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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods, not wanting to say anything else about what just happened. "Yeah. We should start walking back." he says, completely ignoring what just happened moments earlier. He started walking in the direction of the cabin, he had noticed how she relaxed somewhat, but ignores that thought for now. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare nodded a bit too eagerly as she slid the goggles back on. They headed back to the cabin in silence, and it only worsened Crystal's carousel of thoughts. Somehow an image of launging on the floor before the stove with him taking care of her tense back kept coming with a vengence.


It was actually getting dark when they stepped inside. Thankfully the trip back was smooth and they weren't chased by anything. The mare was reluctant to take off her mask, fearing she's still blushing somewhat, but finally did so as one of the final pieces of her winter getup. She pinned the clothes to dry and swiped the floor from melting snow they brought on their hoofboots. Crystal decided to warm up by the fire, after she added some more coal. She layed right in front of it, and relaxed with her eyes closed. "Hmm, that's more like it... Anyway, thanks for the save. Heart knows if that cave even have other entrances." She didn't invite him to warm up alongside her, for obvious reason - he may interpret it in some weird way.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling takes off his snow gear and hangs it up by the stove, he doesn't seem to mind not being invited. He is rather warm enough, well warm at the thought at what just happened earlier. "No problem." he says to Crystal clear, sounding like he had took that as a compliment. He thinks of himself as a hero now. 

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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare stretched on the floor as the warmth made her feel good. "Well, if you say so." She opened hee eyes and noticed he was looking at her, and she wasn't exactly looking very decent while sprawled on the floor. She blushed awkwardly and got up, avoiding his gaze. "Sorry for that,  just me living alone and all... Hope I didn't bother you with that." Crystal went to the kitchen and decided to make tea. "Want some? Should help you warm up faster."

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@@Raven Rawne


Aquarius did't seem to mind. He simply sighs. "Sure." he says, a bit reluctant. Then he heads into the kitchen and sits down, he doesn't really seem too inclined to talk. He has alot of things on his mind, being in a cabin all the time is boring, and looking for crystals and stuff is alright but it doesn't really incline to him.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear got herself busy with makingtea, and took accasional glances at the changeling. He seemed to be pondering over something, and didn't relly talk back, even by his standards. She'd gladly turn up themusic to liven up the cabin, but wasn't sure if her company was okay with it. She paced the small space, thinking on what she could do. Aside from finishing the sample analysis, of course. She had a few more to check in her addlebags and everyhing was still on the table. So she fishd out the vials from a drawer and got busy with her samples as they waited for the water to boil. 

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@@Raven Rawne


The changeling thinks about his future plans, maybe Crystal could be the new queen? Perhaps, but thats a long ways away, he would have to get things sorted out with the Crystal Empire first. He sat there, waiting for his tea. He'd rather have water, but he doesn't want to turn her offer down, to be respectful.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


 Crystal Clear sat by the table and fished out another crystal from her bag - green this time. She started going through the same procedure as with previous ones, and her expression quickly brightened. She even smiled to herslef by the time the kettle started whistling as a sign the water was boiling. She scooped it off the stove and gently walked to the kitchen area, where she already prepared two cups. Once their tea was gaining strength, she want back to her work.


Before turning her attention back to the crystal however, she glanced at the changeling. "You're being awfully quiet, anything you want to talk about?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling sighs and drinks the rest of his tea. "I'm just bored. Being stuck in this cabin, waiting for some stallion to come.... is.... not my thing. Also, I don't mind going out, but when stuff like what just happened out there, its really discouraging. I could probably sleep all this time away and save my energy.... or try..." he frowns. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare nodded and rest her chin on a hoof. "Hmm, I see your point. Even I get bored here from time to time, and I'm used to living on my own..." She sighed and returned to her work as she talked. "Now I know walking out makes you love hungry sooner, but I for once wouldn't mind company on my trips. I mean, I wouldn't fell in if I were alone back there, I reckon it was because we were too heavy together and we cut off a snow cap, but still, even if I did fall in on my own, I'd be somewhere in a cave, wandering aimlessly and hoping to find a way out. So, all in all, it was good you came along. With all the dangers there are, I'll need to tell the Guild to reconsider their plan to send one pony out there. especially as awesome as me, it would be a huge waste if I died there. For my brandy supplier at least hehe." She laughed dryly at the last remark, a ring of sour truth in it. "So, yeah, unless you really want to try that sleeping plan, I wouldn't mind company outside."

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@@Raven Rawne


He sighs. "I guess you are right. But, if we go around all the time, my love will drain alot faster and I will go feral and you don't want that. As changelings, we never are alone usually. We do get bored quite quickly anyways. " he says to Crystal Clear. Still remembering the massaging by the cliff. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare scratched her head in concentration. "Bucking love energy... Seriously, there's like no way you could get any off me? I have loving parents, I'm basically happily married to my work, I love music... not even a drop? There's gotta be something to keep you alive in here."


She looked at him in thought, she really wanted to help him out in this mess.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs and thinks for a second. "Well. You have to be actively in love, or loving something in order for it to be drain able, Its better than food and if you are loving something, I can drain off of it, may work in the favor of the both of us. Should have brought that up earlier, sorry." he says in response, his tongue sticking out.

Edited by Moon Dancer.
  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare facehoved. "Seriously?! You starved tourself simply beacuse you forgot to mention it to me? Crystal Heart hold me, for I want to kick your holed, black, stone hard flank right now." She took a few deep breaths and looked around the cabin. "Alright, let's try it out, not like we get hurt if it won't work, right?"


