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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne,


"They are kept with King Transmutation. My father, he keeps them hidden from anypony else, except me... and you I guess. I don't know where he found them though. I'd just say they are special, I dunno how many there are outside of the 3 that I have here." He simply states. 



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 The mare gave him a curious look. "You said changelings have Queens... Am I to understand that you're the king's son then? It's not every day I take in royalty under my roof." She looked a bit embarassed at the rumble from her stomach. "eheh, time for dinner, I guess. want anything whele I'm at it? Something to drink?" She excused herself to the kitchen area.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He nods. "I never really was treated as such. Just a bit better than the other changelings. Do you have any juice?" he asks. Juice is the 2nd best thing, well next to love and energy of course. This mare is really nice... he may be starting to develop some 'feelings' for her but it isn't noticeable.

  • Brohoof 1



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Crystal turned back to him and shook her head regretfully. "Afraid not... It would get spoiled on the road, with the freezing temperatures and all. Just water and tea in here, not much of a choice really... Sorry. Maybe you'd settle for tea then? The stove makes the air dry, so drinking a lot is rather important, at least for ponies."


Another rumble made her get back to prepping a meal.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs. "I guess that will do." he says. Aquarius walks into the kitchen and sits at a chair. "What are your parents like?" he asks Crystal. Hoping nothing sad or something like that is said. His father was mean, until he retired and wasn't seen again. But he did do a good job at keeping his son safe.

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare was busy with fighting her archenemy - cooking, as he came up. "I'll set a teapot as soon as I'm done here then." She frowhed slightly as her salad tried to escape the bowl and looked at Aquarius who just asked about her parents. "They're okay. Mom's a tricky one but dad is an eternal optimist. They have a general goods store back in the Empire. I sometmes help around or bring them something nice for sale. We're in good relations and I'm sure glad for it. One could say they're my lifeline when I get too deep into my work and hole up in the workshop."


Recalling her family improved her mood some.

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@@Raven Rawne


He sighs. "My dad was the king of the hive until he put his 2nd in command in control. He was rather mean and annoying, but he did his best to protect me and the hive. Mom on the other hoof... I never met her unfortunately." He says, frowning. His mother was rumored to be the princess of the stars but he never believed it.

  • Brohoof 1



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 Crystal Clear looked with some concern at the changeling. "That's sad to hear. Is your dad alive still? Or gave you any clues on who your mom is? I guess it must've been hard not knowing her."


She finally finished making herself a meal and decided to set the pot for tea. Truth be told, she would gladly have some too.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs. "The body was never found... nopony knows if he is alive or not. My mom was rumoured to be the princess of stars or something like that since I have stars and a moon in my mane..." He hopes his dad is alive and also hopes he can have the family together again. 



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Crystal was walking back from the stove when he said that. She approached him and put a hoof on his shoulder, for reassurance. She lookd concerned nd rathersupportive. "I'm sorry to hear that. It's easy to take what you have for granted, I suppose. I never really paused and thought how good it is to have my folks around... I hope you'll find them." She was about to trn around when she recalled something. "The younger of the Royal Sisters in Canterlot is a Princess of the Night. She has a starry mane and crescent moon cutie mark. It's a long shot but, maybe?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


He looks at Crystal and embraces her in a hug.  He also said before he left, he wished to ease the relations between Ponies and Changelings and these are his words on that: "I will not have our species become the dumping ground of racist remarks!". He said those words and then a few hours later he was just gone. Hmm... its certainly a long shot but shes the only one that makes sense...." He releases Crystal from the huh.

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare was surprised by a suden hug, but decided to go with it - he needed some comforting. She patted his back as he spoke. he let go of her and she pouted slightly. "Sounds more like he was about to make ponies bark their supposed insults under the table rather than ease the relations, but I didn't know him so... maybe he just talked like that."


The kettle started whistling and she quickly scooped it to make tea. "Once you get to the Empire, tell the Crystal Princess of your suspicions about your mother. There's like, no way they let you talk to the Princess of the Night without some serious recommendations. Or so I think at least. Could you take your cup? My hooves are kinda full." Crystal Clear brought her dinner and tea cup tothe table in a few turns.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He smiles. "Yeah.. hes sort of like that but he does want equality between changelings and ponies... I'll be sure to talk to her once I meet her. Shes the princess of love... she should understand it pretty well."  he replies taking his cup from the crystal mare.

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare nodded as she carefully made room on the table to put down her plates. She rolled the map but didn't touch the crystals.  Once sure she won't accidentally spill her tea on his stuff,  Crystal Clear took a seat and began eating.  Only now she realised just how hungry she was...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius watched as the mare ate. He looked at his teacup and drank the rest of the tea. "I'm hungry. What sort of food do you have? On an unrelated note. What other famous ponies are there besides Alicorns?" he asks Crystal Clear. At this point he believes only Alicorns are famous. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Crystal looked up from her plate with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you said changelings eat just for show?" Shethought for a moment as she munhed her salad. "Well... stuff that can survive the trip in freezing temperatures of course. Oats, salads, hay fries... I've got flour too but haven't bothered with doing anything with it aside from making a crisp maybe. Like I said, hardly a five star quisin but, it's edible alright."


