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Awesome sigs dude!! Theres not one sig that I don't like, espically the Rainbow Dash ones :blink: But seriously, there ALL awesome. Definately gonna check back here every once in awhile to see some more awesome signatures.


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Will you please make a a Discord Sig for me that says "Vote Discord For Equestria King!" on it?


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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Will you please make a a Discord Sig for me that says "Vote Discord For Equestria King!" on it?


LOL I don`t think you make requested on this thread (if I remember correctly) :P

But I think he has a thread where you can make some (could be wrong about that)

  • Brohoof 1

God over games

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will you please make a a Discord Sig for me that says "Vote Discord For Equestria King!" on it?


LOL I don`t think you make requested on this thread (if I remember correctly) :P

But I think he has a thread where you can make some (could be wrong about that)


He's correct :P This isn't my request thread, this is where I make and post sigs according to what I want to do, and not as a request to someone else. The request thread, much like this topic is linked in my profile.


Behold, my first ever big sig of 200 pixels high and not 100 xP A larger and revamped version of my most worked on signature, the 'Chaos and Harmony' piece.


Posted Image




On a scale from one to ten, I was incredibly bored. Anywho, what I've noticed is that the night crew as of late often results in me, Chigens and Dreamwalker/Jonke. Additionally, Feldy often pops up and lurks quite often during this period. So I added him in the BG.


Dem swag glasses.


Posted Image


@, @@Chigens and Kay, @,

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 9


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He's correct :P This isn't my request thread, this is where I make and post sigs according to what I want to do, and not as a request to someone else. The request thread, much like this topic is linked in my profile.


Behold, my first ever big sig of 200 pixels high and not 100 xP A larger and revamped version of my most worked on signature, the 'Chaos and Harmony' piece.


Posted Image




On a scale from one to ten, I was incredibly bored. Anywho, what I've noticed is that the night crew as of late often results in me, Chigens and Dreamwalker/Jonke. Additionally, Feldy often pops up and lurks quite often during this period. So I added him in the BG.


Dem swag glasses.


Posted Image


@, @@Chigens and Kay, @,


that signature is indeed cool. B) Always on the look out & always on patrol. Who you gonna call? the discorded moderators :lol: With all of their shenanigans :ph34r:



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  • 2 weeks later...

The most recent signature was made after I stumbled upon this epic BG-less image. I knew instantly that it had to become a signature. Another big one, yes, I promise to go back to normal sized ones soon as well ;)


Posted Image


My new found interest in Rule 63 ponies has lead me to discover that I lurv Bubble Berry :3 He's cute; just as cute as Pinkie Pie. I decided I might as well go ahead and make a signature dedicated to the Element of Laughter.


Posted Image

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 2


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This was suggested by NASCARFAN, and I thought it would be interesting. Took forever to make, each character was it's own individual vector. Added the gender symbols cause I felt like it, and I think it offers a good contrast for the two groups.


And now, some dialogue.


Twilight Sparkle: *His mane looks so...unorganized. Is he really me?*

Applejack: Tarnation, s'like someone went n' combined me n' Big Macintosh!

Pinkie Pie: OHMYGOSH! It's a Cutsie Wootsie Pinkie colt! Hiiiii me! Do you like parties too!? I love parties! *gasp* Do you like pin the tail on the pony, too!?

Rainbow Dash:...Tch, he's not that cool.

Fluttershy: Oh, my, i-is that me? Oooooh, look how shy he is, he's so cute.

Rarity: What a gorgeous mane he has. I see that no matter the dimension, I always know how to tend to my mane.




Dusk Shine: It's truly fascinating to meet you, um, me, I mean. I'm Dusk Shine. I see I don't look half bad as a mare, if I do say so myself.

Applejack: Well howdy, looks just like mah sis', but with mah colors. Heh, I bet ah'm just as good an apple-bucker as a lady.

Bubble Berry: *GASP* Oooooooohmygooosh! Look! Look! Rainbow Blitz! Rainbow Blitz! It's ME as a MARE! Hehe! Yes! I LOVE Pin the Tail on the Pony other me!

