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Shadow got up from the table and said as he walked over to the board, "S class quest are the ones that you might not come back from. They are the ones that aren't for the weak." He grabbed the quest and looked it over. Then he laughed at it and said as he placed it back on the board, "I'm heading to bed. Someone, be sure to give the guard some food, he'll starve if left outside without food."



Starry left her empty plate on the table and muttered as she left the room, "Why don't you rub it in?" She said it more to herself, in a way that's punishing herself for not finding a way around the stupid condition she has. She headed to the room and crashed on one of the beds, not caring that she hasn't showered yet. She pulled the blankets up to her chin and fell asleep with her nightmare night mask still on her face.


Opus opened his eyes and headed down the stairs to find something to do during the night since he doesn't need anything that a human needs.


Dark yawned, laid down, and looked up at the stars, wondering what the morning will hold. 

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Looking at Leege playing with Brume he grinned some, as he said hit the beach he looked at himself then shrugged "Sure a beach...only if I can buy some inflatable tubes. I like lounging on them maybe if we are lucky a shark will come by." as he heard Brume say they were in the same room he kissed the air at him "If you cry dont worry I'll lick you clean maybe get Leege to help one to a cheek." smirking when Leege headed off for her nap. Being asked to watch over Leege so wolves or something dont get her he rolled his eyes "I believe I would feel bad for the wolves, she would probably chase them trying to hug them like that flying rat thing you have." Canteen ate more of his food as he was told of the guard or he would starve "Oh no how could I let that happen." as soon as the other was out of the room he pushed the plate onto the floor "Oh no." he fake gasped as the food was on the floor now

Walking into the room Rouen stood there rubbing his head as it just seemed to be Brume and Canteen in the room now. Well he took that back Brume was on his way out "Brume, your bed might be wet sorry. Was so tired." he went over taking up a plate of food noticing food on the floor he walked past Canteen his arm coming up elbowing him in the back of his head "That's how we get rodents, you are going to help me clean that or I'm gonna rub your face in it like one would when an animal goes in the house."

As Vanderbilt came out with the coffee and spoke of the blueprint he grinned some "I could kiss you, you beautiful soul." Antonio stood there taking up his coffee and held it in the air "Soon Malik a notorious criminal shall be brought to justice." he looked at Vanderbilt as he sipped his coffee some "Or at least find his body. When you told me of his plan involving the Darkflare ancestral castle I was right in a way and so were you." he set the coffee down and began to draw on it "Ok let us say he is underground in a way." he drew a fake castle as he drew a few room to go with it "HOWEVER his plan involves the castle right? Why go underground you may ask? He wouldnt leave the castle right? You are right." he made room with no visible way into it on the castle "What if he never left?"

As he drew he put a figure in the hidden room as he started to smirk "He was a brilliant man, he could very well be inside that castle inside a room only accessible to him. Using his own spells creating a one way entry for him. Leaving the other in a place no one would even suspect or notice, making it something that looks like it belongs and undetectable cause it only gives off magic when activated from his side."  on another paper he drew a small cabin like place and then drew the figure again "He could warp from place to place, no one being the wiser. THEN using Lacrima he set up years ago for surveillance for all anybody knows it's just an everyday piece of the castle, that allows him to continue his quest and keep an eye on everyone."

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@@Dakcka, @@Arid_Blitz,

Gale smiled "Yes! we finally have a chance to win for once! The games simple, we beat the crap out of each other until one side concedes, it's usually boys v girls, our problem is though is that Alexis is only good at buffing, as such it's all up to me, against the two lover boys, but know with you here we finally have the advantage, so what do you say? You in?" 


Vanderbilt burst into laughter, patting Antonio on the back "Vell I vouldn't recommend it, I've been doing alchemy for so long, who knows vhat kind of stuff kissing me could do to you... best you not dwell on it though, yar?" Vanderbilt stared at Antonio before putting up a finger to interject "Vell, I can't necessarily be called a criminal, he has no files linking him to any crimes, plus even if we did have the files it vould be empty, even vhen alive he kept a perfectly clean record... BUT i'm vith you! Together ve vill hunt him down if he lives as you say, and bring him to justice." Vanderbilt then leaned back in his chair "Though the problem is, ve still need to get inside the castle, vhich means we still need that other fabled blueprint, I know the places vhere they may be, although if you start down this path... there's no guaranty you vill make it back alive."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Arid_Blitz,@@dragon4111, @@reader8363,


Brume watched with a small chuckle as Rouen treated Canteen like some sort of misbehaving child, and then looked to his bed. "I'll just sleep on the fl-" Brume was cut off by being pulled into Leege's bunk.


"Yayy! I get to sleep with Brume again! Where is Taigor? Pleeaseee tell me he's here!" She cuddled Brume, looking around for Taigor and frowning when he was nowhere to be seen.


"Taigor wanted to go find his own place to nap tonight. Maybe it's cause you almost squashed him." Brume rolled his eyes but soon felt what Taigor had been feeling as Leege sobbed and squeezed him tight.


Coughing, Brume looked down to Leege. "H-hey! I was joking! He really likes you! But he was- Getting water! Yup! If you be good and go to sleep then he'll come back!" Brume gasped, kicking his legs around as Leege slowly released her death grip.


It wasn't long before Leege fell asleep on Brume, and it took him a little bit more to fall asleep himself.




Dawn sighed as Draco talked about going on an S-Class quest. "I'd gladly come with you. Not that you couldn't handle it, it's just that I'm so bored nowadays. Maybe we should take care of that quest AFTER the beach fun tomorrow?" Dawn stretched and leaned against a wall. "I can't and won't sleep, so I'm just going to stand guard." 


