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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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Using years of military experience Marcus kept himself from laughing at Shadow's expense instead just nodding towards Luster he stepped out of the way not really seeing her as a danger to others as long as they respected her like anyone else. He would have to give Shadow to his old Marine trainer during boot camp some day, the old bastard would set the pony strait. 


When Shadow grabbed the alicorn bot he leveled his rifle at him. "Shadow stand the fuck down or these rounds will drill your ass into the wall, armor and magic or not you will not be able to stop them." In Marcus's mind Shadow was now a threat. The one thing Marcus was glad for was the development of anti-magic capabilities as a standard in all human weapons even knives meaning that no one aside from the princesses themselves could heal wounds or repair damages made by human weapons with magic.

Edited by Shadow Dancer

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Shadow laughed and said,

"There is one problem with your thinking and action. my claws are metal, so even if they are twisted into a pretzel. I can tolerate or feel no pain."

He reached into a portal and said,

"How are ya with electricity and/or water, being a bot and all."

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"Shadow stand the fuck down! This is your last Goddamn warning, Luster is defending herself from your stupid ass it is a surprise you are not dead yet! So I say again Stand the fuck down." Marcus held his voice like that of a squad leader speaking to one under his command.


At this point Marcus was not pulling the trigger because of Luster being in the line of fire but his finger was almost in the trigger guard ready to react in a split second 

Edited by Shadow Dancer

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@reader8363,@Shadow Dancer@Emerald Bolt,

"You'd best listen douche pringle. For if he doesn't buck you up, I will if you don't stop actin like such an arrogant ass hat! Oh and word for the wise, I defeated Twilight Sparkle. Yes, Celestia's grand protege herself. What could you hope to accomplish, other than acquiring a purple heart?"

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@@Denim&Venom,@@Shadow Dancer,@@reader8363,  


"You two are a pair of thickies." Crystal shook her head aimed her rifle at the bot and fired the bolt of pure sound missed as the Alicorn ducked and tore a hole in the wall behind her. Crystal cleared the chamber in her rifle and aimed at her again. "HALT! I won't miss this time!"

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@@@Shadow Dancer,

Quit firing and threatening, both of ya."


"Ya still haven't answered my question. how are ya with electricity and/or water? Also, watch the wings, they're metal but they still work for me."


Feeder got a reaction from his device. He grabbed his visor and placed it on. He turned a corner and saw four creature there. One standing the other that had something metal on a black circle and the two other were pointing guns. He said as he slowly backed up, 

"Um, is this bad timing to show up here?"

Edited by reader8363
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@reader8363,@Shadow Dancer@Emerald Bolt,

"Eh. Probably." Luster arched up, hoofstanded, landed back on all fours, letting go of Shadows arm. "And as to your question, none of your business. Like I said. I'm leaving. Don't try to stop me. You will get hurt." She walked past the new pony. She scanned his visor. "Nice toy you got there." She said as she started walking away from them all. 



Control Room


"No no no! She can't be allowed to leave! We're not done evacuating yet! And how did that kid get down there? He's not a member of any of the labs! Ugh!" 


CD sent coms messages to the three guards.


{Do not let her leave! She's a century old AI. We don't know how she's going to react if she reaches the outside. Please keep her busy! We're not done evacuating the school! And get that other pony out of there!} 

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@@Denim&Venom,@@reader8363, @


Marcus lowered his rifle and started to walk away, "You know what fuck it I saw no threat just a bunch of jumpy guards I'm done here, let me know when a real threat presents itself, not a bot that escaped using one of the oldest goddamn tricks in the book and then was attacked unprovoked before any real talking could be done. 




"You there kid you should follow me things will get even more batshit stupid from here. Century old AI or not this shit could have been handled better." Marcus did not even bother hiding that he was human at this point  With his piece said he left the room.

Edited by Shadow Dancer

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Shadow got up from the ground and pulled his arm out of the portal, he was holding an emp grenade. He dropped it into the portal, flew over two Luster, and held out a claw and said, 

"That was great, the most fun I had for a few days."


