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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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@Randimaxis,@Emerald Bolt@reader8363,


Angelscape's ear twitched in response. "I meant unrefined as enhanced.  Hear those birds out there? Not the sparrows in the tree. I mean the crows on the roof top. Hear the skating earth pony bot with the bad wheel down the street? Hear that dog whistle? No, of course you can't. Cause you don't have one of these."


She tilted her head and pointed at the bits of metal hooked around her ear. "This is what enables all of us cyborgs & pony bots to hear beyond the limitations enforced upon us by evolution. You're stuck with 14Hz to 25kHz. We can go much lower and higher. That and we have universal translators, which allow us-" she motioned between herself and Daffidaisy "communication. And that's just enhanced hearing. When I say unrefined, I mean unenhanced and untapped potential. Live life natural if you want, but nature will always be a step behind ingenuity. If you with to have supremacy, best try your luck in the Terran realm. Not a slight against you. Just some friendly advice." 


"Grrraaaaooowww!" Daffidaisy roared to Twitch. Angelscape looked between Daffidaisy & Twitch. "See? She's got valid points. Oh and I wasn't done with introductions. We've got one more. Twitchy. Meet Embex." She pointed to the empty space behind Twitch. 


Meanwhilst this was going on, Tom Cat lay face down on the lobby floor. She gently pushed herself, teetering back wards until *clank* she was back on all fours. She blinked her optics once. "Okay. What happened?" 

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Shadow looked at where Angelscape was pointing and decided not to say anything but it, He said as Tom Cat got up, 

"Hm, interesting,  Oh, are ya done acting a little strange, Tom Cat?"

He got on his hind legs and started scratching his stomach, with one of his metal claws, as he shifted his eyes between everyone there. 

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"Me? Acting strange? Who here is acting strange? I sure am not? You on the other hand, who are pretty much scratching themselves with griffon model forelimb attachments. Good way to disembowel yourself right there.  Now that I think about it. Haven't seen an actual griffon in a while. Must've bankrupted themselves into extinction by now." She began to look around for whatever knocked her over, and noticed crystal. "Whoa, where'd you come from?"


"Interesting way to install a vocal processor. Do you purposely chose to speak in mix tape?" asked Angelscape to Twitch. "Hey, wherever this guy talks, somebody play a dubstep beat." "Graaow!" "I knew I could count on you."

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Actually, I'm part dragon, not griffin and I think my scales could handle it. My claw is basically a replacement.  You were kinda acting a little strange, but I'm not going to push the subject." 

He sat down against the wall  and said as he wrapped his metal wings around himself,

"All of ya haven't said what you're doing here in the first place."

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(just saying not too much for now lads Randi is not here for the moment)




"haha, that is true in some regards there, I'll give you that but can you hear all the ponies there are 4 of them in the lab below us? One of them has a cold. Your would be surprised what I can see and hear there cyborg." Emerald made a rather creepy smile.


"Um I bumped into you sorry there."



Emerald turned to the half breed, "that answer is classified."


Crystal also looked to him. "I'm working in this!" Crystal retrieves a small square from her tail and show him, "watch." Crystal expands her rifle

  Reveal hidden contents

"it's a sound rifle i'm working on, it's lethal through cover at one hundred paces."

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@reader8363,@Emerald Bolt


"Well duh, we're all students here! Why the hay else would we be here in the first place?" Angelscape then turned to acknowledge Emeralds response. "Touche." She then heard her answer the clawed guards response. "Oooh, classified. That doesn't raise any suspicion at all!  Geeze, do they not teach you how to conjure up a cover story at boot camp, or even assign you some cover story? You could just say that your here to establish a recruitment program, or to inquire about the GI bill, or even take up the cafeteria's discounts for enlisted guards. Just about anything would work better than saying it's too big and dangerous for us to know. Might as well run into the hallway screaming "Hey, I'm here for a super secret mission! But don't tell anypony! Okay!?"" 

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"I dont hide what I am doing because it doesn't take two and two for many to put them together, how you not know who I am? I mean really anypony here answer that question?"


"Um, your Captain Bolt head of the E.U.P, aren't you Princess Twilight's Captain of the whole guard?"


"That is correct you, Crystal pony? Your are a long way from home."


"Yeah that is a long story."

