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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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Crystal Clear got busy again wit the food and talked over her shoulder. "They're okay in my book. Both come from Equuestria down South so technically they're outsiders, but we accept them as our rightful rulers all the same. We came back in pretty bad shape and they were huge help in bringing the city back from it's knees. And defeated the King, hopefully for good this time. For the past year they chose a path of honoring and preserving our traditions, and even sheltering us somewhat from the aggressive business from South. We just can't compete with mass produced goods, they're way cheaper. And all those tech things... Anyway, I'm happy with them in charge. Hmm, seems I'm done in here."


The mare brought two large salad bowls, one by one, then hay fries and tea. She took a seat by the table and started eating, ocasionally eyeing the changeling.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. "Hmm. Makes sense. So the Crystal Empire is ruled by 2 Unicorns and everyone else is just regular? Ok." Aquarius grabs one of the Salad bowls with his telekineses along with some of the fries and they float over to him. He begins eating, it actually tastes rather good. 

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare shakes her head as she chewes her fries. "Not really, Crystal Princess Cadance is also the Princess of Love, an Alicorn. Prince Shining Armor is a unicorn. And the crystal ponies themselves come in the usual three flavours, just like down south. We just look a tad different and our coats shine when we're really happy." She took another bite of salad. One thing of this whole mission is that the food tastes okay and could be prepped by a foal. "So, over the centuries, our society shaped that the crystal earth ponies, being the most numerous, take all kinds of jobs really, have businesses, farm, that kind of thing. Crystal pegasi and unicorns were always scarce, so the former gacame the warrior caste of sorts, being the only ones admitted to the Guard. Unicorns formed the Crystal Court, and they took administrative tasks and helped with their magic. It all worked very well until the King took over. Now there are very, very few of crystal guards and courtiers..."


Crystal Clear seemed to get tangled in her thoughts as she looked away and remained silent. She snapped out of it with a small sigh. "Sorry, memories... I don't like recalling that particular time, you see. Anyway, is the food okay? I admit, I'm an awful cook."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Interesting. They sound like they could accept me or something, but if we do go out or meet anypony I think it would be best for me to disguise. As for the food, its... great, it actually is." He replies, smiling. He thinks Cadence and Shining sound rather interesting. He isn't sure if they have met changelings yet.        

Edited by NightMare Star.
  • Brohoof 1



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The mare cocked her head a bit and smiled back. "Now you're the one who's been under a rock, huh? The Crystal Empire already had a peaceful changeling encounter - Thorax. It took a city wide panic and intervention from Spike the Brave and Glorious to sort it out, but, yeah, he was accepted and could walk the streets without any disguises. Just be open with it and when you get there, approach the nearest guard and say you'd like to stay in the city. They'll probably take you to the Princess anyway, but I'm optimistic."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He nods. "What kind of silly name is that for somepony? I would like to go there.... but I can't since this." He points to the snow outside. "How long is a journey to the Crystal Empire?" He asks, expecting the answer to be like a week or 2. He munches on some of the food, he has finished the hay fries.

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare shrugged, but kept a small smile. "I guess it's best not to try to walk there on your own. Normally, with perfect weather, we made it in less than a week. But the weather almonst never holds up for more than a day, as you can see outside."


One side of the house was dark because the wind covered the windows with a cover of fresh snow. They could see snow falling sideways from the ones that were still letting the light in.


"Without proper gear and very warm clothes, you'd freeze on the first night. I could try and match something from my spares for you, so you won't have to stay inside the whole time, but it won't do for a longer walk. Besides, I don't have wings, so my clothes lack wing holes." She took a sip of her tea as if housing a changeling was the most normal thing ever, then looked at him with a small smile. "Unless you have a death wish and want to try your luck, or give me a good enough reason to kick you out, I wouldn't mind some company. It's boring here. Although we still need to keep in mind your four week deadline."


