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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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It was extremely cold. Aquarius spots a good size cave, thinking it would be a good idea to head on in to escape the cold, he heads in. As he enters he notices the large amount of gems and crystals in the cave, perhaps he can make some cash later on. He isn't sure at this point and wanders a bit deeper into the cave, and he leans against a rock, resting from a day of aimless searching for a place called the Crystal Empire.


The sounds of the wind outside of the cave are relaxing. 


OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/162743-ooc-snowed-in-1x1-with-raven-rawne/

Edited by NightMare Star.
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Somewhere in the Crystal Mountains, in a place that wasn't marked on any map, lied a snowy valley like countless more in this desolate, snowy area. Although one little detail made it different...


A screeching sound of frozen crystal echoed through the valley as a sign of protest. A lone pony pushed the crystal doors open, fighting the snow that wanted to bury her little hideout. Crystal Clear looked around from beneath her warm winter cap as she muttered something under her breath.


"Paid vacation they said... Spank my flank, last bucking time I agree on something like that..."


The crystal mare was wearing white all over - a warm cap, thick coat and pants complete with sturdy winter hoofboots. Okay, the boots were black. She had her black sabblebags on, packed with supplies, a pickaxe strapped to her back and a flurescent glow-crystal on a necklace. A snow mask with tinted crystal goggles made her look weird, but at least she was safe from snow blindness and a frozen snout. One last touch with a white hooded cloak and she was ready to roll. The mare closed her cabin made of cherry crystal and hid the key in a pocket, then wandered off to carry on her mission.


It wasn't that cold today, at least she thought so. The sun was up and shined brightly on the snowy land all around. Occasionally a cliff would peek out with shades of grey and charcoal, breaking the monotomy. The mare used snow boots that help her stay on top of the snow, rather than fall in and wade breast deep through it. Her plan for tonight was to check a cliff she saw yesterday, see if there are any caves or exposed minerals there. Crystals usually grew in caves.


The mare arrived at her quarry after an hour or so. She couldn't see her tiny home from here, but knew which way it was. She started thoroughtly checking the cliff for any signs of crystals.


Seems it was her lucky day - Crystal Clear saw a hole in the wall. It was big enough for a pony, so hopefully nothing nasty picked it as a nest. Since it snowed last night, she couldn't see any tracks leading to and from it. Anyway, her own tracks will be swept by the wind in a few hours. She fished her pickaxe for defense and slowly, quitly walked inside, her necklace providing pale, white light.


She grinned under her mask as she took off er goggles. Crystals, and lots of them! Azure Sky, Berry Red, even a few Dragon Breaths! Crysta Clear decided to go a bit deeper before she started chipping away her treasures - to make sure she was alone in this cave.

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@@Raven Rawne,


A quiet growling sound is heard. Aquarius peeks out from behind the large rock, his Chrysalis like eyes locked onto Crystal's. Curiosity but also somewhat of fear beaming from them.  She can tell he is a changeling, he backs away from her. His Mane glinting in the faint light along with that Crescent Moon. He doesn't say anything yet, instead letting actions do the talking. His eyes glow faintly.  He shivers slightly since its kind of cold. 

Edited by NightMare Star.
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The crystal mare went deeper into the cavern. She guessed it was rather large, guessing from the shimmering crystals all around. They liked deep caves. She didn't go far before she saw something in the distance, something that didn't belong. Crystal Clear walked closer, making her best effort not to make any noise as she hoisted the pickaxe to rest it on her shoulder - to make a sweeping strike if needs be.


She stepped on loose pebbles and her hoof slided, and she instinctively growled with frustration. That's when she saw... it? Pony sized, glowing eyes, strange mane and tail, a bit like that of the Princess of the Night? She took a step closer to let the light shine on the creature - now she knew it was some kind of Changeling. Curious, but potentially dangerous. She kept her eyes on the changeling, who seemed scared of her. Or was it some kind of trap?


She decided to take initiative and spoke quietly - "I won't hurt you if you won't do anything stupid. Is this your home?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


His eyes blink once and he steps out slowly and cautiously. "I have none. I simply came here to hide from the blizzard. Its very cold out there... I didn't want to die... I came in here and slept for a while. That is until you came." He says rather bluntly but also a bit fearful. Crystal clear notices his horn. 

