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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nodded. "I also don't really like taking disguises. I just want to reveal myself to this Empire as soon as possible, I just want to talk to Cadence and whoever else is important around here, for the future of my hive, and my life. I don't like taking things in a disguise." he said, getting rather sad.



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@@Moon Dancer.,


 Crystal Clear lowered herself to take him into a hug. "I understand... But we had to install ourselves here before we start setting your things straight, can't you see? If we just walked to the guards and announced we want a hearing, we would get locked up for a week. And I have my life to worry about too. I promised I'll get you an audience and you'll have it, promise. Tomorrow I'll go to the Palace and announce that I met you and tell your story. Hopefully they'll arrange a meeting soon. Does it sound acceptable, hmm?"


She hugged him tighter to comfort him.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He gently nuzzles the mare, and hugs her just a bit tighter. "Yes it does, I owe everything to you, you saved my life, I'm lucky I found you.  For now, I'd like to head off to sleep. Where can I sleep?" he asks, then letting her go and standing up, looking around for a nice place to sleep . 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare giggled slightly. "Aww, you can be pretty cute when you're greateful... Let me arrange something. You like soft or hard beds? I sleep in the "castle", and while the bed is big enough for two, easily sto, I dont want to make you uncomfortable. I can make a nice bedding with thick blankets on the floor too, maybe buy a proper matress later on if you'd like to have one. But you can also sleep up there, on one side of the bed. Like I said, there's plenty of space."


She was standing by the wardrobes, awaiting the decision. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nodded. "Eh... I don't really mind. I don't really care. I'll sleep on one side of the bed." the changeling started moving in the direction of the bed. Aquarius climbed into the bed and got under the covers, he was rather tired and groggy at this point. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear rubbed the back of her head in confusion as Aquarius went up the spiral stairs and into her bed. "Uh... goodnight? I guess? I don't get changelings..." - She said the last part quieter, to herself. The mare stretched her back to fight the creeping tiredness and continued unpacking her luggage. She turned down the gramophone so it won't disturb her guest and tried to behave quietly. She had a glass of water from the tap, and ate some hay fries she took from the last safehouse, knowing full well that the rug was the most edible odject in the house when she'll get back.


Once the bags were empty and resting under the wall, Crystal Clear went to the bathroom. The muffled sounds of flowing water announced she took a bath. A long one too. She emerged after an hour, wearing a bathrobe and with her mane and tail tied up for sleep. She wandered aimlessly around the apartment for a few minutes, went downstairs to check she closed the door, and finally, with a long sigh, went up into the "castle". She looked at the sleeping changeling and shook her head. "If you weren't so... Blunt. I have a knack for attracting jerks, I guess. Here's to dying alone." - She mimicheda toast and, with a resigned look on her face, took off the bath robe and crawled into the extra large bed, then pulled the quilt back on her side. She fell asleep soon after.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He didn't appear to notice what she said, when she came out of her bath, the changeling was out cold. Aquarius was sleeping soundly in bed. The changeling was calm and quiet as he could be, in a deep sleep. The next morning he awakened out of bed, seeing that sun has risen. Aquarius wakes up Crystal, its around 7:30.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


She woke up to the feeling of being gently shaken. The mare flailed her forelegs for a moment, like lazily swatting an insect, then sat straight up with a start. "Wha-huh? Oh, it's you... Sorry, not used to company at home..." Crystal Clear rubbed her eyes open and stretched her back, then got out of the oversized bed and lazily made it to look decent again. With a yawn, she looked up at the round roof window. "Huh, it's like, early morning still. Somepo- I mean, some changeling is impatient in here." She smiled to let him know she's joking, then went down the spiral stairs. "Guess I need to go out and buy something to eat, all we have is tap water and some hay fries I pocketed off the last safe house. I'll make myself look presentable and go shopping, okay?" She went into the bathroom, but left the door open. She was just brushing her coat and styling herm ane and tail there.

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@@Raven Rawne


The changeling watched as she had gotten out of bed and he chuckled slightly at her remark. "Okay, so what is the plan for today?" Aquarius had asked as he flew down the stairs and found himself sitting infront of the bathroom doorway. He was thinking she would say something about the Princess. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


The mare looked up from her brushing labour. "Well, after we get something to eat, and I getthat cart back, I'll just go to the PAlace and state your case. Hopefully they'll arrange a meeting of sorts for you. Although if I disappear, it means they didn't see things as optimistically as I do, eheh..." - Crystal Clear was evidently nervous about that. - "So, uhh, how do you feel today? Slightly better or need to keep draining?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling thought for a moment. "Well, so you just walk in and state your case? Wow, never expected that. As for your question today, I do indeed feel slightly better today, I think I am starting to adapt to this empire, as this is where I will be living for a while." he states. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal stopped brushing ang looked away, then sighed and resumed her task. "I'm good at chipping crystals, not political schemes, you know. I just theought that I'd approach the reception in the lower level and ask to see a Court official, and tell him the basics. Then things would gain momentum on their own. Or end up horribly wrong, one of the two, I guess."


She got up from the stool she was sitting on, haveng finished her grooming and mane styling. Last glance in the mirror and she was out of the bathroom and heading into the kitchen for a glass of water. "Anything you'd like me to buy for you?"

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@@Raven Rawne,

Aquarius lets out Asigh. "We will see how it goes.... I don't want you getting locked up or something just as bad.... to be honest I'm not really sure what I want from the store, what do they sell there?" The changeling asks Crystal, he was unsure what could happen to her and he certainly doesn't want anything bad to happen.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare took a swing from the glass and put it back in the sink, then went to the nearby wardrobe to get some apparel.


