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@@Randimaxis, @,  


Loud music was the only thing I heard as the living world once again took me in like the family cat who went out for a stroll. My head-thing was pretty much hammering the metaphorical nail into itself as I opened my vision and tried to get used to the light. "...W-What... Happened?" I wondered to myself as my memory rebooted. The last thing I remember was dancing... No, wait, that was a dream. No way Chrysalis can swallow fifteen barrels of Mountain Dew in a minute... So... What happened?


As it slowly came back to me, I looked around my surroundings to see where that simply horrendous music was coming from. Or maybe it is good music, and I'm not listening well enough. Well, in anycase, I saw pretty much what was expected. There's Drakk, my adorable little awkward OC, there's the "Colosseum" thing around us, there's a guy with a decent-looking hat and the same amount of teeth as a snail, the eye- No, wait, Randi is back on his monitor, shooting red paint at a pony who is running the heck away... Yep, about as much as you would expect in this place. 


In anycase, I tried to get up and have a nice chat with the people 'round me, but found that my body felt like it was swimming in glue. In other words, I was about as sluggish as a slug that has forgotten how to move. 


"Welp. Just gonna lie here, then." I concluded as I stopped struggling against my tired "body" and lied down, staring at the top of the colosseum which had wonderous stars draw onto it... You know, I'm pretty sure those stars are moving, but that could just be my tiredness speaking.




Krad watched the Ichor Cannon with panic. Krad had been hit by cannon before, and Krad can tell you, the red stuff bringed Krad pain. Krad couldn't think like Krad when hit by red stuff. Krad thought like Vegetable. Krad considered running away from red stuff before Krad saw Master lying on the ground, awake but not moving. Krad gasped. "Krad have to save Master!" Krad thought to Krad as Krad ran to Master, pushed Krad's head under Master's stomach thing, and threw Master on Krad's back.


Krad was about to run after Talky Pony from before when Krad remembered Master's attacker. Krad wanted to leave Attacker there, but something in Krad told Krad to bring Attacker. Krad didn't know what, but Krad followed advice.


Krad ran to Attacker, slammed Krad's head into Attacker's stomach a little to get attention, growled, and ran after Talky Pony, not bother to look back to see if Attacker follow Krad's Head's advice.




Drakk sighed in relief as he put a hoof to his forehead. Yelling constantly at the screen to bring the other Creator had worked, thankfully. "Celestia doesn't even know what my Creator would do if one of his friends were turned into a mindless zompony... Well, now that I think about it, he would probably just hit them with that stupid cane." He thought to himself and sighed again, this time in remembrance of that idiotic moment which happened a mere half an hour ago. "... Was it half an hour ago?... I can't really tell." He mused as he once again shoved ice cream into his mouth. It wasn't real icecream, but it sure felt like it. And if it felt like it, it was good enough for him.




"But... But... I wanted to say Hello to Randi..." I thought sadly to myself as I got escorted over to the broken door, aswell as hearing splashing sounds behind me. "Oh well, I'm sure I get another chance soon" Came the thought, bringing with it a would-be smile with free shipping.

Edited by Sansley
  • Brohoof 1

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@@Randimaxis, @@DwhitetheGamer, @, @,


"Force of impact... considerable, especially considering size. 12.345234% stronger than initial estimate. Hypothesis: stronger leg muscles, perhaps by a bipedal ancestor or (unlikely) occasional bipedal movement. Further examination will be... intriguing."


He lifted his leg, allowing him to examine the damage. Despite the hyperalloys that made up his bionics; it had still managed to leave a small, superficial dent. Impressive. You could see the enthusiasm he had in his eyes as he continued his spheal, a pair of mechadendrites buffing out the dent until it practically disappeared. As Groovi wheeled around for his charge, he was already well underway. "Subject appears to be irritated by my pinning down of a pony- rightfully so. They have more than animalistic emotions, despite their appearance, and appear to speak Low Gothic quite well. This one appears to be an artist; perhaps inquiries about her art may be made during experimentation of physical properties."


He frowned and turned his head sideways as she approached. "As the effects of a foward charge on a Mechanicus exo-skeleton is not being tested; I believe that it is time to capture the subject for future study. Subduing target..."


The headstrong charge was met by a trio of electrical charged mechadendrites. It went about as well as was expected.


