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open Slice of Life Anthro RP


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(OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/149720-slice-of-life-anthro-rp-ooc/#entry4448105)

It was a beautiful day in this small town. A small town known for its food, clubs, and retro style. Everyone was getting ready to start their day jobs, and walking through the town. Anthro animals of all kinds lived here. Cats, dogs, foxes, and even dragons. There was one thing for sure, it was surely an interesting town.

One particular blue cat was making his way to the local coffee shop to start his work day. He was feeling pretty good even though he didn't get much sleep last night after having worked hard being up so late. But nevertheless, he made his way to Cafe Shortstop. It was a really foolish name to him, but he didn't really give it much thought.

He opened the door to the shop, with a loud ring of the store bell. He walked over to the cash register, and was the first one to work as usual. Unfortunately, a note from his boss read that he would have to work overtime today due to his coworkers being sick. Although, not much of a difference would be made due to how little business they made each day. Not to mention his recent cut in pay. He sighed as he picked up a broom and began sweeping. "Time for another long day..."

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Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Malfoy wakes up close to noon and spins in his bed to set his paws on the floor. He releases a long drawn out yawn as he stretches his arms out. "I guess I should go for a walk at least in town, probably get some groceries." He said to himself.


Eventually he begun leaving his home and ran his hand over his ears and through his hair releasing another small yawn. He opened the door and begun heading into town heading toward the grocery store so he could restock his fridge.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Apep smiled as she slithered along the ground. Being a snake, she couldn't really walk like most animals. Instead, five feet of her upper body was lifted off the ground and the rest was used to simply push along the ground via muscle contraction/movement. The snake herself was only just returning after a recent trip, so a few days of relaxation would do wonders for her. Apep figured that she would probably need to get something for her dinner tonight, so she made a sharp turn and headed for the grocery store.


Blitz sighed as he walked around the town, the claws on his feet hitting concrete. He had just sold his all of his harvest for the year, so he just needed to hunt/fish for a bit to get enough meat for the winter and he would be fine.

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On one of the town streets was a small two-storey store known from the eccentric sign outside as The Black Gate. Figurines and constructable figures were displayed in the windows, with the covers of comic books printed on each corner. Inside were paraphernalia of video games, comic books, movies and shows. Upstairs was a section for manga, imported figures and board games.


On the bottom floor's counter was a rat girl named Denise. Her shoulder rested on the tabletop with her head in her hand. A warm coffee and a half-eaten sandwich roll were next to the register.


Way too early for this crap... she muttered in her head, letting out a yawn, No one ever comes in at this time...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The catboy had finished sweeping the floors of the coffee shop, and turned on the lights to the place. He then flipped the closed sign to open, getting prepared for another work day. "Not much to do now except...wait for a customer." He went around the place, making sure the tables and chairs were set properly. He looked towards the outside. He wished he could be out there running and playing like he used to. But his times have changed now, to boring and waiting for a customer. Such is life indeed.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Rose... hey, Rose, wake up!" the gruff voice of Tiny, the massive Diamond Dog, rousted Rose Gold from her slumber. Sort of. She kind of let out a mumbled protest and rolled over, until Tiny- who had been doing this kind of thing for years- stuck his enormous, wet, icy cold dog nose on the back of her neck.


"YEEEEEK!" Rose shrieked, bolting upright and hovering about a foot off her bed. "The hell was that for?!" Rose said, glaring at the direction she presumed Tiny was standing in. "Shouldn't you be out like, digging up things? Or lifting things? I dunno, I never really paid much attention," Rose said, before slowly setting her hooves back on the ground and stretching her arms, wings, and back. "Why'd you wake me up, anyway?"


Tiny chuckled. "Hey, I just figured you'd want to know when the coffee shop opened is all. Last time you were there singing you got some pretty decent tips. Maybe you oughta take your guitar this time."


"I do like coffee... and people giving me money for doing what I do all the time anyway. And coffee. Urgh... but it's so early, Tiny! Why can't there be a night time coffee shop?"


Tiny was already halfway out the door of the 'apartment'- which was really just the tiny guest bedroom and adjacent pantry in old lady McCallister's basement. But she didn't charge them much and liked having Tiny to help out around the place, and she was very fond of Rose. something about reminding her of a granddaughter. Tiny paused in the doorway, waiting for Rose to finally catch up. It was an old habit, in that she didn't need him as a seeing-eye dog as much anymore, since she'd gotten pretty good at mentally mapping the layout of the town and listening for crosswalk signals and cars and the like. But old habits died hard, especially for Diamond Dogs. "You're being both a pain and adorable. You're a-pain-able. Now I've gotta go, I'm digging out stumps today. just do me a favor, and don't go getting yourself in trouble, ok?" Tiny said, before heading out.


