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gaming Skyrim/Fallout 4 Playstation mods have been cancelled.

Dark Horse

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Yep. Seems what most of us feared right from the moment Bethesda announced issues with bringing mods to PS4 has come to pass. Bethesda have recently released a statement saying that, as a result of Sony "Not approving user mods the way they should work", that mod support will no longer be coming to either Fallout 4 or Skyrim Remastered for the foreseeable future, at least until they can come to some kind of agreement. At this point though, that doesn't seem likely.


If you ask me, Sony have really dropped the ball with this one. I know they're not particularly fond of users installing third party files to their system (just look at the great Linux debacle for the PS3), but could they seriously not find a way to make these simple things work if Microsoft could? Way to hand the momentum over to your competitors.


Source link: https://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/ps4-mod-update/2016/09/09/199

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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It's been a good week for Microsoft, but honestly... I think this will be quickly forgotten. PS4 players have already moved on to other games and given up on mod support for Fallout 4. All this will really do is make Skyrim Special Edition sell less on PS4 which has the larger install base. Since PC players get it for free, Bethesda ultimately is just losing sales.


I mean it does suck as someone who has the game on PS4, but really... I understand Sony's standpoint here. The PSP got hacked into oblivion and they didn't want a repeat of that. People jailbroke the PS3 and used Linux on it to get into the nitty gritty of the system. Hacking became a huge problem on the PS3 and they don't want a repeat. Not to mention Fallout 4 is unstable enough as it is, so mods can definitely cause some more problems. I think voting to keep their system safe from being cracked into and protecting their consumers consoles from potential damage from malicious code is a wise decision, albeit comes with some bad consequences. It sucks, and definitely is a point to the Xbox, but ultimately in the long run, I don't think mods on consoles is going to really take off that much just yet.


Honestly, the mod community doesn't exactly like the mod support coming to Xbox One anyways. Modders hate how the console audience has treated them, demanding mods be made available for the Xbox, Bethesda approving STOLEN mods, and people issuing threats over mods not being supported on the Xbox. Honestly I think modders are a little relieved they don't have to put up with it from Playstation fans too.


On top of all of this, Microsoft is taking this chance to brag, but really it doesn't come off as professional or that their product is superior, it comes off as taking one of the few weaknesses of their competitor (whom is doing better than them) that they can find and striking at it in hopes that no one will remember their blunders. I mean people are not going to forget that Microsoft made them buy a whole other system to get HDR support that Sony is offering for free to current users via an update. They aren't going to forget that their customer service has been abysmal, or that most of their exclusives are coming to PC as well. Microsoft is really kind of acting like the console war fanboys with these tactics, and ultimately I don't think they'll have a significant affect on the market.


Sony is getting VR next month, Microsoft is still in development stages of that. Sony's more powerful PS4 is coming out in 2 months while Microsoft's sits in development until next year and it comes at a cheap price tag which now Microsoft will need to find a way to get a 6 Teraflop GPU to sell for under $400 and make a profit. Ultimately, Microsoft is just taking every stab they can get in the hopes that it'll soften the blow. We all know that the PS4 Pro whether you like it or hate it will sell. Chances are, so will VR. Sony is already boasting Resident Evil 7, Doom, Fallout 4, etc. with VR support. Big titles that people care about, that alone will help push the platform.


I think Microsoft won a victory here today, but they are letting it make them cocky. Cocky creates poor judgment.

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Here's what some people from Reddit think of this:




This, along with the recent PS+ price hike announcement, and the PS4 "Pro" not being able to play 4K Blurays, (which is a format that Sony themselves made) despite the fact that they went on and on and on about 4K! 4K! HOLY BALLS U GUIZ, 4K!, they have shot themselves in the foot multiple times over the last week or so.


I'm glad I moved on to PC when I did.