"Target seems to be slightly resistant to electricity, a perhaps 9.34596% difference from standard humans. It is obviously biological. Note: NO DISSECTION OF ANY CAPTIVES (unless directed to by the Fabricator General himself)." With that note, he gestured with his hand. A new portal was created; and out of it started to stream robots of various types- servitors; Skitarii, and lesser techpriests. With another gesture, a light blue scheme was projected onto the hills, and, almost seconds later, the groundbreaking began and, almost with a maniacal frenzy, they began excavating and building... something. Something big, that was for certain.


Picking up the pony by the scruff of her neck with the now de-electrified mechadendrite, he looked over to them. "Your presence is  requested in 1hr 36m 27s and counting for research purposes. Failure to comply within 15m of request time end will result in Skitarii dispatches to recover you. This specimen will stay with me, but a current lack of stasis cells will prevent waste. The Fabricator General should be glad to... keep you company in the meantime. May the Omnissiah bless you with knowledge, ignorant ones." He stalked away towards the facility, with Groovi with him in... whatever state she was in, and what appeared to be what would be if a factory and a research lab was blended together in a nightmare was being raised incredibly quickly in the background- most of the digging, which extended several dozen feet down, was already completed, and the foundation was being poured in now. The plumes of polluted smoke already rose into the air, and, in a few minutes, would start forming giant clouds of pollution and darkness... lit only by the subtle glow of the Chaos Emerald, stored safely inside of him.


What would they do now?

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I was angry at myself.  Not only did the plan not work, now the big guy wanted to test on me.  I couldn't let that happen.  I didn't want to, but I had no other choice.  I closed my eyes and hung my head in shame... for merely a second, when a fully healed Copper unleashed his full-powered Spin Dash on the big guy, knocking him down and making the Chaos Emerald he possessed fly out of him, as well as Groovi.  Copper grabbed the emerald with his hooves and tossed it to me as hard as he could.




Seeing my chance, I ran and caught the emerald.  I grinned, and as Copper went to my side, I decided, to hell with it.  I thrust my hands out, revealing all seven Chaos Emeralds.  I had risen up in the air with them and, as they spun, I brought in my arms and legs tightly together.  When the emeralds were at max spinning speed, I thrust my arms and legs out at the same time and unleashed a war cry, blinding everyone who could see it.  When the light died down, a golden hedgehog with spiked up quills and fire-y red eyes was present.


I had become Super Sonic.


Copper was shocked at the transformation.  "That's amazing!"


"Just wait until you see me in action!"


I then locked my eyes at the mechanical menace right in front of me, grinning madly.  "You're all mine, and so is Jeric!"

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@@Randimaxis, @@DwhitetheGamer@,


"Godmodding," the mechanical menance stated coldly to the figure in front of me, "is not an acceptable part of this particular dimension. You did not give me an opportunity to dodge, or even counter in any way, shape, or form, despite my numerous sensors. This would ruin the experience, both for you and, because of the result of your actions, your friends as well. Besides, you have not the fifty needed rings to transform." With a single gesture, time went into another vacuum, and...


Back they were, head to the ground in shame... when a fully healed Copper unleashed his full-power Spin Dash into the big guy... who promptly electrocuted the upstart pony after bracing for the blow and catching the Spin Dash with the mechadendrites (albeit the friction promptly ruined several of the ones used). It was rather lucky he was holding the small, golden ring that protected him from harm, or else he would have been nothing but a charred pile of bones by the end of it! Nonetheless, the OC was flung away, rather painfully. Groovi was promptly placed in the hands of a nearby servitor, who carried her off into the mob of other mechanical troops. As he did so, the Dominus powered up a rather large, nasty-looking beam weapon, as well as a decent-sized axe that sparked, revealing a barely-visible power field. "Shall you try that again? I was going to be kind to thy ally and merely perform some research on her physical features to be sent to Mars for further analysis, but if you must attack me to prove thy point, then perhaps a dissection is in order, then."


Despite his current outward appearance, he had done nothing (other than pinning down Dwhite's friend, that is) overtly aggressive. He just seemed content to research and catalog, nor did he have anything overtly red about him that marked him out as a victim of the virus- other than, of course, his naturally-red cloak. The question was; could he be trusted? And if he couldn't be, was there anything they could do about it for the time being, especially considering the sectional was both in his section and in possession of a Chaos Emerald himself?


