Duality 10,740 June 13, 2017 #51 Share June 13, 2017 You mentioned in a recent status update that you have unfortunate issues with keeping your pets. Care to elaborate? 1 [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 13, 2017 Author #52 Share June 13, 2017 @Duality ...Heh, well, I guess that depends on how far in detail you want me to go... I have had in total... A Pot-bellied Pig, a Pony, a small, wild lizard & a tarantula. Those last two only lasting long enough for my Mom to catch onto my Dad and order him to take it away! Six, maybe Nine Parakeets. Twelve...-ish fish. And of course... Twenty-Three Dogs. Yeeeah... not a very good track record with dogs. What I do have to remind myself is that at least half that was just given away or stolen, so undoubtedly those lived long... h-healthy lives... j-just out of my sight so, heh, you know... assuming. No, maybe what I chalk it up to is being raised in California that isn't exactly known for healthy water, air or... well, you know, pollution, etc. Heh, sure glad I've never had to watch my dog get flattened by a car, that would have sure been traumatizing seeing my beloved pet get its guts spilled! Though... not that that didn't happen... Poor Hershey got of easy, I guess. As a chihuahua she was too small and managed to avoid the tires, but... she... d-died of pure shock not hours later... Then Gus the Mastiff caught Lymphoma cancer and beat his tail into bloody streaks on the wall... Sophie died of seemingly just eye drainage... Blondie got literally eaten alive by ticks... Maybe I shouldn't count my sister's family of dogs, but I did live with them & loved them. At least the Mother, Spade just died of old age... and a belly tumor... Poor, poor Anubis caught Gout and eventually devolved into a shambling, brain-dead skelaton... Blaze's leg swelled up and exploded out from under him... his flesh rotting away while he was still alive... And poor Midnight... the big baby he was... just had his legs quit on him. No reason, just lost function. Rest of his life was wheelbarrowing him around with him crying out pitifully that he couldn't bound around l-like h-he wanted to... got put d-down be-because I couldn't take the stress anymore... I swore that'd be the last pet... Uhm... sorry... bad memories. Kinda steamrolls, ya know... Ahem... Well, I've only had two cats anyway. That something I theorize anyway, that maybe I've grown too close to my dogs without giving cats much of a chance. Maybe I'm actually a Cat-person that's only ever been a Dog-person! Socks I definately remember well! He was an absolute jerk of a Tom! He just loved to sink his needle-claws into my handskin whenever I tried to pet him! Can't remember the name of the sweet lil' grey kitty that we picked up as a stray. She got pregnant with a litter and went & hid to have her babies while we were moving & Mother didn't want to bother looking for her and we left her behind... Sigh... heh, maybe you can understand if I get attached to things a little too easy... 1 Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duality 10,740 June 13, 2017 #53 Share June 13, 2017 (edited) I must say, you are quite justified in your pet-related depression. I, however, have a suggestion: http://www.petrock.com/ A full description of healthy behaviour, eating habits, and natural habitat: http://csinvesting.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/The-Care-and-Training-of-Your-Pet-Rock-Manual-by-Gary-Dahl.pdf Or, if you're the techy sort: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/c208/ Read them and laugh. Hopefully it'll bring your mood up to the levels it was before you answered my inadvertently traumatic question. And maybe even give you an idea for your next pet. Edited June 13, 2017 by Duality 1 [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulcan 3,255 June 13, 2017 #54 Share June 13, 2017 What would be your ideal vacation? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 14, 2017 Author #55 Share June 14, 2017 (edited) @Duality Oh, don't worry about it none, if anything it's brought upon myself by myself. I find a good cure for depression is a notably short attention spawn and hefty doses of whimsy. I actually already happen to have a Pet Rock! I never gave much thought to finding a book on training one before & I may have made the mild mistake of finding me a wild rock out in the rocky wilderness! I can understand a few wild rocks being a bit rough or unsuited to handling or an indoor environment, but I believe you can see the potential in a right smooth tempered rock. Why, when I met Bul'Dar I could tell he was a perfect fit... for my palm. He's quite spritely for a rock, I must say! He keeps adventuring off & I keep finding him in places I don't remember leaving him! Ironically enough, he's one of the pets I've had that I have the least amount of trouble finding ways to play with him! I've tried balancing him on my head or the usual staring contests, though I do have to make sure to not rile him too much in a game of Toss, because he can make a mess of things if anything gets in his way. ...Don't... don't ask how I know his gender. I just do. It's a messy, long story... Also, in my ever present search to be "original" I also have adopted... a pet Bowling Pin! Though I definately need a training guide there. Jermiah has just the foulest mouth so far. Also working on having a pet Tree! ...though I haven't yet attributed her a name yet, and I'm a little worried about how she looks... @Coffee Well, always did want to visit the British Isles. Seems a nice, usually cold & damp area full of greenery & magic in the air! Plus, it has the added bonus of being one of the few foreign countries I can visit without me having to resort to screaming American into the faces of confused shopkeeps when I desperately need a bathroom! Well, definitely the Molten Core for one! Might be just a smoking hole to every other 'venturer, but it has its own air to it! ...You know I don't allow you to have reliable access to fire. Ah, just for the smoldering aesthetics of it! Or! As a good side alternative! Karazhan or some other huge, unwieldy massive stone castle! Edited June 14, 2017 by Widdershins Whel, no wonder the Vulcan link wouldn't work for ya, Mr.Coffee! 2 Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duality 10,740 June 14, 2017 #56 Share June 14, 2017 (edited) On 2017-06-14 at 4:22 AM, Widdershins said: Also, in my ever present search to be "original" I also have adopted... a pet Bowling Pin! Though I definately need a training guide there. Jermiah has just the foulest mouth so far. Expand Is he a full-blooded bowling pin? I have a pet pin too, but Mrs Pl4zthtyqck1n3zth (cookies if you can translate her name) is rather dent-prone. Before you ask, no, I don't have a clue where she stole Princess Platinum's crown from so she could use it as her cutie mark. Quite frankly, I'm afraid to ask. Also: On 2017-06-14 at 4:22 AM, Widdershins said: I find a good cure for depression is a notably short attention spawn and hefty doses of whimsy. Expand Edited June 14, 2017 by Duality 1 [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 14, 2017 Author #57 Share June 14, 2017 ...Play Force 1 & 3 Quick?... Well, yes, yes he is. Jermiah is a regulation bowling pin straight out the hands of the old man that ran the Alley on a military base. Think he caught me saying that as a passing preponderance and gave me one of the old, badly scuffed ones that he was likely going to trash. Jermiah certainly isn't a pretty one. His pinhead all scuffed & gouged from being manhandled by a machine, a ring of black from a tight grip just above his neck and a gouge out of the plastic right where it can gouge a chunk out of your hand in turn. Though, must say, nothing quite as reassuring as the heft of a bowling pin in your claw when you're going downstairs to see what that noise was in the middle of the night! I've tried finding some way to give him another coat of plastic to smooth him out, but to no avail. And one does get entertained looks when you walk into a hardware store with a club-like object hoisted over your shoulder. Though I'm sure no one expects someone to hold up a store under threat of a good thumping. I'd send a pic too, but Jermiah just sneers at any attempt at vanity. One could say it is, indeed, accurate to describe myself as a spawn of mental process! ...And because I can't be bothered to do things in proper sequential order, yet still feel obligated to alert you to the notion... @Duality 1 Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duality 10,740 June 14, 2017 #58 Share June 14, 2017 Oooooh. That's nifty. Can we haz pics plz (despite Jermiah's aversion thereto)? Also, you don't need to tag me. I've followed this thread. 1 [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 17, 2017 Author #59 Share June 17, 2017 On 2017-06-14 at 8:38 AM, Duality said: Can we haz pics plz (despite Jermiah's aversion thereto)? Expand Hah! I've finally done it! Took a while to *pin* Jermiah down and get his head outta the window's light, but I've finally set it up! IF I may be so bold as to narrate the fashion going on here! We have Jermiah, my pet Bowling Pin wearing my beloved probably-pewter Dragon Shackle Bracelet! (...bracer? ...what is pewter anyway? I only know it's some sort of metal mineral...thingie.) Somewhat more towards the foreground we have my pet Rock, Bul'Dar dashingly donning my signature emerald goggles and being fought over by my two Maud figurines! And I'm sure Maud would be proud! There we go! Two ponies with one harpoon! You did, after all, wanted to see my goggles too boot, didn't you @SolarFlare13? Do I know how to frame a shot or what?! ...Yes, but I'm the one that did it. You're technically me as well. Oy! I'm your Creativity! Which means I get full credit over everything you do! Even I'm not actually there to do it!! 2 Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duality 10,740 June 17, 2017 #60 Share June 17, 2017 What's the story of how you got Bul'Dar (did I pronounce his name right?)