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"So I have been meaning to ask, and I don't want to sound rude...your cutie mark...or, better yet, you. Tell me about yourself. Or better yet, I can say something first so you don't feel uncomfortable." The stallion wiped a bit of apple juice off of his hoof. "I was raised- or...well, I grew up in Canterlot, mostly. Moved here on my own a while ago. Annnd..." he sucked in a bit of air, "...well quite honestly I haven't known what to do with myself since." He smiled at the mare, in an effort not to seem so boring. 


Stardust listened patiently and smiled back at him when he was done. He seemed to almost bore himself with his words, she let out a little giggle. 


"Well, I grew up in Cloudsdale. I really didn't like it much, but my dad made it bearable. After an accident we had to move to Ponyville. And this is where I found my home, I have loved it ever sense." She beamed as she told him. "As for my cutie mark, I am somewhat of a star enthusiast." She chuckled at her own inside joke. "I've always loved the stars, and when I was younger I found out that I was very good at charting them and understanding them. So that is what I do now, I chart them and study them for the University of Canterlot research department. I even get some of my work published in their Astronomers Journal. That's why I work at night." She took a sip of her carrot juice. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


I was sure that there were eight small Pearls, not seven Quinty thought with her head in one of the boxes, she was trying to get to the bottom and she was determined to find it. Then, she heard a voice comming from someplace nearby her stall.


"H-hey there. I saw your stall along the way and looking closely, these look pretty cool. What are these, if you don't mind me asking. By the way, my name's Dynamo Pad. It's r-really nice to meet you."

Quinty peeked out of the box to see who it was and who he was talking to, then she saw he was talking to her 'Great! I haven't unpacked all my stuff or ponies start asking stupid questions.' She mutterd quietly so the customer couldn't hear it. Then she put on her best smile and got out of the box to greet the stallion. She tried to sound as kind as she could so she wouldn't scare him away inmediately 'I'm not really open yet.' She said kindly but her words had a sharp edge. 'Those are pearls from the north lunar ocean.are you interested in buying some?' She explained with that same, semi kind, voice.


She knew she should've tried harder to sound kind but she hadn't had her coffee yet, or any kind of breakfast at all, and she was still a bit sleepy. And, on top of that all, she hadn't talked anypony else as her parents in a really long time. She didn't want to show off her lack of social skills so she had to pretend that she didn't want to socialise instead of showing that she couldn't.

Edited by Summer Breeze
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thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Dynamo Pad,


I was sure that there were eight small Pearls, not seven Quinty thought with her head in one of the boxes, she was trying to get to the bottom and she was determined to find it. Then, she heard a voice comming from someplace nearby her stall.


Quinty peeked out of the box to see who it was and who he was talking to, then she saw he was talking to her 'Great! I haven't unpacked all my stuff or ponies start asking stupid questions.' She mutterd quietly so the customer couldn't hear it. Then she put on her best smile and got out of the box to greet the stallion. She tried to sound as kind as she could so she wouldn't scare him away inmediately 'I'm not really open yet.' She said kindly but her words had a sharp edge. 'Those are pearls from the north lunar ocean.are you interested in buying some?' She explained with that same, semi kind, voice.


She knew she should've tried harder to sound kind but she hadn't had her coffee yet, or any kind of breakfast at all, and she was still a bit sleepy. And, on top of that all, she hadn't talked anypony else as her parents in a really long time. She didn't want to show off her lack of social skills so she had to pretend that she didn't want to socialise instead of showing that she couldn't.

Dynamo looked to the mare and heard that the stall wasn't open yet. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Um...do you perhaps need any help unloading the rest of your things. I'm not sure what I can do, but I don't mind helping somepony out if it's possible." Dynamo said trying to sound helpful. He looked at the pearls in front of him. "Wow so these are pearls. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure to be honest. They just looked so beautiful and I've never been to a place called the North Lunar Ocean, but it sounds like a beautiful place to get a name like that." Dynamo smiled while looking back up from the stall.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Quinty grummed annoyed when the stallion offered his help. Was he really that blind to see that she wasn't in the mood for talking?! 'No, thanks.' she said and her voice sounded even more annoyed as it did before. 'Don't you need to go somewhere or something?' She asked and hoped he would get the hint and go away. Then she continued unpacking her stuff and putting it all on her stall and ignored his other comments.


