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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling was shocked when she said that, how did she know? But, he didn't show that outwardly. He does as he was asked to, he gets up and takes care of the kettle. He doesn't mind making Crystal Clear thinking that he is 'hitting' on her. Best to know ahead of time, he thought.

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@@Moon Dancer.


"Thanks. When I'm finished with my meal I'll show you where the tub and that pot is."


She ate as he took care of the tea. When she was finished, Crystal Clear slowly rose to her hooves and carried the plate to the sink. She pointed him to the tub and the large pot to warm up the water in. They carried the crystal tub closer to the stove to make it easier for him.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"So we put this large pot on the stove?" he asks, sounding rather unsure of himself. He sets the pot on the ground. "Do we fill this pot up, set it on the stove, let it warm up and then pour the water in, or am I totally wrong there? he asks, still rather unsure of himself.  

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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare nodded as she brought out the pot. "Basically, yeah. We fill it up, halfway, from the tap here, and put it on the stove.  One boiling and one cold and do on. Should be warm enough. Although I'll have to refill the cistern a bit after this stunt.  So, shall we?"


Crystal Clear took the pot by one handle in her teeth and brought it over to the tap,  and poured the water. "Obviously I'll need help with carrying it."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. Grabing the other part of the pot with his sharp fangs. He thinks what Crystal Clear said, and it makes sense. But he expects the pot to be extremely heavy, it could break his fangs and then they would have a whole nother issue to solve, one which hopefully doesn't happen. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


 The mare saw his fangs sticking out and held a hoof to stop. "Waaait, can you even grab it comfortably with those? I mean, we can also try to bring it ober bu holding it with hooves. Actually it might be even better since it's quite heavy..." She showed himhow to put a forelef inside the pot hold's loop and tried to lift it. Heavy, but should be mamageable to put on the stove. "So on three? One, two, threee!"


They barely made it to the stove and were pretty tired when it was in it;s place. The mare thought about alternatives. "*huff* Okay, so, maybe I had a bad idea. Phew that whing was heavy. thankfully I'm used to cold water so I warmed just a bit of it previous times..." She pointed at a small cable dangling from the ceiling. "See that? it's a cable to a small pump I use to refill the cistern. Just dip it in the pot and use a hoof pump up there to take the water up. Unscew the pump on the upper level and bring it here please - we'll use it to transport water to and from the pot. Uou can get there by the ladder on the wall, over there."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nods. "I was afraid I would break my fangs, but whatever. Yes, I see that. I understand." he begins doing as she asked. The changeling had no clue that it was going to be this complicated, if only this house had hot water somehow. This is complicated but he seems to be following it just fine. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare sat tight by the stove and waited till he came back with the pump and it's rubber pipe that sucked in the water from the ground floor. She smiled at him and took it. "Altight, so when the water gets ho, we dump the far end in the pot, and trank this lever to pour it into the tub. Same with filling the pot and ferrying the cold water. I'll get a smaller pot and place it under the tap.


All in all, it took a while but theu managed to fill the tub with sufficiently hot water, and put the large pot off the stove. Crystal walked to the tub and shook her head. ot looking forward to pumping it all outside... Or refilling the cistern for that matter. I just hope it'll work."


She untied her golden lace from her mane and tail, and let har mane loose. She then carefully stepped into the tub, visibly in pain as she moved the bruised legs. She sighed in relief as she finally rested in the hot water, only her head above it. "Damn, I could have one of these every day... if they weren't so much of a pain to pull off that is. Guess I owe you one." The mare soaked in and relaxed, trying to rub her muscles to ease the bruises.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling smiles and begins to massage her bruises and where it hurts. His hoof is hard and holed, as she can feel. "Well. Not really, you saved me when I was in that cave, freezing to death almost." he says as he massages the mare. He won't get in the tub, though.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Once she felt warmed up and soaked, Crystal Clear let her foreleg above the water so Aquarious could try nad massage it back in shape. That was the easier part, not only because it was harder to stick out a side and hindleg out of th water, but also because her flank took the most of her fall. And masaging there would be awkward.


She winced a bit at the touch of her bruises, but clenched her teeth and let him do the good job. Crystal nodded at his words and replied. "If you... ow, say so. Try and use the enge of your hoof along the muscle aAAAgh! That works, but hurts too. Ooompf, stupid bruises."


The mare winces and sighs at the pain, but wants him to keep at it, knowing full well that it may very well help her.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius did as he had been asked to by Crystal Clear. Using the edge of his hoof along the muscle.  "So.... just relax. I'll do the hard work for you." he says in response to Crystal's words. Aquarius seemed that he liked to be helping Crystal out, a return for when she saved him.

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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare was wriggling her hindlegs in the water as the changeling plowed her muscles with a hoof. It hurt alright,  but... "*huff* Keep going, I think it works! Ooow stop for a sec,  gotta soak it again. Crystal Heart it hurts... But I feel it's working." She dipped her foreleg back in the water and gently moved it to warm it up again. After a minute or so she presented it again for round two.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nodded and proceeded to do round two. He thinks hat she is enjoying this, even if it hurts. Aquarius thought about what any stallions or what Princess Cadence would think of what is going on right now. They'd probably be shocked in his view.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare was all tense the moment Aquarius ran a hoof through her sore muscle, once she presented the foreleg for some more massaging. She was biting her lower lip and frowned in obvious pain as he continued, but didn't try to pull back the leg or nag him to go easier on her. She just rested her head on the back of the tub as her long, loose mane floated on the surface. Even her "hair curtain" side fringe got wet. As the changeling worked, her expression softened and it was evident she started to enjoy it as the pain receded. At some point she opened one eye and looked at her companion with a smile. "I guess you did it, you know. It doesn't hurt. Although I admit, I am half tempted to crash on the floor sometime later just to get some more of that massage."


