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ooc Warrior Cats RP OOC (open for all)


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The RP: https://mlpforums.com/topic/153168-warrior-cats-rp/

  • Please note that, for the purpose of ensuring that this roleplay can be taken part in by those who have not read the Warrior Cats series, no canon characters or storylines will be used unless requested otherwise (I haven't yet gotten through all of the books myself, actually).
  • If you would like to use a canon character, then add them, but make sure to provide some information on their personality and appearance.
  • If there is anything you'd like to ask about, then feel free to say it here or DM me.


In the land beyond the mountains, four clans of wild cats fight for their territories and prey. Each has a brave leader, and several strong warriors who defend the camps which they inhabit. They avoid twolegs (humans) and refuse the soft lives of kittypets (house cats). These clans are called Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan.


The Clans

  • Thunderclan - this noble clan inhabits the woods to the North/Northeast of the lake. They are fierce and brave, and all-around fighters.
  • Riverclan - this clan favours water and lives to the southwest of the lake.They are clever, skilled, and strong.
  • Windclan - making their home in the plains to the East/Southeast of the lake, this clan is swift and very smart. What they may lack in brute strength they make up for in speed and tactics.
  • Shadowclan - this wily and proud clan live to the Northwest of the lake, in the swampy forests. They are stealthy and very powerful, but can lose out on fastness.
  • Starclan - this clan is made up cats who have passed away, and they can connect with the leaders and medicine cats of the four clans. Dead cats who were deemed evil and therefore not worthy of entering the ranks of Starclan are banished to the Dark Forest.
  • Rogues - these cats are also called loners, and roam the territories alone. They are unwelcome for the most part.





(follow link for information on healing)

  • Leader - the head of the clan, who makes the important decisions and enforces the warrior code. They communicate with Starclan in dreams sometimes, which helps them foresee certain events. Their name always ends in 'Star', eg: Bluestar, Firestar, Tigerstar.
  • Deputy - the second in command. They help the leader and send out patrols, and become the leader of the clan when the current one passes away or steps down. Their name goes by the same rule as any warrior's, until they become leader.
  • Medicine cat - There is one medicine cat in each clan who can communicate with Starclan, much like the leader, but even more so. They use what nature provides to heal the cats of the clan. Often, they are warriors before they train as a medicine cat under the current one. They are forbidden from a mate or kits.
  • Warriors - these cats bravely fight for their clan, hunt for prey, and patrol the territory borders; they also mentor apprentices (along with the leader and the deputy). Their names can range, but are usually nature or colour related, and are based off of the appearance and/or skills/personality of the cat, eg: Bluefur, Fireheart, Tigerclaw.
  • Queens - She-cat warriors expecting or nursing kits.
  • Apprentices - young cats over six moons old who train to be warriors. Their names always end with 'paw', until they become warriors, eg: Bluepaw, Firepaw, Tigerpaw.
  • Kits - Kittens under six moons old who are looked after by their mother and the other queens. Their names always end in 'kit', until they become apprentices, eg: Bluekit, Firekit, Tigerkit. The first part of a kit's name will be retained throughout it's entire life.
  • Elders - old warriors who have retired from their duties.


The Warrior Code

These are the rules which the warriors fight to enforce. Must read.

If the Warrior Code is broken, then the guilty cat(s) shall be punished accordingly if caught or found out, and possibly banished.


The Cats of the Clans

(if a rank is not taken, it will be occupied by an NPC until someone takes the spot, if somebody does. You can control these NPCs, but not too much. If possible, could we try and fill up all the leader, deputy, and medicine cat spaces?)


