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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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Grant and Twitch both allowed a smile to cross their features.  


"Thank you!  With allallall the other streamlined technology here, I was a l i t t l e  h e s i t a n t to show anypony what I could do... but your commmmmmmmments make me feel as if this is is is is something to be proud of."


Another audible >CLICK!<, and the speakers disassembled themselves and packed back into Twitch's sides, even faster than they formed.  With the speakers gone, Twitch sat back down next to Crystal.  Grant heard her speak about the tanks... and wondered why ponies would need them in the first place.


"I... will not me-me-me-mention that thing you did not saaaaaaaaay; your secret isisisisis safe with me."


Grant was taking a shine to the crystal pony; she was smart, she was kind, and she didn't seem to judge Twitch based on his looks.  Of course, it was sort-of defeating the purpose of Twitch looking like scrap, but Grant hadn't had any REAL friends to speak of since he first took ill as a teenager.  In fact, his sister was actually the only friend he had... until now, that is.


When she brought up the gender issue, Grant thought fast.


"Well, as I cannot rep-ep-ep-eproduce, I simply have difficulty trying to reason whyyyyyyyy gender would matter; I believe I have been p r o g r a m m e d  t o successfully convey my role, though I still haveveveveve yet to discover how I fit into it withouuuuuut the matter of reproduction to conCONconsider."


Though he had his EqMail account open, he wasn't paying it much attention; Grant had made a friend.

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"I know that droids can't make babies, babies..." she made a raspberry. "I mean foal, silly human language it is infectious but that is impossible. Do you have any of the um...equipment most droids do for well such things...um i'm being rude...so how is your application coming along then need any help? I cannon help but say that you look nice your imperfections make you different from the rest." Crystal as getting a bit redder now.

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Shadow said as he put the scythe away, 

"I am a hybrid, I have scale instead of a coat, no mane, my front legs were actual dragon legs, my wings were dragon wings, and I have dragon teeth and eyes. Any question,"

He turned to Emerald and said, 

In case you forgot, what is so great about you, other than being a vampire."

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Marcus looked at the tablet that he held in his magic well rather his Androids magic, It detailed that he was put in as a guard for the local university set up by the Princesses for as long as necessary. In Equestria his name was Indicus an ex lunar guard, helping to explain any combat skills he had and give him some sort of background for civilians. Marcus entered the University and went to the front desk to check in for his first day on the job. 


After signing a few papers and proving identity Marcus was given a map of the campus and where he was to do his rounds. Now with the information to start his job Marcus walked the path set for him and immediately started watching listening to what was going on around him "For a first day I'm not doing too bad." Marcus mumbled to himself. The connection between his mind and the android was astounding it was like he was actually there instead of in a cryo pod with wires attached to his head.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Bee came skidding around a corner to the quad, bits of half chewed bagel flying out of her mouth, before coming to an almost audible screeching halt. She finished eating, and used to magic to try and make her wildly all over the place mane somewhat more presentable, before casually trotting towards the admin building. There was always a great deal of activity here, and with the tech revolution there was usually a lot of downright awesome augmentations and cyberware- but Bee caught something that seemed to violate the laws of physics, as what looked like a concert speaker just sort of disassembled itself into a... well it was an equine droid, of some kind, but it certainly didn't look all that impressive. "What the- DOES NOT COMPUTE," she started, before VLAD chimed in.
"And here I thought today was going to be boring," Bee said, grinning, as she trotted up to the odd bunch. A flicker of light drew her eye away, just in time to see- "Holy sweet Celestia, a Teinopalpus imperialis! Oh, wow, what a find!" Bee squealed, delighted, as she followed the brilliantly colored insect. "How in the world did you get down here, little guy? Your species only inhabits extreme high altitude forests," Bee said to herself, following the butterfly so closely she didn't see where she was going, and stumbled over one of the benches outside the admin building. Weirdly enough, the one with the bizarre droid, and a pony with a bizarre ultra glittery coat. "VERY MUCH PARDONING, HOST ORGANISM IS CLUMSY AND EASILY DIST- CAN it, Vlad!" Bee snapped. "Erm, uh, Hi. Did- did either of you see a bright green butterfly with red and yellow splotches and a swallowtail wing shape? By any chance?" Bee said, getting to her hooves. "FOREIGN ARTHROPOD CONTAMINANT MAY POSE INFECTIOUS-" Vlad began, before a sharp knock against her cranial implant brought Bee back to control. "Heh, sorry about that. I'm Bee, by the way. Bugs are my jam. The... loud voice is VLADISLAVA, my integrated AI con- VLAD IS NOT SIMPLE CODING STRUCTURE, VLAD IS SOPHISTICATED COMMAND INTERFACE AND REGULATORY- pain in the flank, that's what Vlad is!" Bee said, as her and Vlad tussled for vocal controls.
"Heh. So... uh, seen that bug, maybe?"