Before any of these questions could be answered, his eyes flashed. "Foreign subject detected. Proceeding to eject." A thin stream of red ichor- the virus, apparently- was ejected from his mouth, where it proceeded to fizz and bubble across the ground before becomming black and tarry. He examined this with some confusion, before stepping back, axe at the ready as he assumed a defensive stance in case of an alpha strike by the others in an attempt to obtain the Emerald. "... it would appear something is wrong that involved the liquid I just purged from my systems, and the corruption involved in the emerald or emeralds you re-obtained. Explain."

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"Isn't that the full point of-" I started before time was reversed.


I closed my eyes and dropped my head in shame... for merely a second before a fully-healed Copper unleashed his Spin Dash on the big guy, but the big guy grabbed my creation and electrocuted him, pinning him down.


I looked shocked.  There was nothing I could do.  I dropped my head in shame again, and said bluntly: "Alright.  I'll take part in your tests.  But spare Copper, please."

"No, Sonic!  Don't do it!  I don't wanna lose you!"


I saw Copper crying as he was begging for him to not do it.  I just shook my head.


"Sorry, Copper.  I have no choice."


Copper wailed in sadness.  He didn't want to lose his creator.  What was worse, there was no way he could fix it.  


(Honest truth, I was getting emotional while typing this.  Get ready, Copper is gonna turn into Rarity in the Pan Eq Games RP pretty soon.)

Edited by DwhitetheGamer
  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@@Randimaxis, @@DwhitetheGamer@,


"Subject appears, upon admitting to initial tests, to be scared," he commented, very much entertained. "Subject's companion also appears to be frightened for his friends as well; thus proving a perhaps human-level of emotion and sentience and perhaps why I triggered the response that occurred. Suggested sub-classification: abhuman, or a class thereof. Not mentally different enough to classify as xenos. Worry not, these initial tests have nothing that is going on behind me. Your other friend was carted away for being... overly emotional. She will be released after initial probings and conversations, seeing how they comprehend my language. Much like your other friend here, who is being quite intriguing himself. Subjects appear to have a good understanding of Low Gothic," he commented, off hand.


Extending a mechadendrite that appeared to have a microphone on the end of it, the techpriest stated, "If you wish the records to show more than a number, please state your personal identification, your species, and perhaps any personal comments you might have while I prepare a simple physical exercise."


Turning around, he noted the almost flat expanse and quickly, with a blurt of machine code, sent a tracked servitor exactly 100 meters out before drawing a second line twenty meters past that before returning to work. While he did so, he turned to the pony present. "If you are worried for your master, you should be glad to know that he will not leave your sight. Bawling is unnecessary. Although," he added, extending another mechadendrite, "if you wish to state your name and species as well, as well as any comments you might have, please feel free to."

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Copper didn't listen.  He couldn't listen.  He shut his eyes and covered his ears because there was static in them, but it only made it worse.


"Stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it..."


He was turning into Rarity at that point.  He failed.  He failed his creator.  Now he wasn't able to hear himself as he screamed.




I bolted straight to Copper and petted him.  "Great, now look at what you done.  You turned him into Rarity.  I'll answer your questions for him.  His name is Copper Strikes, he's an Earth Pony, and the last thing he wants to see is you killing me off, so please don't.  For him."

  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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 Jeric watched the proceedings as the scarlet mist emanated and spread from his eyes. This was far better than what he had ever imagined. Quite a few of the forum’s most esteemed members had already been taken and Magos was a fine addition to the cause. “I won’t let you get away with this…” screamed an enraged yet defeated voice from the depths of his psyche, “Oh? I believe I already have” He replied with a smug grin.






“Boy….” Jeric muttered, his lips quivering as if he has had to force the will to speak. “This virus eats us from the inside.” Jeric stammered, his teeth grinding as if he was fighting a losing battle in his psyche.


“ It takes control of who WE are and what WE do…..but…..”










Jeric began to laugh maniacally almost tumbling to the ground from laughter. “Was that it?!”   He grinned.  

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I looked dead straight at Jeric, who was laughing.  Snarling, I looked away, mumbling to myself.  I then looked up to Magos and said bluntly: "I am DwhitetheGamer, though now I would prefer to be called Sonic.  I'm a hedgehog, and hopefully this 'physical exercise' as you call it isn't as bad as I think it is."