Edited by Vulon Bii
  • Brohoof 1



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Here's what some people from Reddit think of this:




This, along with the recent PS+ price hike announcement, and the PS4 "Pro" not being able to play 4K Blurays, (which is a format that Sony themselves made) despite the fact that they went on and on and on about 4K! 4K! HOLY BALLS U GUIZ, 4K!, they have shot themselves in the foot multiple times over the last week or so.


I'm glad I moved on to PC when I did.


I doubt this will make Playstation die down any. It'll be something people complain about for a week or two and then everything will be back to normal  as always.

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Sony is really confusing me to no end with this one. You have something that has been working perfectly fine on the Xbox One and you deny it for your own system because 'reasons'. Sony's insistence to limit the flexibility of their system compared to the Xbox One is something that continues to bother me and now thye are going to limit a potentially awesome feature due to what, paranoia? I see absolutely no proper reason to refuse the mods. That to me is losing a potentially huge feature for these games.

  • Brohoof 1



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As someone who has never, and likely will never, play Fallout or Elder Scrolls with mods this news doesn't affect me or my opinion of Sony in the slightest. :P


Also everything Sony's been doing lately doesn't really affect the way people play games at all. Everything from the Pro to this mod business are minute bonuses and nothing else. If you have a PS4, you will still be able to play PS4 games as they were intended to be played. People are making an issue out of an upgrade that doesn't concern people who already have a PS4.

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Sony is really confusing me to no end with this one. You have something that has been working perfectly fine on the Xbox One and you deny it for your own system because 'reasons'. Sony's insistence to limit the flexibility of their system compared to the Xbox One is something that continues to bother me and now thye are going to limit a potentially awesome feature due to what, paranoia? I see absolutely no proper reason to refuse the mods. That to me is losing a potentially huge feature for these games.


Security, people able to install code directly onto the system. All it'll take is one person slipping malicious code past Bethesda (which is easy because they don't even bother checking if the mods uploaded belong to the person uploading them) and harming someone's Xbox and then suddenly people will scream "why did you let this happen!?" I can totally understand after one of their consoles became an emulation machine and their online network being hacked in the past why Sony is so paranoid.


Besides, mods or not, unless there is a mod to make the game not function like garbage, then I could care less anyways. I'll just get the game on PC where it runs worth something, and my mod selection is unlimited. Microsoft can brag all they like about their two games that support mods, but it's really not going to make a difference. Fallout 4 runs at like 28FPS on the Xbox One, and it is loaded with graphical glitches, crashes, etc. PS4 version is no different. Bethesda delivered a crappy unoptimized game on consoles.


People are blaming Sony, but are we forgetting that Bethesda made the promise, not Sony? Sony never promised mods. Bethesda did. Bethesda failed to deliver because they didn't even bother talking to Sony before they announced mods. Bethesda are the lords and masters of false promises. This comes as surprise to no one. I'll just get the game on PC, keep playing my PS4 for those exclusives and I'm sure many others will do the same. This is going to have nil effect on the PS4, it's going to have nil effect on the Xbox One. The game has been out for close to a year now, the "craze" has kind of died down, to where Fallout 4 isn't a system selling anymore.


Microsoft fanboys are praising this, but really... Microsoft had nothing to do with this, they just got lucky.


Sony made a choice of keeping their security in tact and not trusting Bethesda to handle keeping malicious code off of their system. Which honestly was a wise choice considering Bethesda doesn't have a good track record and they were caught letting people upload mods without even verifying ownership which pissed the modding community off. Boo hoo, we don't get mods for a game that runs like crap on consoles anyways, and for a game that is a reselling for full price of a last gen game that is over 5 years old now that most people have bought on PC at this point to get mods. Microsoft is acting like they just introduced mod support for the entire system for every game. They got 2 games, and somehow I doubt many more are going to happen because devs don't want to make the PS4 and Xbox versions of games drastically different, and mods create headaches. They have to create a system to vet them, etc. It's not worth it on their end.


It's two games. One of which is already slowly fading from popularity and was met with mixed opinions anyways, and the other is over 5 years old and most people have played it to death already.