The mare continued her meal, visibly thinking about something. She spoke after chewing down a bite. "It's kinda hard to answer your question really. Equestria is big, and I bet many ponies have rose to some level of fame. When I was in Manehattan I saw posters with ponies all over the place.Mostly artists but I can't recall the names. Modern art is just so not my taste..." She rests her chin on a hiif. "Or I'm just a boring shut-in. Hard to decide really. Back on topic, it seems the Rich family owns like, half of the country by the look of it. I made a entrance to their bank in Manehattan, that's why I came here in the first place. And I don't miss that place for a second - too big and too noisy for me. And all those "are you a crystal pony? How cool! Do this, and that! I thought I'll go insane, or start dresingin some full coverage... whatever. Just to have some peace."


She paused and grinned sheepishly. "What was the question again?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs. "The next best thing to love, is regular food. But we can't survive on it. As to your... Inquery... hmm.... Never heard of them. But they sound interesting... are there any others that are famous for something that isn't money?" He asks Crystal clear. Money is one thing to be famous for, but he thinks he should have specified. 



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 Crystal gave him an unamused look. "Have you spant too much time out there and your brain froze? I told you - I'm a pony who came back to this world after a thousand years who keeps mostly to herself. I've no bucking idea of like, eighty percent of the modern world and you keep asking me about famous ponies? Come on! I've been much more interested in how things work and adjusting to modern social standards than stuffing my head with names that matter nothing to me, okay?" She got a bit angry at all that questioning, and took a bite of her salad, munching it while giving him a cold stare. "Once I'm finished I'll make you something to eat. Any preferences from the short list I have here?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He beings to feel guilty for making Crystal Clear a bit angry. "Sorry... As for your question, I'd like to have the same type of salad you are eating." he says to Crystal Clear. She can tell he is feeling a bit guilty and sounds a little nervous though. He takes a second and glances down at one of his crystals.

  • Brohoof 1



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She glanced at her dish and nodded.  "I've got a lot of it in here, so no problem." She continued her meal a but faster, while breathing a bit heavier. Seems like she needed to cool down.  Once the fork hit the bottom if her plate,  the mate got up and took her dishes to the sink, and proceeded to make the second bowl for Aquarius.


"You like music?" - Crystal Clear asked out if the blue while prepping the salad.  "It can get awfully quiet in here, so I brought a gramophone. One of the "wonders of modern Equestrian technology"... I admit,  I use it a lot since I bought it back on that awful Manehattan. I've got some records with what they call classical music.  Couldn't stand the modern rhythmic noise they call music these days..."


She scrunched her nose and sighed.  "Sorry for... you know. Snapping at you. I have a short temper, you see."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He thinks for a bit. "The only music I have ever heard was the buzzing sound of wings in the hive. If that counts as such." He recalls being snapped at. "Its fine, don't worry. Its nothing compared to Dad's fit of rages, he used to blow up at time. I never want to see him like that again... He punted me across the room once..." Aquarius says, frowning. 

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare looked back at him over the shoulder with a serious expression - "Just because you had worse, doesn't mean it's okay. I should have expressed myself in more... calm way. And that's why I'm sorry."


She got back to her work, since she was basically finishing with the salad. Crystal scooped up the plate and took it to the table. "Next best thing to love, eh? Now I know why ponies in Equestria eat so much."


She glanced at the dirty dishes and tisked. Another boring chore. The mare walked towards her bed, or more specifically, the gramophone near it. She stopped and browsed her records in concentration, sitting on the floor and tapping a free hoof at her chin. "Hmmm... too fast... too cheerful... that makes me cry... maybe that one?" - She took out a record and head the title out loud. "Royal Canterlot Philharmony: Collected Cello Suites. I guess I have another famous pony to your list... It says "With Octavia Melody as Lead Cello." I actually like the songs she's involved in." Crystal Clear set the record in the device, cranked the lever to power up the spring and lowered the needle. The cabin was filled with classical sounds and she had an almost dream-like expression. "Ah, that's more like it... Give me a holler if it's not your style though, I don't wanna torture you with my music."


She went to take care of the dishes.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods.


When the classical music turns on, he simply stands there and thinks for a bit. "Not bad. Never heard anything like it though. How does this invention that you have there work? Magic? Or something else?" he asks while walking up to the gramophone and carefully looking it over.

  • Brohoof 1



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Crystal took a glance from over the sink when she heard him move to the gramophone. "Or something else. Sorry, I just had to. Basically you wind a coil spring with that little handle and said spring spins the table on which you put the record. Now I don't know the intimate details but there are grooves on them that the needle picks up and somewhow, sound goes out through the tube. I asked the clerk in the music store if I can replace the body with crystal, and she said it'll change the tone of the music played in a hard to tell way. So I kept the original look, reluctantly as it were..." She looks at her hoof. "I don't really like Equestrian stuff, and try to at least cover what I can't make myself with crystal. So I made a case for the gramophone but it was,'t a bare necessity, so I had to leave it home."


She sighed. "You wouldn't believe what I did when I came back home from a ridiculously lucrative job I had in Manehattan..."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He nods. "Interesting invention. At dad's hive we had some scouts that often went to scrapyards and rummage through garbage to see what they can find. It improved the hive... well somewhat. Now that I think about it no changelings ever payed attention to 'technology' because we didn't know what it was. Mostly just building materials and stuff like that we took from scrapyards and stuff. Made better tunnels and we were more efficient than we were before. Now, what is it that you did?" Aquarius asks Crystal curiously.

  • Brohoof 1



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