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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius does as he is told. Indeed they are a bit tight but will have to do for now. "They are fine but a bit tight." He replies. He thinks about more questions to ask but decides to save the asking for later on. He doesn't know anything besides what the mare has told him. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Crystal Clear gave him an appraising look as he donned the borrowed clothes. She walked around him and pulled at some places to smooth out the overcoat. "Hmm, not bad actually. I was thinking you'd look like you raided the closet of a younger sibling but with the long hoofboots you can't see the short sleeves. As long as you don't breathe too deep or sttretch in weird angles, you should be good." She smiled at him and allowed herself to pat him in the back reassuringly. "Cheer up, with that gear you can easily spend a few bours outside, if you keep moving. Now let's get you out of this suit before you get a heat stroke hehe!"


The mare helped him out of the clothes and stacked them neatly in one place. "So these are yours now. You'll need them to get back to the Empire with Northern Lights anyway." Crystal Clear stretched her back a bit and looked around the cabin. "So... we're stuck here for the rest of the day, and it's too early to sleep yet, so what shall we do to kill some time? Normally I'd listen to music or do something silly. Probably both. Any ideas?"


She raised an eyebrow at him as she sat on her bed. The mare kicked the drawer back to it's place earlier.

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@@Raven Rawne


Aquarius nods. "Hmm... Not really sure. I have a few more things to ask though. So... who is this Changeling named Thorax? What do you know about him?" He asks Crystal Clear. He seems rather eager to know. He sits down in a chair and moves it a bit closer to Crystal's bed. 



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The mare shrugged and made herself comfortable by laying on her side. She kept her head propped up with a foreleg though. "It all started last year, whe the Empire was hit by a rumor that a changeling was seen nearby. The Crystal Princess and her husband had a nasty first encounter with them, since the hive under Queen Chrysalis basically invaded Canterlot. So of course the guards were looking everywhere and the city started freaking out, to the point of not leaving homes and the like. But Spike the Brave and Glorous found him and, who knew, he was actually a good guy. Sure, he was in Canterlot but he came to the Empire as a stray, a bit like you, I guess. Once he and the royals had a chance to actuaylly talk, he was declared to be safe and allowed to stay. Like I said earlier I never spoke to him, but he popped up in gossip or an odd newspaper article every now and then, and mostly in good light too. This Spring he left the Empire and... I don't know the details but basically dethroned Chrysalis and took over her hive. So that makes him King Thorax, I guess. I've heard there was something about the changelings appearance too, like they changed when he took over. But you should ask somepony who actually follows that kind of news, I just skim over them in the morning paper."


The mare decided to ask a question too. "So  was curious, when you get to the Empire, what you'll do? Come out like I adbised or try to feed off the ponies and go your merry way when you have enough?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs. "Spike the Brave and Glorius is still a silly name. Chrysalis is more of the Invading type so thats to be expected, Now as for Thorax.... how does he expect to keep his hive alive? If he can't lay eggs, since males can't lay eggs. Only males can. So without a Queen. The Hive will Die. Well thats my understanding of it anyways.... As for your Question, I'd probably like to meet with the princesses and get stuff sorted out, or meet with the guards and do the same, I guess. I'd also like to settle down in the Empire for a bit. Maybe Senvious can find me." He replies to Crystal Clear. He sounds confident. 

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Crystal made a wide "dunno" motion with her forelegs. "Ask him, not me. I've no idea how changelings do it and since you mentined eggs, I'm prettu sure I can live in blissful ignorance about that part. Also, I guess you should know that Spike the Brave and Glorious is, like, the biggest hero of the Empire right now. He's a dragon, by the way. So I'd recommend to keep that opinion private or amongst ponies you trust. Some may get offended or something."


Shel laid on her back and looked up with a sigh. "So boring in here... Oh and good to know you'd like to come out clean. We don't need another city wide panic, and the royals should let you stay, or at least I think so. Although I don't know if they'll be generous enough to let you live in the Palace. My place is locked shut so you won't get in. Even if I had the keys with me. Hopefully they'll at least pay you a hotel room for some time."