Rainbow Blitz: Me as a mare? I'm not even on the same level of existence as a girl. Berry? Sure, he's already loud and sissy, but me?

Butterscotch: Um, D-Du-Dusk Shine, d-do you really think this is safe?

Elusive: By Solaris's Sun! I look absolutely stunning as a mare! Greetings alternate dimension me, I must say, your mane is truly quite attractive.


Posted Image

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 3


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I've edited my most recent banner. I've edited the eyes of all the characters, so that they're looking at themselves. I've also replaced the vectors of some of the female mane six to better capture their personalities, and their relationship with their male counterpart.

  • Dash and Blitz don't like each other because they're so competitive and ego-y.
  • Pinkie's more energetic at meeting a male her.
  • Rarity looks more flirty and in love with her male self's styled mane
  • Ilike AJ's look more
  • Fluttershy has that 'awww, look at how cute he (Butterscotch) is. He's so shy.'
I'm glad I took the time to do these edits, I think they're a huge improvement.


This is really cool! How you make? Plannin on making some myself. Anyways good job love them all. Keep on making them, they are all amazing. *brohoof* =D


I use Paint.Net for most of the actual editing, I use GIMP for text effects, and I use Photobucket's editing tools for other effects :3 And thanks, glad you like them so much.




In light (or dark, I should say) of Halloween aka Nightmare Night coming up next week, I figured I'd make a Halloween inspired banner of Slendermane. Most of the text, like Slender himself, blends in with the dark background, apart from Slender's skin, and part of the text :3 I think it turned out rather well.


Posted Image


I also made a regular sized version for non staff/subscribers. This version lacked the grey fog that made the black text readable, so the lower text is all white this time around.


Posted Image

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 3


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Slendermane's always feared as "that entity who steals little fillies' lives", because he's associated with the creatures of evil and he looks menacing. Because he's the hero Equestria deserves, but not the one it really needs. So ponies hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sombra may have not gotten enough lines or back story (something I predict will be expanded upon in the future, I don't think he's gone yet), but he was just as effective of a villain as the three we've seen thus far. Like Sauron from Lord of the Rings, he represented darkness and evil itself, creeping in and striking fear into everything, without the need for words or much knowledge of who he was or what truly drove him. Everywhere his name was even mentioned caused fear or other problems, such as forgetfulness among the Crystal ponies and Cadence's endless suffering. Presence. That's what Sombra was all about, and he nailed it more than any villain we've seen thus far. He's also the most cruel and outright evil of the villains we've seen thus far. Slaves? Come on.


I like him a lot personally, hope to see him again, and easily place him among the three villains we've encountered thus far. Created this signature in honor of our Season Three premiere villain, King Sombra. Made the poem myself off the top of my head.


Posted Image

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 2


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Sombra may have not gotten enough lines or back story (something I predict will be expanded upon in the future, I don't think he's gone yet), but he was just as effective of a villain as the three we've seen thus far. Like Sauron from Lord of the Rings, he represented darkness and evil itself, creeping in and striking fear into everything, without the need for words or much knowledge of who he was or what truly drove him. Everywhere his name was even mentioned caused fear or other problems, such as forgetfulness among the Crystal ponies and Cadence's endless suffering. Presence. That's what Sombra was all about, and he nailed it more than any villain we've seen thus far. He's also the most cruel and outright evil of the villains we've seen thus far. Slaves? Come on.


I like him a lot personally, hope to see him again, and easily place him among the three villains we've encountered thus far. Created this signature in honor of our Season Three premiere villain, King Sombra. Made the poem myself off the top of my head.


Posted Image


I love the sig, and completely agree with what you've said, but I have a suggestion if you'll take it? Maybe you should put both the sig and description (especially) in a spoiler. Just because some ponies probably haven't seen it yet (though everyone SHOULD have > :( ) And while it's not a big deal to some to have spoilers, others hate having even the smallest amount of info revealed before they see it themselves. I know I would have hated to read this if I hadn't seen the show already.

