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private The Ever-Ending : Behemoth of the Tracks [CLOSED]


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When Techno received his coffee he was still scrolling through the menu of several modes and settings in the system. It then gave him a general notification that coffee was being served in the economy class cabin. He then found what he was looking for. It was the cab view interface mode that would switch his eye view to the very front of the train and display the speed, acceleration-power, braking-power and other live status based systems. This was one of the very important features that Techno requested to have implemented as it would be vital to add vehicle control program systems in the future.


TU: Uhh I guess I should minimise the program for a bit as my coffee is probably there. Ahh there it is!!! Ad least once I drink this I shouldn't have the problem of falling asleep during the trip.


He then started sipping away at his coffee...

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@@Hazard Time



Sahay turns his head back towards the two, meeting both of their eyes as they stared. He blinks in surprise at the two suddenly taking an interest in him, nervously flashing them a smile in return. He's taken back by how brilliant Ophelia's gemstones and eyes were, feeling a strange, piercing gaze from a different angle as he stares back. It felt as though someone is peering into him, their eyes piercing a hole in his stripes. It took him a few moments before he could break his returning gaze, his chest tightening from a spike in anxiety. 


"Sorry, I- did you ask me something?" He asks, looking between the two. The zebra notes the other pony's knife and bloody hoof, and shifts in his seat to peer into his saddlebag. He searches it until he takes out a roll of white, semi-moist looking gauze. "Do you... need help with that?"

  • Brohoof 3


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Fifth Cart

Business Seating


"Oh well, never mind can't blame a girl for asking, I hope there will be no issues when I get to town, there isn't usually."  She cradled the mug in her hooves. "I wonder who the other pony is in the royal seating, not many ponies can even afford those seats, heck I can't not even on my generous government salary." 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Mentis Soliloquy

"I wondered the same." He looked back noting at the slightly opened door. 


@@Stripes,@@Techno Universal, @@genessee, @@Driz,  @@Hazard Time


With the flip of his intercom switch located just next to his office door, Hoofington slapped on his Coach Master hat- ready to begin their departing announcement. 


"Good morning passengers, my name is Julian Hoofington and for the remainder of your journey I will be your cart Coach Master. At our current time of... 7:27 A.M. we will be departing within three minutes. For the economy class cart- my assistant Sunshine Grimm will be your service attendant."

With that spoken the slight pale grey earth pony awaiting at the hall entrance for the passengers to see, all dressed in his blue attendant vest.

"For business and royalty passengers my secondary assistant Handy Dandy will attend to your service needs on the second floor. " 


"I would like to foremost inform passengers that while travel traffic has declined recently this does not give the freedom to at will take seating in different passenger classes, even if they are empty. If you are found residing in a class seating undesignated you will be firmly warned before a second offense will lead to punishment such as detainment and revoking of your daily meal." Hoofington stated at first, as though written by a script. 


"Our train carts, apart from the Royalty class, are non-designated smoking and drinking areas. If you wish to consume purified Poison Joke leaves (Tobacco equivalent) please notify an attendant and they will allow you to stand on the outside railing to do so. Alcohol and other drinks are only permitted by Royalty class. If you are caught with any illicit materials and/or contraband the Passenger Marshall will detain you. There will be no warning- no second chance. Your ticket will be voided and you will be discarded from the train." He spoke, his voice attaining a harsh tone to it.


"With that outta the way-" His tone shifting to a neutral phase, "I would like to assure you that during our journey FireIsland has maintained a successful safety and survival record since our starting phase 3 years ago. And as of this new year this will mark our 97th successful run. I can assure you with confidence this will be our 98th successful trip as we start our cross country trek. " He says, a slight proud undertone to it with mentioning their accomplishments.


"With in the hour of our departure our attendants will be preparing a complimentary breakfast to celebrate such occasion. This will not charge you against your meal schedule so please, do feel free to have as much as we can make- within reason of course. And as a final note- Passengers are not allowed to leave the Passenger Cart unless accompanied by an attendant or given approval by my authority, Security Head and the Train Master himself." He added.


"If you have any questions regarding any rules please speak with an attendant. If you are not comfortable speaking with one, my office is on the second floor just next to the Kitchen. " He spoke


"Within a few minutes the Head of Security will be making an announcement do please keep and ear open. And once again- Thank you all- for choosing Celestial Junction and Transport Services. And thank you for boarding Fire-Island." He gave his final note before hanging up the receiver.



