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"Glad to see another friendly face around these parts. I'm Night Eyes from the Canterlot Observatory. How are you doing today?"

If anything was apparent that day, it was Night Eyes being more open and less reserved than usual. Then again, he didn't trust too many ponies during his stay in school or in the observatory. It was much less tense than worrying about whoever is going to make him regret opening his mouth when he had something to get off his mind. 

"Night eyes nice name.......Have you seen any enchanted materials booths around.......I need to make a new enchanted weapon for the Equestrian army. Not that they have any against changelings being here but they have to be cautious as such they want a load of new enchanted weapons for next year to be sure. And I know the exact weapon they need. A Sword/Bow of Dusk. They can make and break disguise magic of any kind. Now of course they aren't targeting just changelings this is just caution they want for next year as they feel as if this year's fair is a bit lacking in the defense apartment. They do say changelings are welcome as long as they follow some rules. Mostly it's just them saying over and over DON'T SUCK PEOPLE'S LOVE OKAY?"




Travelture said as he scratch his back legs together.

"My past bring misfortune to anyone that knows too much about me, I have seen it happen everywhere I went. If I recall, I've been to 3/4 of Equestria."

he turned around and saw that his cutie mark wasn't there. He cursed at himself for forgetting to apply it to his disguise. 



he looks at Night's face and realizes he rumbling "Oh sorry I was rumbling again. Short and sweet I need magic materials, Do you know a booth that sells any i.........Travelture what's wrong you seem scared........Like terrified even" He turns to Travelture Puzzled.

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Travelture said as he turned back to Gem,

"It's nothing, I just remember that I forgot to have my cutie mark on with my disguise. I forget to do that every time. No, I don't own a booth."

He thought about reverting back to his old self, and his horn glowed and went shed his disguise and his cutie mark was visible.

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"Glad to hear the army's taking proactive measures to ramping up security. I'd imagine their reputation hasn't taken a complete nosedive given what happened. Anyway, I haven't been around the entire fair yet so I haven't seen the supplies you need but the day is still young. I'm sure someone around here has what you need. If you'd like, I could have a look and see if someone could help out. Are there any specific items you need or do you have a checklist?"

Turns out there was some truth to headmaster's request or luck had something to do with the day's turn of events. Either way, Night Eyes wasn't going to complain. This already beats solitary observations or being somepony else's errand colt. 

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"Glad to hear the army's taking proactive measures to ramping up security. I'd imagine their reputation hasn't taken a complete nosedive given what happened. Anyway, I haven't been around the entire fair yet so I haven't seen the supplies you need but the day is still young. I'm sure someone around here has what you need. If you'd like, I could have a look and see if someone could help out. Are there any specific items you need or do you have a checklist?"


Turns out there was some truth to headmaster's request or luck had something to do with the day's turn of events. Either way, Night Eyes wasn't going to complain. This already beats solitary observations or being somepony else's errand colt. 


He thought of what he needed and replied with "Dusk-O-Nite Which is very hard to find due to it being on the outskirts of Equestria, Bunny ears, Japon Tree Sap and A compound named  Fortite Which is made up of the elements (Friendship,Darkness,Fog and Ice) the rest I can get myself. But I will be looking for other materials out of curiosity. never dibbled with any compounds or elements only capable of being made outside Equestria so some materials like Night-Bite and Condensed Twilight-Stonite. would also be nice"



Travelture said as he turned back to Gem,

"It's nothing, I just remember that I forgot to have my cutie mark on with my disguise. I forget to do that every time. No, I don't own a booth."

He thought about reverting back to his old self, and his horn glowed and went shed his disguise and his cutie mark was visible.



He turned to Travelture "So that's what your cutie mark cutie mark looks like. It is great design no one will expect you"

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Such a mistake, he thought once more.


Reviewing his notes he again thoroughly read them silently:


THIS DOCUMENT IS SPECIFIED PUBLISH BY : Department of Forgein Affairs and Global Relations Management.


Lieutenant Steelwings we wish to congratulate you for your successful nomination in attending the Equestrian Culture Fair. It will be up to you in representing our great nation with utmost pride and professionalism. It'll be your task to answer to any question and interest with the best of your knowledge and abilities. Your score sheet has proven positive in the history majority test -


"That explains that history review test." He spoke to himself.