  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@, @@DwhitetheGamer, @,


"Worry not, hedgehog, it will not prove fatal to you. In fact, you may enjoy it, from what I've observed so far. Subject appears to be defensive and rebellious; self identifies as hedgehog though it is clearly different... more research to be done. Very well... Sonic. My requirements of thee is to run as fast as you can." Ensuring the servitor was finished with the assigned task, I continued. "There is a line every 100 meters for the next 500 meters. Please reach the end and return as fast as you can without relying on external tools or machines, stop as quickly as you can before you overshoot too far, and then return. Hardly the... death scenario you were expecting, I imagine."


"Estimated max speed - 18-19 mph, as human body similarities combined with longer legs, less weight, and a muscle mass that suggests long distance running..." He continued to murmur to himself as he waved at the hedgehog to begin whenever he was ready.

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I growled on the inside.  Without my abilities I couldn't make it look too easy.  But then he had a point, not going too fast made it easier to stop more quickly.  I did his bidding, assumed a stance of running, and took off as fast as I could.


While running, I suddenly remembered that Sonic's body never gets tired of running, so even though I didn't have his speed, I had his endurance.  I saw the line as Magos said for every 100 meters.  


When I reached the end, I took a short hop and skidded to a complete stop just past the final line.  I turned around and ran back to Magos as quick as possible.


When I reached the line from where I started, I slowed to a walk and said to Magos: "That was easier than I thought, honestly.  I thought I'd get tuckered out.  So what next?"

  • Brohoof 3

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@DwhitetheGamer, @, @, @@Randimaxis,


"Ran at and consistently maintained his speed at 20 kph for over a kilometer, without use of external tools. Time taken: 2:57.9348. Exceptional. Mere 'long distance running' is an understatement. New theory: genetic modification for endurance and possibly speed." The glowing eyes under his cloak turned from green to red as he continued. "Much could be discovered from an autopsy of the subject... Consideration: Bypass of previous note of 'do not execute'... A spark and another eye color change later, he shook his head. "... Consideration denied. Much more would be learned if subject is alive, well, and satisfied than if dead. Consistent speed and endurance provides possible issue with recapture without significant resources divulged..." He shook his head before turning. "...forgive me; my appearance on this world appears to have given me some sort of... glitch with my cogitation arrays. I shall return shortly with something that you might find more entertaining then mere leg exercise (which you appear to excel at). The required purging should give me enough time to begin analysis of the Emerald, after all... and scanners show another source of energy in the vicinity. Seven more sources. Six located with the hedgehog identified as Sonic, hypothesized as further Chaos Emeralds; one... unidentifiable. Perhaps a Maniple should be detached to investigate..."


He quietly appeared to stalk away, pausing only at the now-black, tarry substance on the ground that appeared to be the virus posthumous. Several of his mechadendrites carefully scraped the tarry substance off the ground, put it in a glass container, and stalked towards the now towering factory-lab in the distance. Not long after he had done so, the large mob of various Skitarii warriors and war machines finished pouring out, and the portal closed. Not long afterwards, about three-fourths of the mob piled inside in a organized manner, while the remaining fourth began setting up guard stations and patrol routes outside the city. One particular soldier, wearing a thin red cloak and a cowl that didn't disguise his (albeit more aesthetically pleasing to the eye) bionics and war plate, found himself posted near the others, where he proceeded to stand, his rifle at his shoulder. Whether or not he was either completely focused on or totally ignoring the party was completely up for discussion; however, the servitor dragging Groovi around appeared and quickly deposited her next to the party before rolling away, completely disinterested in the group.



"So... it's bad, then," Lilith muttered to herself, stationed behind a bluff with a grey cloak that all but obscured her from sight. "At least my only saving grace is that he's at least resisting the effects of the virus itself. It's coming out in his behavior, however, and he's catching it." She released a small sigh, tied directly to a small gust of wind that blew her vine-entwined hair. If only there was a way to delay it long enough where a more permanent solution can be found...


Quietly, she slid down the rock to the opposite side, hidden from view, before looking around and taking out her bow and arrow. She quietly nocked one that was glistening with a shadowy essence before beginning to slowly make her way around. She'd need to see all of the facility, more than just this angle, if she was to get a read on possible entrances and exits for future infiltration.

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I nodded at Magos.  "Take your time.  I'm in no rush.  In fact, while you do that, I'll take care of Copper."