Edited by FancyHorse
  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Huh? Oh! Uh, yeah, that'd be great. Thanks." Lance quickly leaned over and took the gauze. He then wrapped his bloody hoof with it and handed the remaining gauze back to the zebra. "You're a life-saver, uh..." Lance didn't know the zebra's name.




About time. It feels like I've been sitting here for years. Maybe because I've been a pain in the neck for everypony else here...

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Techno had just finished his coffee when the announcement came on.


TU: Finally it's about time to get going!!! And that means getting the system started as well!!!


Techno then opened the already running program and conveniently cab view mode was already active from earlier.


TU: I'll try and stay in this interface mode for most of the trip as this is already being broadcasted live back to the lab and their most interested in this mode at the live presentation. The train should now depart within the next few seconds.

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Lory clicked her tongue. "No smokes, nor alcohol? Pfft... Lemme tell ya, those Royalty class weirdos always have it better, don't they?" She commented out loud, to no one in particular. Just because the announcement presented her with the idea, she considered trying to sneak upstairs, into the Royalty class seatings, just so she could briefly enjoy some of the privileged perks. Perhaps once the train was actually put in motion, she would look for an opportunity to do so. But for the time being, she stood silently in her corner, cautiously observing the other ponies around. She also looked towards the end of the cart's corridor to meet eyes with the service attendant, Sunshine Grimm, giving him a friendly wave. If her plan was to be successful, that pony would have to be her priority.

Edited by Driz
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@@Stripes @@genessee


How unsatisfying.  None of her questions had been answered, and it seemed as if there were more important matters.  She wouldn't be rude; the answers would come in time, perhaps when he gave them.  He did not seem cooperative, however, as she could feel the anxiety rising as his gaze met hers.  This didn't surprise her, she was used to this.  How Lance had done so for a much longer period of time was more fascinating.


This thought was dashed as her stomach rumbled.  Ophelia brought her sandwich back up to her mouth and began taking large bites out of it.  She did not stop until it was all gone.  Would the others be just as charitable?  Perhaps she might be able to get two square meals today.

  • Brohoof 3

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Fifth Cart

Business Seating


She looked with him off to the door in question. "Did you see who got on? I got on the train rather close to departure time so I think I'm last on board, you think it's actually royalty or someone? Oh that'd be cool if like one of the princesses was in the other part of the train... but then there would be like a lot of guards." 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,@@Hazard Time, @@Driz, @@Techno Universal, @@genessee,@@Stripes


Not too long after Hoofington gave his two bits, a second voice appeared on the intercom. This one having a more... eastern accent? It was easy to note he wasn't from Equestria.

"Good morning Passengers. This is Patrinko Iamov, I'll be  your security head for the remainder of the trip. I would firstly like to thank you for boarding and wish a pleasant trip for the remainder of your journey- we will provide our services at our best." He started with- giving a slight pause.


"I would like remind our passengers- to the obvious factors- that most journeys have some form of conflict. Either by attempted boarders, vagabonds or even Ever-End encounters. I would like to inform if such an occurrence arises please remain in your seats. The passenger carts will enter into lockdown until the threat has been eliminated. In the event of a major firefight or emergency- the security team has the reserved right to board and outfit the passenger carts to their needs if needed so under my authority." He stated. 


"And to a final note- as a passenger on board everypony is subject to search if suspicion occurs- either reported by the Marshall- Attendant staff, Operator staff and vice versa." He added.


"If conflict occurs in the passenger cart or any form of criminal activity is observed in the passenger cart- security staff has the authority to both: detain and/or void your travel ticket. " He spoke.

  • Brohoof 4

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@FancyHorse @@Hazard Time


"Wait, what?" Lance muttered under his breath. Ever-End encounters? Oh, well, maybe I'll get lucky and we won't have to deal with any of that stuff. Maybe this will be an average trip where I make a fool of myself and then totally forget this ride in a few years. Yeah, that's it. He sighed quietly and went for a bite of his sandwich. When he bit into nothing, he became confused for a second before remembering he had given it to a complete stranger. 

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Mentis Soliloquy,@Hazard Time@Driz@Techno Universal@genessee,@Stripes




With another blow of its whistle the train signals about its imminent departure. 



"Okay team. Set to gradual power." Jermia spoke, the frost white unicorn matching with his own reactor suit as his two assistants fiddle about with the power output controls. A touch to the output dial with Rosemary at the dials awaiting for any possible spikes in the levels. 