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Crystal turned to the new pony that had just fallen in front of her and Twitch. "Um are you ok? That looked a little painful so there are two of you then, Bee and Vlad ok um a butterfly..." as she said that it landed on her hoof, she slowly raised it towards them. "is this the little fella your looking for? Anyway I'm Crystal and this is Twitch."

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Grant found Crystal's question about Twitch's anatomy made him laugh out loud.  


Okay, I hadn't planned on anything like THIS.  I suppose I could simply have some of the plates and rods rearrange themselves for something like that... but really, the question comes down to me - I mean, LOVE?  SEX?  I haven't even considered the possibility in my state - I'm waaaaay too sick for any girl to even have a INTEREST - but, with Twitch?


As he contemplated this however, the bench jostled suddenly, and Twitch turned to see another mare who had bumped into it.  She began speaking to them both, and Twitch sat there paying attention while Grant listened.


"I do not recaaaaaaaaall seeing such an insect, but-ut-ut I can understand the wiles of f o l l o w i n g your passion... my creator was a huge fan of Earth, so he he he he built me to look as I ddddddddo.  A moment, please."


A panel flipped open on his head, and a small radar dish slid out and began to oscillate slowly.  After a moment, Twitch turned and pointed a hoof at the insect Crystal had found, while the little radar dish slid back into his head.


"Your quarry is exaaaaaaaactly 12.86 inches from your current loc-loc-location, in that direction."

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Crystal turned her head carefully back to Twitch, "you sensors are not working it's on my hoof you berk look." gesturing with her eyes, "why are you so interested in a butterfly anyway um Bee? I mean it's pretty and all but it well it just looks like a butterfly why is this one so special?" 

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Bee held her breath as the very insect she was looking for was there, sitting on the shiny pony's hoof like it was nothing. "Shshshshsh! No sudden moves," Bee said, as the cybernetic eye socket of her cerebral implant extended an inch and the lens aperture adjusted to focus on the specimen. "What makes this particular bug special, is that they normally don't live in this environment. Like, at all. These pretty guys- oh, sorry, girls- live in high altitude forests at or near equatorial timberline. They are not migratory, so it hitched a ride on somepony to end up here. The brightness of its colors suggests it recently emerged from a chrysalis. Seriously, you guys, this is neat," Bee said, happily, as her aperture snapped several photographs. "Okay, little lady," Bee said, very slowly and gently using her magic to nudge it under the wings, encouraging it to fly off. "NANNITE TRACKER IN PLACE," Vlad bellowed, which naturally made the butterfly take off in a hurry. That, or the wing-scale-sized RFID tracker Vlad had fired at it. Either way, it left the scene, leaving Bee in an awkward situation.


"Great. Awesome. Thanks. Okay, so, yeah. Rare bug, doesn't live around here, just left the chrysalis. That was the big deal. Aaaaand I get the weirdness, believe me, it wasn't my idea to have VLAD installed. But hey, can't change things now. What about you-" Bee said, turning towards the android. "Okay, I'm not sure what to call either of you guys. I don't remember seeing a full android here in a while, let alone... huh. A custom model from the looks of you. New here, I'm guessing?" Bee said, trying to smile- though with only half of what could be called a face, it was probably a little weird looking.

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Crystal lowered her hoof back down, "well my name is Crystal, and I'm a Crystal pony so...well my mother was not very imaginative, I got picked on at school for that, I prefer Bass that's my nickname because I love electronic music, it's a better name. Twitch here is an interesting case he's not from one of the factories."

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Twitch's face plates spun around and rearranged his features into a shy grin as he looked down.


"I am a custom mod-od-od-od-odel, yes - but I am n o t h i n g  t o o special, I promise.  My designation is Twitch Glitch, buuuuuuut Twitch will do."


Okay, so it's a bald-faced lie... I can't afford to let ANYPONY find out what I am; I'm no soldier, but they wouldn't hear that.  


No, not for a minute would they hear that - the reactions of the rabble in the lobby told Grant more about what Equestria was like now than any of the scant research he had been able to gather with his severely limited means. 