-We know within ourselves that you will perform diligently and with great efficiency. The great king himself gives you his blessings. May the stars bless your path.


CAUTIONARY NOTICE: Refrain from interactions with any changeling presence you encounter. Equestria remains in open policy with changelings but it is imperative you remain in mind. However this does not give you liberty to act hostile please express control.


Placing the notice into the paper basket he nodded and adorned his beret. Unlatching the bolt lock he lifted up the stall window. The stall itself was decorated that of the ancient Arabia, with decorated plastic pillars on the corners with generic style carvings and designs. With various pictures of geography, ponies, landmarks and various cultural facts of his nation adorned behind him on a wall: at all seemed like a project of a Canterlot filly. That's the work of the Public Affairs, wanting to post this spitting image of the country. Not that it was wrong, but was rather- outlandish for Ahaban's taste.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Travelture said as he looked at the black fur down the  bridge of his nose, 

"Yeah, a bag for traveling and the dark red outline for probably bringing misfortune. I got it when I was heading to the crystal empire, right after hearing that the ponies that knew me very well either had misfortune happen to them."

His changeling horn glowed and he said, as he levitated the map, 

"So, Gem, where are you from?"

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Travelture said as he looked at the black fur down the  bridge of his nose, 

"Yeah, a bag for traveling and the dark red outline for probably bringing misfortune. I got it when I was heading to the crystal empire, right after hearing that the ponies that knew me very well either had misfortune happen to them."

His changeling horn glowed and he said, as he levitated the map, 

"So, Gem, where are you from?"

"I study at the Celestia College Of Mastery which is just on the outskirts of Canterlot.....While this school is great for Weapon Enchantment it doesn't have many connections with the outside world..........Which upsets me as I feel as if their are so many more Armies I could have contact if they did.......I'll pretty much trade with any army as I never really like to pick sides." He proceeds to look around He notices a pony in the distance





Travelture said as he looked at the black fur down the  bridge of his nose, 

"Yeah, a bag for traveling and the dark red outline for probably bringing misfortune. I got it when I was heading to the crystal empire, right after hearing that the ponies that knew me very well either had misfortune happen to them."

His changeling horn glowed and he said, as he levitated the map, 

"So, Gem, where are you from?"



Such a mistake, he thought once more.


Reviewing his notes he again thoroughly read them silently:


THIS DOCUMENT IS SPECIFIED PUBLISH BY : Department of Forgein Affairs and Global Relations Management.


Lieutenant Steelwings we wish to congratulate you for your successful nomination in attending the Equestrian Culture Fair. It will be up to you in representing our great nation with utmost pride and professionalism. It'll be your task to answer to any question and interest with the best of your knowledge and abilities. Your score sheet has proven positive in the history majority test -


"That explains that history review test." He spoke to himself.


-We know within ourselves that you will perform diligently and with great efficiency. The great king himself gives you his blessings. May the stars bless your path.


CAUTIONARY NOTICE: Refrain from interactions with any changeling presence you encounter. Equestria remains in open policy with changelings but it is imperative you remain in mind. However this does not give you liberty to act hostile please express control.


Placing the notice into the paper basket he nodded and adorned his beret. Unlatching the bolt lock he lifted up the stall window. The stall itself was decorated that of the ancient Arabia, with decorated plastic pillars on the corners with generic style carvings and designs. With various pictures of geography, ponies, landmarks and various cultural facts of his nation adorned behind him on a wall: at all seemed like a project of a Canterlot filly. That's the work of the Public Affairs, wanting to post this spitting image of the country. Not that it was wrong, but was rather- outlandish for Ahaban's taste.

"Is that a pony from the saddle Arabia Army........Well it seems to be my lucky day. A new army trade link could be helpful for getting materials from outside Equestria.....Night,Travelturn I must............Travel why are you staring at that pony like that.?"

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"I might have seen a stall being run by somepony from Japon somewhere around here. As for the rest, I'll ask around. Maybe those two ponies over there might know about those ingredients."

Night Eyes turned to two ponies away from the group, a pair comprised of one earth pony and one pegasus. Here's to hoping they might have eavesdropped a bit, even if it was frowned upon. 


Senlin was quite puzzled at the two. They had the reaction common with everyone else curious enough to ask about his bizarre appearance but they showed a kind of restraint or some level of control that others didn't possess. Curious but somehow, this made him slightly more open to casual conversation. 