She raised her head with a silly grin and looked at him. "Hey, since you have some warm clothes, maybe you'd be up for a snowball fight? I know the weather is pretty bad and all but, come on, some movement at least!"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius looks at Crystal with a confused look. "A Dragon? How is that possible? Well living in the palace would be nice for sure... Perhaps I can actually find a way to get a better body... Since this doesn't look all that good.... or something..." He looks over his holed legs. "Umm... Sure..." He says to Crystal's question. 

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Now it was the mare's turn to look confused. And concerned. "What do you mean "a better body"? I thought changeling are okay with their look. Besides,  wouldn't it be wrong to take somepony's look? I bet they wouldn't be thrilled that their copy is having their own life."


Snowballs could wait. There was something ahoof here.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs. "Not that way. Do these 'Reformed' Changelings look the same way regular changelings do? If I can just fill in the holes in my legs and wings, I'd be fine. I'd look alot better, wouldn't I?" Aquarius would probably be accepted earlier on, or treated better minus the holes, well in his view.

Edited by NightMare Star.
  • Brohoof 1



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Crystal Clear rolled to the side to have a better look at him. "Well, Thorax in the paper had no holes,  yeah. But his... I dunno how you guys call your shell like bodies, it was green with some yellow, and red dots on his chest. Totally different that before." She smiled reassuringly. "I don't mind that you have holes, for once. You're different than regular ponies but there's no need to be ashamed of it."

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@@Raven Rawne,


He shakes his head. "Now that.... is a horrible color scheme to be honest, I'd be ashamed to have it instead of what I have now. I guess your right." He replies with a small smile. He glances down at his legs and at his wings. He sighs. He isn't sure if he will be accepted because of his looks but a part of him thinks he might. Since Thorax did.

  • Brohoof 1



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She got up lazily from the bed. "I guess black suit you, yeah." Crystal walked to the stove to shove some more coal to the fire, then looked outside. It stopped snowing for now, but the wind picked up speed.


"Maybe I'll say too much but, it doesn't matter how you look. It's who you are that matters and the Crystal Princess knows that.  If, you, Aquarius are a good guy, she'll let you stay.  I'm sure of it."


She walked right in front of him and looked at him squarely. "Chin up, lovebug. It'll be fine."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. "Hmm... Thank you. So when will this Stallion arrive here? Does he just walk? Sounds hard, and a job I personally wouldn't take. Unless it was well paying... So does Cadence have any other ponies that are special besides Shining?" He asks the Crystal mare.

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare walked back to her bed and sat on it. "I already told you, two weeks or so. Hard to be precise with that weather... He walks and pulls a sleigh.  Sure, tough job but we marked several decent camping spots on the way and stashed some stuff to make a fire. So the trips would be a bit easier. Still, I guess he earns a lot for this job. I sure do."


She thought for a moment. "The royal couple has a daughter,  Flurry Heart. An alicorn foal no less. Other than that, just normal ponies if that's what you mean. Spike the Brave and Glorious lives down South, in Equestria."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius thinks for a bit. "I bet Flurry Heart is probably alot for the Princess and her Husband. So what is down South? Does this Spike have a kingdom aswell?" He has no clue on what is down south. He's heard rumours about a town named Ponyville but in his view thats just your common regular small town. 

  • Brohoof 1



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She gave him a questioning look. "She's their daughter,  isn't it enough? Parents do what they can to protect their foals." She was starting to think he spent too much time in the cold. It's understandable that he haven't heard of the Empire, but how could he miss Equestria?


