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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare held a hoof to her mouth in an attempt to surpress a yawn. "Uh huh, can be done. Just before bedtime. Do remind me when you need another fix okay?"


She finished with another sample and took a swing if her tea that was getting cold. Then resumed her work - just 2 samples left.


"Sooo I was wondering about your disguises.  Just how draining they are for you? I mean, let's assume you held the disguise all the time,  how much it would shorten your life expectancy like,  assuming you wouldn't get any more in the meantime?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Alright, that sounds like a good time. Well, as for your question. I'd say that I would live about 50% shorter. It sort of varies per changeling but its somewhere around 50%." he says to Crystal clear. Scratching his chin just a bit in mere thought. He thinks about disguising, it is effective for infiltrations and whatnot but not good for everyday casual use.

Edited by Moon Dancer.
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@@Moon Dancer.


"Oww, pretty steep. So that's feeding twice a week if you're in a town disguised as a pony. Tough luck... Really, I'm starting to feel bad for you changeling,  so many obstacles and limitations only to make ends meet."


She froze for a moment and her eyes started to close, but Crystal managed to shook herself awake. "Not good..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nods. "I wish I could be a pony, just like you. So I wouldn't have to feed on your love. But I am sure Princess Cadence will help us... hopefully. If only my father were around... even as abusive as he was...." he says, trailing off just a bit. He sounds a bit sad but after a while that lets up. 

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@@Moon Dancer.


Crystal was done with that sample,  just one more and she's free.


"Well I never met him but, judging from you said... Let's just say that you may have better chances with the Princess and leave it at that.  Now I could write you some letter of recommendation, I guess. I may be the youngest Master in the guild as of today, but I'm still a Master nonetheless. Should make things a tad easier in the Palace."


The mare knew she was exhausted and won't stay awake forever,  so she did her best to wrap up her work. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I think your getting tired, you should write the letter tomorrow. We should probably head off to bed and deal with that tomorrow. I always had the habit of kicking the can down the road." he says, starting to climb into his bunk, and getting under the covers. 

Edited by Moon Dancer.
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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare shook her head. "Nah, I wasn't even thinking of writing it today. We still have 2 weeks for that.  But I guess I'll have to hit the sheets soon, or else. I'll just finish here and catch 'dem z's."


She leaned back,  waiting for the chips to fuse together.  She could feel the comfy bed calling her.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Okay." he says to Crystal Clear. Rolling over in his bed, now about to sleep on his stomach. He replays the events from today over in his mind, from the morning, to the part where he rescued Crystal Clear from the snow and to the part where she was disappointed in him. He begins to fall asleep in the bed.   

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@@Moon Dancer.


Crystal Clear waited for a bit, then continued her work till the last sample was done. She packed up her tools, notes and catalogued samples and hid them in the chest, making sure she wasn't watched as she did so. Trade rules,  she didn't invent them. Next was the gramophone that needed to be silenced, mugs taken to the sink and coal added to the stove.


The mare quickly brushed her teeth and was walking to bed when her time was up. Crystal shut down mid step and landed on the floor, already fully asleep. So much for the comfy bed...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling heard her fall and snapped awake, he noticed that she was asleep and decided to gently and quietly walk over and pick her up. Putting her in her bed and gently tucking her in. It was cute to be honest, then he went back to his bunk, climbed in and fell asleep. 

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@@Moon Dancer.


Crystal Clear woke up and stretched, then winced in pain. Rubbing up her eyes open, she saw it was morning. "What the..." - Something was off, especially that pain in her side. Just like when she passed out when drunk.  The mare slid off the bed and checked the chest - sealed and secured. She patted her right shoulder and her hip on the same side - it hurt like it was bruised. She scratched her head in confusion. "What the hay happened?" A sudden rumble in her belly brought her attention to the kitchen. Time to get a bite to eat...

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@@Raven Rawne,


About a half hour after she got up, the changeling got up as well. Climbing out of the bed and fixing the sheets. He gently fluttered to the floor, a new day has begun. He lumbered towards the window, taking a glance outside. Today is time to do some real Crystal searching, as he is not apprehended by his love reserves, he doesn't want to stretch it too far though.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.


Crystal was washing a salad and doing the best she could not to upset her bruised muscles.  She heard him wake up and looked back, wincing.  "Ow! Um, good to see you're awake. Say, did I sleepwalk last night? Feels like I wanted to go out through a wall..." She nursed her sore flank and frowned.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Well, when you were walking to your bed, I noticed that you have had fallen over, you were out cold. I put you in your bed, I didn't want you sleeping on the floor like that." he says, turning back towards Crystal Clear. Thinking about how he had 'saved' her again. 