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"Pfft, ha ha ah! Yeah right! Like the Princess of Equestria and the mother of The Technomagical revolution herself, would send her captain out to a university? And "the" Captain Bolt? Please. The real captain bolt would be dead by now, or at least resting cozy in a retirement home like the dusty little raisin she probably is by now. When was she assigned to the Princess again? 1003 CE?" "Grrraaaow!" "Thank you. So it would've been over a century since she was assigned. Probably would've been in her twenties when that went down. So, yeah, while ponies may get to live long spry lives, at 120 something years old, unless she was secretly made an alicorn, I doubt she would still be fulfilling the personal missions of her majesty at this point. So yeah, miss... crystal... sound... pony, what's your name again? Whatever, you're probably mistaken."


Mean whilst, Tom Cat just noticed the unfolded sonic weapon in the hooves of the crystal pony that tipped her over. "Wow. And since when did EQ- Manehatten have a weapons program, and where do I sign up to take those classes?"

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Emerald giggles, "oh you fillies know so little of the world i'm 134, and the real one I assure you, I don't require technology to not age it's a long story, I wrote it down in a book if you want to read it." (you could read bloolessions if ya want it's a good read) "the young Crystal pony is correct, what's your name lass?"


"Um the uni doesn't this is a government project, so I came here to the tech colleague to try and learn some things."

Crystal looked back at the guard, "um my name is Crystal, it's not very original I know. If you are 134 and look that young and not a cyborg then you're a vampire, that is the only thing that fits and you said the thing about the hearing yeah you're a vampire."

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Shadow said as he got back on all fours and sarcastic, 

"Wow, an old pony, that is so cool."

He turned to the Crystal and said, 

"Hm, interesting. I prefer old fashion."

He reached into a portal and pulled out a scythe. the pole was black and the blade was black on top and red on the bottom.

"But I can use my claw anytime."

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The conversation was so thick within the group that the lobby was getting rather loud.  Twitch blinked at the others around him, all intent on each other.


Wow... and here I thought Equestria was supposed to be different from Earth; socially, it's not much different at all.  There's still those who want to brag, those who want to snark, those who stand out and those who fit in... it's a little disappointing, actually.


Hearing Angelscape's teasing, he was fairly certain they'd already decided he was scrap; with the outer shell as it was, Twitch looked like junk anyway.  Of course, that was by design: the more he looked like garbage, the less chance anypony would get curious enough to actually see what Twitch was beneath the surface.


Mixtape?  Fine - let 'em swagger and act superior; it's all a bunch of chestnut-waving anyway.  I've got other things to concern myself with... like getting my classes straightened out.  It'd probably be best if I simply went outside for now - I get this feeling that I'm not gonna be making a lot of friends here... and this is the place where friendship is SUPPOSED to be-... ah, screw it.


Twitch, while everypony else was busy talking, arguing or snarking, simply got up and quietly and nonchalantly made his way around the group and over to the doors, where he then went outside.  He wasn't trying to be invisible; it was obvious he wasn't anywhere near as good as an invisibility field.  He wasn't trying to prove anything, but the others here might have seen it only as another reason to belittle Twitch.  He just got up and walked out discretely, not trying to call attention to himself at all.


Once outside, he made his way over to an out-of-the-way bench and took a seat, switching over to his EqMail to see if his schedule had been considered yet... and if he was on the list to speak to whoever took in applicants.  He was a tad nervous about it, but he was sure that, as long as he kept his cool, he'd come out okay.


Twitch glanced back at the building he'd just left for only a moment.


I kinda HAD been hoping to make a friend here... but it's just like college was.  Well, at least I know better than to waste my time trying now, right?  After all, I learned that lesson all too well... and I don't need a damn refresher course.


Captain Bolt had been kind to him, though.  Maybe there was hope yet?


'Mixtape'.  Pfft, whatever.

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Crystal left the group going after the funny looking droid, she left the building to find the machine sitting on a bench outside. She walked up to him, "Are you ok?" She hops up on the bench next to him. "my name is Crystal Note, but you can call me Bass, i'm sorta out of place too, have you even seen a Crystal pony before?"

Edited by Emerald Bolt
  • Brohoof 1

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Grant was transfixed for a moment; he never HAD seen a Crystal Pony before, and the sight was surprising.  Twitch, on the other hoof, blinked a few times while his face plates spun and whirled, giving him a sheepish smile when they stopped.


"I greatlylylylylyly appreciate your concerrrrrrrrrn; thank you.  I just didn't w a n t  t o  g e t  i n any trouble, is all.  Nice to to to to meet you... Ba-Ba-Ba-Bass, you said?  No, I've never seen a popopoponynyny like you before - your coat is amazing!  I had always just thought the term Crystal Poooooony meant one who came from the Crystal K i n g d o m; I didn't think they would actually be... crystal.  Pretty cococococool."