  • Thunderclan


Leader: Kitestar, female (Wolves)

Deputy: Poppyfur, female (Pripyat Pony)

Medicine cat: Moonshine, female (Summer Breeze)

Warriors: Slumberfur, male (The Cerberus), Darkfur, male (Kankuro), Austere Moon, male (EquestrianScholar), Owlheart, male (Unicorncob), -

Queens: -

Apprentices: Willowpaw, female (Summer Breeze), Amberpaw, female (Bubbletea), -

Elders: -



  • Riverclan


Leader: Stormstar, male (Unicorncob)

Deputy: -

Medicine cat: Moontail, female (Wolves)

Warriors: Flameheart, female (The Cerberus), -

Queens: -

Apprentices: -

Elders: -



  • Windclan


Leader: Silverstar, female (Ruby Splash)

Deputy: -

Medicine cat: Redear (P-Jay)

Warriors: Featherfur, male (Wolves), -

Queens: -

Apprentices: Mousepaw, female (P-Jay), -

Elders: -



  • Shadowclan


Leader: Midnightstar, female (Pripyat Pony)

Deputy: Twigblaze, female (Wolves)

Medicine cat: -

Warriors: -

Queens: -

Apprentices: -

Elders: -



  • Cats Outside Clans


Rye, male (P-Jay)
Scarclaw, male (Sunset Light)
Scarlet Omen, male (Missklang)

Dusty, male (Pripyat Pony)

Jinx, female, kittypet (Unicorncob)



  • Character form


You can feel free to create as many characters as you can handle.



Age (moons/months):




Appearance (preferably an image):


History (optional):




  • Accepted forms


Username: Wolves

Name: Kitestar

Age (moons/months): 44 moons

Gender: female

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: leader

Appearance (preferably an image): sig-4547767.sig-4547767.sig-4547767.sig-

Personality: A kind and smart cat, Kitestar is caring and selfless and will do anything to help her clan thrive. This can sometimes cause her to be a little daring, but not reckless. She is usually quite quiet, but speaks great words.

History (optional): The daughter of Kestreltail and Shiningclaw.



Username: Wolves

Name: Moontail

Age (moons/months): 85 moons

Gender: female

Clan: Riveclan

Rank: medicine cat

Appearance (preferably an image): sig-4547767.sig-4547767.sig-4547767.sig- With a scar on her left hind leg.

Personality: A calm and collected cat who takes what she does very seriously. She has a dampened sense of humour and gets annoyed easily when a cat makes a silly mistake, but deep down she cares an awful lot for her clan.

History (optional):



Username: Wolves

Name: Featherfur

Age (moons/months): 26 moons

Gender: male

Clan: Windclan

Rank: Warrior

Appearance (preferably an image): sig-4547767.sig-4547767.sig-4547767.sig-

Personality: A proud cat, Featherfur viciously protects his clan and has killed several times to earn himself a reputation. He can be quite the loose cannon and enjoys being respected (or more so feared), but he is kind to the fellow cats of his clan.

History (optional): He was born in Shadowclan but went wandering and was found by Windclan. He grew up there and chose to stay. This explains his far less lean appearance, strength, and pace.


Username: The Cerberus
Name: Slumberfur
Age (moons/months): 19 moons
Gender: male
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Warrior
Is little bigger than other cats in same age and long fur makes him look even bigger.
Personality: Calm most of the time and might seem lazy and likes to take naps but will be really active if situation requires it. Likes training the Apprentices if there is nothing more important to do or he isn't sleeping. Takes his orders from Leader or deputy really seriously but doesn't listen other warriors that much. Hates being reminded about his past as kittypet.
History (optional): Was kittypet before he got thrown out due his habit of destroying stuff, found himself from Thuderclan's territory and after time became warrior, still hears about his past.


Username: Pripyat Pony.

Name: Midnightstar.

Age (moons/months): Unknown.

Gender: Female.

Clan: Shadowclan.

Rank: Leader.

Appearance (preferably an image): http://www.freewebs....23/Hollying.jpg

Personality: Midnightstar is quick to anger and very impulsive, and often acts before she thinks. She is also bitter and twisted, from nursing various grudges against those she believes to be her enemies, and finds it difficult to give up said grudges. About the only cat she will speak to properly is her deputy. Midnightstar will also snap and strike out at any underling who forgets his or her place. Midnightstar is loyal to her clan, but will find it very difficult to form a truce, even a temporary one, with other clan leaders.

