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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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The cherry mare was about to resume her work when she noticed Aquarius fished out something new from the bag. She asked with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "A crown? Well that's unexpected alright... I'll take an uneducated guess and say it's for the Queen when you find the right candidate? Or did I miss completely?"  

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@@Raven Rawne,


She can see a tear coming out of his eyes. "This... is my father's crown. It was left in his room at the night he vanished. I do believe this rightfully belongs to the future Queen though. " he pushes the crown forward, so its now in Crystal's reach. He sobs. Apparently remembering his father, he misses him.

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She took out along sigh at her insensitiveremark. Good job Crystal, you insensitive jerk, you did it again. "Ehh... sorry for that. I guess I should be more cautious with my comments." She didn't dare take the crown, for it could upset him even more, so she did what felt right - she got up and gave him a hug. "Once again, I'm sorry. Take your time, I can see it's hard for you."

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@@Raven Rawne,


His body feels rather cold and it is insect like, there is no fur to be felt. He embraces her. He sobs, but is starting to stop. "Do... you .. think Cadence will understand?" he asks her. He thinks she is a soft pony. A part of him thinks that she could be the Queen but he won't ask that until later on, once everything is settled out.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Well, he may not be the best hugging experience in the mare's memory, but at least it got him to wind down some. Crystal Clear nodded as he kept the hug. "Uh huh, think so. She's a smart mare.You'll see, things will turn out okay, I believe it."


She held him for a bit longer, till she felt like he's getting back to normal, and gently let go.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius has returned back to normal.  "Thank you, I believe that too. Have you ever met cadence before or talked to her before?" he asks Crystal Clear, putting his father's crown back into the bag. It is black and has turquoise balls attached to it, sort of like Chrysalis's crown, but more crown like. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare shook her head gently. "Not really, just attended the Guild meetings with her, but older masters did the talking. And listened to her public speeches too. She seems kind and understanding though, so it's a good sing as far as I'm concerned."


She let go of him and went back to her sample testing. There were a couple more to catalogue still waiting in the saddlebags.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. "Oh. Alright." he begins to pace around the cabin, his is starting to get bored. He is thinking about how he could find his father, have ponies search? Or something? Or maybe its time to declare him dead. But no body was found, nor were any clues found either. He thinks about Cadence, she must be beautiful. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear contnued her work, byt kept an eye on the changeling who started walking around the confined space. When she was done wt this sample,she got up to check the fire and decidded to shove in some coal. "You alright there? I guess it's easy to start crawling up the walls here when there's nothing to do..." She opened the crystal stove and placed a shovel of coal in. "The day's not done yet, we can go outside if you need to stretch your legs, you know." 

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs and looks at Crystal. "I'm extremely bored and I'd want to go outside." he says to Crystal, going over to where his snow gear is. Putting it on, reminding him of the time she saved him from death. He puts his goggles on along with the other gear, and waits for Crystal to do the same, waiting at the door.  



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@@Moon Dancer.,


She smiled a bit, but in an understanding and warm way. "Thought so." Cystal made sure the chest is closed and hid the vials in a drawer before she  directed her hoofsteps to the warm clothes that she left to dry. "Now since you're new around here, keep your eyes open for any movement, and anything that's a different shade of white. Those wolves may stil be around and Heart knows what else has ponies on the menu. I saw some huge tracks once and have no intention to find out what it was. Give me a minute to dressup, okay?"


By the time she donned it all, the changeling must've felt hot under the layers of thick clothing, but she couldn't rush it. Crystal Clear took her shining necklace and the keys, hen peeked outside.


Nothing bit her head off, so that was good. Although the heavy doors had some minor scratch marks. "Alright, seems quiet for now. So you want to go someplace or just wander around?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling heads outside, the extra heat keeping him warm against the cold. "Hmm.... Where do you usually go?" he asks Crystal Clear, whispering to her ear incase anything was around, he is keeping a careful lookout for anything in the distance. His eyes scanning the horizon. 