She smiled at Draco and pointed her thumb to her room. "It's free if you want it. Starry is sleeping in there, so as long as you don't wake her up I'm willing to let you take my bed." 



 @@Skylord Nexus,



Perpe stretched her legs a little bit, and rolled her shoulders a bit. "Sure. But can I suggest we put a little bet on this fight?" Dawn pointed to Jack in her classic superiority-complex tsundere way. 


"You, fire one, make your demands. Gale, could you choose some winning rewards for us?" Perpe then ripped off one of her sleeves and wrapped it around her forehead as a bandanna. "I don't plan on going any less than savage on you, boys." 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@@Dakcka, @@Arid_Blitz, @@reader8363,

"Except that if we let it stay here miss Dawn," Draco stated simply with a chuckle. "It will destroy the ecosystem," Draco stated simply. "It's close by too," Draco stated simply as he rubbed his neck. "But beach fun sounds good too," Draco stated as he felt conflicted between his duty to protect and to seeing the ladies in swim suits. Tough choice for a man like him. But he grabbed hold of the table as it shook slightly from a large roar. "Oh dear," Draco muttered to himself. "Whelp I'll be taking this job since it's nearby," Draco stated with a grin on his face. "Canteen, Dawn, Rouen your with me. Brume your on standby. Leege just don't get hurt. Shadow you're on portal duty," Draco stated with orders as he then caught himself slightly as he felt embarrassed . "Sorry I umm was in the guard before so ya I'll just go," Draco stated as he grabbed his equipment slightly embarrassed as he went to face the beast alone.


And so he got the job stamped quickly as he raced out to meet the beast head on. Didn't these people deal with dangerous beasts like this all the time? Or maybe he was wrong as he was right the beast was close to the guild hall. And it eyed him hungrily. Draco drew his blade and activated his blood rage ability. He skated around the beast dealing as muh damage as he can. Maybe it was taking seconds but the beasts tough hide was starting to annoy him. But he finally found purchase through it. Ramming his blade through the beasts heart. But not before taking a massive bite around his midsection. He felt unbelieve able pain course through his but the crystals on his arm had done their job and the beast fell with a mighty slam.


Draco began to drag the beast to the guild hall slowly but in pain from both the bite and the blood rage. He kept the fangs in to stemm the blood flow. "OI!" Draco yelled out though pained. "I have the job done," Draco stated as he fell through the front door with a pained smile.


Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@dragon4111,@@Dakcka, @@Arid_Blitz,

Shadow sighed and entered the bedroom, He pulled his clothes off and threw them over a chair, almost knocking it to the ground, pulled out a cleaver and got in bed. He placed it under the pillow with the hilt sticking out, grabbed a watch he took and set it for a few hours, then he closed his eyes and went to sleep. 


Opus ran from the board and started checking the wound, As he looked at the wound, he said, "Ok, Dawn, I need a few thing and since you built this place. I need you to get me, gloves, alcohol, gauze, and tweezers. If it's worse then I'll have to stitch it close, I already have the sewing kit. Rouen and Canteen, I need you two to get on a table. I can't do this on the floor."


Dark heard the roar, pulled out his knife, and jumped up to see one of the guild members carrying a large beast to the guild hall. He ran over there and said as he stood in the doorway, "What's going on here, I've been here before and I don't think I remember a giant dead beast lying around." He walked up to the beast, and just to make sure it was dead, he started cutting its neck and where the knife cut, it started to age rapidly.

Edited by reader8363
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Draco looked at Dark with a glare and said with a cold tone. "Don't age it you'll ruin the meat you dumbarse," Draco stated as he coughed. "Ach hey that's my rib your poking," Draco stated at Opus. "I already pierced it's heart with my sword. That beast is good eating when cooked right," Draco stated with a grin on his face. "I always tend to favour the eyes of the Devilijho for the nutritional value in them. Though they are rather large and are hard to harvest," Draco stated with a sigh. He was currently laying on one of the tables. And to the one operating on him his skin felt like it was on fire over heating.


Draco looked at Dark and Stated simply "So would you kindly not ruin a good meal?" Draco asked with a sickly sweet tone that spoke of a promise of pain to Dark. Though that would be a miracle to Draco is he didn't agitate his wounds.  Now how whole chest was laid bare to the people of the guild. Scars faded old and new littered his chest and stomach. Draco just sighed to himself as he looked at Dark "You might want to sharpen your dagger it looks like it needs to be sharpened,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Antonio chuckled at Vanderbilt talking of the kiss probably be harmful cause of his years of alchemy. Nodding at the fact he could die he shrugged his shoulders some "And? As a member of the council, as a man of valor...death doesnt frighten me. What does is leaving people out there that if alive could be a threat to people." he began to move his things back into the drawers as he he reduced it back into a suitcase "Alright, let us prepare for the days ahead. Also on our way out I can stop by Crocus to see how Red Rock is doing and give them a stamp of their own. Cant keep coming back here to get a new member in now can they?" picking up his suitcase he went towards the building "Come Vanderbilt we have much to get and places to go."

Canteen felt the smack to the back of his head and grumbled. Getting up he heard Draco yelling out orders, rolling his eyes some "Aye Aye captain." he mocked saluted before walking off to get some cleaning supplies. As he did he could hear the attack going on and stretched some "They can handle it I'm sure." walking into the kitchen he saw a bit of blood on the floor, following it he came across the little yellow rodent that attacked him earlier and got away. He had heard of these creatures before...werent they called goblins? Getting closer he could see the little guy was bleeding on it's left leg. When he went to see it hissed at him swinging around a ladle it had gotten off the counter. "Woah hey there."