History (optional): Midnightstar originally had the name Midnightpelt, after finishing her apprenticeship and becoming a warrior. She became Clan leader after fighting and driving out a suspected spy from the clan, who was thought to be from Thunderclan, tho never proven.

Other: Midnightstar has one torn ear and a scar across her face from fighting.


Username: Pripyat Pony.

Name: Poppyfur.

Age (moons/months): Sixteen moons.

Gender: Female.

Clan: Thunderclan.

Rank: Deputy.

Appearance (preferably an image): http://static.howstu...w/cat-info6.gif

Personality: Poppyfur tends to get stuck on the details, rather than seeing the big picture. She also tends to blame herself for things, even if she's not at fault. She's loyal and kind to apprentices, tho she will lay down the law whenever necessary.

History (optional): Poppyfur worked hard at her training when an apprentice, and was very ambitious. She became Deputy when the previous Thunderclan deputy, Greytail, died.

Username: Wolves
Name: Twigblaze
Age (moons/months): 21
Gender: Female
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Deputy
Appearance (preferably an image):
Personality: A cat with a fiery temper but a kind heart, Twigblaze is a she-cat of conflicting traits. She is quietly confident, and is proud of her abilities, but she always puts the clan first.
History (optional): She was born in Shadowclan, and has lived there since.


Username: summer breeze
Name: willowpaw
Age: six moons
Gender: famale
Clan: thunderclan
Appearance: brown with dark brown stripes, white paws,belly and mouth. Green eyes. (picture will come later)
Personality: Willowpaw is a little trouble maker, she is really curious and folows her own rules. She is really quick and can be very quiet if required but most of the time she is quite loud. But even though she isn't always obedient she is really loyal and will always defend her clan.

History: She is a really regular clanborn cat, her mother is butterflyfoot, a white cat with black and orange spots. (sometimes I'll controle her a bit, she'll be a kinda playable NPC if that's okay)

Username: sunset light
Name: scar claw
Age (moons/months): 15moons
Gender: male
Clan: rogues
Rank: warrior

Username: Unicorncob
Name: Owlheart
Age: 27 moons
Gender: Tom
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Right here
Personality: He is rather quiet and may appear intimidating, maybe even threatening or frightening, but he is nothing but loyal to his Clan. He is not exactly the gentlest with younger cats, but he means well, and believes there is always something to learn. He has absolutely no tolerance for bullying of any kind. He understands his Clanmates still may not trust him, and that he still has much to prove.
History: A Clanborn cat. He was originally a ShadowClan apprentice, before bullying and threats from his denmates, solely because he was the runt of his litter, left him no choice but to flee. He found himself in ThunderClan's territory and begged to be taken in. He had never forgotten their mercy, and has shown nothing but hard work and loyalty ever since.
Other: He has not entirely shed his ShadowClan roots, and still has a habit of sneaking around. He's fond of dusk patrols, and his favourite prey is sparrow.

sername: summer breeze
Name: moonshine
Age (moons/months): 13
Gender: female
Clan: thunderclan
Rank: medicine cat
Appearance (preferably an image):
Personality: moonshine didn't become a medicine cat too long ago and she is still unsure about things sometimes, she also can stress quite easily and she doesn't work well under pressure. she is a really nice cat and she likes almost every cat in the clan. she's always ready to help any cat with any chore if she doesn't have anything to do herself.
History (optional): moonshine is a clanborn cat who became an apprentice at the normal age. one day there was a fight and moonshine was too scared to fight so she started helping the wounded wariors. She discovered that she wanted this more then fighting and became a medicine apprentice. two moons ago her mentor got an accident that caused her to stop and she is an elder now, when moonshine doesn't know what to do she goes to her old mentor for advice.

