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request Ponies in space; possibly Star Trek-like


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Hello all, 


I was wondering whether anyone can draw a few pictures of "ponies and bronies in space" using crystal technology?  I found a ton of pictures in google of ponies in space, crystal ships, and crystal cities.  Whatever you find or draw would be appreciated.  I found some interesting pictures of bronies and ponies in space but you need to be logged into it in order to see the pictures assembled there.


You can find it here.




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Hello @crazy_pony_20,

I went ahead and moved this to the requests section, since you're asking if anyone is up for drawing stuff from the link you provided. :grin: Though, it may be in your interest to link a few pictures that are more accessible, if you can find a few.

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How do you make attachments of pictures?  I tried to add pictures using the picture button above but it did not work.  Do you have any ideas?


You can't attach a picture directly, you need to upload it to an image hosting site such as imgur and then copy the picture location, and post the URL using the 'image' button.  That will then show the picture in your post.


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Here are a group of pictures that helped me create an idea of ponies in space.



First there is crystal cities, crystal ships, crystal beings, and crystal stations.  Then there are ponies in space.  Finally there are pictures of Crystal Empire.


Hope you enjoy it.

oh yeah I do not want a carbon copy of star trek.  I want a true version of Equestria in space.  Remember in Star Trek Voyager Equinox episode, the crewmen said that they ran into ponea and they threw a party whenever they ran into a new species.  They also gave the Equinox crew a poor man's holodeck which is cool to see that they are highly advanced.

Edited by crazy_pony_20
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Since I am not an artist, I found these pictures to elaborate my ideas and thoughts in how Ponea in space would look like.  I figured it might be similar to the pictures I posted.  There are two factions on Ponea, One the light crystal empire and the dark empire.  The light empire is peaceful but the dark empire is bent on violence and war.  


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