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private My Little Pony: Friendship is Roleplaying (Full tabletop system beta testing)


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@@ProbablyNotLyra, @@KlutsyDraconequus


Aurora smiled. "Sure. Maybe this time I'll actually hit the board more than once."

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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​(Screwloose has a non binary gender. But, to make it easier, and as Screwloose is biologically male, I will refer to him as him/he)


​Screwloose's saddle pack fell to the ground for the umpteenth time. "OH! FOR THE LOVE OF..." he began to moan, but suddenly something caught his eye: Apploosa.


When the volcano that Screwloose had called home erupted, he flew away in panic. Finding himself lost in the desert, he had avoided wilderbeest and highway-ponies, and had nearly died from exhaustion multiple times. But finally, he had found civilization! His eyes started brimming with tears, and he flew excitedly towards the group of western-looking shacks.


(10 minutes later)


Screwloose wandered through the streets of Apploosa warily. He had heard many tales of this strange town, and didn't want to get on the bad side of any of the locals. But he was dying for water and rest, so he jumped into the nearest inn. "The Rusty Cantaloupe!" He smiled, but was too weak to utter more than a chuckle.



Without hesitation, he stepped inside...

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@@AuroraMLP, @@ProbablyNotLyra



As ponies alike began to leave and enter the bar, another tourist entered the inn looking more tired than his chuckle might say otherwise.


Rain went to the starting line and prepped her shot:


Throw 1: 20 and 3


Throw 2: 7 and 3


Throw 3: 16 and 1


(Sorry if I missed any format requirements, I am limited to posting from my phone right now, as my internet is in the fritz.)


"Now that's a solid throw," she said grinning.

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@AuroraMLP, @ProbablyNotLyra , @ScrewLoose


Mirage turned to face the weary pegasus that had entered. The griffons looked at him curiously. The poor thing looked like he had crossed the entire desert! He turned back to Aurora, excusing himself.


"I'm gonna go check on that new guy that just came in. He seems like he could use a hand." He told her, gesturing to the tired looking pony that had come into the inn.


Mirage walked over, introducing himself and leading the pony to the bar to sit down.


"Hey there new guy. I'm Mirage, the resident griffon of Appleoosa. You look pretty worn out, want a drink?" The griffon told the pegasus while smiling politely. 

Edited by ProbablyNotLyra
  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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@@AuroraMLP, @@ProbablyNotLyra



Trotting back to the seating area they occupied for the most of the night.


"Your welcome to join our little game if you'd like. Otherwise, it seems Mirage had already got you a free drink on the house. So relax a little, I am Rain. Seems your the latest wanderer we have seemed to gobble up," she said warmly.


"Anywho, who's next? Unless y'all declare me winner by default, though it would be fitting, it wouldn't be quite as satisfying."

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@AuroraMLP, @ProbablyNotLyra , @ScrewLoose


Mirage gave a small laugh, shaking his head.


"You're not the winner of anything yet!" He said to Rain, walking up to the dart board.


He turned to the new pegasus and pointed out the bartender. "Go ask him for a drink, I'll give you the bits." He throw the pegasus he had offered a drink three bits, enough for a water or cider.


Mirage gave 3 bits: Remainder 54


"I've got a game of darts I'm got to win!" The griffon declared grandly, grabbing a dart and lining up his shot.


Throw 1: 4 and 4

Throw 2: 15 and 3

Throw 3: 7 and 1

Edited by ProbablyNotLyra
  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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@@ProbablyNotLyra @@KlutsyDraconequus @@ScrewLoose


(Sorry I'm so late to this. For some reason, I didn't get the notifications.)


Rain: -150 Points


Mirage: -110 Points


(Sorry for the lack of diagram - I will provide those in the future, but this is kind of rushed.)


Aurora stepped up to the line, smiling weakly. "Let's see if I have better luck than last time.


Throw 1: d20: 3 d4: 1


Throw 2: d20: 6 d4: 2


Throw 3: d20: 19 d4: 2


Score: -80 Points


Aurora blinked at the unexpected hit. "Oh! So that's how you're supposed to throw them."

Edited by AuroraMLP

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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"Nah, I'm good thanks. Screwloose replied warily. "What I need is to have a drink, and get some rest. Water the plant, ya know."  With that, he trotted away to speak to the innkeeper. 


"So... You have a room for me?"