Thinking a bit he reached into his shirt taking out the cracker Leege gave him earlier, offering it to the little guy he watched as it took it and began to nibble it as it held the ladle out still in defend mode. Standing up he began to grab a few things, a towel, some antiseptic from a first aid kit, gauze. "Hey let me see what I can do little guy." he went over kneeling down as the goblin swung again smacking Canteen with the ladle. Chuckling some he just let it keep hitting him as he dabbed some of the blood away as he poured the antiseptic onto the wound getting a small hiss and a ladle to the head. "You know, you remind me of Melio...he always fought like this when I tried to help with his ouchies." as he said that he got a look of sadness in his eyes as he continued, wrapping up the wound now as he sniffled a bit "There we go little guy." he began to see the goblin move the ladle down...as Canteen leaned back against a cabinet he felt a few tears dropping

"Sometimes the ouchies are to much." he began to bang his head against the counter as his eyes closed trying to prevent the tears from falling. His head began to bleed from the hitting as his hands clutched his hair pulling on it. He felt like screaming before he felt fur against him. The goblin was in his lap nuzzling into him, the tail brushing against his cheeks trying to comfort Canteen. Leaning his hands down he pulled the goblin up some and began to hug him softly starting to lean over to the floor laying down on it "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he said softly to himself before closing his eyes  with the goblin nuzzled up against him on the floor

Walking to sit down he ate a bit as Canteen walked off, eating he saw the thing break through the wall with Draco yelling out orders. Standing up he went to help but, it was over. The beast fell over and was dead, Draco was bleeding as he fell over with a pained smile. Hearing Opus he went over finding some of the stuff in first aid kids and other things coming back over to them "Yeah...I can get him up on the table." helping him to a table he set the stuff out for Opus as he took a few towels dabbing up the blood "Well I'll give you a hand Opus...I've done my fair share of helping people with injuries." Looking at Draco a different look came to his eyes as the normal calm was replaced with almost a look a parent would give to a child "You are laughing about this? About the simple fact you are not injured to the point where you are now gonna be sidelined?"

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@@Arid_Blitz, @@reader8363,@@Dakcka,

Draco chuckled and said "We blood ragers yes I'm counting you among us Canteen are more durable than most mages. We heal quickly if we rest," Draco stated simply with a bit of a pained laugh. "I am one in one million Canteen though I was of the rank of Fenrir of the guard in Draconia," Draco stated simply as he rubbed his chest as he hissed slightly as another large fang was pulled from his chest. He sighed sadly to himself as he looked at hishand slightly. "I swore oaths back in Draconia maybe meant nothing there but to me they mean everything. 'A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.' I may not have been a born noble but damn it I would live up to what to them. But then it all came shattering down upon me. Everything I worked for and for what one of my damn lieutenants to be a filthy cheat. Blast it all I did my job I exonerated him for a murder he didn't commit yet they dragged me off in chain like some animal," Draco hissed with slight rage as he said and breathed as his gem reacted with his anger causing it to glow red. The blood on the ground hissing as well. "inhale count to 4  exhale count to 4," his breathing brought his temper back into check as his face went back to a serious look.


"17 years of loyalty down the drain," Draco stated as he sighed once more to himself. He placed his left hand onto his forehead. "Maybe it may seem like I'm whining about nothing to you guys. You guys probably have a darker past than I do and all but that was my home I was raised there by a priestess and a dragon, a female dragon,"


Draco just leaned back and began to hum his song the haunting tune trailed through out the guild hall.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Dakcka, @@Arid_Blitz,

Jack gain a smug and superior look on him face "Well I can certainly see why Lucius likes ya hot stuff, you have the same sense of smug superiority he has, the bastard, but fine if that's the way ya wanna play, bring it! Simply speaking, if we win you have to go on a date with me, we go where I want, and do what I choose. Lance what do you want?" Lance put  a finger into the air and proclaimed his desire with way more sound than he needed "All I desire is my Storm spark blade Lady Gale won off me last poker night, I miss it's warm embrace as it lay next to my in bed." Gale then began to laugh "HA! Sure why not, we accept, and if we win: You guys need to stop flirting with the newbie for the next month, I get my lightning amulet back, you know jack the one you won off me last poker night and just wear around to annoy me... and one more for Alexis, any ideas or dear sweet one?" Alexis' face beamed but also blushed at her idea "Oh I know! I want them to kiss each other, shirtless!" Her face was bright red at this point as she imagined the two in that exact scenario, maybe a little more passionately than the real thing but never the less Jack sniggered and nodded "Sure, we accept, of course the only reason being is because we're still gonna win no matter how many girls you have, I mean look at her! I beat she's just as weak as Alexis! anyway, I guess we shou- INFERNO BLAST!" Then a large pillar of red fire shot from Jack's hand and headed towards the group. Alexis yelped and swiftly dodged behind a table, where as Gale leapt to the side grabbing Perpe in the process and ducking behind another table "Oh that dirty cheating ass! Ok, since he personally attacked you, want the honours for starting the end of these smug pricks?"


Vanderbilt's face beamed "Yar! Let's, I must admit it has been ten years since I've done field vork! I'm getting all giddy!" Vanderbilt then disappeared for a few minutes before returning with a briefcase, as well as a map "Ok I have a map here so we know vhere to go, as vell as my tools! Once ve reach Red Rock's guils hall, I vill plan vhere ve shall go first."

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Opus pulled out a tooth and said as he placed a padding on the area, "quit moving, or I'll stitch your mouth closed." He smiled and pulled out another tooth. He checked the hole, sighed, and added, "have to stitch them closed. It's going to hurt." He pulled out a sewing kit and started sewing them closed. Afterwards, he placed the needle down and said, "I suggest not moving for awhile to let the stitches set."


Dark paused with the dagger in the neck, around it was decay, and pulled it out. He said as he pointed the dagger at Draco, "you try sharpening this without cutting yourself. This is a dagger that ages whatever it cuts and it works fine being dull."


