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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare decided to assert her authority. She took off her winter clothes and pinned them to dry off. "Look you two, Grow a pair and act like professionals. Especially tou, Bizzard. They won't name a crystal after you. You're just cheaper and your master pulled some strings. In fact, I'm happy to leave. As you'll soon learn. this isn't paid vacation."


Both stallions seemed unimpressed, but Lights put down the sword at least. Blizzars had a deep frown on his face. "I'll pack my things and handle the mission to you. I made some notes and collected samples, so we'll take these back home, but I'll show you what I know. Aquarius, could you set water for some tea? Thanks."


The new ponies were weary of the outsider, and eyed his every move. Crystal didn't know how to handle this situation and postponed the big reveal. The crystal menders sat down to discuss the mission and the mare showed the stallion what she learned so far. He was condescending, but took note of what she had to say. She conveniently didn;t mention the strange rocks they saw today. Northern Lights wanted to know more aboutthe unexpected guest and tried to tak to him. When the business matters were set, Crystal stood up and announced. "Aquarius, we're packing. It's too dangerous to go out now, so we'll sleep here and head out in the morning. Blizzard will take over the place and Lights will guide us back home." She made sure the changeling's things were far from the stallions, and especially that his sword was close only to him. "Oh and one thing boys." - she started nervously - "My friend isn't exactly a pony, but I'll bury you alive if you do anything to him, Got it? No need to pretend anymore, drop that disguise please."


The stallions were shocked and didn't know what to do, so they just stared and tried to wait till their brains stop kicking them.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne


Aquaius did what Crystal asked first, setting some water for tea. Then in a flash of green light he revealed his true form. His Chrysalis like eyes looked at the Stallions curiously and he scratched his head. "Hello. Look, I am a changeling. I am sure you want to kill me on the spot right now, but thats not the way to solve things... We have alot to talk about, which will be explained soon, Ok?" 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare was close to the changeling as the stallions regained their wits. Of course, Lights looked around for that sword while Blizzard snorted in a holier-than-thou matter. He spoke first. "A changeling? Really? You let him in and endangered your mission, stupid mare, the Guild will know about it!"


Crystal was annoyed and wrappeda foreleg around her new friend. "Sure, from me, you idiot. We don't meant to keep his identity a secret anyway. He wants to meet with the Crystal Princess like Thorax did. Now recall what happenned to him. Aquarius is from another Hive, but he wants to make peace with the ponies all the same. And I'm going to help him. Now if I recall correctly, you two bird brains have a sleigh to unpack. I need some time to pack my things too. So I expect you to get busy and let him be. Rememeber who's the Master in this cabin, Blizzard..."


The mare side hugged the changeling tighter and annouced. "We're packing, care to lend a hoof?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling hugged the mare back and then chuckled when Crystal said 'Bird brains'. "Sure. I didn't expect all this to happen today, after what happened earlier." he said and he started to pack up his items and helping the 3 ponies. Aquarius didn't really know what to do, and decided it would be best to keep an eye on the 2 stallions, he didn't really seem to inclined to talk them at this point, and thought it would be best to save the talk about what happened for the sleigh ride to the Crystal Empire, to kill time and bordem.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal felt a measure of reassurance as he hugged her back. Northern Lights seemed dismayed but  stood up and decided to start luggin the cargo in. Blizzard lifted his sonse in disapproval and followed him, no doubt to issue his enlightened instructions. Crystal breathed in relief when they were gone for a moment. "Keep an eye on them for now, and keep that sword within reach. Just on case. Let's start packing, you first so they won't pocket anything off you."