I ran over to Copper's side, who was panting, short of breath after all that crying.  He felt powerless, he couldn't do anything at all.


"Why?  Why is this happening?"


"Don't worry, Copper.  Everything will be fine, I promise.  In fact, I think I know what the unknown source is."


"Don't say it.  He may be able to hear you."


"My lips are sealed."

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Lilith may have been sneaking for a good minute or three, but someone had already spotted her.


Slowly, a shadow slid out from behind the rock she had just vacated and began following her...  keeping pace, yet absolutely silent.  Slowly, the shadow crept closer and closer, almost right behind the Ranger... then, the pursuer reached out towards the pursuee...


"Wouldn't it be easier with a bit of help, Miss Crow?"


Standing behind her, moving from the shadows was an OC she was familiar with... yet, perhaps not quite as he appeared before her.  He was young and handsome, his mane slicked back with mane-gel, and his smile was dashing.  He leveled his emerald green eyes on her and grinned.


"Besides, I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to see you in action, eh?"


Harcourt Blackwater gave her a bow, a roguish smile on his muzzle and laughter in his eyes.


"As clever as you are, I'm certain you have at least the semblance of a plan... care to share it?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Vulcan stepped back a bit, "Dax?! Like Blackwater Dax?!" Vulcan jumped excitedly . "I'm  a big fan" He smiled , awkwardly shaking his hoof. 




"hu-LAYYYY-DEEEEEEEEEZ AAAAAAAAAN' GENNEL-MAAAAAAAAAAAAANZ!"   Suddenly, fresh spotlights dropped from the ceiling, flashing on and pointed onto mid-stage.  Dax, standing there dumbfounded for all of a second, jumped like he'd been bitten and zipped offstage and directly behind Vulcan, shivering as he tried to hide behind the thin avi.   "hew-WEL-COOOOOOOOME TOOOOOOO... THA SPECTACLLLLLLLLLLLE!    


"Randi!" Vulcan grinned, He was very excited to see his senpai, completely ignoring the large veins of horrific infection being pumped into him as music played in the background. 




"Well WELL welly-wellwellwell!  Lookie here; you found Daxie for me!  How WON-derful, HAAA HA!  Now I can simply infect the lot of you all at once... AND WE CAN BE BEST-EST-EST BUDDIES..."


"I would like that!"


"Er....I mean,... NO! , We won't let you do that" Vulcan replied, saying the latter quite half-heartedly with somewhat horrible acting.




"We HAVE to get out of here... FOLLOW ME!"   Dax bolted like a shot down the aisles, following the path with the least amount of red goo on it and headed for the rear of the room.  As he ran, the eyeball caught sight of him and locked on, a little red crosshair floating over the center of the screen and tracking the OC.




"Hold on, maybe I could get an autagraph or something!" He stalled fishing around his coat pockets for a pen or paper before Krad slammed into his stomach. "Okay okay....I got the message" Vulcan winced, he's never been hit by a pony before and It was quite painful...especially with the horn.


He stumbled a bit before following along with Dax and the rest hopefully making it fast in time before Randi found his next song.

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The doorway loomed, and they managed to pass through it just as the words, "Ah!  MEGADETH!"  resounded from behind them, leaving the corrupted Sectional to enjoy whatever song he'd picked to kill them to alone.


The travel was fast but bumpy as they whipped through the site to reach their next destination.




Each one landed rather unceremoniously on their backsides, and the door behind them shut with a loud, echoing slam.


They were NOT in a good place.


From the look of things, this had once been an alleyway lined with doors.  The alley was flanked on each side by what appeared to be an apartment building - but they were the tallest apartment buildings anyone had ever seen.  Wrought-iron balconies on each level denoted all the different living spaces; if there was one for each, then there had to be thousands, if not more...


That was where things got nasty, though.


Any section of wall at roughly chest-height or lower was COVERED in similar graffiti to what was on the walls of Octavia's Hall... but it was worse here.  The ground was littered with so much garbage, there were places where they couldn't see the concrete.  Every balcony was rusty and decrepit, and the visible windows had either all broken, or been boarded up.


And leftover red ichor was E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E, meaning that whatever had spread the red ooze in the first place had already been here; that was good, as it meant they wouldn't have to worry about being harassed by it so soon... yet, as soon as they landed, they saw Dax shivering with wide eyes as he looked around.  Dax's face looked as if he'd just realized he had been put in line for the glue factory.