Also everything Sony's been doing lately doesn't really affect the way people play games at all. Everything from the Pro to this mod business are minute bonuses and nothing else. If you have a PS4, you will still be able to play PS4 games as they were intended to be played. People are making an issue out of an upgrade that doesn't concern people who already have a PS4.




People are going to keep coming back for exclusives. Which right now, Sony has not only a lot of, but many more coming on the way. Microsoft is trying to create an ecosystem with PCs but they basically have to wrench people away from steam and origin to do that.  Like if I own the game on PC, what incentive do I have to get an Xbox One? PS4, the game comes out on PS4 and half the time I can ONLY get it on PS4, so I have to get one to play them. I'm not going to be playing God of War on PC, no Detroit Become Human, no Until Dawn, No Horizon Zero Dawn, No Bloodborne, No any of that.


Xbox's biggest exclusives, Halo which  has been hinted to moving to PC with the master chief collection, Gears of War which went PC, Sea of Thieves is coming to PC, Every game announced at E3 is coming to PC, so why should I bother with the Xbox One now?


Mods coming to the Xbox One are such a non-point. They won't make PS4s stop selling or Xbox Ones sell more. It's just some bragging right crap.

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Security, people able to install code directly onto the system. All it'll take is one person slipping malicious code past Bethesda (which is easy because they don't even bother checking if the mods uploaded belong to the person uploading them) and harming someone's Xbox and then suddenly people will scream "why did you let this happen!?" I can totally understand after one of their consoles became an emulation machine and their online network being hacked in the past why Sony is so paranoid.


Besides, mods or not, unless there is a mod to make the game not function like garbage, then I could care less anyways. I'll just get the game on PC where it runs worth something, and my mod selection is unlimited. Microsoft can brag all they like about their two games that support mods, but it's really not going to make a difference. Fallout 4 runs at like 28FPS on the Xbox One, and it is loaded with graphical glitches, crashes, etc. PS4 version is no different. Bethesda delivered a crappy unoptimized game on consoles.


People are blaming Sony, but are we forgetting that Bethesda made the promise, not Sony? Sony never promised mods. Bethesda did. Bethesda failed to deliver because they didn't even bother talking to Sony before they announced mods. Bethesda are the lords and masters of false promises. This comes as surprise to no one. I'll just get the game on PC, keep playing my PS4 for those exclusives and I'm sure many others will do the same. This is going to have nil effect on the PS4, it's going to have nil effect on the Xbox One. The game has been out for close to a year now, the "craze" has kind of died down, to where Fallout 4 isn't a system selling anymore.


Microsoft fanboys are praising this, but really... Microsoft had nothing to do with this, they just got lucky.


Sony made a choice of keeping their security in tact and not trusting Bethesda to handle keeping malicious code off of their system. Which honestly was a wise choice considering Bethesda doesn't have a good track record and they were caught letting people upload mods without even verifying ownership which pissed the modding community off. Boo hoo, we don't get mods for a game that runs like crap on consoles anyways, and for a game that is a reselling for full price of a last gen game that is over 5 years old now that most people have bought on PC at this point to get mods. Microsoft is acting like they just introduced mod support for the entire system for every game. They got 2 games, and somehow I doubt many more are going to happen because devs don't want to make the PS4 and Xbox versions of games drastically different, and mods create headaches. They have to create a system to vet them, etc. It's not worth it on their end.


It's two games. One of which is already slowly fading from popularity and was met with mixed opinions anyways, and the other is over 5 years old and most people have played it to death already.

The mods have been a fairly big success on the One with no issues so I feel this entire thing is a moot point. Sony is the same company that denied EA Access staying that it would not be a 'good value' to consumers, and it also is a huge success on the Xbox One. So Sony denying something that their competition has seems to be a pattern. You say it has nothing do with Microsoft, yet it is Microsoft that said Yes and Sony that said No. Sony can either be paranoid or they can have confidence in their own system instead of making their consumers have more restrictions.