They secured Aquarius's saddlebags and put them away, then she asked him to help her pack. Seems she was reluctant to let him alone with any of the stallions. Only occasionally the ponies talked, mostly over where to put stuff. By the evening, Crystal Clear had her things neatly stacked by the door, atop and around her massive chest. Blizzard was being his uppidy upatart self and complained that he would design everything better. Northern Lights kept quiet and eyed the changeling with spite. Crystal decided he was probably jealous. Eventually, it was time to eat and go to bed. The newcomers took over the beds so the mare and her companion slept on the floor. Blizzard had no issues with letting a Master, and a mare too, sleep on the floor while he took her bed. At least there were enough blankets to insulate the impromptu bedding. Crystal asked Aquarius to sleep with her, just to anger the stallions even more.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius agreed with Crystal Clear, and layed down next to her. He embraced her in a hug as he began drifting asleep. Today started off as pretty much normal as it can get, then he remembered the strange rock piles and now they are dealing with 2 bird head stallions, tomorrow is going to be an interesting day for sure.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare woke up to a sound of hooves and restacking things. She opened her eyes and smirked at the ghangeling that she snuggled up with. Not the comfiest bed companion but the sight sure had to arravate her unwanted company. She unwrapped herself from him, stirring him awake in the process, and looked at the source of the noise.


Blizzard was trying to open her chest.


"Touch it once again and I will tell your family you slipped and broke your neck, you hear me?" The Journeypony got startled and  tried to save himself. "I-I was just... looking at it, Swear!" The mare didn;t buy it. SHe just got up and stretched, acutely aware of her ruffled coat and a bed mane. "Put it all back as it were and I might not tell the Guild. Might." She walked over to her chest to see it was secure, and fished out the combs from a bag nearby. "Do the honors then, our generous host, kitchen is over there." - She was going to make Blizzard hate her, but she didn't care. One of many upstarts to deal with. She glanced at the changeling and waed a comb. "Care to offer a helping hoof?" She knew it would anger the stallions even more but, whatever.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling woke up amidst all this conversation, he knew what was being said, he didn't like these stallions either but he will deal with them for the travel. He began to comb the Crystal Mare's mane and tail. He enjoyed every single second of it, but it wasn't the same as it was when they were alone. He occasionally glared at the 2 stallions, they can tell that he doesn't like them. 

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@@Moon Dancer.


Crystal brushed her coat as Aquarius had his fun with her long azure tail.  She decided to head out as soon as possible.  "We head out after breakfast. Blizzard, please wake up our friendly guide, will you? Thanks."


The young stallion rolled his eyes and cussed something as he walked to the beds in order to wake up Northern Lights. Suffice to say he wasn't exactly gentle.  The large stallion stirred and told him to buck off, but got out of bed nonetheless. He looked like she cheated him with the changeling or something. Crystal nodded at him. "Cheer up big guy, we won't be staying here for long. I'll start lugging my stuff once I'm done here. A mare's gotta have priorities, right?"


She dud as she said. Blizzard half flanked something to eat as she, Lights and Aquarius packed the sleigh. After a silent meal it was time to head out.


"I sure won't miss this place..." Crystal ran a hoof over a wall as she was about to go. "Good luck Blizzard. You'll need it." She stepped into the cold. Northern Lights pulled the sleigh. Crystal and Aquarius walked together before him. She knew the way, more or less.  The first night should be spent in a converted cave. The Guild closed it off and stacked some supplies for the travelling ponies.


Truth be told, Crystal would miss the easy cash. And the adventure, save for the last few days. She was deep in thought over the immediate future.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Well. This place was my first home outside of the hive and besides a cave. Well, lets get going, lets get out of here. Its time for me to start a newer, and better life." he said in a rather saddened tone but also happy towards the end. He boarded the sleigh, he had alot of thoughts buzzing through his head. He was ready.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The ponies walked in the cold for most of the day. Thankfully the weather was decent and the constant movement kept them reasonably warm. Northern Lights pulled the sleigh with ease - beside the heavy chest, the rest of the luggage was rather light to begin with, and Crystal had just three medium bags of it, counting the gramophone and records. The stallion was a ead taller than the mare and seemed perfect for the job of hauling cargo. Although Crystal was a bit concerned that he was quiet - he usually didn't shut up. Probably imagined something between her and the changeling and got jealous, she figured.


It was getting late, but not yet dark, when they reached the first stop. The cave was indeed converted into an impromptu living space, and they could push the sleigh inside for safety. Once the large doors closed, Crystal used her glow-crystal necklace to navigate the place and light the small stove. They huddled next to it, in the small light it provided, until the oil lamp thawed and could be also lit. Only then could Aquarius see the inside properly.