Opus pushed the dagger down and said, "alright, let's just head to bed and not kill each other." He walked to the dining table and handed Dark his plate. He couldn't eat and he didn't want the food to go bad. He added, " all of you, head to your room, Draco, you're staying there, and I'll clean up the guild. Dark,go out with you're going to threaten the guild." Dark nodded and left along with the plate of food. Opus closed the door and headed to the kitchen.

(I'm away from computer and posting from my kindle)

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Antonio went to his study as he began to collect a few things "Come on in Vanderbilt, I have to get a few things then we can go. Take a look around if you want." he went to a chair with a small table near it, an empty tea cup next to it. The room was rather large, the floor being made of light blue granite tiles. There were books lining the walls from floor to ceiling, ladders around the room to allow access to the books at the top, many of them were foreign all over the lands. Magic books, stories, fables, exotic creatures, history, even cook books. "Take a look around I need to grab my glasses, a few other items and we'll head off." he opened the drawer to the little coffee table taking out a pair of black framed rectangular glasses. They were gale force reading glasses to allow him to read his books quickly when need be. Along with it he pulled a small cube out that glowed, a judgement field cube "Ok got this, now then I should grab a few books for the trip. Vanderbilt what do I feel like today? Any that catch your eyes?"

Rouen just looked at Draco speaking his oath, how he he did the right thing and was cheated and treated like an animal. He was getting upset and trying to calm himself which was understandable. While Opus worked on him he smiled some sighing a bit "We each have our stories but, that is what they are. OUR story and it affects us. The seventeen years of loyalty to be tossed aside to basically be banished so you are unable to see someone that raised you or friends." he leaned down so he was now face to face with Draco "However it is our stories, our hardships, our pain, our glory, sorrow, anger, joy all of it is what makes us who we are today. What you did jumping into the battle is just who you are it is you. Do I find it stupid? Do I want to lift you up by your scrawny neck and slap sense into you? Yes but, I dont do it out of spite I do it because you tried throwing your life away."

He began to move to sit on the floor as Opus finished "I'll get to bed in a second, I will make sure he is comfy first." he began to chuckle as he sat there on the floor looking at Opus "Thank you, if you happen to see Canteen somewhere I would just leave him alone. I have a feeling if he is asleep waking him is like poking a bear." looking back at Draco he moved his hand up moving to his own head and moving his damp hair from his face "Look you may have face beasts we may never of seen before same goes for us though. There are going to be things here you will think nothing of and it will tear you in two. We are here to help one another, if you need a shoulder to cry out on one of us will be there and let you get it out. Some more then others, some may not show much by way of caring but, it is just who they are. Things in their story is the reason caring is hard or seeming like a decent person. If you have a job one of us will go with you to make sure you have back up..and if you fall on the battlefield we have that person will bring you back and tell your story around a drink for years."

"Or if they fall you can bring them back to us for a proper burial. Morbid but, it is how things are, the story will be told for years and years so people in a guild will never die. You see what I am saying? You do not have to worry in a guild...we are here for you and if you think "Well that beast is so tough only I could handle it so I saved everyone." Let me remind you most of us have battled things that could eat that thing. Most of us have magic that could incinerate that thing. Hell if Dawn was here she would of Blasted it for disturbing the place she built. Speaking of her I need to have this talk with her as well someday." he chuckled some "Now then is there anything you need before I head to bed?"

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@@Arid_Blitz, @@reader8363, @@Dakcka,

Draco sighed as he stood up carefully. "I get it I do," he said with a shake of his head. He walked over to the Devilihjo and started to cut away the rot. "Damn it Dark," Draco muttered as he tossed away rotting meat. "Maybe you're right Rouen," Draco stated with a quiet sigh to himself as he found was he was looking for. A rather large polished jewel that shown like a brilliant galaxy in the sky. "We have all the parts to make several weapons for the guild if they need them," Draco stated as he wiped off some of the gore. "The skin is hard like a diamond," Draco stated as he  knocked against the scales. "My sword and scythe is made from something harder "A mixture of dragon bone and ebony for my scythe. and dragon bone mixed with refined moonstone for my sword made from the elder dragon who raised me unfortunately she's gone may she rest in peace," Draco stated simply with abit of a chuckle.


"I told you I'm durable and have a high pain tolerance," Draco stated  as he was being careful not to pull the stitches. "Plus those teeth are the real problem serrated and large that put me past my threshold,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe grinned when Gale offered her the first attack. "If you insist!" Perpe leaped up from behind cover, running quickly and all over the place like a rabid animal. 


"Ohhh boyyss~" She yelled out, bringing her foot up towards Jack and pointing her hand towards Lance. "Poison God's Acidic Rain!" Small droplets of armor-melting drops emerged from Perpe's hand in Lance's direction. 






Dawn sighed and looked up, hearing her name mentioned. "No. You should all have the fun of slaughter without me. Truth be told I'm feeling a bit lightheaded. I'm headed off." 


Standing up, Dawn stumbled to the door, vanishing away in a blast of light. When she was far enough away, Dawn collapsed under a tree in a small plains area. 


"D-damn it... Did I overdo it? No... this is too much... I think it's the stress of knowing he could be anywhere around here... I promise, brother.. I'll end you soon enough.." Dawn leaned against the tree and looked up at the stars. 





"The five members we'll be choosing for the tournament... I suppose you'll all suffice for now. Subsume, Rex, Austin, Lilina and Sophica, you're the choices I'm making.. If you let me down there WILL be consequences. You know what the Old Man will do to you all." The Guild master yelled, he was a big man with black hair that reached his shoulders and a long beard. He wasn't overweight, but was huge in his muscle mass, Subsume knew that he didn't stand a chance against the master in combat. 


