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Top 3 videogame SEQUELS you want most!

K.Rool Addict

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What videogames do you want to see sequels for the most?




#1 Super Mario Sunshine 2


Released on either the Nintendo Switch or the next console they release after. I want superb graphical fidelity here (think Mario Kart 8), with emphasis on water physics, heat distortion effects, and lush vibrant environments to explore. I want hub areas with vastly expanded scope; allowing the player to find the entrances to secret levels in many different areas. A new Defino Plaza -esque hub area with a large focus on festivity, brimming with life; piantas dancing about, confetti flying in the air, people juggling fruits, a whole big "bazaar" type street facilitating these aforementioned activities, etc. A completely fleshed out underground area which you can travel to various different spots by entering manholes from the ground level. The underground areas resembling something like a huge sewage system with pipes and darkness pervading the entire area. A large focus on platforming and bottomless abysses to cross would be essential in this locale.


Many more maps with perhaps a select few returning from the original with extra details and sections that were not present before. More FLUDD nozzle variations allowing for even more complex and high risk open ended platforimng gameplay. Huge "collect-a-thon" overall, with many different McGuffins that all function in unique ways (perhaps some allow the player to unlock a 2nd level of performance for each nozzle variation, or bring back the blue coin exchange for Shrine Sprites, something along those lines =^.^= )





#2 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 2 (probably a different title lol)


A quest following the ending of Wind Waker's story. Something happens to both Link and Zelda, and Link's little sister, Aryll, takes it upon herself to rescue them while simultaneously dealing with whatever evil force is now reigning supreme upon the land. Aryll uses her experience with the pirate crew she was sharing residence with throughout the course of the original Wind Waker's narrative. She consults the pirate crew once again, and has them train her in the art of swordplay so she can rescue her brother and their Captain. Instead of the traditional Longsword weapon Zelda players have been familiar with since TLOZ's inception, Aryll uses duel cutlasses as her main means of offense. Combat focuses on combos to a larger extent than that of normal Zelda gameplay. Continuous motion and smooth animations play a large role in her fighting style. She ofc uses her telescope as a means of spotting far off items, as did her brother in the first Wind Waker. Aryll, however, does not need to purchase a fruit from that weird ass vendor in order to enlist the aid of her seagull comrades. She can call upon the seagulls with her notorious "Hoooy!" and use varying button combinations in order to have them attack in whatever way suits her needs best at the moment.


Instead of exploring the same Great Sea as in the previous game, the map opens up from a different axis around Outset Island. Outset Island now occupies the top right most corner of the in game map, allowing players to feast their eyes on a portion of the Great Sea never before seen, with bountiful islands and other land masses galore. Ship travel works as it did in WInd Waker HD with an option to increase your ship's movement speed by means of other sails. This feature is expanded upon allowing at least 3 levels of travel speed with the last being a reward that one receives after completing some ludicrously difficult hidden dungeon. More large scale sea creature battles and variety of actual creatures. Maybe giant Sea Serpents like the ones seen in the One Piece series of Manga/Anime. Varied body types and species with different means of attack and different strategies required for each species in order to reign victorious. Overall, the graphical presentation should be attractive; smooth animations, greater polygon count for character models, higher texture resolution, generally better lighting, and perfection of the cel-shading techniques used in the original. Once again, I believe this game would fit best on the Switch or Nintendo's next console.





#3 Sonic Adventure 3


Number 1: get rid of all the trashy play styles prevalent in the previous two titles (namely no Tails mech, no treasure hunting with Knuckles/Rogue, and no damn Big the Cat fishing). Number 2: Make new (fun) gameplay styles for all the characters who were booted in Number 1. Number 3, PRIORITIZE THE CHAO GARDEN ABOVE ALL ELSE!


Sonic Adventure 2 was such a compelling game. Why? Because players would get so involved in the Chao progression system and how gameplay within the action stages could directly influence things in the Chao Garden that they overlooked so many of the flaws with the game. Remove the flaws (aka Numero Uno) and expand upon the strongest aspect of the game. Chao garden should be made more complex in every way possible; new events, new stats, new alignments, new cross breeding potential, new animals to collect, new ways to influence the growth of your Chao, ways to battle Chao across the internet or have them compete in races against other people, you NAME it.