Just thought you should consider this :)

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~

God over games

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I love the sig, and completely agree with what you've said, but I have a suggestion if you'll take it? Maybe you should put both the sig and description (especially) in a spoiler. Just because some ponies probably haven't seen it yet (though everyone SHOULD have > :( ) And while it's not a big deal to some to have spoilers, others hate having even the smallest amount of info revealed before they see it themselves. I know I would have hated to read this if I hadn't seen the show already.

Just thought you should consider this :)


This may sound completely inconsiderate, perhaps lazy as well, but at this point I'm no longer interested in putting spoilers on things. It's been four days since the premiere aired. Before the premiere, I made sure everything I posted had a spoiler tag, or had "*SPOILER*" in the title. For two days afterwords I tried my best to continue it, as well. But now, if people get hit with spoilers on here it's a more of an 'oh well, you've had several days', to me. The forum's majority of people who have seen the episode shouldn't have to continue throwing spoilers in because the minority have yet to see it xP You're on a restless pony forum, bottom line is you're going to face spoilers sooner or later.


Glad you like the sig :3

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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  • 1 month later...
I find your lack of best pony (Rarity) disturbing, hater. :'(


ps. you should download photoshop illegally I bet you could create magical wonders ;p ~

It's only thanks to learning Photoshop in Graphic Design last year that I'm able to make the ones I do at all, actually :3 If I had the actual program I could get rid of GIMP and Paint.NET entirely. So lazy, tho~~~


Made a big and small version of this one. Simple, but sometimes less is more :3 I think it's funny.







Lazy transparent signature for fun :3 If one wishes, you can have Dashie (aka, Lesbian Carwash) from the popular 'MLP the Mentally Bridged Series' from Youtube in your sig.







Some more fun with dark magic. After finding these six separate vectors of the 'corrupted' Mane Six, I decided a sig was needed. This be the result.







Thinking outside the box again with this one. Signatures don't need to be their maximum width, so why not make something cool that you could center in your sig? This came forth from that. Once more, once subscriber perks kick in, anyone can use these taller ones.






Ohey, how about moar Scootalove.


This image was so adorable, and in my mind, this is the sort of thing that might have happened after Dash and Scootaloo's hug. They got back from their heart to heart, and though Scoots tries to play off that she isn't scared of the Headless Horse anymore, it's obvious she's having trouble going to sleep. Luna may be princess and guardian of the night and dreams, but Scoots now has her own guardian <3



Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 7


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Lol, I love all of these! Amazing job! These are so cool. Thanks for making these! They are better than I could do! I love the ones with the song lyrics; that was very clever!


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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Umm...How to copy the picture...

I'm very new here... Doesn't know about hanging a picture in a signature...

Can someone tell me via the personal messenger.

Sorry if I have a bad grammar or something... KUbAnTY.png 

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Umm...How to copy the picture...

I'm very new here... Doesn't know about hanging a picture in a signature...

Can someone tell me via the personal messenger.

Photobucket or another image hosting site. Just need the image's URL, then put it in IMG tags. It should pop up in your sig then.


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And how do you put that little, little text under the banner, now I'm trying to do that...

Change the font to the smallest size isn't working...


Site won't allow me to use the image...is something wrong?

I'm using this...


Edited by Cluanne Youla

Sorry if I have a bad grammar or something... KUbAnTY.png 

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  • 4 weeks later...


And how do you put that little, little text under the banner, now I'm trying to do that...

Change the font to the smallest size isn't working...

Submit a support ticket :3 Fixing problems like this inside topics is just going off topic. Much preferred if you contact the staff via tickets. Which are at the Site Questions & Tech Support forum.




So after discovering an adorable vector of Dash and Rainbow Blitz, her Rule 63'rd version, I made an avatar of it. I decided it needed to be a signature as well :3 Here we go.



  • Brohoof 2


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I've made dozens of avatars for Rainbow Dad, but no sigs. Here's one. The black text comes from the saying, 'Anyone can be a father, but it takes a true man to be a dad'. Fairly straight forward. Anyone can sire a child, but only those who love, care for and nurture their child can be truly considered dads ^^



  • Brohoof 3


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