She took another bite of the salad. It was so packed with vegetables it would do as a main course alright.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius looks at her and nods. "Hmm... Do any ponies visit you? Well were stuck here for a week or 2 I guess. But we will need to get to the Crystal Empire before my 4 week deadline though. I'm eager to go meet the Princess to be honest. But I can't go alone." He replies, his eyes blink occasionally. 

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare pointed at the bunk bed. "Hint hint. There's no way I could survive for the whole season with only the stuff I have in here, so a brave, or supid, stallion agreed to ferry supplies and take my reports every three weeks or so, depending on how long the trip to and from goes. The top bunk is meant so he can crash in a warm place for a day before heading back. He should arrive in two weeks or so, so that leaves you a week to get a snack in the Empire before stuff happens. A close one but we don't really have much choice on the matter do we?"


She noticed they finished, and started scooping the plates for clean up. "Oh, and while you were out there, taking a walk, have you seen any more caves? Maybe some exposed crystals? I'm looking for spots to mine them, you see. That's why I'm here."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. "Well. There were a few other caves but they are further away than the one you found me in. They weren't really full of Crystals but there was still some. So what is the name of this Stallion?" Aquarius asks Crystal. He takes a sip of Tea and then puts the dirty dishes in the sink.

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare seemed interested. "Hmm, would you be able to lead me to them?  Or give directions if my assorted clothes don't make the cut in keeping you warm?" She took a glance at the table to make sure she didn't miss anything and started cleaning.  Again,  she had to talk over the shoulder since the table was behind her as she washed the dishes.  "His name is Northern Lights. A crystal earth pony, and a big guy too. Unfortunately, he's usually too busy talking about himself to even check whether his audience is listening... I could swear he's trying to hit in me but he's just soooo missing the mark, it's kinda sad actually."


Crystal Clear smirked at the memory of the stallion's previous attempts to gather her interest. "If it wouldn't ruin my reputation, I guess you could squeeze some love out if him if you disguised as me.  Or maybe he's just trying to get under my tail." The mare shook her head and looked at her guest either an amused smile. "Listening to me ramble, you're probably asking yourself if I'm even remotely sane, do you?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius sighs. "I am able to lead you to them, but they are quite far. I'm not really keen on going back out, I don't want to be alone either." He chuckles at Crystal's Remark. "Unsure... but that would be interesting... I don't want to ruin your reputation though." He replies evenly.

  • Brohoof 1



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Crystal Clear turned around property and suspended her kitchen chore. She gave him a sympathetic look. "It's okay,  I have an old map.  You can show me where to look. But I need to spend as much time outside as possible. It's my job to seek those sites and catalog what can be found there. Ponies trust in me to do a good job in here, you see. I'm sorry but I'll have to leave you alone here every now and then." She resumed cleaning.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. "Eh. Its fine... Maybe we might find my friend, Senvious. Now. You might find him interesting, if we find him. He is very much Royal as your Princess. Except he doesn't have a Kingdom nor subjects. Take a guess at kind of pony he is." Aquarius says and he is smirking.

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare perked an ear at him talking. When the changeling finished,  she patted her chin with a hoof in thought,  and replied.


"...Delusional?" She looked back at him and shrugged. "I guess you imply he's an alicorn or something, but I'll believe when I'll see. So you're looking for him here? He lives here or also loves to stroll in places that could get him killed in a dozen ways?"


She finished the plates and wiped her hooves,  then looked out the window.  "Buck, I'll need to clear the doorstep soon..." Crystal went back to finish her tea.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius sighs. "Well. The last time I saw him was about 40 moons ago. When we were leaving our home beyond Equestria to boldly go where none has gone before. He is an Alicorn, yes. But not one of the all powerful ones like Celestia and Luna. Hes.... quite emotional. But we probably won't find him, I can disguise as him right now if you want to see what he looks like." He replies, eyes following Crystal.