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@@Nightmare Star


The mare scrunched her snout under the snow mask. She relaxed a bit but didn't lower her pickaxe just yet.


"So... you're lost?  And alone? It's hardly the best area for leisurely strolls..."


She listened to his reply and nodded with a sigh.


"Tough luck. Without proper shelter- and fire - you'll freeze in here."


The crystal pony thought for a bit, looking at the changeling up and down. 


"Okay... I guess my parents raised me to be too good but, I guess you can warm up in my cabin nearby. Leaving you here doesn't feel right to me. But try something shady and you're out on the cold,  got it?"

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@@Raven Rawne


He nods and takes a few steps forward. He is just a bit taller than the crystal pony. "What is your name? Where do you come from? What time of day is it?" Aquarius asks, taking a few steps towards the entrance. He blinks occasionally and his eyes lock onto hers. With a hint of gratefulness in them. He speaks like a changeling would.

Edited by NightMare Star.
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The mare carefully observes the changeling, but decides he most probably has enough smarts to know that she's like, his only chance to survive. Crystal Clear threaded her pickaxe through the loop by her saddlebags and secured it in place.


"Name's Crystal Clear. I guess it's hard to tell with all those clothes on, but I'm a crystal pony. So unless you've been avoiding the news tor a year now... I'm from the Crystal Empire. Currently on, ahem, "paid vacations". And sine I went out around nine AM, it should be somewhere round ten thirty or so, give or take. My place is an hour walk from here."


She led him out, her glow-crystal providing light. The mare occasionally glanced aside at especially big or less common rystals she saw. This cave was a good hit. They were near the entrancewhen she spoke again.


"The snow is very thick around here, I had to use snow roots not to fall chest deep into it. You think you could fly above it? I sure won't be able to carry you without falling into the snow myself!" She snorted at the funny image in her mind. "Anyways, take this - should keep at least some of the wind out."


She gave him her hooded cloak - it was made of thick wool, so extra warmth and snow white cover in one. The changeling would be visible from miles without it, and she didn't want to risk meeting local fauna.


Crystal Clear gave her companion an appraising look. "A bit too small for you, but it'll have to do for now, I guess. Wherever you're ready."

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@@Raven Rawne,


He nods as he slides on the cloak. Indeed it is a bit small but it will have to do for now. "My name is Aquarius. I am a stray, I don't fall prey to the 5 hives of equestria nor am I part of their plans... As to your questions I don't think I can. My wings would probably freeze." He replies to Crystal Clear as he keeps walking towards the entrance.

Edited by NightMare Star.
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The mare's ears perked up.


"...Five hives? Eh, no matter, just stay close to me okay? The weather is good, all things considered, but we need to make it quick through the open, lest you freeze in here."


She patted her chin in thought and shook her head. She didn't have anything that would help. Crystal Clear took a last glance atthe changeling, still unsure if she was doing the right thing, then took a step outside.


"Alright now, let's go. You won't get any warmer by staying in that cave, so might as well make a dash for it already. Stay down wind from me for some cover."


The pair left the cave and Crysta escorted the changeling towards her cabin. it wasn't the smoothest walk, since he fell into he deep snow a few times, but he managed to stay alive til they reached the save haven. Crystal saw the small glowing lantern on the roof first, then the steep roof and low walls of her cabin. It had several, but tiny windows to help with keeping the heat inside. A small curved chimney puffed thin bills of smoke. At least the fire was still burning.


"just a moment now, hold on." - She fished out the key and opened the small house, then let the changeling in first. The inside was modest, but comfy. Crystal all over, a bunk bed for two, small bathroom nook with thin walls for privacy, a coal stove for cooking and heating. A big cushion for sitting and a small table to eat on. Water came from a cistern tucked above the apartment, along with a supply of coal, food, and basic medicines. A hefty crystal chest, bearing a rose mark and locked shut rested by the beds.


"Home sweet home, or rather a temporary base. Lay down by the stove and get warmed up, I'll make you something hot to drink. You like tea?" - The mare took off her sabblebags, cap and face mask. The goggles were dangling on her neck. He had the first good look at her without the accesories. Crystal poured some water from the tap and set a crystal kettle on the stove. Then proceeded to take off the rest of her garments.