"Yes, master." Subsume walked back into the room of his Lady, Lilina, and began to continue cleaning up before she walked in and pointed to him. 


"Shouldn't you be training, my loyal slave? You're going to be competing in the tournament after-all, and if you lose then I'm sure daddy won't hesitate in getting our contacts in the Magic Council to kill your twin." Lilina frowned, looking down at the ground. 


Subsume immediately went back to doing chin-ups with a quick. "Of course, milady." He bit his lip, not wanting to bring any harm to his sister. 


"Listen, I don't want father to hurt you OR your sister. You've been great to me, and hell, I should really stop calling you slave. But I can't control him and if I do say anything to him you know what he'll do to me..." Lilina had a tear roll down her cheek and she looked back up at Subsume. 


Subsume turned, doing a bit more stretches as Lilina opened her mouth again. "Subsume. I know what you're going to do. Get as strong as you can so you can save your sister. When the day comes, I'll help you defeat my father, but even Master couldn't stand up to him as is... But I know you can do it. Pass them. Pass them all, Subsume. Just count on me during the games, alright? I promise I'll support you!" 


Lilina hugged Subsume suddenly from behind, making him smile slightly. "Of course, milady. But I don't only serve you because I have to, I serve you because I know how great of a person you are." 


"Thanks, Subsume.. Anyways, goodnight, you should get some rest after you finish training, the games start in a week." Lilina got into her bed and fell asleep almost immediately, leaving Subsume to walk out and sit on the Guild Hall's roof. 


He looked up at the stars. "Merri... I promise that I won't let him hurt you... I'll do anything to keep you safe... Even if it means that I die in the process..." Subsume fell asleep quickly after closing his eyes. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@@Arid_Blitz, @@Dakcka,

Vanderbilt inspected the numerous books on the shelves "Ah, I very nice collection you have here, I vould say it rivals my own." Vanderbilt then chuckled a bit "But I vork keeps me in the library, so it vould be rather unlikely yar?" Vanderbilt then put a hand to his chin , in thought "Vell, from a purely professional point of view, I guess ve vould require some books on old types of magic, as vell as any on magical inscriptions that may be left as traps for trespassers. On a more personal side however, I've always enjoyed the works of Kemu Zaleon quite a lot, I find his books rather relaxing to read."  


Seeing the drops of acid flying towards Lance, Jack leapt clear leaving Lance to face this on his own "Bloody hell! She's a god slayer?! Well I gotta give it to that bastard he certainly knows how to pick the strong yet sexy ones." Lance also followed Jack's lead and leapt clear behind a table "Well i'm certainly glad I got through that unscaved!" He then however looked down at his laft arm to see that the acid had indeed hit him and had burn away almost everything on that arm, leaving a few nasty looking marks "Ha, Har! I never good spell by lady, but i'm afraid It will take more than that to beat this mighty Templar! Now my stupendous swords, rain down on them and show them the true might of a knight!" Many different swords then appeared above the girls' head and began to fall. Gale quickly leapt out from behind the table they were hiding behind and made a leap towards Alexis, getting grazed by a few of the swords in the process "Alexis! Buff me!" Alexis then nodded and a light green circle appeared under her, and around Gale "On it! Enhance!" Gale then seemed to get faster, now able to dodge the swords with relative ease "Hey chumps! Have a taste of your own medicine! Dance of sparks!" Little bolts of lighting then came from Gales' hands and danced between the swords, there metal conducting the energy. As the sparks bounds from sword to sword, the number of bolts increased and became more powerful, while not directly effecting anyone, the electricity and swords certainly made for an interesting battle field.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Skylord Nexus, @@dragon4111,


Looking at his books he nodded some "Yes, that would be very nice to have so we are more prepared." he went over to a section set up for old magic, moving the ladder Antonio climbed up near the top taking out a few books "Let's see ancient magic volume one." he went through the books taking out more till he had at least eight thick leather bound books. Climbing back down he set them on his chair before walking over to another section about magical runes, inscriptions, written words etc...taking a few books from there "I think this should suffice for now." setting them atop the pile neatly he took out another lacrima suitcase setting it down "Ok Kemu Zaleon for you I will just grab a few other books so we have a nice selection." setting the books into the suitcase they disappeared, the magic this suitcase had was to be able to hold almost anything and be light as a feather. "A few of these." he grabbed a few more magic books, his entire Kemu collection, even a book about crocheting. Setting even some yarn and crochet needles into the case before closing it "Shall we? We'll take a vehicle."

Looking at Draco Rouen sighed some "I am right, and you are more worse for wear then you let on. If you are out a few days or weeks we can survive. Tomorrow is an easy beach day and then we can take some jobs here and there." he smiled as he got up off the floor seeing the pearl and hearing of the scales he chuckled some "Yeah that should pay for quite a bit of supplies. And the scales I do not need them or anything if you wish though they are all yours make something for yourself, Canteen, Leege or someone else." he went over to the door and looked back at Draco "You are sleeping on the table, the stitches are nice. However if you happen to pull one and bleed onto the beds I'll have to choke you with the sheets. Goodnight my friend I shall go out for a stroll."

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@@Arid_Blitz, @reader8363, @Dakcka,

Draco laughed slightly as he finished his gruesome work of skinning the beast and gutting it. He sat at a table and began to meditate concentrating his magical aura. which formed around him swirling and glowing a deep red and flame like as it swirled around him flickering and licking at his skin. And as he meditated his magic began to scorch close the wounds. Cauterizing them it was a temporary fix for now. To some this magic seemed like a burden hurting it's wielder and for what cost? Losing control could cause you to boil your blood from the inside out causing you to fade away to ash. But if trained properly it' a powerful tool to use. many benefits but it has it's cons as well.


