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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Moon Dancer.


"Thanks." The mare smiled at his helpfulness and waited till she had the towel in her hooves. She started drying herself with one hoof, starting from the mane. She noticed he finished his ministrations and looked from under a mess of azure hair.  "You do now huh? Shame it didn't last long though. It wasn't Spa tier, but, if I take the pain out of the equation, yeah, it was something to remember." She smiled at him as she started stepping out of the tub. She sure made some splashed on the floor, but it was made of crystal so all she had to do was wipe it out. Crystal Clear patter herself dry as she talked,  paying to attention to the mess on her head for now. "So it seems we have the little emergency solved, even if it cost me a day of good weather. No way I'm going out today to catch a cold, or worse. Guess we're grounded for today."


She was finishing with the towel. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius was a bit disappointed that she got out so early, but he didn't seem to mind. "So what do you want to talk about, Crystal Clear?" he asked, cleaning up the water left in the Crystal bath and then putting the towel in the tub for now.  He wanted to discuss her family more, but he had wanted to discuss his family as well.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare noticed the changeling dispense the bathwater to the sink. "Huh, I was about to propose we punp it out through the front door but, that should work too I guess. The sink is connected to an empty cave underneath, you see. No crystals there. So unless the pipe freeze, we should be in the clear."


She looked around a bit, then went for a blanket and laid it by the stove, then sat on it and looked behind at her companion with a small smile. "There's enough room for two if you want to sit by the fire. I need to dry off completely." Crystal closed her eyes and her smile widened at the pleasant warmth. "Mmm, sometimes simple things are enough... You know, on the first day I kinda regretted I found you. For a number of reasons really. But you know what? Maybe it was for the best. You seem like a cool lovebug, even if a bit rough around the edges."

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@@Raven Rawne


The changeling sat next to Crystal Clear. "Thank you so much Crystal Clear." he said to her with a smile. "Your a nice Crystal pony, the first one I ever met. Your probably the only pony I could consider a friend." he also said to her, getting a bit closer so he could hug her. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare noticed the tiny gap between them, taking a side glance at it. She returned the smile. "Sometimes all it takes it to stop and talk, rather than jump to assumptions and continue galloping in the distance. Many ponies will probably pin the Canterlot fiasco on any changeling they see, without asking questions. But I guess there's some measure of hope, with what happenned the the Hive of Queen Chrysalis." Crystal Clear looked at her fur and said to herself. "Damn, almost forgot." She got up and went to the "bathroom" area.


"Now I know we may be in the middle of nowhere, but it doesn't mean I have to look like natural disaster, right?" - she said over her shoulder as she looked for something. "Ah, there it is!" The mare came back and sat further apart from the changeling, and started brushing her coat with a comb. She also had her golden lace to tie her ponytail and dock. "You know, it's best to do it while the fur is still damp, so it stays the way you comb it. Same with manes and tails. Easier to style later on." She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling didn't really know how to respond and he turned towards Queen Chrysalis. "I don't like how ponies are always hating Chrysalis, she did what she had to do for the sake of her hive, to survive. Now look, she may be cruel and all, but her loyalty was to her hive, and she certainly did put it first, there are many wrongs that she did, but she had one thing right. Changelings like me deserve to survive. Well, before she came, nopony knew changelings even existed. Now, she is the reason why everypony hates them..." he said with a frown. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare sighed and frowned a bit. "Guess you're right... Ponies seem so quick to write you guys off because of what happenned. But I'm sure that, once the word that there are more changeling Hives, and that they're not the same as the one that took on Canterlot, things may look up for your kin. When not afraid, ponies tend to be rather helpful. Case in point." - she tapped her chest and puffed her fresh combed tuft of fur there. "So chin up, it may take a while but I'm sure your kind will find a place in the wider scheme of things that make Equestria work."


She looked at him and offered her best smile for reassurance.

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@@Raven Rawne


The changeling nodded. "I'd say so. The current leader of the hive will deal with all the political stuff and I guess I don't have to worry about that, which is good. I'm sure when I go to the Crystal Empire, they will understand, hopefully. But you are my favorite pony, the only one I have met actually." 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


She laughed at that remark. "Oh come on! I'm goona blush at that flattery! But, since we're at it, You're my favourite changeling too. When I get back home and you'll still be around, do step in the "Sapphire Rose", okay? It's my workshop, and I live upstairs."


The mare stood up to brush the areas she couldn't reach while seated. As expected, she had some problems with heaching her upper back.

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@@Raven Rawne


The changeling nodded. "So would you mind if I could stay at your place until I can get my own?" he asked the crystal are. He wanted to help her brush but he didn't want to intrude like that. He didn't really know what to do when he would get to the crystal empire, time will tell for that.

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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare reached around with the comb to her back,  finally deciding she did what she could,  given the environment. "Well, if you decide to stay in the city until I come home, I can't see why not. Although we'd need another bed. I have only one..." Crystal paused and thought about something,  and gesticulated as if moving something. Finally she announced. "Well, it may look weird but I guess I could fit a bed in my place.  But, as I said earlier, it's locked shut till I come back. Gotta think of a place for you till it's open..."