? I assume you didn't just pick any rock to be your lifelong companion. On 2017-06-17 at 3:23 AM, Widdershins said: what is pewter anyway? I only know it's some sort of metal mineral...thingie. Expand I know this thread is for you answering our questions, but I need my daily dose of therapeutic nerdsplaining. It's mostly tin, alloyed with copper and a random metal called antimony. Occasionally lead as well, but not so much now that they know it's poisonous. Low melting point, ugly grey colour, quite malleable, not much else special about it. On 2017-06-17 at 3:23 AM, Widdershins said: Two ponies with one harpoon! Expand Also, this metaphor worries me. 1 [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolarFlare13 16,099 June 17, 2017 #61 Share June 17, 2017 On 2017-06-17 at 3:23 AM, Widdershins said: There we go! Two ponies with one harpoon! You did, after all, wanted to see my goggles too boot, didn't you @SolarFlare13? Expand Well yes I did, but they look more like science goggles to me It’s kinda hard to distinguish … …and since I’m here, I’ve got a few questions Who is the pony you admire most and why? (A.K.A Who is best pony for you? ) If you were the ruler of Equestria, what would you do? How would you rate yourself amongst the other Draconequus? Are you more powerful than they are? What is your dimension like? 1 This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 18, 2017 Author #62 Share June 18, 2017 Oh-hoh, Duaddy? In the thread dedicated to the Spirit of Confusion, the roles were suddenly & abruptly juxtapositioned and you were left with a discomfiting notion that my phrases were turned a few notches too far to perhaps insinuating abnormal, unsuitable behavior? HOW APT. Heavens, we're wordy today! And Playful! Pewter... Pewter... well, that seems more like something a Tea Tray Set would be made out of, my shackle doesn't seem nearly as dulled as you would imply were that the case. As for Bul'dar... Well, can't rightfully remember. Part of me wants to say I just picked him up on some hike... though I don't do those too often... he's much to big to be apart of some company's gravel driveway, so I know I plucked him out of nature. Bul'dar does say that I picked him off some Oregon beach though, on vacation, somewhere in the middle of it, likely Agate Beach..... but that's probably because he knows all the "pretty, Polished, high-end" rocks come from. You know how the beach body ones are like. And maybe there's that bit of a romantic flair there that there might be a shining crystal hidden within him that I'll never dare to break him open to see. No... all I remember, and vividly so, is the act. Plucking him out of soft ground, the bottom inch or two of his form partially buried, with me dusting him off. Testing him in my hand to be amazed at his perfect heft & shape to fit so keenly into my palm. As if it were simply meant to be. Almost entirely round & undistinguishable, but flat enough sides with corners for me to tell where his bottom and "face" are. I don't know where we met... I just know he's perfect. ... ...Okay, maybe I do have some writing chops if I can romanticize a rock! Also! Totally don't know what Antimony is! But I totally wanna eat it! Glad to be able to coax you into joining here, @SolarFlare13! Well, first off, that's a bit tricky of a question. I mean, after all, you can fully admire somebeing while knowing full well that they're just as defective as anybeing else. I like to think that "Best Pony" should really mean all around. Somewhat infalliable... Hmm... Oddly enough, I'd say its the twin faces to the coin that is the Royal Sisters. As to who is the "best" I'd have to give it to Celestia of course. She does run the free world of Equestria almost by herself, don't think we can really call her competence into question, can we? It is disappointing though, that I can't really say that I've seen enough of her on screen to peg her personality though. (Wait... can we use the word 'personality" if they ain't persons?) but there is a quiet grace to her that is every bit her bad side as well. She's very multi-faceted, I feel. She almost always knows what to do, almost to the point of you openly considering if she doesn't intentionally throw fights to lead to a much bigger, entirely forseen payoff. But so too, does she seem rather mortal in her sense to be fun-loving to almost a perverted degree. (and yes, I am using that word for everything it can mean! The ballroom explodes into magical slime, and you want to keep the party going?!!?) She seems to always know her place... but never gives herself enough due to ever impose on others. She's lived long enough to experience pretty much everything, so she can fully sympathize with pretty much anypony in any situation. No doubt she's outlived some of her greatest, heartfelt loves or led a bloody inquisition or a bloody war against a foe she deeply, personally knows should have turned out much more peacefully. I get the feeling Celestia, while undeniably the more extroverted sister, still holds a lot of herself back. No doubt she'd like to be like Discord sometimes, dash it all and just have the world be one big dance party to her own whims... but she knows that would hurt some others. She know's exactly the kind of loss Luna has been through, she's likely been an outcast at some point herself... but knows that nothing she can say to her beloved sister & one of the very few permanent things in her life, will help before she can come to accept herself first. .... that... and she really does have a... "Stately Form." One that I'm sure would make any male fight for her cause! She's the one mare I can look at in this world and unabashedly attach the descriptor of "Mature" to! I am fiercely loyal to her! Even if she went mad with power, I'd be certain she was doing it for the greater good! As for admiration... That would have to be Luna. It's ironic really. I've never been much for astronomy, but the Sun & Moon have always entranced me. I've spent a good deal of time gazing at both of them. I find the notion ridiculous that the Moon only hides in the Sun's shadow or passing. You ever notice that? Look up at some point in the afternoon, while it's still bright as day, and the moon is still up there, shining dimly away as a small reminder that it will always be floating above when you need it. Something very motherly about the Moon. ...huh... think that's the first time I've used that word appropriately... But about Luna herself. She has... very... prominant depression. Like, its hinted at it being far worse than the show can get off with stating. Rightfully so too. You think her bid for power was just that one night where she had a spat with her sister? You don't think Nightmare Moon didn't have some zealots left behind that didn't behave just as violently? She hurt others, she knows she did. Badly. She hates herself, deeply. Heck, even at night she's lurking around corners or trying to keep out of ponies' sight whenever she doesn't feel that its required by her station to make a grand entrence. Even her powers are basically another way of skulking & hiding. Heck! There's a holiday that's sprung up in her banishment meant solely to vilify her! She carries a scar that covers almost a third of her body as a constant reminder of the evil she's fully capable of! She made her own sister & remaining member of her family have to basically murder her as the only outcome! How do you live with that much baggage?!!? The only reason that the populace didn't violently rebuke her coming back into power is that its been long enough for her vile deeds to become not much more than tales for the history books. But she knows, and that's what hurts the most. Luna's is a story of coming to terms with yourself, in knowing what you are & that you can't ever run from knowing what you did. That things can get better if & only when you allow them to be. She's still a villain in my mind though. Still too young to be a full leader yet, but it's that potential that's heart-warming. ....aaaaalso... Wasn't until I got her in the MLP mobile game I started to like her look. Stridin' around town like the huge, glittery Tol' Boss she is! On 2017-06-17 at 11:07 AM, SolarFlare13 said: If you were the ruler of Equestria, what would you do? Expand Oh! That's quite simple, really! The answer is: KILL! EEEEEEEEEVERYOOONE! Sigh.... He's... he's over-emoting everyone. That was a joke... a joke... Sigh~ The actual answer of course! Is basically a party! Maybe something vaguely viking-esque in government. See, the way one stays in power is by making your underlings happy! Have themed days! Pancake Day! Cake Wensdays! Crazy Get-Up Saturdays! Open senate days where any & every shmuck can come in with any dumb idea off the top of their heads to pester the Higher-Ups with! Gives the peons the idea that anything they can come up with matters, and grounds the stuffed-shirts by making them have to bend down to the commonfolk level! Whattaya call it? A Polyarchy? Everyone Rules? There would be SO many holidays! At least two a week! Should disputes arise... Have their leaders be the ones to duke it out! No armies allowed... well, unless it's entirely recreational battles. Gotta let the fumes out sometimes, eh? So, here's my plan. If say, Town A says Town B's messing with their livelihood or land, or whatever it is you mortals dicker about, instead of war, we have the two heads of both factions duke it out in a duel! No need to get everyday villagers involved in their wars. Not like every single villager is going to agree with them anyway & if you don't care enough to do the actual fighting yourself, have the entire cause on your shoulders alone, then you're not really that good a leader, eh? I'd call it a Mock'gora. ...No particular reason~~* Oh, and cheating is legal. So long as both sides are fully aware of it being a possibility. Funner for the betters that way! Oh. And towers. Just huge, massive, oddly-shaped towers randomly dispersed throughout the countryside for little to no reason. Oh, and lots of genetic manipulation! You know Ravinica? Basically that, but with maaaybe... 