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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack

How did you find MLP Forums?: I found MLP forums by simply registering for Poniverse. I never knew this site existed until I tapped that registration button.

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I watched a lot of G3 when I was younger, but after I found out about G4, I gave FiM a try. Am I glad I did that!

My name is Hannah. I love My Little Pony, but only became part of this fandom a little while ago. My favorite main pony is Applejack, my favorite Crusader is Apple Bloom, and my favorite background pony is Derpy. I really like music and love to draw and daydream. I hope I can be friends with you all!

  • Brohoof 7
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Hello and welcome to the MLP forums, AdmiralOrchid. It's good to have you join the MLP forums and the awesome community behind it and I hope you enjoy it and have lots of fun while you're here; there's plenty of activities and topics to check out. :icwudt: If you ever want to share your drawings, check out Octavia's Hall and feel free to post there. :kindness:

  • Brohoof 7
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Hello there and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here  :). Don't be afraid of jumping in  :D. I hope you have a wonderful time here and make a lot of friends  :squee:.


  • Brohoof 4
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Hello there "Hannah", its nice to meet you :D  Welcome to forums. I am sure you'll love here and there are lots of ponies who wait impatiently to meet with you in our community :pinkie:  No need to be shy, Ok :P  ?



https://mlpforums.co...ookie-kenshiro/ - https://mlpforums.co...tinues-to-draw/


If you wish to ask anything, you can always send PM . See you around ;) '''

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