The main gameplay of the game should ofc be the standard action stages sure. A suitably "epic" storyline would be much appreciated too. Make it something serious, for Gods sake! Enough of these silly attempts at comedic narratives. Even if the serious tone comes off as cheesy, it is an improvement as far as i am concerned. SA2 did a wonderful job in the story department if you ask me; despite all the plotholes and shit lol. Sonic stages should be fast and frantic, but with lots of opportunities for in depth exploration and multiple branching pathways. The Emblem system in SA2 was perfection, bring that back. SA3 should be an evolved SA 2 with hundreds if not thousands of hours of content. Sega needs to stop it with the shallow/ gimmicky gameplay and go back to the bread and butter of a game like SA2. Such immaculate controls on Sonic & Shadow. SO much diversity in gameplay. And, most importantly, such an addictive and deep pet raising simulator in the Chao Garden ^-^ Graphics should be similar to the screenshot below. I think this game should be multiplat: PC, Ps4, Xbone, Switch (on second thought, Switch prolly can't handle this tbh lol).



  • Brohoof 2
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Windwaker 2 literally already exists



As for sequels I want to see...
Megaman Legends 3

Bully 2

and Transformers Devastation 2

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TWEWY needs a freakin sequel. I need a TWEWY 2

I think Megaman Starforce needs more love so Megaman Starforce 4

And I agree with Sonic Adventure 3. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is one of my top favorite Sonic games <3

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I'd really like to see a Paper Mario sequel return to the format of the original two.

That's all I can really think of at the moment. I would say I want a good The Sims sequel since The Sims 4 is so mediocre, but the fact that The Sims 4 is mediocre keeps me from ever wanting it and spending money on it, its EPs/DLC, and PC parts. So... Let The Sims 4 last forever. =P

  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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For me, it would have to be a 3rd installment of Darksiders, A new Devil May Cry (Not Ninja Theory) game, and lastly, a new Saints Row game. :D

  • Brohoof 1


"I'm the Messiah the gnashing of teeth, no one meets death until they see me, I am the Alpha and Omega..." -King 810

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A true sequel to Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door that returns to the series RPG roots, Darksiders 3 and Legend of Dragoon 2.

Edited by PoisonClaw
  • Brohoof 2

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Empire: Total War could do with a remake, perhaps not a sequel. The most ambitious, if most flawed, Total War game. Sank 300 hours into one campaign on that, and I'd do it again if not for all the things that are catastrophically wrong with it. Better them doing that than wasting time making Warhammer 2. They only just released the first one!


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen could do with a sequel too. Liked that game a fair bit.


Issue with a lot of PC games these days is that they're getting updated with new content all the time. The only reason a sequel gets made is to make more money, so I tend to get pissed off when I see a sequel getting made soon after the release of the first game, because a lot of focus gets shifted from the game they just brought out. Just seems like lazy moneygrabbing. Like Call of Duty. They announce the next game before the first one's even been released.

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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17 hours ago, ForthEorl said:

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen could do with a sequel too. Liked that game a fair bit.

^Hell fucking yes. That would be within my top 6 wanted sequels definitely

#1 Sunshine

#2 Wind Waker

#3 SA3

#4 Shadow of the Colossus (tlg does not count im talking direct sequel with the same type of qameplay)

#5 Xenoblade Chronicles X (xenoblade 2 doesn't count since that is a sequel to xenoblade not "X")

#6 Dragon's Dogma =^-^=


(I also think Dragon's Dogma has the greatest chance of happening SOON. I can easily see it announced at this or next year's E3 presentations. We all know how much Capcom is obsessed with catering to the "western" market. DD was, imo, their best "western" attempt ever!)


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1 minute ago, chaton said:

System Shock 3 (which is coming)

You have any idea if a Bioshock 3 (as in a proper sequel to the 1st & 2nd games) is ever coming out? Personally, I wouldn't have any issue with Levin not being involves since Bioshock 2 was significantly better than the first (imo). I think it would be crazy awesome to play a new Bioshock game on modern day consoles/ pc with Unreal engine 4. Normal gameplay would probably look like the CG opening to Bioshock 2:  https://youtu.be/xa6CVWmIysI?t=2m






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6 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

