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Into Darkness: A RWBY RP

Drago Ryder

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Draco smiled lightly as he watched his teammates interact with each other. If someone wasn't aware that they were students of Beacon, then they would easily mistake them for regular kids. "I think I'm going to enjoy the next four years." He thought to himself. 

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan smirked mischievously as he placed Yuki's weapon across his back. He then walked forward and planted a very passionate kiss on her lips. He then walked away carrying twenty of his Mithril. "Now are you three coming with me to the forge?" Ghalan asked with a grin on his face slightly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki's eyes widened as Ghalan up and kissed her after she had handed him her weapon. Along with this, an intense blush developed on her cheeks as she tried to process what had just happened. Eventually, the fox faunus simply ran out of the room and as far away from the others as possible. 

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Draco felt a rush of emotions as he watched the scene of Ghalan kissing Yuki and the latter running out the room, the most prominent of which were tempered anger and a slight hint of sadness. The dragon faunus felt his jaw tighten and his sharpened teeth dig into their opposites. "We'll be talking about this later, Ghalan." He growled before running out to find Yuki. Right now, finding the fox faunus was his highest priority.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince was just barely getting off his bed before he saw the surprising act of Ghalan kissing Yuki out of the blue. In all honesty the only emotion Vince felt was annoyance at Ghalan's insistence of finding even more ways to be a rude individual. Ignoring his disruption of the team's plans on going shopping at the town with his forging thing Vince honestly didn't know what to do with the situation. Naturally Yuki had ran out on them, with Draco following suite, fitting the faunus; character quite well. With his eyebrow raised Vince looked at Ghalan with a semi-concerned look. "I'm curious, what made you think that was an ok thing to do? I mean, common sense and decency should be obvious man. And if you just say you felt like it I'm afraid I have to say you lose like, 20 respect points." Vince said as he stretched his body, one limb at a time, Taking a deep breath he began searching his pockets, satisfied to find his wallet and scroll both tuckly kept inside. "Either or, I don't know if they want your forging done after that little tease, but I'll be ready to do whatever, you guys just settle this juvenile issue." Vince calmly said as he headed for the door. Putting his hand to his chin Vince wondered what could he possibly buy at the town markets.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan shrugged and said "Let them handle it," he walked towards the foundry. "I can tell they are close," he stated with a chuckle. "Better than getting close to one such as I," he stated before closing the dorm's door. He had a job to do after all. He was walking quickly he was taking off his top as he entered the forging room.He felt the familiar heat as he began his tiring work.He placed the metals to the side as he then placed his mithril forging hammer to the side. He had his shirt off. Then he began to work. Out side anyone who walked by heard hammering of metal.

7 hours went by as Ghalan was still working on quite afew items. He got the main job done. aka Reforging Lunar Spire into a silvery white lance that felt light weight but was durable as all hell.  As he was finishing up the last of the chain shirts from the last of the mithril. They were perfect. He let himself smile only slightly then steeled his features once more. Of course the lance turned back to it's original color. Ghalan gave it afew test stabs. Less weight and far more balanced so that Yuki could be more combat effective. He had also forged a heater shield for Draco that took quite abit of his ingots with Ghalan's family symbol on it. He was done. Tiring and exhaustive work but it was done. Ghalan picked up the equipment andd walked out of the forging area after dousing the flames. He snuck back to the room to find them still out and about. He placed each of the items onto their beds. The chain shirts on each of them. Placing Lunar Spire onto Yuki's bed. And then finally placing the heater shield onto Draco's bed. Ghalan yawned as he stripped down to his underwear and laid into his hammock taking a nap.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Ranger22@Drago Ryder@dragon4111

After running out of the dorm room her team inhabited, Yuki eventually found herself in one of the parks in the town of Vale. She just needed some time to get her emotions in check and think about what happened. "Why of all times would he pick right then to do something like that?" She thought to herself.To be honest, she had expected Ghalan to do something like that, if his mannerisms were anything to go off of, but that didn't make it any better.

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Draco sighed as he looked at Yuki from across the street. He had found her a few seconds prior and was debating on how to approach this. If he did it wrong, then it would only cause more drama. The dragon faunus then pushed the butterflies out of his stomach and approached his teammate. "Hey, you ok?" He asked, before slapping himself memtally. If there was amything more cliche than that, he didn't know what it would be.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki's ears perked up at the sound of Draco's voice and the fox faunus turned to look at him. She wasn't expecting him to find her this soon. "Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a bit flustered." She said, though though the tone of her voice said otherwise. "I didn't mean to worry you."