Name: Austere Moon (Formerly Fell)
Age: 11 and a half moons
Alliance: Thunderclan
Position: Warrior
Picture: sig-4571780.sig-4571780.dfeffebf7c846569
Personality: A serious and intimidating tom, often grim and quiet, yet time and again he has worked to prove himself and gain the trust of his new clan. Believes strongly in following the Warrior code without deviation, convincing himself that this will keep him from becoming what he once was. Yet, he has started to open up more, and has even smiled from time to time has he grows close to some of his clanmates. He has also tried to be less scary to the kits, offering a friendly calm presence yet there is also uncertainty there. Has more then a bit of doubt if he should ever take an apprentice, of which Kitestar knows though does not fully understand why.
Backstory: Fell come to Thunderclan a loner, explaining he wished to join and take up the Warrior Code other cats had spoken of on his journey to the clan's territory. When questioned why, the tom explain he wished for a home, not be be forced to wander from place to place. That he wanted to put his skills in hunting and fighting to use. Yet, he also seemed evasive on his past which would be noticed by the clan leader.
Kitestar considered his request, though offered to put him on evaluation period. During this time he would fulfill the duties of a warrior to their letter under th e watchful eyes of other warriors. Yet it was not until there was an ambush from another clan that his worth was proven, with Fell watching Poppyfur's back while gripping one cat's neck in his mouth. Yet, for a brief moment, it would actually seem like he might kill the cat before letting go with a growl and telling them to run back to their territory.
With this battle, and the wounds he had suffered, Kitestar would allow for his warrior ceremony. During this, Fell would request that choose his new name and with the she cat's permission take the name Austere Moon. After this he would take silent vigil, with the next day starting his new life P untying his old name and past behind him.
Hidden Past
He was found by a coven of rogues that called themselves DarkClaw when just a kit, it was thought that he was an orphan. The leader of DarkClaw, Boneclaw, felt strongly that this kit had great potential, it was clear to all the kit was a fighter by how he resisted the cats from taking him to their territory. Boneclaw then spent a long and tireless duty of training Fell to be his very best, he turned Fell into a relentless killer that he taught everything he know too. Boneclaw raised Fellmoon to believe many lies, the one some might say the most potent was when he told Fell that only he could be trusted, that he was the one who saved him from certain death. Fell's training could in many ways be called a nightmare, yet it was extremely effective, no one could deny that he had become one of the best killer in DarkClaw.
Yet this all changed when Fell was given the mission to infiltrate a clan that happened to be in Boneclaw's way. Fell could easily have completed his mission if one of the elder hadn't spoken to him first. He would have killed him too, but found himself unable to do so and listened. Much was said, and the elder's words were wise yet painful as well. The elder's words pierced Fell to his heart, and also opened his eyes to evil he had done. Fell then saw the one he had looked up to and trusted, his leader Boneclaw, for who he truly was, a cruel and ambitious monster.
Fell decides he would stop this from going any farther, so he went to his leader's den, and left Boneclaw bleeding to death before anything could be done to stop him. Fell then ran and though he was chased down by the coven's very best, he was as well. Yet even then he had just barely escaped with his life.
After his excape, Fell swore that he would never fight with the intent kill again, that unless the cat was truly evil or he had no other choice; he would always allow the cat to escape, because he never wanted to see blood of an innocent cat on his claws again.
After many moons of wondering, long travel, and meeting many cats, Fellmoon will find himself at the border of the Clans' territory.

Username: Kankuro
Name: Darkfur
Age (moons/months):16
Gender: Male
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance (preferably an image): *will edit later* Darkfur has a large scar running over his right eye, but his left eye is navy blue. He has black fur with one long white streak running down it.
Personality: Quick to anger, Darkfur finds it incredibly difficult to trust. His emotions generally cloud his judgement and he may react irrationally.
History (optional): *will add in later*
Other: If accepted, Darkfur will enter the scene with a large wound across his side and face, appearance may change.