She turned her back to him and went back in her box to find the little pearl she lost. 'Why can't I find this little crabby pearl.' she grummed when she started sorting through her stuff again.

Edited by Summer Breeze
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thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Dynamo Pad,


Quinty grummed annoyed when the stallion offered his help. Was he really that blind to see that she wasn't in the mood for talking?! 'No, thanks.' she said and her voice sounded even more annoyed as it did before. 'Don't you need to go somewhere or something?' She asked and hoped he would get the hint and go away. Then she continued unpacking her stuff and putting it all on her stall and ignored his other comments.


She turned her back to him and went back in her box to find the little pearl she lost. 'Why can't I find this little crabby pearl.' she grummed when she started sorting through her stuff again.

Dynamo could hear the tone in her voice and had a slightly worried look on his face. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry to bother you. You're right, I-I've got to get to finding the mayor's office so I can become a resident to Ponyville. It was nice talking to you though. I hope we can meet again sometime." Dynamo said as he turned to walk away towards Sugarcube Corner. He had a sad look on his face thinking he had done something wrong. 'Good going there, Dynamo. You probably just went and bothered that pony and they might not be your friend now.' He thought to himself. He shook his head to get any ill thought's out of his mind and try to stay as positive as he could. Before he continued onward, he took one last look behind him to see the mare look around for something. Thinking it was against his better judgement, he decided to go back to the stall. "Excuse me, you seem to be looking for something. Did something happen, did you losing something very important?"

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Quinty sighed in relief when the pony walked away finaly, some peace and quiet so I can set up my stall she thought, but how wrong was she. Just a few moments later she heard his voice again.


"Excuse me, you seem to be looking for something. Did something happen, did you losing something very important?"
she looked up and saw him standing at her stall again. She shook her head and felt actually a bit sorry for him, he tried to be nice and she was just pushing him away. 'It's nothing.' she said, with a kind voice this time, and pulled the white beany she was wearing straight 'I lost one of my pearls, a really small one. no big deal, it isn't worht much. I'm just annoyed that I can't find it!' and her voice raised a bit at the end of the sentence out of frustration. At home Quinty had her parents to help her find the stuff she lost, but now she had to do it herself and she couldn't stand it when she couldn't find her stuff. Even something as unimportand as a little pearl could ruin her day just because of the fact that she lost it.
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thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Dynamo Pad,

 'It's nothing.' she said, with a kind voice this time, and pulled the white beany she was wearing straight 'I lost one of my pearls, a really small one. no big deal, it isn't worht much. I'm just annoyed that I can't find it!' and her voice raised a bit at the end of the sentence out of frustration.

"Hmm...I would say try and retrace your steps. Do you know if all the pearls where in one spot and one of them rolled a bit away? That's what happens when I misplace my controller or a game. It's always in a place you least expect it." Dynamo said voicing his thoughts with a hoof under his chin and his eyes closed in thought. He then looked around the stall to see if the missing pearl had rolled around somewhere, or was in someplace that it wasn't noticable.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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"So I have been meaning to ask, and I don't want to sound rude...your cutie mark...or, better yet, you. Tell me about yourself. Or better yet, I can say something first so you don't feel uncomfortable." The stallion wiped a bit of apple juice off of his hoof. "I was raised- or...well, I grew up in Canterlot, mostly. Moved here on my own a while ago. Annnd..." he sucked in a bit of air, "...well quite honestly I haven't known what to do with myself since." He smiled at the mare, in an effort not to seem so boring. 


Stardust listened patiently and smiled back at him when he was done. He seemed to almost bore himself with his words, she let out a little giggle. 