"I never get into trouble, it's trouble that gets into ME!" Rose shouted after him. "Wait, no, that sounded skanky. Dammit, I'll think of a good comeback, don't you- and he's gone, dangit," Rose started, before hearing the door close and realizing her efforts were fruitless. Worse still, she was now wide awake, and there was slim to no chance of getting back to sleep- so she may as well go get some coffee and dink around the town.


Rose didn't usually walk anywhere, as the clop of her hooves on pavement made it tough to really get a good ear on the ambient noise she used to navigate. That, and a mental map of the town she'd spent a good two months building, which meant dragging poor Tiny down every paved road multiple times.


Despite a couple of wrong turns, and one accidentally clonking into a stop sign, Rose made it to the coffee shop just in time to hear the click of the lights. She set down on her hooves and walked inside, giggling as the little bell on the door jingled happily. "Mooor-ning!" she said, almost singing. "It always smells so nice in here. Anyway, enough with the small talk, I needs me some java. A trippliato grandiose mochamello, or whatever. A big cup of strong coffee, please," Rose said, fiddling with the folded up bills in her pocket. Each denomination was folded a different way so she could tell them apart- though there had been times some people thought it funny to give her back wrong change- or at least, they did until Tiny showed up. Rose hadn't had any 'funny guys' since they'd come here though, so she wasn't too worried about it.

Edited by captainborgue
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A soundproof studio. Even an atom bomb woudl be muffled within these walls. Only the raspy breathing of a Kitsune Miko Tachibana, bent over backwards on her office chair, somehow balanced on one wheel, was heard. 


Then her alarm went off, playing this song:




"Huhwuh?" she got up with a start, setting her off balance. *THUD!* She and her chair fell back. 


"Huh. Guess I fell asleep again. It's a problem when sleeping in a studio is easier than your own bed." 


*Twang!* One of her guitars fell on her. 


"F--k me..."

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JR noticed his first customer of the day and couldn't be happier to finally have something to do, "Oh thank god. Finally something to get me away from this swirling torment of boredom."


He walked over to her, "Welcome to Cafe Shortstop. You want that regular or decaf, miss?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Rose wrinkled her nose at the question. "Why would anyone ruin perfectly good coffee but taking all the caffeine out? that's like cheesecake without the cheese! That's like, cherry pie without cherries! That's like music with a SOUL! Er, I mean, uh, I'll have mine regular, thank you. Unless you have like a top secret nuclear blend that's like super ultra triple strong! That'd be cool. Especially if it gave me super powers!" Rose said, excitedly. "Or, you know, kept me awake and all chipper and cute and whatnot. That would also be acceptable."

Edited by captainborgue
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Crystal and some of her 'colleagues' walked into this nice town. Crystal's head was bobbing away to one of her songs when her sergeant shouted at her. "...Yes, yes, Yes! Sir!?" She took out her ear piece.


"Go find some supplies will ya? We will be here for a while so the rest of you set up camp." Crystal noded and started for one of the stores. "Crystal, I know you are now a soldier but please follow my orders."


"Yes sir." She gave the other pony in this case a pegasus a salute and headed into the town she was still armed like they were all, a pistol strapped to her leg and a rocket launcher strapped to her back, though the army looked like it meant business there was little they actually did the looked good kept everyone calm and just drilled a lot.




Crystal looked to the store, a cafe to be exact if they did not have some supplies then they would know at least, she walked in to find a cat and a pegasus, she walked to the counter but waited for her turn to be served.

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He had no initial reaction to whatever the heck she just said, but nodded, "Um....alright. Uh...it'll just be a minute miss." He went behind the counter and put a regular sized coffee cup under the dispenser, and let it fill. He glanced at the other pony, "I'll be right with you next, miss."