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Draco nodded slightly, but was still a bit concerned for Yuki. "That's understandable, given what just happened." He said, looking away slightly. It was obvious that he was nervous, but who wouldn't be in this situation. "I do have an idea for something you can do if he does this again." The dragon faunus then moved a bit closer and whispered something into Yuki's ear. The last thing he needed was for someone to overhear them.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@Drago Ryder

Yuki's eyes widened at Draco's suggestion and she gave a him a light punch in the shoulder. "That's taking it a bit to far. I'm not going to rip it off. Maybe just a little twist. That should be enough to get the point across." She said, puffing out her cheeks. "I mean, he's not a bad guy. A bit too eager, sure, but he has a good head on his shoulders."

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Draco laughed a bit as Yuki punched him and looked at the sky. "Yeah. I'm not even sure if that would work for a wolf ear, anyway." He said, rubbing his chin with his clawed fingers. The dragon faunus had to admit, he didn't really mind Ghalan. Sure his self-deprication was just as bad as his own, but he did have a good head on his shoulders when it counted. "I probably won't do to much to him, either way. That's up to you." Draco then felt a light smile spread across his lips.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki nodded slightly and gave a light smile. At the very least she was happy that things had calmed down a bit. The fox faunus then decided to change the subject. "So, are we still going to get some stuff for the room, or do you want to just head back?"

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Before Vince could leave the dorm he had overheard Ghalan's response, which much to Vince's dismay proved to be as horrible as Ghalan's actions. God this faunus is such a god damn pain. How the hell does he think? What is his thought process? The questions ran through Vince's mind as he tried his best not to be any more baffled than he was at the moment. Vince didn't really have any stakes with the issue at hand, but Vince's concern for the scenario simply stemmed from Ghalan alone. The retard kisses a girl out of nowhere and fucks off saying "let them take care of it they're close!" Following up with "it's better that she not get close to one as I," as if that stupid ass line excused his actions and responsibility for anything. Vince couldn't grasp what the hell Ghalan's intentions were at all, a headache coming up as a consequence. "What?" was all Vince managed to say before Ghalan himself went away to forge weapons. He knew he said to let them settle the issue, but he had at least expected more of a response by Ghalan than whatever lunacy had just been spat out. With a guttural groan of annoyance Vince pulled out his scroll to check the weather, waiting for Draco and Yuki to finish up whatever they had to talk about. 

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Draco thought for a second before shaking his head. "I don't see why we'd do that. I'm not so sure about Ghalan, but Vince is probably still up for it. I'll send him a message and we can go from there." He said. The dragon faunus then recalled seeing a few stores that could potentially still be open as he opened his scroll.

To Vince: I talked to Yuki, and she'll be relatively fine.Anyway, I remember seeing a bookstore, among other things, on Silver street. Still up for a bit of shopping

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki gave a light smile as she looked into the sky and thought of what she could get. She'd probably aim for things that reminded her of home, but she also wanted something new, something that her home in Mistral didn't have. The fox faunus then glanced at her team leader and was curious about what he would get. From what his journal said, it could've been anything.

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As Draco waited for Vince to respond to his message, he noticed Yuki looking at him out of the corner of his eye. Naturally, this created a sense of unease and inadequacy within the dragon faunus. To be honest, who wouldn't be? Aside from all of the outter characteristics, Yuki was kind, smart, funny, caring, and about as pure as one could be when entering the line of work the academy provided. Of course, she did have flaws, but what did you expect. She was only a faunus, not some goddess, and he was alone in some park in the middle of Vale with her. "About what happened today during Glynda's class, I'm sorry. I didn't really need to snap at Cardin like that." The dragon faunus then relaxed slightly, as if a wait had been pulled off his back, before leaning back to look at the sky.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki's eyes widened at the change in subject, but figured that now was a good a time as any for this to occur. "I don't think any faunus would blame you for acting that way. Cardin's a jerk, so someone would've done something to him sooner or later." She said, shrugging slightly. The fox faunus then put a hand on one of Draco's, specifically the one that was closer to her. "I'm no stranger to people like him, and the Fang aren't making things better."