"Well, I grew up in Cloudsdale. I really didn't like it much, but my dad made it bearable. After an accident we had to move to Ponyville. And this is where I found my home, I have loved it ever sense." She beamed as she told him. "As for my cutie mark, I am somewhat of a star enthusiast." She chuckled at her own inside joke. "I've always loved the stars, and when I was younger I found out that I was very good at charting them and understanding them. So that is what I do now, I chart them and study them for the University of Canterlot research department. I even get some of my work published in their Astronomers Journal. That's why I work at night." She took a sip of her carrot juice. 

Skyjumper leaned back. "Huh, well maybe I am a bit out of my depth here." He chuckled nervously. "You sound very important to astronomy. I'm surprised I haven't heard your name anywhere." He cleared his throat, "I mean, I'm no astronomer, but still. That's really cool that you get to do all of that." The stallion sank a bit into the bench, and sighed with a smile. "Sounds exciting."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


'hehe, tracing my steps? the pearls were in this box the whole time.' Quinty said. but then she also started looking around a bit. maybe it did role on the ground or something when she got the case with the pearls out. and to her surprise, in the dust below her stall, she saw a peculiar looking white thing. she picked it up and blew on it to remove the dust but it indeed was her pearl! 'How did you get there, little one?' she said to the pearl but then realised that she was talking to a pearl and turned a bit red. 'Thanks.' She said and then quickly turned her back to him and put the pearl back in the case.

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thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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The stallion sank a bit into the bench, and sighed with a smile. "Sounds exciting." 


Stardust started to feel like she had said too muchI've done it again...She thought, she let out a soft sigh. "Well, uhm, thanks for sitting with me." She looked down at the ground, swinging her hooves slowly back and forth, she felt embarrassed. She didn't think she was bragging, she didn't want to at all... Maybe if I change the subject...


"So.. you enjoy Ponyville then?" What a dumb question Stardust! Of course he likes Ponyville... otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to live here. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


'hehe, tracing my steps? the pearls were in this box the whole time.' Quinty said. but then she also started looking around a bit. maybe it did role on the ground or something when she got the case with the pearls out. and to her surprise, in the dust below her stall, she saw a peculiar looking white thing. she picked it up and blew on it to remove the dust but it indeed was her pearl! 'How did you get there, little one?' she said to the pearl but then realised that she was talking to a pearl and turned a bit red. 'Thanks.' She said and then quickly turned her back to him and put the pearl back in the case.

Dynamo smiled and was glad that she was able to find the pearl that she was missing. "Your welcome and I'm glad I was able to help you out. Also I sometimes talk to myself and to my controller or games when I lose them myself." Dynamo said but blushed red in embarrassment. "Please don't tell anypony that." He turned his head away. He was about to leave for the mayor's office when a thought crossed his mind. "Um...sorry again, but I was wondering something. How many bits for the pearl you found?"

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The stallion sank a bit into the bench, and sighed with a smile. "Sounds exciting." 


Stardust started to feel like she had said too muchI've done it again...She thought, she let out a soft sigh. "Well, uhm, thanks for sitting with me." She looked down at the ground, swinging her hooves slowly back and forth, she felt embarrassed. She didn't think she was bragging, she didn't want to at all... Maybe if I change the subject...


"So.. you enjoy Ponyville then?" What a dumb question Stardust! Of course he likes Ponyville... otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to live here. 

"Yeah, I do." He sat back up, "Just feel a bit stagnant, I guess?" His face flattened, unamused by himself, and he looked straight on. "I dunno. I guess I wish my work were more important. Half of what I do around here is just simply helping a neighbor or running errands for somepony. That, or singing are both how I make a living. And while it's nice doing those things, I guess I wish my work mattered more in the grand scheme...?" He trailed off a bit, and shook his head, followed by looking at Stardust again. He could only smile. "Sorry, maybe I am being too personal. It's been a while since I have opened up to anypony."