There were no beds, just a few bedrolls stacked against a wall. Foodstuffs and medical supplies were closed in containers and stacked on shelves. An empty barrel was left most probably to store water. All in all, it was still a cave - only the doors, stove, and some items were crystal. The shelves were carved in the rock, same with a table. There was a stone wall sealing off the rest of the cave, for safety and to heat up the air faster. Lights decided to take some well deserved rest as Crystal started prepping something to eat. She asked the changeling to bring fresh snow to melt, so they could have a drink. No tea though.


The meal was semi decent, and even though they still wore their clothes, aside from head gear, they felt warm. The awkward silence reigned supreme. Crystal decided to rest her head and layed on a bedroll near the stove. Northern Lights apparently decided to dispel some of his ideas. He went over to Aquarius - the mare was watching them both through half open eye. He sat down by him and leaned over, trying notto be overheard by the mare. "So... What's with you two? She fell for you or something? Never seen her asking another pony to comb her tail and all..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling had brought in some fresh snow, when Northern lights sat next to him, he turned towards him. "She saved my life and I saved hers. We began to get to know each other, and eventually she just started asking me to do stuff and I did what she asked." he whispers to the stallion next to him. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Northern Lights nodded. He looked around the cave. "Well I guess I lost my chance anyway, now that she's coming back to the Empire. I'm just surprised she's so... open towards you. Maybe she just wanted to piss me and Blizzard off, that guy is a real pain to be around... You know, mares. Never know what's happenin in their heads."


He got up. "Okay, been nice talking, I guess. I'll take the first turn at checking the fire, then wake ya, okay?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling sighed. "Well, kinda makes sense I guess. Okay." Aquarius had thought the day wasn't that bad and he went over to the one of the empty bedrolls and got in.  The changeling took one last glance at the ponies around him before turning away from in the bedroll, drifting off to sleep. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal noticed that the stallion... or stallions? Should she consider Aquarius a stallion? Some things were rather confusing with changelings. Still, they parted ways and he seemed to be getting to sleep, so she decided to get some shuteye too. And stop teasing them both now that that upstart Blizzard wasn't here.


She woke up to a gentle shook. She saw Lights waking her up. The mare dug out of the bedroll and stretched. "Nghhh, mornin'." Crystal Clear got up and packed her bedding, then donned some of her warm clothes - the stove was cooling down already since they had liquid water stored. She started making something to eat as the stallions - she decide to call the changeling a stallion - pushed the sleigh out and did other chores around the place.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling thought that being called a stallion was weird, but he didn't mind. Aquarius got out of his bedroll, and started helping out with the chores around the place. Once they were done with the chores, it was almost time to leave. Aquarius told them that it is best to leave as soon as possible and he got onboard the sleigh. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear made breakfast and they ate it in peace. Seems like Northern Lights had a better mood that day. They hastily packed up and left, securing the safehouse before heading to the next.


The trip back home was... tough and boring. The ponies, and changeling, had decent weather, thankfully, and didn't have to deal with any predatory wildlife or many other perils the North so loves tossing at intrepid adventurers. As expected, at the afternoon of the seventh day, they saw the Empire in the distance. The barrier was down and the city was covered in a white blanket of snow - the usual sight of the Winter in here, when the rest of Equestria enjoys Summer. The crystal ponis noticeably picked up the pace.


Crystal Clear was hopping from joy and something was weird with her  - her coat, or what little was seen on her face under the mask, cap and goggles, was shining like a crystal. Her tail also had a strange brilliance to it, like a finely polished, semi opaque gemstone. When they were getting close to the city outskirts, she went over to Aquarius. "Alright, we're heading to the Guild House, which is located in the Palace. I need to sort out my stuff first and then we can do yours, okay? So I'd like to ask you to pick a disguise for a few hours, okay? You'll get some love off me in the evening, no worries. So, we have a deal?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


The trip was tough and boring indeed. He nodded silently, he could sense all the love and energy of the place. He took the form of a Crystal pony, stallion. White coat with green eyes, green mane and cutie mark as a Green Crystal heart. He noticed that something was different with Crystal Clear, he saw how she was, happy and hopping. He wishes he could be a Crystal pony. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


