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Favorite Youtubers


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Who are your favorite content creators on Youtube and why? 

Mine are:

Digital Foundry: In depth hardware/ software analysis with tons of content on all the new up and coming videogame titles. I especially like how, for the most part, they maintain an extremely professional disposition with how they convey the information to the audience. In my opinion, far too many Youtubers like to force cringy attempts at humor into their videos (I am also quite partial to those smexy British accents /)^3^(\ ).

Weapon Wheel Podcast: The only podcast I have found that manages to thoroughly entertain me every time I listen. As far as I am concerned, this is the best podcast on Youtube. Hard8times, Blackb0nd, and Kid Smoove are by far the "stars" of the show, and the way they go at each others' throats is so freaking hilarious. BrokenGamesHD (BG), Jackmovejohnny, and Jimmy play their role too in contributing to the overall enjoyment of the show. They function as the "straight" man role in opposition to Hard8 and Kid Smoove's over-the-top antics. Blackb0nd & Hard8 are actually pretty damn entertaining on their own channels, but when all of these Youtubers come together for 2-ish hours, it amplifies the overall entertainment value, at least, tenfold.

My Life in Gaming: A retro gamers paradise. They cover things SO freakin in-depth you will likely do a double take when you see the length of some of their videos. In particular, their "RBG" series is extremely compelling and informative. If you wanna get the BEST possible experience out of your old NES-N64, GB-GBA, etc, this channel is the essential missing element in your life xD (The editing and music they use in their videos are a treat to behold, btw). My only complaint would be that both of the guys who do the presentation have slightly annoying voices lol.

Arlo: Covers a lot of recent Nintendo games. He likes to do reviews, first impressions videos, and opinion pieces on the gaming landscape in general. While his Nintendo fanboy-ness is worn on his sleeve resulting in him damage controlling many issues modern day Nintendo suffers from, he is extremely passionate and intelligent with the way he conveys his own perception to the audience. I don't always agree with his points (which can honestly be said for any of the Youtubers on this list), but it is still a joy to listen to him rambling on about this or that. His videos make for excellent food for thought too :o

Cinemassacre: I don't think much of an explanation is needed. The home of the renowned Angry Video Game Nerd. James Rolfe is definitely the "piece de resistance" here. His Avgn and Board James series' being some of the most enjoyable Youtube content I have ever witnessed. Sure, some of his newer Avgn episodes were going down in quality as he started forcing the anger a bit too much, but recently, he has been improving once again. Some of his newest episodes are near indistinguishable from the quality exhibited in his earlier episodes; truly an astonishing feat. Mike and Bootsy help round out the channel offering some really enjoyable playthroughs of retro videogames. At first I wasn't too fond of these guys, but the more I watch of them, the better they get \(^o^)/


Honorable mentions for channels I used to enjoy immensely, but their content has either gone downhill recently, or they have become extremely inactive:

Actar's Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/user/Actar576295

UltimateUkFFFan: https://www.youtube.com/user/KHFMcAwesome

Nume86(?) I think that was her name lol. Channel closed down several years ago

Deepercutt: https://www.youtube.com/user/Deepercutt (one of the pioneers of the YTP and one of the best ones to date; if it wasn't for him, I likely would not have begun watching Youtube videos as I was extremely anti-internet in my early teen years. His content was so captivating that it got me to put aside my bias) 

Madpilot86: https://www.youtube.com/user/Madpilot86

TimoteiLSD: https://www.youtube.com/user/TimoteiLSD

Cs188: https://www.youtube.com/user/cs188

^Three other 10/10 YTP'ers

Edited by ChocolateCrane
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Here are some of my favorites.


Dude Perfect: The content they put up such as Trick Shots, stereotypes, and all the celebrities that film with them is just amazing. They also taught me how to expand my horizons in the world of sports so I don't just rely on my hometown teams in Minnesota

Chuggaaconroy: Sure he's a let's player, but he's pretty much the best let's player in the world. Unlike PewDiePie he has a sense of humor, and he's just a nice guy. I even saw him in person before.

GameXplain: It's just a channel for getting news updates, true. But unlike the people at GamesRadar, they DO know what they're talking about.

TheBackyardScientist: Sure he's a guy who does crazy science experiments in his yard, but at least people can learn from his videos.