The stallion sank a bit into the bench, and sighed with a smile. "Sounds exciting." 


Stardust started to feel like she had said too muchI've done it again...She thought, she let out a soft sigh. "Well, uhm, thanks for sitting with me." She looked down at the ground, swinging her hooves slowly back and forth, she felt embarrassed. She didn't think she was bragging, she didn't want to at all... Maybe if I change the subject...


"So.. you enjoy Ponyville then?" What a dumb question Stardust! Of course he likes Ponyville... otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to live here. 

"Yeah, I do." He sat back up, "Just feel a bit stagnant, I guess?" His face flattened, unamused by himself, and he looked straight on. "I dunno. I guess I wish my work were more important. Half of what I do around here is just simply helping a neighbor or running errands for somepony. That, or singing are both how I make a living. And while it's nice doing those things, I guess I wish my work mattered more in the grand scheme...?" He trailed off a bit, and shook his head, followed by looking at Stardust again. He could only smile. "Sorry, maybe I am being too personal. It's been a while since I have opened up to anypony."

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Dynamo smiled and was glad that she was able to find the pearl that she was missing. "Your welcome and I'm glad I was able to help you out. Also I sometimes talk to myself and to my controller or games when I lose them myself." Dynamo said but blushed red in embarrassment. "Please don't tell anypony that." He turned his head away. He was about to leave for the mayor's office when a thought crossed his mind. "Um...sorry again, but I was wondering something. How many bits for the pearl you found?"

Quinty giggle when the stallion told her that he talked to stuff too. 'nope, I'm going to tell it to everyone now.' She said withna serious face but then winked 'just kidding, I won't tell. Why would I? And besides, I don't know who I should tell it to, I don't know anypony.' she told him and smiled a bit.


The she gave him a surprised look when he asked the price of the little pearl. 'do you want to buy it?' she said surprised 'uuum... Well, normaly I ask five for the little ones but you can get it for three since you helped me find it.' and she grabbed the pearl from it's case and looked it. Then she looked at the stallion again.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. But you probably don't know how much the ponies around town appreciate the jobs that you do for them." She was still looking to the ground.

"There has been a time when I visited Sugar Cube Corner one evening and Mrs. Cake was sobbing. She was exhausted and could hardly stand. I could hear the twins upstairs fussing and then after a short while it was quiet and I could hear soft music. I thought it was Mr. Cake up there with them, but then he came out to sell me my order. He excused Mrs. Cake and explained that the twins hadn't been feeling well and they have been up most nights not letting her get any rest at all. But that night she finally was going to be able to sleep the whole night. I paid for my items and left the store so they could close up." She looked over at Sky.


"As I was heading back home I heard the bell again, thinking it was Mr. Cake I looked back, and it was you, you were still humming that soft song that I had heard from the twins room. It was beautiful, and I still have that song stuck in my head." She hummed a few lines.


"That night you allowed an exhausted mother to get her much needed sleep. You helped the family rest and the twins were back to their normal healthy selves after that night. What you do, does matter." She explained.   

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Quinty giggle when the stallion told her that he talked to stuff too. 'nope, I'm going to tell it to everyone now.' She said withna serious face but then winked 'just kidding, I won't tell. Why would I? And besides, I don't know who I should tell it to, I don't know anypony.' she told him and smiled a bit.


The she gave him a surprised look when he asked the price of the little pearl. 'do you want to buy it?' she said surprised 'uuum... Well, normaly I ask five for the little ones but you can get it for three since you helped me find it.' and she grabbed the pearl from it's case and looked it. Then she looked at the stallion again.