Username: Ruby Splash
Name: SilverFur/Star
Age: 25 Moons
Gender: famale
Clan: Windclan
Rank:Warrior/ Leader (if position is not taken)
Appearance: Silver She cat with green eyes, her pelt shines silver in the moonlight
Personality: Curious and very opinionated on matters that affect her and her clan. she is willing to help her clan-mates and others as long as its though the warrior code. She lives her life by it (like hollyleaf).


Name: Flameheart

Age (moons/months): 20

Gender: Female

Clan: Riverclan

Rank: Warrior

Appearance (preferably an image): Mostly solid orange but her back has pattern that looks like a fire

Personality: Will be build in RP


Name: Stormstar

Age: 24 moons
Gender: Male
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Leader
Appearance: http://www.felinest....ue-mackerel.jpg
Personality: Proud, calculating, takes his leadership seriously and does not like having it questioned
History (optional): TBA

Other: Has a notch in his left ear from a previous battle


Name: Mousepaw

Age: Seven moons

Gender: Female

Rank: Apprentice

Appearance: Sleek, small, she has a light brown pelt, with a lighter-still tail that swishes often. She has a few splotches on her head, with brown eyes. But appearances can be deceiving--she's a fierce fighter. 

History: Born and raised in Windclan--not much else. 

Other: She harbors a dream to become the Clan leader, and strives to push herself to higher lengths, in the pursuit of said dream.


Username: Bubbletea
Name: Amberpaw
Age (moons/months): Six moons
Gender: Female
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance (preferably an image): I don't have an image but she has amber fur and green-yellow eyes.
Personality: She's really shy around most people but she's smart and she likes to ask a lot of questions.
History (optional): She was actually from Windclan but her mother abandoned her and sneaked her into Thunderclan territory. Thunderclan could smell enemy clan but had no choice but to keep her.

Other: N/A

Edited by Wolves
  • Brohoof 2



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I'll be interested in this. I have a few cats that I'd like to play again...


Redear, Winclan medicine cat.


And Rye, the loner...who's gonna be fun... :umad:

  • Brohoof 1


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I will give this a try. 



Username: The Cerberus

Name: (I have to think still, suggestions could be nice too.)

Age (moons/months): 19 moons

Gender: male

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Warrior


Is little bigger than other cats in same age and long fur makes him look even bigger.


Personality: Calm most of the time and might seem lazy and likes to take naps but will be really active if situation requires it. Likes training the Apprentices if there is nothing more important to do or he isn't sleeping. Takes his orders from Leader or deputy really seriously but doesn't listen other warriors that much. Hates being reminded about his past as kittypet. Really loyal to his clan.


History (optional): Was kittypet before he got thrown out due his habit of destroying stuff, found himself from Thuderclan's territory and after time became warrior, still hears about his past. (about 12 moons ago)



Edited by The Cerberus
  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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I'll be interested in this. I have a few cats that I'd like to play again...

Redear, Winclan medicine cat.

And Rye, the loner...who's gonna be fun... :umad:

Alright, that's be awesome. If you don't mind, could you fill out the form to give some detail about your characters? You don't have to add too much about them. :)



I will give this a try. 



Username: The Cerberus

Name: (I have to thing still, suggestions could be nice too.)

Age (moons/months): 19 moons

Gender: male

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Warrior


Is little bigger than other cats in same age and long fur makes him look even bigger.


Personality: Calm most of the time and might seem lazy and likes to take naps but will be really active if situation requires it. Likes training the Apprentices if there is nothing more important to do or he isn't sleeping. Takes his orders from Leader or deputy really seriously but doesn't listen other warriors that much. Hates being reminded about his past as kittypet.


History (optional): Was kittypet before he got thrown out due his habit of destroying stuff, found himself from Thuderclan's territory and after time became warrior, still hears about his past.