"Levels are looking good." Kellogg noted, continuing to give gradual  ticks. 


Taking hold of the intercom set, Jermia switched to the Operator set. 



"I'm giving you some juice here. Lets get moving." The voice of the reactor head spoke. 


"Alright, accelerating." Zuck gave a simple reply in order to his assistant. With Rex nodding he gradually pushed at the lever speed control on his console looking out to the reinforced window before at the open gate ahead of them. With another blare of the horn the train shook a bit as the carts followed ensue with their leading engine. The passengers feeling a slight rock as they are pulled forward. 


Lights about them- Haybale City was an amalgam of itself- an identity it can't seem to grasp. A conglomerate of old and new with wooden rigid saloons and taverns with a mixture of new silicon and steel shops, cafes and other heavy material buildings- with skyscrapers piercing up to the sky branding at their corporate logos and insignia. And just to their east spanning about in length the unmistakable noting of the barrier walls spanning the city limits. 


With a soft near silent tone playing on the background radio; the audibleness giving a slight favor of its worn out background of the morning time of this bustling oddity of a city. 

I remember it like it was yesterday when the tracks clammered and shook with the racing roar of these brightly colored machines. With songs of joy and friendship echoing about in these once vibrant and comforting aisles. Neither stranger or enemy could resist the friendly atmosphere it endeavored. The breeze flowing into the open window as you blast your horn out into the open space. 


Ponies of all ages and generations. It was the symbolic innovation that kept the spirit of travel alive. Connecting cities and families together. 


But of an era by-gone. That spirit was no more. 


Zuck could feel that dampen at his heart. Staring off into the dark sky ahead of them. Typically glowing at this time Celestia's warm radiance. Now a dim pink that only gave its signal of an approaching sun. 


Times have changed. 

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Economy Class


@nopony in particular


Lance was bored. Simple as that. He had no friends on the train (or anywhere) to sit by, and nothing to do. He made a mental checklist of the things he had tried:


Sleeping. He wasn't tired.

Small talk. He was too shy to start a conversation.

Messing with his knife. He didn't want to start another big deal. 

Messing with his hoof. He wasn't going to be getting any more gauze, and he was pretty sure the employees wouldn't be too happy if he bled all over the already dirty seats.

Writing. He had stupidly left his small notepad and pencil at the station. Well, his pencil was in his hoodie. But he was sure his notepad was gone, and it had months of writing in it. Nothing good, though...

Being excited about his new life. He had already gotten over the start hype of a new life.

Looking through his hoodie to find stuff he had left in it without knowing. He had actually done this, and found it semi-fun. Unfortunately, he had searched the entire hoodie and came up with: a piece of chocolate (it wasn't very tasty.) lots of lint, his pencil, his knife, and a small photo of his previous cottage, before the Ever-End. He had hoofwrote 'Home' on the back of it. It brought a single tear to his eyes whenever he looked at it, the sun shining in the background, and Lance in the photo, a huge grin on his face. It was a pretty shabby building, but it was his. 


As Lance looked at his photo, a tear rolled down from his eye, and plopped onto the picture. He quickly brushed the remaining tears out of his eyes, and placed his photo back into his hoodie. With a small smile, he imagined himself standing in front of a new cottage, with the sun shining above him, and Lance grinning ear to ear, happy once again.

Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 2

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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As the train departed the parking brake released and the acceleration power jumped up to 70%. As the train pulled out of the station building Techno could see the Celestial labs tower in the distance from the front view of the train. This building really stood out from the other skyscrapers in the city as it was the 3rd tallest building in the city and it was lit up with blue glowing circuit board patterns. He could also make out the precise location of his apartment at the top of the tower.


TU: Yup that's my home alright up there and what I'm broadcasting is being projected onto a screen somewhere in that tower. But other than that everything looks normal in the tain's systems. It looks like the reactor has gone from idle to excel mode where it supplies extra power that is necessary for accelerating and gaining speed.

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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"Psst! Hey!" Her voice came from somewhere just below line of sight. "Knifekid! Over here!" She waved her hoof frantically above the seat's height, revealing her position. Lory could be found crouching beneath the row of seatings, akin to a jaguar stalking its prey amidst the tall grass. Moving out from her corner, she quietly made her way near Lance - something she grew fond of doing since he always had the most unexpected reactions during their interactions, which amused her. That was one of the reasons why she decided to bring the young colt along with her on her mission.

"Wanna do something fun?"