Dynamo had a shocked look on his face when he found out she was going to tell everypony, but relaxed at the joke she threw at him. He could only chuckle at himself for falling for it. "That's good thanks for not telling anypony. Also you don't know anypony? Are you not from around here?" He asked in curiosity. He shook his head that he wanted to buy the pearl. "Yup I do and thank you that's really generous. I'll treasure it always. I don't know why, but I have this feeling this pearl brought us together in a way. I may be moving into Ponyville today, but to me, I think I have made a friend. I-I mean if that's okay, that is." He said with a warm sincere smile on his muzzle, while blushing in embarrassment and rubbed a hoof through his mane. He took out 3 bits from his saddlebag with his magic and levitating them onto the stall table, while also leaving two extra bits as a tip for her generosity.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. But you probably don't know how much the ponies around town appreciate the jobs that you do for them." She was still looking to the ground.

"There has been a time when I visited Sugar Cube Corner one evening and Mrs. Cake was sobbing. She was exhausted and could hardly stand. I could hear the twins upstairs fussing and then after a short while it was quiet and I could hear soft music. I thought it was Mr. Cake up there with them, but then he came out to sell me my order. He excused Mrs. Cake and explained that the twins hadn't been feeling well and they have been up most nights not letting her get any rest at all. But that night she finally was going to be able to sleep the whole night. I paid for my items and left the store so they could close up." She looked over at Sky.


"As I was heading back home I heard the bell again, thinking it was Mr. Cake I looked back, and it was you, you were still humming that soft song that I had heard from the twins room. It was beautiful, and I still have that song stuck in my head." She hummed a few lines.


"That night you allowed an exhausted mother to get her much needed sleep. You helped the family rest and the twins were back to their normal healthy selves after that night. What you do, does matter." She explained.


He gave her a grateful pat on the shoulder. "You are superbly observant, y'know? Thank you." He was beaming at her. "You know, I like you. I like the way you think. Do you want...to be friends?" His eyes were a lit up, "I really haven't made any friends in all the time I have been here."

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Stardust now had butterflies in her stomach. "I would like that, I would like that very much." She smiled at him. "I don't have many friends either. I know many of the ponies in town, but not a lot ponies that I can call friends."  


I can't believe it! I went from having a sheet over my head to making a real friend! She was quite happy that what seemed like to be a horrible day turned out to be a rather good day. She really didn't go out of her way much to make friends, with her anxiety she just didn't want to try. But as nervous as she was, she was very proud of herself for doing something that was uncomfortable for her. 

I don't know what it is about him, but he just makes it easy to like him. 

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Stardust now had butterflies in her stomach. "I would like that, I would like that very much." She smiled at him. "I don't have many friends either. I know many of the ponies in town, but not a lot ponies that I can call friends."  


I can't believe it! I went from having a sheet over my head to making a real friend! She was quite happy that what seemed like to be a horrible day turned out to be a rather good day. She really didn't go out of her way much to make friends, with her anxiety she just didn't want to try. But as nervous as she was, she was very proud of herself for doing something that was uncomfortable for her. 

I don't know what it is about him, but he just makes it easy to like him. 

"Fantastic!" He said with natural enthusiasm. Skyjumper bounced a bit. "Just fantastic." He was happy that perhaps he finally wouldn't have to be alone all the time. Not like he didn't have company when he worked, but it wasn't the same as willingly becoming close to somepony and sharing parts of your days with them. It's different than a passing glance or conversation on your way to another part of town.

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She smiled at the stallion, then there was an awkward silence. She was kicking a bit at the ground. "Well... now it's a bit awkward." She sat there for a moment thinking about something else to say. Then it hit her. "Hey, I'm taking the night off, how would you like to have dinner tonight? I can make something if you would like to come over. And then if you want, I can show you some of the stars." She gave him a nervous look. I hope I'm not being too bold.  

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@@Melted Dog,

"You think that's an uncommon name?" Raze said, laughing. "Wait till you get a load of mine..." He cleared his throat.


"The name's Raze. As in razor sharp." He unwrapped his fritter, and took a small bite out of it. Pretty tasty, but a tad bit too sweet.


"So, how's that for an uncommon name?" 