Your form is accepted! :squee:
  • Brohoof 1



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*Dusts off old Warrior Cats OCs*


Username: Pripyat Pony.

Name: Midnightstar.

Age (moons/months): Unknown.

Gender: Female.

Clan: Shadowclan.

Rank: Leader.

Appearance (preferably an image): http://www.freewebs.com/specklestar123/Hollying.jpg

Personality: Midnightstar is quick to anger and very impulsive, and often acts before she thinks. She is also bitter and twisted, from nursing various grudges against those she believes to be her enemies, and finds it difficult to give up said grudges. About the only cat she will speak to properly is her deputy. Midnightstar will also snap and strike out at any underling who forgets his or her place. Midnightstar is loyal to her clan, but will find it very difficult to form a truce, even a temporary one, with other clan leaders.

History (optional): Midnightstar originally had the name Midnightpelt, after finishing her apprenticeship and becoming a warrior. She became Clan leader after fighting and driving out a suspected spy from the clan, who was thought to be from Thunderclan, tho never proven.

Other: Midnightstar has one torn ear and a scar across her face from fighting.




Username: Pripyat Pony.

Name: Poppyfur.

Age (moons/months): Sixteen moons.

Gender: Female.

Clan: Thunderclan.

Rank: Deputy.

Appearance (preferably an image): http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/willow/cat-info6.gif

Personality: Poppyfur tends to get stuck on the details, rather than seeing the big picture. She also tends to blame herself for things, even if she's not at fault. She's loyal and kind to apprentices, tho she will lay down the law whenever necessary.

History (optional): Poppyfur worked hard at her training when an apprentice, and was very ambitious. She became Deputy when the previous Thunderclan deputy, Greytail, died.

  • Brohoof 2



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Wolves, Just post when the RP is ready to start; I assume, when you get your computer back? :P



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Wolves, Just post when the RP is ready to start; I assume, when you get your computer back? :P

Yes, sorry I haven't started it yet. I was just waiting to see if anymore slots would be filled before we began, just in case, but I shall begin the RP today. :squee: Anyone else can join accordingly.


@@P-Jay You can still RP before you create your forms, I guess. They're mainly for extra information, and seeing as I know the name, clan and rank of both of your cats, if you still want to then you can take part. :)



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Awesome. I prefer not to give too much detail about characters--makes them feel more realistic.


Also, until such time as a clan has enough roleplayer to function, are we just going to NPC most cats of the clans?


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@@P-Jay Yes, anyone can control the cats for a short time if they want. Two of the clans have not got anyone as their leader, so when someone joins as an important rank, I (or anyone else who wishes to) can work that NPC out out of the RP accordingly.

For now, however, the leader of Riverclan shall be a tom named Streamstar, and Windclan's leader will be a tom called Ravenstar. :squee:

Edit: https://mlpforums.com/topic/153168-warrior-cats-rp/The RP has begun!! :squee:

Edited by Wolves



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Do you have any personality traits besides being opposite to Slumberfur in energy for Darkpaw or do I build personality for him? (since I'm going to control him too) 

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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friendly reminder that Rye is snoozing in the Thunderclan territory. xD

First patrol of the day haven't left yet so that isn't yet known

Edited by The Cerberus
  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Do you have any personality traits besides being opposite to Slumberfur in energy for Darkpaw or do I build personality for him? (since I'm going to control him too)


Sorry for now really giving you much information! :twi: Darkpaw is rather adventurous, but obedient and helpful. He's confident and generally happy. :) Other than that, you can kind of build his personality and skills. If you're okay with that, of course. :squee:
  • Brohoof 1



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If you're okay with that, of course.


That's okay, I enjoy building a character while RPing.



you can kind of build his personality and skills


So as last post shows little bit, I'm going to make so that Darkpaw is opposite of Slumberfur.


For example Slumberfur likes to go slow and take naps, Darkpaw is fast and really active. This will bring little bit humor into their relationship. 