"Uhh, you mentioned hives all across the continent and you ask what's South from here? Equestria, the land of ponies. Unless you mean South from that, but I have to idea if there even is something that way. And as far as I can tell, Spike the Brave and Glorious has a castle in Ponyville. Some town in Central Equestria. Although ponies from there say it belongs to the Princess of Friendship. Maybe there are two or something."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs. "Since that is what I was around. I had no reason to go out of my lands beyond Equestria until Senvious left the lands to search for new Horizons. I detested the idea originally... but I came to reason and left. My areas aren't too fond of these so called 'Heroes' and views them as simply annoyances to be left to their own. Thats the reason I detest Spike's title, where we live, there are no titles, but Senvious aside,  and we view the outside lands as lands not meant for us. Lord Senvious and me are exceptions. I've heard of Ponyville's Princess through rumours, but I thought it was just rumours and not fact. So... who is this Princess of Friendship?" 

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Crystal frowned a bit. So he kinda avoided a whole civilisation?


"Name's Twilight Sparkle. She's been a princess for just a bit now, used to be Princess Celestia's protégé. There's a long story about her dad her friends saving the world a few times and, stuff like that, but I've been blissfully ignorant to any details.  Basically they did a lot of heroic deeds together. Now you're going to ask about Princess Celestia, huh?


She asked with a sly smile. 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius smiles back. "Alright. Well, I know basic information about Celestia and Luna, but I would like to know information about their Parents and possible other siblings. Not sure if anypony would know that. Is there anyone else special out there in Equestria?" He asks.



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"Welp, tough luck. Nopony knows a thing whether they even had parents in the first place, or any other siblings for that matter." She got up and checked her drying clothes, than sighed asshe looked out the window. "amn weather, time to go shovelling again..." She started putting on her winter gear and answered the other question. "I'm not sure what kind of special you mean really, there are no other alicorns that I know of, but probably countless important of otherwise famous ponies all across Equestria. Wanna lend a hoof with the shovelling? Or have that snowball fight? I should think about some snow screen to cover the door..."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. "Thats unfortunate. I will ask them about that if I ever get the chance. By special I mean like famous ponies. Well I'll help shoveling." Aquarius says. He doesn't really want to have a snowball fight to be honest. He'd rather sleep the 2 weeks away and meet this stallion that will come.

Edited by NightMare Star.
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Crystal smiled and nodded. "Thanks, I'll sure appreaciate some help with keeping our little hideout from becoming our tomb... I'll take out the other shovel while you get dressed, okay?" She pulled down a ladder and went up to reach the tool from a stack of stuff that was in the "attic", then went down holding it in her teeth. Crysatl put it against a wall next to hers and finished dressing.


When both were ready, she pushed the doors open, albeit with some problems, and started shovelling the snow away from the door. She shouted over the wind. "We gotta get rid of this pile and shove it downwind, away from the door! It always blows down the valley! Then we shovel the right side of the house until you see the ice! This way we keep the snow from breaking the window!"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius grabs a shovel and he has his stuff on. He starts shoveling the right side of the house and closes the door behind him. It is really windy outside of the house and he does as Crystal Clear instructs him to do. He stays silent while he shovels,  not good snow ball fighting weather.

  • Brohoof 1



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With extra help, Crystal Clear shovelled the snow away much faster, which in turn allowed her to come back inside sooner. She motioned Aquarius to get in, since the weather was soo unpleasant to stay out for longer than absolutely necessary.


"Off, scratch that snowball fight. I'm staying inside!" She announced as soon as her face mask was off. She shook all the loose snow and it started melting into some pattern of grooves etched in the crystal floor. The mare noticed he just saw them. "Made it myself to ease with cleaning the water. It all follows the grooves back to the door,  allowing to be cleaned with a rag. I sure hope the wind dues out before tomorrow though, I've got crystals to find!"


She pinned both sets of clothes to dry off and checked the stove - the fire was okay. Then she pounced back on her bed and stretched on it. "Guhh, why I always let myself be tricked like that? I could be sipping my favourite Brandy in my cozy home right now!" She let a deep sigh. "I'm too sober for this shit."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius runs into the house. And shuts the door behind him. He takes off his clothes and hangs them next to the stove. He is starting to get a bit tired. He looks rather tired as well. He doesn't appear to be in a talking mood, he feels exhausted and worn out. 

  • Brohoof 1



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