 A ciercle of green flames around the changeling and a tuft of white fur sticking out where a moment earlier she saw black crapace were enough of a confirmation that he took a disguise. Thankfully the stallion he took the look off was small, so he didn't rip the clothes. They continued the walk tothe city proper, the mare was all happy and even Northrn Lights seemed to cheer up. Once they reached the first buildings, Crystal Clear took off her goggles and face mask, leabing just the warm cap and the scarf around her neck as far as head protection is concerned. Now it was apparent she crystallised - the inherent magic of the crystal ponies, fuelled by her happiness of being home again, made her semi opaque and reflect light like a fine gemstone.


By her rough estimate, it could be around Six P.M. Since it was Thursday, ponies were abundant in the streets, shopping after work, visiting friends and hanging out. The roads and sidewalks were picked clean of any snow, which took refuge on the roofs of the crystal houses. Poor Lights had to take a detour to his place, because the sleigh wouldn't go on crystal. The mare told him she'll pick up her stuff later today, and, after picking up a small bag from her luggage, she waved Aquarius to follow her. She happily trotted uo the East Avenue, straight to the Palace. She could see the Plaza in the distance, and the warm glow of the Heart in it's center. Crystal Clear bumped hips with the changeling, and asked with a big smile as they passed ponies and shops. "Quite a sight, huh? There's no place in the whole wide world like the Empire, I tell you! I love my home town." - She said it with absolute conviction.


Crystal Clear stopped a few times to window shop something, mostly clothes, butthey kept a good pace and soon reached the Plaza - a round public square directly underneath the massive white Palace Spire. The Crystal Heart spinned lazily, marking the epicentre of the whole Empire. Crystal Clear trotted towards it, but motioned the hangeling to stay a few steps away. She joined a few more ponies that were also within hoof reach from it, all gazing silently at the artifact. The mare stood in front of it for a couple minutes, without saying a word, then slightly bowed and trotted back to grab her companion. "Had to say Hi to it. Now the business part, we're going up those stairs to the Guild House. If anypony asks, you're my friend and we met on the way in. I asked you for help to lug my stuff from Lights pace, okay? The meeting may take a while and you'll have to wait in the Lounge."


The ponies navigated the corrdors of the Palace lower level. Although publicly availible, the interirs were richly decorated. Finally the mare took a turn and reached a pair of massive, crystal doors. The Heart and a stenciled plaque "Guild of Masters of Crystal" on the wall next to them marked the place as their destination. Still shining, the mare pushed open the door and walked in. "my second home, gosh it's good to be back..."


The interior was... fitting for a place meant for ponies who made pretty much everyting in the city. High, arched ceilings, mosaics and sculptures made of rarest crystals, tools and documents in display cases, expensive furniture. There were a few ponies waiting in the Lounge,  some talking in small aisles. Crystal Clear unbutonned her warm jacket and troted to the recepcion. "Hi Evenig Song! Guess who's back, and not eaten by any ice monster hehe!" The other mare was creme colored with burgundy mane, tied in a bun. She had golden eyes and maybe a teensy bit too much weight. She looke up from her papers and grinned. "oooh, if it's not the brave Master Clear! And still in her heroic garb, no less. And uhh... wh's, that?" Crystal glanced back and rememebered about Aquarius. She waved a hoof casually. "Just a friend. No not that kind of friend... I saw him on the way in and asked to help me bring stuff back home. Make him comfortable while I deliver my report, OK? Evening Song had apredatory grin on her snout. "Sure do... Don't rush that meeting, he'll be in good company... Anyway, you two jump out of those heavy clothes, the wardrobe is there."


She pointed at a door and Crystal led Aquarius inside. They disrobed and put their clothes neatly in availible space. Th mare put a hoof on the changeling's back before they hent outside. "Evie is pretty nosey, and a huge flirt. But she's a cool gal. Single too. So don't make any promises you don't intend to keep." They went out and she decided to show him something. "C'mon, I want you to see this. The mural here? It's a list of all Masters, from the founding of the guild. I'm.... here. the newest in the bunch. I looked so cute when I was eighteen..." - there was a tiny relief of every master by their name - "So you stay put, and I'll go through that door and come back in an hour or so. Then we'll gram by stuff and finally crash at my place for the day. Try not to cause trouble, 'kay?"