"Okay... no.  Loud.  Noises."


He slowly turned, and the nervous sweat was visible on him.


"We're in the EvE character housing; I think I heard my Creator call it a 'database', if I remember correctly.  If any of the infected are still here, we'll have to keep quiet if we don't want them to find us!  The path we took's closed off... but I know where the links are here.  We just have to..." Dax gulped audibly, "cross this entire area to reach it."


Oh, boy.

  • Brohoof 3

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@@Randimaxis, @,


"Well, that's just dandy, isn't it?" I snarked to myself as I realized that we likely won't make it out with no scratches. Well... If I wasn't here, then everyone's chances would be significantly increased, seeing as Lady Luck and her accomplices usually like to mess around with me whenever possible, the jerks.


"... When did I get so pissed?" The thought came, confusing me a great deal once the message arrived in the pink inbox. Really, why am I so mad all of a sudden? I feel like sulking and making sarcastic quips... Alright, I do like making sarcastic quips, but the level of which I'm feeling it is honestly getting annoying.


Pushing myself as hard as I can, I managed to get off Drakk, -Making him whimper in the process, for whatever reason-, and shakily float a couple inches of the hard... Brick floor? "Well, that's an interesting choice of flooring." I mused to myself before turning to... Dax, was it?... Why is that name so familiar? Maybe I've seen it somewhere before.


Straightening my suit and brushing off some dust, I got ready to use my non-existent vocal chords to speak. "W-well then. We ca-can't stay here, a-and we sure as h-he-hell can't go back to that m-maniac, so on-onwards we s-shall go!" I managed to stutter out through my "convulsing" form... Wait, did I just swear? I thought I stopped doing that a couple years back... And did I just call someone a maniac?... Why am I not bothered about that fact?




Drakk stared at his creator, a little bit confused. He seemed... Changed, somehow. A tad more serious, standing completely straight, shaking as if fighting off the elements, and giving off some sort of aura... Whatever that aura was, it seemed to frighten his body, making it shiver and stare at Bradley with fear and... Obedience, of some sort?


"... I don't like what's happening, here." Drakk concluded as he yet again shoved a scoop of chocolate ice-cream into his mouth.

Edited by Sansley
  • Brohoof 1

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Vulcan sat up a little slowly, feeling a bit of pain from his lower back. "That was quite a fall" He grinned, masking the pain with a smile as he surveyed the area at what appeared to be an alley way lined with decrepit buildings. 





"We're in the EvE character housing; I think I heard my Creator call it a 'database', if I remember correctly.  If any of the infected are still here, we'll have to keep quiet if we don't want them to find us!  The path we took's closed off... but I know where the links are here.  We just have to..." Dax gulped audibly, "cross this entire area to reach it."   Oh, boy.


"The Database?!" Vulcan panicked, feeling his stomach sink in a little. "@CinnamonPop, , @Trottermare Galamane, @Artimis Whooves" Vulcan mumbled counting each OC that he could think of with his fingers. Many of them may have already been corrupted and the very thought of it terrified him. 




Straightening my suit and brushing off some dust, I got ready to use my non-existent vocal chords to speak. "W-well then. We ca-can't stay here, a-and we sure as h-he-hell can't go back to that m-maniac, so on-onwards we s-shall go!" I managed to stutter out through my "convulsing" form...


"A-alright" Vulcan stuttered , as he got to his feet, he was a bit terrified but he knew he had to keep going.  

Edited by Obito Uchiha
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Dax crept along as quietly as he could, making the slightest of taps on the brick as he snuck through the potential battlefield.  He kept looking over his shoulder at the other three behind him, reassuring himself they were still there.


"Easy... eeeeeeeeeeeeasy... niiiiiiiice and careful... eeeeeeasy..."


There was no way to tell if Dax was addressing them... or himself.


The whole area was quiet, in a most disturbing way; normally, one might hear the sounds of traffic, of birds, or even just the sound of the wind blowing.  But the only thing any of them could hear was their own footsteps, echoing down the alley like bullets of sound fired from their comparitively loud progression.  A sense of foreboding hung heavy in the atmosphere around them...


Turning to Vulcan, Dax said, "Uhm, you mentioned something about knowing who I was... what did you mean by that?"