"Uff, we made it then. How are you holding up? Slightly better?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne


He smiles as he enters the cabin. "Tea is fine. I'm holding up alright. As for the 5 hives... would you mind if I tell you about them?" He asks the Crystal mare, taking off the cloak and setting it on the floor near the door and he sits down at the big cushion. He observes the Mare, she looks innocent enough. He lays down by the stove as instructed.

Edited by NightMare Star.
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Crystal was busy with pinning the clothes to a few cables strewn by the stove, so they would dry. "Good to hear you're more or less okay. I doubt you'd manage through the night in that cave, to be honest... If it's no secret, sure, why not. Honestly there's not much to do in here anyway, so a bit of company is a nice change. Although I'm more interested how you found yourself in the middle of the Crystal Mountains without as much as a scarf, unless that's a secret, of course."


She reached for two cups and put some tea leaves in as she waited for the kettle to boil. The air started to get humid from the soaked clothes drying up.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He nods. "Well first off we have the Chrysalis hive. The most well known, the most aggressive. The Honeycomb hive, ruled by Queen Ambrosia is known to prefer hot and humid jungles, mostly out of hollowed trees and caves, they are generally more passive than the other hives and sometimes lure ponies in and feed on them. They feed on Love, all hives do, I think. Then we got the Hagfish hive, they are pretty small and their hive is located on hollowed out caves on the shore, their Queen is Myxine. Shes rather depressed and lonely, sometimes they save the drowning, or play as the drowning. Then theres the Miasma Hive, the 2nd largest and ruled by Queen Miasma. She is obsessed with perfume and such, she is mean and snobby. The Ambrosia Hive is known to hide out by graveyards and impersonate the ghosts of the dead and gain love that way, they can kill on sight when provoked. Its best not to provoke any hive." 


He sighs. "As to how I got here, I was simply traveling around Equestria and ended up here." He says rather calmly.

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The mare sat on the crystal floor by the stove to listen. Partially for extra warmth, and partially to be close to scoop the kettle once the water boils. "I've only ever heard about the first one, although, before I packed up here, there was news that that hive was taken over by Thorax, the changeling that lived in the Empire for some time. So I guess that makes it a Thorax Hive, right?" She scratched her ear - the cap made her itchy.


"Uh huh, that's our call." The kettle started whistling and the mare picked it up, then poured the hot water to the cups. She looked back at the changeling. "I don't have any sugar, I'm afraid. Only the bare minimum so I won't go bonkers on my own." She took the cups one by one and brought them on the table, then sat on the bed.


"Just for the record, I don't buy your story about just taking a walk around here, but it's none of my business. Just keep in mind it's as warm as it gets in here, we have summer after all." She cocked he head slightly and looked at him with a gentle smile. "So, what are your plans, now that you're not freezing to death? Maybe I could give you a pointer to a place you want to reach?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs. "Yeah I've heard of that." He takes one of the cups and takes a few sips and then sets it back down. "Well as for my plans I could say that I could stay here for a while. Revealing myself to the locals would probably suck. I don't want to do that. But I will have to get love in some way, or I will die. And I don't want that.He says, a bit fearful though. 

Edited by NightMare Star.
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The mare nodded slowly. "I see... The Crystal Empire is a day away, but I don't have any warm clothes to give you, and my supplier will be here in two weeks or so. So I can't really help you with reaching it, even if I walk with you all the way, you'll freeze. I guess that's not something you'd want..." She thought about their options as she hopped off the bed and walked to the table to sip her own tea.


"I guess I could let you stay here for a while. The upper bed can be yours, I have enough food and water is just outside waiting to be melted. The love part may be tough though. I'm single and even if I wasn't, I guess you wouldn't get any now that I know you're, well, you."


She took another sip, eyeing the changeling curiously.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods slowly and he takes a few more sips from the cup. He has enough love to last maybe 4-5 weeks maybe? "Well. I will survive for 4 to 5 more weeks but at week 4, I'll go feral and nopony wants that... that happens when Changelings are deprived of love for a long time and they will start to act like animals." He responds rather urgently.

Edited by NightMare Star.
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The mare noticed he was concerned by her news, and her smile faded as she listened to him. "That's... pretty bad, to be honest. Then we have a deadline to get you out of here. I won't vouch for your safety if you turn feral on me." She sat on the crystal floor and took her cup in her forelegs, staring at the smoking tea. "Your best bet is to hold on till my supplies come in, and get a ride to the Empire. I'm stuck here for the next three months, mapping the area. Maybe longer if the weather holds. I guess you could get your fill in the city, although there would be some problems with the guards and the like, unless they decide you're okay."


