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By now, I hope you realize, Princess Celestia's merchandise is pink. Despite the show portraying her as white, and even the art on the boxes portraying her as white.


Of course this is a strange move from Hasbro, it may be out of plain stupidity and colorblind-ness; but maybe not?


Why do you think the toy director designed/allowed these toys this way?


One theory I though of was because she raises the sun. And when the sun rises, it gives off a red light; reflecting off of her white coat.




Why do you think it's this way? Post your ideas! B)



And just so we're clear:


This is the real reason :lol:

Edited by Fghik
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I think it's just a ploy Hasbro used to make her more appealing to little girls or something...


^ This.


If you were a little girl, would you rather buy a white princess pony, or a pink one?

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Yes. According to retailers, pink sells well to little girls, so they requested that Hasbro make the Celestia toys pink. I don't understand why they haven't changed the colors to match the show at this point, she would sell even more if she looked accurate.

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Despite the show portraying her as white,


Not to "Twilight" anyone, but if you look closely (not sure about the merchandise, but on the show definitively) Celestia is actually a really light light pink. It's really apparent when she is standing next to one of her white-coated guards or Rarity. I even remember reading about it on the "official" vector color keys for all the characters for artists that do vector images.

So maybe Hasbro got the color right, they just put a lil too much pink in :blink:

Edited by Twentypercent
  • Brohoof 1
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Well, Hasbro (or someone from the show, I don't really remember) has said that there's little to no communication between the show and toy divisions. Heck, in an interview someone from the toy division admitted they didn't even know Pinkie Pie had an alligator (hence her coming with a mouse). The toys were planned out before the show really got going and Hasbro hasn't seen any reason to change the designs since they're selling just fine. I think Hasbro is really missing out on some opportunities here, but we've got our official T-shirts as well as a ton of fan-made stuff that Hasbro isn't suing over, so I'm not complaining.


I also have two pink Celestias. They're so... pink. :o

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Yeah, the pink is to make girls want to buy her.


What I don't understand is that there are already pink ponies on sale. Pinkie Pie and Lulu Luck, for example. So why make another pony pink when you already have a lot of pink ponies? It could be a money thing, I suppose...but some of those Pinkie playsets are FRIKKIN EXPENSIVE. -_-


Although I never knew that the show and toy departments had no input from each other. Explains why the fanon ponies weren't turned into toys (they wouldn't know about Derpy, Vinyl, or Whooves if the show), or why there is a pony named Cupcake (I know a couple fans who flipped their lids when they heard about it).

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What I don't understand is that there are already pink ponies on sale. Pinkie Pie and Lulu Luck, for example. So why make another pony pink when you already have a lot of pink ponies? It could be a money thing, I suppose...but some of those Pinkie playsets are FRIKKIN EXPENSIVE. -_-


Part of what bothers me so much is that Pinkie Pie was even in the same set as the original Celestia so they already had the mandatory pink filled. Still, I have a sort of personal vendetta against marketing executives so I'm more than a little biased.
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The toys came out after the big 3.5 flop so I'm sure retailers and Hasbro were doing anything they could to make girls want to buy MLP again. Hopefully they revise Celestia with the show being so successful because it's not just adults complaining. At my nieces 4th birthday party all the girls were talking about Celestia being too pink and not looking like she does in the show.


Buuuuuuuuuuut I'll admit I'm part of the problem. I hate her being pink, yet I'm throwing my money at it anyway.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's like everypony is saying: To make it an easier sell to girls. It's like why they made her a princess, as clarified by Apple Cider: Disney has potrayed Queens as evil and Princesses as good, so Celestia must be a princess.

Edited by Vinyl Scratch
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[...] or why there is a pony named Cupcake (I know a couple fans who flipped their lids when they heard about it).


Oh, I really hope Cupcake is just a recoloured Rainbow Dash, that would be so wrong it'd re-approach awesome from the other side.
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Oh, I really hope Cupcake is just a recoloured Rainbow Dash, that would be so wrong it'd re-approach awesome from the other side.


She should've been. That would've been amazing. Or if she had the Pinkamina flat-hair, or something.


Sadly, she's just this:


Posted Image


Cute and all, but not epic. Weird color scheme, though. Maroon with cream yellow and purple? Ugh. Not what I would've picked. *is in nitpicky toy-collector mode*

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