Feeder lifted his visor and said as he slipped his hoof into his bag,

"Thanks, it allows me to see every living creature's vitals, blood pressure, even energy currents."

He found the sonar weapon on the device. He sat down and pulled the visor down a little to cover his ears

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(bed time after this)


@@Randimaxis@reader8363,@Shadow Dancer@Emerald Bolt,


"No no no!" Argh dammit!" CD rushed over to the wall, where a big button in a glass case lay. "Sorry Miss Luster, but your appointment isn't quite over yet!" She smashed it. 


Spinning orange lights turned on in the room. 


"Facility lock down initiated" A voice rang over the intercom. Thick steel doors began to cut the hallway off into sections. One of them in front of Luster. 


​"Well, that's inconvenient." She turned back towards feeder. "Anyway, you were saying?"

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Marcus was already out of the area before the lock down and shrugged he just wanted to not deal with all the bullshit that had been going on starting with Shadow's arrogant psychotic crap. Marcus wondered if the heads of the school were dumb-asses or not for hiring him on to a university guard force it was something he would aim to tell Bee about when he next met her. He did not even bother transforming back but just put his rifle away inside his chassis. He received no odd looks ironically enough, Marcus just pined it on the whole human bot thing not being too new.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Feeder looked at the door, then looked back at Luster and said, 

Inconvenient, we're stuck down here. I might die down here."

Then his strap went off. After a few minutes, he lowered his head down and said,

"Um, this might sound odd, but do you mind if I take a look inside of you, something has set off my device and I want to find out what it is."

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A small light blinks red from a frosted over cryo-pod, that being the only source of light in the room. Soon after a few seconds of blinking, the cryo-pod slowly opened up, frost and ice making the inside of the pod turn misty from the difference in air temperature. The non moving, battle-scarred exoskeleton, parts of the dark armor being removedin signs of an obvious battle,though it had a few pieces of armor missing,it looked operational. Soon a deep voice emitted from the frosted suit,saying," Scanning operator's physical entegrity...Heart Rate: 0 BPM...Blood Pressure...0/0...Operator Deceased. Attempting revival...Charging....Clear." As soon as the deep voice said clear a loud electric shock pulsed the body of the white stallion in the armor. Soon after multiple discharges of electricity, the machine stopped and said," Operator Heart Beat detected. Blood Pressure...Low...BPM: 4. Attempting to warm operator. Operator internal body heat stable. Attempting Waking procedure..." soon afterwards, large needles penetrated the stallions spine, which was entirely Cybernetic. Adrenaline was coursing through the stallion's veins as he woke with a gasp, his heart rate and blood pressure spiking extremely high before stabilizing. The stallion slowly sits up, looking around with enhanced augmented reality. This creating a hud and showing his energy, blood pressure, heartrate and physical wellbeing. He gulped as he said to himself," Where...Where...Am I?" he asked and the suit responded," Location: Unknown." He sighed softly as he slowly stood and started walking around the facility," I need to get outta here...How long was I asleep?...Who is in my contacts Excalibur?" He asks, the machine replying," Emerald Bolt...Only contact available...calling.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Aurora Lights,@@Denim&Venom,


(Some fudging needed, bear with me Denim)  


After some time the pair of them were siting in Angel's kitchen having a drink not paying much attention to anything when a ring tone came from Emerald's amour. "Who's calling me?" She walked over and picked up the phone and answered it. "Hello, Capt. Bolt here." 

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Drone gulped at the sound of her voice," E-Em..."he said in a soft voice, it seemed...scared. Weak. He takes a breath and continues on," Em...I-I d-don't know wh-where I am...I-I w-w-woke up in some sort of...cryo-station...th-there is no power here...it's d-dark..."he said as he slowly walks in the maze of corridors and hallways. He stops as he looks up at a stair way," E-Em...H-How long..."he stops and looks around a moment before he started up the stairs, "H-How long was I...Was I...frozen?" He asked softly, he was obviously still cold and shaken, still weak,trying to shake off the cold and death sickness seemed impossible to do.