  • Brohoof 2
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"Sahay, and it's not a problem." Sahay says, hiding the gauze away in his saddlebag. "The gauze will burn for a moment, but your cuts should close quickly." He looks up and turns an ear to the intercom, and listened. So, no alcohol or proper smoke? At least he was smart enough to leave whatever pleasures he had back in town, but the zebra was rather envious of the royalty seating's privileges. There was little comfort in hearing the safety record of the train, either, moreso that the security had the right to conscript and ​arm the passenger carts!


@@Hazard Time


Sahay looks back down at the floor as the second train whistle blows, leaning with the rocking of the train as it pulls forward. The music was barely there, but appreciated. Giving one last glance to the mare beside him, he wondered just where she got the sandwich from. Did he even receive his meal yet?  He looks up at Lance as he reminisced with the photo, and wondered what it was-




The zebra sees a familiar-colored hoof rise from behind the colt's seat, but decides to just watch and see where this next encounter takes the two of them.


He might not have any gauze left by the first stop.

  • Brohoof 2


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"First off, my name is not 'Knifekid', it's Lance. Second, can you tell me what your definition of 'fun' is before anything." Even though Lance looked skeptical, he was already ready. He was bored out of his mind. As long as it doesn't get me kicked off of the train, I'm up for it. It's going to get me kicked off of the train, isn't it?

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Seeming to have paid no mind to what Lance said, Lory lifted herself off the ground, sitting next to the colt. "Alright, Knifekid, so here's the deal." She moved closer to him as to try and conceal their conversation. "You know how the Royalty class dumbos up there on the second floor have all the good food and free privileges for themselves, right? Y'know, they might have some delicious chocolate there, or some cake, or even some... chocolate cake! Anyway, we're gonna sneak inside the pennygrabber's club upstairs and take a quick gander to see if we can borrow something. Whaddya say?" Lory's eyebrows danced about.


"I need you to distract that fine steward right there, so he doesn't see us." She points at Sunshine Grimm at the end of the cart's hallway. "Go and ask him to go grab something for ya, like... like a roll of toilet paper or some crap. While he's out, I'll tip-hoof upstairs and give you the signal that the area is clear. Got it?"

  • Brohoof 2
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Lance opened his mouth to tell Lory what a stupid idea this was, paused, and shut his mouth. "Okay, first off, this isn't going to work and we're going to get thrown off the train. Now that that's out of the way, if you get caught and I wasn't in the royalty class yet, I was no part of this." He then nodded towards Lory and trotted off towards Grimm.




Lance approached the employee. "Hello, fine sir! Do you happen to have a... uh... roll of toilet paper?" Lance almost slapped himself as soon as the words came out. Why TOILET PAPER?!

  • Brohoof 2

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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With an approach of the gray pony, Grimm gave him a warm smile. His smile while remaining became more of bewilderment when he requested for toilet paper?

"Umm... Toliet Paper?" He asked, not to sound ignorant but rather questioned as to why? 


"If you'll give me a moment." He says, retreating back to the supply closet to retrieve the roll. 



Unbeknownst to the mischevious mare the male unicorn, with his seating at the front of the seats, is keeping his eyes open watching from the properly placed mirror at the top position with the ceiling and wall begin to connect. Eugene let out a slight huff with Lance turning to look back at Lory. 


He was ready to make a move. 


@@Mentis Soliloquy,

 "Well 'Royalty class' Doesn't always refer to some head of a kingdom. Just a more proper term i suppose to signify a greater quality of seating. Thought I have heard one of the princesses may have taken passage on one before." Fancy responded giving a slight hum at his thoughts. 


"So do please, share more about these artifacts. I'm quite fascinated." he says urging on more becoming enthralled to hear on this government assignment.



With arid rolling hills and flatlands, the scape around them changing as they pass through into the train gates just connecting from the barrier walls. With rhythmic bumps and cranks of the wheel gears churning about against the tungsten rails. Excess water vapor ejecting into the air with each passing ventilation of the reactors core.


Next stop - Appleosa Station (Status - Isolated) 

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@genessee, @@FancyHorse


Her hoof pressed against her mouth, Lory took a few seconds to recover from laughter upon seeing Lance in action. Once again, it surprised her: she didn't think he would ever agree in becoming her partner-in-crime. Perhaps she could rely on him more than she had initially thought. After taking a few deep breaths, the troublemaker winked towards the hooded young colt and walked over near the staircase, whistling and looking around nonchalantly. Then, she moved a few steps upwards, just enough so she could poke her head into the second floor and peek around.