After filling the cup with the coffee the first mare ordered, he brought it over to her and set it on her table. "There you go, miss. That'll be $1.50."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Woo, I can afford coffee!" Rose said happily, as she carefully unfolded two singles and slid them across the table towards the voice. Sounded male, and seemed nice enough. Rose smiled in the direction she assumed he was standing- while her hearing was sharp enough to pick up the jist of where something was, exact details like eye contact or where their face was were a little too much to get right. "I don't really do coinage, the jingling is distracting. Makes me wanna dance around like a gypsy, which isn't looked upon favorably when one is indoors," she said, smiling. She took a long sip, draining almost half the cup in one go. "Woo, that hits the spot! I don't suppose you guys do refills here, by chance? Like, if I bought something besides coffee? I'm still kind of new in town so I'm not sure how this place works just yet," Rose added, smiling jovially. The caffeine was already hitting her system.

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He took the money off of the table and replied to her question, "Yeah refills are free as long as you're in the place. And as far as how things work around here, it's a pretty oldish style town we got here. I mean, there's bars, nightclubs, shops. Pretty much what you would expect from your normal suburban town. I mean, there's a big city not far from here, but us down here we keep things tradish ya know what I'm sayin?" He went back behind the counter, and took the coffee pot, came back over, and refilled her cup with coffee.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Er you done with her yet? I may have a lot more money to give you if you have what I need for my sergeant she's in need of food and drink for our group just outside town." She was not sure her butting in was nice to do but she expected more of a reaction being in army uniform and being armed.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,
He looked at the other pony, and blinked, "Oh...oh jeez, sorry miss. Um..." He walked back over to the register, and put the money inside. He then put the coffee pot back on its warm burner. He turned to face her, "I uh....this place doesn't really have the supplies you might be looking for. I mean...you'd have better luck at the grocery store. They have way more food and stuff you could buy than just from here."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Grocers ok then right I'll do that later, I could do with a drink, you serve tea here? Or is it just coffee in this place?" She was hoping it was not just a coffee house she did like coffee but she was a tea kind of girl and would take that over coffee nine out of ten times.

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,
"Camomile, honey sugar, green leaf, or lemon? We also have iced tea options for when you're hot, but I assume you want warm tea, right?" He flicked on the tea warmers, and started to set them up, "Each of them cost $1.75, miss." He reached down, and flicked on the lights above his work station, "There it is."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Ha money that is funny." She got out a government card. "Chalk it up on this no one checks this thing." She mulled over the options for a few moments humming and haring. "I will have the honey sugar please sounds nice not had that before either." She gave him a smile as she waited.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,
He nodded, and took the card from her. After punching the numbers in the machine, he gave the card back to her, "There ya go, miss. Give the tea some time. Normally I don't get customers this early and stuff's ready for most of them by the time they come in. But in this case, it'll be about five minutes. That won't be a problem, will it?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Ren jumped, jumped right out of the plane in his black tracksuit, goggles, sneakers, and a backpack strapped onto his back as he started plummeting down towards the earth. For brief moments, he spread his arms and legs wide, as if trying to provide some form of resistance against his high altitude drop. However, rather than trying to slow down, Ren closed his legs and placed his arms tightly against his sides before he started a nosedive. He was now shooting through the sky like a missile, a shark missile. Awesome. The large grin held on his face clearly show he was enjoying every moment of this skydive. He loved the wind blowing pass his face and hair, the thrill, the excitement, and above all... the danger that came with it. The thought of something happening, like having a defective parachute, sent chills down his spine, yet he can't help but continue to grin like an idiot.


Luckily nothing happened when he reached for the cord and gave it a hard tug, releasing the chute that was locked away inside the backpack. With the chute slowing down his pace, Ren miraculously landed high on a mountain, and more importantly on a long ski ramp. The only thing that changed, with the exception of the scenery, was the pair of skis he wore and the ski poles he held on each hand. Not giving a second thought, shark boy lowered his posture and pushed himself down the ramp. He could feel the adrenaline rush come back as he shot down. It did not take long before he reached the end and with the ramp curving up, Ren was once again sent flying through the skies. This time, unlike the skydrop, Ren was not losing altitude. Instead he was now flying fast towards the beach where he worked, and it was all thanks to the jackpack he was now wearing.


Upon arriving to the beach, Ren glanced down and saw his boss waving at him. Giving him a thumbs up, he continued rocketing through the sky and to the ocean. However, the jackpack ran out of fuel. After choking its last breathes, the jackpack finally died out and caused him to fall towards his watery grave. Yet, instead of falling to his demise, Ren was saved by a massive wave and a sole surfboard that his feet landed on. Now, wearing nothing but a pair of Hawaiian swimming trunks, he was surfing on the wave.


Beep. Beep. BEEEP.


Ren heard a loud noise that rumbled across the sky.