40% more nature in it! Ohhhh, I wouldn't say more powerful! Relative, of course! Better than most, perhaps, but... let me put it this way... If Chaos Magic was store of Gunpowder... Discord would be partitioning it off in well-planned out intervals. Saving your cannon blasts to sink the ships that truly are a threat, and only then after you're done getting all your enjoyment out of them first. Me? I'm taking the entire room full of gunpowder, cramming it all into one cannon, packing all the handy silverware ontop of it, then lighting the fuse with a giddy grin just to see what happens! I may not leave much consequences, but I do leave a healthy crater! When I blow, You'll know! Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-..... ...My "dimension?" Oh! Well, it's a white, featureless room inside my Author's head! ...What, you were expecting something a tad bit more creative? There's so much you can do with that though! It's... basically a Holodeck of sorts! See, the walls can pull out to limitless drawers filled with the limitless things & memorabilia I've collected over my travels! ...some of those drawers might be actual portals, now that I think of it... can't say I remember which goes where really. AS for furniture/decor it's pretty much just the calcified stump growing out of the center of the room. That's my bed of sorts! I need something to coil around to get comfortable! You know, come to think of it... except for the stump, the way everything else sort of melds into the walls kind of makes the place look like a large sheet of paper. Do helps to keep your pocket dimensions simple, you know! Helps for portability! Though it is a bit echoey in here. Heck, if you listen carefully enough you can even hear the things that aren't being said! ...oh, and I suppose there's V.I.A.B tacked into a corner like some fast-food speakerbox! ...but he's a story for a different time~~* 1 Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! 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Duality 10,740 June 18, 2017 #63 Share June 18, 2017 (edited) On 2017-06-18 at 3:03 AM, Widdershins said: Oh-hoh, Duaddy? Expand If that catches on I'm unfollowing you. On 2017-06-18 at 3:03 AM, Widdershins said: Pewter... Pewter... well, that seems more like something a Tea Tray Set would be made out of, my shackle doesn't seem nearly as dulled as you would imply were that the case. Expand More copper makes it harder. Its 'high malleability' is relative to metals like aluminium, steel, etc., so it is fairly durable. On 2017-06-18 at 3:03 AM, Widdershins said: As for Bul'dar... Well, can't rightfully remember. Part of me wants to say I just picked him up on some hike... though I don't do those too often... he's much to big to be apart of some company's gravel driveway, so I know I plucked him out of nature. Bul'dar does say that I picked him off some Oregon beach though, on vacation, somewhere in the middle of it, likely Agate Beach..... but that's probably because he knows all the "pretty, Polished, high-end" rocks come from. You know how the beach body ones are like. And maybe there's that bit of a romantic flair there that there might be a shining crystal hidden within him that I'll never dare to break him open to see. Expand The mystery gives him a certain... allure, shall we say. On 2017-06-18 at 3:03 AM, Widdershins said: No... all I remember, and vividly so, is the act. Plucking him out of soft ground, the bottom inch or two of his form partially buried, with me dusting him off. Testing him in my hand to be amazed at his perfect heft & shape to fit so keenly into my palm. As if it were simply meant to be. Almost entirely round & undistinguishable, but flat enough sides with corners for me to tell where his bottom and "face" are. I don't know where we met... I just know he's perfect. Expand Obviously you were made for each other. On 2017-06-18 at 3:03 AM, Widdershins said: ... ...Okay, maybe I do have some writing chops if I can romanticize a rock! Expand Nah, not really. Movie producers have been doing that for years. Reveal hidden contents Romanticised rock. Q.E.D. On 2017-06-18 at 3:03 AM, Widdershins said: Also! Totally don't know what Antimony is! But I totally wanna eat it! Expand You probably could. It's not poisonous in solid metal form (according to Wikipedia, at least, but who wants to stake their life on that source? ). What is the culture you would most like to live in, from any country in the world? Why do you like anthropomorphised inanimate objects non-organic beings so much (Bul'Dar, Jermiah, and the Mauds, to name but a few)? What is your favourite colour? Edited June 18, 2017 by Duality [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 19, 2017 Author #64 Share June 19, 2017 Weeel, I'd say that Dwayne Johnson has more charisma and acting talent than an actual rock buuuuuut... It just me or does he seem much more genuinely rocklike as he gets older? I'm tempted to go to a signing or whatever social actor events he does, come up to him with a very tiny toy pickaxe and poke his bicep intently & when he asks what I'm doing I'll just, very intently explain while I make *tink-tink* noises : "Ssh... I'm trying to see if you got a geode in you..." And speaking of questionable amounts of character, Maud IS an actual character in the show. Though... "action" may not be the first thing to come to you when she's onscreen. I suppose, I've always been inclined to have a pet. I'm not too adept at socialization so I do like having "somebody" around to talk to that I know won't look all judgingly at me. That and... Like... a pet rock can't die on ya, right? RIGHT?! *twitch* And, well, to be fair. If my forty plus characters mean anything, I may just like naming things! Culture, I don't know much about. I mean, gotta go there & experience it yourself to best get a handle on it, eh? But I'd say Ireland & Scotland. Yeah... I still have to do some research on how they're different. I do like that whole Celtic vibe! On 2017-06-18 at 5:08 AM, Duality said: What is your favourite colour? Expand Goody! An old staple! An easy answer too! My Favorite Color is: Green, Red, Blue, Orange, Black, Gold & Grey! Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duality 10,740 June 19, 2017 #65 Share June 19, 2017 On 2017-06-19 at 5:08 AM, Widdershins said: I'm tempted to go to a signing or whatever social actor events he does, come up to him with a very tiny toy pickaxe and poke his bicep intently & when he asks what I'm doing I'll just, very intently explain while I make *tink-tink* noises : "Ssh... I'm trying to see if you got a geode in you..." Expand Subsequent life expectancy: not long. On 2017-06-19 at 5:08 AM, Widdershins said: I suppose, I've always been inclined to have a pet. I'm not too adept at socialization so I do like having "somebody" around to talk to that I know won't look all judgingly at me. Expand Hey, your reflection's always open for conversation! On 2017-06-19 at 5:08 AM, Widdershins said: That and... Like... a pet rock can't die on ya, right? RIGHT?! *twitch* Expand You'll die on him eventually, though. Might wanna start thinking about getting some good life insurance. Speaking of lifespan, if he's almost guaranteed to live longer than you, isn't it a case of you being his pet rather than the other way around? On 2017-06-19 at 5:08 AM, Widdershins said: On 2017-06-18 at 5:08 AM, Duality said: What is your favourite colour? Expand Goody! An old staple! An easy answer too! My Favorite Color is: Green, Red, Blue, Orange, Black, Gold & Grey! Expand That's not how it works. One light frequency only! What is your favourite natural phenomenon? What outfit/s do you most often wear? Which is best number? What's your favourite gemstone? 1 [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 19, 2017 Author #66 Share June 19, 2017 Well, Okay, fine, to put a pin on it. I like a buncha colors for a buncha reasons! Green & Red are tied there, but If I had to pin myself down to just one color... Likely Pink! All the soothing, natural relaxedness of Green but all the Passion & Energy of Red! Ah... "natural phenomenon?" ...Polycephaly. I know you were probably expecting something like weather, but nay, I choose a genetic abnormality! What that is is the potential for genetics to go a bit haywire and cause an organism to grow two or more separate but entirely unique minds & personalities. There are a few rare cases in humans, but seems to happen more often in reptiles. Who usually don't get along well that way. There's just something there about being seperate, but same, having to cooperate as best they can while still being their own entities. ...something you may see reoccurring in the characters I make! Ehhh, I wouldn't know fashion if it bit me! ...style, maybe... Like, I don't like wearing anything too close or short. That's why we don't wear shorts that often. Which is a shame! Lookit these calves! *tosses a leg on the table in front of him* Could buck a wall down with these pythons! Really only have this one pair of shorts. I do like me a pattern. Right now I'm wearing my usual "I don't plan on leaving the house today" clothes. Tye-dye shirt & shorts of entirely different color sets and over that, my big, red, plaid robe. Usually I'm very fond of coats & scarves. I love my trenchcoats! Have this huge, blue, padded, windbreak coat that I've had since... far back as I can remember. Heck, used to wear that everywhere, even in the middle of a California summer! I do like having layers or something around my neck, gives me a feeling of protectiveness. I'm looking into seeing how I could get me a pair of around-ear earphones! Five. I consider it my lucky number. It's the most even of odd numbers! And also the oddest even! Well, was going to say Emerald since it's so pretty, but.... Ammolite. I dunno, don't think its so much of it being a rainbow, as it being a naturally occuring rainbow, what with the way it all sorta blends together in trippy, wavy lines! Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duality 10,740 June 19, 2017 #67 Share June 19, 2017 On 2017-06-19 at 9:05 PM, Widdershins said: Expand Ooooh, shiny! What is your favourite piece of artwork? What is your favourite shape (2-D or otherwise)? Which way around does a toilet paper roll go? What is your favourite substance/material? 1 [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolarFlare13 16,099 June 20, 2017 #68 Share June 20, 2017 (edited) On 2017-06-18 at 3:03 AM, Widdershins said: Oh-hoh, Duaddy? In the thread dedicated to the Spirit of Confusion, the roles were suddenly & abruptly juxtapositioned and you were left with a discomfiting notion that my phrases were turned a few notches too far to perhaps insinuating abnormal, unsuitable behavior? HOW APT. Heavens, we're wordy today! And Playful! Pewter... Pewter... well, that seems more like something a Tea Tray Set would be made out of, my shackle doesn't seem nearly as dulled as you would imply were that the case. As for Bul'dar... Well, can't rightfully remember. Part of me wants to say I just picked him up on some hike... though I don't do those too often... he's much to big to be apart of some company's gravel driveway, so I know I plucked him out of nature. Bul'dar does say that I picked him off some Oregon beach though, on vacation, somewhere in the middle of it, likely Agate Beach..... but that's probably because he knows all the "pretty, Polished, high-end" rocks come from. You know how the beach body ones are like. And maybe there's that bit of a romantic flair there that there might be a shining crystal hidden within him that I'll never dare to break him open to see. No... all I remember, and vividly so, is the act. Plucking him out of soft ground, the bottom inch or two of his form partially buried, with me dusting him off. Testing him in my hand to be amazed at his perfect heft & shape to fit so keenly into my palm. As if it were simply meant to be. Almost entirely round & undistinguishable, but flat enough sides with corners for me to tell where his bottom and "face" are. I don't know where we met... I just know he's perfect. ... ...Okay, maybe I do have some writing chops if I can romanticize a rock! Also! Totally don't know what Antimony is! But I totally wanna eat it! Glad to be able to coax you into joining here, @SolarFlare13! Well, first off, that's a bit tricky of a question. I mean, after all, you can fully admire somebeing while knowing full well that they're just as defective as anybeing else. I like to think that "Best Pony" should really mean all around. Somewhat infalliable... Hmm... Oddly enough, I'd say its the twin faces to the coin that is the Royal Sisters. As to who is the "best" I'd have to give it to Celestia of course. She does run the free world of Equestria almost by herself, don't think we can really call her competence into question, can we? It is disappointing though, that I can't really say that I've seen enough of her on screen to peg her personality though. (Wait... can we use the word 'personality" if they ain't persons?) but there is a quiet grace to her that is every bit her bad side as well. She's very multi-faceted, I feel. She almost always knows what to do, almost to the point of you openly considering if she doesn't intentionally throw fights to lead to a much bigger, entirely forseen payoff. But so too, does she seem rather mortal in her sense to be fun-loving to almost a perverted degree. (and yes, I am using that word for everything it can mean! The ballroom explodes into magical slime, and you want to keep the party going?!!?) She seems to always know her place... but never gives herself enough due to ever impose on others. She's lived long enough to experience pretty much everything, so she can fully sympathize with pretty much anypony in any situation. No doubt she's outlived some of her greatest, heartfelt loves or led a bloody inquisition or a bloody war against a foe she deeply, personally knows should have turned out much more peacefully. I get the feeling Celestia, while undeniably the more extroverted sister, still holds a lot of herself back. No doubt she'd like to be like Discord sometimes, dash it all and just have the world be one big dance party to her own whims... but she knows that would hurt some others. She know's exactly the kind of loss Luna has been through, she's likely been an outcast at some point herself... but knows that nothing she can say to her beloved sister & one of the very few permanent things in her life, will help before she can come to accept herself first. .... that... and she really does have a... "Stately Form." One that I'm sure would make any male fight for her cause! She's the one mare I can look at in this world and unabashedly attach the descriptor of "Mature" to! I am fiercely loyal to her! Even if she went mad with power, I'd be certain she was doing it for the greater good! As for admiration... That would have to be Luna. It's ironic really. I've never been much for astronomy, but the Sun & Moon have always entranced me. I've spent a good deal of time gazing at both of them. I find the notion ridiculous that the Moon only hides in the Sun's shadow or passing. You ever notice that? Look up at some point in the afternoon, while it's still bright as day, and the moon is still up there, shining dimly away as a small reminder that it will always be floating above when you need it. Something very motherly about the Moon. ...huh... think that's the first time I've used that word appropriately... But about Luna herself. She has... very... prominant depression. Like, its hinted at it being far worse than the show can get off with stating. Rightfully so too. You think her bid for power was just that one night where she had a spat with her sister? You don't think Nightmare Moon didn't have some zealots left behind that didn't behave just as violently? She hurt others, she knows she did. Badly. She hates herself, deeply. Heck, even at night she's lurking around corners or trying to keep out of ponies' sight whenever she doesn't feel that its required by her station to make a grand entrence. Even her powers are basically another way of skulking & hiding. Heck! There's a holiday that's sprung up in her banishment meant solely to vilify her! She carries a scar that covers almost a third of her body as a constant reminder of the evil she's fully capable of! She made her own sister & remaining member of her family have to basically murder her as the only outcome! How do you live with that much baggage?!!? The only reason that the populace didn't violently rebuke her coming back into power is that its been long enough for her vile deeds to become not much more than tales for the history books. But she knows, and that's what hurts the most. Luna's is a story of coming to terms with yourself, in knowing what you are & that you can't ever run from knowing what you did. That things can get better if & only when you allow them to be. She's still a villain in my mind though. Still too young to be a full leader yet, but it's that potential that's heart-warming. ....aaaaalso... Wasn't until I got her in the MLP mobile game I started to like her look. Stridin' around town like the huge, glittery Tol' Boss she is! Oh! That's quite simple, really! The answer is: KILL! EEEEEEEEEVERYOOONE! Sigh.... He's... he's over-emoting everyone. That was a joke... a joke... Sigh~ The actual answer of course! Is basically a party! Maybe something vaguely viking-esque in government. See, the way one stays in power is by making your underlings happy! Have themed days! Pancake Day! Cake Wensdays! Crazy Get-Up Saturdays! Open senate days where any & every shmuck can come in with any dumb idea off the top of their heads to pester the Higher-Ups with! Gives the peons the idea that anything they can come up with matters, and grounds the stuffed-shirts by making them have to bend down to the commonfolk level! Whattaya call it? A Polyarchy? Everyone Rules? There would be SO many holidays! At least two a week! Should disputes arise... Have their leaders be the ones to duke it out! No armies allowed... well, unless it's entirely recreational battles. Gotta let the fumes out sometimes, eh? So, here's my plan. If say, Town A says Town B's messing with their livelihood or land, or whatever it is you mortals dicker about, instead of war, we have the two heads of both factions duke it out in a duel! No need to get everyday villagers involved in their wars. Not like every single villager is going to agree with them anyway & if you don't care enough to do the actual fighting yourself, have the entire cause on your shoulders alone, then you're not really that good a leader, eh? I'd call it a Mock'gora. ...No particular reason~~* Oh, and cheating is legal. So long as both sides are fully aware of it being a possibility. Funner for the betters that way! Oh. And towers. Just huge, massive, oddly-shaped towers randomly dispersed throughout the countryside for little to no reason. Oh, and lots of genetic manipulation! You know Ravinica? Basically that, but with maaaybe... 