You have any idea if a Bioshock 3 (as in a proper sequel to the 1st & 2nd games) is ever coming out? Personally, I wouldn't have any issue with Levin not being involves since Bioshock 2 was significantly better than the first (imo). I think it would be crazy awesome to play a new Bioshock game on modern day consoles/ pc with Unreal engine 4. Normal gameplay would probably look like the CG opening to Bioshock 2:  https://youtu.be/xa6CVWmIysI?t=2m

I can't offer any input since I genuinely think Bioshock is just a dumbed down System Shock and never personally liked the setting or found it fun to play

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1 minute ago, chaton said:

I can't offer any input since I genuinely think Bioshock is just a dumbed down System Shock and never personally liked the setting or found it fun to play

Well, I never played System Shock so I wouldn't know lol. I'm not the biggest fan of Bioshock's overly depressing "utopia in ruin" setting. Could use a bit of brightening up imo. System Shock was in a space station, right? I would assume it was fairly similar in tone to Bioshock except minus the "under the sea" vibe :o

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On 4/7/2017 at 2:13 PM, Tangle said:

TWEWY needs a freakin sequel. I need a TWEWY 2

I think Megaman Starforce needs more love so Megaman Starforce 4

And I agree with Sonic Adventure 3. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is one of my top favorite Sonic games <3

I agree with you strongly, TWEWY was amazing same with mega man starforce 

and as for sonic adventure I would be happy with just a chao garden game kinda like the chao garden in sonic adventure 2

  • Brohoof 1


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Just now, K.Rool Addict said:

Well, I never played System Shock so I wouldn't know lol. I'm not the biggest fan of Bioshock's overly depressing "utopia in ruin" setting. Could use a bit of brightening up imo. System Shock was in a space station, right? I would assume it was fairly similar in tone to Bioshock except minus the "under the sea" vibe :o

Yeah it takes place on a space station

It has a dark cyberpunk aesthetic which really plays in well with the fact that you're stranded in space with fleshy amalgamations and murderous AI, easily the best horror game I've played yet.

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1 minute ago, chaton said:

Yeah it takes place on a space station

It has a dark cyberpunk aesthetic which really plays in well with the fact that you're stranded in space with fleshy amalgamations and murderous AI, easily the best horror game I've played yet.


What in particular do you find "dumbed down" about Bioshock?

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4 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:


What in particular do you find "dumbed down" about Bioshock?

There's no inventory to manage, no stats to level up, it's not a proper RPG like System Shock is, it's just a shooter with a perk system.

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12 minutes ago, chaton said:

There's no inventory to manage, no stats to level up, it's not a proper RPG like System Shock is, it's just a shooter with a perk system.

So, in other words, it's like going from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4?

I never really considered Bioshock as an RPG to begin with. I'm sure the initial marketing tried to appeal to those who had played System Shock tho, so I could see some calling false advertisement. Generally I consider myself a Bioshock detractor, as pretty much all my friends IRL absolutely LOVED it not to mention all the amazing scores gaming review sites gave it. I played it, several times in fact, on the hardest difficulty setting no less. There is a certain "hook" to it. The open-ended levels that allow for tons of exploration while simultaneously appearing tight and claustrophobic really makes you wanna NOT stop playing. On the other hand, the gameplay is a little stale imo. The weapon upgrades are as run-of-the-mill as it gets. Some perks are cool, but there isn't much balancing here; you either have something insanely awesome that makes the game too freakin easy, or you get these little insignificant perks that hardly make any difference. As I stated before, I am not a fan of the overall world as it is too depressing for my liking. Graphics are kinda bleh too, especially on character models. Not surprising considering its a game from 2007 lol. The lighting was damn impressive tho.

Bioshock 2 was a huge step up imo. But strangely enough, everyone I know HATES it with a passion O_O. I just don't get it lol. It seems the common response to my inquiry would be "Oh Bioshock 2 had a shitty story. 1 was so much better". -.-

#1, I actually think they had narratives rivaling each other in terms of quality. and #2, there is a hellava lot more to a game than merely it's story. Like jesus, if all you want is a good story, go read a book or watch a movie, or something. Games are meant to be enjoyable to PLAY not merely watch. Bioshock 2's gameplay >>> Bioshock 1 by FAR, just saying :o

Edited by K.Rool Addict
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Hmmm, thats a though one, there are more than 3 Sequels i want to have...i want a 3D Worms Sequel, a second part of Metal Arms and an Obscure 3.

I think these are the ones i want most.


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