(10 minutes later)



Screwloose went back to his new companions. He was covered in bruises and scratches, and appeared to be crying...




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@@AuroraMLP, @@ScrewLoose, @@ProbablyNotLyra


(Sorry about the late reply. I have been distracted and my internet service which has been an issue as of late is finally fixed. How long it remains fixed we shall see. :P)


Rain looked with worry as she realized the bruises on their newest companion. "Hey, who hurt you? Are your wounds serious?"

Edited by KlutsyDraconequus
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Screwloose replied breathlessly: "I asked that barkeeper for a room, but I realised I didn't have any money. I'm exhausted and need a place to stay, so I started begging him for a loan to pay back to him when I've got a job! But he refused and started attacking me. He took all of my stuff as well!" He began to cry uncontrollably, before moaning, and collapsing in a heap on the dusty floor...




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@@AuroraMLP, @@ScrewLoose, @@ProbablyNotLyra


"Hey Mirage, you know the bar keep here right? Would he have a tendency like this? Does he have a violent disposition? I want to question him anyway. Confirm his story and right any wrongs we do see."


She turned to the beaten Pegasus (Dragon? What is your race lol? I have no clue.) "I want to hear his side of the story first. Your wounds speak for themselves but I don't want to assume anything", she said urging the others on to follow.


(As a sidenote, you can mention the other party members when you post we get a mention of it in our notifications. Just follow my example:


@ [ member = ' username ' ]


Just omit the spaces, and everything should work.

Edited by KlutsyDraconequus
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@AuroraMLP @ProbablyNotLyra @KlutsyDraconequus

(I'm a pegasus :) )


ScrewLoose was too weak to object, so lay down exhausted on the floor knowing that the bar keep would lie.




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@AuroraMLP, @ScrewLoose@KlutsyDraconequus


Mirage looked at the beaten pegasus speechlessly wondering why in the world this would happen. As long as he had known the bar keep, he wasn't too rude.. He did get a bit picky when loans were brought up, but other then that nothing ever made him mad enough to beat ponies. The griffon looked at the poor pegasus, confused.


"You just asked if you could use a loan, and he attacked you?" He asked, not sure what could be wrong.


"I'll go talk to him and see what could be the problem. Maybe.. he's just having a bad day?" Mirage said nervously, unsure of himself.

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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@@ProbablyNotLyra @@KlutsyDraconequus @@ScrewLoose


(Quick note to help writing for this unexpected event - bartender is a lone disguised changeling that replaced on a whim, not bothering to research the pony's personality, instead acting on how they thought somepony would act.)

  • Brohoof 1

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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@KlutsyDraconequus @ScrewLoose,@@AuroraMLP,


((Ohhhh, this is actually a great test for the fighting mechanic against an actual enemy! It also gives our little group a bigger reason to go into the Everfree.. Maybe the changeling came from there? Who knows, just putting out some ideas.))

  • Brohoof 2

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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@@AuroraMLP, @@ScrewLoose,



(So whose controlling the changeling?)


Rain approached the bar keep, "Did you attack my friend just now?"


She kept a serious look, but gave him a fair distance giving him a little breathing room.

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@@ProbablyNotLyra @@KlutsyDraconequus @@ScrewLoose


The bartender returned the look. "He wasn't paying. This isn't a free service, you know."



(I'm controlling the changeling. For the future, I control all non-player characters.)


(And no, the changeling doesn't really know that much about Equestrian culture, so he doesn't know that assault is a punishable crime. You won't get arrested for a small fistfight, but a beating like that, definitely.


Also remember that the other ponies in the bar won't know that he's a changeling, even if the characters figure it out. And we can't arrest him directly, as none of our characters are part of the police force or military. A delicate situation.)


(EDIT: Whoops. I sort of forgot Screw Loose was a stallion. Show instincts, I guess. Sorry!)

Edited by AuroraMLP
  • Brohoof 2

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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@KlutsyDraconequus @ScrewLoose @,


Mirage came up behind Rain, a worried look on his face.


"Are you okay buddy? You seem kinda out of it. You sure you're not sick?" Mirage asked, sounding concerned.

  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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  • 2 months later...

Okay, I think I'm going to declare this thread officially dead, unless you all still want to continue.


I guess I didn't pursue you guys, since I was already kind of busy with college, but I'm a lot more free now.


(Also, I wan't a little more gameplay before revamping the combat system like I was thinking.)

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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