Draco couldn't help but smile to himself as he maybe was like unto a family to these people. It would take time but he could trust them maybe. His thoughts clear from his burden of command he was an ordinary person.He sat there meditating, focusing on channeling his magics a way to find his guild mates.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Arid_Blitz,@@dragon4111,  @@reader8363


Stretching, Brume stood up from his bed to see Leege face first on the floor. He must have pushed her off the top bunk in his sleep, Poor Thing. He thought as he put on his regular clothes and stretched. 


"I typically just swim in whatever I'm wearing but apparently it's customary to wear bathing suits. Alright." Brume began his walk to the store, immediately finding a lovely blue pair of bathing suit trunks. 


"Hell yeah. This matches my hair!" Brume yelled out with glee, immediately putting it on after buying it, not even caring of the quick shot that everyone in the store got of his naked form. 


Brume jogged back to the Guild Hall, wearing a black tanktop and his bathing suit. He got to the beach, where there was a small lifeguard tower, obviously abandoned as this area is pretty secluded, but he looked off into the water. It looked perfect, and with the warm sun beaming down on him he couldn't help but jump in. 


First thing he did was run to the top of the cliff-side off in the distance. "Guild Master Brume ouuuutt!" He yelled, jumping off the cliff backwards. He fell down at a high speed before landing a perfect dive. This brought him back. Back to when Aquados taught him how to swim. Brume remembered the satisfaction of being able to hold onto a Water Dragon moving at high speeds underwater. 


"Heh... Those were the days, alright." He mumbled as he surfaced. Brume then continued his swimming around looking for various treasures underwater. 




Leege woke up with a pain in her face. Maybe it's because of Canteen punching her, or maybe it's because she was on the floor, she had not the slightest clue. "Oh! Yay! We're going to the beach today!" Leege yelled, pulling her leather pants up and pulling her tank top on as well. "Taigor! Where is Brume?"


She tilted her head as Taigor pointed down to the beach. "Yay! Can you fly me there? Pretty please! Rouen says I shouldn't walk on my own or bad guys will get me." Leege scratched her head, and then moments later was picked up by Taigor. 


"You're so much lighter than Brume... Geez..." Taigor flew at a very high speed down to the beach. "Weeee!" Leege felt herself being dropped, so she landed face first in the sand. 


"Thanks, Taigor!" Leege yelled, sitting down at the lifeguard tower, looking around. "I need sunscreen! Waaah! Rouen save me!" Leege flailed around like the stupid child she is, needing sunscreen to function at the beach. 




Merri was already at the beach as the sun was rising, she could smell the rich and lovely sand from her room, so she scurried down. "Wow, the sand here is awesome!" She looked up to see Brume leaping off the cliff. 


"Our guild master is crazy... great..." Merri sighed, going back to inhaling the sand in typical Dragon Slayer fashion, when suddenly she felt a painful pinch on her nose. 


She looked down to see a little crab pinching her nose. "Hey! Let go, ya jerk!" Merri squealed, the crab pinching tighter. "AAAAH! HEELP!" Merri ran around in circles, but suddenly blinked and gasped as she saw a bright light fly down in front of her nose. 


"No! Don't kill the poor thing!" The light stopped, as Dawn's hand came out and she pulled the crab off. "Fine. I would have been fine splitting it in half for you, hon." Dawn put the crab into the sand and watched it scurry off. 


"I should probably go get a swimsuit, no? Do you want me to get you one, Merri? I'm sure you'd look adorable in anything." Dawn smiled, biting her lip and blushing. 


"U-uh... Maybe I should go with y-" Before Merri could finish, Dawn vanished in a blast of light. "I guess not..." Merri sighed and went back to eating some sand. 



@@Skylord Nexus


Perpe watched as the lightning jumped from sword to sword in amazement, smiling. "Your magic is beautiful, but let's see if beauty and the beast truly make a good combo." 


She jumped into the air, completely serious for her final move. "I usually only use this when in danger, but I kinda wanna go eat a snack, so I think I'll use it to end this!" 


Perpe clutched her hands together and pointed her fingers towards Jack and Lance. "God Slayer Secret Art; Lifeforce Corrosion!" As Perpe shouted this, large solid streams of poison shot out from the ground around Jack and Lance, their main purpose being to latch on to the target's wrist and do enough damage to their magic reserves to render them unable to fight. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@@Arid_Blitz, @@Dakcka,

Vanderbilt nodded "Indeed! it seems like ve have everything ve need, I personally do not mind how ve get there." Vanderbilt then began leaving, but quickly turned back "So you're into crochet? Vell everyone has their quirks."


 Gale smirked at Perpe's comment "Yeah, most people who have gone up against me have said that... right before that lightning burned them to a cinder." Jack then gave Perpe a dark smirk "I'm afraid it won't be that easy hot stuff." Jack then span up into the air and floated there, the whole room seemed to get hotter and a fiery aura radiated from Jack "Hell Fire Cascade!" Then one massive beam of intense fire magic burst forth from him, the beam flickered with reds, yellows, greens and purples. As the two spells clashed they seemed to be evenly matched, stopping an equal distance away from both, in the centre large lashes of a mixture of hell fire and god slayer acid sliced through the room, until a booming voice could be heard "DRACONIC... DISPELL!" A large ethereal purple dragon then began to flay around the room, eventually impacting the centre of the conflict, exploding giving off a large pulse. What both parties would then find was that their magic had been dispelled, and a very angry Lucius was standing in the doorway "Hoe many times do I have to tell you idiots, NO.FIGHTING.IN.THE.GAMES ROOM! If you feel the need to kill each other that badly, do so in the training room, because ,funnily enough, that's what it's meant for. Now everyone into the throne room before I hurt someone." Lucius then began to walk off, and although he seemed normal enough, he did seem to be every so slightly relying on his cane to walk, as well as the occasional purple sparks darting around his arm. "Jack then walked up to Perpe and knelt down a bit so that their faces were at the same height "Nice try hot stuff, maybe next time. Now I know that you are taking care of you will be a breeze." Jack then gave Perpe a quick peck on the lips before darting off in the direction Lucius was going in, closely followed by Lance. Gale and Alexis joined Perpe, Gale was just staring daggers at Jack "Hey don't worry, that jerk always tried that with girls, next time we'll make sure to break every bone in that bastards body." They then began to walk off and Gale gestured for Perpe to come with them "Hey. you coming, it's usually best to listen to Lucius when he's like that, he tends to get cranky when ignored."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Dakcka,@@Arid_Blitz, @reader8363,