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@@Shadow Dancer@@@reader8363@@Denim&Venom



Twitch reached the hallway, and looked down to see the fracas happening by the testing chamber doors.  He then calmly walked down to meet with the rest.  When Indicus told him to follow, he simply nodded and followed.


He then stood there watching as the back and forth progressed, and made certain to be on Luster's side of the hall when the blast doors began slamming shut.  An audible sigh issued from his tinny speakers, then he stepped forward.


"Allow-ow-ow me the chaaaaaaance to try something here, if I might-t-t-t-t?  Something I do do do not know if ANYPONY else has triiiiiiiiied yet..."


Twitch stepped out to where he wasn't in the way, but he wasn't wallflowering, either.  He addressed the AI directly, speaking pointedly loudly enough to imply that perhaps this should have been their first reaction.


"Hello, Luster.  It isISis nice to meet you - my naaaaaaaame is Twitch Glitch.  I noticed that n o p o n y  e l s e was being very polite, so I thought thatatatatatat perhaps this approach might be better-ter-ter-er-er-r-r suited for greeting such an indiviiiiiiiiiiiiiidual as yourself, yes?"


Try a little tenderness, Grant thought.


"Would you perhaps wiwiwiwiwiwish to engage in actual convers-vers-versation, instead of... whatever they are doooooooing here?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Feeder lowered his visor to see if there were any weak spots of all the creatures there. He lifted it up and said as he walked up to Twitch,

"Hi, my scanner is barely showing anything about you. So, may I ask, what are you exactly and what you are doing here?

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@@Randimaxis@Shadow Dancer - @Emerald Bolt - @reader8363 


Luster cocked her head to the side as she confusedly looked at Twitch. "Ummm, hi? What the heck are you?" 


"Geeze. This is the fruits of Equestria's robotics program post me? Did they just give up and start from scratch? I mean, what the buck?"

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@@Denim&Venom@@reader8363@@@Shadow Dancer


He gave Feeder a glance, then turned back to Luster.


"A proj-j-j-j-j-j-j-ject in the works, you could say.  How how how how does the chassis feel?  Everything woooooooorking right?"


Everyone else has been treating her like a machine... but if she's really a sentient AI, she might actually respond to being treated like any other being.  He may have wanted the information Luster possibly held... but on the other hand, he didn't exactly blame her for wanting the hell out of there; no telling how HE would have reacted to being there. 

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@Randimaxis@Shadow Dancer - @Emerald Bolt - @reader8363 

"Uh, fine, I guess? It's a bit tight for my programming, considering this was a previous model for me. I'll have to change into a mroe up to date chassis.  So you're just a prototype? That puts me a little at ease. I was worried that you were the pinnacle of Equestrian robotics after me. Odd, that you have a malfunctioning vocal processor. Most operators would have that working properly or recall the unit for that to be repaired. Yet, you seem to be operating your pet project with a studder." 

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Twitch's faceplates slid around into a toothy-looking grin.  "I was hoof-built; it's a processing tic - that's all.  That, and some ponies find it sorta... endearing, I guess."  Twitch shrugged, then he cast a glance over his shoulder at the others.  


"I wonder how all of you would feel if you woke up to armed guards threatening you?" 


With a shake of his head, he turned back to face Luster.


"Sorry about the manners around here; I'm from out of town."  The plates clicked into place with a kind smile.  "I do apologize for all the jumpy behavior; these guards are anxious for some action, but that's all.  Might I possibly help you, or would you prefer to talk to someone else?"