Edited by Moon Dancer.
  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.


The crystal mare looked around to make sure she was safe for now, when she heard him approaching and whispering in the ear. Crystal giggled a bit and shook her head. "No need to be that quiet,  really.  Just keep a look out. If stuff hears you, it's probably too late anyway.  Well my slightly outdated one thousand years old map gives me pointers where to look for exposed rocks and cliffs, so I don't have to dig in the snow.  Since crystals like caves, I look for those too.  Nearest cliff is that way, about half an hour walk.  I checked it already, but others are over one hour away and I don't want to be caught by the night outside."


She pointed in the direction of a gentle rise in terrain. The cabin was at the foot of a large mountain valley.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods but still whispers anyway. "Hmm... I wonder if we could go to the Crystal Empire, but its to late for that... lets go to that Cliff for now. Perhaps theres something that you missed?' he says, beginning to walk in that direction. Hopefully there is something there of value.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal smirked under her snow mask and led the way. "I told you it takes a week to go back home, and without a guide who can lead you to our tour shelters, I reckon you can say goodbye to the world. I can't leave my post. C'mon, there was a small avalanche near that site a couple of days ago, maybe something new showed up. I've been waiting till the snow settles, so I won't risk getting buried under another one. That wouldn't be good..."


The pair headed off in the direction of the cliffs she spoke about. The snow was deep but also dense, so they didn't fall into it like last time. They marched slightly up the valley and to it's side, since that's where exposed rocks are most likely to occur. After twenty minutes of white all around, they saw some darker grey up ahead. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be the exposed rock side that the mare talked about. The overhang of snow and ice fell off and the snow below looked like it was tossed upside down - after image of a local avalanche. All those hard, pointed surfaces made it harder to walk, but they managed to reach the cliff.


"Okay, so we're here. As you can see, the exposed rock has so crystals in it, or any veins of different colour. It's just an eroded slab of stone. Now what I do is walk along it's edge and look for caves, nooks, anything where the crystals can grow naturally. Watch your step because some entrances may be snowed in. Better not fall in. So I also look for any irregular patterns in the snow, like sudden depressions. But, since the area is wrecked by the avalanche, we might just get lucky and it could've opened a previously hidden hole for exploration - you never know really." She adjusted her cap and decided to tuck the changeling's scarf better. "Hold still, maybe it would be better if you changed into me after all, those clothes are a tad small... Whatever, let's check that side first."


Crystal pointed a hoof in the direction towards the end of the valley - it was easier to go up first and then go down.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Well.... Alright.  There probably is some things here that were undiscovered. I could turn into you but I don't want to waste my energy away." he says. It would be strange to see him turn into Crystal Clear. Perhaps they would be like twins or something. He doesn't like how tight the clothes are, but he would still prefer not to change into her. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


She nodded as they took off. "Riiight, the love energy. I keep forgetting about it, you know." The mare looked around and under her hooves as she walked. "I don't suppose you could get any from me listening to music I really like? You know, as if I love those tunes? I can't come up with any better option really."


Crystal stopped dead and put a hoof in front of him to do the same. She looked down at the depression in messed up snow. "Hmmm... something's in there..." She looked around for an object to throw, but there was nothing laying around, so she made a snowball and tossed it with force in the middle of the snowy depression.


"Well, at least I tried." - It did nothing. The mare sighed and tiptoed around it.


She didn't know why, maybe because they were so close to each other, but the snow suddenly shifted under her hooves and she lost her balance with a shriek. Crystal found herself falling into the suddenly open pit in the snow, and as far as she could tell Aquaruis was right behind her. She landed on a pile of snow with a thump, and looked around, bit dazed. "The buck was that... You okay, lovebug? I think I'm in one piece..." She slowly got up on her hooves and moved in weird angles to see if she was injured. Seems she wasn't. The mare fished her shining necklace and looked around - a cave, full of crystals. Shame their way out was on the second storey straight up. She cussed under her breath and went to the changeling to see if he was okay. "Guess we'll have to find another way out. You any good with finding way in caves?"