"My name's Senlin. I'm a longma, a dragon for the most part but... well, with the body proportions of a pony. A hybrid if you prefer to call it that way. There are plenty of my kind far east past Equestria's borders but we're creatures of the forest; we don't have the fire breathing ability dragons are known for. What brings you to the fair?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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Ahaban remained in his chair simply smiling and nodding at the fair attendants who pass on giving the intrigued glance. So far though no real conversation. He couldn't exactly wrap his head as to why he was specifically chosen. His social skills were rather inadequate, he would make one pathetic diplomat. He glanced at the clock before leaning back a bit.


"Get comfortable. Just answer questions." He spoke to himself.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Ok, Val, you can do this," Valence said, psyching herself up for the terrifying ordeal she was about to embark upon. Most ponies wouldn't think of a big international carnival to be terrifying, but Valence had been struggling lately, and the thought of being surrounded by so many strangers was a daunting one- let alone doing so by herself.


Still, she had been planning to attend the festivities for weeks, scary though the prospect was. But she had been isolated for way too long- either pouring herself into her work or going straight home. This was a chance to get out of her isolation- or at least, make an attempt at it.


The array of colorful booths and exhibits was astounding, as was the amazing array of ponies and other species present. Aromas blended in the air like colors on a palette, it was a little overwhelming, but Valence plowed on, determined to make the best of it.


That's when something unusual caught her eye. Well, the entire thing was unusual, but even among the strange booths and smells and colors and costumes, every species she saw was familiar to her. Except one- a reptilian, almost draconic creature, but with the biomechanical structure of a pony. Valence couldn't help but stare, and made her way closer to it.



"My name's Senlin. I'm a longma, a dragon for the most part but... well, with the body proportions of a pony. A hybrid if you prefer to call it that way. There are plenty of my kind far east past Equestria's borders but we're creatures of the forest; we don't have the fire breathing ability dragons are known for. What brings you to the fair?"



"A hybrid species with a native population? That's amazing! What kind of hybrid? Structural? Genetic? Oooh, chimeric?" Valence said, grinning widely, before it occurred to her that her line of questioning may have been rude. "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry, I'm just curious. Hybridization among equines is fairly common, but speciation among primary filial chromosomes typically result in sterile offspring, so while not uncommon, equine hybridization does not affect the species genetic integrity," Val said, feeling herself getting nervous- and with the nerves came her tendency to talk to much, and too fast. "Sorry, I talk a lot when I'm nervous, and I'm pretty nervous now come to think of it. Oh! Introductions, right! I'm Valence. I'm just a normal unicorn, which there's already lots of in Equestria so it's not like I stand out of anything, at least not on purpose," Valence said, trying to reign in her nervousness.

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(Wow! Great to see more interest in this role play)


Samurai sticks to his Japon exhibit. Most ponies that approach seem to be interested only in the food. Half of them don't have a taste for asian cuisine, but the more refined and pretentious seem to enjoy it. Despite the fact that his food menu is large and vast for all taste buds, he keeps having a hard time attracting customers. And no pony seems interested in any of the merchandise or anything else he is selling either! "Hmm... Well, at least ponies are taking the free koi fish..."


He keeps a watch, waving and advertising, hoping to attract more customers. At one point, he could have sworn he saw a Changeling! It gets him a little on edge, but he calms himself down. Canterlot was never the only place attacked by Changelings, but that's a story for a different time, and this isn't Japon... Just need to give every pony an equal chance here. Samurai takes a deep breath, sighs, and looks at his picture of Princess Celestia. "Oh great and glorious princess of the sun, I hope I am representing my country in a way that would please you..."


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(despite my poor typing skills I'll get there, Scarlet's speech is refined and posh to a degree, Summer is happy and straightforward.)   


"A Longma hey, yes I have run into you're kind before I thought something seemed familiar, anyway where are my manners my name is Scarlet Orange, I am here to sell my produce on a large scale for my and other Orange farms, the pegasus to my left is one of my younger sisters." She grabs Summer and gives her head a rub with her hoof "my favorite one a that." 

Summer dislikes the action and pushes her, "hey stop it S. My name is Summer Sun Cloud Orange, but Summer is fine i'm just a regular weather pony, with a dark secret." Summer giggles.