She looked out of the window - it started snowing gently. So much for going outside for today. "Are you hungry? I mean, for the regular food. I don't really know how you guys work."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius takes a few steps towards the top bunk. "Thank you for your hospitality, for now I'm going to rest, I'll save eating for when I wake up. You are the only one I have met that was this kind." He says as he hovers, wings flapping making that distinct bee like sound and he slips into the top bunk. He snuggles up under the covers and begins to drift off to sleep. 

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The mare nodded and looked as the changeling flew on the top bunk. She shrugged at his words.  "Just a normal thing in the mountains. If you're unwilling to help somepony in need, how could you ask for help yourself when you need it? I'll keep watch on the fire as you take a nap."


Crystal Clear sipped her tea some more, thinking. She occasionally glanced through the tiny window or at her sleeping guest.  He obviously didn't tell her something, since nopony I'm their right mind just happens to be nearly dying from cold in the Crystal Mountains, but maybe it was none of her business.


Eventually, the tea ran out and she picked both cups to clean them up. Once they were clean again, the mare walked to her huge chest, that bore her Cutie Mark and looked positively indestructible. Crystal gives that kind of feel and for good reason. She positioned herself to block the view on how she opened it, and fished out a rolled map, a journal and some writing supplies. Crystal Clear took it all to the table, took a seat on the cushion and began writing.


She marked the place she found the cave entrance - a first update to that map I'm a thousand years. Then she wrote in the journal what she found there. And who.  Just in case the Guild finds her frozen body one day.


The mare finished her administrative tasks and closed the chest. Her guest seemed to be still sleeping. She decided to prepare the ingredients for dinner, quietly as possible. Fortunately, her burning hatred to all things cooking was taken into account and she was issued with foolproof meals that would keep her going in the freezing temperatures...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius opens his eyes. He peeks out from the blanket and then gets out of the bed. "Now. How do ponies not know the 5 hives? Thats odd... some explores should have found them. Ambrosia is yellow, Miasma is purple, Nekropolis is white/red, Myxine is blue. Myxine is the best of the hives in my view. And I'm sure ponies know the Chrysalis hive very well." He says abruptly.

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The crystal mare was washing the pre-cut salad when Aquarius woke up and started talking all of a sudden. She was basically daydreaming so it startled her. "Oof, my heart... You want to give me a heart attack? I'm used to being alone at home, just so you know." She shot him a glance and resumed her work.  "I'm a crystal pony so that means I haven't followed the news for a thousand years. I could've missed the Changeling Hives, you know. Being told that the whole world moved on and you're a living fossil foes that to a pony."


She was clearly unamused, judging from the excessive force she applied to her task and a scrunched snout.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Sorry... Would you mind I ask why? Is it because of all the snow? Who controls the Crystal Empire?" Aquarius had never been in these areas of Equestria before, mostly he hid out by the areas around the Myxine Hive and Ambrosia hives. Heck, he even posed as one of the Changelings there and did a rather decent job. 

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Crystal sighed. She hated going back to those memories. "Alright... so the thing is, it disappeared for a thousand years. The whole civilisation - buildings,  ponies everything. One moment there was a beautiful city, the next - just grass. And it reappeared last year, and I with it.  So, yeah, I'm officially over one thousand years old." Now the second question. "As for who... controls it, well, we have Crystal Princess Cadance and her husband Prince Shining Armor. We used to have a King. But he was evil and was defeated, twice in fact.  He caused the disappearance in the first place."


The mare finished with her salad and turned to face her guest.  "I lived in the most advanced society around and now I get shady Equestrian salesponies at my doorstep every week, trying to sell me their junk telling these are wonders of modern technology! When I saw a train for the first time I thought it was broken down and burning." She sighed and waved a hoof dismissively. "Ehh, sorry about that. It's not your fault of course. I got carried away... Want something to eat?"

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@@Raven Rawne


He stares at the Crystal pony for a few seconds, dumbfounded. The changelings have never experienced something like this. "What are Cadence and Shining armour like? Better than that Dictator I suppose. Hopefully. I'll take something to eat, I don't really mind what it is.." He replies, taking a seat at the table.

Edited by NightMare Star.
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