  • Brohoof 1



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She took off her clothes from the drying ropes and started putting them on. The mare cocked her head curiously at her guest.  "Wouldn't that, I dunno, make you more love starved if you do it? Well I wouldn't mind seeing a changeling take a disguise up close, so if it's safe for you, sure, why not."

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@@Raven Rawne,


He smiles "It only really matters if I take a disguise for a while...." In a flash of what appears to be Indigo flames, as they clear he has taken the form of an Alicorn. A male one, he is tall, he flares his wings and they are quite impressive. His eyes are slit and a deep ocean blue, his cutie mark is what appears to be a blueish white tornado, his coat is an overcast Grey. Aquarius while disguised towers over Crystal. 

Edited by NightMare Star.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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She covered her eyes instinctively from the flames. When she lowered the hoof, Aquarius was a massive alicorn stallion.


Crystal whistled in approval. "Seems like your friend is quite a stallion. Unless you can disguise as a pony you haven't actually seen..." She raised an eyebrow as she put on the overcoat.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius turns back into his default form. "I'd say he is. Thing is, I can't disguise as a pony I haven't seen before. Senvious, or Lord Senvious as he likes to be called isn't really the type that likes to rule. He is a rogue, one that goes about the lands of this world with no law above him. Well there might be, just that he never acts against anypony... as long as they respect him. So, we going?"  Aquarius asks.

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The mare nodded at her guest's explanation. "Then I'd like to ask you not to disguise as me. And don't worry, I'm just heading out to clear the snow from around the cabin so we can go out when the weather gets better. It's still snowing so, no trips today I'm afraid."


She tied her hoof boots, put on the goggles, face mask and cap,  then reached for a snow shovel and went to the doors. "You might want to stand away, it's going to get cold." Crystal shouldered the doors and they opened a bit, letting cold and snow in. She did it two more times before the doors opened eider and she walked out, closing them behind her. Aquarius could hear her shovel scraping at the crystal building as she worked.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius backs away from the door. "Don't worry, I won't disguise as you." Aquarius says as he goes to the table, waiting for her to come in. He doesn't mind that they won't be going on trips today honestly. He'd rather get heading towards the Crystal Empire once the weather clears up. 

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The mare was back in twenty minutes or so. She stepped inside,  covered in snow and cursing under her breath as she took off the wet clothes to dry again.  "If I won't push off the snow,  we may get snowed in. Whoever designed this hut was an idiot."


Having declared her view on the architect, Crystal Clear pinned the clothes back on the ropes to dry and sat by the stove to warm up. "I don't know if tomorrow will get any better... You want some warm clothes from my closet? They'll be a tad small but better than nothing,  right?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius looks at her with a look of gratefulness. "Well. Yes... So, how old is this hut?" He says as he gets out of the chair. He glances outside, looking at the snow. He thinks about the possible forms he could take. But he doesn't want to waste his love energy on a worthless disguise.

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The mare smiled at him. He looked funny when he seemed taken aback by a good deed for him. "It's recent, we put it together this Spring. Nopony was visiting these areas and for good reason, but with the huge demand for crystals, especially after the Equestrian Games, we need much more than we can obtain in traditional ways. So a plan was made to look in the Mountains. I don't remember who designed it but I made some parts, like the beds, table, and some other stuff. I work with crystals." She announced with pride.


Crystal took some rough measires of the changeling with her eyes as he stood by the window. She walked to the bed and pulled a wheeled drawer from beneath it, making some noise in the process. She started taking out clothes. "I hope you like white... Those pants should fit, I guess. I'm more, ahem, bottom heavy than you. The overcoat might be too tight in the chest, but just check it. Hmm, not sure about the hoofboots but try them on, who knows. A scarf... another cap... I have spare goggles so you won't get snowblind." She tapped her chin thoroughtly, looking at her wardrobe. "Guess that's it. More or less a ful outfit at least. Try it on, let's see if it's any good."

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