What do you think about that?

Edited by The Cerberus
  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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So as last post shows little bit, I'm going to make so that Darkpaw is opposite of Slumberfur.


For example Slumberfur likes to go slow and take naps, Darkpaw is fast and really active. This will bring little bit humor into their relationship. 


What do you think about that?

That's fine, I think it's a cool idea! :squee:
  • Brohoof 1



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O my gosh O my gosh, warior cats and roleplays! Two of my favorite things!!!


Okay, I would love to join, I got a little troublemaker here. Meet willowpaw!


Username: summer breeze

Name: willowpaw

Age: six moons

Gender: famale

Clan: thunderclan


Appearance: brown with dark brown stripes, white paws,belly and mouth. Green eyes. Edit: picture is found, see below.

Personality: Willowpaw is a little trouble maker, she is really curious and folows her own rules. She is really quick and can be very quiet if required but most of the time she is quite loud. But even though she isn't always obedient she is really loyal and will always defend her clan.

History: She is a really regular clanborn cat, her mother is butterflyfoot, a white cat with black and orange spots. (sometimes I'll controle her a bit, she'll be a kinda playable NPC if that's okay)post-33449-0-11600500-1466191657_thumb.jpg

Edited by Summer Breeze
  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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O my gosh O my gosh, warior cats and roleplays! Two of my favorite things!!!


Okay, I would love to join, I got a little troublemaker here. Meet willowpaw!


Username: summer breeze

Name: willowpaw

Age: six moons

Gender: famale

Clan: thunderclan


Appearance: brown with dark brown stripes, white paws,belly and mouth. Green eyes. (picture will come later)

Personality: Willowpaw is a little trouble maker, she is really curious and folows her own rules. She is really quick and can be very quiet if required but most of the time she is quite loud. But even though she isn't always obedient she is really loyal and will always defend her clan.

History: She is a really regular clanborn cat, her mother is butterflyfoot, a white cat with black and orange spots. (sometimes I'll controle her a bit, she'll be a kinda playable NPC if that's okay)

Thanks for joining! :squee: And that's fine, welcome aboard. Your form is accepted.



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Thanks for joining! :squee: And that's fine, welcome aboard. Your form is accepted.

Yay! I'll start tomorrow because I don't have time to write a nice and detailed first post now.

Any things I need to know that are going on? And who will me my mentor since I'm an apprentice.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Yay! I'll start tomorrow because I don't have time to write a nice and detailed first post now.

Any things I need to know that are going on? And who will me my mentor since I'm an apprentice.

Maybe Poppyfur, the deputy? @@Pripyat Pony

Also, all that's happened so far is that a Shadowclan patrol have been scented in Thunderclan territory, as there is a herb shortage in Shadowclan and sickness is spreading. A Thunderclan patrol of NPCs have come across Rye, a loner, sleeping in their territory.



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Maybe Poppyfur, the deputy? @@Pripyat Pony

Also, all that's happened so far is that a Shadowclan patrol have been scented in Thunderclan territory, as there is a herb shortage in Shadowclan and sickness is spreading. A Thunderclan patrol of NPCs have come across Rye, a loner, sleeping in their territory.

Okay, poppyfur sounds like a good mentor, if she is up for it at least because she'll have her claws full with willowpaw XD

And the thunderclan patrol hasn't met the shadowclan patroll yet?


Also, it could be that I have the terminology wrong sometimes, I only read the books in dutch so if I make a mistake just tell me and I'll try to correct it :adorkable:

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Also, it could be that I have the terminology wrong sometimes, I only read the books in dutch so if I make a mistake just tell me and I'll try to correct it


Don't worry about that, I have read them only in Finnish and some haven't read at all(maybe). 

Edited by The Cerberus
  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Don't worry about that, I have read them only in Finnish and some haven't read at all(maybe).


Okay, good to know :)
  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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