40% more nature in it! Ohhhh, I wouldn't say more powerful! Relative, of course! Better than most, perhaps, but... let me put it this way... If Chaos Magic was store of Gunpowder... Discord would be partitioning it off in well-planned out intervals. Saving your cannon blasts to sink the ships that truly are a threat, and only then after you're done getting all your enjoyment out of them first. Me? I'm taking the entire room full of gunpowder, cramming it all into one cannon, packing all the handy silverware ontop of it, then lighting the fuse with a giddy grin just to see what happens! I may not leave much consequences, but I do leave a healthy crater! When I blow, You'll know! Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-..... ...My "dimension?" Oh! Well, it's a white, featureless room inside my Author's head! ...What, you were expecting something a tad bit more creative? There's so much you can do with that though! It's... basically a Holodeck of sorts! See, the walls can pull out to limitless drawers filled with the limitless things & memorabilia I've collected over my travels! ...some of those drawers might be actual portals, now that I think of it... can't say I remember which goes where really. AS for furniture/decor it's pretty much just the calcified stump growing out of the center of the room. That's my bed of sorts! I need something to coil around to get comfortable! You know, come to think of it... except for the stump, the way everything else sort of melds into the walls kind of makes the place look like a large sheet of paper. Do helps to keep your pocket dimensions simple, you know! Helps for portability! Though it is a bit echoey in here. Heck, if you listen carefully enough you can even hear the things that aren't being said! ...oh, and I suppose there's V.I.A.B tacked into a corner like some fast-food speakerbox! ...but he's a story for a different time~~* Expand Well, you DID mention my name in a topic, so I had to respond back “As to who is the "best" I'd have to give it to Celestia of course. She does run the free world of Equestria almost by herself” So all in all, Celestia is best pony? :3 “It is disappointing though, that I can't really say that I've seen enough of her on screen to peg her personality though” Well then again, Celestia’s past is shrouded in mystery, so there’s that… “I feel. She almost always knows what to do” Well, there was that one episode in Season 3 where she freed Discord from his stone prison and she already knew that Tirek was coming… If anything, she’s more like Pinkie Pie “But so too, does she seem rather mortal in her sense to be fun-loving to almost a perverted degree” You’re not talking about Princess Molestia, are you!? X’D …but I know what you mean. She is more civilised than what every-pony thinks :3 …and you’re talking about the Smooze, aren’t you!? “She's lived long enough to experience pretty much everything” Long story short, she’s like god in the MLP world XP …and I dunno if you’ve seen “A royal problem”, but Celestia makes a comment about how easy it is to raise the moon. Uhh…she does know that she’s been doing double duties ever since she banished her sister to the moon? “No doubt she's outlived some of her greatest, heartfelt loves or led a bloody inquisition or a bloody war against a foe she deeply, personally knows should have turned out much more peacefully” You mean like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL4q7BBzanI&t=59s “still holds a lot of herself back” Yeah, she’s very good at hiding her true personality. I mean, we got to see what she’s REALLY like in a number of episodes. She was very casual towards her sister in “Slice Of Life” and was enjoying herself in “Make New Friends But Keep Discord”. She was also a very good mentor for Twilight. She gradually taught her the lessons of Friendship, letting her learn at her own pace. (…and to think that she was just as anxious as Twilight :P) I guess the reason why she holds A LOT of herself back is because she has the responsibility of watching over Equestria and that’s really hard in itself… “but she knows that would hurt some others. She know's exactly the kind of loss Luna has been through, she's likely been an outcast at some point herself” Well I think she has a lot of regret for herself after she sent her sister to the Moon. She didn’t want to, but she had to in order to protect Equestria. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5IfhvbvJO0 “I am fiercely loyal to her! Even if she went mad with power, I'd be certain she was doing it for the greater good!” What if she turned into Daybreaker and she set the world on fire??? :3 “I've never been much for astronomy, but the Sun & Moon have always entranced me. I've spent a good deal of time gazing at both of them” What about the Sun? you cant directly look at it unless it’s behind a bunch of clouds… “You ever notice that? Look up at some point in the afternoon, while it's still bright as day, and the moon is still up there, shining dimly away as a small reminder that it will always be floating above when you need it” Yeah, I’ve noticed that. I still wonder how the Moon gets that eerie glow at night O.O Man, it’s been AGES since I last saw this (mid-late 2013, to be exact) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mVAqn3C5vI …but her transition into Nightmare Moon makes sense. I mean, all the ponies in Equestria are asleep at night and she is alone for the duration of it… …and when you look back at “Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep” and the whole theory about the Tantabus turning equestria into a living nightmare, it makes you wonder just how powerful Nightmare Moon really is… I feel as if she let her anger and sadness get the better of her and she feels really bad for that… “Heck, even at night she's lurking around corners or trying to keep out of ponies' sight whenever she doesn't feel that its required by her station to make a grand entrance” Well she mostly resides in the Castle, but otherwise yes…we hardly see her as much in the show You mean Nightmare night? (Even after SO many seasons, that is STILL one of my favourite episodes X3) I’m assuming you’re talking about her cutie mark? I mean, she does have a pretty big cutie mark, with the black cloud covering a huge chunk of her flank XP Well then again, Princess Celestia has seen A LOT of things in her life… …and who knows. She could’ve been just as evil as Nightmare Moon. I mean, what was Equestria like before she ruled it? We don’t exactly for sure… It’s like when a person has committed a crime and they’ve been in Jail for a long time. They feel bad for they did and they move on… “She's still a villain in my mind though. Still too young to be a full leader yet, but it's that potential that's heart-warming” Hmm…well I see Starlight more as a villain. I mean, she took her anger out at every-pony just because she lost her only friend… Well if you killed every-one, then what’s the point of being a ruler then? “The actual answer of course! Is basically a party! Maybe something vaguely viking-esque in government” Hmm…would it be similar to the Yaks of Yak-Yakistan? “ See, the way one stays in power is by making your underlings happy! Have themed days! Pancake Day! Cake Wednesdays! Crazy Get-Up Saturdays!” Well that’s a good idea. I mean, you gotta give AT LEAST some freedom to your subjects :3 “Should disputes arise... Have their leaders be the ones to duke it out!” Now I approve of that. I always say: settle your matters physically, NOT politically “or whatever it is you mortals dicker about” Now you see there, I am no ordinary duck. If anything, I have webbed feet of a duck at the front and the back part of my body is from a pony O3O …and I come from the same realm as you do, but I mostly swim in the chocolate rivers… X’D cheating is legal, eh? What about gambling. Surely, there’s a rule for that X3 Uhh…what would these towers look like? Genetic Manipulation? You mean like that one time where Twilight was having a magic duel with Trixie and she turned AJ into a Stallion? O3O If that’s what you mean, then how often would you do it? X3 Soo…you’re not as powerful as Discord or you are, but you’re not telling??? A white room??? O_O I’d go insane with the lack of colour X’D I’m assuming you also have invisible furniture? “What, you were expecting something a tad bit more creative?” Actually, yes I was. I thought your dimension was gonna have some messed up creatures or something like that (Like this mad house here. Heh…see what I did there!?) Well, you DID mention my name in a topic, so I had to respond back “As to who is the "best" I'd have to give it to Celestia of course. She does run the free world of Equestria almost by herself” So all in all, Celestia is best pony? :3 “It is disappointing though, that I can't really say that I've seen enough of her on screen to peg her personality though” Well then again, Celestia’s past is shrouded in mystery, so there’s that… “I feel. She almost always knows what to do” Well, there was that one episode in Season 3 where she freed Discord from his stone prison and she already knew that Tirek was coming… If anything, she’s more like Pinkie Pie “But so too, does she seem rather mortal in her sense to be fun-loving to almost a perverted degree” You’re not talking about Princess Molestia, are you!? X’D …but I know what you mean. She is more civilised than what every-pony thinks :3 …and you’re talking about the Smooze, aren’t you!? “She's lived long enough to experience pretty much everything” Long story