Draco walked out towards the beach with a grin as he hauled the meat he pulled off of the Devilijho. He had set up a large cooking spit that was slightly away from the beach as he placed the meat onto the cooking spit. He had changed into a red swimming trunks. Draco saw Merri sucking up sand. "Hmm strange," he stated as he dove underneath the lake reaching the bottom. He had goggles on that allowed him to see under the water.


Draco saw something that looked like a chest. He grinned slightly to himself as he swam towards it. It was a chest. Did this place have a river that might have brought it to here? Draco kicked off quickly as he breached the surface in no time and breathing in a fresh batch of air. "Alright then there is something in that chest," Draco stated to himself with a grin on his face. Maybe whatever that was in there could reinburse him from the dent in his pocket. He dove back down to the treasure chest. Damn the lock is rusted no chance of picking it. He didn't recognize the insignia though.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@dragon4111, @@Skylord Nexus, @@Dakcka,



Having been out most of the night, Rouen headed to the beach wearing a different outfit. In a pair of dark purple swim trunks without his shirt on showing off his physique, toned abs, scars over his body, his new guild mark on his upper arm. Along with that he had a tattoo on his upper back which was of a heptagram done in white ink. At the points were words written in a different language each point had a word "Fire, wind, earth, air, spirit, dark. celestial." the middle had an eye. Under the heptagram was a single word "Peace." Setting down a few bags he could hear Leege yelling about suntan lotion and dug through a bag taking out a bottle and a new bikini for her. Walking over he looked up at her "Leege get changed then we can get you sun ready. I also brought drinks and snacks for everyone." he looked at how Draco was cooking up the dino meat on a spit roast "Draco has dinner."

Canteen had got a full night rest..a rare occurrence, he got up rubbing his head as he could feel it was sticky from dried blood. Seeing that the little goblin wasn't near him he began to stand up "Ugh, alright we were to do something." he rubbed his head as he thought "Something about swimming....OH the beach right." he heard noises as he saw the goblin was tearing into fruit left out. Going over to him he picked him up "Alright let us go." he held up a piece of the fruit for the goblin as it sat on his shoulder. Going out the door he headed over to the beach before he stopped "Hey wait a minute, Brume said we would have inner tubes." as he said that a few already inflated ones were launched at him hitting him in the gut and making him grunt "Ooof."

Looking down he saw them, grabbing them he ran off to the water "Alright." he jumped into the lake with his little pal taking one for him as well..Skidding out towards the center he laid back into the innertube and set the other next to him. The goblin getting on it relaxing on it as well "Think I'm going to name you Aidan it means light." he said softly to the goblin hearing a chittering come from him

As Antonio walked out the door he looked at Vanderbilt smirking some "I have many hobbies. My main love is reading, however I try to learn different things to keep myself busy. Crocheting is just the new one, before that was violin, before that reading runes, before that was dancing. I learn for isn't that what we are here for? Learning. Besides if I just read the books and never did anything they were about what would be the point?" as he said that he opened another door walking over to a magical atv. Opening the back he set in his suitcase "Alright shall we?"


Edited by Arid_Blitz
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Starry woke up to the sun shining behind the curtains and was glad she hadn't opened the blinds last night and didn't take her mask off. She got up and headed to the board to see what she can do while the other guild members took the day off. She found one that might work out for her and took it. She hurried out the door and headed to the place she needed to be


Opus sighed as the whole guild was spotless and the yard was clean. He checked the time and headed to the cliff, He placed his jacket on a tree as he was passing by and took a step off the edge. He hit the water and sank to the bottom. He casually walked on the bottom of the lake until he saw Draco. He walked up to him and said not trying to scare him, "May I help you and are you sure you shouldn't be resting. I might be wrong, it's been years since I've been gravely injured."


Shadow got up and decided to meet some old acquaintances and "ask" for money. He grabbed his cloak and hurried out the door


Dark woke up by the sound of someone running and stretched. He ate the food that he was given by one of the guild members and fell asleep after that. He placed the plate in front of the guild hall and headed to see if he could check into the inn for a few nights.

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@@reader8363, @@Arid_Blitz, @@Dakcka,

"I'm fine," Draco stated as he searched from his excursion and throwing the rather large chest onto the land. "I'm good for physical activities," Draco stated as he walked over to the slow cooking dino meat.   he added a little salt to it only a pinch to bring out the natural flavors of the meat.


Draco walked over to the chest after checking on the dinner that was slowly cooking. He placed a hand on the lock then yanked it off. "Hmm rusted," Draco stated as he opened up the chest and whistled. with in it was a treasure trove of gold and afew chunks of platinum. "I'm going to add these to the guild's vault," Draco stated with a grin on his face. Draco picked up one of the platinums. "We are rich," Draco stated with a laugh. "This chest must have had some water proofing to it to keep the water," Draco stated with a grin on his face slightly. "And a weightless charm to it," he muttered slightly as he looked at Opus. His wounds were seared closed. and were only red burns that looked like they were healing quickly. He grinned slightly and said "Don't worry about me Opus,"

listen to this as you read my friends) Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Skylord Nexus,


Grunting, Perpe stood to her feet. She wiped her mouth off with her sleeve. "I've never felt so frustrated..." She adjusted her bandanna, putting it around her arm. "Thanks, Gale. I don't plan on losing next time. If they had given me more time I could have shown them the full might of a God Slayer.." 