Twitch stood up and took a polite bow.  As he did, small tinny speakers in his chassis played a tinny little fanfare while projectors made holographic confetti blast from two small 'cannons' on his shoulders.  The whole presentation was charming; Twitch may have looked odd, but he was certainly expressive.


"You're new here t-t-t-t-t-too?  Have you already had your i n t e r v i e w with the Dean of Students yet?  I'm still waaaaaaaaaiting for mine."

  • Brohoof 1

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(your sparklers are adorable)  


"Um yeah, they don't call us Crystal ponies for nothing, I haven't a clue how we actually came about but meh, crystal coat anyway. To answer your question I enrolled last year so I've been through the process already and it's different for um..." Crystal raised her hoof to her chin in thought, "Um non-mechanical students, i'm not even a cyborg just one implant a speaker in one of my ears so I can listen to music or the radio." She pointed to her right ear, which revealed a small antenna sticking out of it about two inches in length. "you're little display there was qute." she blushed slightly.  

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@reader8363,@Emerald Bolt,@Randimaxis,


"Okay. Now your just being silly. Vampire? Do I look like a filly to you? Yes, there are the Nocturnes. Or Thestrals. Or Camaztotz. Or whatever the correct political term is this time. Yeah, they drink blood. But so do mosquitoes. And I don't see either of them living forever. Compared to everywhere else, Equestria is pretty crazy, but ageless living dead? That's just absurd? Ha ha ha! *Graow!" "Ha ha, ehh, what do you mean it's true? "Graaoow!" "You saying vampires are actually real?" "Graaaow!" "Oh what? Now you're gonna tell me St.Minty actually has been teleporting down chimneys for thousands of years and giving foals magic socks full of presents, right?" "Graaaoow!" "... you're saying it wasn't my parents trying to keep my youthful innocence alive?" "Graaaow!" "She's actually been caught on film?" "Grraaoooww!" 

Angelscape extended her visor over her left eye, and began looking things up. Her eyes widened at what she found. "She is real..." she breathed out. She tapped it twice for her next search. "Oh. Oh they're real too. Huh..." She tapped it again. "Oh and there she is. With the flesh & blood Princess..." She then tapped it again and it retraced back to the curved jagged metal fragments framing her ears. She slowly turned to Emerald Bolt. Then quick as a flash she bolted right up to her. "I. Am. So. Sorry! I didn't mean to be racist! I thought you were just BS-ing me. I didn't know you were actually a tenured guard captain and a celebrity! I don't watch the news or read the gossip magazines and the history text books were out of date, so I didn't pay attention! Definitley don't go to earth or they'll stake you! They'll think you're out to do the devils work and steal their daughters and turn them to hopeless Gothic romantics! But still I'm sorry for being such a bitch and acting-" she was rambling on at this point.


Tomcat  looked at the Kirin's scythe, blinking a bit. She then stuck her functioning wing out in a thumbs up gesture. "Now you're thinking with portals!" "Graaaowww!" "I couldn't help it!"


Mean whilst, a certain cloaked changeling bot noticed Twitch rolling away. "Now where does he think he's going. If it weren't for the three stooges talking so damn much, I would've made my epic entrance. And I am not loosing that opportunity." She activated her propulsion to hover over, as to not make a sound. She moved off to the side when Crystal Note began to pursue as well. She followed them out to the bench outside, eavesdropping on their conversation. And wait for her opportunity to pounce. 

  • Brohoof 1

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"I'm not a celebrity, but I am somewhat famous, Immortality will do that for you, plus being captain of the guard. The reason I said you're a filly to me is becuase you how old, by your model what 20-30 years old, as I said i'm 134 so your young to me even though age has little meaning to either of us now." She stepped back a little not wanting her personal space invaded. "Anyway I am a terror of the night who steals children, well not literally, but I could be but I just eat apples I haven't fed on another pony since...well let's say a long time ago now." her eyes saddened a little from that. 

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The period between her AI construct reactivating and her organic mind waking up were always very weird. Lots of strange images flaoting through her mind's eye, vague commands, and a fair amount of twitching in her cybernetics. Bee opened her bio eye slowly, groggily, barely processing the fact that she was moving out of bed, very very slowly, while her limbs were stationary. "Vlad, why am I moving...?" Bee asked, blearily. she didn't normally speak to VLAD out loud, but it was still early. Or, early for her at any rate.