Crystal decided she had enough brushing and gave herself a look over. Kinda awkward without a large mirror.  "So how do I look? See any missed spots? Gotta do the mane and tail next."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Hmm, alright. But won't we be heading back.... together? Or will I be heading out alone?" the changeling asked, sounding rather unsure of himself. If he went out alone, he would really have no clue what direction to take, and it probably would take at least a week, like the Crystal Mare said.  

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@@Moon Dancer.,


She shook her head as she took a seat on the blanket, smiling. "Forgetful are we? I told you that I need to stay put for at least another month. Depends on the weather conditions. You however, can hitch a ride with my supplier, who's due in two weeks. Or stay with me if you prefer, now that we have a semi reliable way to keep you alive." She took a comb and started working on her mane when she glanced at him and added. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind if you stayed."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling lets out a sigh. "This cabin is rather.... boring to be honest, no offense. If I stayed I'd be extremely bored, I don't know if I can hitch a ride with your supplier but I would like to get to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible and work stuff out." he said calmly.  

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal frowned slightly at the comment, but nodded. "Well, guess it's hardly a perfect place for a changeling who's used to being in a full Hive. I kind of like it here, somewhat... Oh no worries, I'll make him take you, even if it means I'll have to agree to be taken on some awful date..." - The mare rolled her eyes ant the idea and got back to making herself presentable.


Honestly, the day was uneventful. They didn't go out, except for grabbing snow to melt in order to refill the cistern. Once Crystal reinstalled the pump of course. They talked some more, usually on neutral topics. Crystal tried to come up with something to do so the changeling wouldn't be so bored, but there wasn't much to begin with. They decided to end the day early and get some more sleep - tomorrow, if the weather holds up, they will head out to look for crystals. The mare added a small note on the cave they accidentally found and marked it on her map. Mext morning was a new day of opportunities.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He woke up next morning. He climbed out of bed as usual and took a peek out the window. It was a new day of opportunities like Crystal Clear said. "So we going out looking for Crystals or something?" he asked, regardless of where Crystal Clear is or what she is doing at this time. He wants to get outside, looking for Crystals is the 2nd best thing to going to the Crystal Empire. Mostly because he can keep an eye on Crystal Clear and make sure she is safe. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Themare stirred in her bed at the noise of him climbing ouut of his, then heard his hoofsteps to the nearest small window. Crystal Clear stretched and yawned, then rubbed her eyes open and peeked from under the covers. "Guess so, that's what I'm getting paid, after all." She sat in the bed and threw the covers off her, Another day, another brushing of her cherry coat and azure mane - both mane and tail were wrapped in tight buns for bed time. "So what do you see there? Sun? Snow? Ancient ice monsters?" She hopped on the crystal floor and made her bed, then wandered tothe kitchen area. "Same as usual?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling looked over the landscape, it looked to be partly cloudly. So 'same as usual' he thinks. ​"Same as usual I'd say. Partly cloudy. " Aquarius said as he turned towards the Crystal Mare. He went into the kitchen area as well. He waited for what she would say. They probably would go outside today. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal stomped her hoof in amusement and laughed a bit. "I was asking for breakfast, silly! It's not like I have a long menu to offer, right? But good to know the weather is okay. I guess we can venture farther away today, to the area I found you in. Plenty of ground still to cover there." She corrected herself. "I mean, if you'd like to accompany me, that is."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nodded. "I wouldn't mind you accompanying me. Why would I?" he chuckled. "So what is on the menu for today? Tea and Salad?" Aquarius asked if he knew the answer. He sat in one of the chairs at the table. Thinking about the stallion coming to the cabin, he wished he and Crystal Clear could go to the Crystal Empire tomorrow.  

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@@Moon Dancer.,


She jabbed a hoof playfully in his chest "Hey, smart flank!" The mare browsed her larder. "Well, I have oats too, packed in some... cookie like form. Not particullary tasty though. And hay fries too. But salads make the most of my supply, yeah. there;s also cold and hot water, not just tea. So it's a whole world of opportunity in here, heh." She smirked at him as she closed the larder, having taken her pick and beginning to set up things for tea.


Crystal also decided to let her mane and tail loose, and the bright azure buns unwrapped into long strokes of hair.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nodded, then he eyed that pretty mane of hers, almost in a trance for a few seconds he was, he snapped out of it. "So...Our plan today is to head out, look for Crystals and stuff, maybe a few other things?" he asks, wanting to get a plan of the day, totally ignoring what happened just a few seconds ago.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


She noticed something as she let her mane loose - the changeling... froze? Daydreamed? Whatever it was, she decided to just wave a hoof at it as she brought the kettle on the stove. "Pretty much, although if I were you, I wouldn't hope for stuff. In my short experience, that's what wants to eat you." - She was pretty serious about that, but immediately brightened her expression. "I'll get your meal in a few minutes".

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nodded and waited for the few minutes. Once he got his food the changeling began to eat his food, once he was done with eating his food, he thanked Crystal Clear and put the dirty dishes in the sink. "So,  when are we heading out?" he asked Crystal Clear. Standing up.

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@@Moon Dancer.


Crystal Clear got their breakfast on the table, and poured in hot water to the cups for tea. She then joined the silent changeling by the table, occasionally glancing at him thoughtfully. Once the meal was done, she answered the question. "Once we clean the dishes and I stop looking like a mess, more or less.  So maybe you take care of the dishes this time? Should speed up our departure..."

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