She motioned him to let go of the foreleg and she flexed it in all directions. "Huh, good as new. Guess I'll have to stand up to let you do my side then, if you have the strength in your hooves that is."


Crystal Clear submerged completely in the water, then emerged again, this time soaked all the way to the tips of her ears. She sneezed the water out of her nose and rubbed her eyes, then gave him a sheepish smile from under a curtain of wet azure hair. "Sorry, I just couldn't waste good bath water now could I?" The mare combed her unruly hair back with her hooves and stood up, presenting her slightly bruised side with a gentle smile. "Ready when you are."

Edited by Raven Rawne
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@@Raven Rawne


The changeling smiled back. "I knew you would like it." once she presented her slightly bruised he started to massage it. This time he took just a bit longer and appeared to be enjoying the part of massaging. After a few minutes, he had finished with the massage and looked over his companion with a smile. "You feeling better?" he asked, wanting to know whether or not she did indeed feel better, which he thought she probably would. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare braced so she won't trip over in the tub as the changeling started working his magic on her side. Sure, it hurt at first, but maybe soaking it longer made the difference, since it started to feel good soon enough. Not that she would stop him though, free massage, right? Her expression followed her sensations, from a slightly painful frown towards a pleasant smile. Crystal looked at him with some regret when he finished and asked if she feels better. "Well, yeah. I do. You sure helped me gat back on track with this one." She looked at most prominent feature that didn't like abruptly meeting with the crystal floor, and thought about somethin, biting her lower lip and occasionally glancing at her companion. Eventually, she made up her mind.


"Okay, so I'll be okay if you say no, since, you know, awkward and all that, but... I guess my hip could use some attention too, if you don't mind that is." - Now she was visibly embarassed with a hint of a blush showing on her already red coat.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling chuckled just a bit. "I'd certainly like to. Its nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't worry." he said as the started to massage her hip with his magic, he was really starting to enjoy massaging the Crystal Mare. His cheeks got just a bit lighter, perhaps he was blushing?   

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear nodded and was rather surprised when she saw, and more importantly, felt, his magic where normally she wouldn't allow a stallion to get comfortable in. She observed him as he worked her bruised hip, and raised an eyebrow after a moment, even though she was still frowning from pain. "Are you... blushing or something? Heh, and who said not to be Oow! ...embarassed, huh?"


She playfully splashed a few drops of water in his direction, since she wouldn't reach him for a boop.

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@@Raven Rawne


Aquarius kept going with the hip massage. "Umm....yes... I'm such a hypocrite, aren't I?" he asked Crystal Clear as a few drops of water landed on his face, dripping off. He smiled at Crystal Clear. He wanted to stroke her azure mane and was eying it. She had a rather beautiful mane to be honest. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


She nodded, giggling. "Aren't we all? My mom would give me an earful for letting a stranger, well, basically grope my rump. And yet that's exactly what's going on right now. By the way - magic is good for finishing strokes, but I'm afraid you'll need to get up close and personal to finish what you started."


Based on her sly smile and the way she combed bck her mane, it was pretty obvious that she dared him to do it.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nodded and he started to get up close and personal to the Crystal mare. He started to be just a bit more relaxed with his magic, once had noticed her sly smile he reached a holed hoof out to stroke her soft, azure Mane. This was one of the best moments of his life, he thought.  

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal smiled at him stroking her mane. "Pretty neat huh? I always wanted to have long hair but it kept being a niousance when I worked. Tying it all up in some messy bun every time I grab a chisel is not exactly what I dream of. But I guess you like it nonetheless..." She  was genuinely amused by the fact that he went for her mane. The mare leaned towards him, water still dripping from her azure hair. "I was referring to my bruised flank, by the way. You could make some coin by offering relaxing massages with that magic, but I need some serious work there." - Crystal gave him a surprise boop with a wet hoof and made that sly grin of hers.

Edited by Raven Rawne
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@@Raven Rawne


Aquarius kept stroking her mane, gently though, and he liked being Booped by her. "Your mane is pretty." after about a minute of stroking Crystal's Mane, he went back to massaging that hip of hers with his magic. Aquarius thought that he could be a massage pony or rather changeling some time, if that is acceptable in the Crystal Empire.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


 The mare let him appreciate her mane, and once he was back to massaging, she asked. "Could you levitate a towel to me? Kind of forgot to bring it within hoof reach. Right there." she pointed at the direction where her "bathroom" was. "Figured I could start drying myself up since I'm standing anyway."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nodded. "I would be happy to." he said, sounding happy. He then went into the bathroom and grabbed a white towel and levitated it to the mare. "Its been nice massaging, I know you like it." he said to the Crystal Mare, smiling. This event made them both happy, and he liked that. 

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