She was upset, but still collected and acted rationally.

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@@Raven Rawne,


As they fell in, the 'lovebug' turned out to be alright. "Never thought of that honestly." he says. Then he rights himself and takes his clothes off besides his hat, revealing his wings. "Grab my stuff, and I can fly you out of here, or at least try." he says. Not knowing if it will work or not. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear gave him a curious look as he disrobed to get his wings free. "Are you... sure about it? Alright then..." Ahe scooped the loose clothes and packed them into the jacket she gave him, then tied the sleeves around her neck. "Guess that'll work, how do I grab you?" She did as instructed and sure hoped they won't fall down again.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling thinks for a bit, then he grabs Crystal Clear, embracing her. Then his wings start moving, almost like a bee's wings. He lifts her up and they fly out of the cave, successfully. Then he gently sets her down a bit aways from the area they were just in. "My stuff, please." he motions for her to give him his gear. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare tensed a bit as he grabbed her by the midsection and lifted into the ground. She looked down the whole time, but it was hard to tell if she enjoyed it, not with the snow mask and goggles on. Crystal Clear breathed out in relef as she felt solid groud under her again. "Oof... that was a close one... Oh, right, um, here." She took off the impromptu bag off her neck and gave it to the changeling, then helped him get dressed as fast as possible. "Let me help, I don't want you to freeze right after saving my rump from down there. Thanks, by the way." She gave him a look over to make sure there wasn't any black chittin poking from under the white clothing, then stood to shield him a bit from the gentle breeze. "We can huddle by the cliff face for a bit to warm you up if you need to. Then we can go back home or try our luck some more around here. We found one cave already, heheh." - She finished with a nervous laugh.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling thanks Crystal Clear for her help. "Yeah, I'd like to huddle and then go back home. " he says to Crystal Clear. Thinking about how nice it would be to huddle with him, this pony has grown on him somewhat. She is a really nice crystal mare in his view. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare nodded. "Sure, least I cand do to keep you from freezing solid after that stunt..." She panned the cave face through her goggles and pointed at a nook nearby. "There, c'mon. Keep moving like you're on fire on something, moving a lot will make you warm up faster. Or should at least..." She escorted the changeling to the nook and shielded him from the breeze, then lifted her goggles since she wasn't looking at the snow at the moment. "Alright, this may be awkward but to warm you up, it's best to combine rubbing and plain old hugs. Don't get any funny ideas okay? I want you alive, not hooves wandering where they shouldn't okay? Here it goes then..."


Crystal Clear gave him a hug and pulled close, then started rubbing his back to warm him up through friction and whatnot. Her expression was hidden by the snow mask, but her eyes had a professional look to them.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He nods and begins rubbing Crystal's back and massaging her in general. He is enjoying this but it is hidden by his snow mask. He also thinks about the time where she had saved him, and he had returned the favor just a while ago, now the changeling is enjoying this. But not getting any funny ideas. Crystal noticed that he was taking his time while patting and rubbing, apparently enjoying it. 

Edited by Moon Dancer.
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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare sighe a bit as she felt the changeling return the rubs. Although it felt more like a massage than a warming up rubbing like she did. In just a short time her eyes glazed as she daydreamed over the trip to the Spa she had a few months ago. She left a hefty bag of bits there, but it sure felt like Heaven...


"I uhh... think that's enough. Are you better?" - She shook off from the daydream as she reckoned they were at if for quite a bit, and she didn't want to come off as some weirdo. Thankfully the mask and naturally red coat masked her awkward blush. She got up and motioned in the drection of the cabin. "It'll get dark soon, better start walking back." - She sure hoped Aquarius didn't notice how she started to relax under his hooves, like during a good massage. 

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