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Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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She smiled at the stallion, then there was an awkward silence. She was kicking a bit at the ground. "Well... now it's a bit awkward." She sat there for a moment thinking about something else to say. Then it hit her. "Hey, I'm taking the night off, how would you like to have dinner tonight? I can make something if you would like to come over. And then if you want, I can show you some of the stars." She gave him a nervous look. I hope I'm not being too bold.  

He chuckled at her mention of the awkwardness, but shrugged it off.


"Y'know, I'd love to." He smiled. "We've still got time until it gets dark, though." He scratched his chin, "Have anything in mind for the time being?" He flapped his wings and hovered above the bench.

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"Well, for starters I guess I need to do a bit of shopping to get enough for dinner tonight. Then I really should actually, properly clean my home. If you want to help me with my shopping that would be lovely." She gave him a smile as she stood up from the bench. "And when I go home to clean it will give you a bit of time to do what you need to do before dinner."  

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"Well, for starters I guess I need to do a bit of shopping to get enough for dinner tonight. Then I really should actually, properly clean my home. If you want to help me with my shopping that would be lovely." She gave him a smile as she stood up from the bench. "And when I go home to clean it will give you a bit of time to do what you need to do before dinner."


He thought about it for a moment. "Weeeell..." he rubbed the back of his head, almost as a way to affirm that he concluded his thought process. "I could actually help you with both, if you want." He chuckled, "Before your close encounter with the hanging linen earlier, I had a free day anyway." He smiled, "Unless you want me to really dress up or something, I have time. And, mayhaps I could be the stereo for clean up time." He chuckled once more.

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"Sure, let's get the shopping out of the way. I'm thinking caramelized onion and mushroom risotto, with a side salad and these two apple fritters for dessert. Oh, and to go along with it, some vanilla ice cream, once I heat up the fritters the ice cream will melt just enough to be perfect!" She blushed a little bit.


"I'm a bit of a foodie." She admitted. She was proud of it, if there was one thing her mother instilled in her was to be a good cook. "The way to a good stallions heart is through his stomach" She would always say. Stardust would always roll her eyes, but she was glad that she did learn how to cook, she didn't want to be like some of the other ponies and live off of frozen dandelion pizza and reheat-able bean and cheese burritos.


"Once we get those things we can head back to tidy up before I start dinner. You can play around with my stereo if you want too, I have quite a bit of music, and I have a microphone as well." She was already on the move heading to the few shops that she needed to visit. 


"Sweet onions, mushrooms, chives, arborio rice, vegetable stock, parmesan cheese, and a pint of vanilla ice cream." She quickly raddled off the shopping list. And they were off. 

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"Sure, let's get the shopping out of the way. I'm thinking caramelized onion and mushroom risotto, with a side salad and these two apple fritters for dessert. Oh, and to go along with it, some vanilla ice cream, once I heat up the fritters the ice cream will melt just enough to be perfect!" She blushed a little bit.


"I'm a bit of a foodie." She admitted. She was proud of it, if there was one thing her mother instilled in her was to be a good cook. "The way to a good stallions heart is through his stomach" She would always say. Stardust would always roll her eyes, but she was glad that she did learn how to cook, she didn't want to be like some of the other ponies and live off of frozen dandelion pizza and reheat-able bean and cheese burritos.


"Once we get those things we can head back to tidy up before I start dinner. You can play around with my stereo if you want too, I have quite a bit of music, and I have a microphone as well." She was already on the move heading to the few shops that she needed to visit. 


"Sweet onions, mushrooms, chives, arborio rice, vegetable stock, parmesan cheese, and a pint of vanilla ice cream." She quickly raddled off the shopping list. And they were off.


He was a little taken aback by her sudden initiative, but went along without a complaint. "Well alright." He grinned, "I'll do what I can."


Skyjumper made it a point to pick up any of the necessary ingredients if he saw them first. "Huh, I would have offered to clean your place while you did this, but that'd probably be innapropriate. Not my place, I have no business there." He bit his cheek for a moment, "Sorry, I ramble sometimes." The stallion rolled his eyes at himself.

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