"And yes, I amamamamam quite new here - Bass has a y-y-y-y-y-year under her hoof.  She simply spoSPOspoke to me, and I replied; hopefully, it it it it will mark the beginning of a dear frieeeeeeeeeeendship."


The face plates rearranged themselves again into a muzzle that wore a look of gentle kindness, and he aimed that look at Crystal.  Such done, his face moved around again until he had a curious look upon it.


"Are you a s t u d e n t  h e r e as well?"

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Marcus was walking his patrol route and spotted a few ponies a few feet away from him the one that stood out the most was a android made of what seemed like scrap metal from earth with a stuttering problem in the voice box. He did not catch much of their conversation as he eventually had to walk past the group while making sure to remember the speech lessons he had so that he would not say non race specific pronouns like nobody or anybody. Even then it felt odd and slightly irritating to say anypony and he would slip into his normal speech patterns.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@Emerald Bolt@Randimaxis@captainborgue


Embex stood by and listened as Twitch asked Crystal if she wanted to see his defense systems. "Oh? He asking her if she wants to see his "special functions", hmmm? Oh boy are you confident." 


She then saw him unfold into into a wall of speakers almost as big as the original Marshal cabinet.The minor demonstration of it's function even made her own plates vibrate.   "I am really tempted to plug in my playlist, play some Motorhead, Napalm Death or Manowar, and see how much of the city gets leveled. It might be just as loud as their live concerts." 


She then heard him mention not being male or female. "Well that derails my lewdest of thoughts."


As if things couldn't' get more interesting, a cyborg stumbled and crashed in front of all of them. "Professor Bee! Just what this situation needed! Y'know, I may just forgo the entrance competently. This is fun enough." Embex observed as Bee bugged out over the bug. "Don't ever change Professor." 


During her own musings, the cloaked changeling bot didn't notice the same butterfly landing on her chassis. 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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Bee grinned and bowed. "I am flattered you would think so, but no. I teach Biology 101, Entomology 101-301, and Forensic Entomology 101. Sure, it's almost all just intro classes, but anypony that wants to study bugs has to have a fairly thick skin and high constitution, so if somepony can't hack the intro courses, there's no reason to pursue anything past that," Bee said, grinning. "Maybe I'll see one of you in my- hang on," Bee said, as the tracking scanner in her cranial implant pinged. "SUBJECT IS STILL PRESENT IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY", VLAD blurted out. Bee sighed, and looked around, her optical implant protruding and beaming out a vertical scanning RFID beam.


And there it was, seemingly in midair, but not flapping its wings. Which meant it was perched on something that was invisible, likely due to active camouflage. Bee had spent some time with Changelings in grad school, and there was no other known species that could possibly make such efficient use of camouflage- except maybe some varieties of octopus or cuttlefish. The invisible RFID beam became a red optical scan beam and swept over the area under the butterfly, confirming that something was distorting light in the area. But, since it wasn't moving, even the optical scanning beam could not give an accurate read.


"Hey, no worries Shiny. Custom jobs were super common a few years ago. You could probably use a tune up though, sounds like your vocal processor has some, erm, issues," Bee said, trying to be tactful, and struggling to keep a very indignant VLAD from chiming in. "Some impressive hardware though, I saw you- well I don't know what it was I saw you do, but it was really cool looking," Bee added, smiling.

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@Emerald Bolt@Randimaxis@captainborgue

"Aw ain't that cute? They think she's a student. Teachers are lucky when they can pass themselves off as students. And it's always funny when a student mistakenly asks a teacher out to a dance or something. It happens every year! Bee's had a few of those happen. And we got to 'Bee' there to see it all go down!" Embex then heard that deep monotone voice blurt out something about the butterfly still being there. "And that's another thing. Freaking Vlad! No matter what he does, it's always funny! ...And, just what are you looking at?"  Embex thought as Bee was now staring at her. "Can she see me? How!?" Then Bee started doing her scan. "F--k! I'm gonna be detected!" Then she stopped her scan and resumed conversion. "Phew! Stealth presumed. Ha! Like there was any doubt! No one can see me! I am invisivincible!"

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(need to get involved somehow so here it goes) @@Denim&Venom,


Marcus almost walked past the group without even noticing anything odd when he saw an odd bending of light just on the edge of his vision which caused the guard to stop and take a few steps back before flipping his vision to infra-red. Marcus's suspicions were confirmed with a shape showing up hot where he suspected the bending of light to be. Marcus turned his vision to the normal color spectrum and walked up to the cloaked figure and tapped it on the shoulder. "Hey pretty sure cloaking on campus property is in violation of this campus's code of conduct so would you kindly stop?" 