"quiet Summer you said you would not say anything."  Summer frowns then nods.



Scarlet gives the unicorn a distasteful look for just announcing herself "who do yo..." Summer puts her wing against Scarlets mouth "don't mind her, nice to meet you did you catch our names?"  


(for those who have not read my OC's pages, go read them, otherwise Scarlet is racist against non earth ponies. Initially) 

Edited by Emerald Bolt

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Perhaps stumbling upon this fair turned out to not be such a bad idea. There was hope that somewhere out here, Lin could be waiting for him. Either that or it was too good to be true. But Senlin held on to more positive thoughts; there was no way to find out for sure unless he took his chances.

"You've... encountered those like me? Did you meet someone who looks similar to me? Brown hide, green spines, and stubbs on the head? The longma of my clan don't venture out of their forest but this one is my sister. Is there anything that you could tell me to point me to help me find her?

@@Samurai Equine

Senlin was having second thoughts about being stingy with his money, though he could simply chalk it up to being overly cautious about how he chooses to spend his bits. He has a potential lead and if Lin was somewhere around, he had to at least give her something. The commotion around him kept his attention towards Summer and Scarlet and he was simply confused but excited. He hoped this wouldn't show disrespect towards Samurai.  


"To be honest, Valence, I'm not sure how we came to be. I guess we didn't have anything to do with um... 'crossbreeding' as you called it. My clan is extremely wary of those outside of our ancestral forest and I don't recall ever hearing about contact with ponykind before I came into existence." 

Curiosity was certainly a recurring theme if the day's experience was anything to go by. Senlin had some idea on what it would have been like if he ever went into the circus business but days spent as an exhibit would've restricted him on his activities. Still, he basked in it because this kind of positive attention could lead to a more open-minded clan that didn't need to fear the outside world.

"This is a very interesting introduction, Valence. It's nice to know there are curious ponies around Equestria who wouldn't treat this longma like a travelling freakshow."

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@, @@EQ_Theta, Cresent was surprised to find out about the fair in town. He was just going to walk away from it when he usdenly remembered something that was nagging at him, he remembered writing it down at his tree house too.


Supplys! a fair would be perfet for them and he was running low on food, he wondered if he could trade some of his maps as well, he did have a few of them on him with his back pack so why not, he shrugged and made his way into the town.

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"Could you excuse me for a moment? I'll have a look around the fair and bring back some things for you, guys."

Night Eyes said, knowing he still offered his help to Gem and wanted to look for a gift for Travelture. He took his leave and wandered around the fair looking for a stall owned by someone from Japon. He might have remembered seeing one or if not, there is bound to be one somewhere.  

Though asking for directions was an option, he still was unsure. If he could play his cards right, he might be able to pass off as a lost fairgoer. He found someone carrying some maps and approached him.

"Excuse me, sir. Apologies if this comes off as strange to you but have encountered with some items from Japon? Even just pointing me in the right direction would do." 

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"Could you excuse me for a moment? I'll have a look around the fair and bring back some things for you, guys."


Night Eyes said, knowing he still offered his help to Gem and wanted to look for a gift for Travelture. He took his leave and wandered around the fair looking for a stall owned by someone from Japon. He might have remembered seeing one or if not, there is bound to be one somewhere.  


Though asking for directions was an option, he still was unsure. If he could play his cards right, he might be able to pass off as a lost fairgoer. He found someone carrying some maps and approached him.


"Excuse me, sir. Apologies if this comes off as strange to you but have encountered with some items from Japon? Even just pointing me in the right direction would do." 



Travelture said as he looked at the black fur down the  bridge of his nose, 

"Yeah, a bag for traveling and the dark red outline for probably bringing misfortune. I got it when I was heading to the crystal empire, right after hearing that the ponies that knew me very well either had misfortune happen to them."

His changeling horn glowed and he said, as he levitated the map, 

"So, Gem, where are you from?"

"sure go enjoy yourself"

"Um.........Travelture are you okay? you seem to be vaguely staring in the distance.........Look I have to go.......There's a pony from saddle arabia.......I must talk to him......It's good for business as you know"



Ahaban remained in his chair simply smiling and nodding at the fair attendants who pass on giving the intrigued glance. So far though no real conversation. He couldn't exactly wrap his head as to why he was specifically chosen. His social skills were rather inadequate, he would make one pathetic diplomat. He glanced at the clock before leaning back a bit.


