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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius smiles. "I would be happy to do that for you, I'll get right on that." Aquarius said as he went over to the sink and turned on the faucet, spraying some soap onto the dishes and wiping the grime off with his magic and then putting it in the trash can. He took about a minute to do this.

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@@Moon Dancer.


"Glad to hear that." - the mare nodded as she went to grab her grooming tools with intent to make herself presentable. Seeing him waiting,  she had an idea. Crystal looked over her shoulder and asked with a playful smile. "Are you bored? Cause I have something you could do..." She waved the hair comb to show she meant doing her tail. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nodded and glanced at her tail, at this moment he knew exactly what she was implying. "I'd be happy to." Aquarius took the comb and began coming her tail, he liked grooming her. The comb went through her tail hairs gently, and it took a few seconds for each stroke. He smiled.

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@@Moon Dancer.


The mare's smile widened at his reply. "Glad to hear that, hehe." She refocused on brushing her coat, but seems she was having fun including him in her grooming, for some reason. When she was finished, Crystal asked to switch accessories - she took care of the mane and he would finish her back. She keenly observed just how low he went with that comb, still holding that sly smile. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


Eventually he started to comb her back, taking the exact same length of time when he combed. He thought while doing this, wondering if Princess Cadence would allow him to comb her mane and tail, just like he is doing to Crystal clear, he has doubts but also has some hopes for that. 

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@@Moon Dancer.


Crystal Clear decided to cut the teasing and just did her mane as he brushed.  Once she was ready,  the mare nodded at the changeling with a warm smile.  "Thanks. Now we can get dressed and move out. I'll take my saddlebags for samples. I also have some useful things there. C'mon, while the weather is good."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Alright." he responds, he heads over to where his stuff is and he begins dressing up. Starting with the hat, then the goggles, the boots and then everything else. Once the changeling was all suited up he walked over to the door and waited for Crystal Clear to get dressed, once she was ready he held the door open for her and the 2 headed out. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare observed the changeling tor a moment, with her head slightly cocked to the side, thinking about something. She shook her head and proceeded to get dressed herself. Once she wal also fully dressed, Crystal Clear walked over to the door and gave him an appraising look. "You know, you do look rather good in mares clothes, heheh." She went out before he had time to retaliate, and then closed the door with a key. Then she shoulder bumped him. "Cheer up, I'm just teasing you a bit. Happens when I'm in good mood. But do tell me if I get annoying, okay?"


They started walking towards their destination for the day. The wind was light but still made talking through the masks a bit uncomfortable, so they kept quiet till they reached the cliff face, an hour and some more later. Crystal Clear oriented herself in the landscape and mused aloud so he could hear her. "So the cave we met is there, but I haven't checked the other side yet. So unless you fancy revisitng the place, I say we go the opposite direction, okay?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Okay, lets go the opposite direction." he said and he started going the opposite direction. The changeling had alot on his mind, a whole month to wait until the Crystal Empire.... is not the  best circumstance for him for sure, he can't head out alone either. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


"Okay, let's then. Just keep further apart this time, in order to avoid what happenned the last time." - the mare led the way, staying close to the cliff face and looking for any signs of her precious crystals, occasionally glancing at the changeling to make sure he's okay.


Crystal Clear walked a few minutes before she stopped and unslung a pickaxe from her saddlebags, then struck a discolored vein in the rock. Peering closer, she decided it was some kind of metal. Iron maybe? Worth mentioning in her reports for sure. "See that? It's some kind of an ore vein. If not for the teensy little fact that we're in the middle of nowhere, somepony would try and look for a good spot to mine it. But not us, so I'll just mention it in my notes and carry on. Speaking of which..." - she pointed a hoof onwards and continued walking.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Alright." he said to Crystal Clear. Doing exactly what she said as the pair kept walking. This time he was perfectly warm and had enough love reserves for this walk. Aquarius didn't mind, but he kept walking without difficulty. He hoped they would find something. As they walked they found strange piles of rocks, stacked up on eachother, the piles were about as tall as them. It looks like they have been out here for a while. "This is strange...." 

Edited by Moon Dancer.
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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare had her eyes on the rock face, and occasionally on the landscape too. She froze when she saw Aquaruis musing aloud. "What's s- Oh." Crystal walked to the changeling's side, disregatrding her own safety advice. It did look like something stacked those boulders on purpose, although they were too far to see if they were natural or quarried. She didn't see any tracks either, but they could be snowed over by the wind in a couple minutes. She  leaned to her companion, a bit unsure of herself. "So... we check this out or?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Lets check this out." the changeling says as they walk towards the boulders. Once they are close enough they can see that the bottom ones are rectangular and as it goes up they get more rounder. There were 3 stacks or piles. There are strange symbols carved into the rocks, there isn't really anything else. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal tried to discern whether he was brave or stupid. "O-okay, let's." She walked just behind him, eyes nad ears wide open.