"WAS PAST DESIGNATED SLEEPING TIMES. VLAD USED SWARMBOTS TO ASSIST WITH THE WAKINGS," a familiar booming voice in her head said. Or at least, it felt like VLAD was in her head. Danger Bee didn't actually know where the AI construct was installed. After the accident, she had tried for months to try and lower the perceived volume VLAD 'spoke' at, or try and improve its speech patterns, but to no avail. VLAD had not been designed for speaking at all, so clearly speech patterns and recognition algorithms had been cobbled together and added in at the last minute.


"Vlad, that's not necessary, I can get up on my own, thanks," Bee said, testily. "Now what's my schedule for today?"




"Okay okay okay, I get it, that's enough!" Bee said, using her magic to attempt to make herself more presentable. "So there's no time for breakfast?"




"Ooohhh, no. Last time I deliberately let YOU be in charge, you lit the lab on fire!"


"THAT WAS NOT VLAD'S FAULT" it said, just as Bee came careening around a corner, a bagel levitating in front of her mouth. Which, oddly, was not the weirdest thing happening.

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With Crystal's compliment, the two vents on the sides of his muzzle began to glow red again.


"Uhm... tha-a-a-a-a-ank you.  I am still adjusting to the idea ofofofofof being here," you've got THAT right, Grant thought, "and I do not have much exEXexperience with... other ponies.  I was beginning to thiiiiiiiiiink this place was-"


Just like college, he almost said.  But no, he couldn't just say that - it would raise far too many questions.


"... just like the r o b o t i c s  l a b; no one spoke to each other, and w-wh-whe-when they did it was never kindly.  I was preparing tooooooo simply sign up and complete the cour-courses... but it is good to see see see see that there are some kind ponies here."


Twitch's face plates shifted until he was wearing a simple smile.


"And it does not botherrrrrrrrr me in the least that youyouyouyou are not highly technologically augmen-men-men-mented; circuitry or flesh, we are all entities that exist-st-st in a galaxy of wonders - it it it it would be a shame not t o  s h a r e  i t."


Grant really felt that way.  It was one of the factors that led to his decision to try to transfer his mind into Twitch and live here among the equines... of course, the biggest factor was his health.  And there was NO telling if he'd have enough time to learn and build and transfer before his traitor body closed up shop on him.


He was still waiting for the notification to speak to the Dean of Students... or at least a confirmation on his enrollment... but if such nice company was here to talk to, he didn't mind the wait so much.


"So, is it okay if I a-a-a-a-a-ask what your major is?"

  • Brohoof 1

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"I'm majoring in Engineering, with a minor in music, so I get to work on my gun which will be my major assessment subject the whole time i'm here four years to make it work perfectly then I'll hoof it of to the military and they will make copies of it, I'm not really supposed to say that but it's not like there are any humans about." Little did Crystal know... "and the music well that will be a pleasure to do, not a task so no worries there."


Crystal relaxed a little and let her rear hooves slide of the seat so they were dangling of the edge, "I don't mean to be rude but where were you built I mean I know the standard models that most of the machinal equines are based off but you are nothing like I have ever seen, do you remember who built you or when?"

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@,@@Randimaxis, @@reader8363,

"D'aww. Ain't this cute. Mr. Mars Rover here and Sonic the music mare are having an awkward attempt at courtship. This motivates me to postpone my entrance and watch." Thought Embex as she sat behind Twitch.

Meanwhile, back at the lobby...

"But like, how do they, ponies you bite, not turn to vampires too? And how do you not, like, burst into flames when walking in sunlight? I know I wasn't looking when you walked in. Did you burst into flames when I wasn't looking. Or do you, like, sparkle like your covered in glitter when you walk outside? And do you need to sleep in a casket surrounded by your native soil? And do you have a reflection? And can you cross running water? And are you sensitive to garlic and other spices? And do you have a pulse? And are you allergic to Christianity? And can you control others by mixing your blood with theirs? And do you get made an official vampire by being bitten and then buried 12 hooves under and you have to dig your way out? And you know anypony named Cain? And are you a member of any social clubs called the Camerella or the Sabbat? And do you know of some secret mission called "The Masquerade?" Do you have to pay royalties to Bram Stroker for simply existing? And are you-" The resident cyborg was starting to ramble again.

"Okay, so you have dragon model claws, and actual dragon scales, but your shape looks pretty darn pony. So if it is not too rude of me to ask, what are you exactly?" Tomcat asked of the scythe wielder.

Edited by Denim&Venom
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"Um in the order you spoke them, no, no, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, no what is Christianity? yes and I can do it with a mere stare aswell, no, no, no, no, who is Bram Stoker, you watch too much human television, you are full of questions aren't you." Emerald looks to Shadow, "well he's a half bread that is for sure."  