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I love a bunch, here are just a few...

Vsauce: Engaging and very thought-provoking sciencey stuff. :adorkable: He makes sure to not let things get too confusing.

Planet Dolan (and sister channel Super Planet Dolan): Danger Dolan and friends are hilarious with their usually quite relatable animated escapades. I've been a fan for a while!

Slimkirby: Not a hugely popular Let's Player, but one of my absolute favorites. As you can imagine, he's a Kirby fan, but he's played stuff all across the Nintendo spectrum. I'm sorry, but there are much lesser-known LPers like him who make PewDiePie look pretty weak.

Paulsoaresjr: He was the first YouTuber to ever record Minecraft content (besides the game's creator Notch). Now he mostly stays away from it and plays indie games from Steam. He's the one who got me into stuff like Stardew Valley, The Escapists, and Ark: Survival Evolved.

MandoPony: You probably know who he is if you're into MLP music. He doesn't record Mlp-inspired songs anymore, but he still regularly uploads new music that is usually inspired by his other nerdy passions.

MLP-Silver-Quill: Probably my favorite MLP YouTuber. I don't always agree with his analysis and reviews, but he's thoughtful and injects some nice humor into everything.


Signature by Kyoshi

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Most of my favourite people on YouTube are those who are into Let's Plays--it's what I enjoy watching--and include the following: Chuggaconroy, SlimKirby, Somecallmejohnny, BrainScratch Comms, HellfireComms, NintendoCapriSun, TheRunawayGuys, Olizandri, Guru Larry, MasaeAnela, The Great Clement, and Wacarb--Ultra Fast Pony.


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Sargon of Akkad: He does his research, and presents his arguments in a friendly and good way. Well, unless he's just shitposting on his shitposting channels.

Paul Joseph Watson: Does his research, fun as hell watching him smacking Lefties, SJW's, etc, around like the morons they are. And boy, do Paul love pissing them off.

Kraut and Tea: German Youtuber with very good content. It's well-researched, and well argumented for.

Stefan Molyneux: Very, very well researched material.

Edited by Yakamaru
  • Brohoof 1

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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Here are my favorites:


Icebear4ever: Makes tony Hawk game series videos and meet Tony Hawk in person.

ACRacebest: I watch bronies react and watch demolition derby videos.

OrchestralDesign: He makes pony songs in orchestras.

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My favorite YouTubers can vary, but they've generally been the same group for a number of years now:

Achievement Hunter - These guys are legitimately funny; even if some of the games they play are the sames ones from a few years ago. Really, the antics of Geoff, Gavin, Michael, Jack, Ryan, and Jeremy never fail to make me laugh.

Markiplier - While I may not watch a lot of his videos, I still have mad respect for him, and kind of a man-crush. Really, we're talking about a fellow with a heart of gold who just likes to make people happy.

Renegaes React - I know react channels get a bad rep, but I like how these guys do it. Along with a usually decent reaction they generally have good discourse pre and/or post reaction. Plus they're just awesome to watch; bunch of nerds. x3

Silver Quill - My favorite amongst the brony YouTube group, you really can't beat his insight, research, and humor.

Others: Cinemassacre, Channel Awesome, Angry Joe, Projared, JonTron, Completionist, AntonyC, Firebrand, Dr Wolf, and others...

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I know people have conflicting feelings about gamer YouTubers, but still they're the main videos I watch. Here they are in greatest to least!