Turns out, there wasn't much to worry about. Just stacked rocks, with some... symbols? She tried to wipe one rock face clean with fresh snow, and gasped audibly at what she saw, now cleared. "Windigoes!" Crystal Clear got spooked, and noticed the stacks were arranged in a triangle. Obviously old too. The mare came to the changeling and said quietly. "I don't like this place, who knows that's under the snow."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Why don't we head back? Whats a Windigo? I don't like the feelings of this place...." he said as he looked at the rocks, wiping off of a stone face as well, revealing an image of Queen Chrysalis and Princess Luna standing next to eachother. He showed Crystal Clear the image. "Odd..."

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal was rather on edge as she said quietly. "They're spirits that brought eternal Winter on the first land of ponies. The Frozen North is, in fact, the southernmost part of that realm." She noticed him wiping another portion of the mural. "Those two? But... No, let's leave this place be. Check the rest of the cliff and if there's nothing in here, head back and think of a new place to check out."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nods. "Well. Thats bad, so lets head back, I think we need to head back..." they both notice that a strange, and almost Certainly Windigo like creature in the distance. It hasn't spotted them yet. Aquarius whispers to Crystal Clear. "We need to head back right now." he says urgently.

Edited by Moon Dancer.
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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare nodded and suddenly clutched to her companion, shaking slightly, as they both noticed something in the distance. The mare nodded feverishly and they slowly withdrawned from the site. Crystal was keeping very close to him, as she was visibly scared.

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@@Raven Rawne,


As they moved away the Windigo like figure vanished into one of the piles, it is unknown if the figure spotted the 2 but it didn't take chase. Aquarius held Crystal close to him, attempting to make her not so scared. He told her that they were going to be safe and alright. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


They basically hugged until they walked a fair distance back to the place where they started the search. Only when the pillars were far and out of sight did the mare relax a tiny bit. First theing she did was to let go of her companion. "I'm, uhh... sorry for, you know, clutching to you like a filly. I'm no hero type, eheh." She laughed nervously, trying to judge the changeling's attitutde to what happenned. Hard to do when he's wearing tinted goggles and a face mask though. Crystal continued, tracing a circle with her hoof in the snow. "I guess that area is a bit too dangerous for comfort, so... would you mind if we head back home for a bit? We can try another place in the afternoon."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling let out a sigh. ​"No need to apologize. I agree, lets head back home." the changeling said as they started walking back home. Aquarius felt that he was the one who was protecting Crystal Clear, and he was honored. "So what place do you want to try next?"



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@@Moon Dancer.,


"Something far away from here, that' what! I don't know how I'll manage to sleep at night..." She remained silent for a spell, then continued. "We can try the same place we crashed into a cave earlier. Find a safe way in. It looked pretty rich in crystals, all things considered. But now, I need to stop shaking and the best way to do it is to get into a solid crystal cabin."


They walked back, again for an hour or so. They were getting close to the cabin when she saw something. "A sleigh?! He was due in two weeks! Oh Heart, he's probably browsing our stuff and all!" She looked at Aquarius with some fright. "I know you said no, but please, change into a pony for a moment when we walk in? So the guy won't do anything rash when he sees you? Pretty please?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling quickly turned into a regular unicorn stallion with Emerald eyes and a white coat. If anypony were to check, his cutie mark would be a Crystal Heart, made out of Emerald. "Just this once." he says to Crystal Clear. He doesn't really know what to do other than change, time will tell.  

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear exhaled in relief and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Phew, thanks, I owe you one. For realses." They headed towards the cabin and she opened the door, then went in first.


Northern Lights was sprawled on the sitting pillow and toyed with the holed sword when she came in. The mare noticed another pony trying to make himself at home. "Put that down before you cut yourself. You were supposed to be here in two weeks. And who's... Blizzard? Why would they send an Apprentice, and from another workshop no less?"


Both stallions noticed her companion, but decided to take care of the matter at hoof. Blizzard said proudly, with a hint of spite to the mare. "Well not Apprentice, but Journeypony. Second, the Guild has decided that I'm better suited for this important task than you, it seems, or I wouldn't be here. The papers are on the table, they want you back and I'm taking over, Master."


Northern Lights still toyed with the sword. "Care to explain who's that?" - He pointed the weapon at the unicorn.


"He's a friend, and you're playing with his belongings, so put. that. down." She looked back at the disguised changeling, not sure how to proceed.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling, now disguised took off his winter clothes and shut the door. His Emerald eyes looked Northern Lights over and he noticed his cutie mark, an emerald Crystal heart. his mane is green as well. "Well... I guess it seems, that we will be headed back..." he says to Crystal Clear, sounding rather nervous.

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