Crystal Clear gave Aquarius a tight hug, knowing full well that Evie is watching, and disappeared behind the door to Memebers Only zone.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling had never seen any place like this before, it was full of happiness and love. He felt all of it, he knew he would never be hungry again. When she bumped hips he turned towards her. "Indeed. This place is awesome." he smiled at her. But when they approached the Crystal heart he could sense the sheer energy of it, he didn't want to drain it without permission though. The changeling secretly didn't like lugging everything along, but he did it anyways. To make sure the ponies liked him. He had started to lug the bags. "Alright." he said as he took in the entire conversation, he wasn't really sure what he could say. The changeling started to take off his heavy clothes and put them into the wardrobe, revealing his disguise. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear showed up again an hour and some more later. Still shining and with a happy gait, she corrected her bag on her back - this time it seemed almost empty, although a haft of some tool was sticking out. "Hmm, could've sworn I left a colt in here..." - She smirked and walked to the counterm where evie was busy with papers.


"Hey there gorgeous, have you seen my asisstant? I think I misplaced him semewhere..." The cream mare looked up and shook her head, chuckling. "Not that kind of friend, huh? ell he was waiting for you so impatiently he hit the sack some time ago. Should be sleeping on a couch in the farthest nook. I don't know why, but he seemed... shy and kinda defensive when I tried to chat. Do I look desperate or something? Stallions don't really flock to me as od late..." - she frowned, thinking. Crystal Clear cocked her head a bit and smiled. "Nah, it's your workplace, lass. can't see your best side from over this counter." The chery mare sticked out her tongue and went over to Aquarius before the cream mare could react.


"Wake up, sleeping beauty, we're leaving." - Crystal Clear gently shook Aquarius awake, and gave him an encouraging, but friendly nuzzle. "C-mon, the day is nearly over. Just the last leg and we're home." They dressed up again, and she guided the disguised changeling out, waving bye to Evie. "She's a cool gal, you know.  We spent some quality time together, and it was she who got me into brandy, amongst some other things. A good friend, even if a bit... desperate for company." - she had a dreamy expression as they navigated the halls, apparently recalling some loving memory.


They went out onto the Plaza, and immediately noticed that it was slowly getting dark. There were fewer ponies out and about, too. The mare directed her hoofsteps North, down the Avenue and onto the utskirts. They caw the massive Stadium to the right, and there were quite a few interesting businesses along their route, but she was in a hurry so didn't window shop this time.Northern Lights lived in an apartment in the second to last row of houses. Crystal whistled aloud when they were under his window. "Lights! We're here! Come on down!" They saw a figure peeking out the dark window, and soon the stallion was downstairs. Crystal noticed he actually combed his mane, for some reason. "A date so soon? Mr Lights, I didn't know you're such a marekiller..." He chuckled an shook his head. "I just like looking like a civilised stallion, no need to have a special reason forthat, miss Clear." He showed them to the back of the building and they followed. "I repacked it all on a cart, to make it easier on you. I'm surprised he's still sticking around, you know. Thought he'd drop you the moment he's in the city. Guess I misjudged your changeling friend... See ya around, you two. And bring me the cart back, i need it for deliveries." - He headed back home, leaving the duo and a cart.


"Hmm, never thought about it that way... Anyways, let's get home." - She lugged the bag on the cart and starrted pulling it, with some priblems though. "Uh, care to push a little? Thanks." they reached the mare's house, located in the second to last row in the North-east quadrant. It was a tro storey building, made of blue crystal with white decor. The sign above the door said "Sapphire Rose" and bore the exact copy of her Cutie Mark. A notebook with some pencils was secured from moisture in a opaque crystal case by the nearest window, signed "If I'm away, write and I'll come to you when I'm back.". Crystal Clear parked the cart in front of the door and took the bag she had in the Guild, then fished out a spare jacket from another bag. She grabbed the haft of the mystarious tool that was stuck insode, and took out a hefty hammer, then put it withthe jacet by the door. The mare unlocked the doors with a key, then put the jacker against the door and sung a hammer to hit it, then in several other places. Each time something broke inside. Once done, the mare turned atround and bucked the doors wide open. She grinned sheepishly as she put the tool and jacket back there they took them from, and grabbed the first luggage. "Told you you won't get in. Now be a dear and help me bring all that inside. Upstairs and then wherever there's space. we leave the chest for last."