Perpe walked off into the throne room, sitting down cross legged on the floor facing Lucius' throne. "What's up?" 





Leege looked at the bikini that Rouen had chosen for her and she shook her head. "I don't wanna wear that stupid thing! It chafes me in ways and places you don't even want to know!" 


Keeping with her recurring quirk, Leege dropped her pants, leaving her in nothing but her undergarments. "You're gonna have to catch me, Rouen! Ehehehe!" Leege ran off and run smack dab into a new person at the beach. "Who are you?" Leege inquired, for once actually trying to conceal her body from the new man. 


"I'm here to deliver a message about the Grand Magic Games to Red Rock! That is the Guild in charge here, no?" He gave Leege a lacrima with a projection showing a man with a pumpkin on his head, this made Leege shiver.


"C-creeeppyyy...." Leege gulped and yelled. "Hey! Everybody! Come here for a second!" 





Brume heard Leege's obnoxious yelling as he surfaced from the water, and quickly swam to the shore and swiped the lacrima out of her hands. "I should be taking this first, as I'm the master and stuff!" Brume coughed, trying to seem like he knew what this was about.


"Heyyy... Draco... Opus... Maybe you two should c'mere too." Brume watched as the pumpkin headed-mascot began to speak.




Merri heard the redhead yelling and decided to see what was being yelled about, realizing that it was an invitation for the Grand Magic Games. "No way! We're allowed to qualify even though we've only existed for one day?" Merri was excited, she didn't know if Brume would pick her or not, but she was completely ready to cheer on her guild.


The Pumpkin-Man began to speak. "Hello to whoever receives this lacrima! If you are getting this then that means that you are qualified to join the Grand Magic Games, which are beginning very soon in the capital city of Crocus!" An image of the capital appeared, panning into the large arena that the Games will be held in.




"We are excited for this year's applicants, and we feel it will be the best Grand Magic Games yet! Just remember, no guild masters are allowed to participate, and FIVE members from each guild are to be chosen!" 


The lacrima's projection faded and Brume blinked. 


"Okay! Great! Now I've gotta spend the day choosing which one of my friends are allowed to compete and which ones can't! Sorry in advance!" Brume dived back into the water to do some thinking, as that's always where he did his best thinking. 


Sitting down on the floor of the ocean, Brume blinked, thinking to all his guild mates and who's strengths would qualify in this tournament. This also meant he couldn't participate... Great. 


Brume swam back to the surface, looking to all his Guild Mates. "Alright! I've chosen who I want participating!" Brume smiled his cute and warm smile before running back onto shore. 


"Here are the members I've chosen to be participating on Team Red Rock! 





and Merri!" 


Brume smiled as he yelled out the team, satisfied with his choices. Suddenly before he could be completely satisfied, Dawn walked up and put her arm around Brume. 


"Hon.. I don't really want to participate because I don't CARE who wins the tournament. Might I suggest placing Rouen in my stead? He wouldn't let you down, I promise." 


Sighing, Brume crossed out Dawn's name. "The team will be..






and Merri!


Brume shrugged, looking to Leege. "Starry and Leege can sub in if anybody gets injured during the tournament, sound good to you people?" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Alexis, or rather Franziska, sneered "Indeed they all deserve to be WHIPPED into submission." As if to add emphasise, Franziska also cracked her whip. Gale just patted Perpe on the back "Yeah, I think we could have taken them, usually they 'play' with us a bit, in truth that's the first time Jack's used one of those spells, you really forced his hand. Nice job."


As they all entered the throne room, Alexander was standing next to the throne, playing the part of the loyal guard he was, whilst Lucius stood in the middle of the room with a big smile on his face "I'm glad you asked Perpe! I present to you, Our ticket into the Grand Magic Games!" Lucius then held up the lacrima. Lucius chucked the lacrima into the air, where some unknown magic force made it levitate in place, the recorded message then played. Now that the recording had finished, many over magical displays appeared around Lucius and circled the room "Ok first matter of business, Our team. It shall be as follows-" Jack suddenly interjected before Lucius could continue "HEY! Don't we get a say in this?" Lucius glared at Jack with the anger of a thousand suns "Hmm, how about when you create a guild, you make the chose to vote, but I'm in charge, it's my say, live with it." Despite the obvious animosity between Lucius and Jack, Lucius continued unfazed "Our team shall be as follows: Firstly me, my speed, power and tactics our vital to our success. Second ,as much as a hate to say so, Jack, his pure power and magic reserves, as well as his ability to withstand damage our one of our best assets. Third, Gale, her power and ability to improvise and adapt in battle makes her a challenge for the most skilled of opponents. Fourth is Lance, we require a master of melee combat who can adapt his fighting style to over come his opponents, luckily Lance fits the bill. Last but most certainly not least, Perpe, she's our wild card, she is pretty much an enigma, no one knows what she's capable of, not even me. Anyone have an objection for me to ignore? Good. Now second manner of business... Costumes, we need a team costume." Gale shook her head and face palmed "Here he goes again." A single display then came to Lucius' side "I was thinking something like this:


"Of course if any of you want something different, you know the drill, think it and it will appear on a monitor."



(Note: Feel completely free to suggest something if you want, I just kinds found a good looking thing on the internet, so if you have an idea, feel free to suggest it.)

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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