short, she’s like god in the MLP world XP …and I dunno if you’ve seen “A royal problem”, but Celestia makes a comment about how easy it is to raise the moon. Uhh…she does know that she’s been doing double duties ever since she banished her sister to the moon? “No doubt she's outlived some of her greatest, heartfelt loves or led a bloody inquisition or a bloody war against a foe she deeply, personally knows should have turned out much more peacefully” You mean like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL4q7BBzanI&t=59s “still holds a lot of herself back” Yeah, she’s very good at hiding her true personality. I mean, we got to see what she’s REALLY like in a number of episodes. She was very casual towards her sister in “Slice Of Life” and was enjoying herself in “Make New Friends But Keep Discord”. She was also a very good mentor for Twilight. She gradually taught her the lessons of Friendship, letting her learn at her own pace. (…and to think that she was just as anxious as Twilight :P) I guess the reason why she holds A LOT of herself back is because she has the responsibility of watching over Equestria and that’s really hard in itself… “but she knows that would hurt some others. She know's exactly the kind of loss Luna has been through, she's likely been an outcast at some point herself” Well I think she has a lot of regret for herself after she sent her sister to the Moon. She didn’t want to, but she had to in order to protect Equestria. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5IfhvbvJO0 “I am fiercely loyal to her! Even if she went mad with power, I'd be certain she was doing it for the greater good!” What if she turned into Daybreaker and she set the world on fire??? :3 “I've never been much for astronomy, but the Sun & Moon have always entranced me. I've spent a good deal of time gazing at both of them” What about the Sun? you cant directly look at it unless it’s behind a bunch of clouds… “You ever notice that? Look up at some point in the afternoon, while it's still bright as day, and the moon is still up there, shining dimly away as a small reminder that it will always be floating above when you need it” Yeah, I’ve noticed that. I still wonder how the Moon gets that eerie glow at night O.O Man, it’s been AGES since I last saw this (mid-late 2013, to be exact) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mVAqn3C5vI …but her transition into Nightmare Moon makes sense. I mean, all the ponies in Equestria are asleep at night and she is alone for the duration of it… …and when you look back at “Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep” and the whole theory about the Tantabus turning equestria into a living nightmare, it makes you wonder just how powerful Nightmare Moon really is… I feel as if she let her anger and sadness get the better of her and she feels really bad for that… “Heck, even at night she's lurking around corners or trying to keep out of ponies' sight whenever she doesn't feel that its required by her station to make a grand entrance” Well she mostly resides in the Castle, but otherwise yes…we hardly see her as much in the show You mean Nightmare night? (Even after SO many seasons, that is STILL one of my favourite episodes X3) I’m assuming you’re talking about her cutie mark? I mean, she does have a pretty big cutie mark, with the black cloud covering a huge chunk of her flank XP Well then again, Princess Celestia has seen A LOT of things in her life… …and who knows. She could’ve been just as evil as Nightmare Moon. I mean, what was Equestria like before she ruled it? It’s like when a person has committed a crime and they’ve been in Jail for a long time. They feel bad for they did and they move on… “She's still a villain in my mind though. Still too young to be a full leader yet, but it's that potential that's heart-warming” Hmm…well I see Starlight more as a villain. I mean, she took her anger out at every-pony just because she lost her only friend… Well if you killed every-one, then what’s the point of being a ruler then? “The actual answer of course! Is basically a party! Maybe something vaguely viking-esque in government” Hmm…would it be similar to the Yaks of Yak-Yakistan? “ See, the way one stays in power is by making your underlings happy! Have themed days! Pancake Day! Cake Wednesdays! Crazy Get-Up Saturdays!” Well that’s a good idea. I mean, you gotta give AT LEAST some freedom to your subjects :3 “Should disputes arise... Have their leaders be the ones to duke it out!” Now I approve of that. I always say: settle your matters physically, NOT politically “or whatever it is you mortals dicker about” Now you see there, I am no ordinary duck. If anything, I have webbed feet of a duck at the front and the back part of my body is from a pony O3O …and I come from the same realm as you do, but I mostly swim in the chocolate rivers… X’D cheating is legal, eh? What about gambling. Surely, there’s a rule for that X3 Uhh…what would these towers look like? Genetic Manipulation? You mean like that one time where Twilight was having a magic duel with Trixie and she turned AJ into a Stallion? O3O If that’s what you mean, then how often would you do it? X3 Soo…you’re not as powerful as Discord or you are, but you’re not telling??? A white room??? O_O I’d go insane with the lack of colour X’D I’m assuming you also have invisible furniture? “What, you were expecting something a tad bit more creative?” Actually, yes I was. I thought your dimension was gonna have some messed up creatures or something like that (Like this mad house here. Heh…see what I did there!?) “See, the walls can pull out to limitless drawers filled with the limitless things & memorabilia I've collected over my travels!” So, Bruce Almighty in a nutshell? I hope one of those portals doesn’t take me here: You have no idea how big those Sock Puppets are O.O “Do helps to keep your pocket dimensions simple, you know! Helps for portability!” Yes, and to keep the fabric of reality in-tact “Though it is a bit echoey in here. Heck, if you listen carefully enough you can even hear the things that aren't being said!” Okay, that’s really creepy, but also makes sense since this is YOUR dimension and NOT the real world O_O Edited June 20, 2017 by SolarFlare13 1 This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulcan 3,255 June 21, 2017 #69 Share June 21, 2017 How are you so good at writing? Any tips? ^ ^ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 23, 2017 Author #70 Share June 23, 2017 (edited) Hmm, my favorite piece of artwork? I dunno, got too short of a memory to recall any specific ones... I do remember this one really detailed one of Celestia I thought was awesome... but I deleted that a while ago, shifting through my saved photos, so guess it ain't my favorite if I can't remember who done it. There's this wonderful little piece of art hanging up in my local library of a wizard reading to some dragonlings & assorted magical creatures that's adorable. Kind of like those sort of busy scene pictures that you can just keep looking at & find something new each time. You know of Bev Doolittle's work? Oh, Cube, definitely. I find it a great mental exercise to create & rotate 3d shapes whenever you got nothing better to do. OOOOVER! Seriously! Do I gotta decapitate ya to get this through? How is this an arguement! You wanna be scrapin' wood n' wall everytime you go grabbin' TP? I don't know if it counts as a substance... so much as a texture, but I'd say cream. You know, something like caramel sauce... creme brulee, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, raw batter be it pancake or otherwise. I just like something soft, but sticky, gooey. The kind of texture that fills your mouth and clings to your throat on the way down, almost chokingly so. ... ....What? ...Hooo! Freud would have a field day with us! Oh, shaddup, you... Hah, @SolarFlare13! I can't help but think it hilarious how if you'd take out all the Enter-ed spaces between your lines, that your post would be, like, a third the size! But hey! I can't argue with bloating my Ask Thread space! The bigger the Ask Thread! The More Interesting I am! Now we just need to have a few threads where we speak nothing but Flufflepuff to each other! Phbbt, phbt. Phbbt phbbt phbbt!! As to the topic of Molestia, I don't really see that as all...too bad. Combine that with my implicit, unwaving trust in everything she says being "right" weeell... maybe there's some weird, dark corners to wander down there... I do task all of you. I've been around the internet, I've seen interpretations of Celestia at her worst and I'm still sitting there with "Nope. Still an infalliable angel of beauty! Tehn outta Tehn, would worship." Yet to find a version I could hate or be offended by. There's Troll/Tyrant Celestia who just randomly fires ponies out of a Banish To Moon cannon, but that's so hilarious I can't help but think she doesn't intend it. If she did, she wouldn't have a nation left to rule! I have not seen the Daybreaker episode. Fully expect me to explode when I do. Well, more so than usual. If nothing else, its the concept that's killing me. "Hoy, doipy doy! Whal her sister done got corrupted! What if SHE got corrupted! What a tweest!" Did... Did your comment loop somehow? Or is my mind looping? On 2017-06-20 at 12:28 AM, SolarFlare13 said: Genetic Manipulation? You mean like that one time where Twilight was having a magic duel with Trixie and she turned AJ into a Stallion? Expand Ohhh, or I dunno... the time she turned random field mice into legitimate horses? That's like some human scientist coming up with a Anthropomorphism Potion! And she gets away with it! Not to mention the mind control spells! And we call Discord an Immoral Immortal! It's a mad house! A MAAAAAD