faded and dust-stained banner hanging near the front of the room; it read: 






Looking back to them, the stallion intoned, "This is where you ask me whatever you want; I shall answer what I can."

  • Brohoof 2

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Despite everything that had happened so far- the mysterious email, the program that sucked him into what appeared to be the internet incarnate, the large section of it to which he was mainly limited to- apparently a mimic of MLPForums, if the forums was a really large convention building with an entire town inside it...


...the rather large question mark, dressed in a suit, spinning around in a washing machine in a line of washing machines, was by far the oddest thing I had seen so far.


Shouldering the plasma gun that had oddly manifested in my hand- which then proceeded to disappear- I pulled out a small tablet that I noticed was the only method I had left of ever hoping to perform my original job. It had several tools- move thread, lock thread, hide post, merge threads, etc. Unfortunately, seeing how I only had power in the roleplaying world, I couldn't do much other than what I had seen the others do- which apparently reached out to manifesting plasma guns. Odd, but still not as odd as the Question Mark person ahead of me in the washing machine.


Leaning up against one of the nearby washing machines, I adjusted the various metal apparatus on my face- a result of the sudden transformation, as it seemed I was almost entirely metal. Well, technically, my brain was intact, and probably some of my other internal organs, but... it didn't matter anyways.


Shaking my head slightly, I decided to start everything with a comment. "Hey there. Looks like you're cleaning yourself off after a fight with an Internet Troll- especially judging by the fact that that's the body of one over there. How'd it go?"

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I followed the mysterious stallion to an iron fence.  I looked at the ground as he was looking for a chain link.  I didn't know what was going on, but as soon as he told us have a connection, I did so, and entered a weird room.  I looked around, taking note of the desks scattered like a normal classroom.  I took a seat at the middle front, where I normally sat, and looked straight in the eyes of the stallion.


"Yeah, I got a couple questions.  Why was Blue Diamond attacking us and what happened to the other Mods?  Yes, I know the username of the Hooded One, because I frequent the forums and know nearly everything around here."

  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@DwhitetheGamer - @ - @ - @@Akari of Duskshire 


The stallion's frown grew deeper.


"You know everything around here, do you?  Then I ask YOU - why did you allow this to happen?  If you are as well-informed as you say you are, then perhaps YOU are to blame for what has happened here... and since you know so much, you could tell me how to FREE OUR CREATORS AND END THIS STRUGGLE!"


The stallion was visibly angry, and it was quite a sight to see... however, he took a deep breath, and his stern yet controlled visage reappeared.  His eyes, flint and steel, leveled their stony gaze at Dwhite.


"I would not presume to know ANYTHING at this point, were I you."


So said, he began to pace the floor as he spoke.


"The Moderators, Sectionals and Administrators are being subjugated, one by one, and the Forums are suffering for it.  You have seen the condition of this place; it was not like this last month.  You ask about Blue Diamond - yet the problem is that almost ALL of the staff are now being controlled, and we OCs have been the ONLY thing standing between your world and total domination."


He sighed and his face took on a grim appearance.


"There are only a scant few staff members left uncaptured, and those are in hiding.  But it seems as if the timetable has been stepped up - evidenced by your arrival.  If they have started to gather members and donors, then control is no longer an issue for them..."


He turned and addressed the rest as well.


"We OCs have been fighting this battle, but we are losing the war.  With each of you now here, we may have a chance to win."

  • Brohoof 2

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I was shocked at the sudden outburst by the stallion. Then I curled my lips into a snarl. "You're a fool if you think I'm behind all this. I meant to say I only know the members! I don't know how to free the other members, but mark my words, I WILL."


I managed to calm down after the rant and looked at the stallion again, this time with a serious expression. "All right. Which forums are not under control as of this moment?"

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The stallion took the brunt of Dwhite's rant, then nodded.


"I did not assume such - but my point has been made.  Dislike me if you wish; I do not care.  My focus is freeing the staff and creators... including my own."


If there was any moment where the stallion's face didn't look stern, it was when he mentioned his creator - his muzzle fell, and his eyes looked... sad.  But only for a moment; a shake of his head, and the scowl returned.


"You ask which sections are still free?  FAQ is where we have been hiding; it does not get a lot of traffic.  In fact, the only places free of control are sections which are rarely used.  FAQ, Commissions, The Testing Forum and the Trader's Exchange; those places are as safe as we can make them.  The rest of the Forums are... infected, so to speak.  Monitored and patrolled."

  • Brohoof 2

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I nodded at the stallion as he mentioned the forums that are still free. I frowned as I was racking my brain, thinking of a plan that might work.

"So we have two options that go together. Either we a, go to the sections not in control to see if there are any staff, and if there are any ask for their help, or b, take on the possessed staff. The reason I say go together is because the other Mods may help us with taking back the forums. What do you think?"

Edited by DwhitetheGamer
  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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I hummed a nice little tune to work together with the swishing of the water, and listened to the peaceful melody I'd made. Thankfully, the shaking didn't disturb me much. Just doing it's job and cleaning my clothing with the hurricane of soap and water.