"You said something about juice earlier, so that's one thing they have. Pretty much everything ponies eat really. I aim for some cold stored veggies, never enough of these, especially in Winter when the stocks will soon run out. Some hay, oats, bread, rive... I basically need to rebuild my whole larder, I even gave my teas to my parents so they won't get spoiled in my absence." She took out a nice pair od black hoof boots, a burgundy long coat, charcoal pants and a nice, red, woolen scarf with matching ear muffs. "Speaking of which, I wouldn't mind dropping by at my folks, but maybe after I come back from the Palace..."


She frowned somewhat as she took out a large set of saddlebags, apparently thinking of something not nice. She brightened up as she looked up at her companion. "So, any favourites or you just roll with my picks?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Juice or something like that. I'd rather just drink it all in liquid form, I don't really like chewing stuff. This whole palace thing seems sketchy to me, but its what you have to do. Now, what should I do if I find out your locked up?" the changeling had asked her, sounding rather nervous, but it is something he had to ask. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare nodded, looking a bit curiously at the changeling. "Hmm, can do." She was about to turn and leave when the delicate matter came to the top and she froze mid shep, then looked nervous too. "I uhh... don't know, really. Guess the guard would come to my place first, so it won't be safe to stay here... Unless you think you could reason with them and work out your way from spearpoint. Not sure if there's so much as a proper way to deal with this kind of stuff. I mean, we had Thorax but he was alone, never brought any more changelings in. We're all still pretty new to this whole biz. O-okay, gotta go. Don't let ponies see you while you're in here, 'kay? Be back soon."


Crystal Clear took a deep breath and descended the stairs to the ground level. She checked if all the doors there are locked, then went out the front door and locked them too. They could be opened from the inside if needs be though.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling said he would try his best,  and he heads up the stairs and keeps watch of the door, he stands there waiting, after about 15 minutes he lays down and keeps watching the door. The changeling has alot on his mind Ranging from his future, to the possibility of Crystal and him being locked up.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare got back, about half an hour later or so. She wasn't used to checking the time so thoroughtly. The lock in the front door sounded rhytmically as she opened it, then hoofsteps were heard as she came up to the apartment proper. "I'm back!"


Crystal Clear lugged her bags to the kitchen and started unpacking her groceries. A runble in her stomach informed it was time to eat something. She talked as she put things in the proper places. "So I went to the Market and bought us some good stuff. I've got crystal berry juice - very sweet but I like it to bits, two baguettes, some cheese, oats, hay, a veggie mix for salads... Pretty much a little bir of everything. Even sugar and some proper green tea, with mint. So if you'd like to I can get you something in a pinch. I sure need to eat some proper breakfast."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling was rather excited to see all the stuff. "I'd like some of that crystal berry juice and maybe some salad, I just sat here waiting, I didn't really do anything while you were gone." Aquarius said as he looked all the food stuffs over, fascinating. 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Crystal Clear laughted genuinely at his excited. "Oh you're just priceless... You don't have to stay put and don't breathe when I'm not around. As long as you don't go into the office or my workshop on the ground floor, I don't see anything I would be mad if you found it." She took out a fresh cup - made of crystal, because why not - and poured some juice in it, then offered it to the changeling. "Here's the juice, and I'll get busy to make us something to eat. You can help if you want, starting with the veggies. I need them cut into small pieces and rinsed in water to make the salad. I'm in for that baguette with some cheese..."


The mare got busy in the kitchen, obviously eager to eat something.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius took a sip of the juice, it tasted rather sweet, like she said and then he started to glug it down. "Wow, thats good, and alright. Well, I don't really know how to cook or anything like that. So I can't help, sorry. But, so what do you think Cadence is like, is she strict?"

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare frowned somewhat at the remark abut his inability to cook, then muttered: "Makes two of us...". She decided to get his meal first, and for that nd, started cutting the vegetables. Crystal talked when she wasn't holding the knife in her teeth.


"Sure can, if needs be. Saw that on the first meeting with the Guild. But what I can gather, she's a good pony. And a good leader too. Cares for us and our heritage, for once. So I'm not really worried about her. I worry about the Guard and beuroucrats that will take your case before her. No telling if there aren't any easlily panicking ones or career hounds."


At last, she was done with his meal, and presented it on the table. "Eat up, now to make my breakfast..." - a loud runble from her empty stomach was enough comment.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling watched as she presented his meal, and he started eating. "Well, the guards will probably be all angry so I'm expecting that. I'm sure she will understand... but I'm not entirely sure yet as to how things will go, time will tell." he said as he finished his meal, now in deep thought.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


She looked back from over her sliced baguette - the mare was still at it, prepping her breakfast.


"Welp, only one way to find out, eh?"


The mare made herself the aforementioned baguette with some cheese and veggies, and a glass of berry juice to round it up. She sat by the table to eat, occasionally glancing at the changeling. She also had a lot on her mind.


Only when she was done eating and the dishes were cleaned up, did the mare speak up. Crystal spproached Aquarius with a reassuring smile, and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Time for me to go to the Palace.Try not to have a heart attack if I take a while, okay? Although if I won't come back for the night, feel free to worry. Wish me luck."


The mare nuzzled his neck and went to put her clothes on. One last glance at her cozy appartment, a nervous sigh, and she was gone.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The changeling nodded silently and watched as she left, this moment was something his life sorta depended on and the mare did lots of things, lots of things indeed. He sat on the stairs, observing the door while he had alot of thoughts on his mind, he was sorta shaking out of fear. 

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