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The mods have been a fairly big success on the One with no issues so I feel this entire thing is a moot point.


So long as you don't count the fact that Bethesda has proven they don't even verify ownership, so people could steal mods and upload them onto their server without permission, effectively stealing other people's work. And some of them even accepting donations for mods that are not their's. Which effectively makes modders not want to make mods for the platform.


And if you ignore the amount of people going to mod creators and literally threatening them if they don't make mods for the Xbox One. And you know... It overall not going that smoothly. People don't like Bethesda trying to replace the Nexus for mods, the theft, and the poor treatment of modders. But that is a fairly big success with no issues?




Sony is the same company that denied EA Access staying that it would not be a 'good value' to consumers, and it also is a huge success on the Xbox One.


Just because people are willing to pay for it doesn't mean it's a good value. EA is just trying to get in on the streaming service, and make people pay a monthly fee for games. Not to mention EA is known as a very crappy company, I can't blame Sony for not finding a sub service from them having "value".




So Sony denying something that their competition has seems to be a pattern.


And yet Sony keeps selling more systems, remains in the lead and continues to deliver exclusives that people want. Seems like not doing what the one on the losing team is doing is a smart move to me.




You say it has nothing do with Microsoft, yet it is Microsoft that said Yes and Sony that said No. Sony can either be paranoid or they can have confidence in their own system instead of making their consumers have more restrictions.


Microsoft themselves didn't do anything to get mods, they just said "yeah sure whatever" and agreed not to restrict them. That's a dangerous move because it puts the safety of their hardware and software in Bethesda's hands. Sony didn't want to do that, which is understandable. Honestly anyone who wanted to mod Fallout or Skyrim at this point already bought it on the PC considering the Xbox One mods are limited severely compared to what the PC can offer.


Honestly Sony chose security over such a minor feature that is inferior to its PC counterpart, and their sales continue strong. Seems like a good idea to me. Still almost twice as many PS4s sold than Xbox Ones. Still has over 70% market penetration in Europe. Still have almost 10 times the install base in Japan, and still has the superior install base in the US which is the only market the Xbox One is even doing "okay" in. The US sales are keeping it afloat.


Even after the S announcement and release and Scorpio announcement... The system sold a bit more, but it hasn't made a dent on the PS4 install base.


So yeah, not copying what Microsoft is doing or willing to allow seems like a good plan.


At the end of the day features and flashy bonus bits on third party games don't sell systems. Exclusives do. Sony has them. Microsoft doesn't. I buy hardware for games I can't get elsewhere. If I can get them elsewhere, I don't buy new hardware to play the same games.


PS4 is going to do just fine regardless of if Fallout 4 and Skyrim get mods.

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1. So long as you don't count the fact that Bethesda has proven they don't even verify ownership, so people could steal mods and upload them onto their server without permission, effectively stealing other people's work. And some of them even accepting donations for mods that are not their's. Which effectively makes modders not want to make mods for the platform.


And if you ignore the amount of people going to mod creators and literally threatening them if they don't make mods for the Xbox One. And you know... It overall not going that smoothly. People don't like Bethesda trying to replace the Nexus for mods, the theft, and the poor treatment of modders. But that is a fairly big success with no issues?






2. Just because people are willing to pay for it doesn't mean it's a good value. EA is just trying to get in on the streaming service, and make people pay a monthly fee for games. Not to mention EA is known as a very crappy company, I can't blame Sony for not finding a sub service from them having "value".





3. And yet Sony keeps selling more systems, remains in the lead and continues to deliver exclusives that people want. Seems like not doing what the one on the losing team is doing is a smart move to me.





4. Microsoft themselves didn't do anything to get mods, they just said "yeah sure whatever" and agreed not to restrict them. That's a dangerous move because it puts the safety of their hardware and software in Bethesda's hands. Sony didn't want to do that, which is understandable. Honestly anyone who wanted to mod Fallout or Skyrim at this point already bought it on the PC considering the Xbox One mods are limited severely compared to what the PC can offer.