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@@Moon Dancer.


The crystal mare nodded and pulled at her ruffled ponytail reflexively. "Oh, that makes sense... Wouldn't be the first night like that,  if I were honest. Thankfully I have some herbs for bruises, so I should be better soon. Care for some breakfast? I could use a hoof o help around too, my side is all sore."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nods. "I'd like some. I wouldn't mind helping you out." he responds, taking a few steps towards the Crystal mare. He is assuming that she would want that area to be massaged. But he doesn't want to ask, that would be rather embarrassing for him. 

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@@Moon Dancer.

Crystal Clear smiled at him. "Glad to hear that. I basically washed the salad already, so it would be nice if you put in on the plates. I'll heat up the water. Still tea? I don't have anything else really, but you said you guys used to drink just water back home, so that's why I ask." She stood up, wincing from her sore rump. Crystal floors were not meant to fall onto. "Stupid bruises..." The mare filled the kettle and walked to the stove, but noticed the fire died out. She cussed and left it on the barely warm stove and limped back for matches.


"You know, it's kinda your fault,  come to think of it. Good think I nab aged to add coal before crashing, or we would wake up from the cold." Crystal fumbled with the matches but managed to ignite the fire again. She needed hot water to help get rid of those bruises.


"Alright,  drinks will have to wait,  but I'm starving. Let's go to the table and eat at least. "

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Tea or water is fine." he facehoofed when the crystal mare said it was his fault, but it was.He just didn't pay attention to the stove. Aquarius went to the table as instructed, he was thinking about  the letter she was going to write so he decided to speak up. "So, what do you plan to write for that letter for the Guild?" he asked. Once again wondering if she would like a massage on her side.

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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare took her plate and reached the table without incident. Although she wasn't very happy about sitting down by it. She looked like she was lowering herself into very cold water, a hilarious display. Crystal Clear sighed once she was property seated. "Seems like I won't come out unless I do something about it. You don't happen to know a way to cure bruises, do you? Those herbs should help a bit when plastered to the bruise and bandaged tight to it, and so would a hot bath... or a good massage. Shame the nearest spa,  or a doctor for that matter,  is a week away." She thought about her options as she started eating.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He had a 'Yes!' moment inside, as he thought. "Hmm... perhaps I could fill up the bath with some hot water and give you a massage?" he asks, calmly. He had been thinking about this for a while, she is a very nice mare and deserves to be treated as such, as she is starting to grow on him, day by day.  

Edited by Moon Dancer.
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@@Moon Dancer.


Crystal Clear gave him a sly smile.  "If only you were so eager to watch the fire when I was sleeping like dead... Alright, I guess it's the best way to try and get my side back in shape. Once the stove heats up and we eat, of course. Gotta heat up the water the same way I make tea, but there's a big pot for that so it shouldn't take forever."


She nibbled at her salad and added. "Either way, thanks for the offer to help. I appreciate it."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling smiles back at her. "I'd be happy to. This salad is rather good to be honest."  He says as he eats it with a fork. He is thinking about the princesses of Equestria and how they would react to seeing him, he also thinks about massaging Crystal, she must have soft fur.

Edited by Moon Dancer.
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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare glanced at her plate. "Well, for a preservable food, sure, but I'd be happy for a fresh mix for a change. Or something else to drink. Like I said, week in freezing temperatures kinda limits the food options..."


She ate in silence for a bit, then decided to get up. "Okay, no laughing at the cripple now. Ow buck, owowowow!" She slowly rose on her hooves and went to each window to check something, then approached the stove and extended a good hoof to see if it's warming up fast as it should. The kettle still didn't boil, so she got back to the table and "ow-owed" herself back into a sitting position.


"Now try and go out like that...  It would be a death wish or something."

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@@Raven Rawne,


He didn't like seeing her in pain like this. "Well. You will stay put inside this cabin until you heal. And I will make sure you heal, although I'm no doctor." he says to Crystal Clear.  Aquarius wants to help Crystal as much as she can, in his abilities. He wants to start massaging her as soon as possible. 

Edited by Moon Dancer.
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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare chewed her salad and pondered Iver something as she looked at the changeling. She nodded when she swallowed. "If you were a pony,  I'd think you're hitting on me. Just an impression I had, you know. Still, I appreciate your willingness to help."


Crystal Clear held a small smile as she finished her salad. The kettle started whistling and she instinctively tried to get up, but stayed put with a wince. "Ow... care to take care of that?"

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