"You know, when I think about it, I never thought I would be using a washing machine to wash my clothes. Much less by entering one myself." I mused to myself with what would be an amused expression. Trying to look outside the hatch didn't do much, as everything was spinning so much that the only way I would be able to get an inkling of what was happening outside was if the outside spinned the same direction. So, having nothing to do, I simply sat there, swishing around.


A voice disturbed me from my peaceful rest, saying something about me fighting a troll or other. Me, fighting a troll? That wouldn't go over well. They're much bigger than me and smell horrible. Well, better than what that rotting corpse stinked out, but still horrible. Wait, there's a person outside. Better respond before they think I'm dead or something.


"Ey? Did'ya say something about me fighting a troll? Well, nothing like that's happened, as far as I'm aware. Just woke up next to that thing lying over there and had myself covered in stinking ooze." I responded rather simply to the stranger outside, probably watching me go 'round and 'round... Must be kinda hypnotizing, watching a Question Mark swish around in a circle. "Who are you, anyway, If ye don't mind me askin'? I'm... Bradley, I suppose." I said to the person, or uh, creature probably standing right outside the washing machine.

  • Brohoof 2

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"The sections that are free have already been searched for any sign of either staff or hiding members... but found nothing.  Not that the idea is not a good one; we have done, and ARE DOING, this.  As for your other idea, we have tried to fight them - many, many OCs have ended up... deleted... due to this.  We can hold them off... yet we are as much a part of the Forums as the Welcoming Plaza is, and anything the staff can modify is always at risk."


He resumed the pacing he'd started earlier, his voice full of both hope and defeat as he spoke.


"We, as OCs, can only do so much... because WE are part of the Forums.  Just as the Mods and Admins can change parts of the Forums, they can change us as well.  They HAVE changed some of us.  It is NOT a good thing to witness.  I have seen many OCs perverted into minions of the infection - and have had to fight many of them, as well.  I do not enjoy ending lives."


"But YOU... ALL of you... are from outside the Forums.  The Mods and Admins cannot delete you, though it is obvious they can modify your existence posts.  As members, you do not always have to abide by the rules as we do.  You are not exempt, but more as you are... 'grandfathered' in, and as such you have abilities that no OC can mimic, no matter their power level."


"As to what these abilities are - only you would know; members are beyond our normal comprehension."


He gave a hard sigh, a tired yet determined sound that echoed slightly through the FAQ/DMV.  He looked strong, yet seemed as if he was trying to physically fight depression.  After a moment, he simply looked at the lot of them.


"I can speak to you.  I can inform you.  I can even advise you.  But though I lead my OC brethren, I do not... CAN not... lead you.  You are special, moreso than any Alicorn here; you are CREATORS.  And the OCs are willing to help you."


He looked to the banner, faded and gray, and glanced sidelong at the group as he did.


"All we ask is that you help us, as well.  Many of us have either been deleted, or have lost our own creators already.  All we ask... all I ask... is help to retrieve them, safely.  There are bonds between a creator and their OC that..."


The strange (and, as of yet, unnamed) stallion seemed to pause at that, closing his eyes as a look of personal pain swept across his features.  The look was gone as quickly as it came, but it was obvious the stallion was troubled by... something.  He turned back to them, his customary scowl set in place on his muzzle.


"... at any rate, what else do you need to know?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Almost panting in anticipation, she pulled up to what would be her new home. Unloading the small amount of stuff she would need for the night, including a sleeping bag, a change of clothes and her backpack which held her portable game consoles and toothbrush, none of which she had aspirations of using tonight, in two, she called her pup and opened the lockbox with the code the realtor had provided. 


Walking into the bathroom, she got a look at herself in the mirror. Short, blonde, and currently a total mess, she mumbled incoherently to herself, did what she came to do in the room, and left. Collapsing onto the thin air mattress she had packed for herself she sighed, but didn't fall asleep right away as she had expected. Instead she tossed and turned for a few moments, worrying about her husband, who was in the moving truck and about a day behind. Trying to get her mind off everything, she dug into her usual escape. Not game, not books, but a forum about a relaunch of toys she had played with as a kid.


She had used up all her data on the trip over, so her connection was enthusiastically sluggish, but she needed her fix. Being an admin on the site, not having had a lot of access recently made her feel like she was missing a limb. Waiting impatiently, blowing raspberries at her phone's slow pace, finally the screen glowed with what she had been waiting for. Pastel ponies. Real internet tomorrow, she told herself. She had a worryingly large number of messages and notifications, and her mind immediately noped out. "This is future me's troblem" she mumbled, finding herself quite funny, though it wasn't actually funny. Her internet handle, Troblems, a combination of trouble and problems seemed to work so well in these situations.


Not able to watch Netflix due to her slow connection, she rolled on her side, and pressed the phone lock button, intending to finally go to sleep. Her brow furrowed when the button didn't work. This stupid phone is brand new, she thought, along with a long line of expletives. And that was the last thing she remembered before blacking out.

  • Brohoof 4


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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