5 & 6. Honestly Sony chose security over such a minor feature that is inferior to its PC counterpart, and their sales continue strong. Seems like a good idea to me. Still almost twice as many PS4s sold than Xbox Ones. Still has over 70% market penetration in Europe. Still have almost 10 times the install base in Japan, and still has the superior install base in the US which is the only market the Xbox One is even doing "okay" in. The US sales are keeping it afloat.


7. Even after the S announcement and release and Scorpio announcement... The system sold a bit more, but it hasn't made a dent on the PS4 install base.


So yeah, not copying what Microsoft is doing or willing to allow seems like a good plan.


At the end of the day features and flashy bonus bits on third party games don't sell systems. Exclusives do. Sony has them. Microsoft doesn't. I buy hardware for games I can't get elsewhere. If I can get them elsewhere, I don't buy new hardware to play the same games.


8. PS4 is going to do just fine regardless of if Fallout 4 and Skyrim get mods.

1. Modders are literally taking a game that they do not own the specific rights to and they don't own the IP, yet they are making something using that game as a basis. They don't exactly have a right to say where it can or cannot go.


2. With EA Access, you pay $30 a year, to have access to about 25 games (and eventually more) and plus you get discounts.That is a pretty huge deal and any new Xbox One owner can benefit greatly from it. I am having a hard time seeing how that isn't value. Just because Sony does not see it doesn't mean it isn't there.


3. 'They are still the lead' And? Your point? PewDiePie is the most subscribed YouTube channel ever. I am fairly certain that huge install base doesn't equate to quality either.


4. That is literally ALL THEY NEED TO DO. All they had to do was say yes and offer no restriction. They did just that. Sony didn't and their reasons are moot as well, because of the feature working so well on the One now.


5. Not sure why you felt so compelled to mention sales TWICE, but see point 3.


6. They chose security. Which I guess is the same reason why the PS4 is also so restrictive with profiles, PS Plus not being able to be shared on the same system, and so on. Microsoft has made plenty of mistakes before, but this right here reminds me in full that Sony does as well.




8. And so is the Xbox One. So in the end, it may not even matter anyways, but in the end as well, one box might have more value over the other, regardless if you see it or not.



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1. Modders are literally taking a game that they do not own the specific rights to and they don't own the IP, yet they are making something using that game as a basis. They don't exactly have a right to say where it can or cannot go.



Ummmm... Bethesda authorizes mods which means they are not stealing anything by making Mods. Bethesda gives them permission to make the mods. They give them permission to even sell them if they like. You can slice it anyway you want, but you can't justify stealing other people's work. That's a pretty selfish and entitled mentality to have. Modders work hard to make mods for these games and if you treat them with such poor respect they won't make the mods anymore. They deserve to have their work respected and be treated with the decency of not having credit for their work claimed by someone else. They offer a free service, so the least people could do is show them some respect if they want to keep receiving mods.




2. With EA Access, you pay $30 a year, to have access to about 25 games (and eventually more) and plus you get discounts.That is a pretty huge deal and any new Xbox One owner can benefit greatly from it. I am having a hard time seeing how that isn't value. Just because Sony does not see it doesn't mean it isn't there.


A good majority of those games are already on Playstation's Playstation Now service. For $99 a year, you get over 400 games. 3 times the price for access to over 16 times the games. Games you can also play on your PC now, PS Vita, PS3 and even some TVs. A way better value than paying $30 a year to have access to 25 EA games, most of which you get with PS Now. And their service works on a Windows 7+ system, whereas Microsoft's streaming service is exclusive to Windows 10. They don't see the value because they offer a better value.




3. 'They are still the lead' And? Your point? PewDiePie is the most subscribed YouTube channel ever. I am fairly certain that huge install base doesn't equate to quality either.



Doesn't mean that PewDiePie sucks either.