She wasn't able to see much up there, especially considering the fact that her attention was immediately caught by a massive, expensive-looking wood-carved wall that decorated the hallway's end: something resembling a juicy bank vault, in her head. It definitely stood out from the usual gloomy, steampunk atmosphere the shabby economy class exhaled. Soon after, Lory trotted back downstairs to provide Lance with the updates.


"Looks like we've got another obstacle in our way... The stairs lead directly into the business class, I think, and the actual Royal mess hall is past it... Although, good news is, that place is nearly empty! So it shouldn't be too hard." The mare began making her way back upstairs, before suddenly halting and coming back down. "Also... The toilet paper bait, kid? Brilliant." She giggled joyfully.

  • Brohoof 2
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"It was your idea. And we should get going, that employee is going to come back soon." Lance began to follow Lory, and wished he had just declined her offer. But think about it this way: let's say she messes up and she gets caught because you didn't have her back. That'd be YOUR FAULT. Lance cursed himself for being an idiot.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Fifth Cart

Business Seating


She looks back to the unicorn. "Artifacts? You make them seem like lost treasurers or something, if they were I'd not be asking at all I've done that once to twice where I stormed a few manors with royal guard to take what you'd call artifacts, I am merely after some old books, which I belive are not of a huge amount of value but I suppose I could be wrong, have been in the past."


She sits back. "Why are you so curious?" 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Mentis Soliloquy


"Well it isn't everyday you meet and mingle about with interesting ponies these days. What with limited contact- and the dreary vibe in the air. No pony really wants to open up anymore." He says giving a raise in his brow in a charming fashion. 


Passing by the two, Handy Dandy held in his magical grasp a rather steaming warm plate of a delicit scent of breakfast heading straight for the Royalty class. 

"Some pony is getting a good meal hehe." Fancy spoke, "I'll have your complimentary meal ready soon sir and madam." The unicorn turned about giving a slight bow before returning direction opening at the cabin door to Techno's room. 


@@Techno Universal

"Sir?" Handy called out, still noting at his odd staring... still fixiated on something. Without another word he readied at his tray table before his comfortable reclining chair. 

"Your complimentary breakfast sir. Fresh toast, hashbrowns, and two flap jacks sir." He stated placing along side it a glass of thick orange juice.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" he asked, awaiting a response.


Meanwhile poking her head up from the stairs, a certain mare scans about at the connecting hall. Behind the connecting stairs, the warm scent of the kitchen easily detected from the open sliding door. Just next to it noting at the train masters closed office door and left of that the attendant quarters. 



Security Team

Turrets in full scan, the gunners rotating at slow scanning paces keeping their guns in forward position with cameras in a free viewing. 

"Turbo. No signatures. No roamers." Kellin called out on her B-Set. 

"Roger. No sighting. Security teams out- looks like Artyom wants to try that new drone." Jaquis commented as he zoomed  his camera onto the two dogs on the  security cart walkway.

"Eh, they like playing with their toys." Kellin commented giving a smirk.

"Like you're any better bird brain?" Jaquis responded. 


Artyom unlatched at the metallic case, retrieving from the interior polmer casing in his paw he held the lightweight DragonFly Scout MkII. Noting underneath its 'abdomen' clicking at the power switch the drone jittered a bit giving a slight flutter in its wings. 

"Drone is ready?" He asked to his comrade. 

"Let me set up." Glebb responded, holding out the blocky tablet device at it searched to connect. Within a brief moment the screen flashed to life giving a shakey feed as the camera stared up straight to Artyom.

"Bornio. Looks good." He gave a thumbs up. 


Walking towards the end of the walkway and turning to face Glebb. With a swift jog and the drone in his paw he gave a hearty toss forward with the wind carrying the drone into the air before the audible buzz of its wing gave lift. 

"Turning.. " Glebb said as his comrade joined his side. The DragonFly soared with majestic ease as it kept good speed with the train as it flew over head. 


The two gave a hearty chuckle as they watch their device fly about joining close in travel speed. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Fifth Cart

Business Seating


"I suppose you have a point, life's never been the same since (subject to change) the Everfree just expanded when it did and well wrecked our fine land, all of us ground ponies confined to travel via trains like this or heavily armed hoof convoys, I've been in one of those once... we lost a few ponies right out the front gates and we had cover from the town at the time!"

  • Brohoof 1

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