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince checked his scroll as a notification appeared, revealing itself to be a message from Draco about Yuki's condition and details about shopping. Relieved the whole issue wasn't as bad as it could be Vince checked his bag for any half decent outfit that he could wear in the city. Settling on a pair of jeans and a T shirt that had a video game character on it. Forgot I brought this. Vince thought to himself as he pulled his head through the T shirt, remembering the powered armored character to be more than a little bit responsible for his current get up. Ignoring his embarrassment and seemingly overwhelming nostalgia, Vince pocketed his wallet before leaving the dorm and closing the door behind him. With his scroll still in hand Vince responded to Draco's message.

To Draco: I'm still up for shopping, got a bit of spending money so I'm looking forward to it. Let's just hope we don't run into any robbers on the way >:3. Either way, just tell me where we should meet up and I'll be on my way. 

Naturally Vince hadn't hoped to run into any issues, it wasn't exactly on his bucket list to be attacked by goons. Though being a huntsman in training helped alleviate any fear of such an encounter, or at least being majorly harmed by it. There was a significant advantage of being trained in the use of aura, combat being a stand out advantage. Vince also took comfort in knowing he could call for his gear in an absolute emergency with a tap of his scroll. With these factors considered Vince walked out of Beacon in relative comfort, simply waiting for his teammate's location without any stress. 

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki nodded slightly as she followed Draco. Considering the fact that he had been here earlier thay same day, she trusted him to not get the both of them lost. Something told her that the others would never let them live that down. That being said, the fox faunus wasn't paying attention to where she was walking, and while one wore what were essentially high heeled boots, that tended to cause problems. With that in mind, Yuki gave a light yelp as she stepped on a rock with the heel of her shoe that offset her balance, causing her to fall foward and onto Draco.

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Draco read over Vince's message and gave a light smirk at the slight joke, before responding. Of course, the sound Yuki made as she fell made him turn to investigate. The next thing he knew, he was on the ground with the fox faunus  on top of him, and he could see the top of her eyes. Of course, this wouldn't mean much if she wasn't a touch shorter than him, causing what some might call an accidental kiss. While he didn't show much of an external reaction, not that he really could at the moment, he was torn between cheering himself on or screaming into the heavens for the awkwardness this would cause between the two faunus.

To Vince: Yeah, I know. I think the place was called Tuckston's Book Trade, or something like that. Either way, that's a good a spot to meet up as any.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Tuckston's Book Trade? Vince took the name and tried to remember if he recognized it and its location. Much to his minor annoyance there was nothing that came up in his mind. With a sigh he typed the location into his scroll and let the gps do its job. Vince had eventually hailed a transport, exchanging a quick greeting to the driver before giving him directions. Vince kept track of his wallet the entire ride, which wasn't that long when he gave it some thought. The sight of well kept roads and diverse pedestrians kept him occupied as the driver cautiously focused on the road. Eventually, Vince saw the sight of Tuckston's Book store, handing the driver the required amount of lien before heading out of the vehicle. The store itself was fairly sized, quaintly matching the other buildings and structures that surrounded it. Pulling out his scroll Vince texted to Draco that he had arrived. 

To Draco: Took a cab to the book store, just waiting out in the front for you and Yuki.

Vince put away his phone and put his back to the wall of the bookstore, deciding whether or not to whistle in order to pass the time. He found it curious that he had arrived at the destination first, though taking a vehicle might have explained why. Taking in the air, Vince began looking at random objects to fill his consistent need to do things. 

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@Ranger22@dragon4111@Drago Ryder

Yuki groaned as she sat upright and tried to regain her bearings. She hadn't hit the ground, or her head would've hurt more than it did otherwise. When the fox faunus looked down, she immediately noticed that Draco was under her, causing a light blush to dust her cheeks. "Sorry. I probably should've looked where I was going." She said, hoping that he didn't get the wrong impression. It was obvious that, given their current position that something more than her falling on him might've occurred, and she didn't know what to think about that. Yuki then realized that she was still on top of her team leader and stood, holding a hand out to help him up. 

Edited by Acnologia
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Draco gave a light smile and took Yuki's hand, before standing. "It's not that big of an issue. People trip all the time. It's just a matter of whether or not they get back up." He said, not noticing a similar blush on his own cheeks. Emotional displays weren't exactly his strong suite, and the fact that his mind and heart were sending mixed signals didn't exactly help. "Anyway, we should probably go make sure Vince doesn't get into any trouble." With that, the dragon faunus continued on down the street. Thankfully, it wasn't that far of a walk and he could see his teammate and partner from the entrance exam. "Hey bud. Hope you weren't waiting for too long."

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