It means more people agree that the PS4 is a superior system. You can say their opinions don't matter, but you'd have be able to say that your opinion is worth more than millions.




4. That is literally ALL THEY NEED TO DO. All they had to do was say yes and offer no restriction. They did just that. Sony didn't and their reasons are moot as well, because of the feature working so well on the One now.


Working well is relative. Chances are Sony saw some security risks they weren't willing to take. We have yet to see if those security risks are realized on the Xbox One as mods have only  been out for a few months. Time will tell.




5. Not sure why you felt so compelled to mention sales TWICE, but see point 3.


Oh come on, we all know sales doesn't instantly mean better, but when you look at the DRASTIC difference in the markets, it's obvious that the vast majority agree the PS4 is more worth the value. Xbox One's Japan Market DOESN'T EVEN EXIST. They control less than 30% of the European Market as well, and the one market they are doing well in they are not even top dog in.


When that many people agree, it's hard to deny that they might be onto something unless you're willing to say that everyone who disagrees with you and the minority are sheep. In which case that kind of makes you look like the sheep for denying what appears to be more preferred and making excuses as to why people liking it are wrong in some capacity.




6. They chose security. Which I guess is the same reason why the PS4 is also so restrictive with profiles, PS Plus not being able to be shared on the same system, and so on. Microsoft has made plenty of mistakes before, but this right here reminds me in full that Sony does as well.


Incorrect. PS Plus is shared across a system. So clearly wherever you are getting your info from is feeding you faulty info. Since the release of the PS4 they announced you buy 1 PS+ account and it's shared across the system.


Sony has made mistakes, just like every else, I don't think anyone is denying that. However I don't really see this as a huge mistake. Sony chose security over a gimmick feature. Mods on the Xbox One are limited, not even a fraction of the capabilities of their PC counter part. Sony decided it wasn't worth it for a gimmick feature. It was a bold move, but I think it won't hurt them in the long run. I could be wrong, but so far, nothing really major has happened.




8. And so is the Xbox One. So in the end, it may not even matter anyways, but in the end as well, one box might have more value over the other, regardless if you see it or not.


Well it looks like a majority of consumers disagree judging by how it's still trailing relatively far behind. Much farther behind than the 360 did. :P



Ultimately, mods for the PS4 version of Fallout 4 not coming isn't going to do much for Sony negative or positive. People will whine for a little bit, and then get over it. Most people were already "meh" about mods when they found out that they are limited on the Xbox One and knew that they would be limited on the PS4 as well.

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1. Ummmm... Bethesda authorizes mods which means they are not stealing anything by making Mods. Bethesda gives them permission to make the mods. They give them permission to even sell them if they like. You can slice it anyway you want, but you can't justify stealing other people's work. That's a pretty selfish and entitled mentality to have. Modders work hard to make mods for these games and if you treat them with such poor respect they won't make the mods anymore. They deserve to have their work respected and be treated with the decency of not having credit for their work claimed by someone else. They offer a free service, so the least people could do is show them some respect if they want to keep receiving mods.





2. A good majority of those games are already on Playstation's Playstation Now service. For $99 a year, you get over 400 games. 3 times the price for access to over 16 times the games. Games you can also play on your PC now, PS Vita, PS3 and even some TVs. A way better value than paying $30 a year to have access to 25 EA games, most of which you get with PS Now. And their service works on a Windows 7+ system, whereas Microsoft's streaming service is exclusive to Windows 10. They don't see the value because they offer a better value.






3. Doesn't mean that PewDiePie sucks either.


It means more people agree that the PS4 is a superior system. You can say their opinions don't matter, but you'd have be able to say that your opinion is worth more than millions.





4. Working well is relative. Chances are Sony saw some security risks they weren't willing to take. We have yet to see if those security risks are realized on the Xbox One as mods have only  been out for a few months. Time will tell.