HOUUUSE! Somebeing tell me what I'm referencing. I don't know. I find stopping to think about your humor only gets in the way. Hohh, believe me, I don't have anything to do with the sock puppet dimension! It's just as dark & morbid as that dimension with all the hairless apes that think their the highest lifeform around or something. You ever see a sock puppet war? Yarn unspooling when they impale each other on Knitting-Needle-Bayonettes? I've seen some Sock maan... I actually have a Sock Puppet Villain OC. His name is High Reagent Lord Godwin Sockitter. He's... kind of a goofy parallel to... a well known warmonger. There's a reason I haven't posted anything about him. But no, it's not crepe-y. You're thinking of the Paper Mache region of the Arts & Crafts dimension. @Coffee I wanna say Britain. Maybe America. The animation was kind of generic on that show. That's not his question... Also, I like mine pretty much black. Though we have some powdered creamer I've been working through. About Two cups is my limit. ...neither is his name a question... So what do you mean, writing? What have you read of mine, not like I'm fishing for compliments or anything! Hee, hee! I consider most of what I've put on these forums to be cheifly me just putting my thoughts down. I don't consider most of what I do to be all that... connected enough to string together into a coherent book. Though considering what books out there get published... have you seen the romance section of your local bookstore? It's bloated beyond belief! I suppose vocabulary is somewhat important, though it's salt in the wound if you ever have to move to a different country & start all over again in a new language. I would say there's two important things when it comes to writing. First thing to storytelling, is getting your idea across. Just like raising an animal or pet. You do, admittedly, need to frequently treat your audience like idiots. After all, you're basically inviting them into your unfamiliar world. You need to teach them the rules, how personalities clash with each other, all the minuta. (the little bits, that is.) But no animal is going to like you if you grab them by the scruff of the neck or kick them until they go or think what you want them to. You have to be subtle, play with their perceptions, because when someone reads they have to go entirely by the picture you paint with your words. I think it goes by a common phrase I hear YouTube critiques say: "Show, don't Tell." Don't outright tell your audience what's going on, how your characters are feeling. Have them try to work it out through context clues. But even there, there's a line. It's good to have your protagonist not be fully aware of his own emotional turmoil to where a traveling buddy has to call them out on it, but there's a line between "Yo! What's wrong with you, man?!" and "...are you alright?... you haven't been acting like yourself lately..." Basically, the more you read, the better you write. The more you get used to how to put things & maybe ease somebeing else into the same "page" you're on. Been listening to alot of Red's stuff over on OverlySarcasticProductions. She really brings up alot of valid points about tropes & such. The second part, I would say, is to simply have something you want to get across. A Feeling. Because your feeling can never be wrong, so much as how you get it across. Have an idea of the sort of story you want to tell. Like, I want to make a story about a guy who fights like so, or What if there was this villain dude who was like so and so on. I find a good fountain of creative is in What Ifs. Probably why Introverts make such darn good creative people, we're already worrying about what can happen! I think every huge epic can be dumbed down to some really weird sounding What If. Take Lord of the Rings! "What If the world was ruled by this big threatening dude, but he put all his soul into some magic ring sos the hero has to destroy that, then the world gets better!" Pretty much everything else in those massive, massive books is just complications & politics along the way. All from an indisputably stupid idea that the villain would have had to make. Like, Voldemort doesn't look so much a threat, if he didn't put his soul into something small, then encase it in cement than tell nobody about it or write anything down. Or, maybe, I dunno, if somebody bloody well hugged him as a kid. Like, if I was to do that, I'd make, like, the entire Golden Gate Bridge my phylactery! Try destroyin' that, ya little punk! ...but I digress. So... In summary... Learn to lead & weave. Coax, not manipulate. Have an idea, let your mind wander. Have a show you like? Start wondering how you could interject your own character into it! Think of a scenario, then build the characters & world around it! That's something I've been pondering about lately. Is if every story needs to be about somebeing overcoming something else & growing because or in spite of it. Some of my favorite tales have been about coping. Like how life is like with some alien/monster girlfriend with some serious psychological issues or coping with your newfound magical powers and how to live an unassuming life in spite of them. Be a werewolf, not a vampire. A werewolf has to come to terms with what they are & learn in the process. A vampire preys on humans and can't exist without its prey. What you add should form the character or story, not shackle it to its own rules. Edited June 23, 2017 by Widdershins 1 Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duality 10,740 June 24, 2017 #71 Share June 24, 2017 (edited) On 2017-06-23 at 5:27 AM, Widdershins said: You know of Bev Doolittle's work? Expand Well, now I do. Some nice paintings she does. On 2017-06-23 at 5:27 AM, Widdershins said: Oh, Cube, definitely. I find it a great mental exercise to create & rotate 3d shapes whenever you got nothing better to do. Expand Mentally rotating 3-D shapes as a mental exercise, you say? Feel like a challenge? On 2017-06-23 at 5:27 AM, Widdershins said: OOOOVER! Seriously! Do I gotta decapitate ya to get this through? How is this an arguement! You wanna be scrapin' wood n' wall everytime you go grabbin' TP? Expand https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toilet_paper_orientation <- This is why it's an argument. Apparently there are even links between toilet paper orientation and socioeconomic status, although why that's the case is pretty much anyone's guess. What's your favourite animal? What's your favourite plant? What's your favourite creature that doesn't fit into either of the above categories? What's your favourite technological advancement of the last five centuries? Edited June 24, 2017 by Duality 1 [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widdershins 9,960 June 25, 2017 Author #72 Share June 25, 2017 That's... not a shape. You can't call it a hypercube if it looks nothing at all like a cube. Square to Cube is adding more squares onto it, thereby enhancing it. Making walls go through walls until you cannot physically reproduce that shape... just makes it a purely hypothetical mental construct. You know, Like space or time. Look. Look, lookatit. Over, or "rolling upwards" would have the sheet spool towards the wall depriving of grabbing space and, if you got a dirty or flaking surface, potentially dirtying the thing your puttin' up yer bum. Rolling it downwards to where it hangs, provide room where your hand would naturally hook around it. Not to mention that decreases the amount of work gravity does into making the roll pretty much unroll itself into lengths you didn't already allow it to. Still, it's like arguing over how to best eat an apple. Dragon. Because dragons totally do exist, don't question me on this. A better question, would be what animal besides dragons do I like! Favorite Plant: Rafflesia Arnoldi. A.K.A. The Corpse Flower. Great big flower, strawberry colored with white dots, no stem or leaves, smells like rotting flesh & gotta hole in it big enough to stick your head! Not to be confused with the man-sized conical one the Simpsons showed that I think is based off an entirely different corpse flower. On 2017-06-24 at 2:39 AM, Duality said: What's your favourite creature that doesn't fit into either of the above categories? Expand Partially for being essentially a swarm of brains, but mostly because of the name... we have!... Drumroll Noise!... Chaos Chaos! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_(genus) Though I must say, its history of getting named sure is chaotic! Uhh... technology?... Might have to sleep on this decision even more... The... Gameboys? But those have broken apart on me about as quick as my clothes. I'm at a loss to think of any technology that hasn't broken down in my presence. Uhh... those little toy dispensers in grocery stores that spit out some cute baubles in little plastic ball containers? But I task you, good sir! What the bloody bone n' bile IS a Hypercube?!!? And none of this Tesseract nonsense. Tried to read a Wrinkle in Time but had to stop when it started acting like its audience was supposed to know how important n' smart a thing like a tesseract is. Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread! Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolarFlare13 16,099 June 25, 2017 #73 Share June 25, 2017 On 2017-06-23 at 5:27 AM, Widdershins said: Hah, @SolarFlare13! I can't help but think it hilarious how if you'd take out all the Enter-ed spaces between your lines, that your post would be, like, a third the size! But hey! I can't argue with bloating my Ask Thread space! The bigger the Ask Thread! The More Interesting I am! Now we just need to have a few threads where we speak nothing but Flufflepuff to each other! Phbbt, phbt. Phbbt phbbt phbbt!! As to the topic of Molestia, I don't really see that as all...too bad. Combine that with my implicit, unwaving trust in everything she says being "right" weeell... maybe there's some weird, dark corners to wander down there... I do task all of you. I've been around the internet, I've seen interpretations of Celestia at her worst and I'm still sitting there with "Nope. Still an infalliable angel of beauty! Tehn outta Tehn, would worship." Yet to find a version I could hate or be offended by. There's Troll/Tyrant Celestia who just randomly fires ponies out of a Banish To Moon cannon, but that's so hilarious I can't help but think she doesn't intend it. If she did, she wouldn't have a nation left to rule! I have not seen the Daybreaker episode. Fully expect me to explode when I do. Well, more so than usual. If nothing else, its the concept that's killing me. "Hoy, doipy doy! Whal her sister done got corrupted! What if SHE got corrupted! What a tweest!" Did... Did your comment loop somehow? Or is my mind looping? On 2017-06-20 at 12:28 AM, SolarFlare13 said: Genetic Manipulation? You mean like that one time where Twilight was having a magic duel with Trixie and she turned AJ into a Stallion? Expand Ohhh, or I dunno... the time she turned random field mice into legitimate horses? That's like some human scientist coming up with a Anthropomorphism Potion! And she gets away with it! Not to mention the mind control spells! And we call Discord an Immoral Immortal! It's a mad house! A MAAAAAD HOUUUSE! Somebeing tell me what I'm referencing. I don't know. I find stopping to think about your humor only gets in the way. Hohh, believe me, I don't have anything to do with the sock puppet dimension! It's just as dark & morbid as that dimension with all the hairless apes that think their the highest lifeform around or something. You ever see a sock puppet war? Yarn unspooling when they impale each other on Knitting-Needle-Bayonettes? I've seen some Sock maan... I actually have a Sock Puppet Villain OC. His name is High Reagent Lord Godwin Sockitter. He's... kind of a goofy parallel to... a well known warmonger. There's a reason I haven't posted anything about him. But no, it's not crepe-y. You're thinking of the Paper Mache region of the Arts & Crafts dimension. Expand “I can't help but think it hilarious how if you'd take out all the Enter-ed spaces between your lines, that your post would be, like, a third the size! But hey! I can't argue with bloating my Ask Thread space!” Well I was trying to be neat (...and make it easier to the eye. I mean, who wants to see a massive wall of text!? OWO) Well then again, I dunno what to make up of FlufflePuff, wheter she’s a pony or something else The last time I saw her, she wrecked my game X’D “I have not seen the Daybreaker episode” Oh really??? Well, I’m glad you told me that. I don’t wanna spoil it for you and I want you to experience it for yourself :3 ...but tell me: what episode are you up to? “Fully expect me to explode when I do. Well, more so than usual. If nothing else, its the concept that's killing me. What if SHE got corrupted! What a tweest!” IKR!? ^w^ I was SO hyped up for this episode and it didn’t disappoint Let me know ASAP when you have seen it and give me your opinion about it, ok? :3 “Ohhh, or I dunno... the time she turned random field mice into legitimate horses?” Well…that works too http://i.imgur.com/ge5n3YF.png I wanna know, what kind of magic do you possess??? :3 “That's like some human scientist coming up with a Anthropomorphism Potion!” I’m sure Lyra would approve of that X’D I mean, how do you scientifically explain a pony such as her, standing on her hind legs as oppose to all four like every-pony else? Well, I was gonna say you were reffering to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, but that is called a Monster House, NOT a mad house. I think you may be reffering to this movie I mean, would’nt you say this is a “MAD” house!? I mean, “IT” looks pretty angry to me X’P I’d say, what kind of house do you live in? OwO Are there any thinking trees at your place? Oh thank goodness ^w^’ The last time I went there, one of those Sock Puppets tried to eat me O~O Hairless Apes, eh? Hmm…are you reffering to the HOOMANS in the other dimension? X’3 Or the Slender-pony that exists in the Ever-Free forest? OwO http://i.imgur.com/HFioPIu.png “You ever seen a sock puppet war?” As a matter of fact, I have…but it’s mostly a figurative of Pinkie Pie’s imagination gone horribly wrong O_O I dunno about you, but they were far more chaotic than the ones in Discord’s dimension… I mean, look at these things: It truly is a dangerous dimension we live in X’P What would have to be the strangest thing you’ve seen in your Dimension? Oh really??? What does your Sock Puppet OC look like? O.O More to the point, is he / she evil??? O_O The Paper Mache dimension? You mean the one with all the sneezing Piñata’s??? …and one last question: what is your favourite pass-time as a Draconequus??? :3 This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Solar Magus 471 June 25, 2017 #74 Share June 25, 2017 Here's a hard one for you . Hint: its a reference to an episode from the Mighty Magicswords series. Bet you'll never get it right Don't strain yourself (). 1 Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duality 10,740 June 25, 2017 #75 Share June 25, 2017 On 2017-06-25 at 4:43 AM, Widdershins said: That's... not a shape. You can't call it a hypercube if it looks nothing at all like a cube. Square to Cube is adding more squares onto it, thereby enhancing it. Making walls go through walls until you cannot physically reproduce that shape... just makes it a purely hypothetical mental construct. You know, Like space or time. But I task you, good sir! What the bloody bone n' bile IS a Hypercube?!!? And none of this Tesseract nonsense. Tried to read a Wrinkle in Time but had to stop when it started acting like its audience was supposed to know how important n' smart a thing like a tesseract is. Expand The concept of a hypercube is easier to understand if you understand the concept of a tesseract, which is in turn easier to understand if you understand the concept of extra-dimensional geometry. Mathematicians aren't content with the three 'space' dimensions that we normally get to play with, so they create extra dimensions using maths. This sounds really messed up and/or blatantly illogical, but it's the same principle that they use to scale up 2-dimensional shapes (like a square) to 3-dimensional shapes (like a cube), except it's scaling up 3-dimensional shapes (like a cube) to, say, 4-dimensional shapes (like a tesseract). They use this sort of maths to figure out why our universe has 3 dimensions + time (any higher than three dimensions and atoms would be unstable and implode, in case you're wondering). We can't really comprehend how tesseracts work, because our minds only work with 3 dimensions. Our children's building blocks would be shaped like tesseracts if our universe had 4 'space' dimensions, but our universe only has 3 dimensions, so kids only play with cube-shaped blocks. See, a square is 4 (1-dimensional) lines joined together in 2 dimensions. A cube is 6 (2-dimensional) squares joined together in 3 dimensions. And a tesseract is 8 (3-dimensional) cubes joined together in 4 dimensions. A cube looks like this when 'unfolded' into 2 dimensions: A tesseract looks like this when 'unfolded' into 3 dimensions: If you 'fold up' a tesseract through four dimensions (impossible except theoretically, as our universe only has 3 dimensions), it looks like this, with every cube within it still perfectly right-angled, but with every edge in every cube attached to the edge of another cube: 'But its sides pass through one another as it rotates!', you cry. 'And the cubes are all distorted! That's impossible!'. If you look at a cube rotating, however, you see that its edges appear to pass through each other as it rotates, and the squares within the cube appear distorted too. This is not because the edges are phasing through each other and the squares are warping/bending with no regard for physics and the principles of material interaction, it's because the edges are passing behind each other because they occupy different regions of 3-D space, and the squares only appear distorted because we're looking at them from different perspectives as they rotate. It's the same with tesseracts; their sides don't pass through each other, they pass 'behind' each other because they occupy different regions of 4-D space, and their cuboid 'sides' only appear distorted because we're looking at them from different perspectives as they rotate. If you're beginning to understand what I'm saying here, then you start looking at hypercubes, which are just square/cube/tesseract equivalents in even higher numbers of 'space' dimensions. Give your brain a rest first, though. As a final note, this is almost entirely theoretical stuff here. Besides certain applications in mathematics, physics, and statistics (the latter using these concepts to make 12-dimensional data graphs and the like), you won't run into this sort of thing outside of sci-fi novels. Now, I get to ask you questions (nowhere near as hard to answer, though ). What is the greatest volume of dirt you have ever carried with you at any one time? What are your thoughts on plasma? What would you consider your single greatest weakness? How many dimensions does a sheep have, in your opinion? How would you describe your relationship with frogs, as a species? [ O.C. ] ~ [ Ask Thread ] ~ [ Vocabillularary Website ] ~ [ DHMO Website (educate yourselves before it's too late!) ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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