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 I floated along infront of the others soundlessly, seeing as I didn't touch the floor at all. Still no clue how that worked, but I'm not gonna blame something that helps me out. Pretty counterproductive, if you ask me.


In anycase, I stopped shaking like a sentient leaf in winter a few minutes ago, fortunately, since it was starting to get on my mysterious nerves. "... I feel like monologuing. Why do I feel like monologuing something?... This big urge to laugh for all of eternity is even worse." My line of thought was interrupted, "Rude", by a groan,"Or a yawn?", from... Somewhere infront of us. 


I stopped moving forwards, looking back at the others. "Stop. Something's in our way." I stated, standing tall and staring forwards into the slightly darker alleyway, the walls littered with that red ****, a trashcan covering the brick floor with filth... I'm pretty sure I saw a drawing of a rainbow in there. 


Looking back again, I prepared to consult the others. "What now? If we go anywhere near that *******, we risk alerting this entire damned 'District'." That concluded, I stared back into the alleyway, searching for anything out of place.




Krad was scared. Master was... Different. Master was scary. Krad knew why. Master was hit. Now Master is bad. Maybe Master not bad, maybe Master was only scary. But Krad still loyal. Krad always loyal...

Edited by Ahuizotley
  • Brohoof 1

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Turning to Vulcan, Dax said, "Uhm, you mentioned something about knowing who I was... what did you mean by that?"


Vulcan scratched his chin , as if attempting to go through his memory banks. He wasn't all that good at remembering things. "Oh, yes!" He finally remembered. "You were one of the first OCs I've seen on this site!" Vulcan grinned. "You're a member of the Black water family, I've read about them in @Illiad Easle's  Cultural exchange!" He smiled , remembering it as one of the first RPs he's read. 





I stopped moving forwards, looking back at the others. "Stop. Something's in our way." I stated, standing tall and staring forwards into the slightly darker alleyway, the walls littered with that red ****, a trashcan covering the brick floor with filth... I'm pretty sure I saw a drawing of a rainbow in there. 


Vulcan immediately stopped, He also took notice of Bradley's strange new demeanor, "could he have been infected?": Vulcan wondered with a hint of fear.

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Dax turned and looked back at Vulcan.


"The Cultural Exchange?  You... read that?"  Dax smiled broadly.  "That's where I met my best friend Illiad... well, more like he's my ONLY friend, I think... but I didn't know that anypony read that other than Illiad's creator and mine."


He blushed a bit, knowing what sort of things were revealed in that RP about his entire family - more directly, about himself.  Now that he knew this Creator had that kind of knowledge, he seemed to relax a bit more... though, in their current situation, that might not have been the best idea to let his guard down.


Dax also gave a look at the large question mark, and his eyes betrayed a look of mortified surprise at the swearing.


"Uhm... yeah... rainbows are kinda... all over the place here; there's a lot of Rainbow Dash fans in the Forums, and-..."


Dax was looking in Bradley's direction when his eyes bulged for all of a split second; then, he simply got a nonchalant look on his muzzle, and motioned to the alley.


"... aaaand it still might be something to check out, I guess.  Go have a look - we're right behind you."  He motioned to the floating question mark and his loyal follower/zombie.  Dax's smile was innocent-looking enough... but if Vulcan had indeed been reading up on the Blackwater stallion, he knew that Dax was no fool.


The only indication that something was up was the concerned look that Dax shot Vulcan as motioned to the alleyway.

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Lilith started a bit and had her short sword drawn from her scabbard before recognizing the voice. She relaxed a bit, but kept her sword out. "Harcourt," she stated flatly. "You're younger than I remember. Perhaps that's for the best." She sighed and turned towards the complex, trying to keep her mind on the issue and not on his ridiculously handsome face. Talk about eye candy. "... I'm not sure how much of this you've observed for yourself. Knowing you, probably most of it. From what I can tell, he's infected, but not out there quite yet. Perhaps that's why he's a hulking techpriest and not an interdimensional horror like Randi is. Either way, our options include either staying here and figuring out to sabotage this place somehow to get the others out, or we trust that they can survive for long enough to move forwards and attempt to centralize the others all in one place. I was going to, perhaps, attempt to infiltrate the building and scout it out before making a decision. Perhaps you would like to join me."


((More coming a bit later for Copper and dwhite and co.))