Crystal went to grab her tea and brought it to the table. Then checked how many samples she still have - five. It'll have to do... She finally went to the gramophone and fished out a record. "Okay, so my plan is to really get in the zone over my work. Now I'll just be cataloging samples, not actually making stuff, so don't expect me to crystallise or something. Bit in right environment and with right mindset, maybe I'll get into it sufficiently well so you could feel just how much I love this job. And I do mean, love. it literally kept me alive for... some time. So I'm nearly ready, you want to give it a try or not?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne


The changeling backed up just a bit while she outbursted. But he nodded and followed her. He stood in a rather animal like position, he is ready to drain some love. He chitters to himself, just a bit. He opens his mouth, revealing his forked, black tongue. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


 Crystal Clear glanced at the changeling as she set the record and lowered the needle. She snorted at the sight. "Totally not distracting, no siree... Stay put and let me get to work. I'll try to feel the love for my job and we'll see if it works or not."


The mare sat by the table and took a beep breath, listening to the classical music she set to play. That Long Play always put her in good mood for work. She took the last glance at er companion. "If love drain turns out to be hurting a pony... Just pray I don't feel any pain or whatever, okay? I'm trusting you on this one, don't screw it up."


She looked down at the crystal sample and took the glow-crystal to check it's opacity. Thinking of why this job is the best one ever, and how she loves doing it, Crystal Clear got into the zone and lost herself to the work at hoof. She only heard the music she liked, tappinh a hoof to the rhytm. saw only the crystal that needed her undivided attention. The cabin vanished from her conciousness, she was now in a bubble of sorts - just her and the work she loved.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling smiled. He flicked his tongue, he could practically taste the love emitting from the Crystal Mare. This should be easy. Then he started hovering above the floor, and he drained some love from her, it was taking the form of pinkish circles that came from her body and went into his. This lasted a few seconds and then he stopped, she felt a bit tired and worn out. But at least she wasn't hurt.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


She felt... something. Something strange, like, a drain, as if her strength slowly poued out through some invisible hole. And then it stopped. It broke her concentration and Crystal cussed under her breath, then looke up at the changeling. "Did you do it? I lost my concentration from some strange feeling." She scratched her chin and noticed something. "I feel... tired. Not super tired, but, still. Is that normal? Ypu said the, uhh, "victims" don't experience any side effects..."


Crystal Clear looked at the changeling with hooded eyes, the unspoken demand to say the truth now that she trusted him that much.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He sighs. His carapace is a bit of a lighter color and so are his eyes. "It is done. That is normal, after not draining in a very long time, I'd say that is the only effect. You should probably take a rest, to regain your energy. I now have about 5 days added onto those 4 weeks, not bad. But long enough I guess. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this Earlier." 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


 Crystal Clear shook her head. "I trusted you, and you haven't told me everything I needed to know. I don't care how minor this thing is, I'll be fine, but next time, I may as well say no to your scheme simply because I won't be sure if you're not holding back something. Food for thought."


She resumed her work - there will be no hiting the hay before she'll wrap it up and lock her stuff back in the chest. Even if she felt like doing just that.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling simply sighs, a rather sad. He turns his head away from Crystal Clear, fearing she won't be so nice anymore. He retreats to a corner of the room, curling up and replaying what just happened over and over in his mind, added to his many regrets and sad times in his life.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear was halfway through that ample when she cooled down enough to take a glance at what he was doing. She also needed to rup her eyes to keep going - she felt really tired after that stunt.


With an eyeroll, she got up from her seat and yawned, then walked over tothe changeling. She tried to sound supportive, for all it's worth. "Okay, so you screwed up, a little. But why are you curled up in a corner like you just broke my life and I would kill you on sight? I'm not mad at you. Rather... dissapointed. That you didn't tell me what I needed to know." She extended a hoof towards him. "Come on, don't be silly, it's not the end of the world. Just be truthful with me and it will be fine, okay? We all make mistakes." 


He didn't seem to buy it, so she took a step towards him and gave him a hug. With a big yawn, she asked again. "Now you believe me?" 

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling accepts the hug and he hugs her back. "Yes, I do. I was afraid that you would do what my father did, I'm sorry." he says to Crystal Clear. Gently letting her go with a flap of his holed wings, his attitude seems a bit more positive now with her encouragement.  

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.


She still wasn't sold on the hard shell feel he had when she touched him, but at least the changeling settled down and seemed to crawled back from his den if dark thoughts. Crystal let go too and rubbed an eye. "Darn, I'm going to fall asleep soon am I? Better rush that job I have left."


She went back to her work and tried to finish it faster. The gramophone was still working so the music helped her stay awake. The mare talked when she wasn't writing. "So now that we have a way to feed you, how often do you need a fix and perhaps more importantly,  how often is safe for me? Just remember what I told you about honesty, okay?  I'll try and help you but I need to know what I'm going into.  Oh and I guess you can go out with me to look for mining sites if you want, since you're no longer on a tight love reserve, right?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling sighs. "I need to feed once a week. Its safe for you, but you get tired and somewhat exhausted as you have experienced. Yes, I remember. My love reserve is no longer as tight but I don't want to stretch it too far." he says in response to Crystal Clear. Sounding a bit sure of himself.  

  • Brohoof 1



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