The insde was just as elaborate as the outside. The straight corridor led to two doors to the left, a staircase straight up and doors under the staircase. They went up and into a open loft - there was no convencional ceiling, but rather open space all the way to the roof. They walked straight into a corner of the apartment, and as they turned left, the layout was as follows: There were therr tall windos looking at the street, but none on the other walls. Still, the street lamps and glow-crystal lamps inide provided illumination. The windows had thick crimson curtains. In the corner above the entrance to the building was sort of music/reading nook. A large, comfy armchair with a table, now empty, and shelves filled with books and vinyls - some were obviosuly missing. Following the wall with windows there was a table and four chairs, located ext to an open kitchen in the opposit corner. It had cabinets, sink and taps, and a stove for cooking. Following the outer walls one reached the only enclosed room - the bathroom. it occupied half the short wall ad was actually bigger than the kitchen. Curiously enough, it had a ceiling, and spiral stairs led to a crystal "castle" on top of it. The bed had to be there, under a round window cut into the roof. The mare could see the night sky by just looking up in her bed. On the long wall between the bathroom and stairs were three large wardrobes. In the very center of the apartment, on a round crimson rug and a cherry crystal stand, rested a huge golden cube. Actually, it was a cube made of smaller cubes, fused together into one. Like somehow, it was being fed new cubes and thus continued growing.


Crystal Clear inhaled deeply and dropped the bags by the weird cube. "Home sweet home." Here's to hoping this time I won't get hammered from celebrating my return." She looked at the changeling. "You don't want to know."


They emptied the cart and lugged the hevy Master's Cheast into her workshop - second doors on the left on the ground floor. Once everything was inside, Crystal parked the cart at the back of her house and started unpacking, having closed off the curtains. The changeling could finally drop his disguise. She started with the gramophone, and of course it was up and running as soon as possible. The mare almost danced as she unpacked, still glowing. "So how do you like my place, huh? Cozy little nook, if I may say so."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling had said that he had been overwhelmed with everything of the empire, also he said that he didn't mind friendship but he was getting tired and had, he had done everything Crystal Clear had asked. The changeling seemed that he was out of energy. "I want love.... so much.... around here.... its so hard to resist to drain some...." he said as he felt like collapsing. "Its...nice...better...than a cave or cabin." he suddenly fell to the ground and looked up at Crystal Clear. "I don't think I will fit in here....I am a changeling....need love...." he said rather desperately. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare looked over her shoulder as she heard Aquarius babble strangely. "Um, you okay?" - She saw him on the ground, looking rather bad, and ran towards him. Her glow immediately ceased as she returned back to normal. With some fright in her voice, she looked him over and brought his head up in her forelegs. "What's wrong?! You said you have love reserves, and never mentioned you get dizzy in pony cities!" - She shook him a bit, frustrated. "Come on lovebug, talk to me! You can get the love outta me if you need to but tell me what's going on!"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Its...so...hard to resist draining here.... so much love....so much energy..... I have never been in a place like this.....so I am thinking....that... I need to drain right now...." he said as he let his disguise down, and started draining, but. Unlike last time where she was isolated, because of all the happiness and joy around, she doesn't feel as tired and exhausted, only just a little bit.  

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The crystal mare nodded. It didn't make much sense how the abundance of love made him so desperate for more, but she allowed him to drain from her all the same. She sat down and put his head on her lap, holding him witha foreleg as if fearing he'll roll off and hit the floor.She patently waited till he seemed to be done with his task. It wasn't so bad as the last time, she felt a bit groggy but nothing she can't handle. Crystal Clear smiled at the changeling. "Feeling better? I can make you some bedding in a pinch if you feel like calling it a day."


She gently ran a hoof through his mane, almost motherly so.

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