"Get comfortable. Just answer questions." He spoke to himself.

"Hey may I say hello.........This may be a bit like I'm jumping to the gun but are you from Saddle Arabia..................I'm a weapon enchanter and of course........I thought it would be good for business to get contact with someone inside the army in case they need any weapons" *Mutters* (Also to ensure I can get items from outside Equestria easily...................) " I don't want to sell you anything........But can we at least talk......" he smiles and hands him a little gem and whispers "It's a bit unstable as it was only a test gem with only the core ingredients which would cause instability but at least the changeling seeing thing works......It's a gem of dusk that isn't fully form and while I wouldn't recommend transforming with a unstable gem I can confirm it can spot changelings......But keep this between us.......These are gems that are only allowed to be used by trained army leaders and weapon craftsman like me........." 

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Travelture looked up from his nose and said, 

"Sorry, thinking about the past. Well, see ya later."



He walked around, looking at the booths as he passed them, and feeling eyes watching him, waiting for him to do something. It looked like he was looking for something but his mind was elsewhere.

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"sure go enjoy yourself"

"Um.........Travelture are you okay? you seem to be vaguely staring in the distance.........Look I have to go.......There's a pony from saddle arabia.......I must talk to him......It's good for business as you know"




"Hey may I say hello.........This may be a bit like I'm jumping to the gun but are you from Saddle Arabia..................I'm a weapon enchanter and of course........I thought it would be good for business to get contact with someone inside the army in case they need any weapons" *Mutters* (Also to ensure I can get items from outside Equestria easily...................) " I don't want to sell you anything........But can we at least talk......" he smiles and hands him a little gem and whispers "It's a bit unstable as it was only a test gem with only the core ingredients which would cause instability but at least the changeling seeing thing works......It's a gem of dusk that isn't fully form and while I wouldn't recommend transforming with a unstable gem I can confirm it can spot changelings......But keep this between us.......These are gems that are only allowed to be used by trained army leaders and weapon craftsman like me........."


Ahaban's ears perked, this stranger just unknowingly strolling up? Handing him potentially dangerous tools? Who does this pony think he is? Should he contact the guard? Anxiety rising and already thrown into a question he is unknowledged in: was this common in fair?


Clearing his throat and composing he returned gaze with the stallion.

"I'm sorry but I'm not at liberty to conduct business for the Royal Army. I'm simply here apart of the culture fair. If you have questions or interested with business with the nation you must contact them directly and with connections with the Equestrian Embassy." He simply stated.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Ahaban's ears perked, this stranger just unknowingly strolling up? Handing him potentially dangerous tools? Who does this pony think he is? Should he contact the guard? Anxiety rising and already thrown into a question he is unknowledged in: was this common in fair?


Clearing his throat and composing he returned gaze with the stallion.

"I'm sorry but I'm not at liberty to conduct business for the Royal Army. I'm simply here apart of the culture fair. If you have questions or interested with business with the nation you must contact them directly and with connections with the Equestrian Embassy." He simply stated.

"okay........You look a bit "Ansty" did I get to into it..........You can give me the gem back if you want......Handing someone something that they may have never seen and may be dangerous doesn't set a good impression.....Sorry........." he looks to the ground knowing he messed up big time "I just thought it would be super easy to get in contact with them if I gave one of their army men a gem with decent power as an example" he proceeds to look up "Look I'll leave you be.....But do you know any booths that are selling magical materials like Dusk-O-Nite or Fortite"

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"okay........You look a bit "Ansty" did I get to into it..........You can give me the gem back if you want......Handing someone something that they may have never seen and may be dangerous doesn't set a good impression.....Sorry........." he looks to the ground knowing he messed up big time "I just thought it would be super easy to get in contact with them if I gave one of their army men a gem with decent power as an example" he proceeds to look up "Look I'll leave you be.....But do you know any booths that are selling magical materials like Dusk-O-Nite or Fortite"

Ahaban returns the gem to the stallion, "I can't say, I'm not exactly educated on magical items and such." He replied.


Not wanting to leave this one empty hoofed he tore a paper from one of the spare notebooks and write upon the piece.