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The rogue smiled; exactly what he'd hoped for.


"Indeed, it would be an honor to see a true Ranger at work."


Not to mention getting a better look at that fine form of yours, milady.


"Besides... wheels are in motion, my dear - all is not as lost as it seems."  He took the dramatic pause as a good moment to get a glance around, making sure there were no issues at hoof to deal with.  Seeing the coast as clear as he could hope for, he returned his attention to the mare in front of him... not that it was difficult to do; Lilith was proving to be a bit more... distracting?... than anticipated.


"You see, there's a failsafe... at least, for my brilliant creator, there is.  He a-n-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-e-d what was happening; he saw the signs, and sort-of cobbled together an idea for how to fix it."


Harcourt slid in closer to Lilith, lowering his voice to a bare rumble on his breath.


"If we can gather the members of my erstwhile family together, then we can Sign Out Randimaxis, our Creator - that could possibly purge the infection, and leave him whole and... er, sane.. once again.  Plus, he might have knowledge of the inner workings of this infection when he returns; information we could all use, I'm certain."


"The trick," he continued, "might work for others as well - your own Creator being of interest to you, I'm sure.  But we will also require one more thing... either a Moderator or Administrator.  Without one able to permit log ins, I'm afraid my Creator will simply be ejected from the Forums... and will be unable to return until all this is over."


He smiled.  "But... IF we can find an uncorrupted Sectional, Moderator AND an Administrator, then we can EDIT POSTS... which means things could be changed to fit whatever purpose we need it to!  IMAGINE it!  With that kind of power, WE COULD EDIT EARLIER POSTS TO SET UP A VICTORY FOR US ALL!"


He turned to look at the ravaged land around them.  "This story needs a good ending, my dear Lilith... with all of this information I've relayed to you, how do you propose we should attempt to give it one?"  


That grin came back.

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"... Something's seriously wrong here" I stated in my mind as I stared at Dax, giving a few occasional glances at Vulcan, with my unseen glare. Something here is fishy, and it's certainly not that Cod lying on the ground in the middle of us... "... Is that a fish made of plastic?" I thought, removing my non-visible gaze from the two to stare at the artifical fish, wondering why anyone would make that, only to throw the perfectly fine fish into the trash.   


I shrugged mentally as i came back to the task at hand, having enough of distracting myself with petty thoughts. Giving a quick glare to my two "companions", I turned to the pitch-black alley and looked towards my trusted friend, and even child in some ways. "Aww, he reminds me of my cat! Cute and fluffy, so much so that I just want to grab him and hug him for all eternity!" I thought as I squeed, giving of a sound similiar to Fluttershy's but a tad bit deeper. 


I reach my hand out to pet Drakk on the head, eagerly waiting to ruffle the fur si- I felt my whole body shivering for a moment as my vision blinked in and out of functionality. Finally, once everything was right as rain once again, I stood tall and stared into the continuation of the alleyway, feeling something staring back from the abyss as... Raindrops suddenly started falling down from the sky? I gave a glance up and saw a ceiling. With water coming down. Not a cloud visible anywhere... Had I any eyes, they would be twitching(Aswell as look like a dark abyss) as my head is currently doing.  


Shaking my head, I stared once again back into the alleyway, and pointed towards it. "Drakk, forward." I simply uttered as I watched his eyes widen and start whimpering. Atleast, until he met my gaze, which immediately made him straighten up with determination, and unbeknownst to me, the will to make his Master proud.


When Drakk was seen no more after entering the alleyway, I stuck a hand in my pocket and pulled a cane out. My cane out. Only, it was slighly darker, the wooden part was now crystallic and dark, and the once-proud ruby sitting at the top was now stained with taint, and looked more like an onyx that was tinted red. And had anyone looked at my clothes, they would notice that it was overall just... Darker, than before. Sure, the suit had been black at first, but now it seemed like you were staring into a nothingness every time you glanced at them.


Managing a slight whistle despite having no mouth whatsoever, I trekked into the alleyway after my trusted pe-*cough*, "Friend", and shortly after, I was swallowed by the darkness.



(I really do apologize for taking a couple weeks break, but I just couldn't really muster up any will to get on the forums and do stuff, like post on this RP. Hopefully, I can write a little more often, now.)

Edited by Ahuizotley
  • Brohoof 3

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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