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rainbow rocks The Sirens Are The Most Dangerous MLP Antagonists


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Assumption by whom? Some brony? I would think many would have remembered that kind of detail.

I mean, its assumed because I dont think the Equestrians would make a problem of theirs another world's problem unless they tried all other options. its called process of elimination. The Mirror Portal was a last resort, so there's a high chance the other options were tried first. i mean, why WOULDN'T those other options be tried first?

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i mean, why WOULDN'T those other options be tried first?

Many reasons. For example Starswirl might just have given no shits about the other world.


Also expulsion isn't that rare of a punishment.

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How I see it, I think banishing them to another world was the easiest thing to do. It doesn't really strike as a hard thing to do. Simple solution for a simple problem, in my eyes at least. 






But the Sirens were formidable villains :)


But I don't think they were the most dangerous antagonists c; 

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Ok, why not do it with all the other villains? (sending them to another world)

I mean, its assumed because I dont think the Equestrians would make a problem of theirs another world's problem unless they tried all other options. its called process of elimination. The Mirror Portal was a last resort, so there's a high chance the other options were tried first. i mean, why WOULDN'T those other options be tried first?

I have watched Lily Peet's video, I can understand her reasoning but don't agree that they are the most powerful. The other options? You mean using the Elements of Harmony? When the humane six used Rainbow Power it destroyed their crystals completely neutering them of their powers. They had their red crystals intact when they were sent to the EG universe so that implies the Elements of Harmony was not used against the Sirens in Equestria which means there wasn't the Elements of Harmony around Starswirl's world. 


Why did Starswirl send them to the other dimension? In the history of the Sirens it said Starswirl did that because he believed there wasn't magic on the other side. He was half right as Twilight on first glance in the Equestria Girls universe found no glimpse of magic. Starswirl was probably basing on the first observation Twilight also had and didn't look further. Remember Starswirl is not perfect, two of his best spells were incomplete, the Magical Mystery Cure and his time spell. 

Edited by cider float
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In that case, I think he purposefully did not finish the spell because he knew it could really mess things up. Could he have finished the time spell? Of course.

But what makes you think he purposefully didn't finish it? 

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But what makes you think he purposefully didn't finish it? 

Um, because it makes sense? Starswirl was smart, and so is Twilight and Starlight. Unlike Starlight however, he was able to sit back and think "hey, messing with time could really mess things up" and basically decided "no, its not worth it"

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Um, because it makes sense? Starswirl was smart, and so is Twilight and Starlight. Unlike Starlight however, he was able to sit back and think "hey, messing with time could really mess things up" and basically decided "no, its not worth it"

That's quite a wild assumption. Sounds more like headcanon than a theory to me.

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Please explain how it is wild.

I don't see anywhere that makes Starswirl the type to take precautions.


I mean he sent the Sirens to the other world with no concern over what they could do over there.

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As far as the villains go they're pretty low level I think.  Their banishment is in no way evidence of their perceived danger, in fact it could very well be argued that the fact that they were banished instead of being imprisoned was precisely because of the low risk they presented when sent to a world with no magic.


If you look at the British Empire as an example, minor criminals were frequently sentenced to transportation to a penal colony where they could start a new life, whereas serious criminals were imprisoned or even executed.


Discord and Tirek were both too dangerous to be let out of sight, so they were instead imprisoned where they could continue to be monitored.  Whereas the sirens were just discarded.  Out of sight, out of mind.

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I'm not sure if they are truly the most dangerous ones. I think Discord could be far more of a threat if he were to suddenly become sane and begin using his full power, rather than just dicking around like he does.


That said, the Sirens do present the most open threat to Equestria because they're both evil and intelligent. Honestly, if not for Vinyl wearing headphones they would have won in RR because they took out all the most obvious threats as soon as they recognized them. Having lost their powers, though, I don't know what they'll end up doing next if we were to ever see them again.


Oh, and in my headcanon their Fiendship backstory never happened because I consider it one of the dumbest arcs in the comics, alongside the Nightmare Forces arc.

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I think Starlight Glimmer is the most dangerous.



Can we just remember about what she did in Cutie Re-Mark? Yeah. Reset Timelines and no one could kill her because she was one hoove ahead. Heck, she was strong as, if not stronger than Star Swirl the Bearded. This means that if Star and Starlight Glimmer were on the same time, Starlight would have more chances to defeat Bearded. Twilight was the one who convinced her to become good.


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