"If you're interested this our number for the Equestrian Embassy at home. I'm sure they'll be able to help you in contact with members of the Department of Commerce and Trade." He adds to it.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Could you excuse me for a moment? I'll have a look around the fair and bring back some things for you, guys."


Night Eyes said, knowing he still offered his help to Gem and wanted to look for a gift for Travelture. He took his leave and wandered around the fair looking for a stall owned by someone from Japon. He might have remembered seeing one or if not, there is bound to be one somewhere.  


Though asking for directions was an option, he still was unsure. If he could play his cards right, he might be able to pass off as a lost fairgoer. He found someone carrying some maps and approached him.


"Excuse me, sir. Apologies if this comes off as strange to you but have encountered with some items from Japon? Even just pointing me in the right direction would do." 



Eventually, Night Eyes makes it to Samurai's booth. "Welcome to my shop! I have many things from Japon. What can I interest you in? Perhaps a choco banana? Dango? An authentic Japonese katana? I have a set of prayer beads that is rumored to have been touched by the late Benkei." Samurai says. He is willing to impress, no matter who comes by.

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@@Samurai Equine,

It was just as unexpected as the events of the day had been; the one stall he needed to look for was just right close by, though there was a lingering feeling that the pony he had approached might have been rubbed off the wrong way with the speed at which the events were unfolding before Night Eyes. Ineptness in the social situation he was in was all that was needed to bring him to anxiety and dropping his chipper, outgoing demeanor for the more reserved self he hid underneath his skin. As for the one he approached, all that was left to do was to swallow what would come next from him, if he chose to confront him. 

"Uh... this is certainly nice of you. I'm looking for tree sap, if you have some. Oh and also something nice to give as a gift. You certainly know your country very well. Is there anything you can suggest?" 

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Eventually, Night Eyes makes it to Samurai's booth. "Welcome to my shop! I have many things from Japon. What can I interest you in? Perhaps a choco banana? Dango? An authentic Japonese katana? I have a set of prayer beads that is rumored to have been touched by the late Benkei." Samurai says. He is willing to impress, no matter who comes by.

"You seem to optimistic.........Actually I was looking for some Japon tree sap......I- What is this?" He walks up to what to him seem like moving little balls "Are these alive?" he proceeds to look at the shop keeper....... *He matters (If these things are alive they sure are cute.......I have wanted to get a pet for a while now......Sometimes I get kinda lonely when I study and I think a pet is just what I need)

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@@Samurai Equine,



It was just as unexpected as the events of the day had been; the one stall he needed to look for was just right close by, though there was a lingering feeling that the pony he had approached might have been rubbed off the wrong way with the speed at which the events were unfolding before Night Eyes. Ineptness in the social situation he was in was all that was needed to bring him to anxiety and dropping his chipper, outgoing demeanor for the more reserved self he hid underneath his skin. As for the one he approached, all that was left to do was to swallow what would come next from him, if he chose to confront him. 


"Uh... this is certainly nice of you. I'm looking for tree sap, if you have some. Oh and also something nice to give as a gift. You certainly know your country very well. Is there anything you can suggest?" 



"You seem to optimistic.........Actually I was looking for some Japon tree sap......I- What is this?" He walks up to what to him seem like moving little balls "Are these alive?" he proceeds to look at the shop keeper....... *He matters (If these things are alive they sure are cute.......I have wanted to get a pet for a while now......Sometimes I get kinda lonely when I study and I think a pet is just what I need)


Seems as soon he gets one customer not interested in food, Samurai gets another. "Oh! Uh... One at a time, please! ...Tree sap? That's an unusual request. But I'll see what I can do!" Samurai brought an inventory of items. He was going to do his best to please any kind of customer! "...Quick question for the both of you. Did you want sap from a Cherry Blossom tree or some other tree? We have unique crops that mostly grow in Japon only."

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@@EQ_Theta, before he makes it too the shop
cresent turned seeing the curious pony "Japon? never herd of the place is it outside of equestrian, if so I cant help you out on that, but I do have something that might help you out next tie your in the everfree forest"


Cresent slung his bag to the ground opening it up and using his wings to pull out a one of his maps he copied and held it to the pony with his wing "here you go this will show you one of the few exists iv found in case your lost" said the bat pony smelling.


"oh my apology's names cresent mr..." he asked the pony

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