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@ - @@Denim&Venom



A sound gun?  Wow, great minds think alike... what are the odds?


"Actually, I wwwwwwwwwwas... custom built.  I was made bybyby somepony who absolutely LOVED Earth," okay, maybe not a PONY, per se, "so I  s u p p o s e  I am... an homage, perhaps?  My creCREcreator is... very shy.  VERY shy-y-y-y-y-y.  So, I explore around and taaaaaaaaake in the sights, so to speak, and he he he he learns more about the worrrrrrld."


Twitch's face plates twirled and spun until he wore a look of curiosity.


"Your s o u n d  w e a p o n actually is probably a muchmuchmuch more refined version of my own seeeeeeeelf-defense measures.  If I may, I I I I I can show you what I mean... but I don't wan-n-n-n-nt to brag; I am wondering if maybe there could bebebebe something to share between us, as far aaaaaaaaas development goes?"


Grant was actually considering showing Crystal what Twitch had under the hood... but opted for simply a display of his abilities.  "Would you l-l-l-l-l-l-like to see it?"  Twitch asked as he looked around, trying to make certain they were alone.  


Of course, Embex was proof that they weren't... but they couldn't see Embex, so they seemed secluded enough.

  • Brohoof 1

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"Um sure why not, very shy hey that is no good how can he explore, hold on you said world that is a human term..." did I just over think that or is he a spy bot? "...you picked that up from all that human TV then I think ponies watch too much but the humans are rather good at telling stories so maybe, but I Like to make my own so what's this defence mechanism then?" ​when you power off i'm gonna have a look inside just to satisfy my question...


Crystal sat up and bit now back to what she was doing before with both sets of legs on the seat (like a cat or dog sitting) she then turned to watch what he was going to show her. "are you a female or male bot by the way?" 

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Twitch stood up and shook like a dog; plates all over his chassis rattled and shook, then simply clicked back into place.


"I was created to be male, according to m y  p r o g r a m m i n g... yet I am still in the process-ess-ess of defining gender-role responsibiiiiiiiiiiilities.  I am... unsure of whatwhatwhatwhatwhat will be required of me, but I am w-w-w-w-w-w-willing to learn and comply."


He stood at his full height, which was still only a slight inch or two taller than average.  Twitch almost seemed to inhale, then it simply happened:


The panels on his sides opened outward, seemingly attached by some sort of hinge, and bars, panels and wires began rapidly sliding out of his chassis and fitting themselves together.  A frame formed, then filled in, then began to whir and buzz as components inside the box began arranging themselves; the entire process was being perfectly mirrored on the opposite side.


Within the space of twenty seconds, Twitch Glitch was now standing there with two LARGE speaker cabinets mounted to his sides, facing forward.  The woofers looked GINORMOUS, and there were multiple tweeters arranged in a semi-circle along the top and bottom of the cabinets.




There was a single >CLICK!<, and a low hum began to rumble from the speakers.  It was at a low enough register to make the ground around them vibrate ever-so-slightly, and Twitch's faceplates spun into a grin.


"There!  The weapon sysSYSsystems I was equipped with were chosen-n-n-n-n-n for their practicality and non-lethality... but the tonal inhibbbbbbbbitors were removed; I could t e c h n i c a l l y  g e n e r a t e enough sound to shake a building to to to to the ground, and when focused it could eeeeeeeeven pierce steel... but I can't fine tune ititititit down to any kind of finely fixed point - I just sort of bla-a-a-a-a-ast out."


There was no way to tell if he was bragging or not, but those cabinets didn't look like they were simply made for concerts.


"I do not think it would beBEbe wise to fire off here - but I hope you have seen e n o u g h  t o  s h o w that I do have an interest in soundwave defennnnnnnnnnnnnnse utilization, yes?"

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"THAT IS COOL!" She stood on the bench and touched the subs looking over the vibrating boxes, "a whole building, mine can only kill one target through 4 meters of steel mind you but a whole building, we could mount this system on a tank and destroy whole cities with this kind of tech." Crystal backed up, "Um i'm not supposed to say that, oh Luna that was classified um...you did not hear me say anything about tanks." Crystal had a worried look on her face she just opened her mouth about a national secret. "so you're subs are rather cool, I think your a male you have that look about you, how do you not know I mean it's a core building block for a machine to grow as a personality."  


Crystal sat back down and she looked a bit perplexed, she was blushing a bit.

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