If anyone looked at the guard ID badge on his androids chassis they would see the name Indicus.

  • Brohoof 2

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Marcus looked at the pony that just addressed him. "My name's Indicus and I'm a newly hired guard for the university. You are?" Marcus once more made sure that the proper terms were in his head to avoid giving away that he was a human controlling an android from a dimension away. 

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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"Um there are a lot of ponies here now." She lent over to Twitch, "I just kinda wanted to talk to you, want to go somewhere else?" She looked around at the other ponies and droids she hadn't seen so many so close in a while at it was putting her on edge for some reason.




"So was there anything else you wanted to know?" 

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@,@@Shadow Dancer,@@reader8363,


"Uhhhhhhhhhhh.... yeah." Said Angelscape. "Since you pretty much debunked everything I asked, how do I know you're really a vampire? How do you know you're really a vampire? Because you seem to defy just about every prerequisite that defines one. The only things that seem to separate you from the thestral...nocturne... bat...pony... fanged flying foals! Are the mind control and the unaging thing. And if I recall, blood magic does the same thing, and that ain't restricted to unicorns. So, how do I know, we know, you know, that you're not purposely/ mistakenly accessing blood magic this whole time?"


"Fanged flying foals. I'm gonna be using that from now on!" Tomcat then noticed the new guard getting into the face of the other. "Oh oh, check it out, guard stand off! Full metal monstrosity vs. the half cyborg, one quarter pony, one quarter dragon! Whose gonna win? Also, found Bexy!"


"Grrraaaooow!" said Daffidaisy

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"I dislike doing this even despite all the years I have been using them their not me their a result of this stupid disease I carry which you call vampirism." Emerald sighed before opening her mouth and a pair of snow white fangs grew from a pair of what seemed unimportant teeth, she then continued. "if you come here and have a look they are real and the teeth in my mouth are sharp not like a regular ponies."  

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"Ooh, now you got her attention." Tomcat commented.


Angelscape stared on. "She's gonna take you up on that offer." 


She then began wordlessly taking step after step, approaching Emerald. 


"Y'know, I probably should have said this earlier, and I'd never, ever thought I would have to warn a "vampony" about this, but-"


Angelscape stopped, seemingly transfixed on those fangs.


"There's a reason, well two actually, on why she's so critical about all this. But before I get to that, just to let you know, she's probably the last pony you should have unveiled your... pearly whites, too."

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Emerald still keeping her mouth somewhat open, gave Tomcat a look of worry, "um what do you mean by that? She' snot going to take my fangs or somthing is she? I kinda need them or I'll die I should think." Emerald still kept her mouth hesitantly open for Angle despite what Tomcat had said. 

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"Oh nonononono! That'd be like ripping the smile off the painting of the-- darn what was it called. The one 500 year old human painting with the pretty lady in it?  American Gothic! Yeah that one. It'd be like ripping the smile off that. All you'd have is a desecrated work of art and a paint soaked canvas scrap. Nah she wouldn't do that. However-"


Angel slowly raised an iron clad hoof. The the plating on it began to retract. 


"Her being so critical and dismissive of vampires, is a cover to hide the fact that she's actually, a Nosphilliac."

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Twitch's head swiveled as he examined all the different ponies here now, where it only seemed like, moments ago, there were just two of them.  Crystal might be right, Grant thought, maybe too many ponies spoil the pasture?  More than that, Grant was still new at the whole 'sneaking into Equestria' thing; the more ponies around him, the higher chance of discovery.


If the ponies here had any idea that there was a human hiding amongst them - in a chassis like Twitch, no less - they'd have his poor buddy slagged for scrap within seconds... and he had put everything he had into Twitch Glitch; if he was destroyed, Grant was just done.  He wouldn't have enough time to build another one - and probably couldn't if he tried - before his body no longer responded... then, it would just be counting off the days until he finally-


NO.  Focus, focus, focus - Bass is right; we need to bail.


Twitch stood up and turned to face the crystal pony.


"Perhap-hap-hap-hap-haps you could give me a tour ofofofofofof the campus, since you haaaaaaaaaaaave more experience here than I do?  P r o f e s s o r  B e e, it was nice to meet you; perhaps we will me-me-me-me-meet again.  Bass, would you kiKIkindly?"  Twitch said as he motioned towards the college grounds.

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