5. Oh come on, we all know sales doesn't instantly mean better, but when you look at the DRASTIC difference in the markets, it's obvious that the vast majority agree the PS4 is more worth the value. Xbox One's Japan Market DOESN'T EVEN EXIST. They control less than 30% of the European Market as well, and the one market they are doing well in they are not even top dog in.


When that many people agree, it's hard to deny that they might be onto something unless you're willing to say that everyone who disagrees with you and the minority are sheep. In which case that kind of makes you look like the sheep for denying what appears to be more preferred and making excuses as to why people liking it are wrong in some capacity.





6. Incorrect. PS Plus is shared across a system. So clearly wherever you are getting your info from is feeding you faulty info. Since the release of the PS4 they announced you buy 1 PS+ account and it's shared across the system.


Sony has made mistakes, just like every else, I don't think anyone is denying that. However I don't really see this as a huge mistake. Sony chose security over a gimmick feature. Mods on the Xbox One are limited, not even a fraction of the capabilities of their PC counter part. Sony decided it wasn't worth it for a gimmick feature. It was a bold move, but I think it won't hurt them in the long run. I could be wrong, but so far, nothing really major has happened.





7. Well it looks like a majority of consumers disagree judging by how it's still trailing relatively far behind. Much farther behind than the 360 did. :P



8. Ultimately, mods for the PS4 version of Fallout 4 not coming isn't going to do much for Sony negative or positive. People will whine for a little bit, and then get over it. Most people were already "meh" about mods when they found out that they are limited on the Xbox One and knew that they would be limited on the PS4 as well.

1. Yeah, PERMISSION. If you do not get the permission to do so, then you don't get shit. Simple as that.


2. PlayStation Now? Wow! An amazing service that I guess has insane value...Also a service that the vast majority of people do not have internet to withstand. Moving on.


3. So I guess PewDiePie is undoubtedly the best YouTuber of all time then.


4. How much of a success a feature has is not dictated by a singular opinion, such as yours.


5. Using Japan as an argument now? The only place where the Vita is a success? Pass.


6. Odd, considering I was at a friend's place who has PS+ and after logging in and linking my account to his system, it said I could not play any of his downloaded games at all, PS+ or not, because I did not 'own them'.


7. Microsoft themselves said that the One is selling better than what the 360 was at this point so, moot.


8. Says one guy on the internet. Odd logic but okay. It is like neither me or you have a voice at all! Oh hey, we don't.


I'm bored now.



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1. Yeah, PERMISSION. If you do not get the permission to do so, then you don't get shit. Simple as that.


Bethesda gives modders permission... That's kind of why mods are allowed not only exist, but be uploaded to Bethesda's website. They have permission, people are just ripping them off.




2. PlayStation Now? Wow! An amazing service that I guess has insane value...Also a service that the vast majority of people do not have internet to withstand. Moving on.


If they don't have the internet to use PS Now, they don't have the internet to use EA Access. So I fail to see the point.




3. So I guess PewDiePie is undoubtedly the best YouTuber of all time then.


Many would argue, yes. It's a subjective thing, but it's difficult to quantify that he isn't when so many people would agree that he is. And since it's not a science to determine quality, the best we have to gauge is majority rule.




4. How much of a success a feature has is not dictated by a singular opinion, such as yours.


Considering the feature didn't really sell the game more on the Xbox than the Playstation or PC... I would say that kind of equates to the success.




5. Using Japan as an argument now? The only place where the Vita is a success? Pass.


You can't just say a market doesn't count just because your favorite console doesn't sell well there. Face it, the Xbox is not wanted in Japan or much in Europe. Those are two huge markets that it's not desired. This feature didn't even put a dent in those markets. You're sounding like a fanboy who refuses to accept any faults that Microsoft has.




6. Odd, considering I was at a friend's place who has PS+ and after logging in and linking my account to his system, it said I could not play any of his downloaded games at all, PS+ or not, because I did not 'own them'.


The account on the playstation that owns the downloaded games linked to the PS+ account must have that playstation set as his primary playstation. You just need to go on the website and change which playstation is your primary one. Can be done from a computer or a phone. My wife and me share games on our PS4 and I am the only one who bought them.