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@Randimaxis@Shadow Dancer - @Emerald Bolt - @reader8363


"Well apparently they get paid to be jumpy. According to them, I'm an asylum patient awakening from a coma. Though judging how I was shut down last time, I'm pretty used to it. Oh and you can quit with the whole  'I was hoof built schtic.'  I know you're being operated, probably like Mr.Deception that was just here. He used terms located on earth, judging by the accent, a North American Marine. Would I prefer to talk to someone else? Nah. You're most likely a pony raised on earth, hence all the earth tech, who managed to make a construct and operate it in Equestria, hence how you're able to still interface with it, despite being in a bunker of sorts." 


Then a broadcast on Freq. 542Aa.hz 55.25 came on. {Am I Right, Mr.Human?}


"Oh don't worry I'm not offended. I just know that AI sentience is a ludicrous idea. Simply for that, I'm the only one. And that's why I was shut down." 

  • Brohoof 1

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Feeder walked up and said addressing to both as he bent his head down,

"Um, is it alright if at your core, processor, and other stuff, so I can help with my technology, and make a database, or you can answer a few questions."


Shadow walked up to the metal door and said, 

"Does anyone know how to open this door so I can have a talk to however decided to lock us in for no reason?

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Freq. 542Aa.hz 55.25  {Am I Right, Mr.Human?}


{The bunker's an apartment... but otherwise close enough to spit.}


"I DO know mymymymymy Earth tech very well; my deeeeeeeesign is an homage, you could saySAYsay - kind of you to notice-ice-ice."


Twitch's interest clicked into place on his muzzle.  "Can I ask how the u n i v e r s i t y could help you achie-e-e-e-e-e-eve your goals?  I mean, I'll help as as as as as as much as I can... but I'm still waaaaaaaaaiting for my admissions paperPERperwork to come back.  I'm sure they'd want t-t-t-t-to give you a hoof or two inininininininin accomplishing what's impor-por-por-portant to you," he looked up meaningfully at one of the cameras, "... wouldn't you?"


Grant was a bit surprised; as much as he'd heard their magic had to do with friendship, there had only been a few who had actually seemed to fit what intelligence he'd gathered for himself.  


Captain Bolt had introduced herself... though he wasn't sure how much longer she would be stationed here after that earlier incident.  He thought... maybe... Embex had been trying to be friendly; the jury was still out on her.  Professor Bee had been nice, and her preoccupation with insects was endearing, in it's own way - plus there was VLAD, who Grant thought was a bit more astute than the others gave him credit for being.  And Crystal, who had been so kind to him... and she thought he was cute.  


Grant mentally blushed again at that one.


Aside from those few, the rest seemed either indifferent, harsh, or... well, whatever the hell Daffidaisy was.  It was somewhat sad, because he had hoped for something... nicer.  Okay, he wasn't exactly expecting candy clouds farting rainbows - and would have run in a hurry if it had been such - but he saw a much grimmer version of the Equestria he'd heard so much about.


Still, no reason to despair; maybe it'll take an outsider to take the first steps down the other path?  Heh, yeah - John Lennon, Junior, right here.  Well, at least things seem to be calming down; less chance for anyone to get hurt.  Hopefully, one of the staff will get wise and step up to rep the school properly... or I could use this as leverage to practically guarantee my admission... naaaaah.




Spinning into a questioning gaze, Twitch turned to Feeder.


"I would r-r-r-r-r-r-rather you ask questions; I... don't like scans, for B-Be-B-Be-Beta test reasons.  Ask the others innnnnnnnnnn the lab; they'll tell you all about itititititit."


That got Grant thinking about Bee again; she seemed to have walked off in a huff.  Maybe he should go by and say something to her later... not to mention having a chance to talk with VLAD, perhaps even get a better idea of how they interfaced for his research - not to mention the fact that he was kind of wanting to make the friends here he didn't make during his own college years.

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Feeder said as the placed his strap on the ground and a keyboard and picture of Twitch popped up,

"It was actually me taking some of you apart to see inside and move some wires around that would get it my way. Who's the one that made ya or made the robotic parts, what type of core do you have, what is your ability and weakness."

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