  • Jacksepticeye (real name: Sean) - He's an enjoyable person-- subjectively. I mean obviously everyone has different views on people, but I know folk who don't like him because of his energetic, loud personality. I greatly admire him and his persona! He's very fun, keeps you around, and is very interactive. He's generally a down-to-earth sweetheart and keeps in touch with his fans. Recommend him if you like YouTube gameplayers! I'd suggest starting off with his current on-going gameplay series, The Walking Dead (season 3).
  • Magdalen Berns (her alias is her real name) - 'Kay it gets political here (quickly avert if you don't care to know/see), and I'm aware both sides don't like us in situations as such (you'll know what I mean if you watch her/know her politics), but she puts well-thought analysis on said subjects and is always up for civilized conversations/debates. I don't agree with everything she says or entirely how she reacts in peculiar situations, but she offers good banter along with humor every now and then. Recommend her if you're looking more into identity politics, lesbianism (lesbian culture/history/politics), or if you'd consider yourself leaning towards radical feminism or you are a radfem. She's greatly admired by radfems, radfem-supporters, or gender-critical folk, so feel free to give her a shot! Will warn you though, while she is up for civilized debate, she can get pretty joke-ish or what some would consider insensitive in her vids (that's where I'm sketchy with her). (And video jump-cuts... lots, and lots of video jump-cuts...) Nonetheless, even if you don't care for radfems/radical feminism/gender-criticism and want more insight about it, she's the first I'd go up to. First video that comes to mind is her comparison of gender-critical people's view on gender vs. sex with gender-variant ideology!
  • Simply Nailogical (real name: Christine) - She's pretty cool and funny, and people accuse her of sounding like different people (she comes off as PewDiePie with Jenna Marbles undertones lol!). While I know people aren't really into fashion stuff, which trust me, I'm fairly careless about make-up, but she makes that stuff FUN! Even if you don't like hearing reviews about pedicures, manicures, nail polish, all-things-fingernail related, she grabs your attention and jokes a lot. Especially if you already love watching make-up/nail-stuff tutorials, pleeeaassee check Christine out! Don't really have any recommended vids, but you should watch her vids particularly that are enlisted as tutorials.

I'll add more if I can think of anymore! :)

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Markiplier - His Let's Play videos, and also animations of himself. XD

Jackscepticeye - Same reason with Mark.^

Zaku Aurelius - His review of gunplas. :D

Type V3 - Gunpla reviews

Rrobert184 - Gunpla reviews

Fandom Reactions - Love watching the girls reacting to trailers and TV series that they watch.

UpUpDownDown - Because in this video, we get to see the other side of the WWE wrestlers while playing video games. :love:

Tyrone Magnus - Reaction to trailers and other videos.


Well, that's it. There are some YTers that I like that I'm too lazy to list down here. XD

Edited by GunPla_NiNJa_4


"I'm the Messiah the gnashing of teeth, no one meets death until they see me, I am the Alpha and Omega..." -King 810

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Secular Talk/Humanist Report-  Well researched commentary (Though I'll admit there are some exceptions...) on the news (usually involving large-scale politics) aimed at an actually liberal audience (Not the CNN Audience, they are fake liberals that blindly follow the Democrats lead...)

SMG4-  What? Retarded64 is really funny stuff...

Payton Tate- For the exceptionally good SFM-animated TF2 smexuals, and also some fairly decent $#!^posting.

DuncanKneeDeep/HoodlumScrafty- I watch their free-for-alls, and they're extremely enjoyable and pretty funny at times. Probably my favorite Poketubers. Though I also really like watching Mandals content whenever it comes out.

SoloRenektonOnly- Probably one of the only actually good League Youtubers. Pewdiepie is garbage, RedMercy is annoying and clickbait-y, and don't even get me STARTED on Nightblue3, and how OBNOXIOUS he is... One video and I was done with Nightblue.

RabbidLuigi/Fawful's Minion- These are the two YouTubers that initially inspired me to want to (I didn't, as it was impossible for me to) make countdown lists. I absolutely love the effort they put into it, and enjoy their content. Heck, I'm in the Steam Group of the latter!

Lockstin and Gnoggin- Actually good theory channel that isn't garbage (*cough cough* GAME THEORISTS and FILM THEORISTS *cough cough*)






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Vlogbrothers and their multiple channels that they created like Sci-Show and Crash Course (which I link on here often enough to be called a shill). 

Channel Awesome even though I nearly unsubscribed when he did that Power Rangers review while eating donuts (chewing noises amplified on a mic drive me insane!)

Extra Credits creates fairly in-depth and thoughtful videos on the gaming industry and history. Definitely recommended. 

Eli the Computer Guy for mostly perspective. I disagree with him as often as I agree with him, but I like his someone blunt approach. Same with Simple Programmer. 

NerdSync for comic books related videos. Very in-depth analysis. 

Star Wars Explained for quick digestible bits of news and analysis on my fav IP.

Derek Banas and LearnCode Academy are two of my favorite channels I tend to link to people who ask how to learn programming or web development.  

Tasty ... cause food.

Many many many more but these were the ones that popped in my head right away.



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