7. Microsoft themselves said that the One is selling better than what the 360 was at this point so, moot.


Using last generations metric is a flawed system. That metric makes sense if only your competitors are about at the same spot. However Sony has nearly doubled what they were doing with the PS3, and are slated to surpass PS3 sales overall in almost half the time.




8. Says one guy on the internet. Odd logic but okay. It is like neither me or you have a voice at all! Oh hey, we don't.


I could say the same for you.


Speak for yourself though, I have a voice, I use it. :)




I'm bored now.


Right, so you forfeit. 

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I'm pretty sure this thread isn't about how successful Microsoft and Sony are depending on which region, so personally I think it's best if you at least make an effort to stop derailing from the current topic.


Personally, this really WAS a shot-in-the-foot kind of move for Sony; one of the biggest reasons for most people to buy Skyrim/Fallout 4 for PS4 WAS for the mod support since many people seem to prefer a console experience rather than having a PC (this is coming from a mainly-PC user btw). It's sad, because I bought a PS4 for a few games that could actually have been great... I withstood the obligatory PS Plus membership to play online, but if they're going to sacrifice quality for more quantity of games/price of their subscriptions, I don't see why you would pick a PS4 over an Xbox One at this point. It doesn't matter if it's because of security issues, if the Xbox version has mod support, I'm pretty sure it'll be much more attractive. (Personally though, I wouldn't pick a console period at this point. Playing online should be completely free and there shouldn't be some sort of mandatory subscription just to play with your friends.)

  • Brohoof 1

Top Bae.

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I'm pretty sure this thread isn't about how successful Microsoft and Sony are depending on which region, so personally I think it's best if you at least make an effort to stop derailing from the current topic.


Good point. I apologize.


None the less, BACK on topic: I don't think this news will affect anything.




if the Xbox version has mod support, I'm pretty sure it'll be much more attractive


Problem is that the mod support on Xbox One is not universal or unlimited. You are limited to 2GB of file for mods, and mods must be specially tailored for the Xbox One to work on it. On top of that, Bethesda needs to approve them on their mod website. So it's a lot of extra hoops to jump through, and really it was a long shot at best anyways to get full blown mod support on consoles. If you want mods, PC is still the best way to go. 

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Problem is that the mod support on Xbox One is not universal or unlimited. You are limited to 2GB of file for mods, and mods must be specially tailored for the Xbox One to work on it. On top of that, Bethesda needs to approve them on their mod website. So it's a lot of extra hoops to jump through, and really it was a long shot at best anyways to get full blown mod support on consoles. If you want mods, PC is still the best way to go. 


Which what I meant was, having mods period is better than having no mods, no? I was specifically talking in a console perspective; say if I was one of those people that thought that a PC would be $10000 so I can play game in like, medium settings 30 FPS (if you're one of those people pLEASE USE GOOGLE), so I'd only be choosing between Xbox One and PS4. Xbox One MAY have a much lower capacity for mods, but the mere presence of mods in the first place IS more interesting than having no mods period.

  • Brohoof 1

Top Bae.

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Which what I meant was, having mods period is better than having no mods, no? I was specifically talking in a console perspective; say if I was one of those people that thought that a PC would be $10000 so I can play game in like, medium settings 30 FPS (if you're one of those people pLEASE USE GOOGLE), so I'd only be choosing between Xbox One and PS4. Xbox One MAY have a much lower capacity for mods, but the mere presence of mods in the first place IS more interesting than having no mods period.


Yeah, I see your point, but the game runs like crap on Xbox and PS4 as it is, so I would prefer the base game work better before even worrying about mods.

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  • 4 years later...

Just got "Skyrim Special Edition" for Xbox One a few months ago, and I loved the mods that Bethesda had on it. I am truly disappointed in Sony for disallowing mods on PlayStation because it prevents PlayStation gamers from having so much fun with those mods.

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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