This time the noise became so loud that it disrupted the wave and caused him to lose his balance. Letting out nothing but a gasp, Ren felt the water crash into him as he was sent deep into the watery abyss. Everything was becoming dark... "Air!" Ren gasped, his eyes shot open, and a hand reaching dramatically into the air and towards his.... ceiling? Wait, what? Since when did the ocean have a ceiling? Hand still outstretched, it took him minutes to register into his mind that it was all a dream. Yet, he did not wish to believe he just undergo a dream. Nonchalantly his other hand went to pitch himself. "Ow..." The pain he felt told him he was back in reality and made him let out a sigh of disappointment.


Grunting, Ren slowly sat up and got on his feet and noticed he was on the floor. He must had fell from his bed after going through the last part of his dream. He took a glance around his dimly lit room and made a mental note to clean it, but before anything he needed to turn off that stupid racket coming from his alarm clock. Smacking the off button, Ren took a few minutes to do some stretches and went on his morning routines of cleansing himself in the bathroom of his apartment. It was still early in the morning and he had nothing planned for today, or the next few days actually. To his surprise he was actually off from his job, or jobs, and he did not have any classes. He was also caught up on homework, which means he can practically do whatever he wants today.


Putting on a running tee that hugged tightly around his well defined body, his boxers, and a pair of black running shorts over them, Ren stepped into his blue sneakers before heading out the door to begin his morning jog in the large city. As he ran he thought about what to do for the rest of the day. I could head to the gym for a few hours and then head to the beach for some- wait, actually, maybe I'll pay that town a visit to see a friend of mine. Ren thought about his idea as he jogged through the city streets. Yeah, I think I will do that. I'll finish my run and get ready to go! He smiled and picked up his pace. He was beginning to feel excited for his little trip.

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"No that is fine I have hours of time to waste not worried about waiting for my tea." She turned and decided to sit with the pegasus at her table. "Um hello? My name is Crystal but I get Bass a lot do you live here in this place? Well I mean the town not this actual building." Crystal giggled at her word trip. 

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Rose grimaced into her coffee cup. she'd heard the whole exchange, and that attitude of 'I have lots of money, do what I want peasant' bugged the crap out of her. Without Tiny, though, there really was no point in throwing shade- while most people wouldn't beat the hell out of a blind girl, they also tended not to take her seriously, either. Rose just sat and sipped her coffee, and hoped this lady would hurry the buck up and leave already. she wanted to apologize to the poor guy working here- it sounded like he was the only one, at least for now. Then again, he probably was used to cranky customers at this hour, so maybe she was making a big deal out of nothing.
rose sipped her coffee, keeping an ear out for... she wasn't really sure, actually. Some gut feeling told her to be alert, though it may have just been the caffeine.




"No that is fine I have hours of time to waste not worried about waiting for my tea." She turned and decided to sit with the pegasus at her table. "Um hello? My name is Crystal but I get Bass a lot do you live here in this place? Well I mean the town not this actual building." Crystal giggled at her word trip.


"Oh hey! Hiya! Who what? Nah, I don't live here. Though can you imagine how awesome that would be? It smells so good all the time!" Rose said, as the stranger- no, as Crystal- introduced herself. "I'm Rosie, but not the riveting badass Rosie. Nobody lets me near power tools or heavy machinery for some reason. Probably just can't stand how real I am. Or the being blind thing," Rose said, jokingly. All of the previous negative thoughts were gone, fallen out of her head entirely as the caffeine hit her system- which also made her gesture a lot as she talked.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,
"I actually do live just outside of the town. It's a real fixer-upper mainly because I'm lazy and stuff. Plus with working here and maintaining my online sale business, it gets rougher. But overall it's a very nice place." Her honey tea was ready, and he poured it into a cup for her, "Here you are, miss."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"You are well you handle yourself well for it, there Rose nice name were you born blind or did you become so, if you were born so I will skip my appearance, but I am a pony like you just not a flying one is all."


"Thanks there, I have not had a real cuppa since I was in the barracks and that was two weeks ago." She took a sip of her tea. "Well I made a good choice." She looked back to Rose. "And yeah staying in here would be kinda cool with the amazing smell coffee is not my cup of tea but it dose smell rather amazing, that I do say."

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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The cat decided to stay quiet and let the two ladies talk. He decided he needed to focus on looking out for more customers. While doing so, he took out a checklist, and wrote on it. He started taking a count of the supplies needed to make enough tea and coffee for anymore customers.
(I'm heading to bed. Go on the rest of you XD)


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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